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The Real Danger Behind the NRA’s Bump Fire Stock Strategy

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Slide Fire bump fire stock. courtesy slidefire.com

Reader Armchair Command’oh writes:

I see a lot of criticism in the comments about the NRA’s statement on bump fire stocks. These comments, however, don’t quite capture just how dangerous the NRA’s strategy is. Of all the approaches we could possibly take . . .

(1) “not one inch”

(2) bump stock ban in exchange for something we want

(3) grab our ankles and totally surrender, the NRA chose to make up a new option that happens to be the worst one imaginable.

For the past few years the gun community has gotten a lot of things approved by exploiting technicalities in the language of the NFA. For example Echo/Binary triggers are legal because the NFA defines a machine gun based on a single “function” of the trigger, not a single “pull.”

The ATF has conceded that SIG Braces can be shouldered because shouldering a pistol does not remake it a rifle. Basically, the ATF is applying the statute as written, unlike many other government agencies, and we are getting functional work-arounds to parts of the NFA.

With their stance on regulation of bump fire stocks, the NRA is advocating that pressure be put on the ATF to look at the spirit of the law, not the actually letter of the law as written. Moreover, Republicans in Congress have sent a letter to the ATF requesting the same.

They are doing this so that Republicans can avoid a vote on this issue. Republicans in Congress don’t want to go on record for a ban, since they fear voters’ wrath and primary challenges. They know that if they vote against the ban, they will be hammered over it electorally.

So, both Republicans and the NRA are trying to get the ATF to solve the problem for them. But in doing so they’re setting a dangerous precedent of having the ATF decide what a gun law was supposed to do, then fudging the language to get the desired result. That is a terrible idea.

The only restraint on government regulatory over-reach is the language of the law, and letting the ATF enforce whatever it arbitrarily determines was a regulation’s intent is a recipe for disaster. To allow that would mean the almost immediate regulation of bump stocks. SIG Braces probably wouldn’t be far behind.

AR pistols themselves could even be deemed AOWs, since they’re not really what Congress meant when they defined what constitutes a pistol. The same goes for those short barreled shotgun-like firearms (e.g. Mossberg 590 Shockwave). And the list goes on.

The NRA is traveling down a dangerous road with their current strategy. Whether it’s too late to be turned around now remains to be seen.

0 thoughts on “The Real Danger Behind the NRA’s Bump Fire Stock Strategy”

  1. When I first heard this I immediately thought, and still think, they were talking about making it a title 2 weapons. If that is the push then it is a wise, although not my choice, chess move. This would force the democrats to vote on a NRA/republican backed bill that would add bump fire to machine guns, SBR, SBS, and suppressors-which they can’t disagree with being safe because they are fighting so hard to keep suppressor under. If they refuse to vote on it then it will be laid at their feet as a complete failure. I also think it would wise to remember that this shooting occurred during a gun friendly time in politics. Would it be wise to remind the public that there are other options then outright ban,

  2. Can someone tell me please, why is LaPierre still VP of the NRA? Why has he been kept around this long? Time for someone new I think.

  3. Scroom Wayne LaPierre and Pete Brownell! Those two backstabbing sumbitches are dead to me! I’m with Mac from the Military Arms channel, he tried to help them get YouTube guys involved in the NRA it was Pete Brownell at the helm of that operation I’ve seen Iraqi veteran 8888, the guy from tactical toolbox all get whisper away this last week and taken to Florida for a full auto machine gun shoot Mac was not one of them. I think Wayne LaPierre must have had a freaking stroke. I was on the phone with the NRA for an hour and 47 minutes was hung up on three times transferred a half a dozen times all trying to cancel my life membership. They finally told me after calling back for the third or fourth time that I had to send a regular letter to their headquarters to cancel my membership with the reason why I was canceling. I told the people on the phone on at the NRA it’s not rocket science when you turn your back on the Second Amendment and you run with liberal-progressive anti-gun crowd we will leave you in the dust. You might be the oldest civil rights organization in the world but it doesn’t mean you’re immune to fail. Somebody needs to find out what the hell is wrong with Wayne LaPierre that guy is got a freaking screw loose and needs to quit the NRA and they need to find somebody with a real set of cajones to run it instead of these weak minded no ball having excuses for men.

  4. I wish Senator Diane Feinstein would just retire or something!! that dusty old mummy is older than both of my grandparents when they DIED and still works???

    is she even relevant anymore? can she or does she even know how to e-mail? or does she put a stamp on the screen?

  5. the lines are sweet on this. i am not often drawn to chassis rifles.
    i have one savage and, other than the stock it is a great shooter.
    the butt pad reminds me of an old hiking boot as well. it shouldn’t be necessary, but i’m sure it could be shaved narrower.

  6. I agree with Sebastian (http://www.pagunblog.com/2017/10/06/what-options-does-atf-have/): this is meant to buy time, as well as puts the ATF in a corner. The ATF can re-classify, but then there’s 10,000s of unregistered/unregisterable machine guns out there, because they “screwed up” under Obama. That’s a huge oops for them to admit to. So they’re likely to re-affirm in time. Time that buys us days/weeks without this story at the top of every news cycle. As the antis know, you have to strike while emotions are high. Time is their enemy.

  7. We all need to mass call the NRA membership Center and just completely shut their phone lines down. As a protest and ask them all that pick up the phone on the NRA Zend if Wayne LaPierre had a freaking stroke? Because his judgment is that of a child. Who gets in bed with the Enemy a dirtball that’s who. Look up their phone number it’s on your membership cards if you’re a member and call them every one of us today that are on this website we all need to call and shutdown their membership number make it be absolutely nothing but people calling bitching and complaining about Wayne LaPierre demanding his resignation immediately.

  8. Not doing “bump stock ban in exchange for something we want” really is the biggest problem with this fuck up. If the NRA just got a bill moving bump stocks to the registry while opening it back up nobody would be complaining. Now nobody can try that tactic.

  9. Bereits in dieser Frist weckte solcher Kieferchirurg
    Pichler, solcher hier Lippen- Kiefer- ebenso Gaumenspalten
    operierte, der/die/das ihm gehörende Motivation pro
    Chip Plastische
    Chirurgie, welches 1948 zum Aufenthalt in amerikanischen
    Fachkliniken führte. Er schrieb:
    » Ich erfuhr außergewöhnlich in Boston an jener ‚Lahey-
    Clinic‘, zu welcher Höchste Blüte die Chirurgie
    auf Basis von genaue Entwurf ja sogar straffe Organisation,
    stete wissenschaftliche darüber hinaus operationstechnische
    Schulung, ständiger Erfahrungsaustausch
    auch unermüdliche Werk gebracht
    werden kann (Wilflingseder 1967).
    Paul Wilflingseder hatte ein Stipendium des
    ‚British Council‘ erhalten, wurde von Gillies
    „als Adept neben Assistentenprogramm aufgenommen neben
    in welcher Reihenfolge auf Grund dessen Interesse,
    ab 1954 anhand
    seinen Besuchen in Innsbruck, alle Tage zum wiederholten Mal
    ausgezeichnet“(Lösch 2003). In den Gesprächen
    mit DEM geschätzten Kollegen erhielt jener Urheber
    den Eindruck, dass Gillies als Plastischer Chirurg
    des Weiteren britische Individuum Wilflingseder
    ausschlaggebend beeinflusst hatte. Schon jener Zeitspanne unter
    Gillies hatte Wilflingseder in Österreich ansonsten den
    USA eine plastisch-chirurgische Bildungsmaßnahme
    erhalten. 1967 in seiner Antrittsvorlesung zu dieser
    „Lehrkanzel für jedes Plastische ebenso wie Wiederherstellende
    Chirurgie“ an der Hochschule Innsbruck,
    Chip Erste in deutschsprachigen Ländern, sagte
    » In der Gegenwartsform erfuhren Probleme darüber hinaus
    Funktion dieser Plastischen Chirurgie dito in theologischer
    Sichtfeld eine Wertung von Seiten maximal
    Stelle. So erklärte Bischof von Rom Pius XII. am 14. Oktober
    1958: ‚Wenn unsereins Chip physische Ästhetik
    in ihrem christlichen Helligkeit anschauen unter anderem
    wenn wir die von jener Ethik gegebenen
    Bedingungen respektieren, diesfalls steht Chip
    Ästhetische Chirurgie nicht im Paradoxie
    zum Willen Gottes, dabei welche Chip Idealergebnis
    des größten Werkes jener Schöpfung,
    des Menschen, wiederherstellt.
    Wilflingseder wurde 1986 emeritiert, am
    23.1.1993 starb er. Als sein Nachfolger wurde
    Anderl berufen.

  10. “Since The Zelman Partisans do value free and armed people, having an understanding of history when wanna-be tyrants like Feinstein succeeded, we utterly oppose this legislation.”


    And yes, the NRA could have said the same thing, instead of saying “Obama’s ATF let a terrorist have bump stocks, and we urge the ATF to reconsider”.

  11. NRA tactic: Say something, do nothing. Watch what happens folks. IF the NRA comes out and says we support banning them, then you’ll have something to blame the NRA for. Until then, what they’ve asked for is a delay, which is all this needs to blow over. Americans have short attention spans. Next week Trump will be evil again and consuming all their energy.

  12. Yeah, having the ATF decide what is what is a pretty dangerous idea. In Canada, the RCMP make a lot of the “administrative” decisions around guns. In theory, that should mean clarifications for things in law that are hard to understand. In practice it gave the RCMP the right to prohibit whatever it felt like prohibiting, essentially making up laws, and taking ordinary gun owners to court to play little games around rules interpretations. One of the reasons the current Liberal government is mad at the previous Conservative government is that the Conservatives changed some rules. They made it so Parliament would decide whether a gun could be prohibitied, restricted, or non-restricted.

    The Liberals much preferred the easy excuse of “Well, the RCMP says it’s bad and they banned it. Nothing we can do, sorry folks! They are the experts, after all.” So, you have the danger that the ATF down in the US could mimic that.

  13. I wonder what Google will do when they realize that certain searches for Grimous, the creature from McDonald’s ad fame, turn up “suggested searches” like “Purple nigga from McDonald’s”.

    True story. I found it the other day. The top three suggested alternative search strings were “Grimace”, “Purple nigga from McDonald’s” and “Purple nigga”, in that order.

    An odd window into the American subconscious, one I’m sure they’ll “fix” when they find it.

  14. I have in of these in order in 6.5 creedmoor. Savage has a $150 rebate for the .308 and 6.5 versions. You can snag oNE off these right now for about $750. I plan on swapping the stock for a PRS of Luth AR adjustable. Even with that, I am still under the cost of. Ruger Precision rifle by a few hundred bucks.

  15. I would argue that the NRA’s capitulation should not surprise anyone.

    The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934
    The NRA supported The Federal Firearms Act of 1938
    The NRA supported The Gun Control Act of 1968

    And the NRA let the Hughes Amendment of 1986 to the GCA slide without a fight.

    The NRA is not to be trusted. The leadership of the NRA still has ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a globalist organization seeking totalitarian world government.

    The NRA only pays lip service to liberty, they do not stand in support of it.

  16. Rule of law? Like restrictions on guns such as CA and MA despite the law (constitution is the highest law of the land). Like snooping on American people, reading emails, etc? Rule of law seems to be a bit malleable. Slavery was the law. Jim Crow laws were the law. Segregation was the law….

  17. There’s a brief period (narrow window in time), in the sobering up phase of a three-day drunk (note the hair), where you’re squishy enough to give up your guns in an attempt to “right-the-world” after your drunken “what have I done?” mode. This period is slight however, and is followed by your hung-over “what-have-I-done?” phase when you realize you were a wanker for a second time, and despite your (to you) ‘massive following’ on social media, not one “friend” raised a hand or called you, in your murky period, to stop you.

    Hope it was fun.

  18. The Gophers and Ground Squirrels in this guys yard are safe now that he has given up his Ruger 10/22 “Machine Gun”…… Bwahahahahaha Hahahaha


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