Home » Blogs » The SIG P365 Meets All Four Criteria for Pocket Pistol Perfection

The SIG P365 Meets All Four Criteria for Pocket Pistol Perfection

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By George Oliveira

Pocket carry is a great alternative when belt-borne holsters aren’t an option. It can be very fast on the draw. Standing around with your hands casually in your pockets is and looks quite natural. Doing so allows you to have a full grip on your pocket pistol and the draw is lightening-quick since your hand is already on your gun.

Pocket carry is also a good choice when hugs and accidental bump-frisks might happen such as at family get-togethers. It’s a great option in non permissive environments since most people don’t expect someone to carry a gun in a pocket and it also makes a great carry method for a back-up gun.

To qualify for service in my pocket, a handgun has to meet four criteria:

  1. It must be 100% reliable with carry ammunition. No if, ands or buts. My reliability test is 500 rounds of FMJ ammunition plus 200 rounds of carry ammunition, all run flawlessly. Yes, ammunition, especially carry ammo, is expensive, but failure at the wrong time is much more costly.
  2. For me, 9mm is my choice. It’s a formidable caliber, especially with +P or +P+ ammunition, and offers high capacity. I understand that many shooters like even smaller calibers, but 9mm is my personal minimal caliber limit. Your mileage may vary.
  3. The firearm’s size must be compact enough to not only fit in the pocket, but small enough to allow it to be drawn from the pocket with a hand wrapped around its grip. The frame can’t be too thick otherwise it could be difficult navigating the pocket opening, and the grip shouldn’t extend beyond the hand as it most likely will snag while being drawn. A pistol with a grip shorter than the hand is wasting valuable ammo-estate. Fill the hand with ammunition!

  1. The shape of the rear end of the slide must be angled. A square-edge slide tends to get caught in the corner of the pocket during the draw stroke. That means that the gun shouldn’t get caught in the pocket during the draw even once. When it comes to life-saving tools and techniques, 99.9% success is failure in my book.

Once a pistol passes my four-point test, it comes down to how well it can be shot and its magazine capacity.

Notice that I didn’t include “accuracy.” A firearm can be inherently accurate, but demonstrate reduced practical accuracy. That is, it’s difficult to actually shoot it accurately.

Small revolvers are a good example. They’re very accurate guns, but their short sight radius, minimalistic sights and long, heavy trigger pull make it hard for shooters to attain the level of accuracy that they’re capable of achieving.

With all of that said and done, the last criteria is capacity. The more here, the better. After a gunfight, no one ever said that they wished they had less ammunition.

Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight

My pocket carry journey started with lightweight snubbies. Never really enjoying their recoil, I found that I didn’t practice as much as I should with them. It didn’t take too many cylinders worth of shooting for it to strain my wrist.

I tried carrying a heavier gun, a Ruger’s SP101. It’s a great gun and its steel frame greatly reduces recoil to a very comfortable level. I carried a light .38 in one pocket and the SP101 in the other. Surprisingly, I found the extra weight didn’t bother me. The SP101 reigned supreme for me as a pocket gun for several years.

That is, until Smith & Wesson introduced the M&P Shield. The Shield was about the same size as the SP101, lighter, has much better trigger, real sights and offered three extra rounds. What’s not to love? The Shield was my new pocket gun.

It was, until SIG SAUER introduced the P365. Its 12+1 capacity bests the Shield’s 8+1 and it’s even a bit smaller. Wow!

Capacity is where SIG’s new P65 really shines. It comes with two 10-round magazines, one flush and one extended, but, both leave the had unfulfilled. But their optional 12-round magazine fills the hand perfectly without extending beyond the hand’s grasp. Not only does the magazine offer higher capacity, it fits the hand better making it easier to shoot accurately.

What’s really amazing about the design of the P365 is that it manages to packs 12+1 rounds into a package that others only manage to get ten or less into.

I know that the P365 has had its growing pains, in particular, there are several reports of broken strikers. I changed out the factory MIM striker on my pistol with a steel version from Lightning Strike, and tested it extensively with both practice and carry ammo. All seems good, and the P365 is now officially my new pocket gun.

That is until…?

0 thoughts on “The SIG P365 Meets All Four Criteria for Pocket Pistol Perfection”

      • What is a “non permissive” environment that is also legal to carry?

        And I will be headed out to the golf course later today in shorts and a golf shirt. I will be belt carrying my XD subcompact and nobody will notice.

        • Many places. I have worked for companies that do not allow guns, but they are not illegal, just not “permitted” by employer.

          Many “Gun Free Zones” don’t “allow” guns, but it is not illegal to carry there.

        • Would also include outings or social gatherings with friends, family, or acquaintances who aren’t keen on guns. A little extra concealment can make for a more relaxing day. Not a fan of pocket carry though… always feels awkward to me. I usually go IWB with something small, or use an ankle holster.

        • So you are either risking your job or are treating a non binding sign as a reason to carry in a suboptimal way.. I have been in a lot of locations where prohibition is non binding while carrying a full sized pistol and successfully concealed.

          You are morely likely to get identified walking around with your hand in your pocket then carrying on your belt and if you don’t have your hand in your pocket your draw will be something less than lightening speed.

        • My friends know I am probably armed even if they are anti-gun. If I go to their house and I know they don’t want guns at home I honor their preference. A man’s home is their castle and all that. Since I am not hanging out with gangbangers I accept the infinitely small risk that a group of Mexican drug thugs will invade the wrong home. Don’t we always tell the antis that you can’t live a risk free life?

        • TDI, I have only once been in a situation where I was invited to a home where the residents were that gun shy. My solution was to not accept the invitation. I look at that kind of attitude as an invitation to violent criminals, I don’t need to be there. I may have been a bad boy at other times, gone where the owners would have objected, but I don’t ask.

        • “Carry in a suboptimal way”? Compared to what? We’re talking about carrying subcompact 9mm pistol. To me, optimal would be carrying an intermediate assault rifle at low ready. Anything less is a compromise, and it’s a matter of how much compromise you’re willing to tolerate. And that is up to personal discretion.

        • The workplace is different. But as far as starbucks and other businesses “encouraging” folks not to bring firearms inside, first if you conceal carry properly they cannot see it and you have no reason ever to brag about the fact you are packing. If they somehow find out, worst thing they can do is asking you to leave, and if you’re stupid call the cops and have you issued a trespass warning. Now depending where you live, carrying in certain buildings (government, airport, schools) may be a crime and if someone finds out and call the cops, it may be a whole different story than a simple warning.

        • “or are treating a non binding sign as a reason to carry in a suboptimal way…”

          This is kind of a silly statement. Unless you are carrying an AR-15 or other long arm at the ready, you are also carrying in a ‘suboptimal’ way. Any pistol you carry is deeply suboptimal. Yet you do it for a variety of reasons, be they convenience, legal, or cultural (there are, after all, some regions where it is entirely acceptable and normal to carry an AK at all times) ones. Other people might decide that those same broad categories make pocket carry good for them. While it might take them slightly longer to deploy and use their firearm than you with a belt holster, you also will take longer than me if I’m carrying a carbine in my hands everywhere I go.

          So welcome to suboptimality.

  1. I am transitioning over to pocket carry half the time. The pressure on my right side may be causing digestion problems (that’s the delicate version of it), and I’m finding when I pocket carry, I don’t have the same issues. I tried pocketing my LC9s, but it’s just too big for a small man like myself. I am trying out the DB9, which is perfect for size.

    I would like the P365 to work, but I need SIG to address the primer swipe and striker problems for me to drop $500 on a new gun.

    One thing Mr. Oliveira points out which I’ve always argued is how the shape of the slide’s rear affects concealability. That’s why I carry Rugers better than Glocks. The square back always prints on me, but the sloped back of the LC9s and SR9c don’t!

    • I absolutely love the Sig P238/P938 line!

      I bought a KelTec P32 as a gift way back in 2007 because she wanted the smallest pistol possible. She hates it because the terrible trigger and snappy recoil in an absurdly small grip area.

      Anyway, the point is that she wants something new, something better. We rented every 380 available, and the Sig P238 was the clear winner. Of course, that makes sense with it’s superior trigger and sights.

      It will be a P938 for me, though, eventually. I especially appreciate that they offer a 22LR upper. It’s not cheap, but will help me shot more rounds more often.

      • Good luck finding a 22lr conversion kit for a Sig P938. They’ve been discontinued and are almost impossible to find. Occasionally one pops up on eBay or Gunbroker but it’s always north of $300 (not including shipping fees) and only includes (1) 10 round mag and is usually used w/ visible wear. I’d rather just spend that $300- $350 on 9mm ammo and become proficient at getting used to 9mm felt recoil and quick follow-up shots.

  2. None of the guns the OP has listed would meet the criteria he has laid out, for me.
    I’ve tried all of those guns, including the J frame, and I can’t grasp the weapon and remove it from my pocket with any speed or ease. Boot carry has proven to be the better option, for me.
    So far, the only weapons I’ve been able to pocket carry are the Beretta Pico and some of the NAA revolvers.
    I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong with pocket carry, as so many others can do it, including folks I know built like me. Still scratching my head on it.

    • Same here. My LCP in a Desantis pocket holster, shows up,pretty well in most the front pockets of my shorts . Cargo shorts hide it better , but I tend to dress a bit better when out and about .

      My Shield in the front pocket of my jeans ,is anything but hidden and easy to draw .

      • I had the same issue with my LCP2 when I first tried pocket carry – the key, i think, is to just break up the outline. I’ll typically shift my keys to fill in the crook of the pistol so it outwardly presents less of a “gun” shape. That’s actually why I went with a P938 over a 365 though – it’s about 0.4″ shorter, which is the difference for me between “that guy has a lot of random stuff in his pocket” and “oh my god he has a gun call the police”.

        • Have a sticky type pocket holster with an extra flap held on by Velcro that is reversible for my LCP’s; totally masks outline of gun, I carry everywhere there are not metal detectors (& I don’t go there anyhow). Anything else in your pocket other than your holstered gun is trouble waiting to happen.

    • I will guess that the problem is your pants

      Pocket carry requires loose pockets with wide openings. Most pants don’t have both. You need to shop specifically for those features.

      I find cargo pants are often the best and for dress, pants with pleated pockets.

    • Well son, it ain’t the guns, it’s your pants, or more precisely, your pants pocket openings. I used to carry my Kahr in a pocket holster, and I found that jeans especially were not conducive to a draw because of how tight the opening of the pocket was, while pants like 5.11 or similar usually have more generous openings. Dress slacks are hit or miss, as are suit pants, some small, some relatively huge.

  3. Until? Until you try an XD Sub-compact. Mag capacity is 13, it’s barely any bigger than an XD-S, and it has a grip safety, which makes it nearly impossible to accidentally discharge. I used to pocket-carry a Glock, but it made me a touch nervous to do so because you spend so much time sitting, and in many scenarios that meant your loaded gun was pointed at someone else. Office meeting, lunch, church, at the movies, wherever. And since I am not one of those”the only safety I need is between my ears” idiots, I recognize that accidents can and do happen, and they’re my responsibility.

    A manual safety would work, if I remember to engage it 100% of the time and disengage it 100% of the time. But accidents can and do happen, so I didn’t care for that

    A plastic trigger guard/holster would work (Mic-type) but adding another component, plus a string, to the mix .. well, accidents happen, y’know?

    A Kydex holster would work, but is just too uncomfortable in a pants pocket, especially when sitting or with a seat belt on, etc.

    The grip safety is the perfect solution. It’s nearly impossible to accidentally engage (and even if it was engaged, the gun is still every bit as safe as a Glock). After going to the grip safety for pocket carry, I can’t imagine going back.

    • I know what you mean. I don’t carry it (yet), but I have a XDm 3.8 compact 9mm, and the grip safety was a lot of the reason I bought it. It has been really wonderful, love the spare mags at 19 rds as well as the 13+1 carry configuration. Seems like most people disregard the concerns I have with safeties, and the recent articles don’t even mention what kind of action these things have! Looking at the trigger in the picture of the P365, it looks like a DAO, but the writeup doesn’t sound like it, with much praise for a gun apparently too easy to fire to be sold without a safety, at least in my opinion, but what do I know? I bought a Glock once, shot a few boxes through it and liked it pretty well. So I cleaned it, inserted a loaded mag and put it in a holster, chamber empty, and hid it in the house as a standby. All my other loose guns are fully loaded with the safety on or fully loaded with a stiff and long DA pull with no safety (like a revolver). I considered the Glock unsafe to keep loaded off the range. I really liked the P229-style DA/SA, but apparently others found fault.

  4. “Capacity is where SIG’s new P320 really shines. ”
    “What’s really amazing about the design of the P320”
    I’m assuming typos?

  5. Range report: Just tried out my new SIG P365 yesterday at the local gravel pit. Worked flawlessly with a variety of ammo – Magtech, Remington, Hornady (all 115 gr), didn’t cause too much pain in my arthritic right hand, shot an acceptable group, sights were visible even on an overcast day, and it is the same weight as my Ruger LCR in .327 Fed. Plus it has 12-round and 10-round magazines. It rides comfortably in a DeSantis Mini Scabbard, and prints about the same as the LCR. It is not a whole lot larger than the Ruger LCP in .380 – And I can carry an extra 12 rounds on the other side of my belt. Winner.

  6. My favorite for pocket carry remains my second gen (better trigger) LCP which easily disappears in a just about any pocket. It’s not fun to shoot so I also have Sig P238. The Ruger is quite well made, very reliable, and “fit for purpose” but the Sig’s build quality is, well, Sig build quality.

    The Sig P365’s size and overall design seems to be very close to the SCCY CPX series handguns, so much so that I keep thinking that any day now SCCY is going to come out with it’s own 12 round magazine. Although they reside in different market segments—the SCCY CPX costing about half or less than the Sig—their similarities are obvious. Maybe it’s time for TTAG to do a comparison test.

      • That’s my impression too. So, perhaps on seeing the raves about the Sig P365, SCCY or somebody else will design a better trigger. I hated the original LCP trigger, for instance. But the 2nd gen was much improved. I still like this version over the LCPII.

  7. I shoot my model 60 with +Ps regularly without wrist strain. Was it your habit to shoot your light framed snubbies with .357 mags? That could’ve created the problem.
    In addition, the heavy double action trigger is for close encounters. I don’t even use sights at double action range. Just point and pull is plenty good enough out to 10 yards. Beyond that one cocks the hammer manually to get the nice, light SA pull, which enables anyone to get the best accuracy they are capable of.
    This is why I like an external, but bobbed hammer. The internal, fully shrouded hammer loses the SA capability. The standard hammer can snag on the draw. But, there is also the Smith 638s almost fully shrouded hammer.
    I prefer the bobbed hammer because I own the technique of starting the hammer back with the trigger and then catching it on top and thumbing it back the rest of the way. But, if one isn’t comfortable with that, or doesn’t wish to put in the effort to learn it, there’s the 638.
    These are the reasons that I love revolvers. So many choices…

  8. I have only two questions. . . is it safe enough to carry in the palm of one’s hand with one thumb over the muzzle, as apparently is an S&W Shield, and does it fire when one drops it on a hard surface?

    OK, three questions. . . Who would purchase a new gun knowing that it has a tendency to break its striker, and that replacing it with one made by a completely different company is just FINE? “Hey, I got this brand new SIG, with a known history of a major part failure that renders it useless, and so far it’s been absolutely reliable since I went out and bought an aftermarket striker for it!”

    I don’t think that you have to do that with a certain other brand of pistol.

    Maybe there should be a 5th criterion: “You don’t have to replace major parts to make it reliable out of the box.”

    • Right? But this is from the same company that made and sold a handgun that liked to fire itself if you looked at it wrong… SIG fanboys are ridiculous, and everyone else is far too forgiving

  9. I was gung-ho P365 until my friend got one. Neither of us could hit an 11 X 17 inch target by aiming at the center at 15 yds. Every damn round went low, and we could only hit the target by aiming slightly above it.

    Neither of us are noobs. I can nail the shit out of that same target with both my P-239 and my P-230 which are roughly the same size. So what gives?


    • Maybe the owner should contact Sig about sending it in for inspection and repair. Or you could just dump on it, that’s seems to work for most people. Geez, you’ve never had a firearm fail?

      • I’m not dumping on it. I’m a Sig fanboy for God’s sake! I own four Sig handguns (226, 229, 239 and 230) and one Sig MPX Carbine, and they’re simply the best!

        The P365 is the first striker fired handgun that I have ever fired, and I thought maybe we were doing something wrong. I googled it and saw where limp wristing the grip would cause a handgun to shoot low, but I don’t think that’s our problem.


  10. My concern is carrying a round in the chamber and having the gun fall out of my pocket and discharging. You did not cover that. How safe is it in this scenario?

  11. OK, haters don’t hate. But, I prefer a EDC to have a safety. The only time I use it is when I holster in my IWB holtster. Then once it holstered I take the safety off so if/when I need to draw it’s fire ready.
    I just don’t want to be one of those boneheads that shoots a hole in the buttocks while holstering.
    With that said my SW M&P Shield 9mm is my go-to EDC.

    • You’re right in your apprehension about holstering a striker-fired/safe-action-style pistol; Perforatus Gluteus Maximii is one possible result of doing so IF you are neither careful nor practiced.
      The SAFE way, of course, is to start by placing said pistol into the holster before the holster goes on your body and is positioned above your important bits, and then put the entire assembly where it belongs on your belt as a unit.
      If you draw the pistol under threat, and you haven’t needed to use it, remember that the idea is to DRAW fast and holster SLOWLY. If you HAVE had to use it, about the last thing you need to do is to put it away–there’s a perforated person out there, maybe, who is probably upset with you, and the cops are going to be interested very much in where your gun is. Placed gently on the ground when all is ‘safe’ is a nice choice.
      Most recipients of a punctured tush, I suspect, have been attempting a ‘speed holstering’ of some sort, and didn’t take reasonable care where certain appendages were placed at the time.
      Practice with an UNloaded pistol, and take your time putting it back when you do. There’s no prize for ‘rapid holstering’ that I’m aware of.

  12. Retired my P7M8 that I have been carrying since early ’90s. A world of difference for iwb carry! Love to carry the p365. Has shot everything I have fed it. I read a lot about the issues early models had, but mine has been perfect so far (build date of Jul18). Have not tried pocket carry yet, the iwb is almost invisible even with my OFWG profile.

  13. I want someone to chrono +P and +P+ ammo out of the short barrel on all of the microcompacts. My hypothesis is the standard velocity ammo isn’t appreciably slower.

    • I think you mare probably right, at least from the tests I’ve seen. You need 4+ to get the advantage, which even then isn’t all that much when tested brands achieve acceptable penetration without going heavy bullets and +P powder loads. In 9mm, the only reason to go to +P is with 147 grain pills to achieve enough velocity to ensure expansion. But just dropping to 124 gr gets that velocity right back up without the need for +P or the additional recoil.

  14. A P365 is really an improved Kel-tec P11. Same dimensions, better construction(except for the minor issues discovered ), with better sights. Once they get the bugs worked out I will be getting one.

  15. One of my criteria for choosing a gun I rely on is it is at a mature stage of its life cycle. First, you know it is reliable and the kinks have been worked out so you won’t be carrying something with hidden issues. Second, there are most likely multiple versions so you can buy the features you like. Third, there are enough aftermarket parts to make it feel and function the way you want and the price won’t be ridiculous.

    A while ago I got an LCP Custom, but I am not confident in my grip with it and I don’t like my accuracy. My wife is fine with it and she likes the size so she will carry it. I got an LC9s Pro recently and I perform much better with it and have way more confidence shooting it with a full grip. I have DeSantis Superfly pocket holsters for both and the LC9s is about the same dimensions as the LCP in my pocket because the LCP prints more so I have to use the flat sheet that comes with the holster to break up the pattern. The LC9s looks identical in the pocket because it doesn’t print. I have the standard 7+1 carry configuration and two 9 round mags.

    I’ve handled the P365 and it does feel like a larger gun in the hand, it points very well, and it is deceptively small, but it will take a few years to hit my criteria.

  16. Paying 500 plus foe a forearm and having good to replace (striker) is not something I’m willing to do not to mention the coat of the replacement striker. Until Sig gets it right I’ll pass on the 360

  17. So two things. I refuse to buy a new gun then have to spend 100$ to put a new striker in it because the factory strikers are breaking. And the picture in the article of the shield bothers me a bit. Treat all guns as if they are loaded and never let the muzzle cover ANYTHING you aren’t willing to destroy. Guess his hand he is willing to destroy. Sig needs to fix this gun correctly before I will have ANYTHING to do with it.

  18. A couple of things-
    The P365 has a lot going for it: size, caliber, contours and capacity. (You can sort out the merits of the trigger and safety mechanisms for yourself.) Early complaints about sights have been addressed by SIG, and reported issues about primer swipe will probably be as well. It is a relatively new product with considerable potential.
    Regarding pocket carry-
    While it may be possible to carry a little gun in jeans pockets, the difficulty arises when attempting to retrieve it. Access can be improved by choosing pockets with an angled opening like those on cargo pants or BDUs.
    I wouldn’t trust a pistol equipped with only a trigger safety in my pocket. A DAO like the Kahr, or a J frame snubbie seems much safer to me.

  19. I understand his definitions of a perfect pocket gun, but my needs differ. In my world, my use for a pocket gun is for those non-permissive environments (like work, in my case), in which getting made would be bad, very bad. I really can’t go bigger than a Kahr P380 (same size as Ruger LCP). Even 9mm Kahr PM9 is too big for me. And a j-frame or Shield are completely out of the question.

  20. 100% reliable… and the author still went on and on after that. The P365 has not proven to reliable at all. There’s plenty of test videos showing it breaking down after 1K rounds.

    Pocket carrying an SP101? Laughable. I routinely carry an SP101 in an OWB holster in extremely hot climates. Shorts, T-shirts, and flip flops. No one knows and yes, my family hugs me.

    I wouldn’t have seen this fan boy right up if a friend hadn’t sent it to me laughing. Reminds me of why I deleted the truth about guns bookmark.

    Talk about fanboy writing.

    • Admits it fails the #1 criteria, reliability. Having to replace a striker on a new gun because there is a fair chance it will break definitely moves it to the no way hell to buy list.

  21. Gotta say the Author must be wearing Gang banger pants with big a$$ pockets. The only way I carry 99.9% of the time is with an OWB holster Glock 19, the other .1% is if I need a quick run to the mini-mart half mile away in the summer & I’m wearing shorts than I just tuck a .380 IWB still on the belt though.

  22. Ok but what the hell does this gun do that a SCCY CPX series gun doesn’t? What does this gun do better than a micro 1911? What makes this gun better than the Glock, Ruger, or Kel Tec variety of pocket pistols? I read all these glowing reviews on the Sig but still can’t find what it does better than similar designs from other manufacturers.
    Capacity: SCCY hold the same number of rounds.
    Size: Micro 1911 is close so is the SCCY and the other plastic fellers.
    Reliability: See also Glock and Ruger and (YMMV) SCCY
    Weight: Again they’re all pretty close well except the 1911.
    Primer Swipe: Worse than the Glock non existent in the hammer fired guns.
    Price: Well it’s competition stomps it.

    The only advantages I’ve seen are accuracy which might not be as much of an advantage as we think in it’s usual usage case and the ease of racking the slide. So for me it’s a good gun for those with diminished grip strength but not the end all be all perfect carry gun everyone makes it out to be.


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