Back in September 2023 the FBI released the 2022 crimes statistics and reported that violent crime in the nation had dropped by 2.1%. Hurray! The White House took a victory lap and it has been a consistent talking point during this election year. Here’s where the “but” comes in. The FBI quietly, and with no reason nor explanation, revised the data and our nation’s violent crime actually increased by 4.5%. Hmm seems like deja vu all over again. Didn’t this just happen with the Bureau of Labor Statistics over-estimating job growth? Violent crime includes murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults. Thousands of these crimes were not in the FBI’s original data. Why?

A Real Clear Investigations (RCI) spearhead by Dr. John Lott decided to compare the original 2022 stats with the newly released data after the RCI questioned a cryptic reference in the FBI’s “UCR Summary of Crime in the Nation” that stated: “The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion in CIUS, 2023.” The FBI report made no further explanation on what the update was. No other media outlets looked into the data content that the FBI had nothing to hide (including apparently David Muir with ABC News who tried to fact-check Donald Trump while he was moderating the debate between Trump and Kamala Harris). But it does. Why the sneaky data swap? RCI, however, did the math by downloading the FBI’s new crime data and comparing it to the file released last year.

According to the RCI: “The actual changes in crimes are extensive. The updated data for 2022 report that there were 80,029 more violent crimes than in 2021. There were an additional 1,699 murders; 7,780 rapes; 33,459 robberies; and 37,091 aggravated assaults. The question naturally arises: Should the FBI’s 2023 numbers be believed?” The skewed data news first broke on Real Clear Investigations and Alpha News on October 16, 2024. These changes in the crime data aren’t statistical blips but dramatic changes.

Let’s take a breath here and think about this for a moment. Reported crime data is always questionable since many crimes are not reported. But how do you fail to add 1,699 murders? A crime category that is reported consistently is auto theft and this is because the crime is linked to insurance claims, but that data, too, was originally under reported. The new data shows some 54,216 more motor vehicle thefts in the “revised” data.

Other sources that corroborated the FBI’s data switch. Carl Moody, a professor at the College of William & Mary who specializes in studying crime, told RCI: “I have checked the data on total violent crime from 2004 to 2022. There were no revisions from 2004 to 2015, and from 2016 to 2020, there were small changes of less than one percentage point. The huge changes in 2021 and 2022, especially without an explanation, make it difficult to trust the FBI data.” 

Those of use not living in ivory towers nor under a rock always thought the crime data statistics were fishy. Even after other well-established media outlets were touting the good news, many of us were thinking: Are these people not seeing or hearing what I’m seeing? I watch my local news and there is easily a shooting every week. The original FBI report just didn’t jive with what was happening outside our door. Late last year, a Gallup Survey found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats thought crime was increasing. 

“It is up to the FBI to explain what they have done, and they haven’t explained these large changes,” said Dr. Thomas Marvell, the president of Justec Research, a criminal justice statistical research organization. And as you would expect, the FBI has not commented nor clarified the revision. Nor did they respond to RCI’s repeated requests for comment.

From my standpoint this is a perfect example of the FBI believing they are untouchable and not caring about what is right or wrong nor being held accountable. It harkens back to the days and attitude of under J. Edgar Hoover. A major skew in data like this should have at the very least been highlighted in another press release, but there has been no mea culpa from the FBI. We all make mistakes in our jobs and in our lives, we admit it, apologize, fix it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Was it just sloppy estimation by the FBI to guess unreported crime? The fact is the original data set a tone for the upcoming election, that Biden was on top of crime especially after COVID and the Woke movement, but evidently that is not true according to this new data.

Polls in this election have shown Americans are concerned about crime, yet the FBI and the established media’s lack of attention make it difficult to see true crime rates and changes.

Perhaps David Mustard, the Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professor at the University of Georgia who researches extensively on crime said it best. 

“This FBI report is stunning because it now doesn’t state that violent crime in 2022 was much higher than it had previously reported, nor does it explain why the new rate is so much higher, and it issued no press release about this large revision. This lack of transparency harms the FBI’s credibility,” he said.

Hey Muir, guess Trump was right on crime stats after all! We haven’t heard the apology yet.


  1. This is why I will not trust the fbi on any subject.

    The kgb were more honest and above board. At least they never pretended to be about serving justice.

    • Their modus operandi “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” [L.B., Russia] (Initials are used to try and pass the filter).

    • John Lott?

      More manipulation and outright propaganda:

      “Unethical Behavior: Creating Mary Rosh, A False Online Identity

      Researcher John Lott’s most consistent and passionate defender against online criticism was a self-described former student of Lott’s named Mary Rosh.
      In 2003, one of Lott’s colleagues at the CATO Institute compared IP addresses and exposed Rosh as a false identity created by John Lott.
      Despite admitting that he created Mary Rosh in 2003, Lott testified before Congress in 2019 that his family often used that account to defend him online.”

      • ““Unethical Behavior: Creating Mary Rosh, A False Online Identity

        Lott testified before Congress in 2019 that his family often used that account to defend him online.”

        So the name ‘Miner49er’ is not a false identity on line you use to defend your left wing propaganda?

        Maybe you should change that to Miner49er-Hypocrit.

      • Unethical Behavior: Biden and Harris create over 1,737 lies to tell the American people during their administration. One being they lied about the crime rate. Summary: See the Biden Harris admin for the last 3 1/2 years.

        Ethical Behavior: John Lott and Professor Carl Moody and Dr. Thomas Marvell expose the crime rate lie by Biden-Harris. Summary: see this article and the proof given by the FBI.

        And in a dazzling display of not understating context of the article and seeking to attack the ‘messenger’ for exposing this lie, the one thing Miner49er takes away from this monumental lie by Biden-Harris, a lie that effectively endangers millions of American citizens by giving a false sense of security. And the one thing the fake persona Miner49er takes from this is someone created a fake persona to use on line like billions of people world wide do every day while forgetting the multiple fake on line email personas of “Robin Ware,” “Robert L. Peters” and “JRB Ware” used by Joe Biden for official business in an attempt to escape scrutiny from his secretive dealings.

        Amazing bit of context ignoring and down right deceptive-distraction hypocrisy there Miner49er.

        • John Lott is allegedly a responsible member of academia, his use of a fake online persona compromises his intellectual integrity.

          Your attempt to compare his use of a fake online personality to bolster his academic claims has no equivalence to random Internet comments on a two bit gun forum.

          Of course, this sort of intentional deception is just par for the course by those who support a fascist in the White House:

          “As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator
          John Kelly, the Trump White House’s longest-serving chief of staff, said that he believed that Donald Trump met the definition of a fascist.
          By Michael S. Schmidt
          Oct. 22, 2024

          Few top officials spent more time behind closed doors in the White House with President Donald J. Trump than John F. Kelly, the former Marine general who was his longest-serving chief of staff.

          “Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It’s a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy,” he said.
          Mr. Kelly said that definition accurately described Mr. Trump.

          “So certainly, in my experience, those are the kinds of things that he thinks would work better in terms of running America,” Mr. Kelly said.

          He added: “Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”

          • “Your attempt to compare his use of a fake online personality to bolster his academic claims has no equivalence to random Internet comments on a two bit gun forum.”

            No, that’s not what I did. Learn what context means.

            and now you try to distract the Biden-Harris lies and getting caught in them with even more of your mental illness TDS excretion.

          • This is just becoming schitzo posting now. lmao holy shit.
            There isn’t a rhyme or reason to this beyond spewing propaganda. What a cartoonishly misinformed interpretation of guns and the politics around them. “HELP HELP A GUY USED AN ALIAS AND PROBABLY PLAYED DAMAGE CONTROL FOR HIMSELF, SO *LITERALLY ALL* HIS RESEARCH IS MOOT! ALSO I TOTALLY SUPPORT GUN RIGHTS GUYS I JUST CANNOT STOP ARGUING AGAINST IT. TRUMP IS A NAZI ALSO.”
            This has to be satire. PLEASE tell me it’s satire.
            There’s no way people like this think they can be taken seriously when their points are so unfathomably nitpicky and there’s some mental compulsion to just talk about Donald goddamn Trump unprovoked in the middle of a thought.
            Seek mental help.

            • “TRUMP IS A NAZI ALSO“

              Donald Trump‘s own vice presidential partner, JP Mandel, described Donald Trump as “America’s Hitler”

              General John Kelly, USMC (Ret) described Donald Trump as a fascist, who admired Hitler’s Nazi generals of World War II:

              “Kelly has long been critical of Trump and previously accused him of calling veterans killed in combat “suckers” and “losers.” His new warnings emerged as Trump seeks a second term vowing to dramatically expand his use of the military at home and suggesting he would use force to go after Americans he considers “enemies from within.”

              “He commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too,’” Kelly recalled to the Times. Kelly said he would usually quash the conversation by saying “nothing (Hitler) did, you could argue, was good,” but that Trump would occasionally bring up the topic again.

              In his interview with the Atlantic, Kelly recalled that when Trump raised the idea of needing “German generals,” Kelly would ask if he meant “Bismarck’s generals,” referring to Otto von Bismarck, the chancellor who oversaw the unification of Germany. “Surely you can’t mean Hitler’s generals,” Kelly recalled asking Trump. To which the former president responded, “Yeah, yeah, Hitler’s generals.”

              You know, I would’ve loved to have seen Donald’s face when General Kelly had to explain to him that Hitler’s so-called ‘loyal generals’ had tried to assassinate him twice, Trump is hilariously oblivious to the actual facts of history.

              Marine Corps General John Kelly’s word is good, especially when compared with draft dodger Donald Trump.

              • You literally cannot stop talking about Trump.
                You are as equally sensational as the dipshits who think he can do no wrong, just in the opposite direction.
                It is apparently impossible for you to make a salient point without deviating to him in any discussion whatsoever.
                The literal entire world doesn’t revolve around the man. I’m sick to death of EVERY single discussion, even those divorced from him as the operative point, devolving into the most braindead shitflinging about him.
                I’m confident that your retort will be exactly this:
                “I’m sick to death of EVERY single discussion, even those divorced from him as the operative point, devolving into the most braindead shitflinging about him.”
                Well uh, here’s a copy and pasted entire article about how he is connected to this though the loosest means possible, despite it spiraling off into a completely different topic. BUT ITS OK because if you trace it back like 18 steps, he was involved in either endorsing or talked about something that is completely removed from the actual issue. However, the same logic cannot be applied to my bestest buddy politicians.
                Now here’s my snarky own opinion about this article and the further context of that that STILL has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Heh, owned, stupid trumpist.
                How are you unable to realize this? Have you gotten comfortable conversing with equally hyper partisan trump people who ALSO don’t have a clue?

            • “You describe harris/biden“

              Kamala Harris is not filing lawsuits trying to stop our troops serving overseas from exercising their right to vote, Maga Republicans are working against our troops’ civil rights:

              “Judges reject GOP overseas ballot challenges in Michigan, North Carolina
              BY ZACH SCHONFELD 10/21/24 07:18 PM ET

              State judges in Michigan and North Carolina on Monday rejected the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) separate challenges to certain overseas ballots in the key swing states.

              The RNC alleged the two states were improperly accepting overseas ballots from people who never lived in their jurisdictions.

              In two separate rulings handed down Monday, judges rejected the RNC’s requests that could’ve called thousands of ballots into question“

              Clearly, the Republicans are attempting these lawsuits at the 11th hour so that troops overseas will not have time to resolve these issues and thus lose their right to vote in the 2024 election.

              These are the actions of fascists, intentionally interfering with the election by attacking the troops’ right to vote.

              Trump’s longest serving chief of staff, General John Kelly USMC (Ret), described Donald Trump as a fascist, this is just more of wannabe-dictator Trump’s election interference.

              • harris/biden colluding with zuckerberg to censor Americans.

                harris/biden using the power of the tyrant to try and grind their enemies down through rigged courts.

                If Trump was such a fascist how did he not simply overthrow the .gov and stay in office?

                Would you have left the safety of your class at MU to oppose him?

          • “his use of a fake online persona compromises his intellectual integrity.”

            well, his intellectual integrity is obviously certainly intact… but Miner49er your intellectual integrity is very obviously compromised by your use of your fake on line personna.

      • Lol commie say what?
        Bitching out about Lott unraveling the propaganda again? Yeah you weren’t convincing the last dozen tries but let’s see if you added to the script.

        • But someone said Trump was a fascist that would be a dictator. Has anyone ever said such a thing before? It sounds pretty serious.

          • How come Trump didn’t keep the office before if he was a fascist dictator?

            mao, stalin, hitler, harris/ biden. All tyrants that have put their opponents in jail.

            harris/biden colluding with zuckerberg to censor Americans.

            • “We got to lock him up.” -The Puppet trying to speak yesterday

              He meant “we need to..” but his brain is barely functioning these days.

              • One of the first things Trump should do on being sworn in is demand an investigation into the mistreatment of biden.

                jill, barry, kamala and others should be in prison for elder abuse at the very least.

      • MajorLiar,

        Whether or not Lott engaged in sock puppetry to support his online presence (I neither know, nor care, if he did, but I’m not ABOUT to accept the “truth” of an vague accusation like that), here’s a serious question – what is your SUBSTANTIVE rebuttal of Lott’s conclusions???? (Oh, and pro tip? You, particularly, MIGHT want to be a little cautious about throwing around sock puppet accusations. Just sayin’, is all.)

        • “what is your SUBSTANTIVE rebuttal of Lott’s conclusions????“

          John Lott uses intentionally deceptive tactics to distort the actual statistics, he’s a liar as the ‘Mary Rosh’ deception proves:

          “Debunking John Lott’s latest dishonest attacks on the FBI active shooter reports
          On October 3rd, 2022, pro-gun commentator John Lott released a study falsely alleging massive errors in the FBI’s active shooter research. He claimed that the FBI missed dozens of cases of active shootings that were stopped by defensive gun use.
          The FBI’s active shooter research found that armed civilians halted 4.4% of active shooter cases since 2000. Lott’s study erroneously claims that at least 34.4% – and closer to 50% in recent years – have been stopped in such a fashion.
          As this special report will explore in greater detail, Lott’s findings result from covertly expanding the FBI’s definition of an active shooter event, despite Lott’s false public protestations that he is following the FBI’s definition. While the FBI uses the term “active shooting” to refer to attempted mass shootings, regardless of how many people that attempt kills or injures, Lott defines an “active shooting” as any shooting that occurs in public and is not part of another ongoing crime.

          Lott’s study then only applies that new definition to cases in which there was a defensive gun use, while deliberately excluding thousands of cases in which a defensive gun use did not occur. This deceptive tactic allows Lott to claim that the percentage of active shooter cases stopped by a defensive gun use is vastly higher than it is in reality, regardless of what definition of an active shooting one uses. The end result is blatant statistical malpractice.“

          h ttps://

          • Miner49er when are you going to post your substantive rebuttal?

            …”he’s a liar as the ‘Mary Rosh’ deception proves:”

            you are a liar as your ‘Miner49er’ deception proves.

          • “While the FBI uses the term “active shooting” to refer to attempted mass shootings, regardless of how many people that attempt kills or injures,”

            100% false.

            “Lott defines an “active shooting” as any shooting that occurs in public and is not part of another ongoing crime.”

            which is 100% correct. that’s what an active shooting is. Lott simply differentiates it from ‘dedicated’ crime shootings, which the FBI does also in a different category. its honest scientific statistical differentiation to have a ‘control group. if the ‘changes or effects’ also occurred in the ‘control group’ the theory is correct and proven. Lott proved it.

            those that write the bias hit BS in your link are morons.

            • The FBI defines an active shooter as one or more
              individuals actively engaged in killing or attempt-
              ing to kill people in a populated area (e.g. a ‘public’ area).

              h ttps:// > “The FBI defines an ‘active shooter’ as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.”

              The FBI does not “uses the term ‘active shooting’ to refer to attempted mass shootings, regardless of how many people that attempt kills or injures”

              Thus, in your BS lying crap Miner49er – “While the FBI uses the term ‘active shooting’ to refer to attempted mass shootings, regardless of how many people that attempt kills or injures,” – is 100% false.

              The rest of your so called ‘debunking’ of Lott is also disingenuously false plus it also ignores context and cherry picks out of context, and even makes stuff up (e.g. their FBI ‘active shooter’ definition) to give their ‘false’ so of course it would appeal to you because you don’t know what context is and you live to cherry pick out of context to present false.

            • Clarification for: “if the ‘changes or effects’ also occurred in the ‘control group’ the theory is correct and proven. Lott proved it.”

              Lott proved it by including all the data he could find for ‘active shooters’, data the FBI purposely excluded.

              Your BS posted did not include that data was purposely excluded by the FBI, an exclusion they have indirectly admitted by use of a very narrow interpretation of “populated area” to basically mean ‘population density’ in an area, for example only, stopping an ‘active shooter’ at wallmart might not count as stopping an ‘active shooter’ to the FBI because there are not many people in walmart compared to the surrounding area thus wal-mart is not a “populated area” – but an ‘active shooter’ outside on the street might count as stopping an ‘active shooter’ if it were an urban densely populated down town area. Its all stopping an ‘active shooter’ through DGU, Lott included them for what he could find and the FBI excluded them.

              His ‘control group’ was ‘defensive gun uses’ in context of ‘active shooters’ – he examined that group and proved his theory. He was correct with “34.4% – and closer to 50% in recent years – have been stopped in such a fashion.”

              h ttps:// > “The FBI defines an ‘active shooter’ as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.”

              Lott used the same definition the FBI uses for ‘active shooter’, he just used ‘public’ instead of ‘populated area’ (which is ‘the public areas’ also). Lott gave the real picture, just like he gave the real picture for crime rate – he pointed out the FBI by selective manipulation of the data and exclusion presented a false picture.

  2. There may be an oddly (non FBI) answer for this. Did a lot of the cities which weren’t reporting actually get their data in?

    • Depends on the definition of crime.

      As Slick Willy said, you have to know what the meaning of the word “is” is.

  3. I don’t understand why anyone is surprised by this. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Biden sign an executive order that made it no longer mandatory to report crime data to the FBI? If memory serves, TTAG reported this a while ago that many major cities, i.e. Chicago, Hew York, Seattle, and LA, all were not reporting their stats. The result being that the FBI was extrapolating data. So here we are, surprised that the FBI is updating data?

  4. The sad part about this is not just that Biden and Harris lied about the crime rate, but this doesn’t account for all crimes because its only counting those that have been actually prosecuted AND reported to FBI from only ~44% of the country, it doesn’t include those perpetrators out on bond or no-bail or placed on diversion programs. The actual crime rate is much higher than these revised numbers by thousands, they just have not been prosecuted or reported to the FBI databases or reflected yet in the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and in a lot of cases no arrest of the perpetrators has been made.

    anyway…. Fed Gov Gaslighting: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats Upward > h ttps://

    • I was about to say that number looked low by about half but that would explain a chunk of it. Adding in the cities would be even worse.

    • .40 – a serious ‘flaw’ in using just the crimes that get adjugated is that the victims are still suffering the consequences of the criminal act, both monetarily and physically – up to and including death. If the determining factor is the final resolution of the case, would that include a felon who is serving a life sentence? That would certainly skew the stats.

    • All that matters is that the fake news they like soaked up the airtime. Same story, different day. By the time the correction is posted, the news cycle has moved on to the next lie.

  5. There actually are some long-term thinkers in govt. Maybe a concerted effort to under-report crime reports is designed to eventually “prove” that crime is so low, no one needs a gun for self-protection?

    • Did the fibbies “consult” with the UK Home Office in crime reduction techniques? A crime unreported never happened, except to the victims.

      • “A crime unreported never happened, except to the victims.”

        Odd that the govt isn’t bent on inventing “crimes” so as to add ever more victims for govt to “rescue”.

        • ? Damn near everything is illegal these days. The .gov is not interested in victims. They are interested in making all people criminals. Get everybody into the system and you have total control.

          • “They are interested in making all people criminals.”
            “But just pass the kinds of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of lawbreakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Rearden, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”
            Atlas Shrugged:p. 436 ; Dr. Floyd Ferris to Hank Rearden

    • The fact that so many government agencies are willing to blatantly fudge numbers, over or under report events and then never apologize or even admit fault sorta throws whatever integrity we’re all supposed to believe they have out the window.

      Honest elections? Measured and reasoned COVID response?

      Why would anyone think that one part of a corrupt, faulted and lying leviathan is honest and just while another is not?

      • Yes, indeed. It is human nature to cherry pick which ‘facts’ you want to believe and support even though these ‘facts’ are all generated by the same corrupt system.

  6. So President Trump was correct again. Defund the FBI. And repeal all the federal laws that created it.

    Only a true hater with Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS, would believe the FBI, when they said crime or violent crime is down.

    • There would be no federal background checks. Criminals always can get a gun. Without government permission. And most likely the states will all start their own check system. I think some type of a check system will always be wirh us.

  7. Harris Caught Looking To Secure The Steal? (also my note: remember folks, Harris was not nominated by the American people by primary election – she was installed by Democrat party ‘nomination’. She is not a legitimate candidate, only the American people can legitimize a candidate and that happens through, in our modern day, a primary election.).

    h ttps://

    • “only the American people can legitimize a candidate and that happens through, in our modern day, a primary election“

      Nope, the parties are who decide denomination, it’s always been that way.

      In fact, republican presidential candidate JD Vance never stood a primary election and never received one vote of the American population for his candidacy as vice president.

      By your false standards, JD Vance is not a “legitimate candidate”.

      Hoist on your own petard, you are.

      • “Nope, the parties are who decide denomination, it’s always been that way.”

        denomination? You want that in 10’s or 20’s?

        No, the parties put forth their candidate for president by their own nomination to represent the party in the election process. The American people then legitimize that candidate through the primary election.

        “In fact, republican presidential candidate JD Vance never stood a primary election and never received one vote of the American population for his candidacy as vice president.”

        Vice president selected don’t primary, they are legitimized by the presidential candidate going through the primary. Neither Harris or Walz are legitimate candidates, she was nominated by the party and never went to primary and she selected Tampon ‘stolen valor’ Tim – she was never legitimized by primary – in short, the democrat party stole from the American people the right to choose their candidate in the primary which is also an election process – its the mar-x- ist soci-a list way to tell the people who their candidate is going to be. Trump and Vance are legitimate candidates because Trump did the primary. Only the American people can legitimize a presidential candidate. Harris was not legitimized as a candidate by the American people because she did not primary.

        • Wow Miner49er, Biden and Harris getting caught in yet another lie, this time for crime rate, has really got you upset and you are grasping for any straw you can make up.

        • So once again to spell it out…Only the American people can legitimize a presidential candidate and they do that through the voting process and that voting process is the primary.

          Harris is not a legitimate candidate because she did not primary, and Walz is not a legitimate candidate for vice-president because Harris did not primary.


    The Second Amendment Foundation scored a huge victory in New York with the entry of a final judgment against a housing authority, which had previously banned the possession of firearms by tenants living in their units. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner discusses.

    h ttps://

        • I will let you know if there are any gems in this mornings email. Lately they either quietly ignore them or make a show of how big bad court system is keeping them from keeping NY “SAFE”. Really depends on the popularity of the infringement with the slave class.

        • .40 – she will likely go the route of ‘declaring’ those housing projects as ‘sensitive’ zones and thus under her oops I mean state control.


    The US Post Office has banned guns on their properties for years but that law may be on the verge of destruction given a pending legal challenge on federal court. Mark Smith, Four Boxes Diner, discusses.

    h ttps://

  10. Elon Musk Giving 1 Million Dollars Per Day To 1st and 2nd Amendment Supporters.

    h ttps://

    • Paying shills to sign a petition is almost as low as Donald Trump hiring warm bodies for his public events.

      The wealthy elites believe they can buy their way into power, and they’re willing to spend any amount of money because they know with Donald Trump as president their corporate profits will go up and their corporate tax rate will go down, putting the tax burden on individual citizens.

        • Miner49er is having a bit of a breakdown today. his beloved Biden and Harris just got caught in yet another lie, this time about the crime rate…and the FBI supplied the ‘evidence’ of the lie. So in his own little world of his mental illness he is grasping at any straw he can make up in desperation to save them in his own mind.

        • Like Soros, as you told us a week or two ago, he’s just exercising his first amendment rights, jackass.
          Or do those first amendment rights only work if you’re using your untold billions for buying govt. positions?

      • “Paying shills to sign a petition is almost as low as Donald Trump hiring warm bodies for his public events.”


        Fact Check: Fabricated Craigslist ad about Trump rally actors circulates again > h ttps://

  11. BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Announces She Is Officially Joining The Republican Party At Trump NC Rally.

    h ttps://

  12. Federal Judges DESTROY Bans On Adult Gun Ownership Because Of Age.

    h ttps://


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