Delta Charlie, who works in public safety, sends his “Work” ensemble. A while back I thought he was a cop, but seeing this set up I believe I might have made the wrong guess. From Everyday Carry.
A little AAA-MagLite Solitaire for a flashlight? Really? Maybe in 1986. C’mon Delta. That light has been around about as long as you have.
He carries the Remington 1911 R1, meaning he has about 7 or 8+1 big old .45 slugs to remedy any problems he encounters. Those are big problem solvers. What’s more, if folks can make do with five in a J-frame revolver, I suppose those big 230-gr ashtrays coming out will solve well enough. The OWB holster is classic leather, but I don’t recognize the maker/model and it’s not listed.
I will say he has a big foot with those size 14 boots. In case of emergency, apply (big)foot to problem…