Gun Sanctuaries Virginia
Spectators file out of a packed Buckingham County Board of Supervisors meeting after the board unanimously voted to pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary City resolution in Buckingham , Va., Monday, Dec. 9, 2019. More than two dozen counties in Virginia have voted to declare themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” and are vowing to resist any attempts to tighten restrictions on guns. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

What the left and their media cheerleaders can’t control, they would denigrate and demonize. In much the same way as they savaged the Tea Party movement almost a decade ago, the push is now on to portray those who are resisting infringements on their Second Amendment guaranteed gun rights in Virginia and other states as dangerous, cultish paranoiacs.

[F]or all the chest pounding and whining over a hypothetical scenario where guns are confiscated from law-abiding citizens, these “sanctuary” communities for guns amount to little more than a symbolic stance.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring said the resolutions wouldn’t hold water in a court of law.

“These resolutions, they are just part of an effort by the gun lobby to stoke fear,” Herring told Northern Virginia radio station WTOP last week. “When the General Assembly passes new gun safety laws, they will be enforced, and they’re going to be followed.”

New Mexico officials had a similar response. Tripp Stelnicki, a spokesman for the governor, told the AP in February that “commonsense firearm safety measures” would not infringe on New Mexicans’ constitutional rights.

“These resolutions mark an expression of opinion, and that’s fine,” Stelnicki told the AP. “State law will be followed.”

– Sebastian Murdock in The Growing, Cultish Paranoia Behind ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ Counties


  1. Those who don’t know history are doomed (I could just stop here!) to repeat it! You’d think VA politicians would know a little about their states history and its prominence during the Revolutionary War.

    • It’s not that they don’t know it, it’s that they don’t care. All they are doing is working their way into total control of Virginian’s lives, at least the law abiding ones. They will find at some point that the law abiding will stand up and protect and defend the Constitution against enemies DOMESTIC, much to their total surprise.

      • Savaged the tea party?

        Don’t you dare combine the 2A crowd with those unhinged wingnuts.

        The main core of the tea party were rudderless reactionaries completely ignorant of both American history and global economics.

        The tea party was an embarrassing stain on America and demonstrated just how stupid people can be when given a tiny bit of power.

        • You’ve tried to simplify and denigrate what the Tea Party movement stood for in a short sentence. It was a useful brake on the runaway train we faced in 2009 and contributed to the “shellacking” Big O was handed 2 years later.

        • The original premise of the TEA Party was sound, Taxed Enough Already, but it did
          have a few dozen bushels of wingnuts that really got it to the rudderless state you
          mentioned. Which, in my humble opinion, was a true shame.

        • Timber – “Savaged the tea party?

          “Don’t you dare combine the 2A crowd with those unhinged wingnuts.

          “The main core of the tea party were rudderless reactionaries completely ignorant of both American history and global economics.

          “The tea party was an embarrassing stain on America and demonstrated just how stupid people can be when given a tiny bit of power.”

          And you can go straight to hell you ignorant punk. I wrote a pro-second amendment article almost daily for The Tea Party Tribune. Name just ONE republican site that had articles upholding and defending our right, you ignorant p.o.s. At least the Tea Party had the balls to stand up and actively make the protection of our Constitutionally secured right part of their platform.

          Pull you ignorant head out of your azz, punk.

        • Your response shows just how successful the media’s smear campaign was. I fell for it too, back then. (But I also still thought I was a “liberal,” so I clearly hadn’t woken up to the true state of things.)

          If you had asked me what I thought at the time, I’d have said the same thing — but I’ve since learned better.

        • After reading E. David Quammen childish and profanity laced rant.. I can understand Timber’s feelings towards them…. Nice job Quammen. You validated his comment!

        • The ‘unhinged wing nuts’ were Democrat plants. I remember watching one video of a guy who wore an Aryan Nation shirt to a Tea Party rally but was too dumb to launder it first so you could see the creases from being shipped folded up. There was a lot of that sort of thing going on, Democrats thinking they were being clever. I guess they were clever enough to fool dolts like you though.

      • “The main core of the tea party were rudderless reactionaries completely ignorant of both American history and global economics.”

        I believe there are a lot more of those “types” around here talking the 2A (as opposed to actually doing something constructive) as there ever were in the Tea Party as per economics and traditional “American” policy.

    • This is actually a way to give the Left and elite a dose of their own anarchist medicine. We’ve been forced to put up with their “Sanctuary Cities/States” now for a decade and neither are legal or fit within US and most state constitutional authorities.

      And neither side is going to send in the National Guard to enforce anything. In fact, should they try, I believe “our side” might be more successful, as the Guard members would be acting to overthrow their own oath of service by denying the Second Amendment rights of both the citizens they’ve been trucked in to corral and their own rights once they’re out of uniform. If you have pals in the Guard or military, school them on their oath and what it means in various scenarios.

      • If push comes to shove, I like our chances. One side has hundreds of millions of firearms, combat vets, peace officers and people who value freedom and morality. The other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use, is scared of black rifles and triggered by harsh words to the extent they demand “safe spaces” and blankees.

        But not all democrats are irredeemable. It’s just 90-95% of them that give the rest a bad rap.

        • That’s just a talking point that makes you feel good. Like I lost my guns in a boating accident is going to make an investigator walk away.

        • Apparently you don’t go outside much. If you did you would see how blue Arizona has become thanks to the youths and their teachers. Arizona will end up like Las Vegas and Colorado. You will see when the youth get old enough to start voting and taking positions of power.

      • Anarchists wouldn’t setup an enforcement arm for rulers to remove private property and liberty from free peoples. That would be statists/socialists such as Democrats and Republicans.

        It’s illegal for county government to defy state government. It’s not illegal for state government to defy federal government. When it comes to the U.S. Constitution, no one in America lives by it, no Republican nor Democrat.

        Stop pretending like Republicans defend the constitution. They don’t stand up to Democrats and dismantle gun control. In fact, they call for law enforcement to enforce existing gun control and imprison people for many years for exercising their 2nd Amendment.

        Republicans cannot win on principle against the Democrats because Republicans have no principles. They claim to be a party of liberty and justice, but they will arrest grown humans for exercising their free will and they will deny those convicted their human rights after serving their punishment.

        Democrats will let you do a lot of things. One thing they won’t let you do is stand up to their authority. So there is no way they want you to have the ability to fight them, which means no weapons for the people.

        Party politics is a psychological operation. The two parties sit in a closed room plotting their strategy of oppression. When they come up with their script they exit the room and start acting for the cameras.

        The phony impeachment (of fellow Democrat) Trump is a perfect example. They don’t want to impeach Trump, they never did. They used impeachment to win votes for themselves, distract Trump fans from change and increase the chances Trump gets elected again. The Democrats love having a “capitalist boogieman” like Trump to demonize the notion of liberty and property. Under Trump Democrats will get far more support than they could under Obama and they will eventually take everything over. Trump is happy to hand it over to the statists while lying in the faces of his fans.

        • The politicians from both parties are corrupt, and are NOT interested in defending or abiding by the Constitution. Their agenda is driven by focusing power unto themselves and remaining in office, until such time as they cash out. It is all kabuki theater. On that we seem to agree.

          But most of your comments seem only to critique others, while offering no solutions or ideas to the problems faced by America. You seem happy to be oppressed by either party, and apparently have no interest in retaining the rights protected by the Bill of Rights, for yourself or anyone else.

    • “These resolutions, they are just part of an effort by the gun lobby to stoke fear,” Herring told Northern Virginia radio station WTOP last week. “When the General Assembly passes new gun safety laws, they will be enforced, and they’re going to be followed.”

      I would guess the petty tyrant forgot histories lessons as the crown attempted to fore it’s will on Concord and Lexington.

      • Agreed, but what word smiths they are..

        “commonsense firearm safety measures”.

        It only took them four words to tell two lies.

      • What’s funny (in a pathetic sort of way) is the “gun lobby”– aka NRA — is nowhere to be found in this whole episode.

  2. Peaceful protests only last until someone on one side stops being peaceful. Keep poking the bear and eventually the bear will poke back!

    • The left keeps pushing gun owners into a corner. Sooner or later, they will fight their way out. I hope Virginia’s politicians realize their folly and abandon this route, but Northam keeps doubling down on stupid. If they try massive enforcement efforts, there will likely be violence.

      On the other hand, at least that way the issue may finally be settled. The alternative is for them to use the administrative state and fines and regs to slowly bleed freedom to death.

      • Nobody should read “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross. It’s out of print again, but .PDFs if it are available online. You might need to use DuckDuckGo to search for it to find it now. I think they caught on to how dangerous it is to those in authority.

        If you read it my favorite part was the guy with the hand weights on the jogging trail. Very smart, and impossible to trace. Of course there a billion cameras around now, unlike in the book which is set in the past. Keep that in mind.

        Unintended Consequences by John Ross. Happy reading folks! Learn the most important lesson in the book. General Micheal Flynn and Roger Stone should of read it, along with Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart.

    • “What the left and their media cheerleaders can’t control, they would denigrate and demonize”

      All attorneys learn in their first year of law school to argue their cases with this in mind:

      * If you have the facts on your side, argue the facts.
      * If you have the evidence on your side, argue the evidence.
      * If you have neither, attack your opponent’s character and integrity to diminish them in the eyes of the jury.

      • The old law school saw actually goes like this:

        * If you have the facts on your side, pound on the facts.
        * If you have the evidence on your side, pound on the evidence.
        * If you have neither, pound on the table.

        • Never heard that version, but I like it better because it’s more concise.

          I shall use it henceforth. Thx. 🙂

    • I don’t think you realize that the offense you take is entirely intentional. There’s a reason why Virgina is not following the frog boiling method this time. These laws are meant to provoke. Bloomberg’s minions aim to incite violence and then ride the news to a police state

  3. There is no need to demonize these places – they are breaking the law and will face the legal consequences because it is the local jurisdiction to play Supreme Court

    • “They are breaking the law”- yes they will be breaking the proposed UNCONSTITUTIONAL State law. The US Supreme court should be siding with these 2a sanctuary counties.

      • The law stands until the Supreme Court declares a unconstitutional. The system is there to prevent lawlessness if we all pretend to be Supreme Court Justices.

        • Nope, the law stands until people refuse to obey it. That’s what “government by consent of the governed” means. What are you going to do about it commie? Throw your bong at people? The cops aren’t in a hurry to get themselves and their families shot.

        • Agreed Surf . All this gorilla chest pounding is really quite laughable. Key board commandos are as common as turds floating in the water at water treatment plants. All eventually get sanitized one way or another.

          The people in power rule over us so get used to it.

        • ‘The law stands until the Supreme Court declares a unconstitutional.’

          Have you ever heard of ‘Prohibition’?

        • Correct me if I am wrong, but these new laws have not actually been passed yet. If this is true, then that means that at this point any ordinances passed creating the 2nd amendment sanctuaries are perfectly legal and would predate any state law

          The point, not only is SurfGW wrong on a philosophical level, the assertions that laws have been broken are also incorrect. You can not break a law that has not been passed.

        • Standing against unconstitutional laws is a good thing. I have a feeling the democrats in VA have no idea just what they will release if they actually bring those into being. They will end up thinking Pandora’s box would be preferable. I also think they will be surprised when 2A supporters from other states show up to help their VA brethren out. At some point the attacks on our freedoms will reach the tipping point and the traitorous will reap their whirlwind, which will be a dark, dark day in our history, and could eclipse the devastation of Civil War 1.

        • If we ever fall into Civil War the world, as we know it, is over. While we are sorting out our differences, North Korea goes in the south, China goes into Taiwan and Japan, India and Pakistan go at it, the Arab countries go all out on Israel, only god knows what Russia will do, Mexico invades our southwest. (What has been going on for the past thirty years was just prep work) Destroying the 2nd Amendment could cost so much more than they think it will.

        • “The people in power rule over us so get used to it.”

          Vlad Tepes, you may have been born in America, but you sure as hell aren’t one of us. Do yourself a favor and move to someplace where you’ll fit in better. If you *want* to be ruled over like you’re some kind of mindless worm, the whole fucking world is your oyster.

          Or better yet, suck-start one of those Elmer Fudd firearms you blather on about. I’ve never told anyone to do that before, but I’ll make an exception for you because I mean it. Go ahead and get it over with. It’s the best thing you could possibly do.

          Both sides of this fight despise you. No matter which way this goes, you lose. Get used to it.

        • All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Marbury vs Madison.

          That means FROM BIRTH. These laws have no legal bearing.

        • to ING

          quote—————-Vlad Tepes, you may have been born in America, but you sure as hell aren’t one of us. Do yourself a favor and move to someplace where you’ll fit in better.—————

          According to the polls you are in the minority not me so that means you should leave the country. And you are right, no I am not one of you thank God. I have a conscious and because of it I know right from wrong.

        • You talking about your conscience…that’s a hell of a joke, Vladdie boy. And I don’t care what your polls say; they also said the criminal hag Hillary Clinton was going to win. Even if the polls are correct and you’re in the majority, it’s a ship of fools you’re on.

          Right is right, and I know absolutely that I am RIGHT.

          Back in the ’60s, my great-grandpa, who helped settle Arizona, told his children: “Ever since I can remember, the government is going to Hell in a hand-basket. It always was and it always will be. Your job is to be a good, honest citizen, vote your conscience, support the Constitution, and help where you can.”

          Nothing’s changed since then. Same crooked players, same dirty government game.

          My ancestors built this country for me and mine, not for corruptocrats or bootlicking shitstains like you. This is OUR country — my whole family going back to the 1600s, and from here to eternity.

          You ain’t from here and you’ll never be one of us, because you’re too cowardly rotten to fight for anything other than a chance to lick the tyrant’s boot. You talk a big game, but you know I’m right.

      • “‘The law stands until the Supreme Court declares a unconstitutional.’
        Have you ever heard of ‘Prohibition’?”

        Funny you should mention this, Govn’r. The Mrs. and I finally began watching the Ken Burns’ PBS special on the 18th and it’s shocking how perfectly it parallels into the current 2nd’s fight. Replace the word “alcohol with thr word “guns” in the show’s statements about the 18th and it’s downright scary.

        “Common sense gun laws were intended to improve, even to ennoble, the lives of all Americans, to protect individuals, families, and society at large from the devastating effects of gun violence.” See what I mean?

    • A law that you lack the ability to enforce is no law at all. Anybody trying to enforce those laws will be shot and the people who gave them their marching orders will be dragged out into the street and strung up.

      • No one believes your key board commando talk which includes you yourself. Reality dictates otherwise. It called obey or get snuffed out by the people in power. They control the storm troopers and they are not on your side.

        • The storm troupers never come in until the citizenry has already been disarmed. Otherwise you have the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

        • What you forget, Vlad, is that somebody has to mobilize the storm troopers and write the laws that set them in motion…and in my county, I know where those people live. As do a lot of people who are a hell of a lot more capable than I.

          You and the sociopathic stains whose boots you lick have no idea how vulnerable you really are. Or maybe you do, and that’s why you’re boasting so loudly. Fear does strange things to people.

        • Vlad calling others “keyboard commandos” is quite amusing. He tries to portray himself as a tough guy who knows better than everyone, as he denigrates others, accusing them of being all talk, when he has no idea of their life experiences, passions or intentions. Pretending to be the adult in the room while he ridicules others simply displays his own insecurities and shortcomings.

        • Watching you, the AstroTurf fake communist, absolutely manhandle and embarrass the real forum communist, powerturd, is fing pricelsss!

      • On a less revolutionary note, a law that cannot be enforced does nothing but undermine the authority of the power enacting it. When the citizen flagrantly violates one law with impunity it encourages him to violate other laws he feels he’s likely to get away with violating. This is why history is such a vital subject for politicians to understand, the fact that the lessons of Prohibition were forgotten in such a short time (see War on Drugs) is astounding.

      • Delusions of grandeur.

        Confiscations and imprisonment happens across America. Been happening for decades. You don’t see gun owners building armies to fight state governments for infringing the rights of citizens. You don’t see militias raiding the ATF and hanging every enemy of the people. You don’t see NRA members booing Trump off stage after he broke his oath of office and advocated other Republicans do the same in order to fight the NRA.

        Stop being a Russian agitator.

    • Surfgw, if laws were passed on the ways you could dress or speak, would you follow them because they’re law?

      Just remember, the 2nd amendment protects your ability to be a free and independent person. Once the leftist make firearms illegal they WILL come for freedom of speech (among other things).

      • Sorry but the Second Amendment controls nothing and gives you no rights. Reality is its the legislature and the Courts that dole out what little rights you have and neither down through history has even given lip service to the fantasy rights in the Constitution. Ask the 150,000 Japanese Americans that were put in U.S. Concentration Camps in WWII how well the Constitution protected them, their jobs and their possessions. It did none of the above. It was public opinion that guided the corrupt courts. And public opinion remains a force that influences the decisions of the corrupt courts and right now the bulk of the U.S. population is so fed up with gun violence and mass murder of children in school most would like to see gun ownership disappear altogether or at the very least severely restricted. That is coming in 2020. If we only are saddled with Universal Background Checks we can count ourselves lucky indeed but it will be much worse at the State level and it remains to be seen how bad at the Federal Level. Restrictions on assault rifles and high cap magazines looks to be a real possibility even at the Federal Level.

        • They will “look like a possibility” up until subversive commie traitors like you are dragged out into the street and strung up with piano wire.

        • “Reality is its the legislature and the Courts that dole out what little rights you have and neither down through history has even given lip service to the fantasy rights in the Constitution. ”

          Quite a few laws and convictions have overturned based on rights in that piece of paper.

        • “Sorry but the Second Amendment controls nothing and gives you no rights…”

          Actually, you got this one partially correct! You win a prize!

          The 2A does not grant any rights, as it doesn’t speak to the People to give them anything. It speaks to the government and declares that it may not infringe on what was already recognized as a natural, pre-existing right.

          However, it is intended to control Government, but the People have allowed incremental encroachments over the decades, bringing us to the situation we now have.

        • to Gs650

          “””””””””””””””””””””Quite a few laws and convictions have overturned based on rights in that piece of paper.——————–

          One could say that depending on which side of the party line your on. If you agree with an overturn then your statement rings true and when you disagree with an overturn its a ruling done according to party lines regardless of what the Constitution says and believe me I have seen more of the latter than the former.

        • I believe it was because many of those Japanese citizens had not embraced fully the freedoms they had. If those 150k had weapons and decided they were not going to internment camps the government would have backed down. Instead most just loaded up in the busses and went without a fuss.
          A large percentage of gun owners know full well what happens if they just roll over. They will not comply and basically tell the government to come take them. Like Bundy Ranch the government will back down. They don’t want a fight that may remove them from power and end up with many not only powerless but dead.

      • Any law that restricts dress or speech would be challenged in court just like any gun law. All rights come from God and we should be ready to vote violators of our rights out of office and challenge unjust laws in court when applicable. Firearm laws are repealed no differently in court than other laws.

      • Yes, Americans will follow laws telling them how to “dress” and speak. For instance, there are helmet laws, laws about wearing reflective materials and laws against strong language. Sure, not everyone follows the law, but they will get punished and accept their punishment.

        Click it or ticket.

        Communicating terroristic threats.

        In “conservative” states they have laws against using profane language or language that can cause a negative response.

        Let’s not forget that many safety “regulations” exist for the workplace. You must dress the way the government says. It’s for your safety.

        • You’re a good little apologist, aren’t you? You must enjoy being repressed, and have accepted your servitude with grace. Sorry, but some of us have no intention of living on our knees.

    • Not so much breaking a law as just not enforcing it. Kind of like the FBI and Dept of justice not charging Hillary with obstruction of justice for destroying evidence or for using a unsecured server for email containing classified material. Not charging her is not a crime. Although what she did was a crime. I believe they call it prosecutorial discretion.

      Local gov’t and law enforcement can prioritize their limited budgets to target crime they feel needs targeted. Governments do it all the time. They are just saying that B.S. gun laws the state is planning to shove down the throats of its citizens are on the bottom of the list for enforcement. Meaning they will get the Hillary treatment and law enforcement plans to look the other way.

      • “Local gov’t and law enforcement can prioritize their limited budgets to target crime they feel needs targeted. Governments do it all the time.”

        Just like they’ve been doing with recreational marijuana, even in states where they haven’t specifically allowed it. Just like they’re doing with illegal immigration. There’s just one big, glaring difference between those issues and the second amendment.

      • Meanwhile, if we use our firearms to protect ourselves from criminals, we will have to stand trial for doing so. This will just drive self defense underground – backhoe owners will get rich.

      • To Reason

        “””””””””””””””””” Meaning they will get the Hillary treatment and law enforcement plans to look the other way.””””””””””””””””””””””

        Actually when Hillary was called she testified for hours because she had nothing to hide. Contrast this to Trump who is hiding behind the Presidential office and preventing dozens of people from testifying. That is the behavior of a person guilty as sin. And oh by the way Hillary was never indicted on anything and Trump was impeached.

        • Wow, you really drink the left wing cool aid, “Vlad”. Hilary was innocent as the fallen snow, in your twisted wet dreams maybe.

          Try again. Better yet, go play on Huffington with the other Obama pajama boys.

        • Vlad needs to get his America hating trashy communist ass back to the sh.thole he came from. He is nothing but an absolute piece of crap like all the filth and scum democrats that he loves and adores, and of course suck dry.

    • Lets me serious for just one moment. How many people would be willing to risk jail time, thousands in fines, lost of job and lost of income and loss even of the custody of their children. And even if you were not caught what would be the use of owning a forbidden weapon. You could never shoot it without fear of being caught and ditto for trying to sell it either. When Joe Blow that you sold it to gets caught with it the trail leads right back to you and you will share a cell with Joe Blow.

      • Ever heard of a place called ‘New Zealand’? ‘Australia’ maybe? Non compliance was far more common in those places than compliance. Probably far more so in a country that has more guns than people.

      • Ha , I live in NYS , the Safe Act did nothing to what I own , shoot and carry, actually I bought more, “items “ since it’s passage . I don’t know one person who turned in mags or registered their ARs . But it’s a bit easier in my county ,the DA said they won’t prosecute a Safe Act only violation .

        They estimated one million “ assault weapons “ in NYS , 45,000 were registered as required by Safe Act law , so, less then five %.

      • It’s not possible to talk seriously with you because if anyone says they won’t comply or that they will fight you’ll just call they keyboard commandos and disregard what they have to say. Why would you expect everyone to give up their property to the government? People break laws every second of every day. Not everyone is concerned with following the law and some people have nothing to lose.

        • Yes if your a crook and a loser you do not have anything to lose. Not so with the majority of hard working law abiding citizens. They obey the law because they know “what or else means” and they have to much too lose if they do not.

      • I’ll be serious: I am willing to risk all that.

        Part of it comes down to life circumstances: my kids are grown and on the verge of being financially independent. I don’t have a hell of a lot to risk financially, since my lifestyle isn’t such that it would be hard to return to a similar level. There’s no great big retirement nest egg at stake; I’m going to have to work for my money until I die.

        The other part of it is that for better or worse, I’ve absorbed the American ethos (or myth, if you prefer) so completely that it’s in my blood. The Second Amendment, along with the entire Bill of Rights, tells the government what it can and cannot do with regards to my pre-existing human rights. Sure, the police can enforce laws to the contrary and there’s not much I can personally do about it, but I’m absolutely within my rights to ignore those laws.

        The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution make it very clear that the government only has such powers as the people grant to it — and that if it oversteps its bounds egregiously enough and a sufficient number of people agree, it can and should be ignored, dissolved, and formed anew. Therefore, being part of the American people — and having availed myself of my First and Second Amendment civil rights — I have an ineradicable voice in that process. It may be a vote or it may be only a single gunshot…but it will be heard. And if enough people follow the same course, maybe we’ll chart a new course for history.

        The TL-DR version: Yes, I do plan to ignore any of these hypothetical future gun bans, and what’s more, I will be ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in doing so. Let the consequences follow if they must.

        • to ING

          “””””””””””””””””””There’s no great big retirement nest egg at stake; I’m going to have to work for my money until I die.”””””””””””””””””””

          Welcome to Republican Capitalvania were the proletariat must work until they drop dead unlike civilized countries where people can retire in dignity and enough money to live on.

          “””””””””””””””””The Second Amendment, along with the entire Bill of Rights, tells the government what it can and cannot do with regards to my pre-existing human rights.””””””””””””””””””

          You Right Wingers all flunked history and civics classes. The Courts and legislature pay not the slightest attention to Constitutional Rights. Public opinion often sways their legislation and the courts decisions. The Constitution has been shit on so much its been buried in turds out of sight for decades.

          ———————–The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution make it very clear that the government only has such powers as the people grant to it =============

          The people never had any rights only the super rich did when they founded the country and it remains so to this very day. There are two systems of justice, one for the super rich who can get away with just about anything and the other system is for the worker troglodyte slaves who when they commit the slightest infraction are either shot on sight or sent to prison for life. Like the guy that got 20 years for stealing a $1 VCR tape while across town an guy who was rich and murdered a homeless man to make it look like he died in a fire got off with slap on the rist and the city council even welcomed him back into their fold after he served only 1 year in prison.

          ”””””””””””””””””””The TL-DR version: Yes, I do plan to ignore any of these hypothetical future gun bans, and what’s more, I will be ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in doing so. Let the consequences follow if they must.==============

          Next you will be telling us the moon is made of green cheese or that you will not comply when its your ass on the line if you do not. I have smelled all that rectum internet gas and key board bravado before. When it comes down to survival people look out for number 1 and they do what they are told “or else” and they do not have to be told what “or else” means.

          Reminds me of the Walter Mitty story every time..

        • I’ll say it again, and maybe this time it’ll penetrate your stupid skull.


          Sure, they can come arrest me and take all my stuff (whether it’s Republicons or Democunts makes no difference), and if they do, I probably won’t be able to prevent it. That isn’t compliance, that’s naked coercion.

          And when they’re done with me and I’m back in circulation, guess what? I still WILL NOT COMPLY. Even if I’m dead, again, that’s not compliance; it’s just the natural state we’ll all assume one way or another.

          See how that works?

      • Apparently lots of people are willing to endure the risks you mention given compliance is less than 5% in the Communist states that enact such laws. (CA, CT, NJ, NY, etc.).
        It is all about optics from the Communist left to delude their supporters into thinking something is being done. There never was any intent to enforce such laws.

        • Heck, even the Commies in CA had a whopping compliance rate of 15% for their registration. Yup, left wing California did NOT comply, “Vlad” and “censor”.

          They risked it because it is worth it.

          Cowards like “Vlad” and “Chief Censor” will rant all day here, trolling away their lives. But they are the ones living on their knees, doing what they are told, abiding by any rules or “laws” that are passed. Vlad and censor live in servitude and want others to join them.

  4. Last I checked New Mexico had a law on the books criminalizing posession and use of cocaine. Yet the restaurant industry in the state capital basically runs on that particular white powder.

    Tell me again how “state law will be followed”.

    • Again people like you refuse to face reality. The majority of people in the U.S. do not sell cocaine because they know they eventually will be caught if they do. They also know if they would keep a banned weapon they would eventually be caught especially if they tried to shoot it or sell it. The financial risk and time in jail just are not worth it to sane people.

      More and more people who use cocaine end up in treatment programs not jail as even the dunder head Neanderthal Republicans admitted recently its costing too much money to put them in jail when its way , way cheaper just to treat addition as a disease which is what civilized societies have been doing for years Someone sitting at home getting high on cocaine is not the same a someone with an illegal assault rifle who could use it on the jack booted people in power or on a school at any moment.

      Guns on the other hand are a completely different ball game. Guns are a threat to the jack boots in power and they come down hard on illegal gun possession. Illegal guns fuel drug wars and mass killings in our schools and unlike drug possession , gun possession is considered the far more serious threat to public safety and the jack boots that are in power. There is nothing a cop would like to do more than confiscate guns and destroy them. He wants you to cower down to him when he pulls you over and bullies and threatens you. Its his moment of glory. It is what he lives for. Sane people do not become cops.

      • … and you expect cops to back you up? You’re not really up on the social skills are you commie? HINT: If you want somebody to risk taking a bullet for you, insulting him is a poor way to get started.

        • Watching you call Vlad a commie is so fing laughable!! You can’t buy this kind of fluff entertainment. Thanks for the comedy serge.

      • Good to have you back with us, “Real Vlad”.

        Whenever someone says something in opposition to the topic of this site – and in opposition to common sense – it forces many of us to think sharper, in order to wordcraft our responses to support our points. And it makes us better debaters and supporters of the 2A.

        So thanks for helping us go further in the very pro-gun direction you claim to oppose.

        Your cousin – Vlad the Crisco Impaler From Other Planets with the monkey avatar – is following your lead.

      • Laws shmlaws. I know people who break the law everyday. I know someone who is doing cocaine right now. I know people who can’t pass background checks that own guns. I know people with unregistered “assault rifles”. Not everyone is afraid to break the law just because of a possibility they might get caught or have to pay a fine.

      • “The majority of people in the U.S. do not sell cocaine because they know they eventually will be caught if they do.”

        Now, I know for absolute and iron clad fact that you have no clue what you’re talking about.

        • Yeah, that elicited a *snicker* out of me… 😉

          Curious, where did your knowledge of state capitol restaurant ‘back-of-the-house’ antics come from?

      • Vlad, did a cop bend you over and rape you or something? Is that why you have such hate for police? Is that also why you are so spineless you do what you’re told by anyone in any position of authority?

        Did someone victimize you so horribly that you now urge everyone to become a spineless lemming just like you? Is that it, Vlad?

        It’s too bad your manhood was taken from you. I pity you, and hope you learn to stand for principles again and stop bowing to authority, especially when that “authority” has no moral foundation nor a legal one.

  5. Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring said the resolutions wouldn’t hold water in a court of law. “When the General Assembly passes new gun safety laws, they will be enforced, and they’re going to be followed.”

    The counties which declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuaries are not claiming that their sanctuary status means anything in state or federal courts.

    Rather, Second Amendment sanctuary counties are proclaiming that they do not recognize any righteous authority in firearm laws which violate our inalienable right to effective self-defense (which exists regardless of what government documents say or do not say) as well as the plain and obvious readings of the Virginia Commonwealth constitution and the United States Constitution (Second Amendment).

    Second Amendment sanctuary counties are also expressing unity to oppose said laws.

    • From: The Northern Virginia Daily 12/26/19. A sample of what the enemy is thinking, no doubt by a Governor Northam voter.


      I view the Second Amendment sanctuary movement as dangerous on several levels. The defiance of government policy recalls the anti-integration “massive resistance” of the civil rights era. Like civil rights, gun legislation carries the force of court decisions. If a judge deems an individual to be dangerous to himself or others, are folks actually proposing local law enforcement to ignore and defy such an order? That is madness, endangering everybody.

      The National Rifle Association acts as a lobbyist for gun manufacturers, feeding the powerful delusion that any gun regulation will lead inexorably to confiscation and total loss of rights. No one is taking anyone’s hunting rifle away, nor forbidding sane citizens’ reasonable means of self-defense. But the delusion is as strong as it is ridiculous, making it, again, dangerous. The fear-mongering pushes unstable, violence-prone souls closer to going over the edge.

      If more guns made us safer, we would already be the safest place on Earth. Of course, it’s the exact opposite. Remember the Second Amendment calls for “a well-regulated militia.” There is nothing well regulated about anyone and everyone having unlimited access to every armament known to man. Yes, mental health services are crucial. Let’s vote for politicians who will actually fund health care. And remember: every nation on Earth has insane people, but none has close to our amount of gun violence, because no other nation has anywhere near our proliferation of weaponry.

      Until our rural areas realize the benefits of sensible limits on quantity and types of gun ownership, I offer the last lines of the Longfellow poem, set to music in the carol “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” – “And in despair I bowed my head: ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said. For hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good-will to men. Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; the wrong shall fail, the right prevail with peace on earth, good-will to men.”

      Eric Olson, Front Royal

      Notice the line, “Until our rural areas realize the benefits of sensible limits on quantity and types of gun ownership….” . That elitist point of view will soon have real teeth in it. The condescension and arrogance in that letter are as thick as ice.

        • I particularly enjoyed the “Until our rural areas realize the benefits of sensible limits on quantity and types of gun ownership….” crack.

          What’s he gonna do when the pig-fucking rural hicks decide they’d rather not drive the trucks to re-stock those city grocery stores? 🙂

      • Still what the article said was “common sense” something the U.S. still does not have yet in regulating deadly weapons and keeping them out of the hands of people who should not have them. This is long overdue but will be corrected in 2020 that is a certainty.

        • “…regulating deadly weapons and keeping them out of the hands of people who should not have them.”

          Ah, you’ve hit upon the centermost issue in the entire 2A debate. *Who* is among those who “should not have them”? And who determines this? The Left wants to expand that definition to encompass more and more people & guns. The Right wants to curtail it in recognition of The People’s rights.

          Have you ever noticed that the Left’s proposals never include the expansion of our natural rights? Even when they scream for new perceived “rights” for certain social classes (LGBT, minorities, etc.), they do so by shifting away rights from other classes (heteros, whites, gun owners).

          Today I start the countdown clock to Election Day 2020, to be updated each day within my comments for all the trolls & lib-snowflakes to consider:

          312 DAYS UNTIL TRUMP 2020!

      • Herb Allen,

        That letter to the editor is full of false and inaccurate material.

        The defiance of government policy …
        A government policy which defies superior government policy: the Virginia Commonwealth and United States Constitutions.

        If a judge deems an individual to be dangerous to himself or others, are folks actually proposing local law enforcement to ignore and defy such an order? That is madness, endangering everybody.
        Empowering our government to violate our rights based on one judge’s suspicion of what someone might do in the future is madness, endangering everybody.

        The National Rifle Association acts as a lobbyist for gun manufacturers, feeding the powerful delusion that any gun regulation will lead inexorably to confiscation and total loss of rights.
        Virginia Democrat politicians are on public record promising to confiscate firearms and imprison people which is a total loss of rights — which means firearm owners’ concerns about that is most certainly NOT a delusion.

        No one is taking anyone’s hunting rifle away …
        Democrats are on public record stating that they want to ban an entire class of rifles which many people use for hunting.

        … nor forbidding sane citizens’ reasonable means of self-defense.
        The author is a pompous, smug, and elitist scumbag of the highest order when he/she starts declaring who is “sane” and who is not — as well as what is a “reasonable” means of self-defense.

        The fear-mongering pushes unstable, violence-prone souls closer to going over the edge.
        Wrong. Pompous, smug, elitist scumbags who endeavor to infringe on our rights to ever greater degrees push good people closer to “going over the edge” and finally stopping said infringements.

        If more guns made us safer, we would already be the safest place on Earth.
        Multiple states which have a large number of firearms per capita and minimal to no vetting, licensing, and/or restrictions to obtain firearms have the lowest violent crime rates in the United States and on par with Western European nations.

        [no nation] has close to our amount of gun violence, because no other nation has anywhere near our proliferation of weaponry.
        Wrong. Dozens of nations have greater violent crime levels (regardless of the weapon) than the United States — and all of them have far more laws which restrict and/or ban ownership of firearms.

        Until our rural areas realize the benefits of sensible limits on quantity and types of gun ownership …
        What benefits? Rural regions in the United States already have outstanding (meaning exceedingly low) violent crime rates which would be the envy of any Western European nation much less the typical urban cesspool in the United States.

        Once again, this letter to the editor shows us that gun-grabbers reject facts, truth, and timeless principles of right and wrong.

        • Excellent points! In addition, most murders with firearms occur in democrat-run inner cities. If the US eliminated Detroit, Washington DC, Chicago and New Orleans, we would be the 5th safest nation out of 195. Those 4 cities have an insane amount of violence.

          If left wing radicals want to stop “gun violence” they should disarm themselves and their inner cities. And over 90% of mass shooting perpetrators identified as left wing democrats, were registered democrats, and voted for democrats.

      • Yep that communist America hating editor doesn’t mention a word about the tens of thousands of illegals that are also a huge danger to American citizens. Furthermore, if they really wanted to reduce crime and save lives, they would pass a law to ban democrats, after all, democrats committ 97% of all crimes and 83% of all violent crimes.

    • Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 S Supreme Court. People are not required to follow an illegal law.

  6. Whether or not the 2nd Amend. Sanctuary resolutions hold up in court is irrelevant; we will not comply. The real question is how far the .gov and anti-gunners are willing to go to force their will on us. We’ll find out soon enough…

    • Or not. They might just wait as the new limitations on firearms causes the gun owning population to dwindle over the years. Potential new gun ownership is being discouraged in a serious way.

      Don’t get me started on how racist and discriminatory such policies are. This is the equivalent of the poll taxes that the formerly white hooded politicians claim to despise as being unfair and discriminatory.

    • I agree with you. The people who want to go on living and breathing will comply “or else” and after a few sensational examples the rest of the sheep will get the message really fast. No one wants to be “French Fried ala David Koresh”

      • Look south for what happens when the police try to rein in armed people who don’t want to play ball. Do you think that’s not going to happen here because we have nice suburbs and shopping malls?
        They had all that in Mexico and VZ and a dozen other countries that imploded.
        You’re hoping for a nice simple quiet turn in where all the good things remain minus the icky guns. Not going to happen at all that way. The bad element will still be armed no matter how many law abiding people disarm under threat of the SWAT teams.
        What happens next is easy to predict.

        • Key board commando talk is cheap. Reality dictates the people will comply and those few that do not will be history.

        • Reality dictates that in sheer numbers, it would take less than 1% non-compliance to have every Demokkkommie in the country stood up against a wall and shot.

      • Cowards and servants like Vlad will comply. He complies with everything. When the government says jump, Vlad asks how high? He votes how democrats tell him to vote, thinks the way democrats tell him to think, and spouts off their propaganda like a good little troll.

  7. The left has done a cracker jack job at stripping all value from the “law.”
    Why should anyone fear the “law” when the left openly mocks the “law?”
    A good chunk of the lefts strategy is counting on the right to behave itself and just take whatever abuse comes its way. In essence the left wants to bully with impunity and shame you for standing up for yourself.
    Maybe the right can get a firm like B-Reel to fund the creation of its own Greta for publicity and optics.

  8. Those of us who live in 2A sanctuary counties know that it does not have the force of law. All it says is that the county is not going to spend any money on enforcing the illegal laws. Our Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney has assured us that they will not arrest or prosecute anyone based on these laws. Even if someone was arrested and charged with violating the laws, I doubt they could find enough jurors in my county to find anyone guilty. Jury nullification worked for OJ.

    Also, the local news interviewed a gun store and asked them about gun sales. They said they normally get a boost in gun sales around Christmas but their sales this year were far more than their normal increase. Looks like our governor might be as good a gun salesman as Obama was.

    • I watched the O.J. trials as they happened, and I don’t recall any instance of jury nullification. The prosecutor, actually, made a critical mistake in allowing O.J. to try on the infamous glove that had been found at the crime scene. Remember the defense’s line “if it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”?

      O.J. simply made a theatrical display of improperly putting his hand into the glove, which made it appear to be the wrong size, and therefore “not his”. The jury followed the evidence that was presented to them, nothing more.

      Jury nullification is the act of jurors making a ruling despite the evidence presented.

      • From what I’ve read, that is exactly what happened. They let OJ skate as a tit-for-tat response to the police being acquitted in the Rodney King beating. Jury nullification by way of identity politics.




    Do this to EVERY communist authoritarian politician in every state and municipalit at every level.

    They want to come to YOUR HOUSE and kill you and take your stuff. They would have your children be SLAVES. Let them KNOW that they live on the same playing field.

    I stand with VIRGINIANS

        • I think it’s only considered a crime if it’s a public official. Can’t have the peasants finding out where the ivory tower is now, can we?

      • True, one should measure their words when posting something like that. However, if you’re part of the ‘I will not comply’ crowd like myself, you’re already gambling on the prospect of being thrown into a cage like an animal…

      • “Just a cautionary note, but you could go to prison for that.”

        Yep, but that job gets a bit tougher when a used laptop bought for cash from a Craig’s List ad is used to post it from an open public wifi connection on something like pastebin and then destroyed after… 🙂

    • You should interview the black Texan that ended up in prison for collecting personal information and not following gun control laws. The police were happy to put him in a cage.

    • Now you are talking the right talk John Galt. That’s exactly what needs to be done, fight fire with fire. They want the ordinary citizens to live in fear and unable to defend themselves then have them rogue politicians and their families live with the same fear.

    • Tuck Frump, as a libtard, as a TDS afflicted mental midget, and Bill of Rights denier, why are you even here?
      HuffPost is looking for it’s lost little cretins….

      In any case, there are enough of us “keyboard commandos” to do what will be required. Many of us in the late stages of our lives will NOT go quietly…The question is not whether us old timers are willing to do what is necessary, but rather will the young’uns coming for us be willing to die for this??

      • I know there are a lot of millennials who would happily mag dump into a boomer as trained. It makes them feel good about themselves by inflating their ego. It’s fun to finally use your toys for real. Give them the gear and a mission, they will come back with the bodies.

        • Look at the left wing compliance coordinator calling for violence. Sad! Huff post misses their “censor”. Go lick the government hand that feeds you and lets you collect welfare. You will comply with anything the state tells you, and that is your right as a free man. But we have other plans.

      • Exactly right Last of the old one, that’s exactly how I feel. I will defend my family, myself and my property at any cost, regardless of costing me my life. I will not start anything but I sure the hell won’t tuck my tail and run if I am provoked. The way I look at it, I have to die anyway so dying from fighting for what I believe in will be comforting to me.

      • Perhaps T.F. was called in to assist Vlad. My response to both of their B.S. is “yawn”. When you both come down from your drug induced delusions, then I might pay attention to what you have to say.

      • Too much of a good thing…is still too much.

        While in some instances you’re correct, saying nothing but “Troll” to everyone just gets you ignored, and not taken seriously.

    • And I love that you think you have three legs to stand on just because you have one stuck in your ass and chose to keep it there because you like it.

  10. ‘…these “sanctuary” communities for guns amount to little more than a symbolic stance.’

    And what do you think Gandhi’s salt march was? What do you think MLK’s Selma march was? Symbolism is a powerful tool.

    • It is symbolic, and for some it is an economic resolution as well, to refuse to fund enforcement or prosecution. Just the crowds that gathered was a symbol of defiance and a message that they won’t be registering any weapons.

  11. 1. I look forward to the Media and democrats saying the Klansman Virginia Governor wearing his Klan uniform is not as bad as law abiding black people with guns.
    2. I look forward to the Media and Democrats supporting Child Molesters over law abiding gun owners.


    3. I look forward to “the media” including the Libertarian media, defending a reelected Tranny who believes parents should not be allowed to give their own children guns or take them hunting, or train them in anyway with firearms.

    This Libertarian magazine avoids talking about the anti-civil rights position this Tranny has taken regard gun civil rights. The Tranny is a gun grabber. He and the Klansman gov both agree. Blacks should not have guns.

  12. Keyboard commandos? I suppose anybody not a citizen of that state is very likely to do much, if anything.

    Virginians have a very clear choice to make. This is a very clear line in the sand and you will find yourselves on one side or the other.

    I, for one, have ZERO faith in my government doing anything in my best interest.

    It’s very simple. Anything I own and legally acquired is mine.

    It’s very simple. We give consent to be governed. Any government that loses consent from the people is illegitimate.

    • Already had a talk with my spouse. I have a line in the sand, if crossed. I have a road trip planned. No key board necessary.

    • I don’t think it’s a good argument to say consent of the people and all that because the majority supports restrictions on life, liberty and property. Majority of Americans want gun control for their safety. The want for more infringements increases as the crime rate goes down and more police are hired.

      • ” because the majority supports ”

        The majority, left unchecked, is just mob rule. If you think back to your high school civics classes, the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution in order to provide a check on the majority. The mob can’t (legally) go out and do whatever it wants — that would be a total subordination of the individual to the commons. As much as the founders abhorred the idea of direct democracy, they abhorred the dominance of the commons even more. The Bill of Rights draws a line in the sand and attempts to maintain the delicate balance between the rights of the individual the needs of the commons.

        The Democrats have crossed that line. The Sanctuary movement is all about letting them know they’ve crossed it and there may be consequences. Yeah, it’s symbolic (for now), but it is not a futile or worthless gesture. If nothing else, it sets the stage for things yet to come.

      • “The majority supports gun control for their safety” claims Censor without evidence.

        If they did, they’re intellectually challenged, as gun control simply disarms citizens and turns them into defenseless victims. Gun control has been proven to increase crime, not fight it! Criminals by definition ignore the law, and will not be prevented from stealing, importing or buying guns on the black market, irrespective of any “gun control”.

        You can repeat left wing talking points ad nauseum, but it won’t make them true.

    • To Ashbless

      “”””””””””””””””””””””””””It’s very simple. We give consent to be governed. Any government that loses consent from the people is illegitimate+++++++++++++++++++++

      Wrong the Government was founded to tell you what to do and what rights they give you excluding of course themselves who are above the law. Really what kind of a fantasy world do you live in anyway. Your so far divorced from reality I wonder how you could have lived here so long and not woke up to reality and the real truth about life in Capitalvania. The Rich and powerful are the law and it is they who make it up as they go along.

      • “The government was founded to tell you what to do and what rights they give you” says Censor, having it completely backwards. Politicians may want to see themselves in that light, but it ain’t so. The government doesn’t grant rights. The people grant the government power to bring order to chaos, until they withdraw consent. And no government was ever created to tell citizens what to do. Sorry you were brutally victimized to the point you will do as you’re told, but you need to recover some dignity.

      • Maybe it works that way on those other planets, where you had more adventures, Drac.
        Here, in U.S. of A., Earth, we the people create governments to defend our rights. If it goes against that goal, we have a duty to change such government.

  13. There has been a big uptick in violent crime in my town south of Chiraq. The po-leece are quite poor at “controlling” the riff raff. Good luck controlling heavily armed patriots. Some of us have nothing to lose…

  14. November 2020 will be a showdown of sorts and we’ll see what happens. They are terrified DJT will get reelected and continue to stuff the courts with judges they loathe. It’s the judges that really call the shots when laws are passed and they try to enforce them. The left has known this and used it to their advantage for decades, now it’s being used against them and they don’t like it.

    RBG won’t last till 2025. The older conservatives would like to see themselves replaced with like minded people not the rabid constitutional revisionists. This election is even more pivotal than the last.

    Pass all the laws you want. How they are interpreted is up to judges and they know it.

    • Judges have to follow the law as it was written. They instruct the jury to do the same. That is how they get some many convictions. Judges determine the sentencing, not the law. It’s up to the jury to determine guilt.

      Also, you have no clue what those judges actually think. You assume they follow the constitution as written. Look at the people Trump selected as AG and ATF director — they are very anti gun and pro gun control.

      • Activist judges legislate from the bench. From both parties. You are very misinformed or ignorant of courtroom practices. Try reading a few SCOTUS cases, start to finish, all the amicus briefs, everything, not the HuffPost blurb on one!

        RBG will be replaced by President Trump within a year or two, and SCOTUS will be firmly conservative and lean toward strict Constitutionalist interpretations.

        Bootlickers like Vlad and Censor can troll all day, and try to convince people to cower and comply with the government like they do, no matter how it abuses its power, but they are wasting their time.

  15. Article 1, section 9, clause 3, NO ex post facto law shall be passed That means Mr. AG, that you can’t pass a law to confiscate what people already possess! It also prevents a government from taking your land or house or car or your ugly clothes. You can’t that which is legal today illegal yesterday.

    • That’s not what ex post facto means. There are many things that used to be perfectly legal to own up until they were not. Most popular example is narcotics.
      Ex post facto would be if the new law not only banned your gun, but also got you in trouble for posession of your gun while it was still legal (before the new law turned them into contraband).

      These proposed gun grabs are shitty enough, no need to confuse them with something they are not.

  16. Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring says: “When the General Assembly passes new gun safety laws, they will be enforced, and they’re going to be followed.”

    Cue the german accent: “You vill OBEY!”

    A government is legitimate only when it has the consent of the governed.

    You’d think these Democrat fascists would rethink passing laws that large numbers of people don’t think are fair and won’t comply with, but they’re just fascists being fascists. Ya gotta love that the VA Gov is allocating additional funds to their Department of Corrections budget to take into account the non compliant gun owners they expect to arrest and incarcerate. These guys are perfectly willing to go full Hugo Chavez on gun owners.

    Democrats don’t see themselves as representatives of the people, they truly believe they are our rulers and we are their subjects.

    • That happened after the Republicans decreed they are the rulers after 9/11. Now it’s the Democrats turn.

      Funny how government “ping pongs” the people.

      • You conveniently forgot to mention the democrats voted for those 911 changes to the law.
        And when Obama took control he and the Democrat congress kept those laws and arrested more people than Bush did.

        Now you can continue to bash republicans and purposely deny the crimes of the Democrats.

  17. It’s funny to see everyone do an about face when the question of ‘sanctuary’ municipalities turns from immigration to guns.

    • Perhaps. What is sad is that the “side” that has the Constitution behind it probably has less general population support than the side that is consistently willing to subvert the Constitution to bring in more of their voters…

  18. Damn the natives are restless tonight. Chis Kristofferson said better a long time ago, and I quote. “Freedom is just aother word for nothing left to lose.’ “Nothing ain’t worth nothing if it’s free.” Truer words have never been spoken, or sung.
    I’m too tired to google it. Does anyone know when the last person was hung for treason? Rope stretching parties happened a lot in old Dominion. It’s a custom that might need to be revived. Ooops there goes another rubber tree plant.

  19. Allow me to offer some historical (and Biblical) perspective. In my book “Communiques From The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” I analogized Collectivism to a biological genus (és-Right-Wing-Conspiracy-Thomas-Wigand/dp/0692635815/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=communiques+from+the&qid=1577584515&sr=8-1).

    Under that Collectivist genus there are four major species: Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Progressivism. Each of the species may vary by topics of their emphasis (Progressives bending toward utopianism and remaking human nature and society). But ALL devolve into totalitarian systems once they acquire sufficient power.

    The Progressives and their political party (the Democrats) hold no fealty to our Constitution or founding principles. These are impediments to the “fundamental transformation” that they intend to impose. Second Amendment rights very much stand in the way, and so they will lie, trick, harass and do anything else necessary to eliminate it, and will if not stopped. It’s no coincidence that the Left loves the phrase: “By any means necessary.”

    American Progressives feign great umbrage when compared to Communists and Fascists, but the comparison is apt. They’re all family in the genus Collectivist.

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