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More than half of New Yorkers now believe their state is in decline and won’t get better soon. Go figure, crime is listed as the Number 2 reason for the reported despair – behind only the cripplingly high cost of living. Recent events have led to a surge in crime leaving countless New Yorkers feeling susceptible to the violent wills of criminals.

The feelings aren’t political either, as according to a new Siena College poll there’s wide agreement among each party affiliation – Republican, Democrat and Independent – that violent crime remains a serious issue. At least 64 percent of each respective group says so.

“In assessing the severity of problems facing New York, there is, surprisingly, considerable agreement among Democrats, Republicans and independents,” Siena College poster Steven Greenberg said of the findings.


Courtesy New York Post

Unfortunately, there’s some bad news-good news, though, for residents of the Empire State who want to exercise their right to defend themselves with a firearm as things are likely getting a lot worse before they get any better.

Bad And Getting Worse

It’s no surprise crime has remained a top concern for New Yorkers. It’s been that way for several years and top city officials, including Mayor Eric Adams, haven’t done nearly enough to get tough on criminals. The mayor blamed the media for covering rampant crime, blaming them for scaring city residents and keeping crime in the headlines.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

“Residents start their day picking up the news, the morning paper, they sit down, and they see some of the most horrific events that may happen throughout the previous day,” he bemoaned. That was in July, just a few months ago when more than 70 percent of city residents said they were either very or somewhat concerned about crime. The “tough on crime” mayor has yet to offer any solutions.

Adding to the mix are George Soros-backed soft-on-crime prosecutors like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg who refuses to prosecute criminals when they are arrested. On his first day in office, he announced he would not prosecute several different types of crime, giving criminals free rein on the city in the name of “racial equity” in the system. DA Bragg even admitted he himself was concerned about Gotham’s crime situation, stating, “When one of my family members gets on the train, I get a knot in my stomach.”

Alvin Bragg
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Now, a new report from the New York City Police Department shows the bad situation is about to get a lot worse for law-abiding New Yorkers who just want safety. According to pension data, 2,516 NYPD cops have left so far this year, not counting December totals, marking the fourth highest number in the past decade. The data reveals the departures are likely not about money for the men and women in blue. The number of cops quitting before they reach the 20 years required to receive their full pensions skyrocketed from 509 in 2020 to 1,040 so far this year — an alarming 104 percent increase, according to the New York Post.

Police remaining in the force worry the exodus will only get worse because the city plans to cancel the next five Police Academy classes, shrinking the nation’s largest police force to the smallest that New York City has fielded in decades.

Good News in a Bad Situation

It’s not just the city-level politicians who are making life worrisome for New Yorkers. Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul hasn’t helped. New York is already one of the strictest states for gun control laws in the country for the restrictive and subjective “may issue” concealed carry permit laws that were in place just a few years ago. Once the U.S. Supreme Court struck down “may issue” laws in its Bruen decision, the governor didn’t hold back her disdain for the court’s decision.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul

She called the decision “disturbing,” “frightful” and “shocking.” In the wake of Bruen, she doubled down with even more restrictions on law-abiding New Yorkers who want to arm themselves for protection.

But in a bit of good news in the meantime, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit just struck down portions of Gov. Hochul’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act, her legislation enacted in response to Bruen. According to The Hill, the Second Circuit judges’ ruling blocks three provisions. The judges invalidated a requirement that concealed carry permit applicants must disclose their social media accounts and struck a provision banning gun possession by default on private property. The judges also prevented the state from enforcing a gun possession ban at places of worship.

“The State points to no historical law conditioning lawful carriage of a firearm on disclosing one’s pseudonyms or, more generally, on informing the government about one’s history of speech,” the judges wrote about the social media requirement. While the ruling is good news for law-abiding New Yorkers, the rest of the law remains intact for now and is unlikely to be the last word in the fight as the dispute could ultimately be heard at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Cause and Effect

With increased violence in cities across the country, lax prosecutors showing favor to criminals over victims and police departments losing thousands of cops to protect innocent civilians, it’s no wonder why so many are turning to the Second Amendment to be their own best line of self-defense.

Chris Cheng, who testified in the U.S. Senate in 2021 about the historic rise in minority gun ownership, stated it plainly when he testified before Congress.

Chris Cheng
Chris Cheng (courtesy C-SPAN)

“The past year-and-a-half or so with COVID-19 has been a pressure cooker… When you couple that with calls to defund the police and taking law enforcement officers off the street… it makes citizens like me less safe,” Cheng said. “If I can’t have law enforcement there, then it is a rational conclusion that individual citizens like myself would opt to utilize my Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm and use that firearm in lawful and legal self-defense,” he testified.

That was two years ago and in places like Cheng’s California or in New York, crime is still a major concern. Gun control politicians who continue to push for more restrictions on law-abiding citizens just aren’t getting it. As a result, more Americans are buying firearms than ever before. If these politicians continue to fail their employers, they too may be shown the door.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

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  1. Arm up and join a ̶v̶i̶g̶i̶l̶a̶n̶t̶e̶ militia. Being a member helps thwart the assclowns who want to disarm you.

    • Militias are banned in states like New York and New Jersey, who consider them domestic terrorist groups or something like that.
      Which is funny, considering that the founding fathers said,
      “What is the militia? It is all of the people.”

      What’s going on with Kathy Hochul’s eyebrows all the time, anyway?
      That witch doesn’t even look human. Perhaps she’s an alien lizard-person with glued-on eyebrows, glued on my someone who doesn’t understand what human faces are supposed to look like!

  2. joe biden. miner49er. dacian.

    Best friend POTG ever had. They sell millions of guns. And too stupid to figure it out.


    • Joe Biden, sure. The others? No one’s purchased a gun because of them.

      Gone to the other side of the street? Maybe.
      Gifted a special needs helmet to the family? Probably.
      Said “There but for the grace of God” and donated to The ARC? Damn near certainly.
      Bought a gun? Nah.

      [For those that don’t get the reference, ]

    • They’re not our friends, they’re just too dumb to realize they’re shooting themselves in the d*ck.

  3. New York democRats keep voting for it so they screwed themselves and everyone else therefore pee on NYC. The democRat stupidity is so disgusting it makes one want to cheer for the criminals.

    • The poll quoted in the article shows that New Yorkers still approve of Joe Biden and are even on Gov. Hochul. The fact that New Yorkers don’t overwhelming disapprove of these losers shows how messed up they are. New York will continue collapsing the residents wake up.

  4. That might be their perception, but the reality is very different: . Violent crime rates are down 8+% across the board: all populations, all types, all regions. And that’s after the decades-long declines we’ve seen since the 90s (albeit also after the very modest up-tick due to COVID).

    If you (both Keane and TTAG) weren’t spending so much time trying to advance a narrative of fear-mongering to sell more guns, you could look at the actual data.

    I’m surprised this drek doesn’t mention the discredited “shoplifting” narrative as another point, here.

    • “Violent crime rates are down 8+% across the board: all populations, all types, all regions”

      not really…what you are looking at is based on arrests AND convictions. In reality, the numbers of arrests AND convictions are dropping because fewer are being arrested AND convicted even though the actual in effect crime rate is increasing.

    • You can’t trust any of the data nor can you trust your own perception of the issue.
      It’s all complete bullshit with goalposts moving in every direction.

      In 2021, the FBI changed how it collects data from police departments, and as a result, that year’s crime data missed nearly 40% of police agencies. Bureau analysts estimated the missing data with statistical modeling, but the change led to the most incomplete picture of national crime since the FBI began collecting data in the 1930s, which created confusion on how crime trends changed.

      Don’t even trust that.

    • How clueless are you? The downturn in violent crime and crime in general matches up to more and more folks getting permits and buying firearms.

      You’ve just proven that more guns are better. If your stats are accurate, at any rate.

    • OR you could factor in all of the violent crimes that go uncharged by the “woke” moron prosecutors in the big Dem controlled cities… If you prefer to walk around with your head up our ass, it’s your funeral, I was buying guns LONG before I came to TTAG and I don’t need TTAG or this author to tell me how fucked up the world is today…

    • jsled…I hate to pee on you and your parade of stupidity but for years now the Gun Control democRat Party has been the biggest Gun Salesmen in the universe. And besides Gun Control is Racist…

    • Cool story bro now compare it to 2012-19 when we were not dealing with bail reform. Still way higher despite a small decrease from last year and all at at time when we have fewer officers to document observed crimes and likely an increase in unreported issues. But yes we are doing so great that we lose close to a million people a year in migration.

      • “Cool story bro now compare it to 2012-19…”

        I followed the comments to see if anyone mentioned that. This is a fine example of a low IQ/ignorant Democrat being manipulated. Now multiply that times tens of millions.

        The question jsled should be asking is why did it increase after 2019? Why is there a bump in the violent crime chart in 2014? Why did those additional people have to die? The problem is, he doesn’t want to know the answer.

        • Having lived through some of the changes here in NY (less so for the early BLM/Antifa stuff but they were around SUNY Albany) it would be like saying after putting on 50 pounds last year and only putting on 30 pounds this year that one has lost weight.

        • Ditto most so-called “budget cuts.” Look at the actual numbers, and if anything, there may be a reduction in growth.

        • big uptick in gun sales when obama got elected…long lines and massive crowds at gun shows occurred with dramatic suddenness that left us regulars somewhat stunned…

    • “Methodology

      The data used in creating this table were from law enforcement agencies submitting 3 to 6 common months of offense reports for the previous year and current year. If the FBI determines certain variables have created unusual fluctuations in the data, those data are excluded from the tabulations.”

      So, uhhhh, sometimes some police departments report statistics, and sometimes they don’t, and if the FBI doesn’t like their stats, they exclude the data. Imagine that. No room for politics at all, is there? Basically, “We’ll tell you what the stats are, and there’s no need for you to question our stats.”

      • Sounds about right ATF still doesn’t much acknowledge the switches that are floating around Albany or go after the straw purchases……erm significant others that buy pistols and report them stolen that wind up this way.

        • they’re making some arrests in regard to the switches…and we all know where they keep turning up…but they do seem to be overwhelmed at this point..with little help from local prosecutors…they tried to do something about straw-purchasers with follow-ups….but that has not gone well either…the only thing ATF seems good at is harrassing the law-abiding……..

        • Frank I should probably limit my gripe to the upstate NY ATF as there would be agents elsewhere who would at least try to do what they are supposed to. Ours……well fits a lot of the memes.

    • to jsled

      “Violent crime rates are down 8+% across the board: all populations, all types, all regions”

      Okay Mr white liberal man. I’m sure where you live crime is down. But if you live in certain cities, and in certain neighborhoods, of those cities. The crime level on its way up to Saturn.

      Which explains why you want the residents in those certain cities, in those certain neighborhoods, to not have guns.

  5. “Gun control politicians who continue to push for more restrictions on law-abiding citizens just aren’t getting it.”

    Would be nice if people on our side stopped assuming the left doesn’t get it. The left doesn’t give a shit about “getting it” from our perspective. All they care about is a boot on the throat. They play the long game, they ignore the law, ride out the useless blather from our side, and when the time comes they grab all the power they can.

    California has a new law for 2024: every firearms sale must be on video. This includes FFLs who work out of their home and gun shows, which means those guys will start to dwindle as the cost of doing business (money and otherwise) becomes to great.

    Oh, but they’ll be sued….

    Yeah, look how many 2A cases SCOTUS takes up, how long it takes to even get there, and how much irreparable damage was caused along the way, even if there is a good outcome. And what is a good outcome? The left has become more rabid since Bruen.

    Oh, but they couldn’t round up 400 million weapons…

    These assholes are capable of trying anything, and unless our side stops pretending their side thinks like us, this country headed down a very dark road.

  6. Interviewer: Mayor Adams, in ONE word how would YOU describe this city…
    Mayor Adams: New York…

    when you’re dead you don’t know you’re dead but it’s obvious to the people around you… It’s the same thing with STUPID…

  7. NYC long has been a Hollyweird movie in action. Penal colony, “zombies” in the streets, mass murder/mayhem. Cut the cesspool loose/put a wall around it = no loss to the US.

    • NYC is Life imitating Art… hopefully if the President’s plane went down in there today, Snake Plisskin would just respond with
      ” Let me think about it a minute… umm, HELL NO !! “

  8. “More than half of New Yorkers now believe their state is in decline and won’t get better soon.”

    Well, yeah, if you’re not willing to fix anything it ain’t gonna get better. The MoE on the poll was +/-4.3% (getting to close to the point of being a questionable methodology).

    That makes your favorable/unfavorable findings for both Biden and Hochul a statistical tie. IOW, there’s no real groundswell against the current leadership that they think are presiding over a decline.

    You can’t fix stupid, all you can do is maybe stop it from breeding.

        • MADDMAXX December 20, 2023 At 11:00
          Your comment is awaiting moderation

          The Monmouth University survey showed the 81-year-old Biden receiving just a 34% approval rating — the lowest in the poll’s tracking of his administration and down 20 percentage points from its peak in April 2021 — and a 61% disapproval rating.
          Harris fares little better, but her 35% approval rating and 57% disapproval rating are positively glowing marks compared to her boss.

          Must be a problematic FACT for the algorithm…

        • She couldn’t pull in 1% of her primary vote in a fucking state that elected her to State Attorney General AND the US Senate … B!tch just keeps failing up…

    • They believe that their state is in decline, and is going to get worse. So what do they do? Continue to vote for the same fools that got them in that mess in the first place. Nope, there is no fixing such stupidity. And the ones that run off to other states decide to “try it again” in their new home state.

      • 50/50 on that last one, lot of republicans leave and take their business/income with them which is one of the reasons we are in a major decline.

  9. Problem: privileged whiners are complaining about crime in their city
    Solution: fill city with more criminals
    Result: noise from privileged whiners diminishes as they leave, cower or die
    Problem solved.

    • Result: Based on history, I think it’s more like you keep going until the people in the city beg to give up their rights and hand you power if you just make it stop.

      Now you have public support for the police state you always wanted to build and the real fun starts.

      • ^^^^^^^ BINGO !!! ^^^^^^^

        The modus operandi of every successful communist revolution in history. Keep releasing the criminals, keep punishing the law-abiding, keep pushing dystopian rules and laws, and finally the populace succumbs. At that point, the criminals and other useful idiots are lined up against the wall and eliminated, the revolutionaries are in power, and the true terror begins.

        It is happening in this country right now, and few see it. We are in deep trouble.

        • There has never been a successful communist revolution. They’ve all ended in millions of deaths and disaster for the countries they happen in.

          But the idiots here want to try again.

      • Bottom line is ALWAYS about control, that “I’m smarter and I know what’s best for YOU” attitude is prevalent throughout those politicians who see themselves as our “leaders” instead of the elected representatives that they are supposed to be…

      • “…Based on history, I think it’s more like you keep going until the people in the city beg to give up their rights and hand you power if you just make it stop.”

        That’s how to install a totalitarian, 101, right *there*… 🙁

      • New York has seen these cycles before…when it becomes intolerable then maybe…just maybe …something will get done….

  10. “Would be nice if people on our side stopped assuming the left doesn’t get it.”

    Amen. Tired of hearing about “failed Democrat policies”.

    3 million “backlog” at the “border” – every one of which represents cash in the pockets of cartels/officials – minimum estimate $3B. Add on beaucoup in-country tax dollars “caring” for the “asylum seekers”.

    100+ new (all appointed?) judges to “cope” with the “influx” – read “get them voting ASAP”.

    The troops sent to the border are there to prevent interference by locals, which might diminish the flow.

    Which is a Nicaraguan-style LANDRUSH.

    They made a plan, it is working. Where is the failure part? The fact that the plan is inherently insane and murderous from the viewpoint of any human with adequate nutrition and personal autonomy is completely irrelevant.

  11. Hochul, Grisham, Walz, Inslee, all of these radical blue state governors, Biden’s handlers, radical blue state Senators and House reps, all of them are getting their marching orders from one person.


    This is the commie revolution that has been the wet dream of this guy and his cohort for decades, now coming to fruition. He, Valerie Jarret and Eric Holder are quarterbacking the entire operation. He spent his time in office seeding the Executive bureaucracy with commie sympathizers and fellow travelers, as well as removing the most conservative officers from the military. Trump’s four years were but a bump in the road. What he wanted to do with Hillary’s administration he is now doing with Biden’s.

    The latest salvo is the Colorado State Supreme Court ruling. The communists are playing for keeps, while the Republicans trip and slobber over themselves, wailing about Ukraine and Israel, while their own country is about to fall under communist tyranny.

    Tin foil hat conspiracy?? It’s happening as we speak.

    • Colorado bullshit will not stand… In fact, it might be one of the few unanimous decisions ever issued by SCOTUS when they blow it out…

    • repubs keep trying to defend the status quo…they’ve got it good and want to keep it that way…while the dems are committed to attacking it….

        • Not being RINO’s or Neoconservatives would be a great start. But ultimately that is up to us in the primary process in telling them to fuck off.

        • The asshats that got us involved in Iraq in an attempt to later invade Syria and Iran without cause or benefits for our country. Often unraveling our constitution in the name of fighting terrorism. Similar results as RINOs but typically a different population think McCain, Bush, Rove, Cheney and other make believe conservatives.

        • SAFE, in spite of your protestations, I supported and still do the invasion of Iraq. In spite of some people claiming that Iraq had no WMD, some was definitely found and even the NYT had to admit such. For your edification, the Iraqi intelligence ran a terrorist training camp. This was documented in a book by Stephen Hayes.
          As to “neo conservativism” I am one of those and proud. When one person’s freedom is threatened, everyone’s is.

        • Such is your right to be but do not confuse it with being conservative especially when unnecessary entanglement in foreign wars and yes Iraq was beyond unnecessary is a feature to make the country less free (patriot act) and more poor (too big to fail) all voted for by the majority of democrats.

        • SAFE, let me ask you. Would you rather fight over there or here on American soil?

          If you choose to believe that the Iraq war was “unnecessary,” that is your choice. But then you are ignoring all the evidence to the contrary.

          As to the Patriot Act, I believe on the outset it was necessary, but the FBI since Sleepy Joe has taken the helm is abusing the authority granted.

        • Walt we neutered Iraq during desert storm and his military projection power was extremely limited even in invading neighbors standards as we found out in the second invasion and knew damn well for over a decade. Next up as distasteful as the asshole was he had nothing to do with Al Queda or any relevant attacks against us and hilariously kept a lot of Islamic terror in check regarding Syrian and Iranian sources. His removal destabilized the region and made us and much of Europe far less safe and seems to have been a failed plan to systematically invade our way to Iran for God knows what purpose. You can have your opinion on the Patriot act being necessary but it didn’t stop the Boston bombers even when Russia flat out warned us about those two and you know damn well any power ceded to government will be abused so will never agree with you on that opinion. All that aside Merry Christmas and don’t let the Bever get you down.

        • SAFE, if we “neutered Iraq” in the First Persian Gulf War, what were they doing with WMD?

          I agree that the occupation was bungled, but the original reason for going in was on the mark. It wasn’t his “removal” that sparked the terrorism; it was the disbanding of the Iraqi Army throwing thousands of young men into unemployment.

        • Walt they had limited quantities of fairly low quality 2nd world war era gas. It would work to a point but it’s main purpose was keeping Iran from doing invasion part 2 which they likely could have pulled off if they really tried. Also Iraq got curb stomped faster the second time than the first due to less equipment as well as even worse morale. If we didn’t insist on nation building and staying for the insurgency our casualties would have been trivial even compared to the Afghanistan invasion. You are correct on it being the disbanding moreso than his removal but they happened concurrently and we’re seen as the same event to the locals so on the information war side it was a difference seeking a differentiation. All the same waste of energy that we could have spent building up our infrastructure and manufacturing base after a kill team should have been allowed to take out Osama the first time to the point China would be irrelevant but that would not serve the purposes of those ruling us

        • SAFE, I do not know where you got your information form, but it is not accurate. In fact the Iraqis had imported machinery that was supposed to be used to make fertilizer. In fact is was able to make chemical agents as well. They had SARIN gas as well as other WMD.

          As to your complaining about casualties, there is some validity to it but you are harping on the wrong reason. The Reconstruction Authority disbanded the Iraqi Armed Forces and in doing so, make those former soldiers disgruntled and ripe for recruitment by the al Qaeda terrorists and Iranian Quods. These former soldiers gravitated to alSadir who was a rabid Shite cleric. N.B: Iran is a Shite Muslim nation,.

        • Walt sarin is WW2 era
          Suni Shia issues start I Iraq and circle around to Iran with a lot of conflict between and yes Sadam kept it mostly stable even if he was an asshole. We created a destabilized region that is ripe for Iran to increase it’s power base and likely invite our involvement in a future conflict and we were fixated on invasion of Iraq before we ever entered Afghanistan. Nothing I encountered in the military ever began to suggest anything we did in Iraq had any value to American strategy, diplomacy, security, or economic prosperity. And our involvement in Afghanistan took way longer than it should have when teams tracking Bin Ladin were not allowed to shoot him.
          We get lied to about a great many things is it a stretch to imagine the war on terror was not as it was sold?

        • SAFE, so fricken what? Sarin was widely used by the Russians against the Afghans and Chechens. It has been used by terrorists in Japan in their attack on the Tokyo subway, remember?

          Yes, we created the instability when we DISBANDED the Iraqi armed forces as I wrote above. It was a bonehead, dumbass move. Yep, the Bush Administration made a lot of dumbass moves in Afghanistan as well. This is what happens when you have civilians interfering with military affairs.

          But we were not lied to about Iraqi having WMD. Remember the fertilizer manufacturing equipment that Iraq had that was USED to make WMD?

        • Let me make it simple Walt, I don’t and didn’t give a flying fuck that Sadam had wmds of any sort and sarin by comparison to other things available is nasty but trivial. Nothing about a small stockpile of sarin was worth our response especially when it wasn’t worth responding to after he used it on the Kurds. You may think it was worth removing him, I do not and on that we will disagree.

        • SAFE, Saddam’s possession of WMD is not so trivial if you are on the receiving end. Remember, he used it on his own people, which means that he would have no compulsion to not use it in a war against other nations. The fact remains, he not only had the WMD but he had the ability to make more.

        • And? You also described China, India, North Korea, Syria, Russia, and Libia at various points in our lifetimes. Are we going to invade them all (some would want that)? We were sold a shit deal on all levels and I refuse to lie to myself about it let alone let Neocons or their warmonger democrat buddies push the agenda without any challenge.

        • SAFE, When Trump was president we had North Korea pretty much under control. Libya was decapitated. I’m not worried about India. I doubt they would ever use their nukes. But you did omit Pakistan?
          The Israelis have pretty much neutralized Syria.

          Russia and China are a different story. The theory of mutual destruction pretty much takes the Russians out of the equation. China remains the wild card.

          Warmongering? Gee, that is a Leftist Communist term? I never thought you would resort to that tactic.

          If you want to live in peace, prepare for war.
          Those who are not willing to fight and ever die for freedom’s sake, don’t deserve freedom and will probably lose it.
          When one person’s freedom is threatened, everyone’s is.

          If you want to call me a “warmonger” for believing such, have at it.

        • If you believe challenging a government lie is a leftist tactic have at it. And you are right did miss Pakistan who I rank right around Iraq in relevance. Absolutely agree with needing to prepare for war to avoid it but how well prepared are we now that we are low on munitions and overly trained on counterinsurgency vs conventional tactics?

        • SAFE, tsk, tsk, I just pointed out that the use of the word “warmonder” was authored by Leftists and Communists.

          Actually, the only danger posed by the Paki’s is to India. Of course there was Mohamed Khan who was selling nuke teck to the highest bidders.

          As to being low on ammo, and other supplies, we only have ONE MAN to blame. He currently is in the White House.

          Our military needs training in both counterinsurgency (as shown on our performance in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as conventional tactics. Our enemies are using both strategies.

  12. Lot’s of the usual speculation and opinions from multiple directions on all sides in this thread. None of it means a damn thing.

    Ignore all of it. Arm up. Gear up. Get your mind right. Para Bellum

  13. The Far Right Neanderthals are their own worst enemies. By opposing Universal Background Checks any criminal or nut case can buy all the weapons he wants which results to commit mass murder on a daily basis and this results in calls for more and more gun bans. But the extreme paranoia of the Far Right makes them totally oblivious to the truth.

    Civilized Countries have outlawed both open and concealed carry because for every rare occasion when someone might get robbed or his house broken into we have at least 100 cases of hotheads blowing people away because they were cut off in traffic or someone parked in their favorite parking space or their neighbors dog pissed on their lawn or they blew their wife away for not making dinner.

    • worry more about the people who won’t obey these laws….they present more of a daily threat than any mass shooter….

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. You have got to be kidding. “Universal Background Checks”? Now just how are you going to get the criminals to comply?

      Your fairy tale that “Civilized Countries have outlawed both open and concealed carry because for every rare occasion when someone might get robbed or his house broken into we have at least 100 cases of hotheads blowing people away because they were cut off in traffic or someone parked in their favorite parking space or their neighbors dog pissed on their lawn or they blew their wife away for not making dinner.” is pure unadulterated BULL S H I T and conjecture on your part.

      You are one of those Hoplophobes who are going bonkers!

    • You do realize that criminals of all sorts have guns regardless of whatever laws are in place and always will right? OH sorry forgot you were pushing an agenda not exploring an idea my bad.

      • LMAO, and here I thought I was the only one getting those creepy looking commercials. I think I will starve first. Hmm, where is a Mikey to try them first? Haha.

  14. Did you watch Hokkul take credit for winning the cival war? OMG most Dims aren’t taught their part in that disaster. I just pray for a Christmas Miracle and we take our land back.

  15. At least ten people were shot dead by a gunman from a balcony on the faculty of arts at the University of Prague on Thursday, with the gunman reported by local media to have fallen from the roof.

    GFZs are just plain awesome no matter where they are… Of course, we know THIS story is bullshit, this stuff does NOT happen in Europe…

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