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According to the (liberal) papers, you need a trench coat, dark sunglasses and a brown paper sack to buy guns from a gun store. The pariah status extends to the internet where many sites—including the Chinese freedom loving Google—won’t accept ads for guns. And how about moneylenders? What? You want a loan to purchase a firearm? What are you…nuts? You’ll just get the gun and rob us, that’s what you’ll do! Security! Hold this man for questioning!

Okay. Maybe it’s not THAT bad, but have you tried to get credit for a gun purchase? I didn’t think so. Well, that situation might be changing a bit, what with on the job. These guys not only allow financing for gun purchases, but that’s the only thing they do. They promise to finance any gun you can buy over the Internet. So the question becomes if you could buy a gun on credit, would you? Should you?

Most people I know with G.A.S. (Gun Acquisition Syndrome) pay cash on the barrelhead. And there are a lot of folks out there who are distrustful of the government; they’d just as soon not have any financial records of gun purchases anywhere. Most people who buy guns as a hedge against future unrest or calamity (zombie apocalypse, anyone?) are unlikely to sign a note and create a monthly gun nut.

But if you’re jonesing for some just-out-reach gun and don’t mind paying the note, this might be just the option for you. The gun culture’s come a long way in the last twenty years. You gotta give us credit.

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  1. ****Of course, the question remains, if you could buy a gun on credit, would you? ***

    Absolutely not. I like to think of myself as a man with a sense of responsibility regarding money management, but putting down a gun case find only to see the clerk slide a credit app next to it is just asking, begging, groveling, screaming, Congressional Subpeona-ing for serious debt problems down the road.I won’t even know what the bill would be. Id just be standing outside the gun store with a new piece and a receipt wondering how it happned.

    If money lenders start dealing in gun stores, I will make note to stay far, far, far away from the Kimber row.

    • I pay cash for mine. If I have to do credit, I pass on it.
      I want an HK416, Socom 14, Redhawk 45 colt, S&W 627, S&W 625.
      I can only afford to purchase one and it is not the HK.

    • Keep in mind that unlike, say, groceries or other consumables/perishables, a gun is (or should be) a long term durable good. If you can amortize the cost over an extended period of time then there is a case to be made that financing it is reasonable, much like a mortgage or issuing debt to cover the cost of a bridge.

      That being said, I wouldn’t finance any gun that wasn’t crew-served. If I am wealthy enough to afford to drop $10-20k on some fancy quail gun then so be it, but if not, then I don’t need it.

  2. I do not buy anything on credit. That being said, if I was at a gun show and had already blown my roll, spent my cash, shot my wad, so to speak and came across a nifty Nazi luger with a swastika engraved……
    I may pull out my (for emergency only) credit card, but would make sure it was paid off in full on time.

    • Each to their own. One of my friends in Portland told me that he wants to buy a Nazi SS sidearm holster for his CZ semi-auto. I told him to use a different holster when we go out shooting or make shooting plans with another friend.

      • I meant no offense. Jews need guns as much or more than anyone else. A samurai sword, or a Nazi gun are war trophies of ideologies we beat in WWII.

        • Sam,

          No offense taken. I apologize to you if my reply was seemingly flippant and not considerate enough to be fair in regarding the Nazi era gun as a historical piece. I’ve held old WW2 German weapons at gun shows and it was (mostly) a historical piece to me.

        • It is interesting and sorta funny how people can take things. Colt, Winchester, that new 1800s Gattling gun Colt is re-making, etc were used in some fights that were justified yet they were also used in campaigns that wiped out many innocent Native Americans. Holding a historical piece by Colt or Winchester doesn’t put images into my head of massacred native tribes while something with Nazi insignia does bing up some associations.

          • Aharon,
            Thank you for your clarifications and understanding. If my people had been massacred by a certain type of weapon, I may very well be adverse to even being around them.

          • Guns don’t have a morality. People do. And before you get too worked up about conflicts with the NA’s, read “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S.C. Gwynne. It may moderate your anguish a bit.

            • Thanks for the suggestion. It’s going to have to be a reading list book for the future. I think my Amazon wish list is about forty books deep.

              • Aharon, I’m looking for a good quality, all original battle-carried Mauser K98k with Nazi markings (not Russian capture) for my collection. It’s an important piece of history and a reminder that when good people are sleeping, bad people are making plans to kill them.

      • My father-in-law brought a Browning Hi-Power with German markings on it home from WWII. It’s the pistol I use to teach new self-defense shooters. I always explain the history. No such thing as a “bad gun.”

        Particularly when you take it away from a bad situation and use it for a better purpose.

  3. I pay cash for mine. If I have to do credit, I pass on it.
    I want an HK416, Socom 14, Redhawk 45 colt, S&W 627, S&W 625.
    I can only afford to purchase one and it is not the HK. Hope to make a purchase next weekend.

  4. I bought my first gun, a Glock, in California with a credit card. I’ve since traded it in. Since then, I only buy with cash. Sure, I think the USG keeps background check information and doesn’t delete it. Gun dealers keep records for X-number of years. I’m sure that there are many other creative ways the ATF uses to compile its rumored database of gun owners. One less way for the USG to track owners all the better.

  5. Ok, I got through to the site by typing in the web address ssing Duck Duck Go search engine. Get this: the friggin APR annual percentage rate is 26%, there is an annual fee of $59, and if you are late with your payment a $49 fee. If I was going to buy a gun on credit, I would just use my credit card.

    • …and lose your shirt at the same time. Sadly, some people will be desperate or foolish enough to fall for this.

  6. Everyone can buy a gun on credit – it’s called a “credit card”. I rarely do it, only when I see something that’s a great deal and hard to find and I know I’ll have the cash shortly.

  7. I have bought all of my firearms with a credit card. In fact, I pay everything with a credit card. It either gives me airmiles or 1% return on purchases. As long as you pay the bill before it’s due, there are no interest charges. On my last gun purchase, my credit card offered me 5% return because I didn’t use the card in a long time. It saved me over $60. Unless there is a discount for using cash, I don’t bother.

    • I try not to use my credit card b/c I don’t want my friendly neighborhood store to have to fork over 3% to the people at MasterCard.

      • #1 if they are paying 3% in credit card fees for a store that does more than $1000 a day in business, they are getting ripped off by their service provider.

        #2 If the owner of the store was smart enough where he didn’t take the short bus to school, then the price for people using plastic rather than cash is already baked into the price. That is why sometimes stores will give you a better price when you bring actual cash in to pay for large items.

        • #1, I don’t know how much business the stores I frequent do. $1k/day =~ $300k/month = ~$4 million/year. I don’t know that they are doing that well.

          #2, I have no idea what your point is. Whether the fee is baked into the price or not, I would still rather that my local non-chain store received the money than the people at the credit card companies.

  8. i filled out the application (no obligation) to see what would happen, then it said i would be contacted shortly. DAMMIT! now im gonna get spam called.

  9. I always pay cash for guns, or at least pay off the charge the next month. I guess I would consider a loan if I was going for some 20K masterpiece of engineering but at that point you start to question the validity of the purchase.
    Most of my guns are what is called affordable, I don’t have too many big money guns. I find you can buy a used pistol for 250 dollars and still have fun target shooting.

  10. Most people I know with G.A.S. (Gun Acquisition Syndrome) pay cash on the barrelhead.

    Ditto. I have yet to run into such a screaming deal that I’d pull out magic plastic to get it. I can’t imagine buying anything valuable enough to take a loan out to get it.

  11. IMHO, credit is for cars and houses. Everything else gets paid for with cash. Do I have a credit card? Of course. Emergencies happen. But I’ve never had to use it, yet.

  12. I’ve been known to go over my head buying things on credit more often than I’d like to admit, but I’ve always paid for my guns and accessories up front. It’s funny, because I never really thought about it, nor did I consciously plan to do it that way. I’ve just always saved up and laid down the cash (or debit card). If I couldn’t afford something, I just planned for it, and saved ’til I could.

  13. Hell, I’ve got a local store that has been doing this for years. In conjunction with a local small loan finance company. Sadly I’ve not bee able to make use of this as I have terrible credit. It would be kind of nice to be able to get one of those Desert Eagles that my local shop has. I totally should never have let myself be talked into selling mine to help out the family…

  14. Cash is my preference, but our LOCALLY OWNED and friendly FFL dealer will put firearms on layaway for you. (Shameless plug for helping to keep your local – and knowledgable – gun dealer in business, so you can find someone who actually knows something about that new Walmart-bought gun that keeps jamming on you.)

  15. Nobody here uses and their financing system? I’ve used it twice, you get either a year or six months to pay off with no interest and even with the fee their prices are still lower than just about anyone else. There are some rules of course, but I think the whole thing is quite reasonable. I have used it to afford two firearms that I otherwise would have had to wait a long time for.

  16. First of all I would never use a credit or debit card (don’t have one of those) to buy a gun. Beyond that, I have nearly all of the guns I want or would like to have, and have never bought one where I had to do NICS check or even a 4473 for that matter. I have several that I inherited and they may have a 4473 attached I don’t know. So I will never buy a new gun from a FFL or even a used one from a FFL. I know this will hurt the gun manufacturers and FFL’s and I feel bad about it but I think it’s either them or me. ANY time the government (Brady Bunch) makes something hard to get or requires permission to get, it spawns more crime (stealing and breaking into gun stores) whereas if there were not any government red tape I would bet the rate of stealing guns or crashing gun stores would be nearly zero. Take look at a Sears of Montgomery Ward catalog of 100 years ago. They had all kinds of guns in there for reasonable prices for MAIL ORDER! I don’t really think these policies caused any more crime than would have been anyway. So bottom line I am NOT going to enter the government permission or red tape game. Since we can by ammo or make our own I can at least continue to hoard that.

  17. I have been curiously reading the responses to this article and cannot help myself…there are too many of you who feel obligated to tell others what they shouldn’t do because the way you do it is better. I don’t take offense to getting advice, but in this case, it is irrational for those of you that feel the obligation to give it on the grounds that financing a firearm is “foolish.”

    A little background: Now, I am in the Army (Airborne Infantry) and do not make a lot of money, so managing it is a bit trickier for me than most, even at my rank and time in service. I am only saying this as a rebuttal to the comments that would indicate that I am being foolish to finance at this time through that said: The other morning, my wife and I were maneuvering cars around so she could get out for work when a guy on our block came driving up behind my trailblazer at about 45mph, slammed on the brakes, and laid on the horn. I never saw him coming, and was only in the road long enough to let my wife back out and head to work. I said goodbye to my wife and drove up into my driveway to get out of the way, simultaneously honking and waving at the guy as if to say “sorry for holding you up.” Simple as that…however, this guy races off to the stop sign and pulls a u-turn up and over the curb, almost hits my wife, and races back and hits my driveway so fast that his undercarriage scraped the hell out of my driveway and into my yard. He gets out and starts screaming at me, walking towards me like he is gonna whup my ass. This dude was big, and I am not small, by any stretch of the imagination, and can definitely handle myself. I politely told him that I was simply trying to let him know that I was sorry for the inconvenience, to which he said “you sure about that, mother f******?” I said absolutely. he then gets back in his truck and almost hits my wife AGAIN while racing backwards, as she was coming back (obviously worried about what he would do, and was calling the police already). she honks to let him know she is there, so this clown gets out of his truck and starts walking towards my wife. Now, the rest of the story is him telling me to get control of my “b****” and me trying to de-escalate. the problem is, though, that he continued to tell me he had something in his truck for me (trying to scare me, I assume). I am not a very easy scare, but I am not a fool either. SO, here we are, and I need to get a firearm, because if there is one thing that I have learned from my time in combat, its that nobody should be considered incapable of killing you, if you let your guard down.

    After a lot of searching and shopping, the thing that makes the most sense with the fastest acquisition (obviously for my peace of mind and the safety of my family) happens to be financing. I don’t have credit cards because I was young once and made all the classic credit card errors. I have rebuilt my credit with intense discipline, but have a lot of work left to do to get it where I want it. In this case, offers an open ended, revolving credit account that allows me to meet my self-defense needs AND build my credit up, without having to wait until I can scrape up the money for a firearm that, in that case, would be less than what I want. So if I did not have this option, I would end up paying much more in the end to get the firearm I want because I would just get any cheap model that I could afford.

    So, anyways, my point is this: why do people feel it is their obligation to pass judgement on those that they don’t have the slightest clue as to their circumstances? I know you are entitled to your opinions, but for the love of GOD, what is the point of berating a perfectly legitimate market opportunity for both the consumer, who might need to build credit (and why not do so with the purchase of a means to defend your family), and the firearms industry, as well as financing institutions?? It seems to me that those that need to share their obviously less than favorable opinions of these scenarios are only doing so on the assumption that everybody should think like them.

    • Thank you sir! Best reply I’ve seen on this thread so far. I needed a good review from someone level headed. From one service member to another, I appreciate your honest opinion and review. Stay strong brother and thank you for serving also.

      – U.S. Navy Sailor (Active)

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