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The Harris/Walz Game Plan for Attacking the Second Amendment

Lee Williams - comments 48 comments

If you’re planning tyranny, at least don’t put it in writing. That seems to be the guiding principle behind the Harris-Walz administration’s 2024 Democratic Party Platform. In terms of gun control, their once radical ideas are now missing or appear watered down. 

The campaign finally released the platform Monday night, including its gun control plans called “Protecting Communities & Tackling the Scourge of Gun Violence.”

According to the platform, the Democrats want: 

  • Universal background checks. 
  • “Assault weapon” and standard-capacity magazine bans
  • Mandatory safe-storage laws 
  • Repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
  • Increased red-flag laws
  • Increased funding for the ATF
  • Increased funding for the FBI, to conduct more background checks
  • Increased funding for the CDC, “because the gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis.” 

Most of these ideas are unconstitutional, and all have been floated before. They’re bad enough, but the real issue is what was not included in the platform, because if Harris and Walz told voters their true intent, they’d never get elected. 

Based on what the candidates have done in the past, and what they’ve been quoted saying – when the corporate media actually did their job and held them accountable – here’s what you can actually expect from the Harris-Walz administration. 

AR-15 Confiscation

Tim Walz and the AR-15 have one thing in common: Neither has ever been to war. Still, Walz likes to conflate the semi-automatic AR-15 with the select-fire M4, which the documented valor thief falsely claims to have carried into battle. Harris has said numerous times she wants a “mandatory buyback” of ARs, which is nothing more than a smokescreen for mandatory confiscation. Don’t think these two will stop at ARs. Expect a host of other weapons to be added to their confiscation list, including many popular rifles, shotguns and handguns.  

Criminalization of the ATF

During the pandemic, Gov. Walz ordered police to keep Minnesotans indoors. If officers encountered folks outside their homes, either on their porch or in their yard, he ordered police to shoot them with paintballs. To be clear, if a civilian did the same, they would face aggravated battery charges. To no one’s surprise, some officers complied with Walz’s illegal order. This proves Walz has no compunction with ordering law enforcement to break the law and violate civil rights. If elected, the Harris-Walz administration will find a group of federal officers more than willing to carry out their illegal orders – the ATF. Like Walz, ATF agents have proven they do not care about civil rights or breaking state law. Expect a massive surge in unconstitutional “knock & talks” – home invasions conducted under the guise of what the ATF calls “consensual encounters.” Once unleashed, the ATF will target law-abiding gun owners and federally licensed gun dealers with a frequency and a ferocity never seen before. 

Total Civilian Disarmament 

Both Harris and Walz harbor radical political views. Walz has visited communist China dozens of times and has lauded their oppressive regime for actions that would clearly violate the U.S. Constitution. Harris, when asked how she plans to lower consumer prices, immediately defaulted to Soviet-style price controls, which did not work in the Soviet Union and would not work here. There is little doubt that either Walz or Harris would miss one of the first rules in the radicals’ playbook – ban civilian firearm possession. Total civilian disarmament has always been their true goal, regardless of what’s codified in their party platform. 

Unconstitutional State Laws

Last year, at the insistence of Barack Obama, Joe Biden put Harris in charge of the new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which Biden said would “centralize, accelerate, and intensify our work to save more lives more quickly.” The Office has no website. Its budget has never been made public. Its staffing levels are not known. It operates in secret, without oversight and wields tremendous power. Only three staffers were identified. One has a long association with Obama.

Almost immediately, it became clear that the Office was an incubator and a clearinghouse for anti-gun policy that it pushed out to blue states.

After overseeing the office, Harris’ anti-gun rhetoric has sharpened, she’s better at gaslighting the public, and it is clear what she has in store for law-abiding gun owners if she replaces Biden on a permanent basis – more unconstitutional state laws, each one of which needs to be challenged in court. This is lawfare, pure and simple. 

Unconstitutional Executive Orders

Joe Biden has issued nearly 40 anti-gun executive orders, including one that bans homemade firearms, which the administration calls “ghost guns.” Harris will likely issue more, since she has witnessed little pushback to Biden’s orders, even those that were patently unconstitutional. She will have plenty of help at this. Harris has known Barack Obama for more than 20 years. He has been her mentor, and Obama has been the driving force behind many of the current administration’s gun control schemes. 

When it comes to gun control, the Harris-Walz administration will likely devolve into nothing more than Obama’s fourth term. 

This story is courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this at SAF.

48 thoughts on “The Harris/Walz Game Plan for Attacking the Second Amendment”

  1. Why doesn’t some red state AG arrest and indict Obama?? Even better question, why hasn’t it been done already??

    Because Republicans are WAPs.

    • I’m not coming to Debbie’s aid, nor do I believe everyone (or anyone) has to take some sort of oath or allegiance concerning “where gun control came from”. None of that is helpful to those of us working actively to preserve The Constitution.

      What would make some real sense would be for keyboard warriors like LeBlanc, or anyone else who snipes and complains about realities, as they exist at this moment, to offer some real solutions that would have a chance of meeting wide-spread public approval concerning criminals with illegal-to-them weapons, wanton violence, justice, and the entire scope of returning to a society that might honor what our Founders provided us with. That, of course, requires time, effort and deep thought which has become a rare commodity in the 2024 United States.

      Complaining or making snide remarks is juvenile and meaningless. Worse yet, comments like the WAP remark pushes sane people away from our cause rather than seek support.

      • The problem we occasionally come back to with some posters is a lack of content, critical thought, or ability to get past whatever contrived grievance they have when actual solutions large or small are proposed, discussed, or explored. Some areas are largely beyond hope barring outside intervention and/or catastrophic disruption of the status quo (seriously don’t bail out NY……. again……this decade). But little things like volunteering at polling stations to watch for fraudulent ballots, starting up high school trap shooting teams (yes we have several even here in NY) or setting up booths at the county fair can at least slow down the process hopefully long enough to see it reverse. There is no magic solution that will reset everything to perfection or even acceptable and we all have to be ready to work for things our great grandchildren might begin to see happen because otherwise we do little to nothing and generally get less back as a result.

        • It takes time along with the effort.

          The real concentrated push for repealing the Second Amendment, banning private civilian ownership of firearms for any purpose, and the lawfare we encounter now began back around 1968. The democrats, like all communists, are patient and don’t allow little things like SCOTUS rulings against their core heresy bother them. They just try again using a different door.

          On the 2A side, we are confronted with many who claim to be 2A proponents and even activists not being able to accept a similar amount of time to return to freedom. Is it right?
          No, but is there a chance of a once-for-all-times solution and an end to all gun restriction laws and regulations?
          Not a chance.
          Slowly, and over time, we have been reclaiming our rights and liberties. There is now a wave that we should be learn to ride and cut the negativity and snide side remarks. Help out.

      • Help out like donating money?? I’ve donated tens of thousands of dollars to gun-rights groups and Republican politicians since 2008.

        Like volunteering?? Every Presidential election cycle.

        I’ve EARNED the right to make negative and snide side remarks, because these Republican m*or*ons* keep losing because they don’t play dirty like the opposition does. Want to secure your rights? Do what the Democrats do. Starting arresting and indicting those who are the most egregious destroyers of the Constitution. You can’t play by the rules when the enemy doesn’t.

        If they win, it’s f*uck*ing over. We don’t have “slowly, over time” left.

        • We do and we don’t re time left. Demographics surprisingly are largely against the commie inclined even with 20+million illegals. With that said if they go full commie then time is already up even now and we are just waiting for the bad parts (for everyone). Never really had an issue with snide when it was accurate (your version was often amusingly so) but your other actions obviously did way more to put everyone in a better position to resist.

        • “Starting arresting and indicting those who are the most egregious destroyers of the Constitution“

          So you’re saying we should start with this guy:

          “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social.”

          I agree, imagine swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution, and then calling for the termination of the Constitution.

          • MajorLiar,

            “. . . imagine swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution, and then calling for the termination of the Constitution.”.

            You mean, sorta like how Senile Joe and Heels-up Harris both swore oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, and then BRAG about openly defying it??? OK, for once I agree with you. You want to start locking up ALL the lying, grifting politicians who violate their oath, I AM your huckleberry – I’ll even bring my gats and some rope to get the party started.

            Oh, but that’s not what you MEAN, is it, MajorLiar??? What YOU mean is that you want to lock up the politicians YOU don’t like for (allegedly) violating their oaths, but give your team a pass. Your bullsh*t is become so obvious that it isn’t even worth mocking. Your INCESSANT outright LIES, however, require constant derision.

    • “Why doesn’t some red state AG arrest and indict Obama??“

      Because there’s no evidence or testimony he committed any crimes. Actually, no one from the Obama/Biden administration has been sent to prison, unlike Trump’s merry band of treasonous co-conspirators.

      Here’s one now:

      “Oath Keepers lawyer pleads guilty to ordering militia to destroy evidence after Capitol riot

      Kellye SoRelle, of Texas, pleaded guilty to one felony count of obstruction of justice.
      Author: Jordan Fischer
      Published: 1:52 PM EDT August 21, 2024
      Updated: 1:52 PM EDT August 21, 2024
      WASHINGTON — A Texas woman who served as the former general counsel for the Oath Keepers pleaded guilty Wednesday to telling militia members to destroy potentially incriminating messages after the Capitol riot.
      Kellye Sorelle, 43, of Junction, appeared before U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta on Wednesday to enter her plea of guilty to one felony count of obstruction of justice and one misdemeanor count of entering and remaining in a restricted grounds”

      • If leaving your wife at home so you can suck off some stranger after sharing a crack pipe isn’t a crime, it should be.

        • “objective and neutral investigation“

          Already had quite a few of those, and the Republican/controlled congressional investigations have found diddly squat.

          On the other hand, Trump’s co-conspirators are being rolled up, and sent off to prison:

          “Ex-Trump attorney Jenna Ellis to cooperate in Arizona fake electors case, charges to be dropped

          Updated 6:45 PM EDT, August 5, 2024
          PHOENIX (AP) — Former President Donald Trump’s campaign attorney Jenna Ellis, who worked closely with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, will cooperate with Arizona prosecutors in exchange for charges being dropped against her in a fake electors case, the state attorney general’s office announced Monday.

          “Her insights are invaluable and will greatly aid the State in proving its case in court,” Attorney General Kris Mayes said in a statement. “As I stated when the initial charges were announced, I will not allow American democracy to be undermined — it is far too important. Today’s announcement is a win for the rule of law.”

          • Lol ok fake news fake justice and on to fake excuses for a fake candidate pushing a fake campaign with fake support white knighted by potentially fake feds. Is anything of yours real?

          • “fake news”

            No my friend, the news is real, the conspirators involved in the hub-and-spoke conspiracy with Donald Trump at the center are facing real justice, being held accountable for their crimes.

            Kamala Harris is not a fake candidate, she has been elected by her county, by her state, and by the United States and now she is the Democratic candidate for president.

          • Void, it is you and the Republican hucksters who are spreading fake news:

            “Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing
            BY RUSS BYNUM
            Updated 4:06 PM EDT, February 14, 2024
            A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.
            In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.”


          • You keep pushing your agenda as of it holds relevance but no one that matters believes it anymore. You are reduced to arguing with an empty troll and either unable or unwilling to see the joke. But yes keep posting links that we will justly mock and twisting snippets of facts to try to communicate your broken thoughts. I would pity you but commies aren’t human.

          • “You are reduced to arguing with an empty troll“

            Yes, you are an empty troll who is posting empty claims.

            But my goal is not to correct your thinking, you are too far gone for that.

            My goal is to provide actual information with citations and/or source documents showing the conservatives are lying about the election.

            And that’s going very well:

            “Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not stolen
            BY SARAH FORTINSKY 01/02/24 02:11 PM ET

            Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

            “Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed began. “In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

            “I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign,” Block wrote.

            Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems, said his company’s findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions taken by the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol “show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election.”

          • You claim I failed, but the fact is hundreds if not thousands of people read these posts and are exposed, if only for a moment, to the actual facts of the situation.

            I am a patient man, I realize it is more difficult to help folks understand they’ve been fooled then it is to fool them in the first place.

          • They say the average price paid to racketeers per illegal is 1500$.

            1500×1000000= 1.5 BILLION

            And how many millions have crossed while the Border Czar giggled? 15?

            Now THAT is big time crime, and “sanctuary cities” are INVOLVED.

            Now let’s talk about the knock-on effects… No, wait, let’s don’t. I ain’t got all day.

            Meanwhile, you are crowing about folks who are in trouble because they could prove what y’all did, in court.

            Two things *are* proved here – 1) MSM has successfully pounded the true narrative into the ground floor of the collective mind, and 2) Deep State doesn’t prosecute itself.

            Now tell us about how Trump was caught jaywalking on the way to the hospital after the magically lucky and prescient shoot-aire shot him. Did he have someone with him? Ooooh, that is conspiracy!!!! Did he complain? Defamation!!!!!

            Never heard anybody talk about how illegal immigration is a racket, and govt officials who enable it should be prosecuted under RICO? QED, dude, QED…

          • You can pretend to play cult deprogrammer and all but you are still in your own little cult. Good luck with that Russiagate or whatever blueannon nonsense you were so hyped over. Or the impeachment lol.

  2. SAF needs to stop using the enemy’s language. Instead of writing: “Harris has said numerous times she wants a “mandatory buyback” of ARs, which is nothing more than a smokescreen for mandatory confiscation.” They should write: “Harris has said numerous times she wants mandatory gun confiscation from law-abiding people.”

  3. You want an uncivil war? Vote D. You may get one anyway if Trump wins. Dims guarantee it. Either way America is in for some “interesting times”.

        • That may be coming. Shortage and starvation reliably follow price controls, which is a major push of the Dems right now. I don’t think most Americans truly believe that mass starvation can happen here. We may learn differently.

          • MajorLiar,

            Yeah, life has been SO MUCH better under the oh-so-competent Biden/Harris Administration than under the Bad Orange Man!!

            Tell us about how the “best job growth in 40 years” has JUST been ‘revised downward’ AGAIN, by almost a million jobs (i.e., the “reported” statistics were lies)? And how the numbers of Americans who have lost jobs strangely is nearly equal to the number of illegal aliens who have GOTTEN jobs? And how credit card debt is at a record high? And how even the (absurdly defined to exclude the three LARGEST regular family expenses) CPI is up 20% since the Senile Serial Child-molester took office. How when Trump was in office, the US became (for the first time in decades) a net EXPORTER of energy, but we are now, thanks to Biden/Harris, a net IMPORTER of energy (and have been, almost since they were sworn in).

            Your blatant lies, and inept efforts at propaganda, persuade NO ONE, MajorMistake.

          • Let’s address just one of your claims:

            “we are now, thanks to Biden/Harris, a net IMPORTER of energy“

            “U.S. Energy Independence Set New Record In 2023
            Robert Rapier
            Senior Contributor
            Robert Rapier is a chemical engineer covering the energy sector.
            Jul 1, 2024,03:45pm EDT”

            “In 2019, net U.S. energy imports became net exports, and that is the measure by which many — including Donald Trump — declared energy independence.

            However, we didn’t lose this status under Joe Biden. To the contrary, U.S. oil and gas production continued to grow, as shown in the next graphic. In 2022 the net energy surplus reached 5.94 quadrillion BTUs (quads), which was the highest level in at least 70 years.“


          • “How is the strategic oil reserve doing now“

            Fascinating, I completely proved wrong the claims about loss of energy independence so y’all pivot to the strategic oil reserve with more bullshit.

            “No, Former President Trump Did Not Fill The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
            Robert Rapier
            Senior Contributor
            Robert Rapier is a chemical engineer covering the energy sector.
            Apr 1, 2022,12:39pm EDT

            “There’s just nothing about that statement that is true. As you can see in the graphic below, the SPR levels have never fallen below 500,000 thousand (i.e., 500 million) barrels of crude oil since the 1980s.
            In fact, the highest level ever for the SPR was in 2010, when Barack Obama was president. Further, there was actually a net decline in the SPR when President Trump was in office. When he took office in January 2017, the SPR contained 695 million barrels. When he left office four years later, the SPR contained 638 million barrels. So not only is the claim of filling it untrue, but the level of the SPR actually declined while President Trump was in office.“

          • “Keep dancing“

            Yes, every one of your juvenile insults and false claims provides another opportunity for me to debunk the right wing extremist propaganda and offer a bit of factual insight into the current situation.

            Thank you.

            And I must admit, I do enjoy crashing your groove with actual facts, in the article above this is my favorite:

            “ … the level of the SPR actually declined while President Trump was in office.“

  4. There is a balance between helping out and mercilessly mocking loose cannons that do more harm than good until they shut up. After all no sense putting in effort if someone pisses it away by pushing useless narratives and unfortunately it is often hard to find the right balance. In person is a lot easier as unhinged people tend to come across as…..well unhinged. And for the most part that is where I focus my efforts, especially with more and more lower income democrats realizing bail reform+unchecked migration from third world shitholes can mean theirs neighborhoods are the ones impacted as they have the infrastructure to absorb a population increase.

    • They say the average price paid to racketeers per illegal is 1500$.

      1500×1000000= 1.5 BILLION

      And how many millions have crossed while the Border Czar giggled? 15?

      Now THAT is big time crime, and “sanctuary cities” are INVOLVED.

      Now let’s talk about the knock-on effects… No, wait, let’s don’t. I ain’t got all day.

      • I’ll throw in another one, theft on a scale so large that it’s difficult to fully comprehend. Declaring trillions of dollars into existence without corresponding economic growth, effectively printing money. Next come price controls, i.e., “fighting back against corporate price gougers.” Then shortage. Then starvation. It’s all depressingly predictable.


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