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Things That Don’t Suck: Klarus XT1A Tactical Flashlight

John Boch - comments No comments

Dan tasked me with doing the Everyday Carry posts a few months ago, and seeing what people carry affords me a chance to learn from others. Two lights grabbed my attention, but one has quickly become a favorite – the Klarus XT1A. In short, not only does it not suck, but it’s done well for me.

Yes, this remains The Truth About Guns, but for a moment let’s talk flashlights. Why? Because if you carry a gun for self-defense, you should carry a light, too. After all, bad guys prefer to do their thing in low-light environments.

And legally, if you can’t identify your target with reasonable certainty, you can’t justifiably use deadly force.  Furthermore, nothing has more jury appeal than testifying that you used a powerful flashlight to remove any doubt about the target’s identity and the threat he (or she) posed to you or your family.

Klarus XT1A Tactical Flashlight
Image via klaruslight.com

Enter the Klarus light. It provides a broad, diffuse beam without any hot spots and plenty of horsepower as well. What’s more, you can pick one up without breaking the bank at about $50 from Amazon. It’s also about the same price at Sam Walton’s online place, but I don’t buy anything there any longer.

The light runs much brighter — it’s rated at 1000 lumens — when powered with a rechargeable Lithium Ion 14500 (AA-sized) batteries. In fact, the light ships with a LiIon battery that has a built-in USB charge slot. However, those electronics take up a fair bit of room in that already small cell, reducing the USB-chargeable battery capacity to about 800mAh. So I swapped that for a more traditional Lithium Ion battery with three times more gas inside.

When LiIon batteries or charging are unavailable, the Klarus XT1A will also accept ubiquitous alkaline AA-cells as well. Despite a much tamer performance with an alkaline battery, it will emit about 300 lumens with your favorite brand of AA battery.

Aside from a fairly broad beam and bright output, it brings all the key features I want in a tactical light: a pocket clip, a momentary switch, and at least two brightness levels. After all, I don’t need enough light to signal the International Space Station to look under a table at a restaurant for a pacifier or a dropped credit card.

Klarus hits all the requirements I need with a few pleasant bonus features as well.

The deep carry pocket clip allows the light to ride in my support-side rear pocket clipped to the side securely. Virtually the entire light rides below the top of the pocket.

Klarus XT1A Tactical Flashlight
Image via klaruslight.com.

The momentary switch: the Klarus has not one, but two momentary switches on the tailcap. One, a big rubber button, fires it up at an eye-searing, 1000-lumen turbo mode.  That serves as both a bad-guy repellent and long-distance search mode.

The metal paddle-style momentary switch (with obviously a significant tactile difference) lights it up on a low-power setting of about 5 lumens, very handy in most situations. Otherwise known as “can you find that pacifier for me” mode.

The big rubber button acts as a click-y switch. And holding the paddle switch down for more than a second or two leaves the light on when it’s released.  From there, touching that paddle switch again takes it to the 80-lumen medium setting and from there to the 1000-lumen max power mode.

I admit that I’m less than faithful about regularly charging the battery in my carry lights, but the Klarus has me covered. On top, it has a little multi-colored LED that will show the remaining charge on the battery.

Klarus XT1A Tactical Flashlight
Photo by John Boch

Green means 70% capacity remaining. Orange is “time to top off the charge.”  A red indicator shows less than 30% capacity remaining. And for me, “charging” simply means swapping out the battery with a fully charged spare from my glovebox or nightstand.

Another bonus: The light doesn’t weigh much or take up much room in your pocket. It rides very unobtrusively, as it should. You don’t even realize it’s there until you need it.

I have carried this light for a couple of months now and find myself using it daily. In short, it works well.

If you want a versatile light for everyday carry, the Klarus unit provides great performance at an affordable price.

In other words, it definitely doesn’t suck.

0 thoughts on “Things That Don’t Suck: Klarus XT1A Tactical Flashlight”

  1. Purchased 2ea. xg11a. Both suck!!!! problem, the usb charger doesn’t work and i refuse to send them to be repaired. Contacted klarus and got a generic response to send them to bum f… egypt. sorry, not gonna do that with a 3 month old flashlight that i have had problems with charging since day one. they know of this problem and have a list of fixes to try that an idiot only wouldn’t have already tried. I just received a charger i bought that will charge the crap klarus sent me. this company is horrible and impossible to get a hold of. why publish pages of excuses why their junk won’t charge. i will bash this company the rest of my life and let people know what a crap product they make in china. better to pay extra from a tool guy who will back up his product. ending opinion- junk product crap company. they should be refunding everyone who paid for this crap


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