“There can be no question that probably the deadliest handgun ever was the Model 1910 7.65mm (.32 ACP) FN Browning auto pistol used by Bosnian anarchist Gavrilo Princip to assassinate heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand,” gunsandammo.com states, brooking no opposition. Negating debate. Strangling discussion in its metaphorical crib. No question. Probably. “Princip ambushed the archduke and his entourage on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, killing him and his wife Sophie. This sparked off a series of events resulting in World War I and military and civilian casualties totaling some 37,000,000.” Although I own a Colt 1903 (the 1910’s predecessor), I’d still rank my FN SCAR as a deadlier weapon. But then, gunsandammo would probably call me a hopeless pedant. Or vice versa.
Or, if Gavrilo Princip’s aim had been a few inches lower, Guns & Ammo might retrospectively call this pistol an “underpowered might-have-been.” The Archduke was wearing a hand-woven bullet-resistant vest, made of silk by a Catholic priest. No-one ever accused the .32 ACP of being overpowered, and the Archduke’s vest may very well have stopped such a marginally-powered round. Unfortunately, he was shot in the neck.
My vote for most deadly gun goes to my “BONE COLLECTOR” with the 700 grain elephant bullet of course.
WOW, I just used the edit feature for the first time and I LOVE IT. Keep up the good work RF because I’m sure I’ll be using it again and again and…….
WWII is widely considered to be an extension of WWI, so maybe you can count them too.
I was gonna say that, but clearly I was beaten to the punch
Accuracy, shmackuracy.
Sometimes it seems that history guides the bullet.
I’d bet Franz wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that he’d get a band named after him ninety years after his assassination.
I’d go with the German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol.
His count of 7,000 shot in 28 days remains one of the most organized and protracted mass murders by a single individual on record
The other argument that you could make is that John Moses Browning started and stopped the World Wars. The archduke was killed with a .32ACP and Hitler committed suicide with a .32ACP. (I believe it was a Walther.)
“There can be no question that probably” is a rather odd construction, don’t you think? It’s like saying “certainly, the deadliest handgun might have been ….” Methinks our friends were hedging their bets. Or else they need an edit function. Or an editor. Or something.
Irregardless of whether this most unique gun can be considered possibly the deadliest in recorded history, or indeed all history, negative disparagement of gunsandammo’s construction is something that up with we shall not put.
That’s “up with which we shall not put.” I believe.
Exactly precise.
Whenever I see posts/stories about the ‘deadliest’ gun, I always posit that the lowly Nagant revolver is probably the arm with the highest body count. Of course, most of those were point blank to the back of the head.
Fuck no it’s the desert eagle u bastards
Damn ire fucked up no one gives a damn about a fuckin 1910
Seriously, Jackson? I’d bet you’re that dude who drools at the thought of the gold-plated version too. As far as the original post, the Avtomat Kalashnikov Model 1947 and its kin have the highest “direct” body count, although I’d bet Eugene Stoner’s varmint rifle is catching up…