“We are united in demanding that those we elect have the moral courage to take the steps they can to save lives — maybe not all the lives, maybe not every day, but ask those who grieve if their child, their brother, their mother was not worth the effort to try.
“These emergency and trauma health care professionals and pastoral care associates are more than ready to discuss how we should weigh the price of lives lost, diminished by injury and haunted by grief and fear against the right to sell weapons in shops we are told are too expensive to license. So, I call on the elected officials of Illinois, listen to them, they are the real experts on gun control, and act to see that S.B. 1657 becomes law.” – Chicago Cardinal Blasé Cupich in Cardinal, hospital staff urge Illinois legislators to act on gun bill [via catholiccitizens.org]
Have these idiots ever heard of an FFL?????
If so, do they think an ADDITIONAL license will solve the problem?????
It has nothing to do with saving lives. These people jump on the gun control bandwagon but are too stupid to understand the problem. They are manipulated by others who want to make it as difficult and expensive as possible for the average person to purchase a firearm. The anti-gun crowd will use any means necessary to achieve their goals.
It seems humans will value listening to someone’s soapbox speech limiting another persons freedom of choice more than enjoying actual freedom. It’s only taken 242 years to loose the ideals this Republic was founded upon.
In 2014, the ATF prosecuted 125 cases with a charge of straw purchasing.
“If you just shut up, you can beat almost any straw purchase charge,” says John Risenhoover, a former ATF special agent. “Most federal judges look at them as a waste of their time.”
It is VERY hard to prosecuted for. Part of the reason the Illinois wants to video tape the transactions.
So basically if the Feds aren’t doing anything, what is the FFL worth?
Well, and I’m not suggesting a rule change here, the ATF has kinda created that problem in an attempt to leave gifts alone.
We would all find it stupid if the ATF locked up Mr. Smith for buying his wife a home protection gun. As such the bar for a straw purchase is pretty high. You have to act as the agent of someone you know or should know is prohibited.
So, if your cousin is prohibited and you don’t know it, not a straw purchase. If you gift him a gun, not a straw purchase. Really, to meet the letter of the law your cousin has to come to you, admit to being prohibited, ask you to buy on their behalf and provide the funds.
Illinois has a FOID card. There is NO defense for a straw purchase. Kind of like loaning your car to someone without a drivers licence. But like I said, the gang bangers do not care and know how to shut up. The Feds don’t bother prosecuting. Not worth their time.
On a side note, as a result Illinois is the one state with “universal” background checks with NO gun registry.
Person does not have to be prohibited, remember the thread last year about the cop who bought a gun for an acquaintance because he could get a discount as LEO, put down for straw purchase even though he *knew* the other guy was not prohibited, because he was stupid enough to tell investigators the guy gave him the money and had him purchase the gun. THAT is a straw purchase, has nothing to do with “prohibited”.
And they made a big stink about it to keep people from doing the same thing. The whole problem is prevent people from buying guns for “criminals”. The trick is trying to prove that the buyer KNOWS they are buying for a criminal. So as a result, you cannot buy for ANYONE
So, binder, instead of enforcing the laws on the books you want to put another law that will be ignored in place?
You support 2a but………
It’s actually worse than that. Another government in charge means another license fee, and because it’s Illinois that license fee will continually be raised. Just like they want to put 100% tax on “bullets” this is just another attempt by the left to raise the cost for gun dealers doing business as a way to damage the 2nd Amendment.
“So, binder, instead of enforcing the laws on the books you want to put another law that will be ignored in place?”
No I don’t want more laws on the books. But when someone say’s
“Have these idiots ever heard of an FFL?????”
“If so, do they think an ADDITIONAL license will solve the problem?????”
Well the ATF is not doing shit, so why are you wondering why Illinois at least trying to?
“Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes”
ATF agent Jay Wachtel
If IL wants to videotape the transactions, they should pass a law requiring shop owners to *allow* it, with funding included for taxpayer funded installation, maintenance, and review of all those videotapes. After a dozen or so years, publish how much this has cost the taxpayer, and how many successful prosecutions resulted, then get out of the way of the lynchings. The goal of such silly rules is to make the shop owner pay for the expenses, and be responsible for monitoring, reporting, etc, all in order to raise his costs, so guns become more expensive, in order to disenfranchise the poor. Benefits will otherwise be precisely zero.
From what I gather, Walmart has been doing that for years. Would be interesting to see what the effect has been. But then, I don’t think that they sell handguns.
But here is the REAL problem. If a larger gun shop started video taping and then published that it reduced the number of “crime” guns they ended up selling, everyone here would call them sell outs. Tell me if I’m wrong about that.
Pretty sure Walmart videos *all* transactions, has nothing to do with straw purchasers in particular or gun control in general. Still, probably would prove just as effective as requiring all dealers to video transactions, namely, not at all.
You tell me how videotaping would reduce or increase or anything else the number of criminal guns sold, then I can answer whether they’re sellouts or not. That’s a fantasy.
Maybe we have licensing for churches and background checks for clergy. Would that lower the pedophilia rate of the catholic church?
They would argue that violates their 1st amendment rights but have no issue with violating the 2nd. As 1 falls so shall they all.
Priests could be registered and could not move to another location without filing for that move with the government and paying a transfer fee. Receiving houses of worship would need to perform new background checks every time they received a priest from out of state. No loaning priests to another church without a background check, minimum waiting period of 7 days before you can start using the new priest. No joining the priesthood until 21 years of age and no preaching to anyone under 18. No high capacity sermons, houses of worship cannot hold more than 50 people and you cannot speak faster than 30 words a minute or use words with more than three syllables.
If a priest is accused of anything, by anyone, the police will immediately seize that priest and hold him until cleared by a judge, that house of worship will no longer be allowed to house priests until they have been cleared by a judge.
Sounds like a plan?
Love it! Thanks for that.
If a church is involved in a criminal conspiracy(moving pedo’s around, covering for them. Providing sanctuary for know law breakers, illegals,) then the church property involved should be seized and sold at auction. The church should lose its tax free status.
That’s great, LilJoe!
But I’ll add a few more, based on a few thousand other rules based on a few of the thousands of other gun laws we have in my state:
Priests will only be allowed to preach one sermon every 30 days, and will need to apply for a separate “permit to preach a sermon” for each sermon he intends to preach. Each “permit to preach a sermon” will expire in 90 days, and then the priest will have to go to his local police department between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. Tuesday or Thursday to apply for a new “permit to preach a sermon”, wait a few months for the sermon to be approved, then return to his police department between 1:00 and 3:00 on another Tuesday or Thursday to pick up the new “permit to preach a sermon” before it expires. Each application for a “permit to preach a sermon” requires new letters of reference from someone who has known the priest for at least three years and is not a family member, and he must submit to new background checks each time, at his expense. A priest cannot exchange an old sermon for a new sermon, but must apply for another “permit to preach a sermon” each time he wants to preach a sermon. Even if he wants to preach an old sermon that was previously used by another priest, he must go through the entire process of obtaining a “permit to preach a sermon.” Even antique sermons from the 17th century require a “permit to preach a sermon”, and failure to obtain this permit, even for an antique, 17th century sermon, is a felony. Once a sermon is written, it cannot be transported anywhere other than to and from the church and the priest’s residence, and the sermon must be stored locked in the trunk of a vehicle, in a separate container from his reading glasses. When traveling to and from a church with a sermon locked in the trunk, the priest must go by the most direct route, with no deviations — if he stops at a drive-through restaurant for a burger on the way home, with a sermon locked in the trunk, he has committed a felony.
I could write a lot more, but that’s all I have time for now.
Start that plan with the public school teachers.
Even better!!
The goal is to have State and maybe local licensing, The idea is to place more restriction on the ability to legally sell firearms. Criminals don’t matter.
And that is why a violent creep like Michael Pfleger still has a job in the Chicago diocese after openly advocating for the murder of honest businessmen.
To the crown wearing, scepter yielding idiot…
“Separation of church and state” yank that idiots tax free status.
Screw him and pfledger too. There’s a reason that people detest organized religion and they’re it.
One would have hoped that the Cardinal would have been in the soul saving business, perhaps helping troubled youths to stop shooting at each other. Instead, he picks politics and advocates that some licensing scheme is the solution to hatred, vanity, greed, and ego.
Did Comrade Pope approve this message?
Sounds like someone needs their Tax-Exempt status revoked and to register as an issue-advocacy group instead of a church.
moral imperative? (D)head quoting “Real Genius”???
SChitcago (and a good portion of the rest of IL) ain’t nothing a large or fast moving meteor couldn’t fix.
That state of ass (D) needs a fV<king bulldozer taken to it. As a moral imperative.
And it begs for one every day.
The Catholic Church colluding with Marxists to disarm the peasants? Shocking!…just shocking!!!
It is the gun control modern take on the the Inquisition. We are not here to take care of your soul, we want your firearms. Tell us where they are. Another Chicago Democratic group pushing gun control.
Beware men in funny hats who want to disarm you…
Like the Pope, this yahoo barely passes for a Christian. He is a heretic and should be purged by fire.
The Catholic church desperately needs another inquisition. Starting at the Vatican.
Deus Vult!
The RC church has been an extension of the Democratic/Socialist party in Chicago for 75 years. The newest Copo is continuing that long tradition. The brain dead, segmented, Chicago population marches in lock step with the dictates of the Royal families whose birth right is to lead us forward with their messages being delivered by pulpit and newspaper. Unfortunately no one has noticed the inbreeding yet.
A virgin(?)in a dress has NO moral authority…irregardless when PRICKster is immaculated we (and all FFL’s) are screwed in Illinois😡
If he molests little boys; is he really a “virgin”, tho??
Yet there is no moral imperative to uphold the Oath of Office.
Or consequence when you absently “raise” morally void and violent offspring and let the rest of society clean up your mess.
“We are united in demanding that those we elect have the moral courage to take the steps they can to save lives — maybe not all the lives, maybe not every day, but ask those who grieve if their child, their brother, their mother was not worth the effort to try.”
Outstanding. Actually, for stuff that important, it’s worth the effort to be effective. We have a pile of proposals — care to hear them?
“These emergency and trauma health care professionals and pastoral care associates are more than ready to discuss how we should weigh the price of lives lost, diminished by injury and haunted by grief and fear against the right to sell weapons in shops we are told are too expensive to license.”
Well, some ritual that does nothing, while distracting from what would help is way, way too expensive. Licensing won’t help (and BTW, is already in place, so what will MOAR do?)
People hurt themselves less when they understand what they are dealing with. A basic understanding of what a gun is and is not; how they work, would come from a science class, just like insight to understand ecological proposals would come from any earth science, energy policy from some exposure to physics and geology, etc.
We’d also make better laws. You know, ones that do some good.
“So, I call on the elected officials of Illinois, listen to them, they are the real experts on gun control, and act to see that S.B. 1657 becomes law.”
See, this is why none of your stuff works. Health care workers are no more expert in how to reduce violence than snail darters are in getting enough water to breed in.
How’s this. We’ll try a bunch of things. You can report the number, severity, and type of injuries you see, so we know what works and doesn’t. To start with, don’t be in one of the gun-restricting cities seems to dominate every other “gun risk” (and a bunch of other risks, too.)
Yeah…. I don’t take life advice from pedophiles…..
The Pope has no business in government or political actions….. ” My Kingdom is not of this world”…. but just like the American Constitution, Catholicism was based on hypocrisy….Say What?… After we kill off them savages, we can get them nggrs to work planting cotton. All men were created equal.
Don’t even want to comment on the Catholic church. Dispicable dirty old men , interested in young alter boys. And all young boys , I say put them in jail and let the inmates have at them. The church has no business in matters of state period. They can take thy rod, and thy staff . shove them where the sun don’t shine.