bill de blasio
Mayor Bill de Blasio (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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How much crime will New Yorkers accept before they actually demand that criminals do jail time and laws are enforced in their city again? We may be about to find out. Eight years of rule under a social justice uber alles mayor whose default presumption is that the criminal justice system is irredeemably racist and every accused criminal is a failure of a white supremacist society has finally had its inevitable effect.

Like so many other large urban areas, New York has been conducting an experiment in anti-policing over the last year and a half. Since the beginning of Covid, and particularly since the killing of George Floyd, jail doors have opened, bail has been eliminated, prosecutors have backed off, and the police budget and the number of cops on the streets have been slashed. All in the name of “equity” or something.

The result has been as predictable to everyone watching as the sun coming up in the east. Everyone except, of course, the politicians who are responsible for implementing these utopian policies and the media that report on them.

Crime and shootings in the city have naturally skyrocketed. According to the New York Post . . .

Through Sunday, the five boroughs had seen 602 shooting incidents in 2021, wounding or killing 687 victims, the CompStat figures show.

By comparison, the city logged 358 shootings striking 409 people through the same point in 2020 — a year that saw New York surpass its 2019 shooting total by early August.

One such shooting resulted in the death of 34-year-old Eric Velasquez this week. He was murdered by someone who had been arrested for gun crimes — and released — three separate times.

The Velasquez killing is Ramirez’s the fourth gun related collar since the fall.

On Oct. 21, just 16 days after his 16th birthday, Ramirez was arrested for possession of a loaded firearm. Police sources said he fired a shot through a wall an apartment wall and a search turned up three guns. Detectives think Ramirez may have dropped the gun and it went off.

That case was referred to Family Court because of Ramirez’s age.

Then, on Dec. 12, he was busted with a loaded and defaced .25-caliber pistol and charged again with gun possession.Once again, a judge transferred the case to Family Court.

According to the Bronx DA’s office,

Prosecutors asked for Ramirez to be held on $25,000 – $75,000 bail on Dec. 13, the Bronx District Attorney’s office said. Judge Ashlee Crawford set bail at $2,000.

The case was transferred to Family Court and Judge Denis Boyle ordered him released on his own recognizance over an objection from prosecutors.

Ramirez’s third arrest on Feb. 23, was for reckless endangerment. He allegedly shot himself in the foot on Feb. 8 while on his was to “spin the block” in Slattery territory.

Police sources said he lied about his injury and said someone else shot him. Security video debunked his claim.

His case was once again sent to Family Court, over the strong objections of the Bronx DA’s office, the sources said. He was released from a juvenile facility on March 31, authorities said.

Prosecutors in the Bronx said they asked for $50,000 to $150,000 bail to be set at Ramirez’s Feb. 23 arraignment and it was set for $75,000.

On March 2 after Ramirez’s lawyer asked for a reduction in bail and Judge Boyle lowered the amount to $10,000-$25,000.

The family was able to post bail a few weeks later. Ramirez was ordered to check in regularly.

The Bronx DA’s office claims prosecutors wanted the case to stay in criminal court, but Boyle denied that.

But the problem — according to hizzoner and the sages at the New York Times — isn’t really the soft-on-crime “social justice” policies or the criminals themselves…it’s the guns. The city is doing everything right according to Mayor de Blasio, the problem is there just aren’t enough restrictions on gun ownership at the state (!) and federal levels.

As the New York Post reports, de Blasio made sure recently to point the finger of blame for the city’s return to the bad old days elsewhere . . .

“For the rest of the year, we’re going to be dealing with a major challenge,” he told reporters at his daily press briefing.  

“We are doing everything we can here in this city, but we need help,” Hizzoner insisted, virtually throwing up his hands at the crisis.

“We need help from the federal government, we need help from the state government,’’ the mayor said, referring to proposals calling for more gun control and additional services for parolees.

The good news for New Yorkers is they won’t have to suffer under the erstwhile Warren Wilhelm much longer. Voting begins today in the race to replace His Fecklessness and according to the Associated Press, crime is very much an issue in this election.

“No one is coming to New York, in our multibillion-dollar tourism industry, if you have 3-year-old children shot in Times Square,” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said at a recent debate, referring to a May 8 shooting in which a 4-year-old girl and two adult women were wounded by stray bullets.

Adams, a former police captain who also co-founded a leadership group for Black officers, has risen to the top of most polls as issues of crime and policing have dominated recent mayoral debates.

The race remains tight, though, with 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, former city sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia, city Comptroller Scott Stringer and civil rights attorney Maya Wiley the top contenders in a field of 13 candidates on the Democratic ballot.

The final day of voting is June 22, with the top Democrat in overwhelmingly Democratic New York City highly likely to win the November general election and succeed the term-limited Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The Republican primary features Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels anti-crime group, versus Fernando Mateo, a restaurant owner and advocate for taxi drivers.

The Times Square shooting and other high-profile crimes like last weekend’s fatal shooting of a 10-year-old boy in Queens have sparked fears of a city under siege. “Stop the Bloodshed,” screamed a recent front page of the New York Post, which warned of surrendering streets “to homelessness, filth, crime and guns” in an editorial endorsing Adams.

Whether that voter concern translates at the polls to a mayor who can and will undo the damage that eight years of de Blasio’s cop-hating, soft-on-crime policies remains to be seen. It took a lot of effort under the Giuliani and (yes) Bloomberg administrations to make New York one of the safest big cities in the world after the crime and chaos of the “gorgeous mosaic” years of the early 1990s and prior.

Re-learning old lessons is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive. The Big Apple has a long, steep hill to climb — again — no matter who is elected.

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  1. & after all this DeBlabbio will fill out his term & just disappear into the Democrat swamp.
    He won’t be served the justice he deserves, (like jail time, or monetary consequences) he’ll likely write books about how good he thought he was in office, & the dips that voted for him will buy them too.

    • The principal factor in crime, and certainly the recent rise of it, is the systematic criminality of the black community. Do not look for the problem to be attacked from that direction.

    • New Yorkers always do this…[vote for one liberal after another]…until things go to seed…then they go looking for some hard-ass to set things right…..

      • I mean there was that bailout we took. I joke of course that money is meant to be stolen by others with a few crumbs to go to actual maintenance.

  2. De Blasio is half right. The feds could provide significant help. Many, if not most, gun collars in NYC are also federal violations. Catching a bad guy in actual possession of a gun makes conviction a slam dunk. The Justice Department doesn’t want to do this because it would alienate too many of the bad guys’ friends and relatives and because there isn’t enough federal prison space to accommodate so many convicts.

  3. I would not visit New York city if crime was zero and it was a paid trip.
    Deblasio looks like a movie character mafia type person.
    A $10,000 bond equates to $1000 through a bail bondsman. I’m just wondering where they came up the with $1000. Musta had to rob a bunch of lemonade stands for that?
    No its absolutely the gunms fault. More gunm laws is the only solution, bad guys are afraid of laws, yup yup for sure .

    • Honestly amazed that he was required to put up bail to be released. At this point we have NYC thugs moving up to Albany and Troy where it is safer and they can commit a mass shooting killing one and be released on $1 bail.

    • In my younger days, cities were so much fun. As an adult and not partying and calling it “traveling”, they are TERRIBLE.

      so much convenience, so much greed, so much complacency, so much hypocrisy. Literally the worst kind of humans live in cities and would swallow the earth whole if it meant saving their own asses.

      • You must have been one shallow moron in your yuut (6m ago?). Major US cities have always been hell holes inhabited by idiots. Some worse than others and some periods less bad than others. 2020/21 is likely a “peak”.

        • Lived and worked in NYC in the early fifties. Joined the USMC in 1955. But there was nothing going on then like now. There were no drive by shootings or anything like that. What crime I encountered seemed more like Damon Runyan. Returned for a while in the early sixties: not too bad. Worked out on Long Island on a contract in the eighties. Mentioned to co-workers that I lived there in the fifties. They said that those were the golden years for life in New York. Now it is “Escape from New York” on heroin

    • That is funny, Groot is the absolute worst.
      Combine that with Jabba the governor and it’s the perfect storm.
      I have two cousins that are cops that have retired, one is CPD, one was a suburban cop.
      I have a 3rd who is CPD and has almost a year before he has 25 years in and will retire.
      The morale of LEOs in Illinois is beyond low, none of my cousins will be over 55 and retired.
      Two attribute this directly to Groot, the 3rd was just fed up with the towns politics.

      • Albany is down to 35% of pre pandemic force between retirement, transfer, and outright quitting thanks to our governor’s reimagine policing, bail reform and Albany’s general ACAB and BLM council. If not for the sheriff and state police we wouldn’t have any meaningful police presence. How is Chicago doing for staffing at the moment? If worse than here your summer is going to be lit.

      • The same people who are the news daily saying:
        “This kind of thing NEVER happens in our neighborhood.”
        Basically Karens, both male and female who pay insanely high property taxes.
        Johnny can’t read or do math because he goes to school in Cook County, IL.
        Johnny cannot even speak proper English because he goes to a Chicago Public School.
        Let’s vote for Raja Krishnamoorthi, he seems “normal”.
        It’s pretty sad.

  4. New York City is on pace for over 1,000 homicides this year, right?………Lol. Fuck ’em.

  5. At least NYC is focusing on the criminal element; many more are being arrested than before. Now that the criminal element is being rightfully punished (by adding to their arrest records), time to address the cancer of law abiding gun owners, who are simply criminals in the making, or criminals who haven’t been caught, yet.

    But seriously, folks….how many times I gotta say it? “If there are no guns, there can be no gun crimes”. It really isn’t climate science.

    Heck, if there are no laws, there can be no criminals. Life is too simple for complicated people to understand.

    • The animal kingdom has got its laws pretty much figured out.
      All without government or government enforcers.

      • “You mean global warming?”

        Global warming, nuclear winter, climate science, rising sea levels, shrinking ice, category 9 hurricanes, whatever… day there will be some sort of man-made calamity that will destroy the planet, and send us all back into the caves. It’s just common sense.

    • “If there are no guns, there can be no gun crimes”

      if there is no property, there can be no theft.

      see how that works?

      • “if there is no property, there can be no theft.see how that works?”

        Indeed; my point, exactly. No love, no heartache. No life, no death. No atmosphere, no ozone crisis at the poles. No people, no climate crisis.

        BTW, you missed the whole thing.

  6. “The animal kingdom has got its laws pretty much figured out.
    All without government or government enforcers.”

    There ya’ go. And all of it done without politicians !

  7. That’s pretty tame numbers compared to our little city in upstate NY . We’re 1/40th the size and have had over 150 shootings to their 607 . But same thing, bail reform , demoralized cops, short staffed cops , no, proactive policing .

    The cops just took down a guy who was wanted for shooting 5 people in 3 incidents, he fought and had a gun he wasn’t giving up , it’s all on video . It was a big issue that one cop was kicking him till he was able to get the gun free .

    • Your ratio is somewhat concerning when adjusted per capita………. Capital district, Central, or Western if you don’t mind letting me know (Only aware of how bad Albany and to an increasingly lesser extent Troy have been).

  8. Hopefully, all or any of their efforts fail and eventually Times Square will be full of hookers, drug dealers, and porno theaters again like the good old days.

  9. Nice! Good news for NY citizens statewide! Once Billy Boy is freed from the shackles of the mayor’s office he can set his sights on state-wide office. Can you spell governor?

  10. New York has become the rotten apple 🦨🐀 run this town and state!

  11. “the criminal justice system is irredeemably racist”

    it is. it’s oppressive of blacks by design. “our constitution is meant for a religious and moral people. it is inadequate to the governance of any other.”

    “every accused criminal is a failure of a white supremacist society”

    it is. if accused criminals aren’t dealt with, who else’s fault could it be?

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