• Amen!!! Why does he not speak on a national level at black churches or other organizations in places like Chicago, D.C. etc?? It is high time someone who is as eloquent as this start getting the word to the people. I am being serious, some of the worst violence in this country is happening along racial lines. Why are people not complaining about this?

        • Because, as has been documented here many times, the leaders of the black communities and their churches have spoken out against guns, and declare that they (the gun) are the problem. So yes, he should be talking to them, and then the national media.

      • Well, my 50 something black coworker’s pastor requested, from the pulpit, that his parishioners arm themselves. It’s slowly changing

  1. The problem is, from personal experience, no matter how logical, polite, factual, or common sensical your anti-Gun Control argument is; many pro-Gun Control advocates will ignore all of the date, common sense, and politeness to emotionally respond to your argument. Even go as far to attack your character or childishly make fun of what you are saying. They never offer any thing to the discussion meaningful beyond get rid of all guns so that gun violence will go down. They don’t care about assaults, robberies, rapes, or any other violent crime going up.

    • So true. You never hear murder rates compared with other countries only “firearm murders” as if what implement is used to kill someone makes any difference to the victim.

    • I reject your “anti Gun Control argument” and substitute my “factual response to gun prohibitionists”.

      See what I did there?

  2. “You’re essentially telling me to reason with evil and pray that it goes away. Well, my friend, after David prayed to God, he picked up a slingshot and killed Goliath.”

    Sometimes the simplest statements…

    • I’ve posted previously that only force defers to force. My son chimed in yesterday and suggested that density can help. Out of the mouths of babes… and hooray for physics being taught to 12 year olds.

  3. We MUST press the case that firearms are NOT an instrument for evil but a tool for defense

    I was reminded the other day that there is NO such thing as ‘gun control’ only people control.

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