The Federal Government Makes It Perfectly Clear Where Its Priorities Lie

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  1. It’s always been about control and money. The marxists realized that they could take down the U S with money because the D C swamp is staffed by whores, male and female that will give you anything you want for the right price.

      • AKA OPM; this addictive nature of this substance is reinforced by its abilities in creating intensely pleasurable feelings. $$$$$ accomplishes this by binding to cash receptors in the body. Once the chemical interaction has taken place, the affected nerve cells are prompted to release a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine is a special molecule–and important in mediating feelings of pleasure that are rewarding to the user. It’s these sensations of reward that can kickstart and later reinforce a growing addiction, as the user continually seeks to repeat the behavior – in this case, spending ‘other peoples money’. BTW if parents try to enter a school to save their kids, law enforcement is quick to tase and cuff said parents. i.e.

    • I just retired from 10 years as a public educator.
      I train frequently & teach firearms use & CCW.
      School administrator & boards do not give a flying crap about school safety because “guns”.
      “I won’t happen here” except when it does.
      I’m to the point they get what the deserve.

    • I have priorities too. #1-be as ready as I can for the coming apocalypse. As ready as I can at my age,$ & fitness. I lost 30 pounds in the last 4 months,reversed type 2 diabetes & got stronger. I have the wife on board too. Let the games begin…

      • former water walker,

        I lost 30 pounds in the last 4 months,reversed type 2 diabetes & got stronger.

        Outstanding! Congratulations. Well done sir.

        • Well, I lost 160 pounds of ugly fat.

          I got a divorce.

          Ouch! Ow! Honey, I was only kidding! OWWWW!

        • Thanks for the kudos guys. I just started back after 8 years of not a lot of exercise. Bad knee & joints make it difficult. My goal is tactical fitness ie shooting & endurance. Thank GOD for muscle memory.

        • It’s tough to get motivated when you can’t go full-bore on your workouts. Easy going is boring. Injuries and joint issues suck. For whatever reason, it’s easier to keep your diet in check when you’re in workout mode.

      • Health problems can interrupt fitness programs, and it’s tough to get back on track. Well done.

  2. No matter how obvious things continue to become, I’m still a bit befuddled over how Joe can so blatantly set his son Hunter up with lucrative (and legally ambiguous) business deals, and Nancy can set up her son with the same (even going so far as to publicly bring him along with her on the Pelosi Asia Tour), and the MSM just ignores it. The current D.C. leadership is a “target rich” environment for journalistic expeditions if they ever chose to pursue it.

    At some point, this entire economic house of cards (D.C., Fed Reserve, U.S. Dollar, business deals, etc.) is going to come down, and a lot of critters will be swept out to sea along with the rest of the uninformed. It mathematically cannot continue forever.

      • MMT does not work in the long run. It’s a form of punting the issue (kicking the can). Messing with inflationary forces does not end well, and every fiat currency eventually fails, and always because politicians do not want to be the one to tell their constituents that they must practice austerity. They instead choose to take the option that appeals more broadly to the masses in the moment, and that is printing/borrowing. Again, the math does not provide a favorable outcome.

        And never use Google.

      • It seems the Brandon administration does not believe MMT is viable. If MMT worked, we would not need the IRS. THE Feds would not need tax money, they could just print all the money they need.
        But they are hiring 85,000 new SS Troups agents. So, MMT does not work and the Feds are planning to take our money at gun point.

        • If they end up doing their recruiting, for this new Corps (4x infantry divisions) of thugs, in the inner city “minorities” you’ll know all you need to know.

    • I Haz a Question,

      I’m still a bit befuddled over [politician corruption] … and the MSM just ignores it.

      There are a few simple explanations which are incredibly rational and incredibly plausible.

      First, we have the “useful idiot” problem. Many of the mainstream media are quite literally “true believers” who keep buying into the notion that government will save humanity and society if we just give them enough money, power, and control.

      Second, I have no doubt that the uber-wealthy class simply pays off some of the mainstream media to quash stories about political corruption.

      Third, my intuition tells me that the uber-wealthy and some of the political elites have simply informed the mainstream media that anyone who reports what is really happening will quickly meet an untimely demise–just like reporters in Mexico.

      You have to understand the magnitude of that last point. Political elites control the attorneys general–thus they can direct attorneys general to ignore any untimely deaths of reporters. More importantly, the uber-wealthy, whose combined wealth is probably approaching one Trillion dollars at this point, can pay for the best of the best of the best “fixers” to coerce anyone to do pretty much anything at this point.

    • “The current D.C. leadership is a “target rich” environment for journalistic expeditions if they ever chose to pursue it.”

      They prefer to keep their jobs.

    • “I’m still a bit befuddled over how Joe can so blatantly set his son Hunter up with lucrative (and legally ambiguous) business deals“

      The Biden should know, those billion dollar special deals are only available to the Trump family:

      “Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought

      “The reason this smells so bad is that there is all sorts of evidence he did not receive this on the merits.”
      MAY 23, 2022 6:01 PM“

      “Back in April, The New York Times reported that Jared Kushner’s four years of Saudi ass-kissing and murder-excusing had paid off in the form of a $2 billion investment from the kingdom‘s sovereign wealth fund to his newly formed private equity firm.”

      “Kushner and Mnuchin would soon be raking in the cash. As the Times notes, Mnuchin’s newly formed commercial enterprise “received $500 million commitments from the Emiratis, Kuwaitis and Qataris,” plus $1 billion from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, within a few short months of his time at the Treasury Department ending. And while Kushner took slightly longer to get things off the ground, his new firm “reached an agreement for a $2 billion investment from the Saudis six months after he left government.” And while we would never suggest anything about this looks less than totally aboveboard, others seem to believe it might be!”

        • “Vanity Fair. Enough said“

          While your comment isn’t exactly clear, I take it you somehow dispute the facts as reported? Do you believe that Jared Kushner, Special Counselor to the President, did not receive $2 billion from the Saudi government?

          I understand you may be somewhat uninformed, neither Fox News nor one America news network ran the story, I wonder why the conservative media had a news blackout regarding the $2 billion payoff from the Saudis to Ivanka and Jared?

          “House Oversight investigating $2 billion Saudi investment in Jared Kushner’s firm
          PUBLISHED FRI, JUN 3 2022 9:35 AM EDT
          UPDATED FRI, JUN 3 2022 9:41 AM EDT NBC NEWS”

          “The New York Post
          Jared Kushner scores $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia: report
          Published: April 11, 2022 at 2:12 p.m. ET“

          “Chairwoman Maloney Launches Probe of Saudi Government’s $2 Billion Investment In Jared Kushner’s Investment Firm
          Jun 2, 2022 Press Release
          Committee is Investigating Whether Former President’s Son-in-Law Received Improper Financial Benefits After Promoting Pro-Saudi Policies at White House“

        • “While your comment isn’t exactly clear, I take it you somehow dispute the facts as reported?”

          Didn’t say that I did, or didn’t. You’re speculating.

          “I understand you may be somewhat uninformed …”

          Assuming facts not in evidence.

        • “Vanity Fair. Enough said”

          Then would you be so kind as to more clearly articulate your comment?
          Or is vague ambiguity your stock in trade…

        • “Then would you be so kind as to more clearly articulate your comment?”

          Why would I answer any questions posed by a known liar?

          “Or is vague ambiguity your stock in trade…”

          What part of “enough said” was too difficult for you to figure out?

      • MINOR Miner49er WOW! What a source? Vanity Fair. Last I head they are FASION magazine. Is that clear enough for you, Leftist?
        Your allegation about Trump is as usual, without merit. In other words, you are spreading Leftist-Socialist Propaganda! Maybe that is why no American news agency is “running” this fantasy.

      • Miner, are you really comparing the credentials of Hunter Biden and Jared Kushner? Pffft, probably with a straight face, too…

        • No, I’m pointing out Trump’s son-in-law Jared and Ivanka both holding official positions in the United States government, self-dealing and negotiating a $2 billion “investment” from the Saudis during daddy’s presidency.

          And you are correct, there is no comparison regarding Hunter Biden, who has never held a position of trust within our government, nor an elected position.

          As opposed to Jared and Ivanka, both appointed as Special Counselors to the President.

          Wow, I bet you folks will really howl when Donald Trump gets indicted by the DOJ.

      • Cool, bruh!!!

        Now do Hunter Biden’ multi-billion dollar CCP “investment fund”, you lying, propagandizing shitweasel.

  3. Makes me kinda scared to talk smack about them rich folk on here. I might mysteriously disappear someday. I’d like to go out with a bang but not at the business end of a hitmans gum. I too have lost a bit of weight after changing the wife’s and my eating habits. I hate to admit that carbs really are not our friend. Thank god there’s a lot of sugar and low carb offerings nowadays. Had to face reality after she got a covid booster induced stroke. Fuckn govment stupid ideas.

    • If you don’t already try to avoid seed oils (pretty much everything besides olive/avacado/coconut oil and animal fats) and look into whole food plant based or carnivore diets.

    • Sadly that is true.
      Honest politicians are like Bigfoot. Supposed sightings and a few out of focus pictures, but no actual proof of their existence.

  4. For those who are interested our friend ‘pwrserge’ has reemerged!

    It is encouraging to see he is putting his Trump University law degree to good use informing the public.

    One may read his very interesting comments on this video, he is a veritable font of knowledge!

  5. Here is the reason Biden wants to hire more IRS agents and arm them:

    Lets take a little look at history first …. In the 1930’s the law was having a difficult time arresting and prosecuting Al Capone. Finally they discovered he had not paid taxes on his ‘income’. They used tax laws to charge and prosecute him for ‘tax evasion’ and sentenced him to 11 years in prison for failing to file tax returns then after that sentence sent him to another correctional institution to serve an additional 6 months for contempt of court. He was not given the chance to pay the taxes first, he was in effect out right ‘seized’. The federal government does not actually have to give anyone the chances to pay the taxes if they are owed, it is a ‘crime’ to not pay federal taxes owed or ‘incurred’ (keep this ‘incurred’ in mind), they can come arrest you or seize your property or both. Capone ended up being held liable for $215,000 in back taxes, as well as $50,000 in fines. He was also ordered to pay all court costs. The penalties were the largest ever for a tax evasion case up to that time.

    Aside from any money, one little overlooked thing was that during his crime reign most of the ‘legitimate’ property Al Capone owned or controlled that the government got their hands on was seized by the federal government under tax laws (treasury department). It was an obscure authority of the treasury department that property can be seized in lieu of requiring taxes paid in money.

    I’m not saying that we should feel sorry for Al Capone, but I point this out for reasons that will become more clear below.

    But how does this relate to firearms for today’s law abiding gun owner?

    The IRS has authority to ‘seize’ property if one does not pay their taxes, the IRS does not actually need to give a person a chance to pay taxes on ‘things’ that are declared taxable under an executive order that requires collection of taxes for ‘things’, it is an ‘incurred’ tax. The IRS can ‘seize’ those ‘things’ in lieu of paying the ‘incurred’ taxes. Its an obscure loop hole in tax law.

    Briefly; When a federal government employee (or contractor) is authorized by the federal government to be armed in the performance of their federal government duties they are automatically ‘deputized’ to perform those duties under color of some ‘law enforcement’ extension of legal jurisdiction. For example, when those in the military are armed to performed some ‘guard’ duty they have a ‘law enforcement’ extension of legal jurisdiction over that for which they are guarding. Yes, there are a lot on in’s and outs with this, its beyond the scope of comments here but briefly this is it.

    One of Joe Biden’s goals stated in his campaign was to classify all firearms under the NFA. As most know the NFA requires, presently, a $200.00 tax to be paid for firearms covered by the NFA when one purchases an NFA item. This has nothing to do with ‘grand fathering’. Nothing is actually ‘grand fathered’ under the NFA when it comes to taxes. This is where the IRS enters the picture as the IRS is the only actual agency in the U.S. that has legal authority to ‘collect’ that due in ‘tax law’ after the fact (‘incurred’ for example, remember that word from the Al Capone thing above?).

    What Joe Biden eventually wants to do is classify all firearms, semi-auto or not, as NFA items then require taxes be paid on them as a condition of keeping your existing firearms. But guess what Joe is going to do, he is going to sign an executive order requiring the IRS to ‘seize’ ‘property’ for the ‘incurred’ tax and under the law Joe can do that. Guess who is going to ‘collect’? The IRS, that’s who. And guess who is coming to ‘seize’ ‘firearms property’ in lieu of taxes? The IRS, that’s who.

    Now, why does Biden want to hire more IRS agents and arm them? He is in effect creating another federal law enforcement agency for the purpose of confiscating firearms ‘legally under tax laws’. Its basically the ‘Al Capone’ obscure loop hole in tax laws. Not only is Biden trying to actually in law and physically weaponize the federal government against law abiding American citizens he wants to actually and willfully put lives at risk.

    If Biden has his way; Within two years (even before he leaves office if he does not get re-elected) there is going to be bloodshed when the IRS (with the help of the ATF and FBI) start showing up to confiscate firearms under tax laws. A lot of ‘law enforcement’ are going to shed blood, and a lot of ‘law abiding citizens’ that are still ‘law abiding under the constitution and under what will be an exploitation of law loop hole for unlawful means’ are going to shed blood.

    Gun control is really about two things only – control of the populace and eliminating those law abiding who don’t submit. Joe Biden and the rest of the anti-gun freaks and democrats are willing to kill you to establish their gun control, they will rejoice and claim a victory in the name of ‘law’.

    • Your speculative fiction is quite entertaining, I like the whole dark authoritarian theme.

      “It was an obscure authority of the treasury department that property can be seized in lieu of requiring taxes paid in money.“

      If you actually spend some time in America, you will realize that’s not exactly an “obscure authority” of the government, I’d say it is implemented thousands of times every year by municipal, state and federal entities.

      The philosophy is if you can’t discharge the obligations of citizenship regarding your property then the People’s government will award the property to someone more capable of discharging those obligations.

      • MajorStupidity,

        Would you care to elucidate the difference between “clear authority” (meaning, of course, expressly authorized by VALID, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation or validly-adopted regulation) and “implemented thousands of times a year”?? Or are you intellectually capable of comprehending said difference????

        You are simply too stupid to insult, and too @$$hattedly authoritarian and statist to be parodied. Fornicate thyself and expire.

  6. As usual Miner, you purposely ignored the context in favor of your own self seriving narrative.

    The clue is in the word ‘incur’.

    The federal government does not, in context with your self serving narrative, cause one to ‘incur’ but rather ‘levies’.

    It is an obscure authority of the federal government to cause one to ‘incur’ a tax that is not levied. The NFA tax would not change, but existing NON NFA firearms ownership would be subjected to it if Biden can get all firearms subject to the NFA, thus causing people to ‘incur’.

    Due to the lack of law governing executive order in relation to tax law, Biden can legally sign an executive order requiring the IRS to ‘seize’ firearms in lieu of $$$ for the ‘incurred’ tax.

      • You mean like Biden has exploited executive orders to get the ATF to show up for unwarranted unlawful searches, and terrorize innocent law abiding people, and falsely accuse people of crimes, and make illegal gun registries, and put law abiding people out of business for a couple of minor clerical errors like a word being misspelled or a letter in a word being smudged (yes, some of the actual minor clerical errors the ATF is taking away FFL licenses for and putting them out of business are smudged letters in a word or name and misspelling something).

        You mean Biden executive orders like that?

      • Sorry, MajorStupidity, you lying, partisan shitweasel of a total chowderhead, “EOs” are VERY much a DIMOCRAT institution:

        Woodrow Wilson – 1,803 executive orders
        FDR: – 3,728 executive orders
        Billy Blowjob Clinton – 364 executive orders
        Barry Soetoro – 276 executive orders (and an uncountable number of exercises of his “phone and a pen”)
        And Tapioca Brain Biden is already up to 95, and isn’t even halfway through his term (and Clinton and Black Chicago Jesus had TWO terms to run up their total; FDR had almost three).

        You “Dimocrats” and “Progressives” (read: “Leftist/fascists”) are only happy when you can ignore little hurdles like the Constitution, individual rights, and legislative process, and “govern” by fiat and personal whim.

        Go take a flying fornication at a rolling deep-fried breakfast pastry, you lying, propagandizing, partisan chunk of excrement.

        • Why didn’t you mention trumps executive actions?

          “Trump issued a total of 894 executive actions, of which 220 were executive orders.“

        • MINOR Miner49er Funny how you did not mention how 13 of Obuma the Phony’s EO’s were thrown out by the Supreme Court. None of Trumps were.

    • “The clue is in the word ‘incur’.

      The federal government does not, in context with your self serving narrative, cause one to ‘incur’ but rather ‘levies’.“

      Number one, I did not use the word “incur”.

      And more importantly, the constitution gives the power of taxation to the house of representatives, which is composed of representatives elected from the people.

      Thus, taxation with representation is the American way. Pay the taxes your representatives voted into law, or lose the property and have it awarded to a citizen more capable of bearing the responsibilities of citizenship.

      And help me to understand your position on the larger issue, why should your property receive the benefit of socialized police protection, socialized fire protection, socialized legal services for your property, etc. without paying your fair share in the form of taxes?

      Tell me, do you use our socialized highway system to access your property? Do you expect our socialized fire department system to provide fire protection services do your property? Do you expect our legal services industry to provide a certified records of your purchase, ownership and sale of your properties?

      Gotta pay to play, it’s the American Way.

      • Miner49er;

        quit it with your lies.

        Its not levy, its incur. They can only levy taxes for the NFA for those NFA things which are purchased under NFA when they are purchased or NFA items ‘transferred’, but the way the NFA is applied in interpretation and written the tax also applies to all NFA firearms under the NFA even if they were not purchased under the NFA. This is why if you gift away, say a suppressor, the NFA still applies because it still covered under the NFA. A person receiving that gifted suppressor would be subject to a levy, its a voluntary action to do so and by that voluntary action you are subject to levy. By making all firearms subject to the NFA they would be making all firearms owned not presently in NFA still subject to the provisions of the NFA thus its not levy because it was not a voluntary action to subject your self to the NFA but rather incur for the gun owner.

        • “And help me to understand your position on the larger issue, why should your property receive the benefit of socialized police protection, socialized fire protection, socialized legal services for your property, etc. without paying your fair share in the form of taxes?”

          what a stupid question.

          “Tell me, do you use our socialized highway system to access your property? Do you expect our socialized fire department system to provide fire protection services do your property? Do you expect our legal services industry to provide a certified records of your purchase, ownership and sale of your properties?”

          We don’t have a ‘socialized’ highway system, police, fire, or legal services in the United States.

          The ‘legal services industry’ doesn’t provide to me certified records of my purchase or ownership and sale of my properties. If I want something like that I go to the county tax office (a government entity) and they charge me a fee for it, not a tax. Some places still provide it for free, but most charge some type of fee.

          You still do not understand the difference between a constitutional right and a privilege.

          But anyway I don’t need to help you understand, if you can’t understand the subject then stay out of the discussion.

      • MINOR MIner49er, Regret to inform you that Police, Fire, etc, are NOT socialism or any version there of.

  7. The 80 billion dollars printed to give to the IRS would put a WELL payed armed guard in EVERY school in the US for over 10 years.

    A billion dollars is still a lot of money.

    The idiot Republicans don’t know how to frame a counter argument that the masses can relate to.

    BTW that’s on top of the estimated 150B$ UNSPENT covid money given to the schools.
    That would pay for another 20 years of guards.

    Instead that $150B will be spent by teachers in unions.

    • What political party do you think the IRS union supports? They’re only handing out billions to entities that support the regime. They’re working furiously to destroy any entity or industry that supports their political rivals. That’s how it works. It’s a power grab.

      “That would pay for another 20 years of guards.”

      Finding a way to pay for it was never the issue.

  8. Protecting plutocrats, erasing any semblance of a mobile middle/working class and creating a dependant slave class that would rather euthanize themselves after a short life of debauchery to defend a cause the plutocrats convinced them is righteous than take any responsibility for their own state.

    Same thing all the govs the world over want.

  9. “If I want something like that I go to the county tax office (a government entity) and they charge me a fee for it, not a tax“

    And you seriously believe that the fees you pay at the courthouse completely fund the entire county judicial/legal system?

    “We don’t have a ‘socialized’ highway system, police, fire, or legal services in the United States.“

    Yes, when our society pays for the services, that’s ‘socialized’.

    so·cial·ize (sō′shə-līz′)
    v. so·cial·ized, so·cial·iz·ing, so·cial·iz·es
    1. To place under government or group ownership or control: socialized medical care.”

    And keep watching the news, you’re about to learn how a country with a completely socialized defense system guards it’s most important documents regarding the nuclear security of the society.

    • You take the meaning of ‘socialized’ too far to serve your self satisfying conditions.

      No, its not ‘socialized’ when society pays for a service.

      “And you seriously believe that the fees you pay at the courthouse completely fund the entire county judicial/legal system?”

      I never said that.

      stop it with your inane bs.

      Anything you throw into the mix huh. You do this all the time, you can’t stay on topic of the discussion and start taking it further away from the topic.

      • Don’t feed the troll…problem solved. Discission was never an option for him/her/it.

    • “…you’re about to learn how a country with a completely socialized defense system guards it’s [sic] most important documents regarding the nuclear security of the society.”

      Please cite your source that there are “most important documents regarding the nuclear security” among the documents taken from Mar-A-Lago. Speculative nonsense from WaPo does not count.

    • So sorry, MINOR Minoer49er, Roads. police and fire are NOT socialism in spite of your repeated claims.

  10. If the police in the last few of these are any real indication it’d be throwing money into a fire either way honestly.

  11. So they want to defund police? However they want an additional 87, 000 IRS agents? Think about that, 87,000 divided by 50 states, thats 1,740 new IRS agents for every state. And the Dems want you to think that they are only looking at people making over $400,000 a year?. Sorry, that math just does not work. Always do the math.

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