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The most important info about the progress of TTAG’s TV pilot: I managed to find a pair of pink embroidered cowboy boots for Lola at Billy’s Western Wear. I can now return home safe in the knowledge that my nine-year-old will receive me with open arms. Much like God will receive the soul of the deer that Dan’s shot; his first kill. In theory. In practice, well, I learned two things about real world deer hunting this morning. First, anyone who thinks deer are defenseless doesn’t appreciate the dangers of hypothermia. Second, you can’t always shoot what you want. No deer for Dano. Yet. Our Managing Editor (Dan), Gun Test Editor (Nick) and Official Lever Gun Twirler (Tyler) are out hunting at a super-secret location even as I type. I’ll keep you posted. We’ll be filming the links later and running the Top Gear test track—I mean three-gun course of fire tomorrow. I’m really stoked about the show. Watch this space.

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  1. Yeah, that looks kind of cool but it really doesn’t promote firearms safety. If that was loaded, you could easy shoot yourself or someone else.

  2. You twirled it the wrong way. You’re supposed to throw it forward bring the barrel backwards between . . . Just watch the Rifleman opening on YouTube. You’ll see what I’m talking about

  3. Nah. You need the big lever loop so you can twirl it 360 and be really super unsafe. (Chuck only did that when the weapon was empty, since he had a set screw through the trigger guard that would fire the rifle just by slamming the lever shut–probably just as accurate as fanning an SA revolver, but pretty durn cool.)

    (I should talk. I used to own a big-loop Winchester.)

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