gun store sales
(AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

By Larry Keane

The FBI released the Uniform Crime Report which showed an abrupt rise in crime. It was hardly startling to those reading or watching the news. The report showed a 29 percent jump in murders in 2020. It is reportedly the largest increase since nationwide records began in the 1960s. That’s got gun control proponents banging the same drum: more guns mean more crime.

That’s just not true. A simple look at the data proves it.

The murder rates are still below the peaks witnessed in the 1990s, but 2020 reversed a 20-plus year trend of decreasing crime rates.

The overall violent crime rate, which includes murder, assault, robbery and rape, rose 5 percent, according to an NPR report. The narrative, though, that historic levels of gun purchasing is somehow linked to the rise in violent crime is bogus, even if it is conveniently repeated.

“Much of the violence was driven by firearms, with nearly 77% of murders being committed with some sort of gun,” NPR reported. CBS News reported a headline of “Murder rate climbed 29% in 2020 amid gun stockpiling and pandemic pressures.”

They Blame the Gun, Never the Criminal

This isn’t a new narrative. It’s one that has been pushed by gun control groups and even by the Biden administration. President Joe Biden labeled the firearm industry as the enemy during his run for The White House. Earlier this year, be blamed guns for the crime spike, instead of the criminals illegally misusing them and the failed policies that won’t lock up criminals.

virus gun store sales
Stephanie Miller of Atlanta, buys guns and ammunition. Miller said she had been on the fence about guns but with recent events she decided to buy guns. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

It’s true that gun sales have rocketed to record levels. There were over 21 million background checks for the sale of a gun in 2020 and over 12.4 million through the first eight months of 2021. Attempting to link the rise in gun sales as the cause of crime spikes is nonsensical.

What’s not true is that law-abiding gun owners bear the blame. National Review’s Aron Ravin wrote in July of how Democratic politicians were blaming guns and gun owners instead of failed policies for escalating crime rates.

“But after last summer’s anti-police backlash, leftist legislators and policy designers took the easy way out — they followed the propaganda,” Ravin wrote.

That included hiring fewer police due to police protests, releasing prisoners over COVID contagion fears and eliminating cash bail in the name of equity.

“They’d rather take steps to destroy the system entirely,” he added. “Radical ideas moved from the fringes toward the heart of progressive politics, crowding out common sense.”

Among the lost common-sense ideas is that law-abiding gun owners aren’t criminals. They aren’t committing crimes and gun sales didn’t give birth to the crime but is a reasonable and anticipated reaction to when Americans are concerned for their safety.

Gun sales went from trending along anticipated growth predictions in February 2020 to all-time records a month later. February 2020 saw nearly 1.3 million background checks. It was growth over the same month in 2019 that saw 1.1 million, but nothing close to the 2.3 million background checks in March 2020. That was over one million more than March 2019. The ensuing months all continued to shatter records.

What Changed?

People became concerned for their safety as police were pulled from the streets, prisoners were released over contagion fears and communities were locked down. That reflected in the surveys NSSF conducted to understand the fast pace of gun sales.

Customers told retailers they were buying firearms for concerns of their own safety. That bore out in the types of firearms that were sold. Handguns topped the list, which have limited application outside self-defense and recreational target shooting.

Coronavirus gun sales surge boom
Brian Xia, 44, picks up his new gun at a gun store in Arcadia, Calif. Xia who is a first-time gun buyer, says he bought the gun for protecting himself and his family. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

Understanding that these gun buyers were also required to submit to FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification to prove they weren’t individuals prohibited from possessing firearms also debunks this notion. The rapid rise in crime didn’t turn these law-abiding citizens into instant criminals.

Criminals turned law-abiding citizens into new gun owners – to the tune of over 8.4 million in 2020 and over 3.2 million in the first six months of this year.

It’s illogical to propose that gun owners who respect the law would turn into violent criminals overnight. It’s so illogical that no one has presented any evidence it is true. Even if stolen firearms are taken into account, The Dispatch pointed out that the average FBI’s own statistic for time-to-crime for a stolen firearm is over nine years.

Gun purchases rose to historic levels in 2020 and is sustaining near-record figures through this year due to a combination of events, including COVID-related security concerns, rising crime, election-year threats of gun control and maneuvers by the Biden administration to enact some of the most radical gun control ideas proposed that are driving gun sales.

Which came first, the crime or the guns? It’s not even close. Not by a long shot. It’s the crime.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.




    • Work for 2-3 h0urs in y0ur spare time and get paid 1200 0n your bank acc0unt every week… Get m0re inf0rmation 0n f0ll0wing site… 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝟓𝟏.𝐭𝐤

  1. Why can’t we just take what King Dribblecup says as gospel truth, it’s right there on his Teleprompter and Jen will be along shortly to translate what he botched up.

  2. The problem is neither guns nor criminals. It’s the enablers, politicians more concerned with getting re-elected than justice and ensuring public safety.

  3. The entire dog eat dog socialist democRat Party agenda makes criminals out of useful idiots just to ramp up the numbers and scare milquetoast America into believing Guns are the problem and only the anti-gun Rat Party can fix that.

    Increase the number of criminals equates to more violence whether criminals use guns, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, hands, feet, etc.

    Never mind what % crime is up. What matters is the % out of the 330,000,000 in America who are behind the violence and what political party do the bad guys flock to?

    Bottom lines for milquetoast America…History Clearly Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based agenda. No matter which way You turn You must have some racist and nazi in You to support Gun Control.

    • Between BlackLootersMurder,Antifools & ordinary thugs what do they expect?!? Lawful gun owners are some the most vetted folks in America. But we knew that…

  4. quote—————–Earlier this year, be blamed guns for the crime spike, instead of the criminals illegally misusing them and the failed policies that won’t lock up criminals.-What’s not true is that law-abiding gun owners bear the blame. National Review’s Aron Ravin wrote in July of how Democratic politicians were blaming guns and gun owners instead of failed policies for escalating crime rates.—————quote

    The only failed policy is not passing Universal Background Checks. The above statement is completely asinine as its like locking up the barn after the horse escapes. Preventing criminals from buying guns like all civilized countries do is the sane approach to reducing violent crime with guns by keeping them out of the hands of nut cases and criminals. This is not rocket science.

    quote————-People became concerned for their safety as police were pulled from the streets,————quote

    Mostly complete bullshit. Gun sales soared when Biden was elected and promised more gun control. The decision by Walmart to stop selling a lot of calibers of ammo further contributed to the panic buying. This was a mere repeat of the gun buying panic when Obama was elected and pushed for more gun control and to go back further in time when Clinton was pushing his gun control agenda to ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines. Gun buying panic is nothing new. PANIC BUYING HAD LITTLE TO DO WITH REINING IN MASS MURDER BY COP AGAINST THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR BURNED OUT LICENSE PLATE BULBS.

    quote——————It’s illogical to propose that gun owners who respect the law would turn into violent criminals overnight. It’s so illogical that no one has presented any evidence it is true. Even if stolen firearms are taken into account, The Dispatch pointed out that the average FBI’s own statistic for time-to-crime for a stolen firearm is over nine years.————-quote


    1. Robert Reich who served in the Obama years has pointed out that NUMEROUS STUDIES SHOW THAT WHEN GUN OWNERSHIP GOES UP HOMICIDES WITH GUNS GO UP. The Road rage incidents are now at astronomical levels as are mass shootings especially with deadly assault rifles that pulverize bone and are far more lethal than any pistol ever made. SO YES SO CALLED LAW ABIDING CITIZENS DO LOSE THEIR TEMPERS AND SHOOT EACH OTHER ON THE HIGHWAYS. Yes the majority of homicides are committed with pistols but the sensational mass murders have a panic effect on the general public who do not even own a gun and never want to own one. All this has been resulting in a cry for some sane gun laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and lunatics.

    2. Failure to pass Universal Background Checks lets any nut case and criminal who wants a gun buy one 24 hours around the clock at bars, flea markets, gun shows, news paper ads and even at internet chat rooms. States with lax laws funnel in tens of thousands of guns up through “THE IRON PIPE LINE’ AS VERIFIED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT into states and big cities with tough gun laws making those laws meaningless. Of course its all pure insanity AS CIVILIZED NATIONS HAVE PASSED UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS DECADES AGO and their far lower homicide rates with guns proves they are far more effective than OUR TOTAL LACK OF SUCH LAWS.

    Two Chicago studies proved the average age of guns used in crimes were 13 years old and had been through many hands and all of course we un-vetted second hand person to person sales. Numerous Police tracings in numerous states of guns used in crime ALSO CAME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION.

    3. Lack of safe storage laws let kids get ahold of their parents guns causing on average 1,300 children to be killed within their own homes and triple that number crippled for life and children often take those guns to school to commit mass murder.

    Also criminals find such homes easy prey to just conduct a lightening quick smash and grab robbery because guns are left laying around the house. Its like taking candy from a baby. Again pure insanity we do not have “safe storage laws” that all civilized nations have had for decades.

    QUOTE—————-People became concerned for their safety as police were pulled from the streets, prisoners were released over contagion fears and communities were locked down. ————–QUOTE

    The quote insinuates that released criminals then preyed on the public and/or panicked them. AGAIN COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Many of the released criminals had ankle bracelets and had to report in daily as well to law enforcement. The public was little concerned over it. And the average community saw little progress in laying off any police rather it was a move to DEMILITERIZE THE POLICE NOT DESTROY THEM.

    Protests over Black Lives Matters were mostly peaceful and when violence did happen it came from either thug cops beating peaceful protesters up as happened when Trump paraded out in front of a Church to hold a bible up that was probably smoking in his hand or the violence was later traced to Neo Nazi groups like the Proud Boys posing as Black Lives matter protestors. AGAIN VERIFIED BY THE FBI. This in no way affected the majority of Americans lives who got up and went to work as usual everyday.

    The buying spree by the public after being cooped up because of the Covid 19 epidemic (made far worse by Trumps inaction and hiding the severity of it) resulted in a mass rush to buy things, anything and everything, including guns. My local pawn shops were stripped bare of used merchandise including every used gun and no one was bringing in any to sell to the pawn broker because they could get four times the money for their guns and general possessions from the general public by simply announcing they had something for sale and then standing back and watching the stampede to buy them.

      • The raving of that loon doesn’t surprise or interest me. I just wonder why TTAG hasn’t banned him, his posts are just cr@p to scroll past to see what real people have to say.

        • Clicks. Plain and simple. TTAG has declined since RF ran the show. One indicator of a decline of quality in any web site is allowing the trolls to infest the comment sections. It drives away the right kind of commentors and achieves nothing but continuing the quality decline.

          Once this starts the site is in serious trouble. Apparently the new management is OK with that.

        • Jethro WM and Rusty are your typical Far Right Loons that rant about the Second Amendment and do everything in their power to destroy the 1st Amendment. This is typical of the Far Right Storm troopers who want an all white state with Trump as dictator for life. The FBI has declared the Far Right as the most dangerous threat to the peace and stability and democratic values of the U.S.

      • Well said jwm. But you know, it was the democrats that pushed to get rid of people being placed in a mental institution involuntarily. Too bad too, dacien could be getting the help he needs right now and even better, not eye rapping is with his illogical ramblings that he can’t even, most times, back up.

        • He keeps talking about cradle to the grave socialist style health care here in America. If he got his wish he would likely be in an institution for the rest of his life.

          Maybe that’s what he wants?

        • Only a High School Drop out like Jethro WM who is in his 70’s would reject a National Health Car plan. Its like deliberately shooting yourself in the foot.

    • yada yada yada…darcy dodo has an excuse for everything socialist democRat. Excuses for Venezuela, yesterday’s socialism atrocities, etc. darcy dodo actually thinks he can reach into a socialism septic tank filled of starvation, imprisonments, slave labor, death and destruction and pull out what darcy refers to as, “modern socialism.”

      Little fruitcake darcy boasts how great euro socialism is and blindly trusts an agenda history confirms is rooted in the worst of humanity is somehow going to fly like a little bird and never hit a a glass door. C’Mon Man give darcy dodo’s socialist dodo a chance to get off the ground. Put a clothespin on your nose to keep the body decomposition stench behind socialism away and join in on the fun that darcy dodo and his butt pimpled ilk has waiting for America.

      For your safety darcy dodo…Consider this post a restraining order.

    • “The only failed policy is not passing Universal Background Checks.”

      Nooooo, the only failed thing here is people like you who think “Universal Background Checks” either prevents, stops, or decreases overall or violent crime.

      There are literally hundreds of different background checks of various degree and types a person goes through in their lifetime. Everything from pre-employment checks, to citizen ship qualification, to getting a drivers license, to qualifying for some type of government benefit, to getting a loan, etc… all sorts of checks of many different types are made involving some aspect or every aspect of a persons background. Not a one of them has ever, not once, prevented, decreased, or stopped crime. Putting the word “Universal” in front of “background check” will not do it either.

      The biggest and most common “Universal Background Check” in the U.S. is for a drivers license. Supposedly, a person becomes qualified to operate a 2,000 pound chunk of metal and plastic deadly “device” at speeds which kill thousands ever year. When a person (in today’s world) gets a drivers license there is a short background check run to see if there are any outstanding warrants or if the person is under indictment for certain crimes or if the person has a DUI (within a time period). Yet every year thousands of actual criminals, violent and otherwise, drive that 2,000 pound chunk of metal and plastic deadly “device” on the city streets and highways to their crimes to commit crimes. A background check didn’t stop them from driving a vehicle to their crimes, why is it that you think a background check would make them stop committing crimes?

      There are already “Background Checks” for gun owners, it done when the person purchases, and it has nothing to prevent, stop, deter crime. There are literally thousands of criminals who go through our justice system and almost every aspect of their background becomes known by checks conducted, guess what, there are still literally thousands of criminals who have gone through our justice system that still commit crimes and checking their backgrounds did nothing to stop, prevent, deter them from committing crimes.

      There has never been recorded in the history of mankind a “background check” at any time or of any type for a purchase/sell/loan/borrow of any ‘potentially’ dangerous item where a “background check” ever ever stopped, deterred, prevented, or decreased overall crime.

      In fact history does show that the more restrictions and checks a society has to endure leads to an increase in violent crime and other crime and government intrusion eventually leading to less freedoms and safety for a society.

      There has never been, in the history of mankind, an instance where more “regulation” (which a Universal Background Check is) or restricting access to ‘potentially dangerous’ items has ever resulted in an overall decrease or prevention of crime.

      Like all gun control advocates you have a very simple linear mind, you think you are being slick and intelligent, you think some way or another putting ‘pen to paper’ and enacting “Universal Background Check” legislation will stop, deter, prevent, crime and it will then be all warm fuzzy rainbows, puppies, and lollipops.

      So let me put this simply to you; Crime exist because people commit crimes until they are stopped, they do not stop committing crimes because a background check happens. If a criminal can not get access to a gun, they will simply use something else to commit their crime and there is tons of evidence that supports this.

      Even if we could suddenly make every firearm on earth disappear, after a short adaptation period, there would be “bat” violence, or “knife” violence, “hand-to-hand combat” violence and still all sorts of violence and crime. Because that’s what the human animal does when they do not want to be a part of society but instead want to prey upon it and that’s what criminals are, predators, and you do not stop predators from going after prey with “wait a second, lets do a universal background check first.”

      You can not stop, deter, prevent crime overall by regulating or removing the tool.

      • quote————There has never been recorded in the history of mankind a “background check” at any time or of any type for a purchase/sell/loan/borrow of any ‘potentially’ dangerous item where a “background check” ever ever stopped, deterred, prevented, or decreased overall crime.————-quote

        The history of gun control laws in other countries prove you wrong many times over as their crime rate and murder rate with firearms are far lower than the U.S.

        quote————-In fact history does show that the more restrictions and checks a society has to endure leads to an increase in violent crime and other crime and government intrusion eventually leading to less freedoms and safety for a society.————quote

        Europe today is awash in legally vetted guns which again prove your statement nothing more than Far Right propaganda and sensationalism.

        Quote————-So let me put this simply to you; Crime exist because people commit crimes until they are stopped, they do not stop committing crimes because a background check happens. If a criminal can not get access to a gun, they will simply use something else to commit their crime and there is tons of evidence that supports this.————quote

        Yes and tell us how the nut case Paddock at Los Vegas could have thrown knives or baseball bats out the window and killed people 400 plus yards away without using an assault rifle.

        And tell us dear genius how a nut case last year in Germany was not able to get a gun so he built one that was a single shot and it misfired so many times that he failed to kill multitudes of people and break into the church he was trying to get into which if he would have had an assault rifle he could have blown off the doors and murdered everyone inside.

        • “The history of gun control laws in other countries prove you wrong many times over as their crime rate and murder rate with firearms are far lower than the U.S.”

          Not true. Other countries use different reporting standards that make it look like their gun control works to reduce crime when compared to our stats with different reporting standards. And then their stats are usually not for the whole country but rather for the major cities or “provinces” which means their crime numbers are going to be lower than what they really are.

          But when gun control freaks start comparing those stats to U.S. stats they do not take into account that the reporting is different so it makes it look like there is more crime in the U.S. – you apparently made the same stupid blunder.

          For example; In the UK they have over 40 different categories of “sexual offenses” but they only report 3 of them in stats and lump the others together as general crimes that do not make it into stats because they usually are not prosecuted – but in the U.S. we report every sexual offense as some type of sexual offense and prosecute it in some way and categorize it as “violent crime” in overall stats. So the effect is it looks like more violent crime in the US than the UK in some categories of sexual crime when in reality there was more violent crime in the UK in those non-reported categories of sexual crimes. There are a lot of difference in the UK reporting vs US reporting standards that make it look like the US comparatively has more crime than the UK when in reality they have about the same amount over all or more and basically without guns. their gun control laws ended up doing zero to stop, prevent, or deter crime.

          You are nuts and grossly misinformed.

          “Yes and tell us how the nut case Paddock at Los Vegas could have thrown knives or baseball bats out the window and killed people 400 plus yards away without using an assault rifle.

          And tell us dear genius how a nut case last year in Germany was not able to get a gun so he built one that was a single shot and it misfired so many times that he failed to kill multitudes of people and break into the church he was trying to get into which if he would have had an assault rifle he could have blown off the doors and murdered everyone inside.”

          what a stupid out of context comparative thing to say. There is no background check in the world that can predict crazy will or will not happen. A Universal Background Check would not have stopped this from happening if the people were going to do it anyway.

        • quote————For example; In the UK they have over 40 different categories of “sexual offenses”———-quote

          Non Sequitur. We were speaking of shooting deaths not sex crimes. A dead body is a dead body and that is how they count death from firearms in all countries when it concerns murder.

          quote——— their gun control laws ended up doing zero to stop, prevent, or deter crime.———-quote

          Pure rectum gas. A plethora of studies prove you 100 per cent wrong. Among the industrialized countries the U.S. is so far out in front of civilized countries in gun homicides its shocking. Look at the graph below.

        • Furthermore dacien, your very argument proves our point. A guy in Germany could not purchase a gun, so instead he made one. So what if it misfired horribly. The point is that since he couldn’t get one legally, he made one (which probably is illegal in Germany). It’s exactly what we say all the time. A criminal will not follow the laws so how would a universal background check matter? So thank you in your stupid ramblings for proving our point.

    • The only failed policy is not passing Universal Background Checks.

      You would think being an island nation with strict border protection, strict gun control laws, firearms registration, and your pet favourite universal background checks, the country would be a crime free utopia.

      No one told the criminals. They still get firearms from the black market which is fueled by some thefts but mostly illegal importation. The scale of this was found when a criminal either brandished or used a handgun which was found when the police searched the car. The gun had mismatched serial numbers on the barrel, frame, and slide. When the serial numbers were checked with the importers and distributors, all said it was not through them. The police then checked with Glock in Austria. They said the guns were sold to an Austrian dealer.

      One of the members of the criminal gang had tried to set up a security company and had paperwork to legally import firearms. The application for the security company was denied but they still had valid import paperwork. This was used to order the guns which they told the Austrian dealer “for legal reasons” to ship the barrels, frames, and slides separately.

      The gang brought in over 200 Glock pistols from this dealer and may have brought in over 500 in total from other dealers. So far only a small amount were recovered.

      And this is from one gang. Others were suspected of illegal importation. Customs admit only 3% of containers are inspected. If drugs can be imported by the ton, some guns and ammunition is a small but lucrative package in comparison. Most busts are made because someone talked somewhere along the chain.

  5. “FBI Crime Stats Show Criminals Turned Millions of Law-Abiding Citizens Into New Gun Owners”

    seriously, you guys really need to do something about your titles. Do you have an editors?

    This title makes it sound like “New Gun Owners” and “Law-Abiding Citizens” are different creatures. It reads like “New Gun Owners” are not “Law-Abiding Citizens” any longer because they purchased a gun.

  6. Hey genius, since they’re basing the number of guns added into the population on statistics provided by the FBI’s NICS, you’re again talking out of your ass about the need for UBCs. And, good luck convincing the gang bangers to practice safe storage…. you know , the small percentage of the population causing he VAST majority of the crimes That’s the real story from downtown Capitalvania, jackass.

    • And just where to you think gang bangers get their guns genius boy?????

      They buy most of them second hand at bars, flea markets, newspaper adds, gun shows, and off internet chat rooms and Universal Background Checks would cut off tens of thousands of such sales.

      And safe storage laws would again cut way down on the usual quick smash and grab robberies too. No laws are fool proof but only fools like you want none of these laws. You are are own worst enemy because every sensational mass killing results in more and more calls for draconian gun bans. But this is way over your head as your advanced paranoia prevents you from any logical, sane or clear thinking on a subject so simple even a 3rd grader could understand it.

      • ” Universal Background Checks would cut off tens of thousands of such sales ”

        Uh, yeah, ’cause bangers have a long history of following the law, right? So simple even dacian should understand it, but maybe we should check with a 3rd grader first.

        • dacian’s world –

          Criminal: “Give me your money or I’m going to shoot you.”

          dacian: “Wait! You don’t have a gun. We have a Universal Background check.”

          Criminal (and reality):

      • “And just where to you think gang bangers get their guns genius boy?????

        They buy most of them second hand at bars, flea markets, newspaper adds, gun shows, and off internet chat rooms and Universal Background Checks would cut off tens of thousands of such sales.”

        It is already illegal for prohibited persons to buy, sale or possess firearms. Why would someone who is prohibited conduct a UBC? If UBC was mandatory, how would you prove any firearm was transferred before the effective date?

        Then we have the SCOTUS case Haynes v U.S. (1968). SCOTUS ruled that felons are immune to prosecution for failing to register firearms. Requiring them to do so would infringe on their 5th amendment. That would preclude them from prosecution for failing to conduct a UBC.

        “And safe storage laws would again cut way down on the usual quick smash and grab robberies too. No laws are fool proof but only fools like you want none of these laws. You are are own worst enemy because every sensational mass killing results in more and more calls for draconian gun bans. But this is way over your head as your advanced paranoia prevents you from any logical, sane or clear thinking on a subject so simple even a 3rd grader could understand it.”

        Since robbery and theft is already illegal, you are making the victim of the crime a victim of the law. As far as safe storage, what constitutes safe storage for me may not be the same to you. My home is locked, I have security cameras and a hidden safe that is fire resistant for several hours, bolted to slab with Hilti seismic anchors and seismic epoxy, and a few other measures that makes it increasingly hard to get to the safe. Far more secure than I need for where I live and the threat assessment, but I always go the extra step in security.

        If someone were to defeat these barriers, you would have me prosecuted because you would say that is not enough security. You would say I missed one important thing so I was not responsible enough. You would demand a never ending cycle of requirements for someone to practice an enumerated right.

      • Ever heard of STRAW PURCHASES? Where a clean person buys the gun because they will pass the NICS and then on-sell or give to another?

      • stolen guns off the street hustlers, other criminals, fraud and deception, thefts, etc… you know, all the criminal types of things criminals have been doing for literally a few thousand years now and would continue to do even if there was a “universal background check”

        seriously, you can not be this dumb.

        • The little commissar is blinded by his self-perceived intellectual superiority and ideology.

        • @ 40 cal: Sure dacien can. Based on all his other asinine posts, he is fully capable of being that dumb. Heck, why most of us just ignore him… though sometimes, when he says something especially stupid, I’ll take the bait to prove him wrong. Admittedly, it is like Mike Tyson taking on an amateur boxer and he doesn’t respond because he has no defense, but sometimes his asinine comments need to be shown to be bull crap.

      • “They buy most of them second hand at bars, flea markets, newspaper adds, gun shows, and off internet chat rooms and Universal Background Checks would cut off tens of thousands of such sales.”

        Pure BS. there is no such thing as a “background check”, “universal” or otherwise that can affect what happens in, for, or with bars, flea markets, newspaper adds, gun shows, and off internet chat rooms.

        If people are going to break the law there is no law that can keep them from breaking the law because the law is always reactive and depends on people to obey the law. Its people obeying the law that gives the law its power, a law can not stop the law from being broken if a person intends to break the law. Criminals, by their nature and activity and desire, do not obey the law.

        A “universal background check” would depend on people obeying the law. If Joe Q. Public decided he wanted to give/sell/loan Bobby B. Crime a gun it would still happen “universal background check” or not.

        A “universal background check” is nothing more than a “universal registration” pre-confiscation (if the government wanted to try it) and further regulation of people who would be and are law abiding. It would do zero to deter/stop/prevent crime.

        Laws do not stop, prevent, or deter crime. That is a myth. What laws do is apply prosecution to the offenders in the hopes that such prosecution and the penalty with it will be deterrent for future crimes for the offender and set example for other criminals by enforcing fear of prosecution.

        We have laws against murder, and we prosecute and imprison murderers, yet murders still happen.

        We have laws against robbery, and we prosecute and imprison robbers, yet robberies still happen.

        We have laws against rape, and we prosecute and imprison rapist, yet rapes still happen.

        there is not one law that has ever actually prevented, deterred, or stopped a crime from happening if the person(s) willing to commit the crime decided to commit the crime. It is a myth that laws prevent, deter, or stop crime – there are enactments of laws that may result in thing which make people feel all warm and fuzzy “safe’ and able to say “but the law says….so we are safe” kind of way – but if the bad guy wants the commit the crime they are gonna do it anyway no matter what the law says.

        The law has a limit, that limit is defined by the number of people willing to obey the law and that is where the laws only true power lies.

        You and the rest of your gun control freak buddies are very much out of touch with reality. The world is not as you picture it in your very simplistic “oh, lets have a law to solve the problem” idealism.

        The law did not keep my wife from being raped. But my .40 cal bullet and center mass and center face and lower spine shots did and it stopped even more rapes that would have most likely happened but it wasn’t soon enough to stop the rapes these guys had done before they attacked my wife. What law would have stopped these guys from committing their crimes before they committed them?

        We have all sorts of laws, have spent hundreds of years in the U.S. writing and enforcing laws, thousands of years for mankind writing and enforcing laws in some form, that was suppose to stop, prevent. or deter crime – guess what, we still have crime and it more of it. Yet in your perverted sense of reality yet another law for “safe storage” or “universal background check” will be the solution, when in reality such would only apply to people who would follow the law to begin with.

        • @ .40 cal: exactly what you said. Hopefully this will get dacien to shut up so we can have a break from his diarrhea of the mouth that we sadly have to endure.

  7. Because the various issues of the last couple years have shown the more or less law abiding they have no choice but to rely upon themselves for self defense and safety. Not that that hasn’t always been true, but more are waking up to that fact.
    And, as usual the press and the anti gun politicians and other useful idiots have it wrong.
    If things were as they claim, the murder rates in the US would be at least 10 times what they are. Just as the claims of people regularly murdered by police are horribly overblown.
    But, of course, it can’t be the small segment of society that are habitual criminals are at fault, but those who have passed at least 1 if not more background checks are the bad guys.
    Speaking of background checks. Can anyone show verifiable evidence of any crime ever prevented by such? Or that the current version has ever actually prevented some miscreant from stealing a gun, buying 1 from a fellow criminal, or getting guns from other less than legal sources? Then there are the scary black rifles. Long guns are used in a small percentage of murders, and the ” Assault Weapons” are a small portion of those. Last time I checked the FBI stats, it was something like 2% with more people being beaten to death than shot with long guns.

  8. Two thoughts:

    1. Beware the use of percentage change “statistics/data”. if you don’t know the base number, you have no way to know the real magnitude of change. Everyone uses percent change to bolster/prove their point.

    2. The ‘logic” behind the idea that increased gun purchases/numbers of legal gun owners is probably based on the notion that more guns are available, thus more guns will be stolen and used illegally; shut off the supply chain.

  9. Do what?
    Criminals turned millions of the law abiding into criminals because they bought gunms.
    Get with the program.
    Gunms make criminals.

  10. Breaking: ILL State cop shot in broad daylight on the Dan Ryan expressway in Chiraq. Critical condition. I guess being a heavily armed cop don’t matter much🙁

    • I’m concerned actions as you describe will become more prevalent.
      Clops are already paranoid enough, its gonna get worse I fear.

  11. What changed?
    The police followed orders and they stood down. And innocent people were murdered by unarmed mobs. Now with all the new law abiding gun owners out there. People need to start shooting criminals dead on sight in the public spaces. After what happened in Louisville KY and Kenosha WS, I don’t think you will see to many out of control public demonstrations. At least in thoses states. Hopefully people will start being more polite to each other while there out in public.

  12. 1. The number of Gun Dealers Will be shutdown by (0.05) % too! Get there Warning Letters Retailer Store Fronts Dealers Are Problem Dealers.

  13. 1. Regular Gun Dealers Retailers (01) Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers (02) Regular Dealers. An N.F.A . Dealers Law enforcement Dealers Retailers is (09) too! Will Get warning Letters First! Then Second Same: Warning Letter #2 They Will Not Get there F. F.L.s Renewal Or Applications for F.F.L.s (01) (02) N.F.A . (09 Renewal is Laminated too! You are history too! Good Bye!!!

  14. Date was on (01/ 03/ 2023 A.D. The total of Gun Dealers Regulars Retailers, Stores , is (01) is(51446). The total of Pawn Shop & gun Dealers is (02) is( 6,571) Retailers Stores. The number of N.F.A. (09) Gun Dealers Law enforcement is total of( 142) too. The Total of Gun Dealers 58,159 (01)(02) regulars, N.F.A. Class-3 F.F.L.s Dealers 142. too!

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