Second Amendment Sanctuary Map
By Terrorist96 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

“I did not think it would be that high of a number,” said sanctuary advocate and Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins.

“It’s an organic thing that just took off after Election Day. Elections have consequences, and this is the result. This has truly rocked the conservative, libertarian group’s core. It has really shook a lot of them awake. They are fully awake,” he told Secrets.

Remarkably, the effort has not seen a big push from the National Rifle Association. Local groups, notably the Virginia Citizens Defense League, have led the campaign that has brought thousands of gun-rights advocates to county board meetings.

It has also become the national model for the movement that has now reached Illinois, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey, Florida, and Tennessee. Illinois is credited with starting the movement.

– Paul Bedard in Uprising: 90% of Virginia counties become gun ‘sanctuaries,’ expanding movement to nine states




    • I’m not opposed to bringing back city states. Remove the cities over X population from representation but then allow them self-governance and whatever asinine system they desire. No new residence may be built in cities, only industry.

      Radical idea but there might be something workable in a watered down version. We could have constitutional land, and non-constitutional land.

      • And I’m for cutting off all Federal aid to any municipal or state government that defies the U.S. Constitution in any way, shape or form. Starve them to death until they comply with the Supreme Law of the Land. Mr. President Trump has threatened that very action against communist enclaves such as kalipornia, and it should be put into effect immediately.

        • Trump is not your friend. He is all talk when it comes to liberty. He is a New York Democrat corporate billionaire. He is not your savior, you are.

          • Chief Censor – “Trump is not your friend. He is all talk when it comes to liberty. He is a New York Democrat corporate billionaire. He is not your savior, you are.”

            No, actually Yehôshûa, (the actual name of the One referred in error to by the Latin name of Jesus), the Anointed, (the actual meaning of the word christ), is. He is the giver of all life and liberty. And hell itself cannot take it away. Or, as Thomas Jefferson put it:

            “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”

        • Yes they should be in compliance and cut off all fed aid until it’s proven their not sanctuary cities.

          • William Zawieruszynski – “Yes they should be in compliance and cut off all fed aid until it’s proven their not sanctuary cities.”

            And I’d even take it one step further if they failed to comply after that. I’d send in federal troops and oust any public ‘officials’ that had failed to comply. Charging them with violation of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.

          • Southern Cross – “CC, and Bloomberg was previously a Republican.”

            Aye, and that just provides another reason We The People should have heeded our first President’s advice and avoid party politics at all costs. I’m a firm believer that there should be no political parties period. That all public servants; local, state and federal, are nothing more than appointed, elected or hired servants. And that they all have [supposedly] taken a solemn oath to “uphold and defend” the Constitution. And that Supreme instrument is quite clear as to what our servants “shall” or “shall not” have the power to do. Those servants need to be held to that standard and no other. As well as held immediately accountable when they violate that oath. With the punishment being all the way up to death if applicable to the offense committed.

        • @Southern Cross

          Trump said he aligns more with the Democrat party and as president he has called for furthering Democrat policies.

          Noticed how there is no new wall, illegal immigration is at an all time high, there is more gun control passing than under Obama, debt has rapidly increased, militarization of police is ramping up, etc?

          • Chief Censor – “@Southern Cross
            “Trump said he aligns more with the Democrat party and as president he has called for furthering Democrat policies.
            “Noticed how there is no new wall, illegal immigration is at an all time high, there is more gun control passing than under Obama, debt has rapidly increased, militarization of police is ramping up, etc?”

            1. Please provide PROOF that Mr. President Trump ever stated any such thing. Which in FACT you cannot, for he NEVER stated any such thing.

            2. There are MANY MILES of new wall already built with more miles being added daily. There is video evidence of this FACT posted on YouTube.

            3. The number of Undocumented Immigrants in US is in FACT at a 25-Year Low.

            4. What ‘gun control’ are you talking about? PROVIDE EVIDENCE that backs your claim.

            5. Militarization of police? Again, PROVIDE EVIDENCE that backs your claim.

        • ” Trump is not your friend ”

          No, he’s not. But he’s not the enemy, either. The Democrats, on the other hand, have self-identified as the enemy and wear it as a badge of pride. So, bright boy, who are you going to cast your lot with?

          Trump wants to be re-elected. Last time out, he didn’t carry the popular vote. His margins are razor-thin, and that means he’s not going to do anything major to alienate the gun owners in this country. He needs their votes. And that is the bottom line of it.

          It’s getting very tedious hearing this bullshit about don’t support Trump because of the bump-stock ban. It’s getting even more tedious hearing all the shit about give the election to the Democrats so we can get Civil War v2 underway. Both positions are totally counter-productive for one simple reason — there isn’t going to be a Civil War v2. I hate to bust the bubbles on all those keyboard kowboys out there just salivating over the idea of glory on the battlefield, but it ain’t gonna happen. Civil disorder — maybe. Civil war — small chance. And when the shooting starts, it won’t be over gun laws. More likely just a general breakdown of Western civilization. And it won’t be us vs. the gubmint — more likely us vs. us in a fight for basic survival.

          • UpInArms – ” Trump is not your friend ”

            “No, he’s not. But he’s not the enemy, either. The Democrats, on the other hand, have self-identified as the enemy and wear it as a badge of pride. So, bright boy, who are you going to cast your lot with?
            Trump wants to be re-elected. Last time out, he didn’t carry the popular vote. His margins are razor-thin, and that means he’s not going to do anything major to alienate the gun owners in this country. He needs their votes. And that is the bottom line of it.”

            Excuse me? I’M A STRONG SUPPORTER OF MR. PRESIDENT TRUMP. So go spew your BULLSH*T somewhere else.

            “It’s getting very tedious hearing this bullshit about don’t support Trump because of the bump-stock ban. It’s getting even more tedious hearing all the shit about give the election to the Democrats so we can get Civil War v2 underway. Both positions are totally counter-productive for one simple reason — there isn’t going to be a Civil War v2. I hate to bust the bubbles on all those keyboard kowboys out there just salivating over the idea of glory on the battlefield, but it ain’t gonna happen. Civil disorder — maybe. Civil war — small chance. And when the shooting starts, it won’t be over gun laws. More likely just a general breakdown of Western civilization. And it won’t be us vs. the gubmint — more likely us vs. us in a fight for basic survival.”

            Don’t know where you’re coming from with this pathetic tirade, but you need to spew it to someone who gives a rat’s a**. And that’s obviously not me.

        • So basically a lot of you guys are advocating the same policies against immigration and drug sanctuaries that you whine about the dems threatening against 2A sanctuaries. More government power and oppression.

          As long as idiots on both sides are in favor of expanding government power to use against idiots on the other side we will only get more government oppression of everyone and we will not get more liberty for anyone.

          • The Crimson Pirate –

            “So basically a lot of you guys are advocating the same policies against immigration and drug sanctuaries that you whine about the dems threatening against 2A sanctuaries. More government power and oppression.

            “As long as idiots on both sides are in favor of expanding government power to use against idiots on the other side we will only get more government oppression of everyone and we will not get more liberty for anyone.”

            Not quite, idiot. The push is for TRUE CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT, and NOT treasonous partisan politics. And nailing the historical party of treason; the demonRats, has nothing to do with expanding anything. It has to do with holding government servants ACCOUNTABLE for their treasonous violations of the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.

        • Totally agree, use sanctions that are working in the real world not the dems idea of how they can change it!! I unfortunately live here in California and have off and on for 40 years and I can tell you it’s getting worse, I was able to bring all my weapons to and fro from Texas and now it’s a scary thought to even try!!

          • Alejandro Martinez –

            “Totally agree, use sanctions that are working in the real world not the dems idea of how they can change it!! I unfortunately live here in California and have off and on for 40 years and I can tell you it’s getting worse, I was able to bring all my weapons to and fro from Texas and now it’s a scary thought to even try!!”

            Was born and raised in San Jose. We used to go across the street to a vacant field to shoot our .22’s. If we were to do that today we’d be swat-teamed and gunned down. It’s sickening how far kalipornia has drifted from freedom and liberty.

      • We already have nonconstitutional land, at least from a 4A perspective. The feds consider 4A null and void within 100 miles of a coast, border or international airport.

        Not sure why such a scheme is a good thing.

    • How about a caravan of all gun owners to go to them city’s and help lay some ground work so to speak and oh stop on by Nancy’s place and have a soda with her.Just sayin I know she would welcome the company.

      • William Zawieruszynski – “How about a caravan of all gun owners to go to them city’s and help lay some ground work so to speak and oh stop on by Nancy’s place and have a soda with her. Just sayin I know she would welcome the company.”

        Good idea, but I don’t think I could get near Nazi Pelosi and be able to keep myself from doing something that would wind me up in prison.

      • William H. Bynum III – “How do I join the movement!?! I’m in!”

        I believe you just did, fellow citizen! Now spread the word to friends and family. . . .

        “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams.

      • Did you have a problem understanding what he was saying? If you did not, just ask him to explain If you did, please find something of importance to complain about.
        Snied remarks about someone’s choice of words are not welcome.

        • Illiteracy IS important and should never be dismissed as inconsequential (except when it’s a property owner keeping his property “under control”). Oh wait! That was a bad thing. You would never support something like that (even when it’s The People laboring for 6 months a year for free while the fruits of that labor are confiscated by the government). Right?

  1. Hmmm…I notice that there is no green within CA. I sure wish one of our own Sheriffs would stand up for what’s right. We have 58 of them…just one would serve as the spark to encourage perhaps a dozen others, if nothing more than to stand with their LE brethren across the nation who are honoring their oath to defend the Constitution.

    Who’s it going to be, men??

    • Start calling your local Sheriff snd demand your local gun org start the conversations on Sanctuary counties.

      • Sure, lol. My L.A. County Sheriff Villanueva, however, openly declared in a press conference (soon after taking office) that he supports our Gov. Newsom and Mayor Garcetti, and will not enforce immigration laws or assist ICE or CBP. Any calls made to his staff will get memory-holed and sent to the same void where your missing sock went when it disappeared from the dryer.

        • Given the apparently petty and vindictive nature of many politicians, but especially California Democrats, I’d say you’re lucky if calls requesting a 2A sanctuary get memory-holed.

        • The real question is, even if you could get every gun owner in the state to vote against the morons running Cali, would it be enough to turn that crap-hole of a state around?

          I feel for the few sensible people stuck in that state. You are definitely fighting losing odds.

        • Everybody knows that your socks travel from your dryer through system of wormholes to somebody else’s dryer. That’s how you get single socks, you could swear you never saw before, in your loundry.

        • Correct. In fact, if you look behind your dryer you can actually see the transfer tube, a silver hose about 4″ diameter. It goes into a hole in the wall before magically disappearing, eventually reappearing inside your neighbor’s house.

      • So Californians can’t get a CCW? Not going to happen. Smart gun owners in California know they already lost it all and are trying to stay low.

        • I have come to the conclusion that there are quite a number of A**holes in the district of Columbia namely called Democrats. I firmly believe that the other large % live in the not so great state of(confusion ) sorry I mean California. The rest are spread across the country. I’llThank you V.S. PS I expect a wrath of comments to be posted in opposition to my comments.

        • Vernon, Don’t lay all the blame at the feet of the Democrats. Remember both R & D helped pass and renew The Patriot Act.

    • Last I heard, Needles had declared themselves a 2A sanctuary city. They’re in San Bernardino county.

      Looks like the map is only if the whole county turned away from the dark side.

      • I live in Mohave Valey AZ. As of yet the Sheriff has yet to comment to anyone as to wher he stands. Living 3 miles from needles it’s a hot topic here.

        • Assuming you’re referring to your sheriff in AZ, actually, I’d hope that beyond wanting visitors from Needles to obey the laws in effect in the sheriff’s own county, there’s not an official position. (E.g. would not try to impose CA law on people in AZ.)

        • In my limited experience, Arizona is a very gun friendly state that also passed legislation that prevents local law enforcement from enforcing unconstitutional gun laws, as well as constitutional carry. Now, Cochise County isn’t all of Arizona, to be sure, but from where I sit the whole state is a 2A sanctuary. If there are exceptions to this, please correct me.

      • The Hypocrisy is strong in those gun owners who support open borders and also supported Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. The Libertarians Liberals and the Left. May the soul of Kate Steinle rest in peace.

        • I guess there must be some open borders and illegal immigrant sanctuary supporters amongst gun owners, but I haven’t personally heard of any.

          Well, I take that back…head cases like Vlad the Crisco Impaler on Other Planets do exist. Which kind of makes the point I was after. Whoever these people are, cognitive dissonance isn’t going to get in their way because it’s a way of life. They may technically be gun owners, but they sure as hell ain’t from here.

        • Hypocrisy runs rampant among gun owners, at least the alleged gun owners on this forum…..look at the posters here who cheerlead for government Control over vaccinations, while using the exact same false arguments that are being used against gun owners.

        • “Vlad the Crisco Impaler on Other Planets”

          OMG, that’s gold right there. Might have to re-use that name in a few replies to him/her/it.

          Peegee, do you drive like you write? You’re kinda retarded, I think. Definitely somewhere on the spectrum.

        • Ing, I don’t think Vlad has fully thought through the world he wants. He (I’ll use Male pronouns for convenience) doesn’t want police but wants “someone” to forcibly collect guns from gun owners. He probably thinks police lack political awareness and this makes them unreliable unless led and enforced by ANTIFA Commissars. He thinks the people of today NEED to be punished for the actions of others years, decades, centuries, and millennia ago. He thinks rounding up gun owners and seizing their property will restore the balance to society at a whole. For someone who professes to be independently wealthy he seems to think taking other peoples property is a good thing overall. Full of ideas. Lacks details. And this is where his kind get unstuck.

        • @Peegeetwo — Being a gun owner doesn’t make you a gun advocate or pro-gun, it just means you are participating in gun ownership because you can. As a comparison, there are plenty of people who claim to be Christian yet they do NOT believe or uphold God’s laws, instead they make excuses for why God would be okay with their decision!

        • Please note that Libertarians are more Rights-oriented than either R or D are. Just because there’s an Lib in their name doesn’t mean they are liberals.

      • The question was directed toward actual Sheriffs. My circle of influence here already knows where I stand.

      • You guys ought to live up here in Massachusetts. Talk about a bunch of Demomorons. We have the good old mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh, declaring Boston a Sanctuary City for illegals but yet won’t pay his city employees a liveable wage. It’s damned near impossible to get a gun permit in the city. And where MA is a “may” give state not a “shall” give state, they can deny your application just because they don’t like you. It really disgusts me. I know quite a lot of people up here that if anything kicks off there in. We are all tired of our constitutional rights being infringed upon. I really am thankful we have President Trump. It would be so much worse if Killary got in office. And no that’s not a typo.

        • If the Sheriff won’t sign on to it, go to work on the county supervisors. More than one way to skin a cat (of course, you gotta catch the cat first).

  2. “It has also become the national model for the movement that has now reached… New Jersey”

    Say what? Where is the sanctuary movement here in New Jersey?

    This is the state where gun rights go to die.
    It’s the state where slingshots are banned, BB guns are “firearms”, and antique Queen Anne’s flintlocks from the 1600s get history teachers arrested for possession of a “firearm”.
    This is the state where last year (2018), a boater was arrested for having a flare gun lying inside his car, even though he never pointed it at anyone.
    This is the state where the NJ State Police sent out a memo saying they will prosecute anyone who has an airgun (BB gun or.177 pellet rifle) with a factory-installed “silencer” built-in to the barrel, treating a Crosman air gun with a “silencer” the same as a silenced Glock!
    This is the state that bans hollow-point ammunition so strictly that if someone breaks into your house to kill you, and you defend yourself with hollow-points in your own home, you’re committing a crime.

    Please, tell me where this New Jersey sanctuary movement is!

      • According to a recent poll almost 44% of NJ residents able to relocate elsewhere would consider doing so if given the opportunity. There’s nothing politically redeeming in NJ despite the availability of higher-end economic opportunities in and around NYC, so it’s a trade-off for many. The one big major draw is the K-12 educational system that practically throws money at students. I am a NJ resident and see it with my own eyes. The educational opportunities for qualified, economically well-off kids is light years beyond what I had 40 years ago in the Midwest. Once that educational benefit is taken nothing really compels youngsters or parents ready for retirement to stay in NJ, so they go elsewhere.
        In a serous economic downturn New Jersey will suffer badly. The corrupt union-politician cabal will suffer badly during a pension crisis and the only people who will be left to pay the onerous taxes will be the rich, the minorities, and the poor unable to leave. Well-deserved payback for the ignorant Prog policies, IMO.

        • I moved from a town in NJ to an almost identical size town in CT. Town school budget in NJ was $25 million. In CT it was $93 million.The school systems in NJ are mediocre at best.

        • @Joe in CT — Throwing money at education has nothing to do with having better education. Sounds more like CT is just wasteful. What percentage of that money goes to infastructure, teacher’s pay, administrators, administrative costs, etc. There isn’t much difference in the educational systems in any of the states, the differences come when you compare private, home school, and charter to government run programs.

    • I’ve long thought that NJ is the worst state in the union for gun rights, even considering NY and CA.

    • Re: New Jersey politics…like I tell my friends in Ct (where I was lucky to escape from) You get what you vote for.. if you keep electing jerks don’t be surprised with their legislation. As far as the state police go , I’ve had my share of their stupidity driving trucks there. I don’t go back !

  3. The NRA has nothing to do with it so they can’t blame them. It’s all about the people.
    Wait until they try national bans and registration. That map will look like the electoral results map where She won 300 counties and He won 7800

  4. Shouldn’t all of AZ be green? The state passed legislation that the 2nd amendment is all a person needs to carry a firearm open or concealed.

    • Yeah, I had a similar thought. Shouldn’t all states that have permitless (constitutional) carry automatically be green, since they have actual state laws to the effect?

      • Sounds good to me, and if a massively-expanding green map strikes fear in the hearts of Leftists, all the better… 😉

      • Some of these sanctuary designations are clearly for symbolic signaling only. Idaho doesn’t need any, nor does Wyoming; they’re both Second Amendment bulwarks already. They’re just doing it as a preemptive FU to any progtard that might get a wild idea.

        • Ing. – Understand that they are merely making a statement, as well as taking a symbolic stance, in favor of our right. However, that was what was originally intended when making the Constitution the Supreme Law of the Land. And the federal government was supposed to enforce our rights on every square inch of U.S. soil. There can be no valid argument against that fact either. For that is what was clearly stated by Mr, Madison when he had presenting our Bill of Rights to Congress.

          It is the Constitutionally charged duty of the U.S. government to “secure the blessings of liberty” to We The People. And all laws enacted in pursuance of that Supreme instrument were intended to work towards that end.

          It is quite obvious that the majority of states have thrown off the BOUNDS imposed upon them by our Constitution. And that perversion must be put to an end, or We The People need to follow Mr. Franklin and Mr. Jefferson’s advice:

          “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    • Carry (open, concealed, or Constitutional) is no indicator of compatibility with the purposes of 2nd A Sanctuary.

  5. No where’s near enough of Arizona. Just one county? Seriously?

    Really need to do better Arizona! Much better!

  6. It means nothing to the courts and to the Powers that be.. Even if it was given a distant nod by the Oligarchy in power within a State the Courts have ruled long ago that 2A is not unlimited and was never meant to be unlimited and that includes all other Constitutional Rights as well. So that opens up another Pandora’s box and more appeals every time a gun control law is passed. So would anything have really changed even if the word “sanctuary cities” was given even lip service by the ruling Aristocracy. The answer is no because it still means nothing, zero, zelch, nada. If the gun hating courts rule the law is Constitutional then it is no matter what the Paramilitary Lunatic Fringe may think or shout from the roof tops. Only the DoDo birds are listening and they are extinct and could not fly when they did exist.

    As Mao Zedong once said “Power comes from the barrel of a gun” and the ruling Oligarchy has the most firepower. End of story.

    Post Script:

    If 1st Amendment Rights were unlimited you would have no Defamation laws nor could you be imprisoned for causing the deaths of people by using false statements or by using hate speech that resulted in death or deaths. Its interesting to note that France who has a “real democracy” not a fake one like the U.S. has more freedom of speech than the U.S. of Hey.

    If Second Amendment Rights were unlimited you would be allowed to have newly made machine guns, atomic bombs and poison gas. Criminals and Psychopaths would be allowed to own guns. You would be allowed to own silencers without restrictions. This is reality not some Right Wing Nut case shouting he can do as he pleases.

      • Vlad is required to reply to a minimum of articles each day, even if he has no point. Otherwise Bloomberg smacks his scrote with a golden scepter.

        • Actually I do not work for Bloomberg I work for Putin and so does Komarade Trump. You see we are all Komarades. Komarade Trump is well paid and I get a few of Komarade Trump’s left over crumbs. The pay is good for a soldier of Socialism. Remember Komarade Khrushchev famous line “We will bury you” (truthfully he never said that, look it up) but it does make for good propaganda.

          Are you starting to panic yet? Calm down you have to be able to know when I am pulling your chain and when I am serious and the only part of that diatribe was the part about Trump getting paid off by Putin that is for real.

      • Sorry I am not gay like you so your salivating for nothing.

        Stable Genius you stepped right into that one. Your out of your league.

        • You never denied that you were a mentally ill virgin. But now it appears you’re a mentally ill gay virgin.

        • to Dude

          “”””””””””””””””””A loving, accepting leftist insinuating that being gay is bad? Hypocrisy much?””””””””””””””””””

          I never insinuated that, you boldly and disingenuously proclaimed it and that in of itself is a lie.

          Go back and read the post it simply stated I was not gay. And remember it was JWM that brought up sex and peeking into “why” it leads one to make an educated guess as to “why”.

        • “Go back and read the post it simply stated I was not gay.”

          Actually no, what you said was, “Sorry I am not gay like you so your salivating for nothing.”

          So you’re one of those people that just keeps denying, even when you’re caught red-handed. Not surprised.

        • quote—————–“Go back and read the post it simply stated I was not gay.”

          Actually no, what you said was, “Sorry I am not gay like you so your salivating for nothing.”

          So you’re one of those people that just keeps denying, even when you’re caught red-handed. Not surprised.————–quote

          No you just caught yourself in your own lie. You proved it.

        • Okay, you’re just making an innocent “educated guess” and totally not trying to put him down. You aren’t known for insulting people, are you? Got it.

    • MOREADVENTURESONOTHERPLANETS – “the Courts have ruled long ago that 2A is not unlimited and was never meant to be unlimited and that includes all other Constitutional Rights as well.”

      And you and the courts are of course wrong. The whole purpose of Constitutionally securing a right is to prevent ANY government interference’s in the free exercise of that right whatsoever. The government can only provide punishment for abuse or criminal misuse of the right. But they are expressly Constitutionally prohibited from exercising any form of prior restraint. Perhaps you should learn about the true meaning of freedom and liberty?

      • Sorry Komarade Quammen but you do not live in the real world but one of fantasy.

        The Constitution means absolutely nothing and always has. The Courts have always ruled to enhance their own power and to preserve their power they often rule with public opinion which has never been kind to gun owners.

        I could if i wanted to give you a big list of numerous times when the corrupt Courts deliberately trashed the Constitution to appease the howling mob.

        The jack booted courts hate 2A with a passion and have seldom ruled kindly towards it. Sometimes they gave ludicrous lip service to it so they appeared legitimate but even a retarded moron can see through their rulings if one bothers to read them in their entirety.

        Your rights are fleeting and only doled out in dribbles by the power mad courts and the legislature, ruled by an Oligarchy of the filthy rich and they do not want you to have weapons either.

        • “Sorry Komarade Quammen but you do not live in the real world but one of fantasy.”

          Yes, it is quite obvious that you are one sorry p.o.s. And I’m most certainly NOT your ‘komrade’, communist.

          “The Constitution means absolutely nothing and always has.”

          Wrong again, treasonous p.o.s. That didn’t start happening until the progressives got in power in the late 1800’s early 1900’s.

          “The Courts have always ruled to enhance their own power and to preserve their power they often rule with public opinion which has never been kind to gun owners.”

          Once again wrong, traitor. The federal courts all the way into the 1870’s ruled against infringements by the federal level. But admittedly refused to uphold and defend the right at the local and state levels.

          “I could if i wanted to give you a big list of numerous times when the corrupt Courts deliberately trashed the Constitution to appease the howling mob.”

          Only because of communist lemmings like yourself were the courts able to defy the Constitution and the rights We The People secured by that Supreme Law.

          “The jack booted courts hate 2A with a passion and have seldom ruled kindly towards it. Sometimes they gave ludicrous lip service to it so they appeared legitimate but even a retarded moron can see through their rulings if one bothers to read them in their entirety.”

          All potential and actual petty-tyrants hate the thought of their intended victims being armed. But too bad, so sad. We are the most heavily armed people on the planet. And could easily defend ourselves against sycophant officers and troops sent to take our weapons of defense from us.

          “Your rights are fleeting and only doled out in dribbles by the power mad courts and the legislature, ruled by an Oligarchy of the filthy rich and they do not want you to have weapons either.”

          Again, too bad so sad. All of history shows what ultimately happens to power mad tyrants. And if they don’t want to learn from history, then they’ll get a very stark instant replay of it. Then after their demise, we’ll strip them of their riches and pay off our debt.

        • To Herr Hauptman E. David Quammen

          “The Constitution means absolutely nothing and always has.”

          “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Wrong again, treasonous p.o.s. That didn’t start happening until the progressives got in power in the late 1800’s early 1900’s.”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          Your shouting to the world you flunked History classes. Its mostly been the Far Right Nazi’s like yourself that supported and demanded discriminatory laws on voting, immigration, refugees, other religions having equal rights and even marriage between races. People of your filth supported slavery as well.

          “The Courts have always ruled to enhance their own power and to preserve their power they often rule with public opinion which has never been kind to gun owners.”

          “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Once again wrong, traitor. The federal courts all the way into the 1870’s ruled against infringements by the federal level. But admittedly refused to uphold and defend the right at the local and state levels.””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          Again you flunked history. The Federal Courts often had to step in and nullify State and Local racist laws that prevented people from voting, eating in the restaurant of their choice, joining a public club, marrying outside their faith or race etc. etc. The list goes on and on.

          “I could if i wanted to give you a big list of numerous times when the corrupt Courts deliberately trashed the Constitution to appease the howling mob.”

          “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Only because of communist lemmings like yourself were the courts able to defy the Constitution and the rights We The People secured by that Supreme Law.””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          Wrong the Courts make the laws and it has often been Conservative Courts that have taken away most rights. The 2013 disastrous Supreme Court Decision that made it legal for individual States to practice voter suppression by shutting down poling places in poor districts and purging people off of voting rolls. It is one of the most treacherous violations of the Constitution and the right to vote. It was announced today the jack booted Nazi State of Georgia has taken away the rights of over 3,000 people to vote in the 2020 elections.

          “The jack booted courts hate 2A with a passion and have seldom ruled kindly towards it. Sometimes they gave ludicrous lip service to it so they appeared legitimate but even a retarded moron can see through their rulings if one bothers to read them in their entirety.”

          “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””All potential and actual petty-tyrants hate the thought of their intended victims being armed. But too bad, so sad. We are the most heavily armed people on the planet. And could easily defend ourselves against sycophant officers and troops sent to take our weapons of defense from us.””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          That is certainly an idiotic Far Right Statement and fantasy. Get real Herr Hauptmann the Jack Boots are coming for the guns in Virginia as we speak and Komarade Northam has had a large meeting with the National Guard giving them the orders to shoot to kill anyone who does no comply with the coming gun laws which will probably include confiscation.

          “Your rights are fleeting and only doled out in dribbles by the power mad courts and the legislature, ruled by an Oligarchy of the filthy rich and they do not want you to have weapons either.”

          “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Again, too bad so sad. All of history shows what ultimately happens to power mad tyrants. And if they don’t want to learn from history, then they’ll get a very stark instant replay of it. Then after their demise, we’ll strip them of their riches and pay off our debt.”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          Again Herr Hauptmann you flunked history. The Oligarchy of the filthy rich has ruled this country with an iron hand since it was founded by the Corrupt and disingenuous Founders who were the scum of Society. They deliberately denied working class people including white men the right to vote for as long as they could get away with it and then replaced that dictatorship with the corrupt Electoral College and the hypocrisy of Gerrymandering. Its obvious you have not a clue on how your corrupt political systems works. And lets not forget lobbying which makes all Congressmen on both side of the isle mere prostitutes of the rich and powerful. For Christ Sake were you really born yesterday?

          • The vile traitor moreadventuresonotherplanets spewed forth:

            “Your shouting to the world you flunked History classes. Its mostly been the Far Right Nazi’s like yourself that supported and demanded discriminatory laws on voting, immigration, refugees, other religions having equal rights and even marriage between races. People of your filth supported slavery as well.”

            No, O’ oblivious one it is quite obvious that it is >you< that flunked history classes. For it was cowardly and ignorant democrats which have done ALL of those ignorant things that you falsely accuse the right of doing. And there is ample evidence that backs that FACT:



            Slavery & Gun Control

            The rest of your ignorant drooling deserves no detailed response, as it is quite obviously nothing more than pure idiocy.

            As you can plainly see, you have picked the wrong person to spew your ignorant drool to. Because I'll hammer you into the dirt with the actual facts, you treasonous p.o.s. Why don't you do us all a favor and go play out on the freeway. Make sure it's during rush hour though, as that will give you less chance of survival.

        • to E. Dave

          ++++++++++++++++++As you can plainly see, you have picked the wrong person to spew your ignorant drool to++++++++++++++++

          Giving links to Right Wing nut case posts and White Supremacy Forums only shows how ignorant a person you really are. You are so ignorant you do not know the difference of quoting “opinions” as opposed to myself quoting” History”. There is a difference but its beyond a low IQ person like yourself.

          And by the way you had no rebuttal to my detailed post because you had no rebuttal to give because you would be denying History.

          • It’s more than obvious that your severe mental retardation has approached the terminal level. Perhaps it would be wise to follow your doctor’s advice and get that frontal lobotomy.

    • “Newly made machine guns”: great. Nothing wrong with that. Once upon a time an American could have a submachine gun sent right to his or her door, and the only reason that changed was some gangsters used a few to kill some other gangsters (who happened to be working with the US govt against the first gangsters.) Since then every machine gun used in a crime in the US has been illegally converted, from gangbangers filing down a piece of an open bolt pistol (which are now also illegal by the way) to pro bank robbers custom building full auto ARs. If all we did was repeal the Hughes Amendment absolutely nothing would change as far as crime and machine guns used therein. However outside of organized crime there was never significant criminal misuse of them anyway.

      “Atomic bombs”: frankly I don’t think anyone should own the things, but the people I trust the absolute LEAST with nuclear weapons are members of governments. They’re the only people who think they can use them to commit mass indiscriminate murder and then survive the (literal and figurative) fallout. If someone told me that Apple or some billionaire had purchased one (no less wealthy person or organization could possibly afford one) I would simply reply “uh, okay, but why? You just spent a lot of money on a weapon that can’t possibly do you any good and has a shelf life of fewer than two decades. Why are you rich again? That’s just a bad investment.”

      “Poison gas”: actually not covered by any gun control laws in the United States. Moreover you can make the stuff with a combination of two very common household cleaners (odds are you have them.) Doing so is illegal under several other laws which cover hazardous materials and their release into the environment, but putting a cannister of it into a blank-launched grenade tube and firing it isn’t specifically any MORE illegal than the act of making it.

      Ultimately, though, the specifics don’t matter. You’re talking about laws which aim to prevent criminals from using certain types of tools in crimes by making it illegal to own and/or carry them. This simply doesn’t work. The machine gun ban itself has proven it. Even in the cases of nukes and nerve gas we have examples of this internationally, most notably the Japanese terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo who made and released Sarin gas in the subway (they failed to properly weaponize it but it still caused several casualties) and then stole some nuclear fuel, fled to the Australian outback with it, enriched it (presumably with some stolen equipment, you can’t just make that stuff from scratch) and then detonated it (most likely with themselves in the blast radius; no one has heard from them since.) It was years before anyone figured out a crude nuke had gone off in the vast expanse of the Outback, but the concentrations of fusion-produced isotopes prove it happened and an investigation eventually linked them to some stolen nuclear fuel. Esoteric as that case may be, however, we have plenty of examples of people who aren’t supposed to have nukes making them anyway. They’re just usually acting in the capacity of a government, such as Iran’s or North Korea’s.

      So I leave you with the following question: you posit that only a government should be allowed to posess nuclear weaponry, though presumably NOT the two governments mentioned above. What then is your logically consistent basis for selecting WHICH governments should posess these weapons, without just arbitrarily exclusing private individuals from that set?

      • once upon a time…not so long ago…you could have a machine gun delivered to your front door and left on your porch…(of course a class III lic. helped!)….in the days before porch pirates….

    • 2A is unlimited and was always intended to be unlimited. It is 27 words, impossible to misunderstand if you speak English. Any attempt to explain that it is *not* unlimited would run tens of thousands of weasel words, and still be totally wrong.

      • You obviously cannot speak or understand any English you just proved it. Constitutional Scholars have long debated the Second Amendment but one thing they all agreed on was that the Charlatans that wrote it made sure it was as vague as they could possible make it to give them wiggle room to ban guns if the proletariat rose up against them and their has been a steady erosion of it every since. That should tell even a Moron what a joke the 2nd Amendment has always been to the courts and the legislature as they have shit on it many, many times down through history but that is why it was written in such double talk to begin with.

        • Look closely, MAOOP is just spewing BS that will appear appealing to the “common core/revisionist” public school educated dem/leftist minions.
          Bought and paid for propaganda is all he spews, 24/7.
          MAOOP is the lowest form of life on this planet.

    • “As Mao Zedong once said “Power comes from the barrel of a gun” and the ruling Oligarchy has the most firepower. End of story.”

      Damn straight, run the numbers –

      ‘ruling oligarchy’ – A few million members and a few million guns.

      ‘Patriots’ – Hundreds of millions strong, with hundreds of million guns.

      End of story… 😉

    • KEEP your YOU’RE A PEON crap. along with the morally superior attitude they have attained. Comment directed at more……………………?

  7. WHEN SHTF hits we’ll see what these maps really mean. Especially in the Land of Lincoln. I do see entire states have joined the sight. Shame on the NRA for sitting on their hands & enriching Old Wayne. I won’t be renewing next May. Join your local state group’s…

    • Sadly, I shelled out for a life membership, but no longer contribute. I live in Virginia and there’s a lot of “Where’s the NRA?’ when the votes are going on.

        • The 64,000 dollar question is *why* they NRA is so occupied.

          We’re seeing a full-on, coordinated takedown attempt by the totalitarian left (aka the Deep State, aka progressives, aka Democrats, etc). The NRA being too busy fighting for its own survival is exactly the point of what they’re doing. If they can destroy the organization, that’s just a bonus; in the meantime, while it can’t defend us, they’ll take a great big bite out of our rights. They’re looking for a replay of 1994 and 1968.

          That’s why the Left is doing what they’re doing. So why is the NRA vulnerable *now* to what its enemies have clearly desired for decades?

          The answer to that seems to go by the initials WLP.

        • Lets not be cute. There are plenty of snowflakes on our side helping to tear down the NRA. Including Zimmerman.

        • The NRA dug their own grave, and even worse, has refused to make the needed changes in order to climb out.

        • “There are plenty of snowflakes on our side helping to tear down the NRA. Including Zimmerman.”

          The international publishing footprint TTAG controls means the Z-man is no ‘snowflake’.

          He calls ’em as he sees ’em. That’s not a ‘snowflake’ you see, that’s spinal rigidity… 🙂

    • You guys shouldn’t forget that Wayne was a Democrat aid before taking control of the NRA. He supports the government over the people. He takes money for his own success over the success of the American people. He shows up to give speeches about how he is so great and how the NRA fights for the 2nd Amendment only because the crowd opens the wallet and hands him a bunch of money. He is like the religious leader who runs a multi million dollar church.

      Wayne is a Democrat operative sent to prevent the NRA from being successful. He will not give up control until he is dead. He does not care about America. He cares about his buddies and himself. He will slowly kill the host and die happy.

  8. It’s always amazed me how liberals make up Constitutional rights that are not found in the Constitution and not even contemplated by the founders, and at the same time completely abrogate the right to bear arms.

    the leftist argument of restricting at right to bear arms always hinges in the clause “well regulated”. To say “well regulated” means a de facto ban on bearing arms is kafkaesque. A right is destroyed if it cannot be exercised by most people in most circumstances; the leftist argument turns the right into a subjective privilege.

    The only restriction congruent with “well regulated” would be objective qualification standards for bearing arms.

    • “Well regulated” most likely meant the same thing as a “well regulated watch”, as that was the primary meaning of “regulated” at that time. Meaning, a militia kept properly armed and trained. Not some crazy nationalists living off grid with a room full of AR15’s and 100’s of thousands of rounds of ammo. Although the 2nd does allow for that also per Heller it would seem

      • Talk to anyone in engineering or who works with machinery in any way, and you’ll find that the only place “well regulated” means not really working at all is in political circles. This is exactly what George Orwell was on about all those years ago.

        • Yes, well regulated means functioning VERY accurately and as intended, near or at the peak of its capabilities.
          Well regulated, in regard to its use in the 2nd A, means at it’s highest level of lethalness. WITH THE MOST LETHAL ARMS READLY AVAILABLE!!!

    • Democrats use safety as their argument. Everything they want to do is for the safety of America. Americans want to be safe above being free. So it’s very easy for Democrats to win over the general public.

      Unfortunately, the Republicans also use the safety argument for their human rights violations. Such as the war on terror and the drug war. It’s all for your safety. The Patriot Act is a violation of human rights and the law, but it will make you safer. America has to have a larger military and it has to invade countries for your safety.

      Americans do not have the self confidence necessary to believe they can rely on themselves and their families before reaching outward for more assistance. When they reach out for help they want it to be the government that recuses them.

      • Invading countries for our safety…

        Unfortunately for the military industrial complex, people have caught on to this lie and we’ve demanded change.

  9. VCDL > NRA. By a long shot.

    With NRA HQ being in Fairfax, VA, you’d think the phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally” would actually mean something.

    NRA/NRA-ILA – tell me again why I should donate to you? It’s the orange “Gun Save Lives” stickers, courtesy VCDL, that are showing up at the various Board of Supervisers meetings.

    • The NRA has to save money for their paychecks. If they fight to protect the 2nd Amendment they will lose all their money. How are the NRA workers going to afford their nice lifestyle doing the right thing?

      Every adult knows that crime does pay well, just don’t get caught. That’s why smart criminals become law enforcement or politicians.


    Comrade Northam’s office has been flooded with calls from frightened gun owners wanting to know if the Guard will be breaking down doors and shooting people out of hand ala Jack Booted Nazi style who do not comply. Naturally they were put on hold and the only thing missing was the back ground music playing of the Russian National Anthem.


    • The State National Guard cannot be used to enforce State Laws that is what the police and Sheriffs do. It would violate the Posse Comitatus Act.
      Willfully Execute the Laws. The Act is limited to “willful” misuse of the Army or Air Force. The Senate version of the original Act would have limited proscription to “willful and knowing” violations, 7 Cong. Rec. 4302 (1878); the House version had no limitation, 7 Cong. Rec. 4181 (1878). The compromise which emerged from conference opted to forbid only willful violations, but nothing in the legislative history explains what the limitation means. It seems unlikely that a court would convict for anything less than a deliberate disregard of the law’s requirements.

      When has the Army or Air Force been used “to execute the laws”? Existing case law and commentary indicate that “execution of the law” in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act occurs (a) when the armed forces perform tasks ordinarily assigned not to them but to an organ of civil government, or (b) when the armed forces perform tasks assigned to them solely for purposes of civilian government. While inquiries may surface in other contexts, such as the use of the armed forces to fight forest fires or to provide assistance in the case of other natural disasters, Posse Comitatus Act questions arise most often when the armed forces assist civilian police.

      The tests used by most contemporary courts to determine whether military forces have been used improperly as police forces in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act were developed out of disturbances in 1973 at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota and inquire: (1) whether civilian law enforcement officials made a direct active use of military investigators to execute the law; (2) whether the use of the military pervaded the activities of the civilian officials; or (3) whether the military was used so as to subject citizens to the exercise of military power which was regulatory, prescriptive, or compulsory in nature.

      • Tell your dribble to the National Guard. Komarade Northam’s brainwashed robotic jack booted storm troopers are gearing up and are ready to lock and load lusting for the kill. “Raus!, Raus! you will soon here them scream as rifle butts pound on your door in the middle of the fog and night.

        • Very, very sick individual is our vlad. He gets very excited at the thought of his fascist buddies killing the innocent. I’m betting he has a full on hugo boss SS uniform in his closet.

          Thank god no women will breed with him. His line needs to end.

        • Vlad, I spent 20 in our military, including some shooting and killing. To my knowledge, I never met even one superior officer who I believe would be stupid enough to hand me a loaded gun and then order me to go out and arrest or kill peaceful Americans exercising their natural rights. There would be a fatal accident right then. Literally. Your comments are just as stupid as Swalwell’s when he claimed that if you refused to surrender your firearms he would order the military to detonate a nuclear weapon over your house. There may be those who would issue such orders, but they would not be anywhere in range when the orders are received.

        • to Larry

          “””””””””””””””””””””””Vlad, I spent 20 in our military, including some shooting and killing. To my knowledge, I never met even one superior officer who I believe would be stupid enough to hand me a loaded gun and then order me to go out and arrest or kill peaceful Americans exercising their natural rights. There would be a fatal accident right then. Literally. “”””””””””””””””””

          Lets go over two things. First its obviously you have been out of the military a long time either that or you learned nothing from it. Psychological studies of young men 25 and under shows the Military can get them to do anything including mass murder and rape with no realization of the lasting consequences of such actions. Vietnam was an example along with Nazi Germany. There was little if any difference. Remember it was the mass murderer General Ewell (butcher of the delta) that sent helicopter gun ships out to the rice fields to mass murder entire families of farmers out in the open planting rice and his followers eagerly obeyed orders. History has proven you assertions totally absurd.

          More than one psychological study proved over and over again people follow orders not only in the Military but even civilians when given orders by their bosses.

          One study showed ordinary people being conditioned through authority to give painful jolts of electricity to people they thought were even subject to heart attacks (the subjects were only faking pain in the study).

          It must be remembered that ordinary Germans in Hitlers Germany often ended up killing not thousands in the concentrations camps but millions. When one young recruit heard the screams of people when he and another experienced soldier threw in cyanide pellets through the roof of the gas chamber the new recruit said “This is terrible its not human”, his companion said, “Do not get upset you will like me get used to it because we have to follow orders.

          Now tell me the young brain washed jack boots in the military will not follow orders and their sycophant officers not follow orders from their Lords and Masters. History has proven it over and over again. The only shooting will be gunning down the very, very few both men and officers that did not follow orders instantly and shout Sieg Heil Herr Hauptmann, Sieg Heil!!!!

          Civilization is only a thin veneer of fantasy. People do as they are told because like you they were never taught “how to think” rather they were taught “what to think”. No one joins a military or lets himself get drafted if he “Knows how to think”.

        • More Crisco Impalers, those studies have been thoroughly discredited. People aren’t as likely to follow the footsteps of torturers and tyrants as you’d like to think.

          Those who still quote them like scripture, as if such behavior is inevitable and totally natural, are just rationalizing the things they wish someone would give them permission to do. Deep down, they *want* to be told what to do and absolved of all responsibility for the pain and misery they cause.

        • to Ing

          “”””””””””””””””””””””””””More Crisco Impalers, those studies have been thoroughly discredited. People aren’t as likely to follow the footsteps of torturers and tyrants as you’d like to think.”””””””””””””””””””””””””

          Only last week if I remember correctly it was on Nova they showed some of the tests and the video’s. And no they were not discredited in any way. Seeing is believing and it was chilling to say the least.

    • Hey Vlad,
      Your mommie tightened the chinstap of your tinfoil hat too tight again. Yell to her upstairs and have her loosen it some.
      He gets this way when the brain hypoxia starts to kick in.


      Thanks for the heads up MAOOP.
      I’ll be sure to include those poor souls in my prayers before bed tonight, the street will run red with their blood.
      It’s such a shame all those lives will be lost, I mean, the National Guard doesn’t stand an ice cubes chance in hell when they attempt to disarm honest Patriots and violate the natural rights granted by our creator.
      Northam is a monster to send the NG to their certain death. May he burn in hell for eternity.

  11. South Carolina does not need to have Counties declare 2A Sanctuary. The Legislature does not pass anti-gun laws. Heck, they haven’t even passed any PRO-gun laws in several years. The only thing we don’t have here is Open Carry (exception for hunting and fishing). Everything else is OK.

    • The same could be said about Virginia a few years ago. It’s a preemptive measure. It also expresses solidarity with the Pro 2A folks.

  12. Since its mostly rural conservatives who are activated we will see if the Libertarians Liberals and the Left support the 1st and 2nd amendment and rights of these conservative gun owners. Also do they now support 2A sanctuary Law enforcement????
    It seems Reason Magazine doesn’t know what to say. Any Links?

    • I don’t know any Libertarians that read Reason. They consider Reason a Democrat psychological operation masquerading as Libertarians. Controlled opposition gatekeepers.

      • For a long time they were suspect to me. Then the Libertarians mask came off when they put former Gov William Weld as their VP candidate. Now I don’t trust them at all. They traded being accepted by a wider group by giving up whatever principles they had. Or they just gave up their guns for legalized dope.

    • however you want to define it…ir was the democrats who once again got the ball rolling on this concept….

    • It actually started in Alaska and Vermont many, many years ago. Since that time the following states have joined:

      Idaho (residents only)
      New Hampshire
      North Dakota (residents only; concealed carry only)
      South Dakota
      West Virginia
      Wyoming (residents only)

      • Actually, OK’s new law restricts out-of-state visitors to following the carry laws of their home state. So since I’m from CA, I cannot legally carry concealed or open, or at all basically, if I ever find myself on their soil.

        Really dumb. So their version punishes visiting Californian gun owners by prohibiting them from experiencing Free America, when most other states (Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, et al) do.

        Way to go, Sooners. [/sarc]

        • I Haz A Question (Gripe) – “Actually, OK’s new law restricts out-of-state visitors to following the carry laws of their home state. So since I’m from CA, I cannot legally carry concealed or open, or at all basically, if I ever find myself on their soil.
          “Really dumb. So their version punishes visiting Californian gun owners by prohibiting them from experiencing “Free America, when most other states (Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, et al) do.
          “Way to go, Sooners. [/sarc]”

          That is very sad indeed. As the whole intended purpose of our Bill of Rights was to secure those rights for every American citizen. Just as the English Bill of Rights of 1689 had secured the right to all in the British empire. The ‘incorporation doctrine’ held out by scotus is pure bullshit. As our rights were already “incorporated” into the Constitution in 1791. Which Mr. James Madison explain perfectly here:

          “9. “The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States, ratifying the same.”

          “This article speaks for itself. The express authority of the people alone could give due validity to the Constitution. To have required the unanimous ratification of the thirteen States, would have subjected the essential interests of the whole to the caprice or corruption of a single member. It would have marked a want of foresight in the convention, which our own experience would have rendered inexcusable.

          “Two questions of a very delicate nature present themselves on this occasion:

          1. On what principle the Confederation, which stands in the solemn form of a compact among the States, can be superseded without the unanimous consent of the parties to it?

          2. What relation is to subsist between the nine or more States ratifying the Constitution, and the remaining few who do not become parties to it?

          “The first question is answered at once by recurring to the absolute necessity of the case; to the great principle of self-preservation; to the transcendent law of nature and of nature’s God, which declares that the safety and happiness of society are the objects at which all political institutions aim, and to which all such institutions must be sacrificed. Perhaps, also, an answer may be found without searching beyond the principles of the compact itself. It has been heretofore noted among the defects of the Confederation, that in many of the States it had received no higher sanction than a mere legislative ratification. The principle of reciprocality seems to require that its obligation on the other States should be reduced to the same standard. A compact between independent sovereigns, founded on ordinary acts of legislative authority, can pretend to no higher validity than a league or treaty between the parties. It is an established doctrine on the subject of treaties, that all the articles are mutually conditions of each other; that a breach of any one article is a breach of the whole treaty; and that a breach, committed by either of the parties, absolves the others, and authorizes them, if they please, to pronounce the compact violated and void. Should it unhappily be necessary to appeal to these delicate truths for a justification for dispensing with the consent of particular States to a dissolution of the federal pact, will not the complaining parties find it a difficult task to answer the multiplied and important infractions with which they may be confronted? The time has been when it was incumbent on us all to veil the ideas which this paragraph exhibits. The scene is now changed, and with it the part which the same motives dictate.

          “The second question is not less delicate; and the flattering prospect of its being merely hypothetical forbids an overcurious discussion of it. It is one of those cases which must be left to provide for itself. In general, it may be observed, that although no political relation can subsist between the assenting and dissenting States, yet the moral relations will remain uncancelled. The claims of justice, both on one side and on the other, will be in force, and must be fulfilled; the rights of humanity must in all cases be duly and mutually respected; whilst considerations of a common interest, and, above all, the remembrance of the endearing scenes which are past, and the anticipation of a speedy triumph over the obstacles to reunion, will, it is hoped, not urge in vain moderation on one side, and prudence on the other.

          PUBLIUS”—-James Madison, The Federalist No. 43, Independent Journal, Wednesday, January 23, 1788.

          And THAT is clearly how it was intended by the men that framed our Constitution. And under which impressions We The People had adopted that Supreme Law. So as you can see, all court ‘decisions’ in conflict with those original intentions are meaningless and of no real legal effect whatsoever.

  13. I know for a fact that disarming the public is not a government function. Governments that do that have a sinister agenda. Our founding fathers understood this fact as well. This is why we have a second amendment. The men and women back then seem to have more wisdom than most men of today. We have much too many wicked and evil people in the world today to allow ourselves to be disarmed by government leaders of today. When governments want to disarm the public they cannot be trusted. History is our Object Lesson. Wake up people you are putting too much trust in governments. Read what GOD says in Jeremiah 17:5; Psalms 118:8.

    • Republicans trust the government more than Democrats. They wave the State’s flag and praise their enforcers. They choose man’s government over God’s. They believe government rule is a requirement and free will should be removed. They do not respect natural law nor care to understand it. They want their police, military, drug war, etc.

      The current Republican platform resembles fascism enough that Democrats can call Republicans Nazis. Many of the Americans in the middle do not strongly disagree with their assessment.

      You should know you are doing it wrong when you start to resemble Democrats of old and Democrats are considered the diversity party.

      • GAFC CC.
        The R party believes in smaller government.
        The D party believes in a HUGE government, in fact, a beurocratic agency that has control over EVER detail of EVERY citizen, from cradle to grave.
        Again showing total cluelessness on the subject at hand.
        Did you have an anurisem for breakfast?

        • Smaller government, you say?

          So you don’t mind making all drugs legal? You don’t mind bringing all the troops back to America? You don’t mind getting rid of police departments? You want private schools over public schools? You want to privatize the roads? You want to get rid of government health care, social security, loans, etc? You call for a return to the gold standard and the ending of the private bank that controls the U.S. currency? You don’t mind prostitution and gay marriages?

          Every self identified Republican I see wants bigger government like a Democrat, but they want it their way. They want to build a huge socialized wall to block brown people from entering their socialist paradise and taking all their socialism from American citizens.

          Republicans are the ones that praise and defend police and military. Two major socialized parts of society that expands the government’s powers over the people. You can’t be for small government and call for the most powerful part of government to exist and be strengthen to the point the people cannot overpower it.

          James, you do not understand what small government looks like. Small government wouldn’t help your family and it wouldn’t worry about immigration. I bet you take government assistance [socialism] more than you would like to admit and you complain about the State not controlling entry into its territories.

          A small government doesn’t need to deal with illegal immigration because the immigrants would have no access to socialist programs. They would have to survive on their own merits. They must work a job or start a business. They wouldn’t have a bunch of kids to help them get more socialism.

          Like any proper socialist, they will complain when others enter and partake in the socialism because there will be less to go around for themselves. Socialists have to keep their population numbers low for their paradise to “work.” Once the numbers get too large the system collapses quickly.

        • The R party doesn’t believe in smaller government in the least. If it did, the government would’ve quit growing under GW Bush and under Trump.

          They do believe in a slightly smaller version of gov’t than the Democrats, but considering that the Democrats are consumed by government as their God, that’s not saying much.

        • Gonna separate myself from the Censor here. All governments absolutely can and should worry about immigration — it’s one of the few things a national government legitimately exists for.

          As for all the other stuff the Censor mentions, well, yes, more or less. I’d be perfectly happy to go ahead with all of it and see what happens.

          Socialism and the giant government machine it requires are at the root of the most intractable problems that afflict our nation, and the sooner we realize that and get rid of them, the more likely America is to survive and thrive. As it is, the United States is suffering a slow death (which may or may not become a quick death by bloodshed…or maybe a bloody restoration, but I don’t think we have a new generation of founders among us).

        • ” The R party believes in smaller government.
          The D party believes in a HUGE government ”

          Don’t believe it for a minute. When the Republicans tell you they want to get the Democrats off your back, it’s only to make more room for themselves.

  14. Kansas, explain this shit. I don’t trust it. I’m guessing because of how a state law is written effectively making all counties sanctuaries?

    • Second Amendment Protection Act. Just Google Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler to see how well it doesn’t work.

  15. It’s unfortunate that Republicans are so delusional to think that they have created a safe space for gun owners and that law enforcement will not enforce the law as ordered. These “resolutions” do not carry the weight of law, thus there is no actual sanctuary. Enforcement will continue as long as the paychecks continue…

    Remember when a veteran was arrested for having NFA items although his state said it was legal to do so? What happened to him? Did Republicans decide to simply ignore that veteran’s fate?

    Now you are going to create a situation where Republicans believe they are safe when they are in fact not? Are you going to continue to trick them into a prison cell? Is everyone going to continue to pretend that this “movement” is actually accomplishing offensive success?

    While Republicans pretend they won a battle the Democrats are submitting socialist laws that will pass to some degree while Republicans throw a tantrum. This has been a recurring failure in other states where Democrats have taken over the culture/government. Republicans pretend they stand in opposition but don’t show up to make a change in the other direction. It’s all smoke and mirrors to help the Democrats win in the end. Whether that is intentional or just stupidity.

    You should know by now how the Democrats have won the majority to their side and are continuing to increase their numbers. If you don’t know how they did it, you have already lost and the existence of the Bill of Rights will be just a memory in an old white Republican’s head.

    You have to admit the truth: Democrats win, Republicans lose. Then figure out why.

    • They’re two faces of the same coin, that’s why. The Republican party is just the take-it-slow version of the Democrats. They both internalized the lie that big government and socialism are inevitable and desirable long ago. The difference between them is merely an enthusiasm gap.

      Still, if it’s a binary choice — and at the national level it always is — I’d much rather vote for a party that’s somewhat reluctant to destroy everything I love than one that’s straining at the chain like a rabid dog.

      Maybe someday we’ll have better choices. If enough people wake up.

      • Standards.

        Americans lack a high quality standard. They will settle for crap. They refer to it as the “lesser of two evils.” That is a personal problem. Hence why the family unit is so weak and why the youth are so pathetic. Society no longer holds itself to a high standard and that is reflected through their government and children.

        Democrats are more likely to hold other people to an unrealistic/double standard. They will riot and cause a commotion if people do not live up to their standards. But they do have standards for their party and for society. They enforce that standard throughout society with protests and social justice.

        Republicans have no real standard. As long as you call yourself a Republican that’s good enough. They are so weak that a “soyboy” can defeat them where it matters. There is no battlefield where a bald bearded Republican can beat a soyboy and win the fight for America. Hence the fantasizing of a coming civil war.

        If there was a civil war that would mean the Republicans lost it all and now have to murder the victors in an attempt to coup the ruling party. Society will not accept such a violent coup because most of them will be supporting the government they voted in.

        In reality we are not fighting over who is more powerful. The true fight is over creating a high quality standard for Americans to live by.

        A standard of hard work, self improvement, functional families, liberty and justice for all. The government is working hard to get rid of any such standards.

        Republicans have to learn to set a strategy/standard of success and sacrifice to achieve it. It’s not going to be easy because the Democrats have been winning for a long time. There will be loses. Things will get worse before it gets better. The earlier Republicans stop sitting out the fight the easier it will be to win.

        Look at the NRA as an example. You had such lower standards Wayne was able to take control and retain it at will. Now the NRA is irrelevant when it matters the most. They have no real power to stop politicians from doing what they feel like. You won’t see the NRA/Wayne calling up their members to get their militia training right now from the NRA. All you get is Wayne hanging out with the Democrats giving interviews about how Republicans with standards are hurting the country.

        • Reality is far different than your fantasies about the Republican Party. During the impeachment of Herr Drumpf even a large Christian group that had been pro trump saw through the outrageous and obscene excuses Trumps Congressional Prostitutes made and in that ridiculous clown like performance it sickened most Americans to realize they are so corrupt they were willing to destroy what little of Democracy the American people have and let Trump turn America into a Putin style fake democracy and dictatorship.

          If it were not for the corrupt Gerrymandering and the corrupt Electoral College and voter suppression Republicans would never again hold a majority in Congress. The American people know very well it is they through their corruption and being the prostitutes of lobbyist’s that this is the reasons we do not have affordable drug prices and people die like dogs in the street, nor do we have affordable health care. The Gangster Criminal Republicans have had decades to come with a National Heath Care Plan and have never put forth even one half baked plan that would have given affordable health care and affordable drugs or affordable higher education. Yes there is a reason most Americans are liberal Democrats they know how the corrupt Republicans operate and they are fed up with them.

          Americans are well aware that it is Republicans that have blocked even sane gun legislation because again they are prostitutes of the NRA. They know that in the industrialized world we have the highest gun homicides in the world and our school shootings probably even shock Isis.

          Americans know they were cheated out of Democratic president twice in recent history both with Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both of which got the majority of votes in the elections. It shows how sickening our corrupt political system is and the American people are again fed up with it. Many states are indeed doing something about castrating the Electoral College rape of our elections.

    • Those that still believe a state has the right to peacefully leave the union will support a state’s county, the right to separate and or defy the state government in a peaceful manor.

      Don’t make the same mistake the southern states made. Let the state government use violence against the county’s FIRST.

      The Bundy Ranch defenders beat the government. And they never fired a shot.

      Also don’t make the same mistake gun owners made in November. Be an informed voter and vote. Don’t sit out any election.

  16. I’m curious why only counties in the mostly blue states are doing this, are gun owners in all of the red states really so ignorant to think they are safe? I’m in NC, and many of the major municipalities (Charlotte, Raleigh, Fayetteville, etc.) are leftist run, and NC presently still has unconstitutional gun laws. Seems to me that this movement is restricted mostly to retroactive action rather than proactive action. What can be done in a leftist county like Cumberland County where all of the board members hate constitutionality?

  17. I firmly believe in constitutional carry. as retired military police and former law enforcement. every city in the U.S. should be a sanctuary city for the 2nd ammendment. It’s a sad day in America when those in power seek to usurp our rights.

  18. Serious question: shouldn’t this map be updated with all “Constitutional Carry” states? They have no need for sanctuaries since they already (mostly) fully recognize Second Amendment Rights

    The movement is much larger than shown. It is already nationwide.

    Show the politicians what they’re really facing.

    As of November 1, 2019, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho (residents only), Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota (residents only; concealed carry only), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming (residents only) do not require a permit to carry a loaded concealed firearm for any person of age who is not prohibited from owning a firearm.

  19. True, Pres. Trump is not our savior; HOWEVER, he is the one God appointed to be our leader during such a perilous time as this in govt. leadership. God chose him to be our leader against the evil, wicked, left. Who else would have been strong enough to battle everything they’ve thrown against him and still stand strong? Who else would have already had enough money so he did not need to take donations from those people and organizations trying to buy him? He may have his faults BUT he has been trying to accomplish what he promised. There are many miles of border walls and contrary to some comments, illegal immigration has gone down, despite tremendous efforts of the left to bring them in and discredit our president. Our economy has gone up despite the rumors of an economic collapse. He may not have accomplished all he said, but if you really care to find out, you can find out the numerous things he has accomplished online. Just fighting off the dems is something which has has been designed and implemented to keep him extremely busy and NOT accomplish too much and NOT let him win too many people over. The dems are desperately trying to ruin our free govt and take over as socialist / communist leaders and the only way they can do that is if they get Trump supporters to quit supporting him. Don’t let them succeed. He may not be perfect but he is perfect for the job he is doing and has been doing of keeping dems OUT of the White House!! God appointed him for this time period and I don’t believe we could have found another capable enough and strong enough to handle what the dems have been putting him through! SUPPORT Pres. Trump if you value our Constitution and our Bill of Rights!!

  20. You can see the will of We The People expressed at the county level and supported by the highest-ranking ELECTED law enforcement officers in the country, the County Sheriffs. Somehow that “will” is erased by the time it gets to the State and Federal Governments. Do they really think a few arrogant politicians know better than We The People?

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