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The NRA vs. Luke Skywalker: Don’t Bring a Lightsaber to a Gunfight

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Shut up and kill some more stormtroopers: The NRA Ridicules Mark Hamill For His Gun Control Beliefs: ‘What If The Galactic Republic Outlawed Lightsabers And Ray Guns?’

During a recent broadcast, (Grant) Stinchfield — who once chastised the press for describing guns as “weapons” — turned his attention to comments Hamill made about gun control in an interview with Australia’s Herald Sun. While promoting The Last Jedi, the actor revealed his own backstory for Luke Skywalker was based on his thoughts about gun control. “America has a lot of crazy people and the gun laws are just totally wrong and disproportionate for what we need,” he said while explaining a tragic lightsaber accident he devised to help him with his performance. The line prompted Stinchfield to reinterpret the entire Star Wars saga:

“Once again we get a Hollywood millionaire, protected on set by armed body guards 24/7, and he thinks our gun laws are too strict. He’s also a hypocrite. Star Wars was and is a violent movie. All of them are. Shoot ’em up thrillers at their best. What if the Galactic Republic outlawed lightsabers and ray guns? No more armed spaceships. Darth Vader’s evil empire would have run ramshod over Skywalker. Han Solo would have died who knows how many movies ago. In fact, the lightsabers and laser guns are what gave the good guys in every Star Wars movie a fighting chance.”

Stinchfield apparently caused a great disturbance in the Force. Calling blasters “ray guns” caused a million basement-dwelling dweebs to suddenly tweet out in terror. Unfortunately, they still haven’t been suddenly silenced.

0 thoughts on “The NRA vs. Luke Skywalker: Don’t Bring a Lightsaber to a Gunfight”

  1. I forgot about the Finnish Valmet. The Rolls Royce of AK’s. I remember them being sold in gun shops back in the 80’s for ~ $450. 7.62 x 39 ammo for it was scarce back then. Another cool, collectible rifle.

  2. I remember that event. I used like Mark Hamill until he started shooting off his mouth and showed that he’s just another crazy, elitist SJW….I fired back similar comments…Nothing says “The right to keep and bear arms” than leading an armed *rebellion* against a Galactic Empire with a Satanic type political core element….

  3. You can go to the new star wars. Just like you could go to a womans march.
    Both will have the same result: your brain shrinks to half it’s original size and you wasted 2 hours of your life on listening to commie sjw shit.

  4. Officially the worst state in America. Boycott Jersey. Spread this across every gun group on FB. Petition chrispy creme. Petition Trump…

  5. What a big ole girl. Nothing worse than whining about America overseas. My kids offered to take me to the “new” Star Bores. Nope. I can’t support this putz or the boring story line. Better keep those bodyguards Lukie boy…

  6. They flushed the brand name down the toilet when they collaborated with the city and state anti-gun lawsuits years ago. They HAD to change the name in the hope that people would forget that S&W sold out the second amendment. Haven’t touched an S&W since and never will… you shouldn’t either. In fact, stop writing about them and giving them press. Like Government Motors the company needs to die so truly righteous gunmakers can flourish in their absence.

  7. Don’t bring a lightsaber to a blaster fight.

    Or, perhaps we all should go back to the days when an accident of birth and genetics gave some people the ability to more readily impose their will upon others. Here on earth that’s called muscles, in the Star Wars universe it’s called midichlorians (or however the heck you spell space hepatitis).

    • “What the Empire would have done was build a super-colossal Yuuzhan Vong–killing battle machine. They would have called it the Nova Colossus or the Galaxy Destructor or the Nostril of Palpatine or something equally grandiose. They would have spent billions of credits, employed thousands of contractors and subcontractors, and equipped it with the latest in death-dealing technology. And you know what would have happened? It wouldn’t have worked. They’d forget to bolt down a metal plate over an access hatch leading to the main reactors, or some other mistake, and a hotshot enemy pilot would drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up. Now that’s what the Empire would have done”

  8. So in the world according to serge, all the government has to do to eliminate Second Amendment rights for millions would be to add to the list of what makes one a prohibited person — say, speeding tickets for more than ten mph over the speed limit, any crime involving alcohol, etc. etc.

  9. The linked article was less interesting than the-e-zine Russia Beyond in which it was printed. Is this another one of those propaganda pieces that we are warned against lest we vote for the wrong candidate?/sarc. I mean, after all, there was an article on the cooking link about what Mr. Putin eats. (I just gave you guys the opening – now work with it.) The Mini-30 and more so the Galil are distant variants of the AK, I suppose, so this rifle is just another interesting tidbit. Somewhere I read that Kalashnikov’s goal was to combine the best features of the M-1, the STG-44, and the Mosin, which makes the AK a variant of all of them.

  10. I was politely messaging this sack of crap using Facebook’s message feature pointing out where he was “wrong” on firearm ownership by citizens, he’s a friggin’ coward, not once did he reply but what else are we to expect from an “academic”, since leaving the service he’s been working at California’s Stanford University certainly not a hot bed of Constitution and Bill of Rights supporters by any means.

    F-’em he’s gone, hopefully the next nominee will be more in line with OUR thinking if not we will torpedo his appointment too.

  11. “ … assault weapons are challenging for untrained civilians to control and are not optimal for home defense … “

    Liar. The M-16 was designed specifically to enable kids (seventeen-year-olds) to easily master basic marksmanship skills along and its manual of arms. No wonder you were passed over.

  12. Apparently the NYT has no idea that domestic abuse is already illegal and that even a misdemeanor domestic abuse conviction lands you on the no-bang-bang list.

  13. I feel like the test was done by Prestige Worldwide from the movie Step Brothers. I can only take this article with a grain of salt. However, nice to see the Rebel company responding to this write up. Watched some private citizens YouTube videos on this suppressor. I liked what I see. Visited the Rebel webpage and it is nicely done. For the price and other write ups, it is worth a shot (no pun intended).

  14. Had to google this. Since when did South Carolina start electing Democrats to office? Not only that, their mayor won with 65% of the vote last election. I think my brain is melting right now. When did the progressive cancer spread to South Carolina?

  15. My Demons are harnessed and well trained. They do however tend to dislike SJW types, liberals of any ilk and the occasional Libertarian

    I’d hate to have to let them of the chain.

  16. I see that no on has commented on the most outrageous statement in his testimony.

    “I’d also like to . . . just say how insane it is that in the United States of America a civilian can go out and buy a semiautomatic weapon like an AR-15.”

    He reaffirms this in the op-ed:

    “Having semiautomatic weapons makes no sense. It is a public-health issue that, as a doctor, I felt compelled to bring to the Senate’s attention.”

    So, it’s not “assault weapons” and its not .223 caliber weapons, it’s all semiautomatic weapons. In other words he wants to send us all back to the nineteenth century. Now, I’m a revolver guy, myself, but I do understand that not everyone agrees with me on choice of handgun. I was also a big Chuck Connors fan when I was a kid, but as cool as that Winchester was, I don’t really see why that should define the limits of firearms technology available to the citizenry.

  17. Anyone who worries about a statistically insignificant event is announcing to the world they are totally ignorant or mentally ill.

    If you want to worry worry about heart disease, long term care costs and motor vehicle accidents.

  18. Such a simple question – how much ammo is enough with so many complex answers. It depends….
    -One work friend has 80,000+ rounds of 5.56, yes he admits he is a hoarder. Its not enough. Yes he makes a lot.
    -In the next zombie apocalypse its how much can you carry on your back while running?
    -In crappyfornia, its how long can you hold out until the ammo laws change or Gavin croaks…
    -In an SHTF world where you stay put, you cant have enough.

  19. I forgot I had speed strip in my pocket once. Courthouse metal detectors apparently don’t pick those up.

    I am kind of curious what holsters these people are using. Might want to look into buying one if they’re so comfortable you forget you’re packing.

  20. Oh I know why so many docs are douches. GOD complex…they ASSume their proficiency in medicine extends into other areas of life. It doesn’t. I’ve known a few. Mostly in the gym. My last doctor was a combat veteran in Iraq and was decidedly NOT anti-2A. But yes he was in a tiny minority. Fight the good fight…they can kill you quicker than they you can them.

  21. personally, i couldn’t care less abt the stoopid, bloody things….
    firing high volumes of rounds through yr rifle will just wreck the brrl any-way;
    that’s why full autos have special, heavier, chromed brrls…

    any-one with a modicum of manual skill and a reasonable home work-shop could v quickly convert any s/a to f/a any-way….or…even make an SMG like a “grease gun” or “STEN gun”…. (one of the easiest guns to make)

    so…..what the HELL does such a stoopid ‘ban’ achieve any-way…. [?]


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