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A story out of Arizona tells us about a man who is being held not only for murder, but the stabbings of multiple women in a number of states. It was a years-long spree that only ended when the stabbing tour came to Arizona.

Twenty-six-year-old Raad Almansoori started his crime spree against women in Florida. While out on bail awaiting trial, he fled to New York, where he elevated the stakes to murder. An escort he had taken to a hotel room was found dead with pieces of plastic from a clothes iron driven deep into her body.

Before police there could find him, he fled to Arizona, where he quickly found two more women to attack. The first was a woman he attempted to rob in a Starbucks parking lot, and the second was a McDonalds employee who he followed into the bathroom, stabbing her three times and attempting to rape her before she escaped.

The man was also known to have attacked at least one more woman in Texas, but law enforcement is asking police in all states to help them retrace his steps to see if he attacked anyone else. Given how quickly he repeat offended, it seems likely that there were more.

There are several big things women can take away from this.

First off, we can’t assume that only going to good places means we don’t need to have a weapon on hand. There are many more creeps like this guy everywhere who haven’t been caught yet. They’ll look for us in the parking lots of nice businesses, at work, and anywhere else we go. So, we need to always be on the lookout for them and always be ready.

Another thing we can learn from this is that we can’t rely on cartoonish stereotypes commonly shared by men to identify guys like this. The sad fact is that guys like this don’t need to wear a disguise or anything to go into a bathroom and attack us. They just go in and do it. Looking out for transgender people can limit your awareness of other, more common, threats, with normal women who happen to be big or tall or deep-voiced bearing the brunt of the abuse all too often. No law or restraining order can keep us safe from rapists, but having the means of self-defense available actually can.

It also pays to pay attention. If we blindly walk into a bathroom without looking around, we might miss that there’s a guy following us or getting up and heading toward the bathroom when it became clear we were headed that way. I don’t have surveillance footage of the McDonald’s attack, but it may have been possible to see that one coming. A man you don’t know should never be following you around.

Finally, it’s good to avoid “the stupids”. Stupid people, stupid places, and doing stupid things can all lead us into danger. For example, it’s stupid to work as an “escort”, stupid to go into a hotel room, and stupid to do that with a stranger. None of those mistakes justifies the man murdering her, of course, but it’s a danger that’s entirely avoidable.

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  1. Keep voting dems, ladies. They want you to have equality with men. You and the bad guys can both not have guns. See who wins that fight. Knife v. fists.

    • Women want “free” stuff from the government. They have demanded “free” abortions. They want “free” birth control. They want the government to be their “husband” and provider.

      And the Libertarians Liberals and the Leftists have all agreed with them. Because they all disagreed with the christians.
      When the christians said a father is necessary in the home.

      • This is the key – it’s about the triangle of money, power and sex. Women have been taught to want empowerment which is expressed through getting money FROM THE FEDERAL GOVT, directly or indirectly, and encouraged to behave in sexual ways that ultimately….increase the power of the Govt because of the problems they create. But women have been brainwashed, frequently in colleges, to think of this behavior as empowerment. Abortion is not about killing your unborn baby – it’s about being “empowered” to have sex with whoever you want whenever but the only practical result is abortion for the woman and a free ride for the guy. The answer to all of this is to CUT BACK THE MONEY TO THE FEDERAL GOVT RADICALLY AND ELIMINATE AS MANY AGENCIES AND PROGRAMS AS POSSIBLE. If something needs to be done, do it on a local level where people can assess and vote on their own problems and decide when and how to allocate MONEY and other resources.

      • “They want “free” birth control“

        Why not, men receive free Viagra under Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance.

        And really, don’t you want birth control freely available to young women, to prevent unwanted pregnancies?

    • I think one of the most important things to mention (particularly for women), is to keep your situational awareness sharp. That means put your phone away if you don’t need it in the moment. Today’s society is full of screen-locked zombies who walk everywhere with their heads down over their phones, and zero awareness of what’s around them. Girls everywhere cannot pry themselves away from the text conversations they feel they need to be constantly immersed in, even while walking (or driving).

      The smartphone has become – at the same time – both the best and the worst invention to befall mankind in the past 100 years.

      • To be fair I think the zombie thing is accurate for females and males. Especially those under 40.

        I have witnessed teens, boys and girls, stepping off the curb into heavy traffic while entranced by their phones. I tried to yell a warning to a girl but she could not hear because of her ear buds. The only reason that kid is not dead or crippled is the driver managed to just miss her.

        And then she looked pissed for being interrupted. Banning cell phones would save more lives than banning guns.

        • “Banning cell phones would save more lives than banning guns.”

          Maybe having people ignore their surroundings, while mesmerized by their phone, is an effective way to cull the herd.

      • I’ve said before how I stopped people so engrossed in their phones from walking into traffic. I’ve also seen people walk into utility poles, parked vehicles, walls, nearly fall down stairs, miss doorways and walk into walls, and even try to walk through train station barriers gates without their card or phone app ready.

        Bonus points if they are wearing headphones or earbuds. These people are so zoned out they are not only dangerous to themselves but also to others around them. Like grazing prey animals.

        • TBH, my personal little guilty pleasure is sticking my foot out a smidgen as young people walk by me while looking down at their phones. Just a toe’s worth. Not so much as to make it obvious I’m trying to trip them, but enough so that their feet make contact with the edge of my shoe and they stumble. Enough for them to look up and remember they’re in the real world. Enough for them to think they were the ones who bumped into *me* due to their inattention.

  2. There are many more creeps like this guy everywhere who haven’t been caught yet.

    Recent credible research found that one out of every three young men would rape women if they knew that they would not get caught.

    Think about that: 1/3rd of young (roughly between the ages of 16 and 24) men among us have the mindset of rapists. You have been warned. Plan accordingly.

    • “Recent credible research found that one out of every three young men would rape women if they knew that they would not get caught“

      Yep, the very definition of toxic masculinity.

      And there are those on this very forum who claim ‘they ain’t no such animal!’.

      • “And there are those on this very forum who claim ‘they ain’t no such animal!’.”

        Reads like toxic bullshit, and I have seen no comments to that effect. Enlighten me by posting examples.

        • “I have seen no comments to that effect. Enlighten me by posting examples“

          As ye ask, here you are:

          March 1, 2024 At 10:51
          What you call toxic masculinity, the rest of us call a proper alpha male”

          So I pointed out the perp on his stabbing spree was an example of toxic masculinity, and Mr. Epstein said what I call toxic masculinity is a proper alpha male.

          It could not be simpler than that.

        • to xzx
          The university tenured professor Catherine MacKinnon. Is well know to those of us who listen to the Rush Limbaugh show. Back in the 1990s. He often spoke of her.

          She has described all sex between men and women as rape.

          And she is not the only self described feminists who has said this. And she is not the only feminists, who has this irrational position, supporting gun control.

        • “So I pointed out the perp on his stabbing spree was an example of toxic masculinity, ”

          Not seeing that.

          And “simple” is not a synonym for “shoddy”.

        • MajorMistake,

          And you could not be any simpler, either. Your are barely sentient, as it is. Apparently, based on your prior commentary, you have a very strange, and quite inconsistent, “definition” of “toxic masculinity”.

          I mean, for example, I think most men I respect would find a 50-something hopeless crackhead, with no discernable skills, who cheated on his wife, dumped her and took up with his brother’s grieving widow, dumped her for a series of hookers, fathered a child with a stripper and then abandoned the child and had to be ordered to get a paternity test (that proved the child was his, despite the fact that the lowlife and the parents of said lowlife have not acknowledged the daughter as part of the family), and has ONLY survived off his grift and his daddy’s (improper) access and influence (but he kicks back 10% to his daddy, so there’s that), blatantly lied on a Form 4473 and documented himself on video violating several other firearms laws is really NOT a good example of responsible manhood. But to you, he’s just the President’s son, and his daddy is totes suitable to pretend to be President.

          And I’m sure among your other examples of a “woke man” we would find such people as a married President who had a string of extramarital flings, including banging a 20 year old intern in the Oval Office, and frequently flew to Epstein’s Island. Or another President who managed to avoid disclosing ANY of his grades from college or law school, and somehow managed to become president of the Harvard Law Review without managing to produce and publish a scholarly law review article. Or maybe the major Dim donor, who frequently partied with both of the above presidents, was a major player in Hollyweird, and regularly engaged in “play to get a role” extortion of starlets in his movies, that these would ALL be respected Dimocrats, at least some of whom you have repeatedly praised.

          So, I think it fair to say that YOUR idea of what “toxic masculinity” is, or what a “real man” might be, is more than a little suspect, eh???

      • toxicminor49iq…My credible research says 2 out of 3 men would draw and quarter a rapist. And 3 out of 3 women would cut something off…Any questions?

      • Everybody that doesn’t agree with miner is a Toxic Male. Racist. And whatever other meaningless buzz words that he can screech at the moment.

        Not a word from him about encouraging women to arm and defend themselves.

        Not. A. Word.

        • dacian and miner either have to be incels or NAMBLA members. antifa’s usual recruiting pool.

      • No.
        What you call toxic masculinity, the rest of us call a proper alpha male.
        A proper alpha male respects women, rule of law, has manners, defends the weak, believes in the concepts of honor, courage, commitment.
        I should know.
        I am one.

        • “I should know.
          I am one.“

          Need I point out, if one needs to publicly boast they are an alpha male, they probably aren’t.

      • Those one out of three, they are the ones who identify as ‘trans’ and peodos. They are registered Democrats. They are the ones who identify as ‘trans’ and rape girls. They are the ones on school boards who then try to cover up the rape.
        They are the ones who defend criminal illegals, thereby allowing them to go on knife and killing sprees. They are the ones who try to deflect their cities sanctuary status that allowed an illegal to assault and kill a nursing student.

      • Actually, Minor49or brings up a good point.
        We NEED proper alpha males.
        We NEED to raise young boys at a early age, how to and be taught to respect firearms, women, police, the elderly, to defend the weak, what is right and wrong, not being afraid to speak up even if it is unpopular, what are facts and truth.
        As they grow into young men, we NEED to continue to not only to encourage them to succeed, but it is okay to fail too. Learn the lessons from failure and grow on them. We need to challenge them physically, mentally, and emotionally.
        Young men like this would make people like Minor49or wet themselves.
        And we need to do the same for young girls.
        Young girls like this would make people like Minor49or wet themselves.

      • No.
        There is no indication of “toxic masculinity” of any kind. More likely this criminal was a beta male. He needs to assert his authority aka power over women to make up for his weakness as a male.
        The only mention of “toxic masculinity” is by you. An ill-formed opinion for which you have nothing to back it up with.
        BTW, it is my wife who says I am a proper alpha male.

      • @Miner49er March 1, 2024 At 11:17 said,
        “So I pointed out the perp on his stabbing spree was an example of toxic masculinity, and Mr. Epstein said what I call toxic masculinity is a proper alpha male.

        It could not be simpler than that.”

        As if that proves anything.
        It does not.
        For that matter, it proves the opposite as he then has to ignore the rest of what I said, defining what a proper alpha male is, “A proper alpha male respects women, rule of law, has manners, defends the weak, believes in the concepts of honor, courage, commitment.”
        To actually recognize that would destroy his argument of what “toxic masculinity” is.
        He claims the perp who committed these acts is the result of “toxic masculinity” but has no evidence to back it up. Just because he claims something, does not make it true. As I then pointed out more likely the perp is a beat male, having to demonstrate his authority or power over women. Anyone who has taken Psych 101 or 202 knows this.
        Minor49or also addresses me as “Mr. Epstein.” Here he is displaying his beta male status by giving deference to my proper alpha male status.

      • I don’t believe your statistics and I have not found that to be true in my long life. Please post what your studies are and where the statistics are, otherwise I’m going to say that a LOT OF STUDIES SHOW THAT 90% OR MORE OF MEN HAVE NO DESIRE TO RAPE WOMEN. With just as much validity as your comment.

      • Toxic masculinity from you incels. Doesn’t your kind have a maxim of “Each to their abilities and each to their needs”?

      • A capacity for violence isn’t “toxic”. It’s a question of why. If you use your capacity for violence to hurt the innocent, that’s evil, if you use it to defend the innocent, that can be noble. The over generalization of the term “toxic masculinity” is a problem.

      • @Miner49er

        “Recent credible research found that one out of every three young men would rape women if they knew that they would not get caught“

        In reply to that Miner49er posted:

        “Yep, the very definition of toxic masculinity.”

        No, it isn’t “the very definition of toxic masculinity.”

        You evidently don’t understand this subject matter or what context means. There may be a term of “toxic masculinity” applied for a general ‘environmental influence’ in terms of rape in some cases. And there are women who rape also, is that also “toxic masculinity”?. But the term “toxic masculinity”is not defined by “research found that one out of every three young men would rape women if they knew that they would not get caught“

        It is 100% false that “Recent credible research found that one out of every three young men would rape women if they knew that they would not get caught“ is “the very definition of toxic masculinity.”

      • Red in CO,

        I will look for the source.

        Meanwhile, consider this: something like 70% of our population live in urban centers. Now try to picture the average young man in the urban Hellscapes of Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, etc. Does it seem possible that one out of every three young men in those environments would rape a woman if they knew that they would get away with it? That seems totally plausible to me–and I would not be surprised if an even larger percentage–perhaps one out of every two–young men would rape a woman if they knew that they would not get caught. So, if most of our young men live in urban centers and a disturbingly large percentage of them would rape a woman, it seems totally plausible that one out of every three young men would rape a woman if they knew that they would get away with it.

        • Red in CO,

          Well, 17 hours later this site has not released my citation from moderation limbo so I will try to post something which you can use to find the citation. Type the following into G00gle search engine and then click on the top search result at a site called The Independent and go from there:

          “third of male university students say they would rape a woman if there no were no consequences”

      • Depends on who they researched. An antifa gathering? Hell yes. Being a sex offender seems to be a badge of honor with those thugs.

        • Ya know some gals “cry rape” when they regret a mutual tryst. I never jumped on a gal when she said “no”. Happy I’m old for once🙄😧

        • Bonus points in antifa to be a child s3x offender.

          They truly live the Ma-rx-ian dialectic of “Each to their abilities and each to their needs”.

  3. Statistically a person is 94% more likely to escape serious injury or death if they employ a firearm (including simply brandishing) at the beginning of a violent attack than they are by use of any other means (including another ‘defensive weapon or method’ e.g. blunt object, knife, hands/feet, pepper spray, stun gun, calling 911, yelling for help, etc..) or trying to escape.

    In 2023; Overall (as an only defense measure) less than 7% of the ‘barricade in a room’ (of those that reported doing it) victims avoided serious injury, less than 4% of victims who employed hand-to-hand defense either in home or outside the home avoided serious injury, less than 10% of those armed with pepper spray or stun gun or another non-firearm defensive ‘weapon’ avoided serious injury either in or outside the home – some of these were killed by their attacker. In 2023, 89% of violent crime attacks were carried out by use of a non-firearm weapons (e.g. knives, blunt objects, hand/feet, axes, box cutters, chemicals, etc…). Overall (all categories, reported) in 2023 there were ~2.7 million people that employed a firearm for defense (DGU) (including brandishing, also includes defense of others), less than 6% of the defenders actually fired, and 97% of the victims (collectively) avoided serious injury or death by employing DGU.

    • .40 cal Booger,

      Attackers who have zero regard for their victim’s life almost universally have immense regard for their own lives. That being the case, attackers almost universally decide to end their attack when their victim suddenly represents a major threat to the attacker’s life.

      That is an important distinction to keep in mind when someone claims that attackers are “deranged”.

      • Attackers, and criminals in general, are almost universally deranged in that they think their own personal criminal proclivities can be acted out with no risk to themselves. However, as their eyes are opened and their dreams are dashed, by that muzzle that suddenly appears and is pointing at them, clear thinking suddenly floods their brain and it becomes a matter of “feet don’t fail me now!”

  4. “[Rapists] look for us in the parking lots of nice businesses, at work, and anywhere else we go. So, we need to always be on the lookout for them and always be ready.

    Locations such as university parking structures next to campus police stations are also on the list. (Reference James Michael Biela who raped a female university student in a parking structure next to the campus police station in Reno, Nevada 16 years ago.)

    • in context, stupid to go into a hotel room with a man you do not know, in particular for paid (or unpaid) sex. The risk is too high.

  5. “For example, it’s stupid to work as an “escort”, stupid to go into a hotel room, and stupid to do that with a stranger. None of those mistakes justifies the man murdering her, of course, but it’s a danger that’s entirely avoidable.”

    This may seem obvious to a denizen of the middle class secure zone, but for many, even in the middle class, it is simply not true.

    “Just say no” does not work in physical spaces controlled by submit-or-die gangs. Ditto economic and cultural spaces…

  6. “Looking out for transgender people can limit your awareness of other, more common, threats…”

    Wait…what? Another Jennifer lecture? Women should ignore people that look like dudes in the women’s restrooms?

    • If she thinks we should exclude transgender people from our “list” of people we should be aware of, she herself is deranged. Everybody should be on the “list” at some level, and from a statistical perspective, some should be closer to the top. That’s common sense.

      • It’s even worse. She basically said if you take the time to notice a man dressed as a woman in the women’s bathroom, then you’ll miss the man dressed as a man who is about to murder/rape you. That doesn’t make sense on any level. It looks like an excuse to insert one of her common acceptance lectures. And yes, like you said, some demos should be closer to the top, but in general, remain vigilant.

      • Run a swat analysis on everyone you see. (strengths, weaknesses, advantages, threats).

      • “Everybody should be on the “list” at some level, and from a statistical perspective, some should be closer to the top.”

        What is that old quote? “Be polite to everyone you meet, and have a plan to kill them”.

  7. “The Pure Evil That Targets everyone Is Real, And We Should Be Ready To Defend Ourselves.”

  8. Maybe if NY actually locked him up he wouldn’t have been out rampaging across the country.
    As long as the dems keep letting animals loose it’s up to all of us to watch our own backs.
    There is no irony in dems freeing animals while simultaneously working to disarm us. They hate us all. They want us all dead. Democrats by their own policies are a de-population death cult.

    • It won’t be long until they realize they can eliminate carbon emissions by eliminating people. All for the environment of course.

      • “It won’t be long until they realize they can eliminate carbon emissions by eliminating people. ”

        I think the enviro-wackos already stated that intention. IIRC there have been claims that the Earth can only indefinitely sustain about 5 million humans.

  9. Well the good news in respect to this article is Concealed Carry cleared the hurdles in Louisiana and the gov. will sign. Means every Louisiana Woman can begin to legally carry a firearm in a purse on July 4th. In the meantime carry anyway.

  10. My boss divorced her husband, and he trashed the house while she was away and just got arrested last night for trying to steal horses from her. She’s heavily armed, I hope she doesn’t ever have to do what may well need to be done one day. He apparently told the cops “she had an arsenal” and the cops told him he was lucky she didn’t take the matter into her own hands! (good cop.) Where she was I strongly suspect the law and the PD would have backed her.

  11. WTF is someone named “Raad Almansoori” doing in the f*ing country, anyway?

    Plus, another lecture from our resident communist sleeper agent.

  12. Feminists are s0ci @list pr0gres sive in their p0litic@l 0rientati0n. Or they are straight up com mun!sts. Feminists have always supported gun control.

    Until Tammy Bruce. A lesbi@n feminist who voted for President Reagan. Twice. A California resident who sports a 38 revolver on the cover of her web page.

  13. “Plus, another lecture from our resident communist sleeper agent.”

    I have absolutely evidence-free theory, constructed strictly for personal entertainment, that Reagan was a commie mole who pulled a triple-cross. Gorbachev, otoh, was a capitalist mole who did not…

  14. Raad Almansoori is an illegal alien criminal. Who was allowed to stay in the USA.
    And the Libertarians Liberals and the Leftists support more alien criminals coming here. Because the three L’s all support open borders. They are comfortable with more children molesters coming here.

    • But according to Democrats, we have to let them in so they can pick our vegetables and clean our toilets. Is that what this guy did for money? Surely dems wouldn’t lie about that.

      Democrats: “We need to force businesses to pay people a better wage.”

      Also Democrats: “We need to flood the market with cheap labor, so we can spend more money on luxury items.”

  15. The only thing that has prevented women from getting guns. Are the laws passed by feminists lawmakers. Like The proud lesbi@n Sen.Tammy Baldwin. The proud lesbi@n attorney general and later governor Maura Healey.

    These females and others like them, have been very active in stopping other women from getting guns legally.

    The problem is women in general don’t vote their own interests. They vote for the “soft” things. And many want “free” stuff from the government.

    • WOW!! COOL STORY, BRO!!! Now cite the part of the story that identifies this person as a “Right Wing Fanatic”. And if shooting into a random car, or shooting random bystanders on the street, is “Right Wing Fanatic” behavior, I guess there are a bunch o’ “Right Wing Fanatic” inner-city yoots who are surprisingly “Right Wing Fanatics”, eh? I wonder where they hold their monthly Klan meetings??

      Oh, and ‘splain to me, Lucy, how a 20 year old adult woman is a “young girl”. Inquiring minds want to know.

      Your aren’t getting any smarter, are you, dacian the demented.

      • just so you know, … after looking into dacians real identity some its known dacian is mentally ill and under treatment by mental health professionals having been diagnosed with schizophrenia which is a serious mental health illness disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally and is associated with violent tendencies (although most will never actually become violent, but they think about it). He sees concepts of “Right Wing Fanatic” and ‘Capitalvania’ in everything.

        • The majority of people with schizophrenia never become violent although those with schizophrenia do have an increased tendency toward violent behaviors of some type known to be associated with schizophrenia. But there is a category of these that will for a fact become violent in some manner and Moreno, the Lakewood shooter, as an example, was diagnosed with this particular version of schizophrenia. Which is interesting, because: All of the mass/school shooters (for the last 40 years) that lived that were actually diagnosed for mental health issues by a mental health professional either before or after their heinous acts were diagnosed with violent traits known to be associated with this same version of violent schizophrenia as Moreno had or were diagnosed directly as having this same violent version Moreno had. And those mass/school shooters (for the last 40 years) who died, an examination of their lives (including any mental health professional interaction) revealed traits known to be associated with this same version of violent schizophrenia or were directly diagnosed at some point by a mental health professional with this same version of violent schizophrenia as Moreno had, and this also includes the Nashville trans shooter.

          Most left wing ‘SJW’ ‘activists and anti-gun, and a lot of trans-people, show traits associated with schizophrenia especially the traits of interpreting reality abnormally (e.g. a lot of trans people claim and believe there is a trans genocide, in reality there is no trans genocide).

        • .40 cal:
          “just so you know, … after looking into dacians real identity some its known dacian is mentally ill and under treatment by mental health professionals having been diagnosed with schizophrenia (etc.) ”

          I’m skeptical. How did you come by that “information”?

        • Shadow. dacian was doxxed here years ago. I cannot say his full name anymore under threat of banishment by ttag. What I can say is he is jerry p. of Canton Ohio. Been to his facebook. He is youngish. No more than 40 now. Judging by his pictures. All those stories about gun shows in the 50’s,60’s and 70’s are pure fantasy. Along with his awesome collection of just about every gun type made.

          Nothing in his facebook about higher education. And an unhealthy fixation on Greta Turdburg when she was still under 18.

        • .40 cal,

          Well, of ALL the things I am worried about in this world (and they are legion) dacian the demented becoming violent is so far down my list it doesn’t even register. That he had “mental issues” was manifest (I would have probably guessed psychotic, rather than schizophrenic, but both work). That he has probably NEVER had an actual, functioning relationship with reality is also manifest.

          dacian is an extremely deluded, extremely ignorant, extremely brainwashed screwed up, disfunctional, “sick puppy”. OTOH, I’m a softie for dogs, so I would be reluctant to put down even a sick puppy (rabies being an exception, or maybe parvovirus, ’cause that is a horrible way for a puppy to die), so dacian is welcome to continue his (miserable) existence, so long as he stays the hell away from me and mine.

          That he was/is a complete fraud was obvious from his comments, so none of that surprises me. Of all our resident trolls, dacian is actually the one I pity the most – he is clearly incapable of surviving in the real world, and has no control over his delusions. The others are clearly liars, idiots, propagandists, and (other than MajorLiar, who is at least an articulate liar) drive-by, punk trolls.

          But the rest of them seem to be in control of their pathetic, trolling, drive-by idiocy, so I afford them no pity, only disdain. Even MajorLiar (who often does stay around to discuss/argue) when finally confronted with how stupid he is (cf., Article I, Section 8 authorizes universal gun control; just ask him), will slink off like the little biotch that he is.

          dacian is simply unhinged (hence, my calling him “dacian the demented”). I’ve been amused by the recent spate of articles/studies to the effect of “the Left is most likely to have diagnosable mental issues, higher rates of depression and suicidality, etc.”. No sh*t, Sherlock!! I’ve been saying that for decades.

          Mostly, this was a decent forum. Even the trolls provided their entertainment. The moderation “policy” was an annoyance that I hoped to eventually get reformed as a result of the constant (and near universal) complaints about it. But it has noticeably gone downhill, in recent times. SNW seems interesting (similar, but I think better, content), but hasn’t got a sufficient regular fan base to make for a good discussion in the comments – time may remedy that.

          Definitely looking for a new home, but there are more than a few at this site that I would miss – you, Sam, Geoff, Southern Cross, alien, jwm, tsbhoa, and quite a few others. If I find a better place, I’ll at least come back and let y’all know, but TTAG is definitely going downhill. I’ll lurk for a while, hang out at SNW, but continue my search for a new home.

        • @The TTAG Shadow

          “I’m skeptical. How did you come by that “information”?”

          To keep with some decorum and to avoid potential moderation for ‘doxing’, and to keep from letting dacian know, I’m not going to write it out here in detail at this time. So lets just say dacian’s opsec sucks and dacian is not careful about where else he posts on the internet.

    • He gets free housing, medical care and food for the rest of his life. And someone will tell him what to do every hour of every day.

      Sounds like a democrat to me.

  16. If you do a search for “girls rifle teams.”
    Hundreds of articles and old pictures will pop up. Stories going back well over 100 years.

    This is history that use to be taught in American public schools. But it’s hateful evil h 0m0 sexu@ls like Tom Ammiano, who got himself elected to the SF school board. With the stated purpose to stop this history from being taught in schools.

    He also said the girls and boys rifle team program should be terminated. And he had them terminated.

  17. You know what else is stupid ? To take an article about some loser stabber and throw in some woke demmunism that worrying about transgenders infecting society is “toxic.” What the h happened to ttag?

    • It was sold TWICE. When it eventually drops to 5% of the “value” at the time of the 1st sale (about next week) perhaps Robert will repurchase/restore it.

  18. “Looking out for transgender people can limit your awareness of other, more common, threats, with normal women who happen to be big or tall or deep-voiced bearing the brunt of the abuse all too often.”

    Sensiba can’t resist the opportunity to shove The Message down our throats, even in an article that has nothing to do with people who think they’re trans.

  19. “For example, it’s stupid to work as an “escort”

    Now wait a minute!!!
    I was told by the libertarians and the sexl@lly liberated. There’s nothing wrong with being “escort”.

    And in fact they said it should be legal. After all it’s a business being conducted between two consenting adults.

    And the warnings that conservatives used to scream, about how dangerous it was.

    Those were just unfounded rumors. According to the smartest people in the room.

  20. “The Pure Evil That Targets Women Is Real, And We Should Be Ready To Defend Ourselves”

    How does one define “women”, or “woman”? My gold standard is, anyone who wants to be.

    If you disagree, you are a MAGA deplorable, right wing extremist, Christian Nationalist, closet member of the KKK.

  21. In 2023, nation wide, ~83% of violent crime successfully committed (but when all is counted to include non-sucessful violent criminal threat in which the criminal was repelled by an aggressive defender its ~90%), the criminals used something other than a gun. Of all the violent crime committed nation wide, in a variable 8 – 12 % the criminal will use a gun.

    The anti-gun are literally making people less safe by distracting them from realizing the greater threat is not the criminal with a gun – but rather its the criminal without the gun.

    In 2023: Overall nation wide, of all the women targeted for rape, ~38% of these women (age range 17 – 53) were armed with a firearm and used that firearm to successfully defend against and repel their attackers. As a result all of these were not raped or injured – thus did not become a statistics number. Less than 1% of those attackers used a gun, the primary weapons they used were knives, clubs, hands.

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