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No ’bout a doubt it: the Israelis are some serious soldiers. You would be too if you had to do military service in a country fighting an endless war against terrorists. Oh wait, that’s us—minus the mandatory military service and constant threat of domestic terrorism. “Thanks” to the Iraqi and ten-year-plus Afghan wars, U.S. soldiers now have the same mad killing skills as the Israelis. One thing we don’t do: the “Israeli method” of racking a slide to chamber a round. In fact, neither do they, anymore, much. So admire it while you can: the grace and pace of a move designed for a time when the Jewish nation state couldn’t afford “proper” guns, which could go off when dropped.

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  1. Apparently, they train to shoot in one place like a sitting duck? I am hoping that this is just a video of a couple poorly trained soldiers.

  2. So, just to be clear about what I think I’m seeing here. They DON’T keep a round in the chamber when in the holster, right? And hopefully they are demonstrating their prowess in aiming without moving in the vid and not as a combat simulation.

    • So, just to be clear about what I think I’m seeing here. They DON’T keep a round in the chamber when in the holster, right?

      Correct. I’ve heard it called “Israeli Carry” I forget which “condition” number is which.

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