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The Donald to Speak at NRA Event

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The NRA announced last week that President Donald J. Trump will serve as the special guest keynote speaker at the NRA’s “Defend the 2nd” event in Savannah, GA, on Tuesday, October 22nd. 

When it comes to preserving and strengthening our Constitutional rights in America, the stakes could not be higher in this presidential election. No matter your reason for owning a firearm—whether for hunting, self-defense, or just as an exercise of your Constitutional right–law-abiding gun owners have a clear choice this fall if they hope to preserve their Second Amendment rights.

Kamala Harris has made clear her intention to infringe on gun owners’ rights by outlawing some of the most popular guns in America, taking so-called red flag laws to the federal level, and even making government-dictated safe storage a punishable offense. Her long record of support for radical anti-gun measures makes clear she will act on her promises and beyond.

As President, Donald Trump never wavered in his support of the Second Amendment and served as a steadfast advocate for NRA members, solidifying his legacy as a true champion of the right to keep and bear arms. In addition to being a Life member of the NRA, President Trump has the full endorsement of the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) for this election.

NRA Executive Vice President & CEO Doug Hamlin commented, “This election is a pivotal one for America’s gun owners. Kamala Harris and her far-left allies have big plans to erode Second Amendment protections. Donald J. Trump has proven himself a fighter for Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. We are excited to have him speak at our Defend the 2nd event and to support his return to the White House in January.”

Randy Kozuch, Executive Director of NRA-ILA, added, “President Trump is a fighter. Despite being falsely portrayed as a threat to the country he loves and surviving two attempts on his life, he continues to fight for the American people. Gun owners and hunters need him in Washington to continue his strong defense of our right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is proud to support Donald J. Trump and to have him speak at our Defend the 2nd event.”

NRA members and gun owners will gather in support of Second Amendment rights for NRA’s Defend the 2nd event. Attendees will hear from NRA leaders and gun rights champions about what the outcome of the November elections means for our Constitutional freedoms.

WHERE: The Savannah Convention Center, One International Dr, Savannah, GA 31421

WHEN: October 22, 2024, at 5:30 pm ET

Further details about the event can be found at: https://www.nrapvf.org/event.

—Courtesy NRA-ILA

19 thoughts on “The Donald to Speak at NRA Event”

    • The “gun community” hates the bumpstock and anything like it. And the “gun community” likes the NFA.

      The “gun community” doesn’t understand that the open carry of Arms is a 1st amendment civil right.

      • Once again POTUS DJT speaks at the NRA and he speaks most every notable place he is invited whereas if Gun Control cackkkles and jim crow Gun Control joe were invited to speak at the NRA Convention it would be a cold day in hell before they showed.

        Once again here is a vid link for the ignorant knee jerk “fudd Gun community” who held hands with slanderous democRats to bash POTUS DJT over bumpstocks, hearsay, etc. In the video M. Smith who is no lightweight in the legal world speaks about Rittenhouse followed by Trump and bumpstocks…connect the h

        h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=7QM9jCCW1V4&feature=shared

    • There has never, in the history of this country, been a greater contrast between candidates. Which do you choose?

      MAGA rally:
      h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my21lC_ouTo

      Kammunism rally:
      h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv3kWMVZW7g

  1. I’m greatful that the AG of New York State got WLP removed from the NRA. But she did it for thre wrong reasons. She is no friend of civil rights. That black woman AG is as anti-civil rights, as any AG in the former Confederate States of America.

    Now she is trying to have several members of the board removed. I hope she is successful at that too.

    • Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. And yeah with what she helped along to harass those that didn’t take the jab, your description of her is unfortunately right on the nose.

    • There was movement in congress to ban semi auto firearms after the Las Vegas massacre. Just as there is now movement to ban them again. Because of the glock switch.

      And many in the “gun community” think they will be allowed to keep their break action double shot or single shot long guns. If they just give up to the government all their semi auto guns.

      So many in the “gun community” are just fools.

      I’m am a bumpstock owner. I’m am a Franklin Armory trigger owner. And I have not forgotten when Nancy Pelosi, ordered machine guns to be used, in defense against protesters, if necessary, against protesters she didn’t like.

      And no the “gun community” doesn’t support glock switch ownership either.

      What they should support of having a father in the home.

      • I’m not a member of the communist party. I’m not a member of the Klu Klux Klan.
        And what they do is my business.

        I was a member is the NRA. Until I learned they spend lots of $$$ on business dress clothing.

  2. cackles ain’t Black, no proof she worked at McDonalds, no pic of her holding a gun, etc. Lots of pics of her cackling out her behind.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

  3. DJT is to speak at NRA event. And?
    Trump has also spoken at the black journalist event and several others that weren’t favorable to him. He is at least willing to show up and speak without it being a scripted and edited event.
    Never met the man so I can’t give an opinion on him as an individual. And while I do agree and support much of his agenda, there are things I disagree with. But the alternative is an inept, incompetent failure with no actual resume or actual history of doing anything but hold appointed or elected positions where the party would elect an empty water glass so long as it was supposedly Dementiacrat.
    Want to see what Harris is wanting for the country? Look no further than the California cities she once was part of destroying.


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