Home » Posts » The One Thing California Politicians Won’t Try to Reduce ‘Gun Violence’: Putting More Criminals in Jail

The One Thing California Politicians Won’t Try to Reduce ‘Gun Violence’: Putting More Criminals in Jail

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

So why, if California’s much-vaunted gun control laws have failed to choke off the supply of legal and illegal weapons, do politicians continue to claim that enacting even more will have an effect? …

The newest effort at gun control in California, backed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, would authorize personal lawsuits against the manufacturers and sellers of illegal assault rifles or ghost guns, mirroring a new Texas law allowing suits against those who perform abortions.

The legislation, Senate Bill 1327, is just a stunt — one of Newsom’s periodic jabs at a rival state. Those who could be sued under the bill are already committing criminal acts in California and a federal law prohibits suits against manufacturers of legal firearms, including the “assault weapons” that California and a few other states purport — but fail — to outlaw.

The bottom line is this: Actor Alec Baldwin’s claims notwithstanding, guns don’t fire on their own. Someone must accidentally or purposely pull the trigger and that should be the focus of efforts to reduce violence — such as more vigorous enforcement of laws banning gun possession by felons and those under court order.

— Dan Walters in Mass Shooting in Sacramento Shows California’s Gun Control Laws Have Failed

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