The Most Horrifying Thing About Stephen King These Days is His Contempt for Your Gun Rights

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After police said that at least 19 people had been shot—three fatally—in gun violence across Chicago over the holiday weekend, [Ohio Rep. Jim] Jordan shared an article about the news to his X (formerly Twitter) account. He captioned his post on December 26: “19 shot. 3 dead. One holiday weekend. Democrat-run Chicago.”

[Author Stephen] King responded: “Guns, Jimmy. Guns.”

Jordan also tweeted about homicides in Philadelphia. He shared an article to his X account that said the state had recorded its 400th homicide of the year last week after a 58-year-old man was murdered.

He wrote: “Philadelphia recorded its 400th homicide of the year last week. Police say a 58-year-old man was the 400th murder victim. That same evening, a man was gunned down in a triple shooting. Who’s in charge there? Democrats.”

King retweeted Jordan’s post and once again added: “Guns, Jimmy. It’s the guns.” …

On May 24, 2016, King was one of 450 writers to sign an open letter opposing Trump’s candidacy, with the author supporting Hilary Clinton’s campaign.

He has also long spoken out on his desire for stricter gun control in the U.S. In 2013, he published Guns, a non-fiction essay on the issue of gun violence. He wrote it after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 26 people. King called for a ban on automatic and semi-automatic weapons, writing “when lunatics want to make war on the unarmed and unprepared, these are the weapons they use.”

In 2022, he called for “gun control now” following the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which left 14 children and a teacher dead. Posting to X, he wrote: “GUN CONTROL NOW! STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS!”

— Billie Schwab Dunn in Stephen King Slams Jim Jordan Over Gun Control

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  1. mom likes to say, “nobody needs an ak47.”
    ans she’ll go on about when we had six cars.
    time magazine will rot your brain.

  2. Steven King lives on a Lovell lake in Maine. Anytime property comes up for sale on that lake he buys it and takes it out of use. Camp grounds that had welcomed families for generations to camp and enjoy the pristine lake were bought up and shut down by King to “reduce boat traffic”. Because he buys every speck of land available property prices on the lake are much higher than other lakes in the area, effectively pricing out all but the ultra rich like King.
    Like most liberal elites he wants to enjoy the good things while shutting out the common people from the same experiences.
    Hypocracy knows no bounds when combined with liberal ideals.

    • “Anytime property comes up for sale on that lake he buys it and takes it out of use. Camp grounds that had welcomed families for generations to camp and enjoy the pristine lake were bought up“

      So you would want the government to tell those folks they couldn’t sell their property to Stephen King?

      So you hate capitalism?
      Despite 100 years of rhetoric, conservatives don’t really want capitalism when it interferes with their enjoyment.

      Clearly, you are the communist who hates the idea of private property ownership, how ironic.

      “Hypocracy knows no bounds when combined with Conservative ideals“

      • At no point in anything that was written was that stated or implied, yet you assign those thoughts/statements to the person.
        Are you f*****g retarded, or what?
        Mental illness knows no bounds, especially with libtards.

        • I just find it funny when lefties get ultra rich they engage in the things they accuse the right of doing with great vigor. Much like when they gain power.

        • There is no left anymore. Wealthy old white men bought it out. miner serves a bunch of corporate billionaires and he’s fine with that.

        • They laugh at people getting caught up in the ideological battles / culture war as they setup policies to hold others back, and steal from the treasury to pay themselves. They didn’t fight tooth and nail to get the Puppet into higher office so they could fight for “lgbt” and abortion “rights.” It’s a joke.

          That’s why I always ask Miner what’s in it for him. It seems to be nothing more than tribal instinct. He obviously doesn’t stand for anything. He just seems to want his team to win, and the other team to lose.

        • Did you this miss this part of his post:

          “Camp grounds that had welcomed families for generations to camp and enjoy the pristine lake were bought up and shut down by King to “reduce boat traffic”. Because he buys every speck of land available property prices on the lake are much higher than other lakes in the area, effectively pricing out all but the ultra rich like King.“

          Why is it wrong for Stephen king, an individual citizen, to buy property from other individual citizens?
          How does that property purchase somehow violate your sense of right and wrong?

        • He is free to do anything he pleases, within the law. It’s the hypocrisy of people like him that’s the issue.

      • I have no problem with what he’s doing, I do the same thing with my mountain property in Virginia any time adjoining property comes on the market I grab it… I certainly don’t have his money (good thing actually) but I’m in a position the make modest acquisitions from time to time and have accumulated a sizeable portion of the mountain top including several spring fed water sources, several acres of cleared, level building (or farming) sites… I don’t like people either, the fewer I have to deal with the better…

      • Nothing wrong with him buying the campground and closing it down, it is a semi-free semi-capitalist country as you point out. What is wrong is when he portends to be advocating for the same common people he purposefully prohibits from his local area.
        Pointing out Mr. King’s elitist and exclusionary activity as context that others may not know about his character is fair game and doesn’t immediately equate to the slam on capitalism you wish to make it out as.

        Put that in your pipe and smoke it 9er

        • Sounds like the same stuff John Denver was into, back in the day. By all means he should be able to do as he pleases in that regard, but it would be nice if he’d realize he is doing exactly what he rails about.

      • Funny, MajorLiar, I didn’t see ANYONE in the comments saying that Stephen King (or the sellers) should be prohibited from doing what they are doing. If you had the brains God gave a planaria, you would have recognized that we were criticizing his OBVIOUS hypocrisy – but you Leftist/fascists NEVER recognize (i) your own hypocrisy, or (ii) your own fascism. Funny, that.

        The WI Supreme Court deciding to keep DJT on the ballot in WI is, to at least most Leftist/fascist commentators, “anti-democratic”. Do you friggin’ IDIOTS ever even listen to yourselves, and how stupid you sound???

        No. No, of course you don’t, because that would require recognizing that your entire agenda/political philosophy is stupid, bankrupt, and internally inconsistent.

        You remain too stupid to insult.

    • minor49iq…So you want government to stop us from saying the Control Control zealot s.king is a self serving deranged perverted a-hole whose agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide? No can do.

      • So you want government to stop us from saying the Control Control zealot s.king“

        Nope, I never said that.

        I pointed out how ironic it was for a conservative to complain about Stephen King exercising capitalism by buying property from his neighbors.

        Usually, conservatives are all about capitalism, Nikki Haley mentioned it in her speech just the other night. But their worship of capitalism falls away when it interferes with their own self interest.

        • minor49iq… Capitalism is neither here nor there when s.king’s land grab tendencies and his Gun grab tendencies go hand in hand and are clear signs of an a-hole who needs mental help.

        • Hood Love: sadly, truth, factual and funny as hell… Could have done without that slo-mo jello-ass walk laid down by “Crack Dealer”…

        • Buying up all the property in the neighborhood in order to prevent access to it, is not capitalism. It doesn’t have anything to do with capitalism. Capitalism isn’t about hoarding and greed. It is about using wealth to generate more wealth and getting as many people onboard as possible. Not shutting people out.

    • “He should stick to writing mediocre books“

      Considering he is worth over $500 million for writing mediocre fiction, continuing such a course would indeed be a good idea.

      It is interesting to note that he has more money than everyone who has ever posted on TTHG combined.

      • Well boys and girls, today Whiner showed everyone on TTAG what higher power he worships.

        It would almost be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.

        • James,

          Don’t tell me you are JUST NOTICING that MajorLiar is all about hypocrisy, and that he doesn’t actually believe in any of his own agenda?? That much was obvious to the most casual observer.

          For some idiot reason, that only a quarter-wit like MajorLiar can internalize, somehow having any conservatives/libertarians criticize how a FEW other (usually lying hypocrite Leftist/fascists) deploy their wealth constitutes a rejection of capitalism – MajorLiar is stupid that way.

          But, he remains a fun target for ‘whack-a-mole’, as he is CONSISTENTLY (i) wrong, and (ii) stupid. Mock him; it is the only appropriate response to his idiocy.

        • It’s therapeutic to call out Atheists who claim they have NO God, only to see them bend themselves over backwards to show everyone what they worship.
          Money, power, celebrities, Marxist overloads, themselves……..
          Truly a pathetic existence.🤮🤮🤮

      • The lowest common denominator sells. McDonalds, Budweiser, King novels, cape shit, Joe Biden, pop music, etc…

        Just because people buy it doesn’t mean it’s any good.

      • MINOR49er. Money does not make you anything but someone who has money. So what if he has money. You Lefties bemoan the so called ‘rich’. I’m surprised you are backing someone who is “rich”. Aren’t you worried about his not “paying his fair share”?

    • Larry Flynt was just as successful selling sex porn as little Stevie King. was at selling murder-violence porn.

      Financial success doesn’t make it literature in either case.

      porn is porn -while remaining both highly profitable and legal due to the First Amendment.

      • Jeffrey Epstein was also highly successful. Thankfully selling sexual access to underage children to politicians,. celebrities, and other rich/influential people like Bill Gates, the King of England’s brother, the Clinton’s and the like has no constitutional protection. There have been rumors that King visited Epstein’s Island. He does seem the creepy type.

  3. “[Author Stephen] King responded: ‘Guns, Jimmy. Guns.’ ”

    Stephen King also can’t connect the dots like most liberals.

    Before guns were invented – people killed/injured others with ‘things’ such as poison, swords/knives/sharp-or-pointed-things, clubs, strangled, hanging, hands/feet etc….

    After guns were invented – people still killed/injured others with ‘things’ such as poison, swords/knives/sharp-or-pointed-things, clubs, strangled, hanging, hands/feet etc….

    Today, way after guns were invented people still kill/injure others with ‘things’ such as poison, swords/knives/sharp-or-pointed-things, clubs, strangled, hanging, hands/feet etc…. in numbers far greater than using guns plus today we have the added killing/injury ‘mechanisms’ and chemicals and a bunch of other stuff … and all this collectively are used to kill/injure people, compared to guns, by a rate ratio of more than 1,000,000 (the other stuff) to .0001 (guns).

    The only common thing with 100% of all these…. is ‘people’ and the most common ‘people’ doing this (by more than 5,000 to 1) is the criminal.

    So let me connect the dots for you Stephen, its not ‘guns’ its the criminal.

    The rest of death and injury with guns are the law abiding protecting their selves from these criminals (that the liberals don’t seem to want to do anything about) several thousand times daily across the United States – or those who have made the choice to end their own lives (which a liberal doctor will also gladly do for them with drugs so whats the difference when they do) – or the occasional accident – which all together only accounts for less then .001% of the total death and injury annually.

    • In one year there were 45,000 knife attacks in England. England is now about to pass a law outlawing certain types of knives. Knives, jimmy, knives.

      • “England is now about to pass a law outlawing certain types of knives.”

        They already want to mandate kitchen knifes above a certain size being literally chained to the kitchen counter…

    • Don’t forget incidents like the Bath School disaster where 45 people died – mostly children. And not a single shot was fired.

      • “Not helpful“

        But very revealing about the posters internal biases. It’s not about the skin color, it’s about the lack of equal treatment under the law for the past 400 years.

        The racism continues at every level, Nikki Haley’s recent performance denying the reality of slavery was just hilarious.

        • While blacks have suffered lack of equal treatment under the law in the US, that is neither an excuse or justification for the amount of criminal endeavor that occurs by members of that race, in general.
          Also, it’s not necessarily a bias.
          We have data points that show a majority of violent crime occurs in a handful of zip codes / counties within the US. And we know the racial distribution of those zip codes / counties, as well as the political leanings of those areas. Add per-capita income and other factors as well.
          Then run a regression and obtain the R-squared values. If race is the biggest predictor, then it’s not a bias.
          Lastly, racism absolutely does continue at every level. However, racism is not limited to a single color, religious belief, etc.

        • Everybody knows the civil war was fought because a bunch of Democrats refusing to follow federal laws went mad with Lincoln Derangement Syndrome and left the country.

        • MINOR49er, Come out of the dark ages. With all the laws on the books about “discrimination” it is pathetic how you think that a Black person can’t be racist, how you think that there is no such thing as “reverse discrimination”, etc…

          You are just another pathetic hypocritical Leftist.

      • Yes it is Steve. Watch. Put yourself in Steven King’s position, with his stupid fucking “argument.” So you posit guns are the problem, and without them there would be no murder and no crime (or however you want to term it). Now, do what the OP did, and replace “guns” with “black people.” Now, play that argument out in your head. Have fun! I can explain it to you if me be, but I’m assuming you can play both roles yourself.

    • “Ni883rs, Stephen. It’s the ni883rs.”

      the criminal types now about ~ 88% of the time (all inclusive also for those that do not get caught and prosecuted).

    • Since the mid 60s, success in this country has been defined as making enough money to escape the consequences of the Civil Rights Act.

    • “Another rich white man declaring himself superior to us“

      White men have been declaring their superiority for centuries.

      Specifically, what did Stephen king say to “declare himself superior to us”?

      • And here you are defending the rich white men, miner.

        Do you even read what you write? Hard to be an edgy social-lists when you spend your days defending the old wealthy white guys, innit?

      • Specifically, what did Stephen king say to “declare himself superior

        His “Guns, Jimmy. It’s the guns.” statement indicates that he believes he is more “enlightened” than Jim Jordan (and subsequently anyone who thinks like Jim Jordan) and is implying his moral and intellectual superiority (much like YOU do) however erroneous either of you might be…

        • “implying his moral and intellectual superiority“

          Interesting, you sure do read a lot into a comment. But regarding intellectual superiority, wouldn’t you say he’s a slight bit smarter in order to accumulate a $500 million fortune…
          Perhaps you would be kind enough to mention just one of your many intellectual achievements that ranks with Stephen King’s accomplishments.

          And regarding moral superiority, what sort of support or donations has Jim Jordan provided to charity programs in his community?

          I’d say Stephen King and his wife give more in charitable contributions to his home state then the entire Ohio Republican congressional delegation does for theirs:

          “The Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation, chaired by King and his wife, ranks sixth among Maine charities in terms of average annual giving, with over $2.8 million in grants per year, according to The Grantsmanship Center“.

          I know, I know, I’m always putting facts over feelings, it’s the progressive way.

        • You are a champion of the progressive way, miner. King is superior because he is wealthy. Sums up your whole comment.

        • Perhaps you would be kind enough to mention just one of your many intellectual achievements that ranks with Stephen King’s accomplishments.

          I’ve built and sold a number of highly successful businesses from home remodeling in New England to over-the-road trucking… I’m not worth hundreds of millions but I do OWN a considerable portion of a mountain top in Southern VA. and a $450 thousand dollar home in FL… I have no debt, I am a “retired” disabled veteran and my wife and I enjoy an income well in excess of $100 thousand dollars a year… I go where I want, when I want, how I want and enjoy eating out a couple of times a week at an average of around $120 a pop with a 20% tip… I collect and restore Mustangs and Harley Davidsons a few of which are easily worth more than you earn in a year and a 69 Boss 429 that is probably worth more than you’ve earned in the last decade… You don’t need $500 million to live like you have $500 million… Intellectually: my ability to gather the resources to build operate/manage small business, I have had a couple of poems published and one turned to song and included on a CD, I even wrote a 400 page Science-Fiction novel several years ago (for myself) and I have “Pelosi-like” luck with my investments (bought a bunch of stuff when the market bottomed out in 2009… Unlike YOUR hero, I spent 6 1/2 years in the service of the United States, I have a degree in psychology which gives me some INSIGHT into the things people say and why they say them, and I also have a degree in Political Science and two years of Law School (I dropped out when I met my ex-wifes scumbag attorney) … I can assure you that “intellectually” Stephen King is no more intelligent than I am… You DID ask…

        • Miner Miner Miner, is this sordid love affair subliminally rooted in your brain because of Stevie’s last name, as in “All Hail The King “?
          $2.8 million in annual grants would indeed be impressive, on a net worth of, say, 10 million, it would amount to 28 percent. Stay with me here as we do some math, you know, numbers and such that your ilk fears.
          That same $2.8 million applied to a $500 million dollars works out to
          – drum oll please – a much less impressive .056 percent, known to accountants as ” rounding error ”
          All hail the king indeed…I’d bet that us morally inferior t-taggers do better than that out of what’s found in our billfolds on any given day.
          By the way, a belated Merry Christmas, heathen.

        • I give 7.5% of my personal income to Wounded Warriors… And I don’t have a “non-profit Foundation” to launder my money…

      • There’s 69er, spreading his s* around and stinking up the forum. His type loves s*. They touch and lick it constantly. Go try and find a new f****t lover somewhere else, Miner69er.

      • MajorLiar,

        Oh, so his TOTALLY condescending post to an elected Congressperson (“Jimmy”??? Jordan goes by “Jim”, or “James”. If it had been a comment by Thomas Sowell, in the other direction, and Stephen King had called him “boy”, MAYBE you would get the point, you pretentious @$$hole.)

        You remain too f**king stupid to insult.

      • So you feel shame for your melanin-impoverished appearance no matter how fluid you feel day-to-day?

      • Your defense of rich white men with armed private security, telling other people they can’t have guns. That is all I need as an example. You’re the perfect example of a racist white liberal.

        • Like dacian, miner aspires to be elevated to hero of the oppressed masses who were unable to improve themselves without him.

          The r@cism of low expectations.

  4. Plenty of, even more, guns in other regions of the country. So why does Chicago behave like Chicago? It isn’t even all of Chicago. Just certain parts of Chicago. What makes those areas special?

    Authors are supposed to be good with details and connecting threads.

  5. I don’t think King should have the right to sell his books to the general public. They should be restricted and only sold to certain people after they undergo rigorous testing. The books should be kept at central libraries and only read under supervision. The readers have to carry extra insurance too. I’m sure I can come up with more restrictions to help keep the public safe.

    • he should also be required by ‘government’ to have a permit to write a book or post on the internet and keep his computer keyboard separate from the computer in ‘safe storage’. plus he should be restricted by ‘government’ as to the type of computer he can own, and the computer CPU can not execute more than one ‘instruction’ at a time and have only a capacity to process 10 words.

      huh? what’s that he’s screaming… “but muh constitutional right!”

  6. It is truly sad what happened to King. Ever since that drunk ran over him with that van he hasn’t been able to write anything worthwhile. Even before that, his best work was a decade in the past. Now he is forced into trading on his name and hoping no one notices.

  7. How many people are killed in various manners in the crap that he writes?
    Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
    Have never read a single book of his, and never will.

    • Yeah, he’s more about that “rip a guy to shreds, the more blood and gore the better” kind of guy…

  8. I have lost count of the number of “celebrities” that I’ve put on my “do not watch/listen to/read” because they couldn’t keep their bullshit political opinions to themselves. It’s sad. Just when I get to liking one of these ass wipes they have to open their pie holes and ruin it for me.

  9. There are far more guns than people in my household, yet none of my guns go on shooting sprees. They just sit there. Why is that? Since guns are the problem, Stephen King, what am I doing wrong?

    • Palo Duro,

      You need to buy some of those ‘smart guns’ – if they’re smart enough, they can go on rampages by themselves. Unfortunately, all my guns are dumb guns, too. Damn things only go off if I pull the trigger, dumbass guns!!

  10. The same magical thinking we get from all the anti gun disarmament fools. That somehow the tool or inanimate object controls the poor disadvantaged or otherwise victimized soul using it.
    When an individual has shown they can’t live withing the rules of a civil society they need to be removed from that society. And shown there are consequences for negative behaviors.
    Laws or bans or restrictions or the variety of permit or license schemes do nothing to stop, or prevent bad behavior. But, the sure knowledge that you as an individual will face punishment or consequences for those negative actions may make some from committing those acts. No, it won’t stop all crimes, but if the bad actors are removed from society, whether for a short time for lesser offenses, or permanently for major transgressions, it will have at least that person not committing more crimes while off the streets.
    Next are the idiotic claims that things that happened anything from 1 to 10 generations in the past justify current poor behavioral choices. Should I be allowed to act the fool because my ancestors were ill treated by the English during the Highland Clearances? Or discriminated against because we were the stubborn, tow headed Norskies?
    Or who remembers Dogs and Irish not allowed, or Irish need not apply signs?
    Sorry, Those demanding disarmament need to put down the pot pipes and pull their heads out of their backsides. Deal with those who commit the violence and those who are committing the crimes. Promote education and employment above thug life and drug culture. That would be a start.

  11. Just goes to show, you can write a lot of books, have them made into movies and still be an idiot.

  12. [Ohio Rep. Jim] Jordan shared an article about the news to his X (formerly Twitter) account. He captioned his post on December 26: “19 shot. 3 dead. One holiday weekend. Democrat-run Chicago.”

    [Author Stephen] King responded: “Guns, Jimmy. Guns.”

    [Ranger Rick] responded:
    “The usual suspects.”

  13. His book Rage was found with the Columbine shooters. They used it to plot their terror act.
    Guess he blames himself for their actions.

  14. Murder-violence porn is porn.

    This sick puppy has a 1st Amendment right to publish his disgusting trash all the while pontificating on trashing our 2nd Amendment Rights. But it is still garbage trash porn for money with zero “artistic” content or value to literature except to document how low our society has fallen.

    What is even sicker is that twisted minds actually enjoy his pornography and have made this sicko rich in the process of consuming it.

  15. Of course, Mr. King is not above using firearms in his fiction when it suits his needs. Read his novella The Body, or watch the movie. The hero saves the day with a 1911. The Stand, and subsequent mini-series was heavy on firearms. Even the good guys had some of those, you know, bad guns. Oh, The Body was filmed under the title Stand By Me.

    • Heck, how about the entire Dark Tower series, the first one entitled “The Gunslinger”, which represents a future dystopia where the saviors of the world are “Gun Slingers”. Which was also made into a movie…

  16. I’m not sure why any of this even matters. Too many people will attach some level of importance to those like King. He writes good movies but I see no reason that this should automatically make him a Constitutional scholar or someone I should emulate or follow.

    I consider this whole thing to be ridiculous.

  17. Just as a general comment, fuck you Miner, you’re a waste of carbon and I really wish your Pimp would whore you out somewhere else. Well maybe not, I do so enjoy watching you run like the spineless bitch you are from every single comment that would require you to actually have a point or prove anything. And I do enjoy telling you how much I despise you… Yeah, never mind, it’s good to have you back!

      • Why is everything you say to me complete idiocy? I read your comments ad nauseum, and they’re cogent and reasonable. But both times you’ve spoken to me you have insulted me and missed my points entirely. Are we talking past one another or do we just not like one another?

        • Fuck guy, read your post, you go on about how much you hate the scumbag THEN you “welcome” IT back? If that’s not a TAD confusing, I have never seen confusion… Anyway, it was a fucking joke, don’t know you or enough about you to like OR dislike, if you don’t like me that’s your prerogative… Happy New Year?

        • Happy New Year Maxx. I’ll go with we’re just talking past one another, because like I said, I read everything you post and really enjoy and agree with the vast majority of it. New Year, New Conversation!

          I hope health and happiness found you and yours as we roll over the calendar and your 2024.

  18. 49er touts King’s charitable work but forgets to mention none of it goes to help chicago or philly.
    King’s charity consists of discretionary grants within the state of maine to things he supports.
    Save a library that nobody uses? king says sure here’s a check!
    Do something meaningful about the crushing poverty and crime in democratic cities?
    King sends a tweet blaming inanimate objects!

    More hypocracy supported by 49er and the rich he “serves” like King

  19. Why do all these anti-gun celebrities, politicians and the wealthy call for universal disarmament? If they don’t carry, they all have armed security personnel (in which I don’t blame them). They’re hypocrites they don’t walk around unprotected.

  20. Stephen King? Pfui. I neither read his work, nor place any value on his opinions.

  21. “The Most Horrifying Thing About Stephen King These Days is His Contempt for Your Gun Rights”

    I dunno. It’s in tight competition with “his face” and his assortment of sick sexual fetishes (read a few of his books for a list).

  22. He’s just and old crotchety Liberal who will be dead soon. Would have been dead a long time ago, but the guy who tried to run him down. Didn’t get the job done.


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