Joe Biden Angry
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

By Lee Williams

The Biden-Harris administration is trapped inside a hostile media spotlight, a victim of their own incompetence. They’re like a cornered animal – desperate for a way out, but clearly willing to settle for anything that would shift the public focus off of their ever-growing list of failures.

They’re a consistent bunch, that much is true. They consistently lurch from one self-inflicted crisis to another, while we pay the price for their mistakes.

It began with Joe’s unconditional surrender of Afghanistan and was followed by the Build Back Better bust and the deadly fiasco on our Southern border. Added quickly to the mix were skyrocketing inflation, lots of empty shelves, the Supremes embarrassing denouncement of a clearly unconstitutional vaccine mandate, COVID tests becoming unobtainium while omicron surged.

All the while, the filibuster remaining as strong as it was a year ago thanks to good Sens. Manchin and Sinema, and the fact that Russia is making ready to launch an invasion of the Ukraine, which could trigger a third world war, in which Joe Biden (!) would be the defender of the free world.

The Biden-Harris administration tried to get the focus off of its near-daily faux pas by uploading a Jan. 6-themed “democracy is under threat” speech onto Joe’s teleprompter. The speech caught hold of the media’s news cycle for about a day, but the respite didn’t last long, despite hard-sell attempts by Pelosi et al.

Next, Joe tried pivoting to voting rights, but when voting rights advocates themselves boycotted his speech, his pivot lost its luster. The speech itself – “Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” – was about as easy for most Americans to stomach as a fistful of ghost peppers. It was, in fact, more of a cry for help – another what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-Joe exemplar.

Now, what has me and some of my much smarter and more experienced friends losing sleep, is trying to fathom what Joe will try next. It is time, we fear, for Joe to pivot once again toward gun control, as he did right out of the box a year ago.

The pivot could take the shape of a new ATF rule – most likely his long-threatened attempt to move ARs, standard-capacity magazines or whatever else scares the anti-gun crowd, under the regulatory of the National Firearms Act which currently regulates machine guns, suppressors, short-barrel rifles and shotguns and other devices that give the gun-grabbers fits.

To be clear, such a move would be clearly unconstitutional, and the ATF certainly lacks the authority to impose such a rule. However, that hasn’t stopped this crowd before.

Biden — or whoever else is really calling the shots — has shown they don’t care about the constitution or the rule of law. If they did, the Supremes wouldn’t have pulled down their drawers and given them a public spanking for trying to reinvent OSHA’s authority with their vaccine mandate, which Biden’s own chief of staff Ron Klain admitted was a “workaround” of the United States Constitution.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden walk across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington to board Marine One helicopter, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021, for the short trip to Andrews Air Force Base, Md., and then on to Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The timing of such an anti-gun workaround couldn’t be better for Joe. Within the past few weeks, Biden has lost the support of the mainstream media – the very folks who got him elected.

President Biden left Washington tonight to spend the weekend at home in Delaware. He probably couldn’t wait to get out of town after one of the worst weeks of his year-old presidency. A series of setbacks from voting rights, the Supreme Court blocking his vaccine mandate for large businesses, and soaring inflation driving up prices for consumers. And today we saw the news that retail sales last month were awful. Plus omicron is still causing havoc, with staffing shortages and empty shelves, and some say Democrats are upset with the White House over testing shortages. I could go on. It’s a bad week for the president. Is there any other way to cut it?

That’s not a quote from Tucker, Sean or Laura. CNN’s own Don Lemon said it just days ago – the same Don Lemon who broke into actual tears the night Joe Biden was elected.

If Don’s given up hope, Joe is truly lost. That’s one of the reasons I suspect Joe will pivot to guns. It would land the mainstream media back in his camp, and the gun-ban industry — Gabby, Everytown and the Demanding Moms — would be ecstatic. They, too, had all but given up on Joe. They certainly wouldn’t care about offending the Constitution or more than half of the country.

Gabby Giffords
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

As with any crime, and to be clear, willfully violating the Constitution is a criminal act. You have to look at motive, means and opportunity. Joe Biden has the motive to violate our rights and the means to do so. And although I believe it will happen sooner rather than later, unless fate or the 25th Amendment intervene, for the next three long years he’ll have opportunity for all the infringing he and Kamala desire.


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.



  1. Well, when they get done goin after the anti vaxxers and the concerned parents, they’ll be goin door to door for your gats!

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      ‘Job 1’ for those handling Biden will be to lessen the ass-kicking they will get later this year.

      Right now it’s looking grim for them.

      So, the real question to be asked (besides wondering when my most likely brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll will finally just go away) is whether or not they say “Fuck it, we’re screwed anyways, might as well go for broke on gun control”…

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        Ooops! Almost forgot –

        Dance, nit-wit troll, I order you to make a laughingstock of yourself… 😉

      • I think the ass-kicking will be epic. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but who the HELL could believe that doddering old fool can manage anything whatsoever, there should be ZERO representatives from the Bozo party, and 14 fewer Senators. Yes, I am saying 435 representatives either Republican or Independent, both Senate and House easily capable of overriding faux presidential vetoes before the ink is dry. “JOE! Shut the fuck up and sit down!”

    • With no connection or evidence whatsoever joe biden labels those standing in the way of voter fraud schemes as Jim Crow 2.0. With all sorts of evidence showing Gun Control and Jim Crow go hand in hand it seems hearing Gun Control would tie joe biden and his ilk to Jim Crow but unfortunately for most Gun Owners it does not.

      To defend the Second Amendment Gun Owners must properly define Gun Control by its history…Otherwise it’s the same old wait for the USSC and other courts to decide what common sense and the diabolical history of Gun Control should have decided long ago. Just like common sense and courts decided long ago when the issue was slave shacks, chains, whips, Jim Crow, etc. Instead Gun Control zealots continue to set the pace. And the cat and mouse omnidirectional response from the majority of Gun Owners winds up providing standing for Gun Control in court, etc.

      It seems Gun Owners would be fed up seeing the Second Amendment being slapped around by an agenda that history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide. When Gun Owners fail to define Gun Control by its history of racism and genocide then those Gun Owners perhaps unknowingly wind up licking the boots of Gun Control.

      And when democRat joe biden attempts to associate the Party of Lincoln with Jim Crow what Jim Crow Gun Control joe biden is doing is using slander and libel to rewrite the racist history of his democRat Party. When joe biden and his ilk sugarcoat another proposed Gun Control law they know politically inept history illiterates will swallow it hook line and sinker. That is what happens day in and day out when Gun Owners and their leaders fail to properly define Gun Control by its history of racism and genocide.

      • My son said to me recently, ” Watch how fast they ban AR’s when the blacks start buying them at the rate the whites do.”

        • “They” who? *I* sure don’t care what a person’s skin looks like when he buys a gun, that would be a liberal thing!

        • Yep, we all know exactly who they are.

          Our so-called liberals, who pine for the good old days when black people knew their rightful place and wouldn’t dream of exercising their Second Amendment civil rights; the “progressive” Democrats that hope if they yell “Jim Crow 2.0” loud enough, the rest of America won’t notice them reinstating some of the very same, very real Jim Crow laws this nation pried out of their grasp not all that long ago.

          Systemic racism is the DNA of the utterly despicable Democratic party:–the-DNA-by-Jeff-Einstein-Democratic_Democratic-Cowards_Democratic-Lies_Democratic-Party-211209-755.html

        • Sorry, possum, but I’ve got zero problems with blacks, greens, blues, purples or rainbow-tints buying or owning gunms. If it is my right, it is theirs, too. Happy to help them find a range, and training, to learn to use it right. Don’t give a rip who they voted for.

          EVERYONE has the right to self-defense, and the RKBA.

  2. I think the upcoming decision by the Supreme Court in the NYRPA case will put a significant dent in any such efforts even if the lack of a Senate majority is not enough to stop them in their tracks. I agree that the ATF cannot decide to ban ARs by rule, as that would blatantly exceed the scope of their authority under applicable federal legislation. The rule that a regulation cannot exceed the scope of the authorizing statute is so well established that perhaps even the Ninth Circus would have a hard time concluding that a semi-automatic rifle is a “machine gun” within the meaning of the statute (though undoubtedly it would give it a try).

    • Agreed on all points. I’m waiting for the NYRPA decision.

      I just received the first response from the LASD to my multiple inquiries on the status of my CCW application, which is now more than double the timeframe than their own policy states they must respond by. The answer I got? A single sentence simply stating “we received your application, and you’ll be notified when an investigator is assigned.” That’s it…no name, no signature, no nothing. I have no idea which employee within the Dept wrote it, or what their plan is to rectify the fact that they took my money and severely breached their own policy.

      My hope is that the NYRPA decision will be favorable and have an immediate nationwide effect, turning CA into “shall issue” or at least returning the former option of open carry.

      • I Haz a Question,

        The only tiny silver lining in your situation: California has deemed that carrying a concealed handgun without a license is a misdemeanor (when you are a “good” person with no criminal record and no obvious criminal intent beyond carrying your handgun).

        According to TTaG’s frequent commenter jwm, police have stopped him more than once with a concealed handgun without a California CCW license and let him go since he was a “good” person with no criminal record and no obvious criminal intent. In other words he benefited from selective enforcement.

        Caveat: I have no idea if jwm’s experience is the norm everywhere in California or if he lucked out and the police who he encountered actually support the Second Amendment.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Yeah, but who wants to find out, first hand? 🙁

        • Technically, it is a “wobbler,” meaning it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Depending on your county of residence, you may not want to run the risk of your local DA filing a felony charge. Even more, depending on the issuing entity, a professional license that depends on “good moral character” could be endangered by even a misdemeanor conviction for carrying a concealed firearm because it could be considered by that governmental entity as a “crime of moral turpitude.”

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Saw jwm just a fed days back…

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Just a few non-federal days back, that is…

      • Damn man many of the judges up here have sped up pistol permits and it’s almost like we are trying to up the approval stats to make the rest of the state’s history look less restrictive on average. Hope we get a decision that helps you and Maryland helps everyone.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        “I have no idea which employee within the Dept wrote it, or what their plan is to rectify the fact that they took my money and severely breached their own policy.”

        Class-action lawsuit.

        You can easily find others in the same predicament, and sue their sorry asses.

        You can bet NY state will drag things out for as long as they can when the carry ruling drops like a sack of wet cement on their Leftist Scum pointed heads, so get going! 😉

    • “I agree that the ATF cannot decide to ban ARs by rule, as that would blatantly exceed the scope of their authority under applicable federal legislation. ”

      Isn’t the “Chevron Doctrine” precisely a decision by the SC to allow executive agencies to do precisely that?

      I was surprised that Chevron was not used as a justification of OSHA covid mandates. Instead, the SC came up with some sort of weird ruling that OSHA could indeed control healthcare workers, even though the very argument for such flies in the face of the concept that employees face the same covid risk whether at home or at work.

      Also surprised the SC didn’t invoke the Commerce Clause.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        “Also surprised the SC didn’t invoke the Commerce Clause.”

        It’s *possible* the high court has a surprise in store on that down the line…

        Perhaps? 🙂

        • “It’s *possible* the high court has a surprise in store on that down the line…Perhaps? ”

          Commerce Clause is the sword of Damocles hanging over the Republic since the beginning.

      • “the concept that employees face the same covid risk whether at home or at work”

        An obviously invalid concept, a cursory examination of the reality of the situation shows that the person at home has much less contact with strangers then in the workplace, especially if their work involves contact with the public in retail or service industries.

        But it’s OK, keep up with your flawed narrative if it brings you joy…

        • The premise of the vaccine mandate is flawed to begin with. The vaccines don’t keep you from getting and spreading Covid. We were sold a lie. Instead of “following the science,” they continue the lying narrative and harmful mandates.

          They temporarily closed the schools here because they don’t have enough staff to come in. Most people in that age group have been vaccinated. I know someone who is on the mend from it right now. He was fully vaccinated. He got pretty sick. “It felt like a bad flu.”

          My vaccinated sister tested positive yesterday. She asked me not to tell my other sister because she didn’t want to hear it about the vaccine not working. My other sister is a true anti-vaxxer, not just an anti-Covid vaxxer. She’s also a lifelong Democrat for the idiots that think it’s just conservatives that aren’t getting the vaccine. That’s another lie they continue to push because they politicize everything.

        • “The vaccines don’t keep you from getting and spreading Covid. We were sold a lie“

          So Donald Trump‘s warp speed project was a lie?

          You can’t seriously believe what you stated, do you honestly believe that a successful vaccine is 100% effective at preventing anyone contracting the disease?

          And you do realize the current vaccinations were developed to deal with the original COVID-19, and the vast majority of current infections are a variant, omicron?

          All the data shows that the vaccinations are very beneficial in preventing hospitalization and serious illness from omicron, as opposed to non-Vaxxed cases.

          I really thought you had a better grasp of the actual mechanics of the pandemic and the medical establishments response.

        • Looks like my first response was deleted, here’s an alternative.

          No jab is 100% effective, and the original job was developed for the initial plague, there’s a new variant now.
          But the current job is shown good effectiveness at preventing serious illness and hospitalization, if not stopping the plague outright.

          And no jab is 100% effective, here are the stats on the MMR jab, required for all school children for decades:

          “One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella.

          Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps.”

        • If your first response is being moderated, then you said a forbidden word. If it gets approved, we can compare it to add it to the naughty word list.

          It seems like you’re agreeing with me. If it helps to prevent hospitalization and death, then why have the harmful mandates? Why are you worried about someone that isn’t vaccinated if you are? If we are having mandates, then why have they been ignoring natural immunity? The CDC just admitted that natural immunity works better than the shots. Why would we force pregnant women to take a new, experimental shot? Why are we forcing people to go against their religious beliefs? All of this is for a shot that doesn’t keep you from catching and spreading Covid.

          Define serious illness. Like I said above, the person I knew that was fully vaccinated described it as a BAD flu. If he was a little older or had a compromised immune system, he may have ended up in the hospital. I think it’s all about ego at this point, though it’s probably also about money and power. They took it too far, and now they can’t admit they were wrong.

          It’s irrelevant to compare it to the MMR vaccines. The MMR vaccines are very effective at keeping you from getting it in the first place. This was the narrative used to sell the Covid vaccines until they had to sort of acknowledge reality and say it only prevents serious illness and death.

        • I discovered the forbidden word. It’s vak sin nation spelled properly.

          Your second post was better than your first. This is in response to your first post.

          The warp speed project was designed to have the vax available to the public in record time. Nothing about that is a lie. He asked the health professionals what we needed. They said a vax, and he made it happen. The effectiveness of the vax, and the fact that they don’t prevent you from catching it was the lie that has been pushed on us for a year.

          Miner said: “You can’t seriously believe what you stated, do you honestly believe that a successful vax is 100% effective at preventing anyone contracting the disease?”

          I never said it had to be 100% effective. It’s so ineffective, that they changed the official line to basically, it keeps you from dying or coming close to dying. Yet, the news media, Fauci, and the Biden administration are still pushing the lie that we wouldn’t have a pandemic if people just got the vax. That just isn’t true. Furthermore, if it just keeps people from dying or becoming “seriously ill,” then why are they pushing the experimental vax on kids that have a 0.001% chance of dying from Covid? In what world does that make sense? Follow the money…

          Miner said: “And you do realize the current vaxes were developed to deal with the original COVID-19, and the vast majority of current infections are a variant, omicron?”

          Yes, I do realize that. Is the news media, Fauci, or the Biden administration saying that the vax isn’t effective now that the virus mutated? Then why are they pushing harmful mandates and shaming people for not being vaxxed? Are you seeing how this doesn’t make any sense? I think Pfizer, et al got their effectiveness rating from testing the vax against the original Covid strain about two weeks after the second vax. It appears to immediately begin to lose effectiveness. Add to that the different variants, and we’re dealing with a different ballgame. Why is that hard to acknowledge? Follow the money…

        • Gee, MinorIQ, most people don’t live in their mommy’s basement, so they actually see people all the time. Before the COVID nonsense, I used to have dinner parties frequently, because I and all of my friends love to cook.

          But you just go on being stupid, we’ll all just point and laugh. You are denying life because of a “pandemic” with s LESS THAN 0.1% fatality rate. Scared, ignorant and stupid is no way to go through life, boy.

        • Dude, no one at any point ever claimed this vaccine would be 100% effective or prevent everyone from ever contracting Covid, to suggest otherwise is not accurate.

          Again, no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing illness, even after decades of development the MMR vaccine and others only register in the high 90 percentile of prevention, meaning hundreds of thousands of people still contract the disease usually in a milder form even if vaccinated.

          Even the polio vaccination, which has been in use for decades, is not 100% effective and fades over time:

          “Vaccine Effectiveness
          Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.

          A person is considered to be fully vaccinated if he or she has received:

          four doses of any combination of IPV and tOPV, or
          a primary series of at least three doses of IPV or trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (tOPV)

          The last dose in either series should be given after 4 years of age and at least 6 months after the previous dose.
          Duration of Protection
          It is not known how long people who received IPV will be immune to poliovirus, but they are most likely protected for many years after a complete series of IPV.“

          “Is the news media, Fauci, or the Biden administration saying that the vax isn’t effective now that the virus mutated? Then why are they pushing harmful mandates and shaming people for not being vaxxed?“

          Yes, Fauci and others have pointed out that the current vaccination is not as effective against the new variations.

          That’s why it’s even more important that the mask mandates are followed, omicron has shown an ability to spread more effectively through airborne transmission leading to record numbers of cases currently.

          “I think Pfizer, et al got their effectiveness rating from testing the vax against the original Covid strain about two weeks after the second vax“

          Obviously, because there were no variance when the initial test of the vaccine were conducted, is that so hard to understand?

          “It’s so ineffective, that they changed the official line to basically, it keeps you from dying or coming close to dying“

          Are you really that obtuse?

          Of course as new variants have arisen, the effectiveness of the original vaccination has been reassessed and shown that while it is not as effective against the new variations it is still very useful in preventing serious illness and death.

          To announce that the vaccination is not as effective against the new variants is exactly being honest about the efficacy, why do you find that is a problem?

          “pushing the lie that we wouldn’t have a pandemic if people just got the vax“

          No reputable authority has ever claimed that “we wouldn’t have a pandemic if people just got the VAX”

          The big push has been to use mask mandates iand vaccination to lower the rate of spread in order to prevent overwhelming our healthcare system.

          Remember the irreparable medical authorities saying we need to “lower the curve”?

          You’ll understand the importance of that when you are rushed to the ER after an auto accident or heart attack and find the hospital full of unvaxed Covid patients in ICU.

          I can’t speak for your state, but here in West Virginia the ER docs are on the radio begging people to get Vaxxed because the emergency rooms are overwhelmed with unvexed Covid patients straining our local healthcare system to the breaking point.

          You know, I clearly remember on this forum when everyone said there was no such thing as Covid and it was a Dem hoax, I clearly remember when Donald Trump said it would “all just go away one day like a miracle”, “there are only 15 cases now and soon that number will be near zero”.

          There’s the Big Lie.

        • MinorIQ,

          EVEN the political whores at the CDC now admit that the “vaccine” (it isn’t, if you are knowledgeable about what vaccines are and aren’t) does not prevent either getting COVID, or spreading it. It seems to have SOME efficacy at reducing symptons. That’s it. The alpha and the omega of the “vaccine” is that it . . . probably means you’ll have milder symptoms. Of a disease that kills LESS THAN 0.1% of the people who get it (probably MUCH less than 0.1%). Enjoy mommie’s basement; you don’t have friends, anyway.

      • OSHA wasn’t involved with healthcare workers; they were done via HHS, the agency that funds Medicare / Medicaid.

        • “OSHA wasn’t involved with healthcare workers; they were done via HHS, the agency that funds Medicare / Medicaid”

          You are correct. I organized my comment poorly.

    • Don’t EVER bet on what the Old Ladies in Black Dresses will do. Especially since we have “Popular is more important than Constitutional” Roberts at the helm.
      Him, Gorsuch, and Barrett should go take a fast look at what became of the Supreme Court of Venezuela once the socialists decided they weren’t needed any more.

    • The NFA actually defines machine guns correctly, and a semi-auto won’t fit the definition.

      • “The NFA actually defines machine guns correctly, and a semi-auto won’t fit the definition.”

        Wordplay is the stock-and-trade of leftists (see, G. Orwell). Anything can be made to fit the words, anything can be fit to the words.

        Give any item, and if (the biggest word) that item can in any way be used in the making or operating of a machine gun, government can declare it to fall under the provisions of NFA.

    • “Molon Labe.”

      It is a popular fantasy that an unorganized, undisciplined, gang of “patriots” will rise up and defeat a modern standing army, and thus overthrow a “tyrannical” government. So, let’s look at an example of such: the Philippines, circa 1942.

      When the Japanese invaded the main islands of the Philippines they had approximately 45,000 troops in their 14th Army. MacArthur had 90,000 under arms (regular and irregular). By time MacArthur returned in 1944, there were an estimated 200,000 – 250,000 insurgents fighting the Japanese (who had been heavily reinforced…suffering 230,000 casualties in the battle for Luzon). Yet, the insurgents could not defeat the Japanese. And this is not to point out that the “re-taking” of the Philippines was not complete until the Japanese surrender in Sep 1945.

      Even with the hundreds of thousands of insurgents, and the 170,000 troops of the US 8th Army, the Japanese were not directly defeated. (On a related note, the US was still fighting in Italy at the end of war in Europe, May 1945)

      Point being, the dream of misfit crowds of gun owners is just bluster of the first order. If we cannot muster the votes to save the Republic, how many fewer will be available to bear the heavy work of rebellion? No, a few thousand “patriot” gang members are not going to overthrow a government. The ballot box is where we rise, or fall.

      • The difference is the troops have family on this battlefield and they are as much the enemy as the troops who will choose to fight against Freedom. There are No Innocents or Non Combatants in WAR. Because Our Politicians concerned themselves with Non Combatant casualties, is exactly why Our Military has Not Won a War since WWII. And will Not Win one against it’s fellow Citizens.

        • “The difference is the troops have family on this battlefield and they are as much the enemy as the troops who will choose to fight against Freedom. ”

          True, however….

          What limits would you acknowledge if your family is threatened with harm by government? What limits would you expect the armed forces of tyrannical government to acknowledge in protecting their families from harm from insurgents?

          What limits would you accept when wreaking revenge on the military of the tyrannical who harmed your family? What limits would you expect the military of the tyrannical government to accept when wreaking revenge on you and your amigos?

          Civil war is the most vicious of all types. Righteousness is neither a tactic, nor a strategy.

        • The Germans showed all of us the Way of the Future between 1939 and 1945 by demonstrating how to deal with resistance fighters, their families, and the anonymous citizenry that supported them.
          The Japanese used the same tactics in China and other occupied lands, just for longer and perhaps with a less nuanced approach, less mechanized and more ‘personal’ in application, but equally effective.
          Various Communist insurgencies have also laid down a clear path for others to follow when confronted by resistance to their domination of a region.
          Even further back, such modern thinkers as Genghis Khan, the Romans, and various Muslim conquerors had a clear concept of how to deal with insurrections and uncooperative groups in lands that they overwhelmed militarily.
          Not a one went in for ‘righteousness,’ or the soft approach. None had any great difficulty using a sufficient amount of horrendous violence to subjugate those with whom they disagreed.

          Oderint dum metuant.
          Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.

          It doesn’t sound nearly so bad in Latin.

        • @ Sam I am. I would deal with anyone attacking my family with “Extreme Prejudice”. if you are familiar with that term, In the War for Freedom against Tyranny. Their are No middle ground. You either support Freedom or you don’t and will be treated accordingly. Because Our Politicians have been more concerned about collateral casualties. Than winning conflicts. 100″s of thousands of Our Military personnel have been Wasted on the battlefield for No Reason or Purpose. That is why Our Government will Not ever defeat a willing force in pursuit of Victory. Charlie, the VC and Every terrorist group in the Middle East has taught that Lesson well.

  3. Oh, they’re gonna go bigger than that. They’re gonna start a war with Russia. That way, they can claim a “national emergency” and do pretty much what they want. Guns, for sure, but they’ll ration food and energy, institute price controls, restrict movement, blatantly censor “misinformation,” call for warrantless searches and arrests of “Russian agents,” the works. All of this will be for “our safety.”

    The aging, childless Karens will just love it.

    Think I’m having a paranoid fever dream?? Who’d have thought two years ago cops would haul hairdressers out of their shops for defying unconstitutional edicts?

    The Left is losing. They are dangerous, a cornered animal. They will destroy the country.

    • Jimmy Beam,

      Think I’m having a paranoid fever dream?? Who’d have thought two years ago cops would haul hairdressers out of their shops for defying unconstitutional edicts?

      I will one-up you: who would have thought three years ago that cops would be arresting people for attending CHURCH SERVICES in violation of unconstitutional edicts?

      THAT should have caused an immediate and massive response (both unarmed and armed) from We the People. The fact that no one did anything in response other than file lawsuits which took several months/years to wind their way through the courts gives the Ruling Class the green-light to proceed with anything and everything that they want.

      • Uncommon,

        Simple – they hate religion (other than Islam) as much as they hate guns. Belief in, and worshipping, Christ is a thoughtcrime to the Leftist/fascists – because it interferes with your ability to believe in socialism/communism, which is THEIR lord and savior.

        They have made huge inroads on destroying our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, they’ve trashed our education system, they’ve tried to make people bow to clearly unconstitutional “mandates”. Religion is about all we have left that they haven’t destroyed, so, yeah, they’re working their butts off to destroy that, too.

        Leftism is a mental disease.

    • If a war starts with Russia, Putin will be the one starting it in the Ukraine. Believing that Biden is weak, he is going to the brink to see if he can wrangle the “security guarantees” Russia has sought since the fall of the USSR, which boils down to having no NATO ally on its border. [The Russians, having been invaded more times than it cares to count, is very paranoid about such things.] And if that doesn’t work, a blitz of the Ukraine from two or three different directions (maybe four if it can get Moldova involved) will end the war before we can mobilize a response.

      • War with Russia is pointless madness. The globalist controlled West has become the evil empire. Russia isn’t our enemy, though we have treated her as such, without cause, for the last thirty years. NATO lost it’s reason to exist with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.

        • Art out West,

          Whether or not war with any country–Russia included–is pointless madness depends on the facts. Unfortunately, no one outside of a few people in our intelligence agencies will never know the facts.

          If you have ever played the game called Risk you will understand the significant danger that a nation poses to the rest of the world if that nation gets too large/powerful. Being that Russia is already a very large and powerful nation, the last thing that we want is Russia getting even larger and more powerful. Whether or not that justifies going to war with Russia in the event that Russia attempts to annex Ukraine is anyone’s guess.

        • Pushing Russia into the arms of China would be the mistake of the century. Alternatively, keeping Russia from aligning with China against our interests would be smart foreign policy.

        • Oh, gee, MinorIQ, I thought Russia was only an enemy when you could (falsely) accuse Teh Donald of “collaborating” with them. Senile Gropey Joe Biden has been shlobbing Putin’s knob for a year now, and y’all “patriots” have been silent.

          Eff off, soiboi.

  4. War with Russia.
    Piling the “Russian agent” label onto the already othered population of racist-science denying-insurgents holding knives to the throat of democracy.
    Doubling down on all the security theater constraints of of the Bush-Obama era.

    • I’m just about willing to bet on it. Not sure I’d bet on it being Russia, but it has to be considered a front runner.

      These feckless, grasping corruptocrats ARE going to start a war — or at least do their level best to get us into one. Fortunately, there’s still a chance they might fail at that just like they’ve failed everything else so far.

  5. I think that Biden will offer to mediate the dangerous situation evolving between France and Prussia.

    • Given that he did broker the end to the conflict between the German states of the Holy Roman Empire through the Peace of Westphalia, I believe that he will be successful in convincing Emperor Napoleon III to come to terms with Bismarck, at long last.
      We can but hope.

      • You’re making me blush! Who can forget that time I was arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela? Confronting Cornpop when I was a young man gave me the confidence to be so brave.

  6. While his administration is as desperate for a win as a junkie is for their next fix, (both crapping themselves, especially Joe) I tend to doubt they will go after ARs and such, not at this juncture. Their list of recent failures is simply too great to tackle a highly toxic issue as gun control. Make no mistake, gun control has destroyed many a politician which sleepy Joe and his ilk are keenly aware of. They can’t afford to get kicked in the teeth again.

    They need a win no doubt, a big win in their corner, I just don’t think guns are going to be it.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “Make no mistake, gun control has destroyed many a politician which sleepy Joe and his ilk are keenly aware of. They can’t afford to get kicked in the teeth again.”

      Desperate people do stupid things, and they just might say “We’re gonna lose anyways, might as well go out in a blaze of Leftist Scum glory.”…

      • You could be right. I’d be surprised but as you said, desperate people do desperate things.
        My feeling is that it isn’t the right climate. Now maybe if there’s a big shooting that falls right in their narrative, you know, a white guy with an AR goes on a rampage, then maybe! But lacking an earth shattering event, I don’t think they’ll wade that toxic pond.

  7. The late evangelist Jack Van Impe wrote a book a lonnnng time ago(1950’s)entitled “The coming war with Russia”. And was laughed at. The Neocons & Dimtards are frothing at the mouth anticipating this idiotic move. Protecting a country many believe is merely a russkie province…what does ‘Merica gain?!?

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        Lots of battlefield uniformed snacks for scavengers like Possums… 😉

        • Wow, you’ve made about 25% of the comments here. And you pollutes other articles with your unnecessary remarks. Curious, other than hanging around websites where you’re not wanted, in what other ways do you let the world know you’re a fat balding loser who can’t get laid?

        • I’ve got more honor then that Geoff.
          With two grandchildren in the Marines I’m praying we stay out of the Ukraine and anywhere else that doesn’t affect America directly.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Damn sure not balding, likely brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll, my 87 year-old dad also has his head full of hair.

          Balding won’t be happening here.

          In your ‘honor’, I’ll be making a number of additional comments here for you see and seethe about impotently, little boy.

          A *very* little boy you are, I’ll bet! 😉

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “With two grandchildren in the Marines I’m praying we stay out of the Ukraine and anywhere else that doesn’t affect America directly.”

          Same here.

          Semper Fi to your young-uns, Marsupial One… 🙂

        • Hey, brainless, nameless troll!!

          You haven’t gained a single IQ point since the last time you subjected us to your useless, trolling nonsense.

          The cable is waiting.

    • “what does ‘Merica gain?!?”

      If only our dear leaders actually asked that question before doing ANYTHING.

  8. quote————-It began with Joe’s unconditional surrender of Afghanistan and was followed by the Build Back Better bust and the deadly fiasco on our Southern border.———-quote

    Wrong. You ignore the fact that Biden was forced to continue Trumps ill-conceived withdrawal plan.

    quote———— Jan. 6-themed “democracy is under threat” speech onto Joe’s teleprompter————–quote

    Anyone who would say Democracy in the U.S. is not in grave danger after Trump tried a 1923 beer hall style putsch is an abject liar and living in an alternate universe.

    quote————Next, Joe tried pivoting to voting rights,———qoute

    As well he should expose the gangster criminal Republicans going all out to deny the American people the right to vote in an election. The Republicans are a failed party and their failure to win the popular vote in almost every election proves it beyond all doubt. If it were not for voter suppression, the corrupt gerrymandering and the corrupt electoral college the Republicans would all be driven out of Congress tarred and feathered on a rail.

    quote————-The pivot could take the shape of a new ATF rule – most likely his long-threatened attempt to move ARs, standard-capacity magazines or whatever else scares the anti-gun crowd, under the regulatory of the National Firearms Act which currently regulates machine guns, suppressors, short-barrel rifles and shotguns and other devices that give the gun-grabbers fits.——-quote

    Its long overdue and since Congress has failed to act this may be his only option but he has 3 more years to go and do not rule out a Congressional Law that would do just that and it would pass constitutional muster because he would not be outlawing such weapons, just “regulating them” which is exactly what the disingenuous Scalia decision ruled on.

    quote————-If Don’s given up hope, Joe is truly lost. ———–quote

    Quite a laughable statement as many Presidents before Biden had similar low ratings early in their Presidencies.

    quote—————-As with any crime, and to be clear, willfully violating the Constitution is a criminal act. You have to look at motive, means and opportunity. Joe Biden has the motive to violate our rights and the means to do so.————quote

    Passing laws in Congress that would mandate Safe Storage and Universal Background Checks are perfectly Constitutional and would take no ones guns. And there is Republican support for both laws which almost became law under President Trump as Mitch McConnell stated after the horrendous Texas shopping center massacre and hours later Ohio mass killings that they were ready to present gun control to Trump if he would tell them they had his support. Yes it already has come that close to passage.

    • Hey everyone! It’s Dacian, the communist apologist! Dacian will be first in line to volunteer when the bullets start flying, won’t you Dacian?

    • dacian the stupid,

      Biden DID NOT follow Trump’s withdrawal plan – even the Pentagon admits that. If you’re going to lie, at least try to not be so obvious. Senile, incompetent, serial-child-groping moron Biden effed up Afghanistan by the numbers. Literally did NOTHING right . . . and expects pats on the back (and another pudding cup) for doing so.

      Name ONE THING Biden the Senile Idiot has done right. ONE THING.

      What has he done wrong?? The economy. Energy policy. The border. Inflation. China. Russian. Iran. Within each of those, there are DOZENS of literally brain-dead decisions by the Biden “administration” that not only didn’t HELP the problem, but actively made it worse. He has single-handedly relieved the feckless joke Jimmy Carter from being the worst president we ever had. Senile Joe now owns that “distinction”, and hopefully will for all time (God FORBID that we have a president stupider and more inept than Gropey Joe Biden the Hair-Sniffer!!).

      I have it on good authority that a cable awaits your tender ministrations.

      • Lamp the wife beater and pretend intellectual really has a bee in his bonnet today. His estranged wife must have neglected to make her monthly support payment. What an insufferable buffoon this ‘man’ is lol…

        • Let’s see accusations and insults but no refutations. Sorry bro lamps points stand and you can go seethe.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          And seethe is all he can do, what a joke he is! 😉

        • Hey!! Lucky me! I’ve gotten Geoff’s nameless, brainless troll to stalk me, too!! Of frabjous day, calloo, callay!

          Go eat a bag o’ d***s, troll.

      • Sorry, Lamp, I think Obama took that title from Carter, it looked like Hillarity would take it from him, but no, it stayed with the community organizer until his VP did the duty of relieving the boss, there may never be anyone so hugely defective as to take it from Biden.

    • 3 more years to go, I doubt he will make it that long. From appearances health wise my beloved Pestident joe theBiden is failing fast.

    • Interesting that you’d go to the trouble of writing all that when 95% of the people who read these pages won’t read anything with your name on it.

    • “You ignore the fact that Biden was forced to continue Trumps ill-conceived withdrawal plan.”

      Forced by whom? Was Kamala Whorish holding a gun to his head? Was Dr. Jill Biden withholding his afternoon pudding cup? Did the Bad Orange Man’s mean tweets make him do it?

      Biden and the feckless grifters he’s surrounded with completely own the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco, and everyone knows it. Even you.

      • No, Ing, “Doctor” Jill told him he had to . . . or he couldn’t have his evening tapioca cup.

      • “Forced by whom?”

        Donald Trump negotiated the retreat treaty with the Taliban terrorist organization, did you expect Joe Biden to renege on the treaty and keep American troops in-country indefinitely?

        Trump negotiated the withdrawal date with the Taliban, everyone knew the date and was free to leave the country after February 2020 when Trump announced the deal.

        Joe Biden extended the withdrawal deadline by three months, giving folks an additional three months to withdraw from Afghanistan.

        You should be more upset with the Trump administration, who intentionally slow walked and delayed the asylum requests of Afghanis who had served our military as interpreters and guards, causing many of them to be apprehended, tortured and killed by the Taliban.

        “Trump admin broke law with visa delays for Afghans, Iraqis who worked for U.S., judge rules
        Calling the government’s arguments “untenable,” the court ordered the Trump admin to produce a plan in 30 days on how to fix the visa application problem.“

        “U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan of Washington, D.C., said the government offered no convincing explanation why it has failed to abide by 2013 legislation requiring authorities to deliver a decision on visa applications for Afghans and Iraqis within nine months. Instead, many applicants — who risked their lives working for U.S. troops or other government agencies — have had to wait for several years to get an answer on their visa requests, the court said in the ruling handed down on Friday.“

        • Well, you complete moron, he’s ALREADY reneged on several. Your senile (and he was stupid BEFORE he was senile), serial-child-groping “president” doesn’t even know where his evening tapioca is coming from, can’t remember the names of his own cabinet members, can’t complete a sentence, and . . . you’re defending him. Of course you are, he’s a Leftist/fascist idiot, just like you (only he’s even dumber than you are, which is a feat only achieved by dacian, before Senile Joe came along). Have fun with that, soiboi . . . gonna be enjoying those SWEET Leftist tears, some November. Sucks to be a Leftist, dunnit??

        • 2013 legislation? I’m gonna have to check, I don’t recall Trump being in office then. Or 9 months later. *WHO* is it you are saying disregarded his duty?

  9. I don’t see a direct pivot “to guns”. I suspect you’ll get a more circuitous route, which is standard big gov/Lefty fare.

    Generally, such people like to create a problem so they can offer a solution. The interesting thing about the current set of *policy preferences* throughout the Democratic Party is that they’re almost custom designed to create havoc across a wide swath of society.

    For example, the current jab mandates for truckers crossing the US/Canadian border will create huge backlogs (and is already drawing large but relatively unreported protests). And Canada doesn’t just send us maple syrup. Last year Canadian imports accounted for 86.7% of our softwood stocks, including quite obviously, framing timber. And you can’t fix that just on the US side even if you had such mandates struck down because the Canadians have the same basic set of rules. How does that bode for construction and housing prices? Not well. Oh, gosh, well I guess we’ll need .gov intervention, eh? Exactly the same thing will happen with oats where Canadian imports account for better than 95% of all our oat supply. In fact, that border accounts for an overall 12.8% of all our imports. Ooof.

    And that’s just one example at the federal level.

    While the numbers vary based on which accounting you prefer, something on the order of 90%+ of pandemics and epidemics result in serious civil unrest as the medical issue comes to its conclusion. But what happens when it’s worldwide and people realize the entire thing was over-hyped in a massive attempted power-grab? When people realize that most of what they’ve been told for years is out-and-out lies? (I mean, unless you think molecular biology is some sort of hokum, which apparently the CDC and NIH do.)

    Combine that with the soft-on-crime policies across the country, cities in free-fall, essentially no border on our Southern flank, completely insane monetary policy leading to a Fed that can’t avoid a *policy error*, shortages, a massive underground economy, ludicrous levels of hard drug use, a mental health crisis, a medical system pushed near to the brink, shortages all over the place including in workers, inflation running at a bare minimum of 15% IRL, an energy policy that makes the Mad Hatter seem sane… the list goes on.

    And then briefly consider Joe’s Left flank where 78% want a jab mandate, 59% want house arrest for unvaccinated people regardless of reason, 45% favor gulags for, well let’s be real, their political opposition, 48% want fines and imprisonment if you use your 1A rights the *wrong* way and 29% favor essentially abducting children from political adversaries (keeping in mind that pre-CoV-2 they were talking about reeducation for Trump voter’s kids). Let’s be honest here, these people are a nice toxic mix between political opportunists, morons and the mentally unhinged. Fantastic, since they’re half the damn party.

    So, Joe’s trapped between one side where a public that doesn’t like him, failing policies across the board, he’s losing in court, his side’s lies are becoming more and more obvious and on the other side the Left which has at least 50% of people having straight-up lost their minds and now claim to want shit that doesn’t even begin to make sense in reality.

    At that point. IMHO, there are two options; A Reichstag moment to seize control or burn it all down and hope to rule the ash pile. I dunno if it’s a plan or idiocy but it certainly seems that they’re going for the latter rather than the former.

    And even if there is no intent and this is purely incompetence (a statistical impossibility) it doesn’t much matter when you look at how things are actually working, or not working, here in the real world. The reality is that things are going to get pretty rough here and that’s against a backdrop of a goodly portion of the country having a mental breakdown and the historical statistical precedence of social unrest combined with an already simmering elevated level of crime and racial gaslighting for the last two years.

    And if she gets really wild? Well, *restoring order* would be the priority, right? How’d the do that after Katrina? Well, flat-out theft of firearms was part of it. If they do that again on a huge scale the logistics would be a total disaster and most of the guns taken *for safe keeping* would end up lost or stolen. But it’s not like they’d care.

    • Voting “rights” legislation (and Jan 6 hoopla) is their last ditch effort to hang on to power. If they don’t get that, I suspect the censors and fake news media will be working overtime. All they had to do was not be crazy, and they could rule for decades with the media and Big Tech on their side. No one (outside of ideologues and those profiting from it) was asking for the things they’re pushing.

      I wonder if people are noticing the contrast between this and the previous administration as well as the contrast in media coverage. The sky was falling every day Trump was in. Looking back, it was all based on lies. Even when Biden gets negative coverage like Afghanistan, they drop the story ASAP.

      • “Looking back, it was all based on lies”

        it was obviously based on lies at the time they said it, too.

        everything they say to you is a lie. every last word.

    • To Strych9
      quote—————–The interesting thing about the current set of policy preferences throughout the Democratic Party is that they’re almost custom designed to create havoc across a wide swath of society.———–quote

      This is as laughable as it was tragic.

      Trump tried to hide the pandemic and did nothing until the virus was rampant. He claimed it would just go away and it was not any more dangerous than the flue.

      He mocked mask wearing, social distancing and vaccinations.

      He did not shut down the airports until long after the virus was here.

      Trump and the Republicans were so cheap and stingy they left it up to the states may who were bankrupt to try and fight the deadly virus on their own which only created a catastrophic disaster.

      It was only after Biden was elected that he tried everything he could to get people vaccinated, made them aware of how serious the situation was, tried to force mask wearing and vaccinations in hospitals, nursing homes and in the work place. All this was done in China and proved very successful but in the U.S. the Republicans played politics with peoples lives and murdered them by the thousands.

      • What is your opinion on the origin of the virus? If you believe it originated in China, do you feel the Chinese government should have been more transparent about it and stopped air travel out of the infected areas? What blame does China own? I am not saying it came from a lab or bat soup. I am leaving that open to debate.

        Trump did stop travel from places with the virus, and he was called a racist.

        He should have locked all the borders down in my opinion and made it mandatory to anyone wanting in the Country to be medically cleared. It may have slowed the virus, but we don’t know. How long was the virus circulating before we knew what it was and that it had established itself here?

        Trump did organize and fund getting vaccines made. That was actually done well, don’t you agree?

        • Once more unto the breach.

          If you stumble across a madman gibbering to himself on a street corner, shouting imprecations at the sky and slavering unhinged and discordant conspiracy theories to no one in particular, do you eagerly leap forward and engage him in debate, or do you wisely shun him and give him a wide berth?

          WHY, then, do people here insist upon engaging Dacian as if he was a sentient being instead of a raving lunatic?! It makes no sense.

        • “Trump did stop travel from places with the virus, and he was called a racist”

          Incorrect fake news, Trump stopped only Chinese nationals from entering the US, not Americans or other nationalities returning from China.

          Remember when he said it would just go away, “like a miracle”? “Only 15 cases and soon that number would be near zero!”…

          There are over 800,000 dead Americans from Covid, and trumps irresponsible behavior contributed materially to their deaths.

        • Miner

          In January 2020 the US issued a on “Level 4: Do Not Travel” advisory on travel to the Hubei province. Wuhan is in that Province.

          On January 31, 2020, a nationwide ban on travel from China was issued. This ban was only for non-U.S. citizens who had been in China within the last 14 days and were not the immediate family member of U.S. citizens or/and permanent residents.

          You are avoiding the Chinese issues. They knew there was a problem months before the rest of the world and they closed internal travel from the Wuhan area. They did allow travel internationally from Wuhan. I am not seeing anyone taking them to task for that. Why is that?

          When the virus was first known outside of China, many thought it was a flu. China did not share much about it.

          So straight question…. How much responsibility do you assign China?

        • This whole sub-thread following a known troll’s idiocy is kinda what I’m talking about in general.

          The problem with a respiratory virus like this should be fuckin’-A obvious after the past two years, particularly after watching Omicron.

          You cannot *stop* it because by the time you realize you’ve got a problem the horse has long since left the barn. Literally the only way this could be untrue is if you just so happened to catch the very first person who had the disease and caught them before they interacted with anyone else and spread the disease. The chances of this occurring are near zero. If you go back you can see this in the US where the CDC admitted long ago that the first case of community transmission goes back to early January 2020 (this was later updated to be in mid December). With a virus that has a calculated R0 that results in a doubling of infections every 3-4 days you were fucked before anyone in government did anything. It was here and spreading and there was nothing you could do but circle the wagons around the vulnerable.

          This is the entire argument about “focused protection”. The reason that argument makes sense is because it’s the only option you have with a non-zero chance of success.

          But once you make this kind of thing political it turns into *logical* arguments that actually make no sense because the basis for them is bullshit.

          Which is exactly the same pattern followed on vaccines, masks and everything else CoV-2 related. Huge sections of rational though are dismissed as hokum while a bunch of bullshit is substituted and run on an endless loop. It’s not intelligence. It’s political nonsense standing in for actual science. It’s been done on everything from day 1.

          And the reasons for this are our own election cycle and Geo-politics. The real, actual reasons for caring about the origin of CoV-2 have both nothing and everything to do with politics.

          On the *nothing* side there are very real questions about this in terms of molecular and evolutionary biology and what the answers to those questions mean. A single example of many: Spike interrupts DNA repair processes by inhibiting a few enzymes that are also used to produce miRNA and siRNA. This helps the virus hide from the immune system for a period of time by interrupting cellular defenses and signalling.

          If that’s a natural feature of a virus tuned for mammals that’s one thing. If it’s synthetic that’s another thing entirely, especially based on what’s known about the functionality of spike and other facets of this conversation.

          On the *everything* side, at the extreme end we could end up launching nukes at each other over this sort of thing. And then, smaller, but no less important is the potential for a blame game if CoV-2 infection and/or the jabs significantly raise the baseline rate of various issues, from heart disease to cancer, over time.

        • MinorIQ,

          Please peddle your male bovine excrement elsewhere. “over 800,000” people have been ALLEGED to have “died from COVID”, but EVERYONE knows those numbers are completely bogus. This “deadly pandemic” has LESS THAN a 0.1% fatality rate. Only p***ies like you are “terrified” of it. The rest of us want to get on with our lives. But you do you, soiboi.

        • Let’s not forget the 2,000,000 (invited) illegal immigrants crossing our southern border last year. One border town found a 15% Covid infection rate among the illegals they tested. Apply 15% to 2,000,000. Now, how many people did those people infect (and so on) in the US? How many people died as a direct result of the border crisis created by our government, during a pandemic no less? The current administration made a political calculation. They determined the extra illegal immigrants were more beneficial to them than fewer people being infected with the virus. Think about that one.

        • First, the overall case fatality rate in the United States is 1.2%, that means if you catch it you have a 1.2% chance of dying.
          But the stats are much higher if you’re over 50 years of age, or have high blood pressure, or are obese, or have diabetes…

          “This ban was only for non-U.S. citizens who had been in China within the last 14 days“

          Wow, that’s some magic, US citizens weren’t banned because there’s no way they’d be bringing the virus back, they’re clean non-yellow people.

          And regarding China’s responsibility that remains to be seen.
          I absolutely think China should’ve shut down both internal and external travel sooner, just as I think the United States should have shut down travel, both internal and external.

          But none of the those in America who said it was a “fake pandemic” were willing to shut down internal or external traffic because Donald Trump intentionally “downplayed” the severity of the virus as demonstrated in his recorded audio interviews with Bob Woodward.

          When Trump stated in his press conference that “mask wearing wasn’t for me” he intentionally downplayed the dangers to the American citizens in order to conceal his lack of meaningful response to the virus.

          If China has responsibility for not being truthful about the severity of the virus and intentionally downplaying the spread, then Donald Trump shares responsibility for not being truthful about the severity of the virus and intentionally downplaying the spread.

          And while China has no responsibility to the American people, President Donald Trump had ultimate responsibility for the safety and welfare of the American people.

          So straight question…. How much responsibility do you assign President Trump?

        • “slavering unhinged and discordant conspiracy theories to no one in particular, do you eagerly leap forward and engage him in debate“

          Hell, you guys elected him president… Thank Providence that’s over for good.

        • MinorIQ,

          “First, the overall case fatality rate in the United States is 1.2%,”. Wow. And you BELIEVE that nonsense???

          First of all, dimwit, what is the CDC’s definition of “case fatality rate”???? Second, since we know FOR A FACT that people who died in motorcycle accidents have been listed as “COVID deaths”, just exactly how much confidence do YOU have in those numbers??? Even the CDC has now admitted that 75%+ of COVID deaths had FOUR OR MORE “co-morbidities.

          Bonus question, you ignorant twit . . . what is the actual percentage of DIAGNOSED cases (not hospitalized, but diagnosed) of COVID that have died??? And how many COVID cases aren’t even officially “diagnosed”, because they are so mild that people ignore them, and don’t bother to go to the doctor??

          Again, MinorIQ, you are becoming too stupid to insult. Instead of dacian the stupid learning from you (and being SLIGHTLY intelligent) you seem to be “learning” from him – you’ve gotten noticeably more idiotic since you came back. I would ask you to “do better”, but I’m beginning to think you are incapable. Maybe go visit the cable.

        • Hey, Void, the CDC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DNC, what do you suppose their decision will be?

        • Larry real talk I am a troll poster that tends to rub noses in the obvious. With that said their decision may hinge a lot on which way the wind blows with growing evidence of vaccine injuries let alone ineffectiveness and how much the money could outweigh the increasingly indefensible nature of our overall response. Not as bad as Australia but tar and feathers is starting to look like an underreaction.

      • dacian the stupid,

        fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, boy. Go get a GED (IF you are capable). Then come back and TRY to keep up with the adults.

  10. “hostile media spotlight”. Biden could literally pull his pants and diaper down, crap on the floor and the media would literally get into a fist fight over who gets to eat it.

  11. “trying to fathom what Joe will try next”

    the reason you’re losing sleep over this is that you can’t tell what he will do next. he himself doesn’t know – he just does what he’s told. until you understand who is controlling him and what their goals are, then you won’t have a clue.

  12. “He probably couldn’t wait to get out of town after one of the worst weeks of his year-old presidency.”

    he’s probably wondering when obama will get back from vacation.

  13. The first sentence says Biden is in a “hostile media spotlight.”

    That’s as far as I read into the article because the author introduces his article with an outright lie and he knows it and that is an instant loss of all credibility. The rest of his drivel can go get posted on CNN’s website.

    • Decent article, terrible word choice. “Negative media spiral” would’ve been a more accurate way to put it, and would also have accurately signaled content of the article.

      The negative spiral is real, but the legacy media isn’t being negative…not by choice. It’s just that it’s becoming impossible to keep saying positive things about this dumpster-fire presidency and keep up even the thinnest pretense of reporting on real events.

  14. I watched his speech today, a total blabbering of lies and falsehood. This moron in charge, cannot be believed for anything he talks about. What is concerning is that this Moron is the commander in chief of our military forces. Biden really needs to be evaluated for mental acuity and competency. This guy does not know what city or state he is in from day to day. does this concern anyone else out there?

    • You bet it does. The problem is, even if the Democrats and the media quit circling the wagons around him and let him get 25th Amendmented out of office, next up is Kamala Harris — a living, breathing reminder that yes, it CAN get worse.

  15. @DARKMAN
    “I would deal with anyone attacking my family with “Extreme Prejudice”.

    As will those whom you propose to attack. It is just self-satisfying puffery to think that the standing military will simply cower in face of insurgents bent on wiping out families of the standing military.

    “That is why Our Government will Not ever defeat a willing force.”

    Random groups of armed insurgents are not a “willing force”. More likely a nuisance. Wars fought in foreign lands are very different from wars fought among members of the same society…especially when you have a large criminal element added to the mix.

    A government wasting lives in foreign adventures is vastly different from government fighting for its very life.

    Without an organizing principle, insurgents just become common criminals. In your imagined uprising, what are the goals, who decides, what does “victory” look like, what does the aftermath look like, what do yo do with competing insurgent groups who want to be in charge after “victory”, how do you prevent an ongoing civil war between warlords?

    The founders of our nation were organized, had established principles to accomplish, knew ahead of time what they expected the aftermath to look like. How does one turn an armed mob (or little groups of mobs) into a functioning society?

    • “The founders of our nation were” …

      … well-regulated.

      “How does one turn an armed mob (or little groups of mobs) into a functioning society?”


  16. Look…….Biden isn’t in charge of anything. He doesn’t even know what day it is. George Soros and his group of Little Commie Rat Bastards are calling the shots. These are the same ones who controlled obama and ‘his’ decrees. Soros didn’t get it done (destroying America) during the obama years so they are trying again with Slo’ Joe as the strawman. Listen to Biden for15 seconds and it is obvious that he isn’t capable of going to the bathroom by himself. Being Little Commie Rat Bastards, these people are a danger to freedom loving Americans.

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