Electoral College capitol trump Protests
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

By MarkPA

The Presidential race for 2020 seems to have wound up with a Trump loss and a Biden win. Now what?

Many gun owners probably hold that the election was stolen. The courts sat on their hands. The legislatures of the battleground states certified the votes. And the Congress chose to look away rather than look into the evidence of fraud.

Whether any further investigation of that evidence occurs in the forthcoming weeks or months remains to be seen. There is little reason for optimism.

The run-off races in Georgia are over. We now have Democrat control of the executive branch and both chambers of the legislative branch. Any hope for maintaining conservative control of the judicial branch will be short-lived. A pack-the-Court campaign is under way and may very well succeed. It is a virtual certainty that none of these three branches of our federal government will lift a finger to secure the integrity of future elections.

We should pray we are not yet at the threshold of politics by other means. But what is the way forward within the channels of politics by regular order?

The problem, it seems, lies in the hands of the states’ legislatures, i.e., to secure the integrity of their respective electoral processes, both federal and state election processes. The failure in 2020 must be laid at the feet of those who are responsible…the states’ legislatures. Especially the legislatures of the battleground states.

These legislatures – which is to say legislators – could fix these problems. If only they would be inspired to do their duty. They didn’t do it in 2020. Perhaps they were just hoping for the best. Or they were lazy, or distracted, or their failure was due to some other cause I fail to imagine.

In any case, all politics is local. If we gun owners (and conservatives of all stripes) are to preserve the republic, we must act locally on our respective state legislators. We must persuade them to fix the flaws in their respective state election process laws or pay the price. That price is to face determined opposition in forthcoming primaries.

At this juncture, nothing else matters. It matters not at all whether a park is built or roads are paved in our state electoral districts. It matters only that Republican (and any remaining Democrats who believe in real democracy) fix and enforce their respective state election laws. Restoring Americans’ faith in the electoral process is more important than any other issue facing the country now.

I earnestly ask here: Is there any other avenue to restoring democracy in America? Should any reader think of some alternative avenue, please publicize it. Should we fail to identify a means forward through regular political order then what remains? For us to simply oil the locks of our chains? Or locks of some other type?


    • Two Capitol Police officers are now dead as a result of the Trump inspired failed insurrection. Durrrr, bACk ThE bLUe

      • versus the total number of people killed or injured by the panty boys and burnlootmurder? By the leftist media standards, the capital riot was mostly peaceful.

        • The problem with republicans and conservatives in general, is they allow themselves to play this game at a handicap. Republicans pride themselves at being the party of “law and order” while the left themselves don’t play by this game. There has been over a billion dollars in damage this year caused by rioting and 50 some odd people have died. There were hundreds of riots, hundreds, throughout the year. Portland has had a riot everyday for the better part of a whole year. The left said nothing at all. The media called them “mostly peaceful” protests. Mostly peaceful. Predominately peaceful. Peaceful protests. They really did not call them out and for the most part ignored them. And so the left will use violence and intimidation to get what they want, and in their districts, “law and order” will not prosecute them. They will perform “catch and release” typically even the same day, with the rioters right back on the street. They have given rioters “space” to protest, which really means destroy. You have all seen videos where people fight in the street, and the police stand by, doing nothing but watching. And yet Republican’s still want to proudly proclaim – “law and order!” How’s that working out for everyone? Law enforcement, follow orders. And those orders often times come from democrat mayors and democrat leaders. And so while the left engage in violent actions that benefit them, with no regard to law and order, and the law and order in no regard to law and order, republicans limit themselves to law and order. Which leads us to the capitol hill riot. It was a riot. Definitely. All the way up into the moment the police opened the doors and let them in, then later charged them for entering. (Law and order!) And so what happens here. Republicans stormed the capitol, and engaged in a lot of antics and not so much destruction (yes, some doors and windows were broken). And then “law and order” threw the book at them. And what do republicans do? They come out and condemn it and say we are the party of law and order. It’s comically absurd and a grotesque display of self-Schadenfreude. Republicans are never going to win, ever, playing handicapped against a much larger and more powerful foe.

          And so we can’t rely on law and order.

        • We are getting demolished. Remember when banking institutions were banning gun companies, retailers, and online stores? Yeah. That’s going to get phenomenally worse in the coming years. Here was have Apple, Google, Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Twitter/Amazon-AWS and a host of many others ban not only the president, but even his supporters. Even his supporters. And it’s going to get worse. Unless we fight it tooth and nail.

          So given the above, we can’t rely on the private sector, especially large corporations.

        • We are getting demolished. Remember when banking institutions were banning gun companies, retailers, and online stores? Yeah. That’s going to get phenomenally worse in the coming years. Here was have Apple, Google, and a host of many others ban not only the president, but even his supporters. Even his supporters. And it’s going to get worse. Unless we fight it tooth and nail.

          So given the above, we can’t rely on the private sector, especially large corporations.

        • This election proved several things to me:

          1) Poll watchers are meaningless. Their affidavits equally so. Why have them? They do nothing, and if they see something, they will be dismissed by a court. There were hundreds of affidavits. Over 500 affidavits. And the courts dismissed them as “no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” And there never will be. Because nobody has time to validate a hundred thousand votes between the election and January 20th. So they will always be dismissed.

          2) The expediency of the process of elections is more important than the accuracy of the process. It’s better to just say “no evidence” and move along than to actually allow people to look for evidence.

          3) Going forward, mail in ballots are here to stay. So its time for republicans to fire up the printing presses and start forging ballots, because there is zero accountability on accuracy of votes. The only way democrats are ever, ever, going to secure the votes for election (requiring ID, etc.) is if republicans start cheating.

          4) Election laws don’t matter. Are there laws requiring poll watchers? Don’t matter. Laws requiring age limits, or felon status, or rules regarding registering. None of them matter. And if you break those laws, there will be zero repercussions.

          And so we can’t rely on the courts.

        • And so what is left? Joe Manchin??? Joe Manchin, will cave. He will cave. The entire left’s agenda is going to be blocked by Joe Manchin? Not going to happen. If you think he is going to be moderate, think again. Not that I’m blaming him. Any person in that position will likely crumble. The left will make it happen. Joe Manchin isn’t going to stand in their way. And if they have to crush him to push him aside, they will. They hold the house, and the senate, with Manchin in charge, while being stared at by Kamala Harris.

          And so we can’t rely on the legislature.

          And the Executive branch? They are literally trying to usher in equity extremism. Aka, socialism, communism lite. Harris’s ideal is not equal opportunity. It is making everyone equal. And they have no problem using the government as a cudgel to make this happen. Just watch this video: (Equality vs Equity)


          To them, Equality isn’t enough. They want equity. And equity (socialism/communism) is bad…


          And so we can’t rely on the executive branch

          And what were their campaign promises? Make DC and PR states? Why would you do that? I’ll tell you why – so you could have 4 additional democrat senators, thus permanently shifting the culture slightly to the left. Because conservatives would have a further handicap to address. It’s purpose (making them states) is to dilute conservatives in congress, permanently, and thus shift all the further conservatives slightly to the left (They would need to be more left leaning to win elections with 4 additional left sided senators).

          They wanted to kill the filibuster. Why? So they could make DC and PR states. So they could pack the court. Schumer wanted 13. The rules of the game are the administration that they die in, replaces them. But they don’t even like their own rules. The democrats are ruthless and will do whatever it takes. Yet republicans, so tied to the pride, beat their chests and take the high road while they are getting flushed down the toilet.

          And so we can’t rely on congress, or the current parties’ agenda.

          We can’t rely on the mainstream media, who literally lied incessantly about Trump for 4 years, while putting their retractions on page 32. We can’t rely on social media. We can’t rely on the education/academia systems in place. The left is ruthless, and I think it’s about time we be ruthless too. Everything that needs conserving is about to be flushed down the toilet, and our children and children’s children will be everything we didn’t want them to be.

      • Second cop JUST committed suicide, nothing at this point associates this with the “protests” at the Capitol… Keep your panties unbunched til ALL information is available… Keep in mind ThE bLUe DID kill an unarmed woman during the protests….

        • How do you know a cop killed her? I watched the shooting video. All I saw was a persons hand and a gun. It could be anybody. It could have been a woman staffer for all I know. Or congressman.

          Have they identified the shooter and provided a photograph?

          I agree with you though. There’s a lot of information that needs to come out.

          • All I saw was a persons hand and a gun

            Maybe you should try adding reading to you repertoire as well as watching and interpreting innocuous videos… That way you would have known that the shooter was an as yet unnamed plain clothes Capitol Hill cop who has been suspended pending
            further investigation as reported by the Capitol Hill cops… (I am of course only assuming that THEY know who works for them)… Hope that helps clear things up a bit for you….

            From CBS News: heard of them?
            The officer who shot her has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation, Sund said. Washington, D.C., Police Chief Robert Contee said late Wednesday that she was shot by the U.S. Capitol Police.

      • It wasn’t an insurrection. It was a mostly peaceful protest.

        I agree with the author to focus on state legislatures but we can also start focusing on 2022 already.

        2022 is still looking good for us. We only need to flip one senate seat and the seats up are in our favor. We only need a few to flip the house as well.

        Politics is a never ending game.

        • We “only needed” to keep one of the two senate seats in Georgia, and they have one county hold off on vote counts until they know how many they need to win. Magically they come up with more than enough.
          So what does it matter? They blatantly cheat, and now it’s just SOP, and expected. How does the side of good ever win anymore?

        • The election fraud happened at STATE polling places…. so there is really no real expectation that now they have perfected the process they won’t continue to steal needed elections. They don’t have to take everyone, just enough to keep majority. Within the next year they will enact measure to continue to make it easier to steal elections, such as No ID for voting, continued mail in voting because of the Virus de jour or to keep voters safe from right wing crazies. All the things that made it possible to steal and manufacture votes this election cycle will only become easier for them by the next one. I live in a free state, that had tight controls over the election process and I will work to keep it that way, but eventually the Federal government and the courts will force all states to comply, and that would only leave two choices for those states comply or the alternative… I will let you figure it out what that is.

      • The problem with republicans and conservatives in general, is they allow themselves to play this game at a handicap. Republicans pride themselves at being the party of “law and order” while the left themselves don’t play by this game. There has been over a billion dollars in damage this year caused by rioting and 50 some odd people have died. There were hundreds of riots, hundreds, throughout the year. Portland has had a riot everyday for the better part of a whole year. The left said nothing at all. The media called them “mostly peaceful” protests. Mostly peaceful. Predominately peaceful. Peaceful protests. They really did not call them out and for the most part ignored them. And so the left will use violence and intimidation to get what they want, and in their districts, “law and order” will not prosecute them. They will perform “catch and release” typically even the same day, with the rioters right back on the street. They have given rioters “space” to protest, which really means destroy. You have all seen videos where people fight in the street, and the police stand by, doing nothing but watching. And yet Republican’s still want to proudly proclaim – “law and order!” How’s that working out for everyone? Law enforcement, follow orders. And those orders often times come from democrat mayors and democrat leaders. And so while the left engage in violent actions that benefit them, with no regard to law and order, and the law and order in no regard to law and order, republicans limit themselves to law and order. Which leads us to the capitol hill riot. It was a riot. Definitely. All the way up into the moment the police opened the doors and let them in, then later charged them for entering. (Law and order!) And so what happens here. Republicans stormed the capitol, and engaged in a lot of antics and not so much destruction (yes, some doors and windows were broken). And then “law and order” threw the book at them. And what do republicans do? They come out and condemn it and say we are the party of law and order. It’s comically absurd and a grotesque display of self-Schadenfreude. Republicans are never going to win, ever, playing handicapped against a much larger and more powerful foe.

        And so we can’t rely on law and order.

        We are getting demolished. Remember when banking institutions were banning gun companies, retailers, and online stores? Yeah. That’s going to get phenomenally worse in the coming years. Here was have Apple, Google, Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Twitter/Amazon-AWS and a host of many others ban not only the president, but even his supporters. Even his supporters. And it’s going to get worse. Unless we fight it tooth and nail.

        So given the above, we can’t rely on the private sector, especially large corporations.

  1. china gives the orders to joe. They will not allow any investigations to go forward. States are not going to be allowed any freedom to act. china wants us in poverty and removed from the world stage. joe and kamala are being paid to see to that.

    There are only 2 ways forward now. Bitch and complain while our nations future dies or take action.

    At this point even a military junta would give us better hope for the future than joe and kamala.

    • In fairness to China, we’re only going to pay Joe $400,000/yr, so they Joe’s loyalties probably should lie with who paid for the mansion.

      • China will funnel their money to Joe Biden through Hunter’s foundation.

        We have a literal “Manchurian Candidate” and this one was voluntary.

    • I think China will be similar to USSR in the end.

      But by all means… Standby and keep the powder dry.
      Ultimately the incoming government hasn’t done anything but lie themselves into office. I urge people to wait patiently to see how much is actually implemented.

      • I don’t think they will. They claim to be communist, but they realized that even communists need money — so Xi took them full fascist. They have a functioning economy, which the Soviets never did, and they hate the entire West in a way Russia never could (being nominally part of it), all of which makes them exponentially more dangerous.

    • The Republicans (most of them) wanted Trump gone as much as the Democrats, which was his downfall. If they let this go I think the Republican party will be next. Either they’ll be replaced by a party that does represent working Americans or they’ll just eliminated by the ‘Democrat’ party now that they have permanent control.

      • The issues is that party line votes won’t switch and vote for a third party even if their original side is constantly screwing them.

        • If you have to spend time out of your very busy day sending an elected someone in government a message based on upholding what they swore to uphold then you have the wrong individual in office and that worthless pos needs to go.

          What we witnessed after the party crash in DC were knee jerk cut and run RINOs showing their colors. Everyone who jumped ship needs to go. The mitch mcconells, the romney types who hold hands with Rats need to be history otherwise the US Constitution and your Freedoms will become history.
          No one is holding the democRat Party responsible for anything they’ve done and by doing that democRat Party slander, libel and election fraud have been “rewarded.”
          Think your country can survive if all their Rat sht continues to go unchecked? Think again.

        • This entire fiasco falls squarely on the in the State Legislatures. It isn’t the fault of the Supreme Court and it really isn’t the fault of Republicans in the House or the Senate. For sure, the Supreme Court could have provided some leadership and or Republican Congressmen and Senators but State Legislatures bear the lions share of responsibility.

          Article 2. Section 1. 2. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

          The key phrase here is “in such a Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,”. The Republican Legislators of the five conflicted states allowed the executive branches and courts to set up the mail in ballot programs and bring in the voting computers. They abdicated their responsibilities and powers. This fraud falls squarely on their shoulders.

          • “The Republican Legislators of the five conflicted states allowed the executive branches and courts to set up the mail in ballot programs and bring in the voting computers. They abdicated their responsibilities and powers. This fraud falls squarely on their shoulders.”

            That’s cold.

            That’s harsh.

            That is correct.

  2. Very good essay.

    After watching, listening, and reading a LOT,
    I’ve come to no good solutions or remedies.
    Saw it coming and knew there was nothing I could do.
    That feeling sucks.

    • Tom in Oregon,

      We have very few options available at this time. Case in point: notice the following statement in MarkPA’s article —

      If we … are to preserve the republic, we must … persuade [our state legislators] to fix the flaws in their respective state election process laws or pay the price. That price is to face determined opposition in forthcoming primaries.

      I happen to live in one of those five battleground states which determined the outcome of this last election: our Secretary of State openly and flippantly violated our state election laws. Our legislature cannot fix that with more laws. (Equally important, our laws as they exist are basically fine and there is nothing obvious to fix in our laws.) And because our Secretary of State is a Democrat, Republicans cannot remove our Secrectary of State in the next primary election.

      We have very few options when Governors, Secretaries of States, State Attorneys General, and State Supreme Courts all violate (or allow violations of) the clear letter of their respective states’ laws and state constitutions — especially when Democrats hold those offices.

      • This Fiasco falls squarely on the shoulders of the State Legislatures and citizens of the five States.

      • That’s the biggest problem, right there.

        I’ve read about how Georgia’s Republican-led legislature is going to fix the state’s electoral laws — but the existing laws were mostly fine. NOBODY FOLLOWED THEM. Same thing happened in Pennsylvania. And not a single person in authority was willing to do anything about it.

        Here in WA state, the billionaire backers of the appalling anti-gun I-1639 initiative clearly violated the letter of the law in setting up their petitions so that nobody could get a clear idea of what it was they were signing onto. It went to court, and the judge *literally* said the law just didn’t matter. Of course the initiative passed.

        They can make all the laws they want, but if only one side has to follow them, it doesn’t matter.

        The rule of law is dead.

          • “Read the first part of the constitution, the answer is there.”

            For anyone thinking that “the boogaloo” is just around the corner, or thinks it should be, note that wannabe sesech are wholly disorganized and leaderless. BLM is organized. They have cells, people in charge of those cells, training and indoctrination is continuous. Many of their members legally carry firearms. The Booga ain’t gonna Loo.

    • Something as simple as a rock sold voter I.d. Law, strictly enforced, could change the game dramatically. No I.d., no vote, period. It’s ludicrous not to even have signature verification.
      Conservatives and libertarians and anybody not democrat should focus on voter i.d. with everything they have. If not, they’ll never win another election, the left has cracked the code on cheating.

      • No I.d., no vote,

        According to Democrats that is “RACIST” apparently they believe that blacks are not smart enough to get an ID (even when they are free) and requiring IDs would be denying them the right to vote…

      • Not just voter ID. We need election roles cleansed, paper ballots, purple thumbs (or finger of your choice), no motor voter or same day registering to vote, actual permanent addresses tor the voter and more things to ensure a honest vote.

  3. When violence perpetrated by the left goes unpunished/ignored while the rioters in DC get the book thrown at them, the hypocrisy screams from the rooftops. Reminds of Orwell, “some animals are more equal than others.”
    I don’t see a way forward unless our culture brings God back into our lives.

  4. My pet theory is that lives have been threatened, which reduces major players to mere bystanders.

    • I’ve been thinking this for months.

      A guy in a suit shows up at your location with a binder. In the binder are photos and addresses of everyone in your extended family. Everyone, whole blood line. Rape, torture, and slow murder are in ALL of their futures, unless you do…well..nothing. Easy. Right? OH, and if you tell anyone I was here…same thing.

      Have a a good day. I’ll show myself out.

      With all that’s at stake, a few more people, great or small, are meaningless in the game. Not even pawns, as pawns have a use. Gnats.

      • Lost Down South,

        I arrived at essentially the same conclusion a few years ago — although in my scenario the man in the suit provides added incentive with a suitcase which contains $1.6 million dollars as a show of “good faith” for the target’s compliance.

        That suitcase full of money is an important dimension to the psychological effectiveness of that strategy. It says three things:

        1) The leader who sent the main in the suit has plenty of cash to cover the actual expense of truly making good on his/her threat to torture and murder their target’s family for failure to comply. That is an important reason to take their threat seriously.

        2) The henchmen are so loyal (or afraid) of their leader and so dependable that their leader trusts them to deliver a suitcase with $1.6 million and not simply steal the money. That is another reason to take their threat seriously.

        3) In offering the “fair warning” AND the huge cash incentive, the leader has demonstrated a significant level of discipline and that he/she is not a completely depraved sociopath. That is another reason to take their threat — and their “offer” (cash payout) — seriously.

      • Lost Down South,
        Have you ever seen a guy in a suit riddled with 7.62×39 rounds?Neither have I.But I guess there is a first time for everything!!!

  5. The GOP is basically dead & the only way to fix what’s left of America is to have TERM LIMITS for ALL politicians.

    • Which is decided by officeholders currently not subject to term limits.

      Pull the other one it has bells on it.

      • “…term limits does nothing.”

        Actually, it does. You see, when a politician is termed-out, the replacement will be a person who votes the way you want; guaranteed. It’s in the bible.

        • Normally, I’d applaud your biting wit, but I’m afraid that too many would misunderstand and ask, “Biting wit? Biting wit’ what? Who is he biting? Why is he biting them? Where’re my socks?”


          • “Normally, I’d applaud your biting wit, but I’m afraid that too many would misunderstand and ask, “Biting wit? Biting wit’ what? Who is he biting? Why is he biting them? Where’re my socks?” ”

            Yeah. You might have a point, there.

    • The whole idea of term limits is a distraction. Trying to fix a stupid, illiterate and irresponsible electorate with term limits is a non starter. It’s a crutch. The voters are supposed to decide when someone’s term needs to end. If they can’t do that then maybe it’s time for democracy to fade away for that electorate.

      • “The whole idea of term limits is a distraction.”

        But it seems to be an effective distraction. Wondering if the same people who believe term limits will replace one politician with a better one (from the same pool as the one being replaced), also believe a bunch of new amendments resulting from a Convention of the States will be more effective than the original 10, not withstanding that the same enforcement mechanisms remain in place.

      • Term limits, unless enacted correctly, just mean the pols swap gigs every few years. There is no new blood unless one of them kicks the bucket. Ingrown eyeball, power accumulation, and stagnation all continue unabated.

  6. “Whether any further investigation of that evidence occurs…”

    That “evidence” is only in your mind. Just because Trump said something over and over doesn’t make it so. Also, just because Trump believes that the state legislatures have the power to magically overthrow elections doesn’t make it so.

    Real Americans work within the framework of the Constitution. If one side weakens non-Second Amendment areas of the Constitution, the Second Amendment is next to fall when the other side comes to power.

    Biden won. Trump lost. Don’t like it? Do what is necessary to win the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans to your point of view. Most of the time that involves being nice.

    But when you talk about destruction, don’t you know that you can count me out.

      • *Jump to 25:30 and explain that. That’s only one item out of 100’s. Now explain all of them, and while you’re at it, explain why this wasn’t happening in previous elections. Wanting a secure vote has nothing to do with Trump. The one thing that tells me that fraud DID occur is the coordinated tech/media/politician effort to sweep it under the rug with zero questions as well as silencing the opposition.

    • “Biden won. Trump lost. Don’t like it? Do what is necessary to win the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans to your point of view.”

      We already did, by about 10 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.

      Those legislatures have zero interest or or motivation to change a damn thing. It’s winning them political power that they have no interest in giving back. And they won’t, willingly…

    • Winning hearts and minds isn’t necessary any longer. Mail in votes and corrupt counting machines are a sure thing now and there is no consequences.

      Who wants to waste time converting non believers when you can take over anyway?

      BTW Idaho Boy say hi to Romney the RINO for us.

    • You can’t win the hearts and minds of the populace when the opposition media and politicians are busy inciting a flame war. There is no unity when those in control constantly try to divide us and keep us distracted amongst ourselves.

    • Not so fast…If you want to buy a bucket of poo and think biden won that’s your problem. Jim Crow Gun Control joe and the ho have been rejected. That’s Chiseled. Therefore what they say or do has no standing. The only way that rat can rule is by force and he is welcomed to try while you hide and watch.

    • More specifically: Trump lost because he wasn’t nice.

      Ask yourselves: Is what you are saying on these message boards nice?

      Is accusing other folks of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” nice?

      If you want to win elections, start by being nice.

      • “If you want to win elections, start by being nice.” That’s exactly the opposite of what the left does. If you had paid any attention to what was being found (videos of fraud, mathematical evidence, vote counts dropping on election night (not possible in a fair election, perhaps in a recount), votes being switched (Biden gaining the exact number Trump lost), etc) you would have seen just how they cheated, and last time I checked cheating puts you firmly in the naughty list.

        • You are discussing political behavior, not presentation. There’s a big difference.

          Lots of successful Republicans were nice. Dwight D. Eisenhower was nice. Abraham Lincoln was nice. Ronald Reagan was nice. Teddy Roosevelt was nice, as long as you didn’t get in his way. (Remember speak softly, and carry a big stick?) Richard Nixon appeared to be nice, and that was enough for a very long time.

          Can anybody really say that Donald Trump is nice?

          Can anybody really say that folks who call for the violent overthrow of the government, either explicitly or through dog whistles, are nice?

          • “Can anybody really say that folks who call for the violent overthrow of the government, either explicitly or through dog whistles, are nice?”

            Does anybody really say that folks who fire a gun in self-defence are “nice”? Facing death is the wrong environment for being nice. Were the founders nice about obtaining freedom and self-governance?

            Nice is for children (regardless of chronological age).

        • @Idaho Boy
          “ Can anybody really say that Donald Trump is nice?”

          That question is without meaning. It is completely irrelevant. If you’re voting based on who is’ ice’ then you have no clue what you’re doing.

          • “If you’re voting based on who is’ ice’ then you have no clue what you’re doing.”

            That might not be entirely true. People who vote for “nice” people get to feel good about themselves for supporting persons who display the virtue of being “nice”.

      • If you think being nice wins presidential elections, Mitt Romney would perhaps like a word with you.

        Being likable is a big factor, but that is not at all the same as being nice. Joe Biden is “likable.” The harmless elderly uncle, ol’ grampa Joe, a guy you can trust to tend the farm until the kids are old enough to run it. Or at least that’s how the Masters of the Universe sold it while he was hiding away out of sight so as not to damage the illusion.

      • Donald Trump was elected because a large part of the citizens were tired of getting screwed over by smooth talking do nothing politicians. What you suggest has been rejected.

        • G.W. Bush was “nice” for eight years. They only thing that got us was eight years of a useless muslim in the White House.

          • G.W. Bush was “nice” for eight years.

            You mean the guy Auntie Nancy called a fucking idiot the day before she sat in the Oval laughing and living large while sipping her special tea with said idiot?…

      • What is wrong with you? Be nice? Good Lord, we are doomed with people like this on our side. Nice ain’t gonna cut it. Maybe we should try to “cross the aisle and be bi-partisan” like GW always said. Fkn tards.

    • What about suppression of the hunter biden laptop story and jaunita broderick?

      The election was rigged before the first ballot got cast.

      “What good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?”–Agent Smith

    • The problem has NOTHING to do with Trump. He didn’t start the trouble and he won’t be able to stop it. The idea that it is about him is in YOUR mind.

    • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

      Nothing magic here. The system failed totally. There is no Constitutional fix here. The losing side either decides to go concede defeat in a fraudulent election or refuse to go along with it. There is nothing patriotic in conceding a fraudulent election.

      • 1) concession is not required.

        2) The rules set by the Constitution ARE the fix. The problem is that these rules are not being followed. This makes it illegal.

    • lets just ignore the fraud claims all together for a second, okay? Now, state governors and secretary of states in several battleground states outright violated election laws. Nothing happened to them, they just got a judge to slap down any injunctions from state legislatures trying to stop it. The rules only exist if you’re on the “wrong side of history”. Tell me how you fix that? I really am open to solutions cause I got none.

      • You secede the fraudulent system that has broken the contract ( constitution ) and adopted socialism.

      • “It’s not about Trump. It was never about Trump.”

        As the lady said, “We are not Trump, Trump is us. We were here long before Trump showed up; we will be here after.”

  7. We don’t need to “restore democracy”, we were never a “democracy”, America is, or was, a Republic.

    As noted the legislators did nothing, courts did nothing, federal congress did nothing, and local officials in those few precincts refused to cooperate. The most revealing thing that happened was the supposedly republican governor and secretary of state of Georgia refused to do a detailed investigation of questionable ballots. That should raise big red flags.

    That should suggest that maybe, just possibly, democrats (communist party USA) control most of those groups. They control at least enough people in those groups to successfully steal the election and avoid any judicial “interference”.

    This whole election and aftermath has revealed the existence of many Manchurian Candidates in all levels of politics, courts, media and bureaucracy.

    A prediction: Real conservatives will never win another national election.

    As a hint for coming attractions:

    Rick Klein, who is the rudder on the corrupt ABC News political coverage ship, must have been feeling awfully emboldened Thursday after Democrat Joe Biden was officially certified as the country’s next president. Perhaps a little too emboldened, as is evident by what he said on Twitter.
    “Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else”

    Take your time to think about that last part.

    Be Prepared !!!

      • And of course, that “Cleansing” of Trump’s supporters is exactly why the Second Amendment was written down in the first place…

      • Make no mistake, the libfruits will attempt a “cleansing” Get ready for full on tyranny, with no quarter given to us.

    • Report me too, fucktard. Although I’m sure Senator Casey already did for the email I sent to him.

    • Do you mean the FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door pull rope?

      That FBI?!


      • The same FBI that sent 29 agents in 17 vehicles (never heard of carpooling?!?) to take in the ultra dangerous old guy for threatening someone’s dog and telling a fib. The same FBI that told CNN to be there to capture the magic on video. Yeah, that’s totally on the up and up. I trust those guys to do the right thing.

    • lol you sure showed him. Hey I think the kid next to me has some gum in class, better tell on him, too

  8. We’ve come to a pretty sorry pass when violence is the only remaining answer. If that’s the way it is to be, then those responsible must be held accountable.

    • There are options other than violence. Fight dirty politically is the first one. Hard grassroots organizing efforts is another.

      Some of the failures of Republican State Legislatures is due to ignorance of the constitution and constitutional law and not necessarily due to corruptuon or “Manchurian” representatives.

      They were simply constitutionally illerate and incompetent and getting bad advice fiom (likely secretly Leftist) lawyers.

      If I were the Republicans (that hold the majority) in the Pennsylvania State Legislature, I would have called the Legislature back into session with a simple majority and voted (again with a simple majority) to invalidate the election results and hold a new Presidential election with strict enforcement of election law within a week of the election.

      Put the shoe on the other foot. Let the opposition sue and prove their case.

      The other thing is loyalty to party leadership is set in concrete in the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania. When it counts, the members vote in unison at the direction of party leadership. If the Democrats were the majority party and they thought the Republicans stole the election, they would have voted on November 4th to overturn the Presidential election results in Pennsylvania.

      Republicans are much more independent of party leadership in Pennsylvania, frequently to our detriment.

        • Nice is fine but I want a strong candidate that won’t back down when pressured and will stand tall as a representative amongst world leaders. Obama was nice but constantly apologizing on behalf of America made our country look weak. Trudeau seems like a nice guy too but was pretty weak in response when his own countrymen aboard a Ukrainian airliner was shot down by Iran.

          Weakness, allows others to step on you. Being nice tells other nations that they can take advantage of you and that you will do nothing in response.

        • The Republican base doesn’t want “nice”. They want someone who appears to fight for them and who actually gives a damn. Only soccer moms and limp wristed men want a “nice” candidate

    • Sad thing is that if any true patriots take actions, the typical keyboard commandos on here will just bitch, complain, and heckle at them. There is no unified support amongst 2A community that is why we fail. We need a leader and one common goal that isn’t muddied with those trying to jump on the bandwagon.

      Gun rights should be gun right, leave out abortion, god, immigration…etc. Those causes should be done separately otherwise you alienate other gun right supporters who don’t feel strongly with those issues.

      • That might be fine for the single issue voter and might actually have a chance at possibility if the left would spend so much time pushing so heavily for all that other stuff.

    • Violence is never the first choice any of us would choose. But do not forget that it took violence for us to overcome the tyranny that attempted to rule in 1776. It may once again require violence for us to keep (or take back) or liberties now. I hope not but it is certainly not without question. I’d prefer not to be the lamb led to the slaughter myself.

  9. “…is there any other avenue to restoring democracy in America?….”


    The States that wish to do so will bond together to form a New Nation. This new nation will ensure that no foreign power will threaten anyone on this continent. Otherwise the Blue enclaves on the coasts can govern themselves as they see fit. Walls, visas, ect

    • “Secession.

      The States that wish to do so will bond together to form a New Nation.”

      That’s the ‘National Conversation’ we need to have…

      • And what happens when your new nation can’t get any more iPhones, Androids, or Starbucks? Another revolution, this time from within?

        Revolutions are created when the common folk are really suffering, or when leaders can convince them they are suffering by controlling the media, or when religious wingnuts take over. Most folks are far too comfortable to even remotely contemplate a revolution. Despite conspiracy theories to the contrary, nobody really controls the media, either on the right or the left. Even in the Republican heartland, religion is too diverse for any particular set of religious wingnuts to take over.

        So sorry, but your revolution is going nowhere.

        • The fact that you are worried about iPhones and wifi says a lot about you. You should feel privileged to have a grocery store.

          Fucking kids.

        • Lol
          You really have no clue.

          All that other stuff is on the chopping block for openly conservative people anyway. Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple have all made that abundantly clear. As for me, Starbucks coffee is nowhere on the radar. I couldn’t care less.

          • “As for me, Starbucks coffee is nowhere on the radar.”

            Now hold on, I say hold on there Son. Nobody can match Starbucks’ Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino. Can’t do without those entirely.

        • I can’t fill one hand with the number of times I’ve been in any Starbucks since Harvey. Even before that it was quite rare. I would never miss it.

        • “….So sorry, but your revolution is going nowhere…”

          Strawman..I did not say Revolution. A Revolution would mean an attempt to take over the Federal Government by force, perhaps re-organize it. The States already have that ability through a Con-Con.

          Think of what I said as a ‘No-Fault Divorce’ if it helps you to. As far as iphones and Starbucks are concerned, what’s in a name? What’s important are deep water ports.

          Details can be worked out over a long period similar to Brexit.

          I would think the Left/Progressives would benefit as well. No more deplorable, back-woods, trailer park trash, gun owning, unenlightened fly-over people and every other name we’ve been called.

          The Left’s utopian dreamed finally achieved!

          • “The States already have that ability through a Con-Con.”

            Not quite, but on a more realistic note…the leftists/statists/authoritarians don’t want separation, they want complete dominance. Just as you would not simply want an intruder to just stop beating your children and flee(separating), the Dims want revenge, payback, punishment, elimination of the threat; complete and unassailable dominance.

        • Black rifle coffee > starbucks.

          Hell, I’d take foldgers before that shit. In Montana we have Montana Coffee traders (which is kind of a hipster thing, but good cold coffee) and copper mountain. Anything else you must be a tourist or a city dweller.

        • Secession? Where do we draw the “Mason-Dixon Line” this time? Even red states have deeply blue dots. Take Tennessee for example. Nashville and Memphis consistently vote Democrat at every opportunity. The rest of the state is Republican. So, how does a state secede with oppositional urban populations? This whole discussion is far more complex than anyone can imagine.

        • “….Secession? Where do we draw the “Mason-Dixon Line” this time? Even red states have deeply blue dots…”

          No “Mason-Dixon line, but there will be borders and a New Constitution, however not so different than the one we have now. Mistakes such as the 17th Amendment need not be repeated though. Those of the Left persuasion will need to adapt or move as they probably would not fit in well. Their choice of course but I don’t think they would be happy remaining. Who can know?

          There is no love lost between Conservative Canadians and Ottawa. Perhaps Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan might consider joining a new nation?

      • Agreed. It’s the most sensible thing I’ve thought of. The question then becomes, can it be done?
        From what I’ve read, it would not be easy or quick.

        • “From what I’ve read, it would not be easy or quick.”

          According to the Union Army, secession is not permissible. The Supreme Court probably agrees. There is no exit proviso in the Constitution (nor the BOR). Therefore, if the constitution does not expressly permit an action by the states, the central government retains/possesses the power to act/prevent.

          You gotta keep up with modern times. We can’t let law/the Constitution stand in the way of doing what is right. (wish I could find that Obama quote; shudda captured it when it was first published)

        • @Sam I Am
          American leadership acting in contradiction to the Constitution they swear to uphold is not permissible.

          Trump was absolutely right when he said the USA would never be socialist. It won’t be. If this country goes socialist, that means it’s no longer the same country. It gets transformed into something else.

          Secession might not be permissible but the you have to ask ‘permissible against what?’. Once the country’s founding documents are rendered meaningless then there is no longer a question of what is permitted. It is no longer binding as it is no longer the USA. Secession becomes a natural response to breach of contract. What holds this nation together is a contract between the states themselves and Washington. There are reasons why Washington DC never became a state.

          • “American leadership acting in contradiction to the Constitution they swear to uphold is not permissible.”

            Apparently it is; reality bytes. We are where we are. It is now eminently permissible…and desirable. The Union Army eliminated secession. Maybe another army can restore secession. Might makes right. Defenders of the Constitution should not ignore that lesson. Principle without power is not even a moral victory.

        • You gotta keep up with modern times. We can’t let law/the Constitution stand in the way of doing what is right

          Sam, is this what you’re looking for? “I will not allow gridlock, or inaction, or willful indifference to get in our way.” (Barack Hussein Obama) as the administration launched the “We Can’t Wait” initiative….

          • “Sam, is this what you’re looking for…?”

            Thanx for the assist, but Obama actually said “doing what is right”, as in subjugating the Constitution to a popular political notion of “good”. I knew when I saw the quote I shouldn’t gloss over it. Everything is forever on the internet, right? But over the last year I searched for it often, and it doesn’t turn-up. I simply screwed up.

          • “Sam has always confused morality with legality.”

            Nope. Before and after the Ten Commandments, law was not/has not been about morality. Law is about power; justice an afterthought. Recognizing and pointing out the difference between the two is not an endorsement of either. One can act morally, or illegally, but the decision should not be the result of misunderstanding either of the two.

            As always, Dickens got it right, “The law is a ass – a idiot”.

        • “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

          It’s not in the Constitution. It’s in our First Founding Document. It’s a God Given right, but you have to fight for it.

    • That worked so well for the native population in the Americas. They even signed treaties just as powerful as the U.S. Constitution. Then when they refused to “sell” their property/land the U.S. military came a marching in and murdered the children and women in mass to get the men to “give” the property to the U.S..

      • Obama gave Navajo Nation $554 million dollars in reparation money during his term in presidency. It wouldn’t be too far fetch if Biden/Harris actually hold true to paying blacks reparation money as well.

        • What the country allowed Democrats to do to blacks in the country was heinous and some of it still continues to this day. It needs to end. But the 800,000 casualties in the civil war, WERE the reparations.

        • Considering what the modern clan with a tan does to whites… fuck em.

          Nobodies history is perfect. Some MUCH worse than ours. Ours just happens to be more recent.

    • Secession isn’t going to happen without a war. The left would starve to death without conservatives to feed and cloth them.

  10. Our only solution is to take the path of George Washington, “Appeal to Heaven”.
    We are like Mosses with our backs against the Red Sea and the enemy chanting to get to us. (Exodus 14-15) God’s hand opened the sea, Mosses et al escaped, and the Egyptians drowned.
    That’s our appeal for God’s hand to act on our behalf. For the Insurrection Act and Military Tribunals to drowned the deep state. Pelosi is running around like her hair is on fire, because Trump has her laptop. Election Fraud is irrefutable.
    Wake up and pray. Without God’s intervention there will be no more America, if the Dems get in.
    For those who choose not to enter into the fight and pray, well cowardice gets you a ticket to the lake of fire forever.

    • “Our only solution is to take the path of George Washington, “Appeal to Heaven”.”

      As the old sayings go :

      “Marriage may be made in Heaven, but the bills must be paid in earth.”

      “God helps those who help themselves.”

      And, the biggie :

      “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

      Note this : “…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind…”

      There is *zero* respect for our point of view, only naked contempt.

      When a human has contempt for another human being, that opens the door wide-ass open for the ones with contempt to do as they please to the others. And they will feel a sense of self-righteous smug satisfaction while doing it.

      “Good. they deserved it…”

    • Without God’s intervention there will be no more America, if the Dems get in.

      News FLASH….. The DEMS are IN… THEY have the Executive, THEY have the Legislatures AND with a RINO Chief Justice THEY already control the SCOTUS….

      Two more trips and I will be closing my FL home for the duration of the Pretenders occupation of the White House…. My voting by ballot days are over and self preservation has become the theme of the day….

      • “My voting by ballot days are over and self preservation has become the theme of the day….”

        That was the point of the 2018 and 2020 elections.

      • I’m only voting on local issues in the future. The other boxes will be left unchecked.

        Why vote for Republicans? Cowards and just as corrupt.

    • There is more to it than politics. For our land to be healed we must repent of our ways. We must bend our knee in prayer and rid ourselves of sin. I don’t need to tell you how America has slid into immortality because you already know. But if we will pray and turn from our evil ways God will heal our land.

      God, will give us someone better than Trump without Trump’s selfish ways and wicked mouth. Did he do good? Yes, and I voted for him and would again. I do believe that he would be better than what we now have.

      He screwed this up with a loose and immoral tongue. He alienated every person at every turn.

      You think he did good? Think how much more he could have done had he spoke with wisdom and not like a spoiled undisciplined child. He would have accomplished what he did and much, much more.

      • There was another fellow, some years back, who got along with pretty much everybody (except for those at the top of the power structure); He was quiet, meek, polite to a fault, nice to the common folk, EXTREMELY forgiving, and went out of his way to minister to the poor and downtrodden. Never did an unkind word cross his lips–except for that one time in church when he lost his temper. You’d think that this fellow would’ve done well in life.

        He ended up nailed to a cross and skewered with a Roman spear before dying at the age of 33.

        Those who followed him didn’t fare well, either; Some went to prison, some were executed, and many thousands were also nailed to crosses or served up as lunch for lions at afternoon matinees in the arena just to show ’em what was what. Some even had their Twitter accounts locked.

        THAT’s the reward for being nice in politics.

  11. Mark
    There is nothing left for us but to not to comply and then to defend ourselves.

    The REPUBLICAN controlled legislature, at least in PA, did not certify the electors. They delegated that authority. If they had wanted to send a real slate of competing electors then they would have had to call an emergency session, which they did not do, and pass a measure rescinding their delegation of the authority to select the slate of electors, which they did not do, and then a measure designating a new slate of electors, which they did not do. Since the REPUBLICAN controlled legislature did not do any of that, the electors were certified by the Governor, to whom the legislature had delegated the authority.

    Worse, it was our REPUBLICAN controlled legislature that passed no excuse absentee voting. They are complicit in the rigging of this election.

    There is no path within the system. All elections will now be rigged. The sooner everyone realizes this, the better.

    • They’re used to rubber stamping. They didn’t sign up for a leadership role. People are finally discovering that it’s the big donors that control politicians, not the actual voters. Business leaders met and let the U.S. Senators know that they would no longer support them if they contested the election. When you saw some senators fold, they were only using the Capitol Building event as an excuse. That event didn’t change what happened in the election.

    • Unfortunately the mass public are sheep that eat up everything they see and hear in mainstream media. Any honest to god thing that pro gun rights people do will be smeared and defamed and the masses will go along with it as “truth”.

      They control the narrative and all they have to do is shut down any avenues for us to voice our opinions and its game over.

      • I figured out in the late 1980s, media services by controlling what you see, hear, or read can control how you think. Blatant propaganda often doesn’t work. The Nazis figured that one out. But if you disguise the message in entertainment you can influence the viewers far more effectively.

        • But if you disguise the message in entertainment you can influence the viewers far more effectively.

          IS that why 98% of commercials, 74% of TV programming, 90% of movies feature interracial couples/families… Only .04% of the white population and 4.6% of the black population in the U.S. is involved in an interracial relationship BUT if you pay any attention at all to media you would think every other household is interracial….

    • Crimson,

      Exactly so. The Democrat Communist Party was successful in rigging both the November and January elections with no adverse consequences. Their treason has, instead, bee well-rewarded. Now, it is clear that all elections going forward are only for show. Our politicians will be chosen for us, our ballot measures will be decided in advance.

      Seems drastic, but I cannot find a convincing contrary argument.

      Decision time:

      1. What will I do when they come to the door for my guns?

      2. What will I do when they tell me I cannot shop, travel, or work if my social credit score is not acceptable?

      3. What will I do when they tell me the alternative health approaches with which I have been very successful are no longer allowed, and are punishable offenses?

      4. What will I do when my opinions are criminal thoughts and, if spoken, criminal acts?

      My wife and I have already begun assessing which states are most likely to secede. Will start getting the house ready for sale.

      • I have already begun assessing which states are most likely to secede

        THAT is not going to happen… Secession would require a huge block of states and now with Big Blue GA making a gaping hole on the East Side it is doubtful that the Carolinas or even FL would join in… It’s just not economically feasible OR politically necessary to secede… The Constitution provides the necessary tools for the individual states to block anti-American actions of the Federal Govt.. The only thing that stops them is the fact that they have allowed DC to take complete control of the purse strings and have become TOO dependent on Government “assistance” … Sorry but there will be no secession…. Suggestion to ALL, IF you live in a sustainable, defensible location hunker down… If not, then move somewhere that is… I’ve been working on my little mountain hideaway for several years and I was ready for this… Good luck and keep the hope alive that this too will pass…

        • What concerns me is the growing urbanization of even rural areas. Increase in population, influx of immigration means that cities have to expand to house people. Slowly even rural areas are being encroached upon if not outright bulldozed to make cities and urban areas. With cities and suburbs mean increase progressives voters and policies.

        • “The Constitution provides the necessary tools for the individual states to block anti-American actions of the Federal Govt.”

          The founders knew that humans are basically selfish and desire to rule others. The founders knew that government is made up of selfish, corrupt humans. The founders knew that virtue was not a common trait among humans.

          The founders gave us a Republic, and a constitution containing the seeds of our own destruction. And a warning to accompany both.

        • Does anybody know what makes DC different from the rest of the Country?????

          All the money they suck from the rest of the country. Just take a drive through DC. It’ like Rome at the height of the Roman Empire.

          • Actually the REAL DC (where the people live) is mostly a shithole just like every other Dem run major city in the US… Homelessness, shitty streets, corner drug dealers, murder, porn shops, strip clubs, run down homes…. DC has a higher level of income inequality than any state in the country, with households in the top 20 percent of income having 29 times more income than the bottom 20 percent. The bottom fifth of DC households had just two percent of total DC income in 2016, while the top fifth had a staggering 56 percent…. There are nearly 10,000 homeless in DC… The Capitol area itself is the only part that is as you describe….

    • ” If they had wanted to send a real slate of competing electors then they would have had to call an emergency session, which they did not do, and pass a measure rescinding their delegation of the authority to select the slate of electors, which they did not do,…”

      There’s a damn good reason why they did not act.

      They were terrified of what the Antifa ‘Brown Shirts’ would do to them and their families.

      And they would have. They are starting to like being henchmen. Doxxing Antifa would be a good start…

  12. “In any case, all politics is local. If we gun owners (and conservatives of all stripes) are to preserve the republic, we must act locally on our respective state legislators. We must persuade them to fix the flaws in their respective state election process laws or pay the price. That price is to face determined opposition in forthcoming primaries.”

    This is absolutely one of the most important tasks that is before us. This applies to both the state legislature races and US House races.

    A grassroots effort, especially in Republican stronghold districts (in which a Democrat will never win), to primary any incumbent Republican that just pays lip service to Constitutional principals, is of the utmost importance as a first step. 74 million Trump voters, if committed to this effort, will enable the takeover of the state and Federal representative bodies by true Constitutionalists.

    In Pennsylvania, with a strong grassroots effort, it is very possible to create a Republican super majority with many Constitutionalists, in the State Legislsture. It is imperative that we start grassroots organizing as soon as possible and I would like to hear about any organizing activities in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania. I’ll definitely try to help.

    I do want to mention that I do not believe creating a third party will be effective. It will be much more efficient and effective, over time, to seize control of the Republican Party and become their “establishment”.

    There are other things that could be done by strong Red States to affect our long term goals. One would be to form a union (without secession) of Bill of Rights sanctuary states and expand the union to numbers capable of calling an Article V convention of states (may or may not be a good idea). Allen West was on to something when he said, after the SCOTUS rejected the Texas case, that Texas and the eleven states should form a union of “law abiding” States (even though Texas is guilty of some of the same unlawful modifications of election law without the approval of the State Legislature that occoured in Pennsylvania – just a bit hypocritical).

    • All good points but forget third parties. They don’t have a chance.

      In 2024 the democrats won’t even bother to campaign much. The media will remind us daily they are the best choice and the election will predictably reelect whoever is at the top of the ticket. See Singapore for examples.

    • Mad Max,

      I hope you are correct about Pennsylvania. My wife and I have been active with the Tea Party, here in the Lehigh Valley. We are a determined group of Patriots. That being said, the Commonwealth GOP was complicit in the steal. Outside of Philly and Pittsburgh, the Lehigh Valley has the highest percentage of votes shifted from Trump to Biden. The corruption is vast.

      I am willing to fight, but I am also scanning for a new home in a state willing to secede.

  13. ” Perhaps they were just hoping for the best. Or they were lazy, or distracted, or their failure was due to some other cause I fail to imagine.”

    It’s pretty easy for me to imagine another reason: legislators in Democrat states intentionally passed laws that promoted fraud because the result redounds in their favor. Fraud in the electoral process is a feature not a bug.

    As an aside: about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

    “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.
    A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

    “The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these Nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    1. From bondage to spiritual faith;

    2. From spiritual faith to great courage;

    3. From courage to liberty;

    4. From liberty to abundance;

    5. From abundance to complacency;

    6. From complacency to apathy;

    7. From apathy to dependence;

    8. From dependence back into bondage ”

    The Founders hoped that by creating us as a Constitutional Republic we could at least mitigate the mistakes of past forms of popular government, but it’s looking like we’re proving that human nature always wins out.

    • The Founder’s Constitution has been subverted by fools and activist partisan judges in black robes over the last 250 years.

      Follow the Constituon in a manner consistent with the foinder’s intent and everything works.

      Unfortunately, like you indicated, we have returned to the point of the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

      The most important section is:

      “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

      Where is the government that, for us, “…shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”?

    • Very true. We are around 6 or 7 now and heading for 8 quickly. The destruction of small business is like cash for clunkers on a grand scale. No way they give up that power.

      We had it pretty good for periods of time and even during the Midwest wars people didn’t sacrifice like they did in WW2. We have so much abundance and technologies now it’s natural for people to get complacent. Who really wants to work hard when checks get cut every few months.

      22T exists in private accounts of Americans. They are eyeing that right now..

      • “…22T exists in private accounts of Americans. They are eyeing that right now….”

        This has been worrying me for awhile now. It’s not on the back-burner for me any longer. Just need to figure out best course.

        • Just need to figure out best course.

          We intend to “Borrow” 90% of our retirement accounts for “home improvements”… Payback is plus 4%… stash the cash or buy more property, maybe a new Tri Glide..

          • “We intend to “Borrow” 90% of our retirement accounts for “home improvements”… Payback is plus 4%”

            My 401k plan seems to add the interest paid back into my account. Borrow $100, and pay back adds $104.

            • My 401k plan seems to add the interest paid back into my account. Borrow $100, and pay back adds $104.

              Yes that’s how it works… You are actually borrowing from yourself tax free as opposed to outright withdrawal (penalties and taxes) and then you REPAY yourself plus the nominal interest which you are in fact paying yourself… Gotta love them loopholes plus if the economy collapses and the dollar goes tits up you’re way ahead of the game…

  14. The elections were not stolen from Republicans. Republicans were predicted to lose because of the intentional failures and gas lighting. I predicted this outcome years ago. It was all trending in that direction due to the Republican party and its Trump fans. Anyone with a higher than average IQ knew Trump was the new Hillary.

    Most of America is Democrat leaning. Most of the voting demographic has now shifted to young and Democrat. That was inevitable because death is. The Republican party did not take that seriously just like the NRA didn’t. White supremacists did take it seriously and they stood up to join with Trump; hence the terrorist attacks at Walmart, synagogues and mosques.

    Republicans lost due to the fact they have nothing to offer Americans. They have become a light version of the Democrat party. Straight up hypocrites. Now the things they voted for happily during Bush are being used against them to round them up and put them in cages for being domestic terrorists.

    It really makes actual conservatives want to join with the Democrats to at least get some positive change and to not be surrounded by a bunch of “poorly educated” so called “patriots.” Only because there is still enough old people to keep alive the two party system as is. Clearly the Republican party is good for nothing and ineffective.

    • “.It really makes actual conservatives want to join with the Democrats to at least get some positive change and to not be surrounded by a bunch of “poorly educated” so called “patriots.””

      Oh sure, we’ll just lock arms and jump on board with it all. You can KMA.

      • Setup an underground economy (using foreign currency and barter) and government in the Red States and then fully embrace the Left’s socialism an get as much free stuff as possible while paying in as little as possible. Overthrow the US government through bankruptcy.

        • Barter is a real thing and goes on in plenty of places. They want to eliminate cash and put all money in a digital form so it can be tracked and confiscated. Snowden his his money very well and spread it out so they couldn’t seize it. First thing they tried to so.

      • So you love the Patriot Act, the surveillance and police state? You like how they now have the power to use cameras to spy on you everywhere you go and to scan your face? They are rounding up Trump rioters using the RealID databases and facial recognition cameras.

        Remember how I told you guys to not go to Virginia without a mask on? Remember how I told you not to show yourself out in the open like that? Antifa and BLM were not that stupid, they used masks to protect themselves not from COVID but from the government. Trump fans committed their crimes without a mask and they streamed it on social media. Even a Republican delegate had to resign and was arrested by Trump’s FBI.

        You guys shouldn’t forget that Trump said you don’t represent the country and those who fought will pay.

        Trump fans behaved so much like Antifa they believed themselves to be Antifa. BLM and Antifa put out a PSA not to go down to the capitol because there was too many Trump fans and there was no point since they already won.

        This may be the Trump fan that murdered a cop while other Trump fans were laughing and talking crap to the cops.


        • Except a well known BLM activist was caught in photos and videos actively participating in the riot at the Capitol.

          They participated.

        • Antifa and BLM were not that stupid,

          Intellect has nothing to do with the actions of Antifa or BLM.. They’re just fucking cowards…

        • “a well known BLM activist”

          Could you share something a little more specific so we could have the joy of confirming your claim?

      • “You can KMA”

        Always figured you for one of them Proud Boi anal enthusiasts. Hardly a surprise that an anti-American insurrectionist and fascist like you would be into backdoor sexual deviancy.

    • Republicans are too behind on what is hip and new in this era. Young voters cannot relate to them and see them as antiquated. Its a culture war, and the republicans politicians haven’t put in the ground pound efforts to win at the local level. We are seeing the fall of America just like the fall of the Roman Empire.

      • You mention the other big problem; “Empire”. Rome started out as a Republic also.

        The Visigoths sacked Congress the other day.

      • Democrats are good at pandering to what current era votes want even if they have no intentions of keeping their promise once elected.

        Pro abortion for those that don’t want to take responsibility for getting pregnant, bail reform for those who don’t want to take responsibility for committing crimes, universal income for those who don’t want to get up and work for a living…etc

        The issue is that people today don’t to take personal responsibility to survive and thrust that role onto government. Democrat see that as an opportunity to exploit and so they talk sweet nothings to these voters.

        Meanwhile republicans are typing to appeal to the older generation of voters, most of which are slowly dying off and being replace with new age progressives.

        Unfortunately, we don’t have a solution for this other than what the typical keyboard commandos suggestion for all out civil war.

        • “Unfortunately, we don’t have a solution for this other than what the typical keyboard commandos suggestion for all out civil war.”

          Yes, we do. Go with the flow; surrender, and be glad of it.

        • We have a rapidly aging population and those 65 and older, as a percentage of the populatuon, will grow 8% from now to 2050.

          Meanwhile, we are below replacement rate for births. In 2026, there will be a 15% to 20% sudden drop in high school graduates to become college freshmen thanks to the financial crisis. The 2020 crisis also reduced births similarly.

          The older generations will be a growing demographic for the forseeable future and the current crop of youth will become more conservative (and actually may be more conservative than we think right now) as they age.

      • Young voters cannot relate to them and see them as antiquated.

        So the answer is to elect a 78 year old guy that has spent OVER half his life accomplishing absolutely nothing while serving in the FEDERAL Government, a guy who wants to TAKE nearly half of YOUR income to enrich some lazy shit, change the very WAY of life for millions of Americans, subvert YOUR guarantees of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to enrich himself and HIS family and who will sell us out to the highest bidder (China) to maintain favor with HIS corporate masters while setting the American economy on an irreversible course of destruction?… Yeah THAT makes perfect sense to me… One more question… Where’s the money going to come from for ALL the Snowflakes “free stuff” when there is NO economy left to provide the tax base necessary to make all that “free stuff” possible?

        • People want instant gratification, they aren’t thinking about the long term consequences of what all this “free stuff” is going to do to the economy down the line. Politicians don’t care because they are too rich to be affected by economic turmoil that would wreck the working class. Both Biden and Trump are old but Biden pandered to what the masses think they want. Just to clarify I don’t support Biden

          • “Just to clarify I don’t support Biden”

            Could you be a bit more distinct about that? I don’t want to misunderstand.

        • “Where’s the money going to come from for ALL the Snowflakes “free stuff” when there is NO economy left to provide the tax base necessary to make all that “free stuff” possible?”

          Slave labor works.

          • Slave labor works.

            Problem is the “SNOWFLAKES” will be the only ones left to DO that “Slave Labor” and they don’t know shit about “LABOR” BwaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaahaaha….. Good luck with THAT…

        • I agree with you.

          But AOC will never get to be president with her attitude. Being snotty can get folks elected at the local level, but it won’t carry nationally.

          • But AOC will never get to be president with her attitude.

            Socio-Kommies don’t give a SHIT about attitude as long as THEY get their “free stuff” and AOC has a running list of “free stuff” and SJW programs that will make any proper Kommie swell with pride…. Look what the bitch did to her own constituents costing them jobs and money BUT they still reelected her…. Don’t count her out just because of her “attitude” as long as it’s directed at the RIGHT people….

          • “Being snotty can get folks elected at the local level, but it won’t carry nationally.”

            So, 2016 didn’t happen. It was all a dream, and Bobby walked in from the shower?

    • Only because there is still enough old people to keep alive the two party system as is.

      Well then, It would seem the only proper course of action would be for ALL of you YOUNG SUPER INTELLECTUAL fucking (gimmee FREE stuff) sellouts should get rid of us OLD Ignorant, self reliant, personally responsible “PATRIOTS”.. We’ll be waiting for you…

      • Alright let me ask, who here who voted for Trump cashed the stimulus money when it was issued? If you did, then you too are apart of the group getting “free stuff” from the government.

        • “Alright let me ask, who here who voted for Trump cashed the stimulus money when it was issued? If you did, then you too are apart of the group getting “free stuff” from the government.”

          Not so. Recipients of the stimulus money are merely recovering some of what the government took by threat of force.

        • If you did, then you too are apart of the group getting “free stuff” from the government.

          I personally did not get a check.. We received our “stimulus” by direct deposit just like the millions of other “tax paying” citizens of this country… IF you got a check you either did NOT have to pay additional taxes nor did you receive a refund which means your checking account number is not on file OR you did not pay ANY taxes.. We purposely underpay during the year knowing we will owe money at the end.. This shit little “stimulus” RE-imbursement of MY money is a joke, but did cover most of my fuel expenses during this weeks move… Don’t try to project your personal guilt onto the people who actually support this country financially AND provide the means to support ALL of the “social welfare” programs AND support the innumerable charitable organizations that fill the gaps in that corrupt system…

        • Free stuff most of us never asked for or needed.

          Considering you cannot deny the money, then you are not “part of the problem” as you are insinuating. You either put it towards the inevitable increase in taxes when you have to pay, or donate it. Anything else is stupid. Nobody made enough money off the stimulus to justify getting it and it’s purpose. Locked down and jobless for a year? Here is $3,000 for your family of 4.

          Gimme a break.

  15. Trump lost. To suggest some massive conspiracy is ridiculous. If they couldn’t keep a story about Pelosi getting a haircut out of the news, do you honestly think they could coordinate multistate election fraud?

    • Then why are they fighting an audit? We had three years of Russia collusion investigations “just to be sure.” We need reliable third party auditing of all of the swing states. If the democrats truly believed there wasn’t any fraud, then what are they afraid of? Wouldn’t this benefit the democrats by removing any doubt? Why aren’t they interested in that?

      • Transparency = legitimacy.

        Government officials went out of their way and violated State election laws to destroy transparency for mail-in voting in the swing States.

        It appears to have been a coordinated effort to subvert the transparancy requirements of State election laws across these states by government officials.

        If I could find the evidence to prove coordination, the officials could be prosecuted for felony conspiracy, among other things. This was criminal activity.

    • “..Trump lost….”

      No, the Citizens of the United States lost when SCOTUS refused to do their job and actually hear a case from a State against another State. Hell, that’s one of the original purposes of SCOTUS.

      No standing? Are you effing kidding me?

    • They could and did coordinate multistate fraud. And no, they couldn’t keep it out of the news. Why do you think we’re all talking about it?

      • “They could and did coordinate multistate fraud“

        Do you have any details about your claim that you would care to share?

  16. The exodus of people giving up US citizenship went from a trickle to a stream the past few years. It’s about to become a firehose once Wuhan Flu backs down enough. We can’t vote our way out of this problem any longer. The democrats have been stealing elections on small local levels for a long time and now that they finally mainstreamed mail in voting it’s a done deal.
    Start looking for another country that’s palatable. Start by acquiring property there to establish residence. Keep your record clean so you can visit and eventually immigrate. Learn the language if they don’t speak English. Move money there slowly to prevent triggers.

    Find a nice place without porous borders, racial conflicts, and reasonable tax rates and you’re set. It’s. Nice to live somewhere people don’t bother you and you don’t need to carry a gun because criminals have free rein.

    I’ve been to a few countries that fit the bill and they exist. You just have to make the jump.

    • It will be hard and ironic since most republicans push for limited immigration, yet now they are speaking of leaving the US to immigrate to another country. Globalism will creep its fingers into every nation on earth so you can’t run away from this progression. It’s best to stay and fight, even if it means internal war.

    • No more limits on asylum seekers.
      No more funding for border barriers.
      22 million immigrants here illegally getting citizenship.

      The democrats will be counting on them being loyal voters. They don’t just want to control the swing states. They’re after Texas and the rest of the country.

      I always ask the TDS folks how Trump being president had a negative impact on them. They usually said something about him being a traitor or helping the rich. Okay, so again, how did he affect you? Well now it’s all about Covid. We all know that’s a dumb argument, but that was in the last year of the presidency. People were losing their minds over Trump from day one.

      Now let’s contrast that with Biden. It isn’t that there are some policy differences here and there. They are promising to fundamentally change the country. That will affect everyone. It isn’t about hating Biden or having policy differences. It’s about preserving the country.

      The last stand is the state government. Once that goes to one party rule, it’s over.

      • Fortunately, taking over Red state legislatures in many States is very, very difficult.

        Pennsylvania, for example, has 67 counties, of which 51 are strong Red counties. Fortunately, the structure of the Legislature gives Republicans near-supermajority, and sometimes, supermajority control of both the House and Senate.

        The problem is that the Republicans are incompetent at utilizing their majority control, even when there is a Republican governor.

        Republicans can still win statewide races in Pennsylvania as they (suprisingly) just captured the Auditor General’s and State Treasurer’s offices in the 2020 election.

        • I believe the Democrats plan is to take over the capital cities of red states, then even if the surrounding counties are red it wont matter.

    • Czechoslovakia has an equivalent to the 2nd Amendment and carry permits are shall issue.

      Not sure about the economic and other stuff.

      However, if you have to show your basic firearms handling skills to get the carry permit, better bring a CZ-75 to the exam🙂.

      • I believe they are the Czech Republic now and unfortunately they are part of the EU. Just like Switzerland (having better civilian gun laws as well), the Czech Republic will be subjected to constant EU gun control under threats of punishment.

    • Costa Rica has alot of expats there.

      Population is well educated and most speak English. It’s quietly become a medical tourism hub.

      I won’t leave South Carolina though.

    • There is no other country for me. I’ll either die in the constitutional republic of the United States of America or die fighting the people who killed it.

      For the past few years, I’ve been thinking about what that fight will look like, what might make it effective, and what my part in it could be. I’m already playing a small, nonviolent part. Not much, but it’s better than nothing.

  17. Trump committed one unpardonable sin, he ascended to the presidency without being vetted (corrupted) by the permanent denizens of the DC sewer! He then proceeded to unravel the dems narrative that we could never be great again, and refused to have us relegated to third world status like his predecessor wanted. All mortal sins in DC!

  18. “Is there any other avenue to restoring democracy in America?”

    The question should be: “Is there any avenue available to prevent exercise of democracy in America?” We don’t want democracy, the nation wasn’t founded as a democracy. “Is there any avenue available to encourage, ensure our elected officials will govern IAW the Constitution?”

    • I was throwing stuff at the TV this morning when the Architect of the Capitol (and others) went on about American democracy.

      The Founders abhored representative democracy because it was unstable.

      One of the most destructive things to our Constitutional Republic in the last 250 years has been fools amending the Constitution, and activist judges interpreting the Constitution, to make it more “democratic”.

      It’s no wonder the Republic is lost. We haven’t had the Founder’s Constitutional Republic for well over 100 years.

      We’ve made the government unstable by our ignorance

      • “We’ve made the government unstable by our ignorance”

        Well, there you go. Being agreeable again.

  19. Biden said in advance they were going to cheat. Stacey Abrams in GA said up front they were going to cheat in the runoffs. Fraud was blatant and they didn’t even try to hide it. They had to repeatedly stop counting votes to bring in more counterfeit votes to boost Biden and other democrats so they would “win.” Everyone knows about the fraud, everyone is aware of it, and nobody is more aware of the level of fraud than those who claim that Biden won.

    The fraud was expected. What is far more disturbing than a group of criminals engaging in fraud is the number of so called Americans who are willing to accept that fraud. If you accept it, you are every bit as much of a criminal as those who perpetrated it.

    • “The fraud was expected.”

      The tech overlords announced that they wouldn’t allow anyone to declare a winner on election night. Suddenly they seem to be in control of the country. I thought the democrats were for the little guy? Why are they cheering on the new oligarchy?

      • Why are they cheering on the new oligarchy?

        Cause they won’t change the big tech section 230 status which they claim to be the most important law protecting free expression online while they proceed to SILENCE voices that disagree with their philosophy and political ideology…..

        • “Cause they won’t change the big tech section 230 status which they claim to be the most important law protecting free expression online while they proceed to SILENCE voices that disagree with their philosophy and political ideology…..”

          That’s a feature for “them”, right?

        • Doing away with the section 230 status would have really just been nothing more than a patch on a much larger problem. Just doing away with that would kill new startups. They would never be able to afford the liability. We all know Congress is reactive and not proactive. They’re about 20 years behind in controlling this situation. We should fix the problem without discouraging new businesses.

          • section 230 status

            No one said “kill” 230.. Taking it AWAY from corrupt ideologues that hide behind the spirit of the rule is what we’re talking about…. Abusing the protections it provides should be considered criminal… These people are no longer “content” providers they have become editors who willfully seek to inhibit the voices of those with whom they disagree.. This has NOTHING to do with business startups and neither does section 230…

          • Enforcing 230 is not actually the same as eliminating it. Start-ups would not be adversely affected, unless they intended to become publishers under the guise of 230. 230 provides that such companies cannot be held liable for content. Of course, it would be illegal for any 230 enabled companies to evaluate any content, or prevent appearance (as it is today). Eliminating 230 is a whole ‘nuther rodeo.

  20. People gotta let up on their democracy hard-on.

    Democracy is Hypatia being stoned to death. Democracy is necklacing a shoplifter. Democracy is witch trials.

    No man should be so eager to submit to the authority of another man or group of men. Certainly not the sea of frightened retards begging for handouts that is democracy.

      • I invested the return of a fraction of my extorted tax dollars hoping to recoup decades of lost growth, yes.

        • This.

          After they took from my foreign aide money because I make a good living through hard work and dedication, I invested the rest right back into the funds they take from. Isn’t it funny how if you made so much last year, but can’t pay bills this year, they give you less… Hmmm…

          Boston harbor looking thirsty again.

        • “Boston harbor looking thirsty again.“

          You do know, that was dry tea, right?

          And that was a protest that was properly aimed at a monopolistic multinational corporation, the contemporaneous equivalent of Walmart, not any government.

        • Well, actually it’s mine.

          No actually it was a pittance of the taxes my wife and I paid last year.. Can’t wait til “Creepy Uncle Joe” reinstates the property tax deduction AND then raises our income taxes by 30% oh boy, THAT will be swell… Then ALL you semi-rich guys that make TOO much to get a TRUMP tax rebate will finally have something to CHEER about.. Hell maybe we can convince him to toss in a National sales tax of 10 or 15% on top of it…..

        • I’m not even a semi-rich guy, not even close, but I’d like to see the property tax deduction limit at 15,000. That would help the hard working lower middle class without being a handout to the rich.

      • Wow, you got a check? Don’t make much money, huh? How surprising. Maybe you’ll do better under socialism, it favors the underachievers.

  21. Not sure if people paid attention to this, but not a single incumbent Republican Congressman lost their seat in 2020. The GOP actually took seats from Dems.

    • And it did not matter. Without at least one branch of the government we are screwed. And they will quickly nullify the SCOTUS.
      2022 the fraud will be for house and Senate seats.

  22. We’ve become a nation where ideals are binary. Good or bad, that’s it. There is no middle ground. We appear to be fractured cleanly across the middle of the populace. An untenable position for a peaceful nation to maintain, to say the least. And now, one side has the potential to wield the entire weight of the Government against the other…

    “Is there any other avenue to restoring democracy in America?”
    Unfortunately, at this juncture, I don’t believe so.

    • It’s about 30% or less that think like you. Most of America, increasingly so, do not limit themselves in that way. If America was as you say, gun control would have easily passed and record sells wouldn’t have been because of Democrats.

      You have a civil war fantasy you refuse to let go of and you want Trump to be your dear leader in that war against America.

      • Gun control has passed… Many times.

        Or am I mistaken, is the nation constitutional carry?

        K then.

        Asking for permission is control. Want a state list?

      • 71% of Trump voters (that’s 53.25 million) expect a civil war to erupt (and you can be certain many of these people have prepared for one).

        In addition, 25% of Biden voters (that’s another 20 million) also expect a civil war is going to erupt.

        That’s almost half of the electorate that are expecting a civil war.

        Not a good situation…

        • “That’s almost half of the electorate that are expecting a civil war.”

          Yes, and one does not need to be a supporter of civil war to understand:
          “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse….A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
          – J.S. Mill, 1848

        • Sam, I’m glad to see that you are seeking the wisdom of liberal feminist philosophers, perhaps soon the scales will fall from your eyes.

          John had many good ideas, as a member of the Liberal party he understood the need for society to work together to elevate the lowest members.

          “A member of the Liberal Party and author of the early feminist work The Subjection of Women, Mill was also the second Member of Parliament to call for women’s suffrage after Henry Hunt in 1832.”

      • “You have a civil war fantasy you refuse to let go of ”

        In 1776, wireless communications and a computer in your pocket were more than fantasy. Indeed, defeating the most powerful nation in the world was a fantasy, yet…

        For better or worse, revolutions happen even when the hope for victory seems fantasy. People can be driven to a point where revolution itself is the goal, along with as much damage to the oppressor possible. “Scorched Earth” isn’t a tactic of victory, but a punishment of the attacker. “If I can’t have it, you can’t have it” is its own sufficient justification.

        There was a time in our history where money, not principle energized states to announce intention for secession. Little criticism is logged against that group of secessionists.

        • America was much more advanced in 1776 than you give us credit for.

          According to Donald Trump, America was hundreds of years ahead of Europe, by constructing a network of airports that the Continental Army captured during the revolutionary war.

          “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware, and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.”. DJT

          “it rammed the ramparts“

          What a clown, and you believe he is the savior of America, hilarious.

  23. THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is 100% ILLEGITIMATE. Federal, state and even down to the local/county level, where the worst seem to originate from before they begin their migration up the food chain. ALL BRANCHES VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION AND UNDERMINE RULE OF LAW; We have seen this countless times over the last 30 years! And… with the rubber stamp on the massive election/electoral FRAUD that is completely apparent, we have lost our last peaceful means of redress.

    You no doubt have heard of the “FOUR BOXES” of the Republic.
    Soapbox – Ballot box – Jury box – Cartridge box
    Let’s consider: Our soapbox has been taken. You cannot protest since 9/11 without permission, or worse, you are confined to “free speech zones” that are MILES away from where your protest oughtto be seen & heard.
    We just saw how the ballot box has been taken. It’s been like this for a while, but only till last November was the fraud so massive that people saw it clearly. That fraud had to be total and unpreceddented because Trump actually won, and had there been an HONEST count, he would have swept Biden out to sea like a tsunami. Trump in all likelihood had around 400 electoral votes in the bag based on the projected count before the fraud was initiated at 3am!!
    Jury box: Judges routinely deny “standing” (not provided for in the Constitution, not in Black’s Law), which is a legal fiction used to deny JUSTICE. Judges routinely set aside juries’ verdicts and refuse to hear cases. So that’s out.

    All that leaves is the cartridge box, and we know from many decades of lawfare and lobbying that the tyrants wanted us disarmed a LONG time ago so they could do things to us that would otherwise get them shot!! If we do not act SOON to restore the Republic (dead since Jan.6th), we will lose our window of opportunity as they begin mass arrests and rounding up all whom they dont trust. Not just gun owners, but all conservatives and Christians… this genocidal plan has been telegraphed for a very long time and Biden/Harris are both on record advocating the elimination of their ideological enemies.

    I will leave you with the words of Militia Captain, John Parker:
    “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon. But, if they want to have a war, let it begin here.”

  24. Stinking democRats and worthless RINOs got what they wanted by slander, libel and fraud.. That kind of crap does not fly with people who voted legitimately to reelect POTUS DJT.

    The pasty mouth self proclaimed Rambos on this forum who held hands with CNN to denigrate the POTUS contributed to the fraud. You know who you are.

  25. History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.

    Leftism is at it’s cycle high point at the moment.

    Based on history and demographics, the future is conservative and classical liberal (or some very similar conglomeration).

    We are in the same position as the radical Left, circa 1968.

    I will probably live to see conservativism almost reach its high point again if I’m not killed in the civil war/insurgency first.

    Further, the Left could screw the country up so bad in the next four years that they will lose control of the government by a huge margin by 2024. If they start destroying themselves in a big way, don’t interfere in their suicide.

    • “the Left could screw the country up so bad in the next four years“

      I’m hoping for a repeat of the Obama/Biden eight years, when they rescued the economy from the republican party meltdown of 2007 & 2008 and set America on the path to greatness once again.

      Obama/Biden expanded gun rights and rebuilt the economy.

  26. The only options ahead are revolution, separation, or submission. The democrats are going to throw any meaningful dissent out of the public square to silence your voice, they’re going to give amnesty and voting rights to 12+ million illegal aliens, they’re going to make DC, and probably PR as well, into states. They’re going to crackdown on your gun rights, they’re going to force your kids to learn about critical race theory and that there are infinite genders, they’re going to crack down on your churches, they’re gonna weaponize the apparatus of the state and law enforcement against enemy number one: you. There is no “live and let live” with these people.

    The only peaceful option is to separate. Don’t be a star on someone else’s flag.

    • “The only peaceful option is to separate.”

      How can you peacefully take something away from someone who demands complete control over everything. As noted, the Leftists aren’t interested in letting go of anything. They don’t want separation. They want submission and subjugation. You cannot negotiate with a lion when your head is in its mouth.

  27. I do not want to see violence of any kind, against anyone.

    Secession in all honesty, might be the best non-violent solution.
    But I also dont see that happening.

    Maybe a parallel nation running underground? Use only cash at small local shops? Trade and barter? Home school the children with a emphasis on STEM, civics, real history both world and national?
    Real communities getting involved at the local level and ignore the federal level?
    Rather see that then a civil war.

  28. There will not be a civil war. We may see another Oklahoma City attack, something along those lines. Some sick bastards who bought into the lies of the Trumpists, the enablers and the chief scumbag hisself.

    Were there to be a civil war you lemmings following the wannabe Dear Leader into an authoritarian state would quickly discover there are too many people with guns who know how to use them who will not tolerate your madness.

      • No, Trump is living rent free in the White House, but that is coming to an end soon.

        It is sad, another immigrant family losing their free government housing, let’s hope they’re willing to return to their shithole countries and work there to better their homeland.

        But unfortunately, trumps granddaddy did try to return to Germany and they banned his reentry as a draft dodger. How ironic.

  29. Biden won because folks think of him as “Uncle Joe”. That kind old friendly guy that often puts his foot in his mouth, but means well.

    Trump lost because nobody thinks of him as “Uncle Donald”. They think of him as that mean spirited old fart that often puts his foot in his mouth, because he is only interested in himself.

    The sooner folks accept that, the sooner they can look forward to running a more viable candidate in 2024.

    • Biden won because folks think of him as “Uncle Joe”.

      You mean “CREEPY Uncle (The Big Guy) Joe”….. Right?

      • “You mean “CREEPY Uncle (The Big Guy) Joe”….. Right?”

        Thinking his voters do not associate “creepy” with Joe. He looks very normal to them.

    • Idaho Boy,
      Serious question here related to the public’s perception of the candidates that you brought up. Are you aware of the massive propaganda and censorship campaigns that were and are being waged by tech and the media?

      • Since he’s not likely to answer, I will… He’s aware of it all right, but he still trusts the institutions it comes from. He thinks they’re helping.

        • I’ll bite.

          Tech and the media companies are private organizations that have their own Terms of Service agreements. If a customer breaks those Terms of Service agreements, then those companies are free to refuse service.

          Lest you think that’s un-American, it’s no more un-American that a person refusing service to someone they disapprove of on religious grounds.

          Trump is welcome to find other providers.

        • You’re far, far behind the times.

          Trump can’t find another provider. He won’t be allowed to. For a lot of conservatives, Parler was the “some other platform” you mention, and would be a natural place for Trump to go…but Amazon is threatening to pull the plug on their servers unless they start toeing the leftist line just like Twitter and Facebook.

          People are even talking about denying Trump access to email services.

          The US government, by itself, doesn’t have the ability to completely banish you from the public square. Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter do. They’re not merely private companies; they ARE the public square now. And they’re working in lockstep with one political party to lock out THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. For fuck’s sake, they haven’t even banned the Ayatollah, a host of for-real terrorists, or any of the people who spent most of this summer burning down US cities, but they’re going all out against a legally elected president?

          You tell me. In this environment, what platform can Trump or anyone else who openly disagrees with the leftist orthodoxy go to? If you’re right and those private business principles hold up, there ought to be someplace you can think of.

          • “You tell me. In this environment, what platform can Trump or anyone else who openly disagrees with the leftist orthodoxy go to?”

            Maybe now we will discover how much of a billionaire Trump really is. I don’t actually care, except if he has enough, he can start his own service. That would send the Leftists into orbit.

        • “what platform can Trump“

          Like every other president, he could hold free and open press conferences where they took questions from the journalists and provided coherent answers.

          As opposed to tweeting from his gold plated shitter while straining through another bout of constipation.

  30. If the ballot box has been corrupted, and the soap box is taken away, the only thing left is the cartridge box; as has been mentioned before.

  31. Buy stock in dominion voting systems. If enough people do that we can proxy the leadership out and replace them with folks who will force the machines to count all votes only once, and provide a proper audit trail.

    • “Buy stock in dominion voting systems. If enough people do that we can proxy the leadership out and replace them with folks who will force the machines to count all votes only once, and provide a proper audit trail.”

      Not likely. Bill Gates, Jeff Bozo, George Soros, or someone of the like, will simply buy the company and take it private. There will be no public control.

      • “There will be no public control.“

        Well, at least you’re being honest now regarding your drive for control of a private property social media service.

        Scratch a right wing conservative, discover a government control authoritarian who wants to institute government restrictions on private enterprise.

        I thought that was the very philosophy you folks opposed?

        • Yes, Americans believe in Liberty, private property and Republican government as described in the US Constitution.

          Socialists believe in controlling others through deceit and force, usually by shrieking about the latest propaganda (climate-change, worker’s rights, social justice, etc.) The lies are occasionally freshened up, but the goal is always the same. Control of the masses by a cabal of experts. If it’s monarchy, fascism or a military dictatorship all roads of tyranny lead the same place: against INDIVIDAL LIBERTY. Always pretending that the many are more important as a means to self-aggrandizement, enrichment and empowerment.

          These views are inherently incompatible and can not co-exist. There is no room for compromise without basic common- ground ideals. Socialists are a disease and must be eradicated for human Liberty to remain.

        • Control by stockholders is not government control. Forcing honest counting of votes isn’t authoritarianism, unless you’re using newspeak from the novel “1984”.

  32. Hmmm, all three federal branches know gun owners are tools, which branch of gov’t should we be pretend can be our crypto-allies now? Yall are pathetic. Just admit you’re going to keep doing the same thing, ie voting R and buying them D-list lobbyists, and hoping senpai notices you.

    • To keep voting R you would’ve had to do it at least once to begin with.

      Did I word that correctly?


        ‘AS WAS IT WAS FOR tRUMP.”

        I’m thinking a rather substantial ischemic event, with left-brain involvement in Brocha’s or Wernicke’s regions. This much aphasia indicates a substantial and permanent infarction.

        Or he could just be a Harris-Biden voter.

  34. As I’ve said before, I sometimes read this blog for its sometimes useful information about guns, gun law/policy and society.

    That said, I don’t know why I bother, often, nor especially why I read the comments. I guess the problem is it’s called “The TRUTH About Guns,” as if Dan, but worse, most of you have any *exclusive* in-touchness with the truth. (Though you fervently believe you do.)

    I get pretty damn tired of all the comments about the Nov. election (presidential) having been stolen. There’s hardly a genuine fact in the world that you idiots don’t have a baseless, fantasy Spicer-McEnany-Trump-Conway-esque “alternative fact” for. (otherwise known as lies and other BS that you pull out of your asses with no other detectable connection to reality).

    Not to mention all the other hateful name-calling, spite and anti-democratic crap spewed on here. (Yes, I called you idiots, but that’s a deliberately mild term for what you are.)

    Many of you claim to be Patriots standing up for our “Constitutional Republic,” yet the “leaders” you bow down to don’t share its founders’ and upholders’ ideals and principles, values.

    Don’t forget patriotism (when worn on the sleeve, like religion) “is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” (Or, as Bierce quipped, “I beg to differ: It is the first.”)

    You prefer a dictator wannabe who shits all over every good, just, legal and valuable thing he can. He has NO ideology, good or bad: He’s just a nihilist, a most evil Loki come to Earth. We Democrats and kin are not your enemies. You have met the enemy, and he is YOU.

    • Ok, here it is: The Truth About Guns…

      Guns are firearms, and can destroy thing you don’t intend.
      Guns are firearms, and can be useful tools for a bunch of applications.
      Guns are firearms, mechanical items of interest for their engineering, manufacture and design.
      Guns are firearms that may or may not meet your need.
      Some guns are old, and some guns are not; some guns are really old.
      Guns should fit the desired use, and the desired owner.
      Guns come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
      Guns drive all sorts of conversations, not all of which are interesting, nice, useful, sensible, appropriate, instructive or important.
      Guns are politics, and politics is guns.
      Some people like some guns, some people like all guns, but not all the people like all the guns, all the time.

      • That’s unresponsive to my comment. To that extent, though it’s perhaps overall factual, it’s stupid.

        I have guns. I like guns. I call myself a DemARcrat.

        I’m a Jew who sees the past four years as an increasing parallel to Nazi Germany. So, I have guns.

        I don’t want anyone’s guns taken away except when idiots attack the lawfully constituted government of these United States on behalf of a fascistic one-term occupant of the White House.

        • Your comment was about the comments you see, not whether you like guns (although you are siding with American Nazis). My point was that the forum is not a gun review channel. It is more comprehensive than that, hence my list; nothing about politics, The Truth About Guns. If you don’t like this forum, there are others. If you decide to never return to our forum, we won’t tell on you.

    • “….We Democrats and kin are not your enemies….”

      Prove it!

      President Trump will no longer be in office on Jan 20th, however 70 million voters remain and from what I can see they’re just not going to quit and show their belly’s.

      Count me with them.

    • We really do appreciate your feedback however ignorant and uninformed it might be and since you are obviously unaware of the unlawful, unconstitutional acts visited by various state judges, attorneys, Governors and local election officials or that time after time witnesses, sworn affidavits and physical evidence was tossed by the courts as lacking standing or timeliness I’m just going to ask you one thing… Who twisted your fucking arm and MADE you read ALL of the baseless “conspiracy theory” fact less posts that seem to torture your sense of good will, fair play and honor…. After all the title TELLS you this one is NOT a review of that nerf shooter you’ve been lusting for but mommy keeps saying “you’ll shoot your eye out snookums” ….. “How about a Barbies playhouse instead?”….

      • “various state judges, attorneys, Governors and local election officials”

        Oh no, the Satan worshiping pedophile conspiracy is much larger than that.

        You left out multiple federal district court judges, multiple federal appeals court judges and the United States Supreme Court, many of these jurists appointed by Donald Trump.

        Honestly, we’ve worked really hard to put together this vast group of people to manage the affairs of the United States of America, we like to call it a duly constituted government of the United States of America, you may have heard of this entity.

        And it seems, many extremist Trump supporters will be learning much more about the jurisprudence system of the government of the United States of America in the very near future.

  35. Everyone knows if the truth comes out the Democrats have lost the White House, and the Elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, so without any doubt they want to rush trump out of the white house, and push the election Thu the senate in Georgia before they are caught up with loading the the ballots in their favor, and what they knew was there was No chance of winning in the State of Georgia without Falsifying the out come with false and E legal voters. Paying off personal, courts, judges, theating those who wouldn’t agree with them. All Evidences, all actions, of the Democrats party shows cheating, rigging, lying, back stabbing, and doing whatever it takes to win. But we know here in Georgia who the true winners are, president D. Trump, David Purdue,and Kelly L.

    • “president D. Trump, David Purdue,and Kelly L.”

      So far, these are the three biggest losers of 2021.

    • The truth is out, and they lost fair and square.

      The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can work on getting better candidates for 2024.

  36. Make sure “automatic update“ for iOS is turned off.
    Intel confirms Apple is sending out an update to delete certain apps and turn off the emergency broadcast system feature so the Trump Administration cannot communicate with the public.

    If you use an iPhone or an iPad shut off auto update install…. Don’t understand how a public provider can shut off access to the FEDERAL EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM since it is an FCC requirement but I don’t doubt they will try…

  37. I think there is one change that needs to be made at the state level.

    Electors for President shouldn’t be chosen by the popular vote. This makes it too easy for one county to manufacture votes that can swamp the rest of the state, especially in a tight election. A change should be made that allocates each county a specific number of votes for elector based on population. That way it doesn’t matter how many votes are created, the number of votes from each county will always be the number allocated. Add up the votes from each of the counties and whoever gets the majority wins. In case of tie it goes to the incoming legislator of the state. If still a tie, the governor flips a coin. Best 3 out of 5.

    • “. . . each county a specific number of votes for elector based on population. That way it doesn’t matter how many votes are created, the number of votes from each county will always be the number allocated.”

      That’s brilliant! It is a substantial fix for a big flaw in our system; i.e., the fact that the election officials in each municipality are of the majority party in that municipality. The chickens have chicken officials; the foxes have fox officials.

      If the chickens aren’t corrupt we don’t have dueling corruption. We have one-sided corruption.

    • “Electors for President shouldn’t be chosen by the popular vote“

      Thank you for revealing your desire to disenfranchise American citizens.

      I am sure you do not want the popular vote to decide the electors and the president, that will give ordinary citizens far too much control of their future.

      • Slow Down, Take a Deep Breath, you haven’t understood what I’ve tried to say.

        I never said the Citizens of the US won’t pick the president.
        What I said was that instead of using the popular vote, ie adding all the county vote totals together, to determine who wins the state. We use something that is more akin to the electoral college, where each county only controls the number of votes equal to the population it holds, these votes would obviously be determined by the vote total in the county . Therefore instead of one county in the state suddenly finding enough votes to swing the state their way, they only get the political influence due the number of people they have living in the county.

    • “If still a tie, the governor flips a coin. Best 3 out of 5.”

      Do it that way, and cut out all the complicated allocation process.

  38. Still thinking here.

    Another Change that should be made is no county vote totals should be released by county officials until all the counting is complete in all the counties. This would prevent counties from magically finding more vote after all the other counties have reported their totals. Anyone that leaks vote totals before the counting is done shall be punished with a lifetime prison sentence.

  39. One More Comment

    I would think that any state official that didn’t follow the election laws of the state should be impeached.
    That means Governors, Secretary of State, Supreme Court Justices etc.

  40. The election was stolen Trump lost that’s all there is to it. The individual states decided that they would not follow their own rules. And they would allow cheating.

    Individual State leaders are going to have to decide, should you follow the dictates of an illegitimate federal government???

    I would start asking any person running for public office, do they believe they should follow the dictates of the federal government, if they believe the federal government is illegitimate?

  41. Or, the vastly simpler explanation… the blowhard con man lost, and no ‘irregularities’ erase that.

    But a cult does not allow itself to reconsider such things. Any evidence to the contrary is simply chalked up to being part of ‘the conspiracy.’ Any clearly incorrect result is just explained away… or conveniently forgotten.

    How many times have the Jehovah’s Witnesses predicted the end of the world? More than once. More than can be counted on one hand. Yet people still follow them.

  42. Was this essay written by a fifth grader in online study hall? Is this website completely the domain of nut job conspiracy theorists and closet Nazis? Just like the GOP shot themselves in the foot and lost the US Senate in Georgia, y’all are working hard to kiss your guns goodbye. Yeah … you’re going to personally kill a bunch of commies. SHIT JUST GOT REEL! Uh huh. Done with this website, and no I won’t let the door hit me in the ass…

  43. I believe that events will lead to wide-spread violence. Socialist tyranny always does. However, one POSSIBLE non-violent approach could be Ghandi-esqe protest. Simply don’t comply with “them”. No filing/paying taxes or cooperating with illegitimate govt entities at any level. If 25,000 people do it? No real impact. If 25,000,000 do it would grind our society to a halt. They can’t put everyone in jail. They can’t seize everyone’s property.

    Most government functions on voluntary compliance with the hint of the enforcement. If enough people quit participating…..it would hamstring the .gov. What happens next is the question, but that is the ONLY non-violent avenue I can imagine.

    Surrender or blood-shed are the only other alternatives I can foresee.

  44. Trump is living rent free in the White House,
    It is sad, another immigrant family losing their free government housing

    Apparently there are those with a lesser degree of awareness than the norm whom need to be reminded of certain aspects of how is thing works… First of all a person is elected to be President and head of the Executive Branch of our Government, this is normally done by the people coming together and voting on the day signified in the Constitution or (in the case of 2020) whenever some judge, State AG, Governor or Sec of State decides.. Once duly elected, certified and sworn in the “President” just like all that have come before him (except Washington) takes up residence in the home provided to him and his family by the people (aka the White House), the President is NOT (just like all those before him) charged “rent” to live there (it’s called a PERK of the job) but, does pay for his and his families clothing and food, he is also responsible for moving his stuff into and out of the White House… Lastly, only three Presidents (Washington declined a salary but finally accepted “expense” money) have donated their entire salaries to charity, Hoover and Kennedy both declined their salaries, and the current POTUS has also donated his entire $1.6 million salary over the past four years to various charities and Service Organizations… The Immigrants will do just fine once they leave the hostility of DC behind they will be welcomed in Florida….. End 3rd grade Civics class.. Recommended reading? Anything with BIG letters and small words preferably with more pictures than words…

  45. Lots and lots of talk, but it will quickly end, after our communication pathways are slammed shut by the new, fraudulently elected, slave masters…

    Coming soon thereafter, when talk will have been found to be a fruitless exercise with people who are terminally ill with an insane fear of the deplorables (we know who you are):

    Get ready for massive cranial reorganizations supplied via countless highspeed lead delivery systems.
    As the Japanese said: behind every blade of grass…

  46. “We should pray we are not yet at the threshold of politics by other means. ”

    Mark- of all the “advice” provided here, that’s probably the most significant. I wonder how many freedom-loving Americans actually involve themselves in such a simple, yet wise means of seeking answers to problems they are facing? At te risk of being laughed off of the site, I suggest one try to contact The Creator, admit their sinful ways, beg forgiveness and mercy and ask for guidance that will accomplish that which is being sought.

    What have you got to lose?

    Do you really want to have to take up guns and kill your neighbors and family members who might, at the time, disagree with you?

    We all claim to “know” something about the founding of the American nation. OK- I suggest you do some study on the French Revolution and superimpose it on the American one. What I see presented here by many uniformed posters can only lead to the French-style. It would end up with the same results as 1916 Russia, the Bay of Pigs debacle, or any of a number of other 20th Century “revolts”. Some had “good” outcomes for the revolutionaries, some not so much.

  47. Restructure state election laws to counterweight the dense population counties.

    We’ve been going about things the wrong way. While the Democrats attack the foundations of our republic, most acutely by rigging the election system to ensure permanent power, we have missed (and continue to miss) the opportunity to fight them on their own terms.

    They wish to ultimately eliminate the Electoral College.

    Restructure state systems to mirror the principles of the federal Electoral College system, that is, eliminate the political shenanigans of the blue population centers in those states. We do this by changing state election law to grant each county one vote, two for those with the densest population, and the majority of county votes decide the state electors. Eliminate the contaminated majoritarianism at its root.

    If we do this, the preposterous phenomenon we witnessed in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, for example, could never be repeated.

    The Republicans now hold majorities in 29 states.

    The time is now.

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