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The Trace Uses Trump Assassination Attempt To Attack Bruen Decision

Mark Chesnut - comments 26 comments

As most TTAG readers know, the “media” organization The Trace is actually the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun empire. It masquerades as a newsroom solely to provide cover for members of the corporate media who republish their stories as if they’re actual news.

So, it should come as no surprise that organization is continuing its more than two-year effort to discredit the critical U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

In its latest Bruen-bashing editorial, hot on the heels of its latest series about the decision, The Trace tries to make readers think that Ryan Routh, the Democrat donor and latest attempted Trump assassin, will likely walk free because of the Supreme Court ruling.

“Supreme Court Ruling Threatens Gun Charges Filed in Trump’s Alleged Assassination Attempt,” the headline reads. First let’s set the “Alleged” part aside. There was an assassination attempt, no “Alleged” to it. The man arrested is the “alleged” would-be assassin, but I don’t believe any thinking person really believes there wasn’t an attempt on Trump’s life.

But I digress. The story’s subhead tries to drag readers even deeper into believing Routh will walk free because of Bruen. It states: “A Trace review of federal court cases found that several defendants have had similar charges tossed out since the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision dramatically expanded Second Amendment protections.”

The gist of the story is, of course, that the Bruen decision was so ill-conceived that the alleged assassin will be able to walk free to try again. That supposedly proves that the ruling was wrong and should be further discredited.

In discussing the gun charges filed against Routh, the story states: “The felony charges filed against the suspected gunman in the apparent assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump have been repeatedly challenged—and sometimes dismissed—as unconstitutional in the two years since the Supreme Court decided New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, a landmark case that dramatically expanded Second Amendment protections.”

Of course, Bruen did no such thing. The ruling was pivotal because it finally set a standard that recognizes the Second Amendment rights Americans have had all the time, but that were frequently infringed.

Is it possible that the gun charges could be thrown out because of Bruen? Possibly yes. But those charges were filed in order to hold the alleged assassin in custody while a case of attempted murder and/or other serious charges are prepared against him. In the end, it’s likely he will spend a lot of time in federal prison, the Bruen decision notwithstanding.

In all fairness, The Trace does finally mention that fact for those who happen to read all the way to the end—in the fourteenth paragraph of the 15-paragraph story. In our current headline-crazed society, it’s likely most readers will never make it that far. Instead, they’ll tell their friends something like, “Hey, did you see the guy who tried to kill Trump is going free because of that terrible Supreme Court ruling in 2022?”

Of course, folks at The Trace already got what they wanted from the story. The Homeland Security News Wire quickly picked up the story and posted it verbatim. And several people posted the story to their X accounts as gospel.

It’s likely that over the next few days, anti-gun “mainstream” media outlets around the country will pick up The Trace story and run with it. And that will result in more people being brainwashed with The Trace’s extremely slanted “reporting.”

26 thoughts on “The Trace Uses Trump Assassination Attempt To Attack Bruen Decision”

  1. I don’t blame the Trace or corporate media distorting the truth or out right lying. I blame We the People for being willfully ignorant and allowing the organizations to get away with it.

  2. The trace also ignores that Bruen also saved the 1st Amendment as well. If the 2A were allowed to be treated by government as a ‘second class right’ to be controlled by them it was only a matter of time until government decided they wanted to apply the same logic to also control the 1st, and the 4th, 5th, 10th, 14th, they have already been trying to gain control over since Biden came into office. When Bruen was decided it had a lot of secondary effects that stopped many efforts of Bidens government from seizing control of and infringing on the other rights because it signaled that SCOTUS was watching and took rights infringements seriously and just didn’t buy into the ‘state interest’ excuse.

    • “The trace also ignores that Bruen also saved the 1st Amendment as well.”

      It seems you haven’t noticed the already-underway global attacks on free speech around the “free world”? As in UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, etc. Be nice and agree with the woke or else there’s a jail cell waiting for you.

  3. When people were screaming, “he is climbing on the roof.”

    “There is a guy with a gun in the roof”

    Make it legal for any civilian with a gun to shoot the bad guy DRT. Problem solved. Just call the police for a clean up.

    Why should we have to wait for the police to show up?

  4. The difference between the people at the Trace and using a toilet? All ya need to do is flush the toilet to get rid of the filth, its going to take $$$ and bounties to get rid of the filth at the Trace.

  5. A letter has surfaced that Routh allegedly wrote stating that he was attempting to assassinate Trump. It also offered $150k to anyone that could pull it off if he failed. He’s staying in prison.

    • Let’s see now… Routh wanted to assassinate DJT with a Mickey Mouse version of an SKS. I don’t think I’d hold my breath waiting for $150K from him.

      So the real question is: who is really behind this stuff? Ties to Mini Mike? Soros? ???

      • Somebody said it was Hannity did it. I conclude from that statement that the somebody that said that Hannity did it was the one what actually did it.

        Because – “Always accuse your victim of what you are trying to do.”


      • Actually, I don’t expect either Routh or rapper Diddy to make it to trial. Might expose Routh’s money backer(s) and the Diddy thing is too much like Epstein. Might expose too many people, all on the left.

  6. Now you understand why the would be assassins at Butler Pennsylvania and West Palm Beach Florida were instructed to utilize politically a incorrect rifles. First an AR-15 then an SKS. If they had utilized politically correct, bolt action rifles of the type most commonly utilized by hunters back in the day, it would be more difficult for the Democrats to fully exploit the murder of their political opponents.

  7. Oh, this guy still has legal problems galore with the state of Florida if the DoJ suddenly decides it takes the letter of the law seriously.

  8. Quick word search of the Trace article confirms that there’s no mention of “rahimi” where the court upheld gun prohibitions for those with a clear record of dangerous behavior.

  9. Bruen or No Bruen the democRat assassain is past his eyeballs in deep legal dodo that also protects him from mobs who would given the chance take his head off. The trace bs is backdoor Gun Control gibberish directed at the useful idiots that will vote for the ho and the tampon king.

  10. How does Bruen provide a defense for Routh’s defense attorney? Bruen affirms & clarifies Heller. Heller states that the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep & bear arms doesn’t apply to prohibited persons. Routh has a 2002 felony conviction. He therefore has committed the crime of felon in possession.

    • Under Bruen, gun restrictions need to be based on the history & tradition at the time the Amendment was adopted. At that time, there was no prohibitions for non-violent convicted felons, so it’s very questionable whether a blanket restriction on all felons (Martha Stewart, for example) is constitutional.

      In US vs. Rahimi, they held that prohibition on people with a demonstrated history of dangerous behavior was OK in view of Bruen, but the Trace conveniently skips any mention of that later case (which would undermine their scare-mongering to the ignorant).


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