Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

By Lee Williams

For gun owners, Joe Biden’s FY2022 discretionary budget plan is an assault on our individual freedoms and civil liberties, an assault that could cost us both billions of taxpayer dollars as well as our guns.

Whoever actually wrote the plan is a master of creative writing — fiction writing — to be sure.

For example, Biden’s budget plan first refers to gun violence as a “public health epidemic” in a paragraph that’s sandwiched between two legitimate epidemics: opioid addiction and AIDS.

To address this “gun violence public health crisis,” Biden wants to give $2.1 billion — an increase of $232 million — to the Department of Justice, to “improve background check systems, and invest in new programs to incentivize State adoption of gun licensing laws and establish voluntary gun buyback pilot programs.”

Don’t forget that the buyback program Biden has frequently called for is designed for our ARs, AKs and other popular rifles, and there’s nothing voluntary about it. It’s confiscation, pure and simple.

His own campaign website shows that Biden wants to “institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.” Those who don’t comply could be charged with illegal possession of an NFA-regulated firearm – a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Biden wants to give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives $1.6 billion, an increase of $70 million, “to oversee the safe sale, storage, and ownership of firearms and to support the agency’s other work to fight violent crime.”

In addition, he wants to double funding for “firearm violence prevention research” at the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. Who better to help maintain the fiction that guns are a public health epidemic than the CDC and NIH, right?

Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Most worrisome, however, is the funding Biden wants to spend on domestic terrorism, especially since the definition of “domestic terrorism” seems to expand every single day. It now includes both critics of the Biden-Harris administration as well as parents who may object to the actions of their local school board.

Biden’s budget plan would give $45 million to the FBI to investigate domestic terrorism, $40 million to U.S. Attorneys to prosecute more domestic terrorism cases, $12 million to the U.S Marshals Service to arrest domestic terrorists, $131 million to the Department of Homeland Security for domestic terrorism prevention and, of course, $4 million to the National Institute of Justice for domestic terrorism research.

While I’m very concerned about real domestic terrorists — those who seek to kill Americans and/or violently overthrow our system of government — I’m more concerned about foreign terrorists. Foreign terrorists have killed Americans. Irate parents who may object to their school’s mask mandate or curriculum have yet to crash any planes.

If Joe Biden has his way, it will only be a matter of time before gun owners are labeled domestic terrorists, especially those of us who own what Biden calls “weapons of war.” We’ve known for a long time Joe Biden wants our guns. This is how he intends to pay for it.


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    • Work for 2-3 hours in y0ur spare time OO and get paid 1200 0n y0ur bank acc0unt every week…

      Get m0re inf0rmation 0n f0ll0wing site…>>> WorkJoin1

    • “my wife’s cooking deems her a domestic terrorist.”

      Is she holding a gunm to your head, forcing you to sleep with her? 😉

  1. Biden would have to push through a new law to redefine ARs and AKs as automatic weapons, or create a new category under the NFA to force buy backs or registration. I don’t think that he has the votes for that, certainly not 60 votes in the Senate. As I recall, Biden told Obama some long time ago that the NFA and federal law did not permit a ban of ARs etc without a change in the law, and that executive orders were a nonstarter.

    • Mark N……….Biden would just do a directive and the socialists gestapo’s would enforce. They operate on the might makes right principal and no one will oppose it. We are back to the colonists and King George. You know how that went.

    • Do you want him around until 3 years from now, or the proudly admitted Marxist?

      The devil you know, etc…

      • Likely the only person in this country less qualified to be president other than joe is kameltoe.

        We are fucked. And not in a good way.

      • I honestly think the plan is to get Biden to 2024, so he can step aside and a fresh face can run. Harris is probably not in the political calculus for the DNC. She is wildly unpopular across the political spectrum, and I don’t think anyone outside of a few fringe groups thinks she could win in 2024.

        • See what happens about the time of the midterms or just after if Creepy Joe steps aside for Kameltoe to have the remainder of his term plus two of her own.

    • Biden’s link to the Biden plan isn’t working. This is a creation of Kamila Harris and Nancy Pelosi.

  2. Screw the gun violence public health crisis. What is he going to do about the White House Alzheimer’s health crisis?

  3. Theyve done such a good job of whipping the plebs into a hysterical frenzy over a cold with a 99.8% survival rate I’d fully expect people to be up in figurative arms akin to: “if this administration can waste 1.2 billion on inner city gang bangers who choose to kill each other it can use that 1.2 billion to save my babies from hyper-techno-mega-pox-2000!!!!”

  4. quote————–Biden wants to “institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.” Those who don’t comply could be charged with illegal possession of an NFA-regulated firearm – a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.———-quote

    Excellent idea because it would in a way be Universal Background Checks on steroids for Assault Rifles. That background check is far more thorough and would weed out a lot of nut cases, criminals and Trumpite Nazi’s like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers ect, etc. It would also outlaw second hand sales of assault rifles as well. No more person to person sales on darkened street corners. flea markets, bars, internet chat rooms or at gun shows with a wink and a nod with the usual handfuls of cash. Its long overdue.

    • Remember folks. lil’d is mentally ill. Do not engage. It’s never good to dialog with the nazi’s.

      In his case the nutzee nazi.

      • Yet Jethro responds to every comment I make. What happened to your advice of “do not engage”. Chuckle.

      • And by the way “Comrade” you admitted that your favorite rifle was the formally nickel and dime priced Mosin Nagant rifle. Were U.S. military arms to expensive for your frugalness. Welcome to our fight Comrade.

        • Walt you Far Right paranoids are a real hoot. Communism ended with the death of Stalin. Too bad you flunked history classes. Am I a Socialist? You are damn right and I am proud of it. I will not bother to explain the difference as it would be way over your head anyway.

          Just remember to check under your bed tonight for Commies.

          It was the Liberals who gave you Soc. Security, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to education, the right to form a Union, the 40 hour work week, women’s suffrage, medical coverage, retirement benefits, drug benefits, welfare for needy people, hospitalization coverage, the food and drug administration, food health inspectors, the consumer safety commission, school lunch programs funded and supplied the the Federal Government, the freeway system in the U.S. built in the 50’s. I could go on but by now if you did not get the picture you never will and of course probably never will.

          Cheer up you can still keep looking under your bed each night for the “Commies”. Thanks for the amusement you are a laugh a minute.

        • To Walt

          It was the Liberals who gave you Soc. Security, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to education, the right to form a Union, the 40 hour work week, women’s suffrage, medical coverage, retirement benefits, drug benefits, welfare for needy people, hospitalization coverage, the food and drug administration, food health inspectors, the consumer safety commission, school lunch programs funded and supplied the the Federal Government, the freeway system in the U.S. built in the 50’s. I could go on but by now if you did not get the picture you never will and of course probably never will.

        • The “Liberals?” Don’t you mean Socialists? First of all they have not given me anything. I have paid for my social security (the money of which was supposed to be invested by has been robbed by each and every Congress and President since 1967 when LBJ instituted his “Great Society”), my medicare, etc. Retirement benefits? I earned them when I kicked into the NYS and Local Employees Retirement Fund. I earned that pension by 30 yrs of service to the “Great”(SIC) State of New York as a law enforcement officer (both Corrections and as a police officer). Welfare to needy people is not a government function; that is the function of the church (which I am sure you hate), private organizations and your person largess to give to charity. The Food and Drug Administration is a log jam of bureaucracy. My “hospitalization coverage” comes from my retirement couple with my Medicare. More than half of the food inspectors” are paid off with bribes. The Freeway system? Don’t you mean the interstate highway system? That was instituted by Eisenhower to facilitate movement of the military during the ’50’s when the aircraft we have today were not available. NYS is still charging tolls (illegally, I might add as those tolls were supposed to be stopped when the bond issue was paid off, which happened years ago). School lunch programs are the responsibility of the PARENTS To feed their kids, not the government. Women’s Suffrage? So fricking what? Next you are going to tell me that civil rights is a “liberal” (you do mean socialist) cause, Horse pucky. It was Conservative Republicans ho proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that you Socialist finally co-opted with LBJ when he said and I quote,”With this we will have the (n word) vote for the net hundred years”. Unions are another socialist debacle which has sent prices sky rocketing. The Federal Government by the US Constitution has no right to “aid” to education and dictate terms on how itis to be spent. See the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution. I could go on but I would be talking to a hollow wall.

        • Dacian, you are full of donkey dust. Communism is alive and kicking today. First, what you call Communism was nothing more than SOCIALISM. You see your “daddy” Karl Marx, outlines how Communism would come to be. It never happened at all. Marx outlines how the “proletariat” would rise up and institute socialism as a prelude to Communism (which is supposed to be a governmentless classless society where everyone is paid equally and has the same “rights”. As we both know, it became a dictatorship of the Communist Party as it has in every country which “adopted” Communism.
          IN fact you are a socialist and an enemy of the US, the Constitution and the people who love their freedom. Commie is just another word for Socialist, “Comrade”.

        • To clueless Walt

          quote————-Welfare to needy people is not a government function; that is the function of the church (which I am sure you hate), private organizations and your person largess to give to charity.————-quote

          quote———–It was Conservative Republicans ho proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that you Socialist finally co-opted with LBJ when he said and I quote,”With this we will have the (n word) vote for the net hundred years”———quote

          Boy that one was really over the top. The Republicans fought Johnson tooth nail and claw over the great society program.

          quote———–The Food and Drug Administration is a log jam of bureaucracy.———quote

          Oh brilliant idea so just because its not perfect you want to do away with it. Tell me did you come up with this brilliant plan all by yourself or did you require assistance.

          In a Nation of 330 million people only a Moron like yourself would claim charity organizations have the funds to address a problem so huge even the Feds have not come up with adequate funds to address the problem. Not that we do not have the funds, its just that people like you would rather let the Republicans rob you of your tax dollars in the form of corporate subsidies and tax loop holes so they can steal the funds that are due to help the American people if we lived in a civilized society.

          quote———My “hospitalization coverage” comes from my retirement couple with my Medicare.———–quote

          No kidding genius boy but you fail to realize not all people had jobs like yours with benefits like yours and by the way Medicare came from us Socialists, a truth you constantly ignore and dance around.

          quote————–The Federal Government by the US Constitution has no right to “aid” to education and dictate terms on how itis to be spent.————quote

          There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents Congress from passing aid to education. Educated people (which you clearly are not) are well aware that a nations greatest asset is the minds of its young people. Every civilized nation on earth makes education affordable to its young without bankrupting them for life except of course for Capitalvania.

          quote————–Don’t you mean the interstate highway system? That was instituted by Eisenhower to facilitate movement of the military during the ’50’s when the aircraft we have today were not available.————-quote

          Yes it was under Eisenhower but you proved you flunked political science classes. The Republicans fought the freeway system tooth nail and claw. The Republicans admitted that they were too cheap and stingy to fund it and their lame brain excuse was that “no one would use the freeway system anyway”. Laughable now but is it not just as laughable what the Republican say today on most national and social issues???

          quote————School lunch programs are the responsibility of the PARENTS To feed their kids, not the government.———quote

          That statement comes right out of Nazi Germany. Do you think that all parents have the high paying job you did. You live in your own little fantasy world. You are not even aware of the fact that many parents are working 2 and even 3 part time minimum wage jobs (which civilized countries do not allow) and even then the parents do not have enough money to pay the bills. Your statement is so sick its nauseating.

          quote————-Women’s Suffrage? So fricking what? ———quote

          Pay attention Moron. Women’s suffrage is the right of women to vote. If you did know the meaning of the word you just proved you are a misogynist and male chauvinist . Like most cops are.

          quote————Unions are another socialist debacle which has sent prices sky rocketing. ————quote

          Another Right Wing belief based on pure ignorance. Union wages have actually gone down over the years and the ripple effect caused non-union wages to also decrease. Every economic study done in the last 50 years has proven wages have at best stagnated. The rise in prices were do to the blind greed of the Capitalvanians paying exorbitant benefits and wages to C.E.O.’s that often are in the millions for just one C.E.O. while the workers got nothing and in most cases took wage and benefit reductions. How anyone who is not totally ignorant could make the statement you just made about Unions is really a laughable joke.

          Yes you are a poster boy for the need for more training of cops as you should have never been hired as one.

    • Dacian, First of all, there is NO SUCH THING as an “assault rifle”. What you Leftist-Socialist control freaks are calling an “assault rifle” are nothing more than semi-automatic rifles. If you need an explanation, a “semi-automatic” firearm is one that fires and reloads the chamber each time you compress the trigger.
      The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler one of your heros, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to “assault rifle”) as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44. Allied propaganda suggested that the name was chosen for propaganda purposes, but the main purpose was to differentiate the Sturmgewehr from German submachine guns such as the MP 40.
      It has been suggested, however, that the Heereswaffenamt was responsible for the name Sturmgewehr, and Hitler had no input besides signing the production order. Furthermore, Hitler was initially opposed to the idea of a new infantry rifle, as Germany lacked the industrial capacity to replace the 12,000,000 Karabiner 98k rifles already in service, only changing his mind once he saw it first-hand.
      The StG 44 is generally considered the first selective fire military rifle to popularize the assault rifle concept.[6][8] Today, the term assault rifle is used to define firearms sharing the same basic characteristics as the StG 44.
      The modern civilian version of the M16 aka AR-15 is NOT a firearm with selective fire. Firearms that have automatic fire selectors, are ILLEGAL under the National Firearms Act of 1934, making it necessary for anyone who owned a machine gun (automatic fire) to purchase a stamp from the Department of the Treasury. Later, The Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986 which altogether prohibited machineguns (i.e.: automatic fire firearms, guns that continue to fire as long as the trigger is depressed.). The AR-15 or the AK-47 (civilianized) only has ONE mode of operation, i’e.: semi-automatic fire.
      For the second time, the “universal background check is asinine. Do you really think that a criminal buying his handgun or other type of firearm is going to use the NIC check? If you do, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn, really cheap. The other part of the problem with NIC checks is that many courts do not inform NIC (run by the FBI) of the dispositions in numerous cases. A third part of the problem is that mentally deficient cases are not included in NIC. And can’t be as it would violate HIPA. The only time a healthcare provider can give such information to law enforcement is it there is “IMMENENT DANGER” So much of your “universal background checks”.
      Now, see if you can digest all that and get your facts straight. Incidentally, I do not have any restrictions concerning engaging with dweebs.

      • quote————-Dacian, First of all, there is NO SUCH THING as an “assault rifle”.————-quote

        Tell that bullcrap to the families that lost 60 people from assault rifles at Los Vegas or at the Florida night club where a maniac with an assault rifle killed 50 people or the Florida School shooting that killed 17 with an assault rifle.

        Hey Genius boy the military has used semi-auto assault rifles for decades and even the U.S. Military had some M16’s limited to a 3 round burst mechanism.

        And the difference between emptying an M16 and an AR15 is only a second or two depending on the operator of the weapon of mass destruction and how fast he can pull the trigger and mow people down in droves. Again peddle your smoke and mirror semantics to the unwashed not educated people.

        • “Tell that bullcrap to the families that lost 60 people from assault rifles at Los Vegas or at the Florida night club where a maniac with an assault rifle killed 50 people or the Florida School shooting that killed 17 with an assault rifle.”

          No one lost people from assault rifles at Los Vegas or at the Florida night club or the Florida School shooting from “assault rifles”. What they did lose people to were horrific criminal actions by people used used a semi-auto rifle as the tool of their carnage.

          None of those rifles had been modified for any fire mode beyond semi.

          Switching from safe to semi is not select fire according to federal law, and federal definition as defined by the U.S. Government (via the U.S. Army standard who sets the standard used in federal law and by the ATF/Government). Select-fire means selecting different fire modes. SAFE is not a fire mode as the weapon can’t be fired on SAFE (hopefully, if it can you need to fix that thing). So a rifle that can be only switched from SAFE to SEMI and back to SAFE, if there are no fire modes available past SEMI, is not a select-fire weapon thus under federal law and by definition a rifle that can only be switched from SAFE to SEMI and back to SAFE is not an “assault rifle”.

          The standard civilian version AR-15, unless it has been illegally modified to switch from SEMI to another fire mode (e.g. BURST, AUTO), is not an assault rifle under federal law or by federal definition.

          If a state wants to apply the term “assault rifle” to the standard civilian version AR-15, that’s the state doing that. states are free to apply what ever terms they wish and there is no trademark or monopoly on the term “assault rifle” but it does not mean its an actual “assault rifle”. It does not mean the rifle is an actual “assault rifle” because its just a term, and a state can not legally redefine a definition of what is actually an “assault rifle” because federal law in which the term is defined for an actual “assault rifle” is the “law of the land and states can’t overrule the “law of the land”. Thus in any state or by any method or person is the term “assault rifle” is used its just a term and not an actual “assault rifle” unless the rifle meets the definition under federal law.

          The standard civilian grade AR-15’s owned by people, or sometimes used in shootings, are not “assault rifles” unless they have been illegally modified to be such.

        • I have been saying that there is no such thing as an assault rifle for a number of years and will continue to do so. The AR-15 an the AK-47 (civilianized) are NOT “assault rifles”. I gave you the history and description of what an ‘assault rifle” actually is. You Socialists have politicized the term to include semi-automatic firearms. And that, “Comrade” is pure unadulterated HORSE PUCKY as I have outlined above. You have tried to side track the issue with calling out the illegal use of semi-automatic firearms, inflaming the public with the improper term “assault rifle”.
          When the military used semi-automatic rifles for “decades” they were just that, semi-automatic rifles NOT “assault rifles”. The term did not come unto being until your buddy, Adolph Hitler’s Nazis of which you are akin had the German Army get Sturmgewehr (which translates to “assault rifle”). As y compadre above has clearly stated: “the standard civilian grade AR-15’s owned by people, or sometimes used in shootings, are not “assault rifles” unless they have been illegally modified to be such.”
          So to put it quite bluntly you are a Socialist Propagandist. I’ll bet you are also a sympathizer with your Red Chinese allies.

        • quote————No one lost people from assault rifles at Los Vegas or at the Florida night club or the Florida School shooting from “assault rifles”. What they did lose people to were horrific criminal actions by people used used a semi-auto rifle as the tool of their carnage.————quote

          To Booger Brain
          You wasted pages of rhetoric on the argument of semi v/s full auto and without even realizing it verified what I previously posted and that was these weapons of mass destruction i.e. the semi-auto assault rifle need more regulation and Biden’s idea of placing them under the NFA Act is really the only sensible thing to do without resorting to an outright ban of them

        • Dacian, quote: “And the difference between emptying an M16 and an AR15 is only a second or two depending on the operator of the weapon of mass destruction and how fast he can pull the trigger and mow people down in droves. Again peddle your smoke and mirror semantics to the unwashed not educated people.”

          I have some very disturbing news for you. There is a BIG difference between an M-16 and an AR-15. An M-16 is a military rifle which today has a three point selector switch {three burst, single fire (it put is that way so you would understand}and safe on the left side of the firearm. And AR-15 only has two points, safe and fire (semiautomatic fire in which only one round can be fired with each compression of the trigger. Maybe you should learn more about firearms before you spoint off like a sperm whale about a subject you know little or nothing about?

      • Not to appear on lil’d’s side, bit assault rifle does have a definition of select-fire, intermediate caliber, such as the M-16. “Assault weapon” is the nebulous term promoted by Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center to trick the gun muggles into confusing semi-auto civilian guns (AR-15) with similar looking machine guns (M-16/M-4).

        Sturmgewehr wasn’t invented by Hitler. He was a micromanaging idiot, and the inventors picked a cool sounding name to get his support for it over a main battlefield rifle.

        • switching from safe to semi is not select fire according to federal law, and federal definition as defined by the U.S. Government (via the U.S. Army standard who sets the standard used in federal law and by the ATF/Government). Select-fire means selecting different fire modes. SAFE is not a fire mode as the weapon can’t be fired on SAFE (hopefully, if it can you need to fix that thing). So a rifle that can be only switched from SAFE to SEMI and back to SAFE, if there are no fire modes available past SEMI, is not a select-fire weapon thus under federal law and by definition a rifle that can only be switched from SAFE to SEMI and back to SAFE is not an “assault rifle”.

          The standard civilian version AR-15, unless it has been illegally modified to switch from SEMI to another fire mode (e.g. BURST, AUTO), is not an assault rifle under federal law or by federal definition.

          If a state wants to apply the term “assault rifle” to the standard civilian version AR-15, that’s the state doing that. states are free to apply what ever terms they wish and there is no trademark or monopoly on the term “assault rifle” but it does not mean its an actual “assault rifle”. It does not mean the rifle is an actual “assault rifle” because its just a term, and a state can not legally redefine a definition of what is actually an “assault rifle” because federal law in which the term is defined for an actual “assault rifle” is the “law of the land and states can’t overrule the “law of the land”. Thus in any state or by any method or person is the term “assault rifle” is used its just a term and not an actual “assault rifle” unless the rifle meets the definition under federal law.

          The standard civilian grade AR-15’s owned by people, or sometimes used in shootings, are not “assault rifles” unless they have been illegally modified to be such.

        • ““Assault weapon” is the nebulous term promoted by Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center to trick the gun muggles into confusing semi-auto civilian guns (AR-15) with similar looking machine guns (M-16/M-4).”

          yes, that’s true. As applied to the civilian grade semi-auto AR-15, the term “assault rifle” is just a term that anyone can read into anything they want. Since cosmetically the “black rifle” had features that appeared cosmetically the same, and overall some general basic functionality the same (e.g. magazine function), as the military version he applied the term “assault rifle” not knowing the difference and being confirmationally biased.

          In reality, there is no civilian grade AR-15 manufactured that meets all the specs testing required of a real “assault rifle” under federal definition determination as defined by the U.S. ARMY who sets the testing and requirement definition of assault rifle used by the U.S. government.

          They may say “mil-spec” but that does not mean the rifle is an “assault rifle” – the term “mil-spec” in civilian grade AR-15’s is used in relation materials and dimensions and coatings and does not mean “assault rifle” mil-spec.

          In reality the civilian grade AR-15 uses the same technology that is over 150 years old and appears in every firearm made even ones that do not have a cosmetic military appearance, and some non-firearm, products made. Its odd that Biden supports such firearms technology by endorsing its use (e.g. shotgun) and even owns firearms with the technology. Its odd that over 70% of the major gun-control players either go armed concealed (yes you too Watts) or relies on the very firearms that want to ban as a source of income by holding stock in the companies that produce them, and heck, some of them even sneak off to firing ranges to fire their own AR-15’s and machine guns (yes, you too Watts).

          (note: pointing out Watts because she is the biggest hypocrite of all of them lately, having been spotted once again sneaking into a firing range to fire her AR-15 and carrying concealed)

          Whats not odd is that Dacian bought into their hypocrisy and spends his time voicing it while they make money from it.

          I would imagine in Dacian’s high school year book someone wrote “most likely to be suckered”

        • Dacian, Not hardly Little Fella, Before you said I was from the Ozarks? Now I’m from Southern Appalachia? I’m more than sure your father and uncle were in World War II as German soldiers, right? AGAIN, I point out to you that Nazis and Fascists are your kin. Remember Giovani Gentle? Document your allegation that allied forces confiscated “expensive firearms”? Documentation does not include anecdotal stories. And I don’t doubt that some of your NAZI party kin were in possession of firearms. What you know about your Nazi kin is negligible at best. Fantasy more probably.
          AGAIN, I ask you. Why are you so afraid of firearms?

      • quote————-The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler one of your heros,————-quote

        Sorry genius boy I am about to scorch you out on this one.

        Hitler hated Communists and Liberals and so do you.

        Hitler hated minorities and refugees and so do you.

        Hitler hated workers unions and so do you

        Hitler hated gun control and so do you. Hitler actually relaxed the gun control laws passed under Bismarck.

        Hitler was a Xenophobe and because of it spent billions on the the military and you are as Xenophobe as well.

        Hitler privatized utility companies to screw the consumer and save more money for military spending and so do you.

        Hitler tried to take over the government with his beer hall putsch by force and you approved of Trumps beer hall putsch of Jan 16th

        Yes the far right march lock step with Hitler and always have and that includes you .

        • The term “assault rifle” is generally attributed to having been coined by Adolf Hitler in an indirect manner. He used the German word “Sturmgewehr” as the name for the German Army MP 43 (in German “Maschinenpistole”) that was later known as the “Sturmgewehr” 44. The German word “Sturmgewehr” translated to English is “assault rifle”.

          and you hate everyone and everything that isn’t you. So whats the difference between you and Hitler?

          In fact there are a lot of similarities between what you write and Hitlers false rhetoric.

          1. You base your overall rhetoric on false and discredited information – Hitler did too.

          2. Your words betray hatred for anyone that is not you or doesn’t think the insane way to think – Hitler hated anyone who was not “Aryan” and did not think the same insane way he did.

          3. Hitler had some serious mental health problems, your words betray you do too.

          4. You hail and support and want the democratic agenda of rights control and deprivation in terms of gun control, or any rights really. The current democrat agenda also has the first amendment under siege as they try to limit or control web sites and social media and what people can or can not say on the internet. Also under siege by the democrat agenda is the rights under the fourth, fourteenth, tenth, and fifth amendments. Hitler also sought to control or limit and remove those same rights concepts from the German people and those others he deemed unfit, you also wish that would happen for the current democrat agenda for gun control.

          and the list goes on and on with the very obvious similarities between you and Hitler in your writings. Are you actually a Hitler clone?

          So how should we address you from now on – as “Heil Dacian” or Heil Hitler” ?

        • To Booger Brain

          Quote————The current democrat agenda also has the first amendment under siege as they try to limit or control web sites and social media and what people can or can not say on the internet———–quote

          Wrong as usual. Face Book and other media is finally starting to outlaw Right Wing hate speech that leads to attacks on minorities and Right Wing deliberate misinformation that is killing people such as the false info that the Far Right has spread about the seriousness of the Corona Virus.

          Free speech in not unlimited just as 2A is not unlimited. Just as you cannot be permitted to build an atomic bomb or use poison gas on your neighbor because his dog pissed on your lawn you are also not allowed to cause the death of people through hate speech and/or the use of false information. You cannot yell fire in a theater that causes the death an injury of people and not expect to be prosecuted for that. You should not be permitted to spread false info about deadly diseases either that persuades people not to get vaccinated or wear masks.

        • Sorry, Dacian, but Hitler may have hated Communists probably because his Nazis and you Commies are so much alike. You have the exact same tactics for controlling people including extermination. If Hitler hated (sic) gun control, how come only the Nazis were allowed to have firearms of any kind? Are you lying again, or is that still?
          I don’t dislike people from other countries as you allege. I dislike people who invade a country in violation of that country’s laws. Catch my drift?
          I don’t hate “labor unions”. I’m a member of one called NYSCOPBA. It’s an INDEPENDENT union to attached to the socialist AFL-CIO. You see there is a difference; and independent union REPRESENTS its membership and a socialist union like the AFL-CIO represents its own political philosophy and is predatory on other unions trying to bring them into the socialist fold. In other words, the AFL-CIO does not represent the wishes and aims of its membership.

        • To Willie Walter from Southern Appalachia

          quote———– If Hitler hated (sic) gun control, how come only the Nazis were allowed to have firearms of any kind?———–quote

          You really fell into the outhouse on this one. My father and uncle were in WWII. Both men said they along with other G.I.’s confiscated tons of expensive firearms from the German people. Officers got first pick of the very expensive guns. Enlisted men got what was left and the rest were destroyed and buried. Next time do not engage in subjects of history as you proved you know zero about Hitler and the Nazi’s and WWII.

      • quote————–For the second time, the “universal background check is asinine.————quote

        Look mental midget every civilized nation on earth vets all gun purchases to keep nut cases and criminals from getting guns and Trumpite anarchists from trying to take over the government.

        Where do you think the bulk of illegal guns come from anyway genius boy?????

        Two Chicago studies and numerous Police tracings prove that contrary to popular right wing lies that the bulk of crime with guns are committed with second hand guns not stolen ones. These guns are purchases second hand in states with lax laws and shipped via “The Iron Pipe Line” to cities and states with tough gun laws making their gun laws useless.

        These guns are bought second hand at flea markets, bars, newspaper adds, internet chat rooms and gun shows and person to person sales and all without any background checks. Now genius boy which part of this do you not understand???????

        • there ya go spreading that false crap based upon flawed discredited “special interest” biased research.

        • No country has a “universal background check” for guns that’s intended to deprive one of rights and no country has a “universal background check” for guns that stops or deters crime. Every country that has a “universal background check” for guns uses it to keep tabs on the owners and uses it for no-notice unwarranted “inspection” or confiscation.

          In the U.S. every “universal background check” for guns proposed by Biden or Democrats or gun-control groups – includes a provision for confiscation based upon some sort of public heath crisis foundation. Biden is currently trying to use his economic stimulus plans to declare gun violence a public health crisis, and has turned it over to the DOJ. Since when does the DOJ handle “public health” ? Its turned over to them because if Biden can push this through then his ““universal background check” for guns becomes the foundation for a “public health crisis” and the DOJ has the resources to marshal for gun confiscation.

          “Two Chicago studies and numerous Police tracings prove…”

          This, from you, was address before in another comment section. These studies have been dis-proven and discredited by actual fact from the current DOJ crime reporting research and qualified researchers free of the “special interest gun-control” entities behind that false research you want to keep citing.

        • To Booger Brain

          quote———- Every country that has a “universal background check” for guns uses it to keep tabs on the owners and uses it for no-notice unwarranted “inspection” or confiscation.———quote

          And that is why they have way less accidental child shooting deaths and way less smash and grab theft of firearms. Their laws work and work well and yes people still own guns in those countries.

          quote————These studies have been dis-proven and discredited by actual fact from the current DOJ crime reporting research and qualified researchers free of the “special interest gun-control” entities behind that false research you want to keep citing.————quote

          More of your rectum gas as none of these studies by “Law Enforcement” have been discredited. Its just you making wild statements of “I will not believe anything that runs counter to my political far right propaganda”.

          And no the DOJ did not discredit the two Chicago studies or discredit law enforcement tracings of guns used in crimes. That is your right wing ranting’s, and tearing your hair out while you scream it from your roof top. “Do not confuse me with the facts, I have already made up my mind”.

      • To Walt

        Forgot to mention Hitler hated abortions and outlawed them just like you want to do. Yes he was your kind of Hero.

        • Yet Hitler forced abortions of children almost at full term (and then murdered them) for anyone that wasn’t Aryan that fell under his domination which was pregnant.

          Why do you love Hitler so much?

      • Apparently you just visit Dacian at his “Flea Market & Imaginarium” booth. Oh, don’t forget, if you miss Dacian at the flea market, he also has outlets at bars and advertises in newspaper ads and on internet chat rooms.

      • Rookie if you think I am bullshitting you just come to Ohio, its the capital of i gun sales to nut cases and criminals in the U.S. There are thousands of them sold at flea markets all over the state. All you need is the cash and a wink and a nod.

        • “Rookie if you think I am bullshitting you just come to Ohio, its the capital of i gun sales to nut cases and criminals in the U.S. There are thousands of them sold at flea markets all over the state. All you need is the cash and a wink and a nod.”

          So let me get this straight; You think guns sold for cash in personal sales to individuals at flea markets is the sale of a gun to a criminal or a nut case.

          You are aware that the ATF does not consider flea markets as gun shows, and that non-FFL individuals are free to sale their own personal guns at flea markets or elsewhere and its called personal sales and its no different than anything else personal property a person might sale at a flea market, right?

          Sure, most guns in personal sales are for cash, and sometimes there may be a wink and a nod too because some times people wink and nod.

          It is so wonderful you have made it so much easier for law enforcement, all they need to do is have you point out people that are paying cash for a gun at a flea market with a wink and a nod. Congratulations, you have done something that no government in the world has ever been able to do.

          Woooo boy you are really constipated with crazy.

          Its a flea market you idiot, no one needs to wink and nod to pay cash for someones personal gun property because its perfectly legal to do. You have zero knowledge that any one who pays cash for a gun with a wink and a nod at a flea market is a criminal or nut case.

          Ohio prohibits the selling, lending, giving, or furnishing of a gun to a person prohibited by law of having one (as well as the possession of a gun with the intent to dispose of it in violation of one or more of these referenced acts), the state does not require a federal background check for the purchaser in a private transfer. A private transfer is a personal sale of personal gun property

          Of course there are thousands of them sold all over the state, for cash. there are thousands of vehicles sold all over the state for cash. there are thousands of lots of things sold all over the state for cash. Its a persons personal property, and as long as they do not knowingly sale to a prohibited person its perfectly legal even at a flea market. It does not mean they are being sold to criminals and nut cases for cash with a wink and a nod.

          When I buy a gun from another person I pay cash too ’cause people like cash for selling anything personal property they might have for sale, and I have not broken any laws. I think I may have winked or nodded a few times while doing it too, but I don’t track such things. But according to you if I pay cash with a wink and a nod I’m a criminal or a nut case especially if I buy it at a flea market.

          let me posit and alternative explanation to you – that is, that you are the only nut case involved in this imaginary scenario you have created by embellishing the truth beyond reason.

          Look, no gun owners are out to get you, no one at a flea market is out to get you, not everything sold for cash is going to a criminal or nut case even if there is a wink and a nod. According to FBI stats, in the entire country less than 1% of all the guns in possession of criminals are gotten from other individuals through on-on-one sales – that is not a lot of winking and nodding going on even in Ohio flea markets.

          Seriously, no one with a any brains at all is going to bother to set up a booth at a flea market to cater to criminals and nut cases. They don’t need to go to all that trouble, if they want to sell a gun they just need to let it be known – they don’t set up booths at flea markets to cater to criminals and nut cases who pay cash with a wink and a nod. Someone might set up a flea market booth to sell their own guns, and there may be a criminal and nut case come by and pay cash and maybe even wink and nod a little, but no one is going to make Ohio the capital of Flea Market gun sales for cash with winks and nods by doing that, its easier and less time consuming and safer to not do that.

        • Dacian, Seems you should know all about criminals. Being one and all. Socialists are nothing but thieves.

        • To Booger Brain

          quote————-You are aware that the ATF does not consider flea markets as gun shows,———quote

          Non Sequitur Moron the criminals and nut cases get their guns from them with no paperwork. Now what part of this do you not understand.

          quote—————So let me get this straight; You think guns sold for cash in personal sales to individuals at flea markets is the sale of a gun to a criminal or a nut case——quote

          Only a Moron or a nut case like yourself would argue otherwise. Law Enforcement as well as two separate Chicago studies proved it. Now what part of this do you not understand?????

          However a key finding is that “the illegal market is the most likely source” for these people to obtain a gun. “In fact, more than half the arrestees say it is easy to obtain guns illegally,” the report states. Responding to a question of how they obtained their most recent handgun, the arrestees answered as follows: 56% said they paid cash; 15% said it was a gift; 10% said they borrowed it; 8% said they traded for it; while 5% only said that they stole it

          quote—————According to FBI stats, in the entire country less than 1% of all the guns in possession of criminals are gotten from other individuals through on-on-one sales——-quote

          An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a
          firearm during their offense. Among these, more than
          half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the
          scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street
          or from the underground market (43%). Most of
          the remainder (25%) had obtained it from a family
          member or friend, or as a gift. Seven percent had
          purchased it under their own name from a licensed
          firearm dealer

          Guns Used in Crime – Bureau of Justice Statistics › content › pub › pdf › GUICPDF
          by MW Zawitz · Cited by 96 — Murder was the crime that most frequently in- volved firearms; 70% of the 24,526 murders in 1993 were committed with firearms. How do we know about

          Do the math Moron out of 24,526 murders since 56% were stolen that leaves 44% of 24,526 equals 10,791 murders from guns with no paperwork.

          Now again what part of this do you not understand??????

    • dacian the dim supporting Biden the Senile Moron and his illegal, unconstitutional gun ban. Who could have POSSIBLY predicted that????

      One clueless moron supporting an equally clueless, and now senile, moron. Nature truly causes birds of a feather to flock together. Now we just need MinorIQ to add his idiot rationale for supporting a gun ban, and we’ll have a whole flock of morons squawking their incoherent agreement to government overreach.

    • Dacian, quote: Boy that one was really over the top. The Republicans fought Johnson tooth nail and claw over the great society program.”
      You bet your sweet Maltese bippy we Conservative Republicans fought the Johnson “Great Society” nonsense tooth an nail. Did you know that there is MORE poverty now than there was when Johnson started his socialist debacle?

      quote———–The Food and Drug Administration is a log jam of bureaucracy.———quote

      Oh brilliant idea so just because its not perfect you want to do away with it. Tell me did you come up with this brilliant plan all by yourself or did you require assistance.

      In a Nation of 330 million people only a Moron like yourself would claim charity organizations have the funds to address a problem so huge even the Feds have not come up with adequate funds to address the problem. Not that we do not have the funds, its just that people like you would rather let the Republicans rob you of your tax dollars in the form of corporate subsidies and tax loop holes so they can steal the funds that are due to help the American people if we lived in a civilized society.

      Your socialist ideas don’t work. When you have something that doesn’t work, you get ride of it. It is a philosophy you can’t possible understand. You can’t fix what is so tied up in bureaucracy. There is a say about a government “program” once is starts it morphs into a perpetual boondlge that neve ends. Speaking of “morons”…

      As to your contention that the Republicans opposed the Interstate Highway System, some did, and some didn’t. Again, you Socialist keep trying to make everything about your so called socialist system v capitalism. The Interstate Highways are in perpetual disrepair because you Socialist have left our REAL infrastructure in disrepair to pay for your welfare programs which do nothing but perpetuate poverty. You people don’t understand the concept of personal initiative. That is what socialism robs people of. Communism is just another word for socialism.

      • to Lamp that went out in your head

        quote————-As to your contention that the Republicans opposed the Interstate Highway System, some did, and some didn’t. Again, you Socialist keep trying to make everything about your so called socialist system v capitalism. The Interstate Highways are in perpetual disrepair because you Socialist have left our REAL infrastructure in disrepair to pay for your welfare programs which do nothing but perpetuate poverty. You people don’t understand the concept of personal initiative. That is what socialism robs people of. Communism is just another word for socialism———–quote

        This is too easy. It has been Republicans that gave themselves 2 trillion in tax breaks and then said it was too expensive to fund for infrastructure repair. Where have you been during the Trump administration????

        And no, Mr. high school flunk out Communism is not Socialism. If you accused Socialist Western Europe of being communists they would laugh in your face.

        And just in this Sunday the average wage of the U.S. unskilled worker was a bit over $10.00 an hour while Norway a rabid Socialist country pays its workers a bit over $20.00 an hour for unskilled labor. As a matter of fact the U.S. came in last in unskilled workers wages proving that yes the U.S. is the shit hole of all the industrialized countries of the world.

        Yes give us all more Socialism in the U.S. its long overdue.

        Try again High School flunk out you just got scorched out.

        • Dacian, What is easy is debating with a wannabe know it all like you. It seems your education was sorely neglected in your school of Socialist dialectics.
          I don’t know where you get your information from but your ‘average wage” is based on the ENTRY level workers. Why should a person without any viable skills make the same money as someone who have the skills developed through education and/or experience? You make no sense at all.
          Sorry, but your mouthwash is not cutting it. Socialism is the prelude to Communism. You really ought to dust off your Communist Manifesto and read it again. IT appears you have forgotten quite a bit.
          We REAL AMERICANS will not let your creeping crud called socialism take away our rights and personal initiative. If you like paying lazy people who don’t want to work for a living, by all means deplete your own bank account, not ours.

        • dacian the dim,

          In the first instance, moron, you are replying to, and quoting, a comment from another poster, not me. But I wouldn’t expect you to be capable of keeping track of a little thing like who you are actually responding to – that would require a modicum of intellect, which you obviously lack.

          In the second instance, you disfunctional tool, I guaran-freakin’-tee you I have far more education than do you – both formal and informal. I notice you are always braying about how others “lack education”, and claim “educational credentials”, but are (as you are on almost ALL subjects) strangely reluctant to state specifics. So, tell us about all this magnificent “education” that you have (that we supposedly lack), troll.

          I’ll even make it easy for you, feces-brain: I have TWO undergraduate degrees, a Master’s, and a doctorate. Beat THAT, loudmouth, ignorant, useless troll.

          Your lack of intellect AND education is manifest in every comment you make. We are laughing AT you, dung-brain, not with you.

  5. This is what happens when you engage with lil’d. His mental illness takes over and he unleashes his inner nazi.

    • You can prove that he is misled with actual sources, and he’ll just refuse to believe it. One could have a more productive conversation with a brick.

      • Try me Dud Brain and since truth is on my side it will be easy to rip apart your far right Nazi ideology. Its a hallmark of the Far Right and you are its Nazi poster boy.

        • Diaian, actually Fascism and Nazism have their roots in Socialism. Google the name Giovani Gentile and you will find that he wrote Mussolini’s Manifesto and was a fav of your other buddy, Adolph Hitler. FACT. Gee, that makes Nazism and Fascism actually a LEFT wing political and economic philosophy. You Socialists tried to make it “right wing” when Adolph betrayed your other buddy, Joe Stalin and invaded your motherland.

        • “Try me Dud Brain and since truth is on my side”

          That’s hilarious! Do you suffer from memory loss? I’ve already done this multiple times. Here’s an example: you thought the super mega-corporations supported Republicans. I proved they overwhelmingly supported dems with listed sources. Then you said, yeah, well the health sector support Republicans. Then I proved that wrong. Just like you believe the lies from the TV doctors, you apparently believe the other lies you hear on those same networks that pushed the Russia Collusion lie for three plus years. In other news, propaganda still works.

          By the way, when I proved every single point about the big corporations having the dems in their back pocket, you refused to believe it. In other words, it’s pointless talking to you. I’m only commenting here for anyone else that might read this since you craft your own reality that syncs up with that bigoted mind of yours.

        • quote———— Just like you believe the lies from the TV doctors, you apparently believe the other lies you hear on those same networks that pushed the Russia Collusion lie for three plus years. In other news, propaganda still works.———–quote

          Dud Brain you are demented.

          You reject science and doctors who have studied diseases all their lives. What is next Dud Brain are you going to call for a complete right wing end to children’s school vaccinations against such dread diseases as polio, diphtheria, mumps, measles etc. Dud Brain it was vaccinations that eradicated such diseases not right wing herd immunity but then again what would the “unwashed” know about science and medicine. You are really wacked out, see a shrink.

          You reject global warming when the majority of all worldwide scientists proved it existed as far back as the 1940’s and it was irrefutable by 1972. Have you ever watched the movie “Soylent Green” that predicted what was coming today. Everything the movie forecasted came to be. Where were you living on another planet.

          quote————-By the way, when I proved every single point about the big corporations having the dems in their back pocket, you refused to believe it.——-quote

          Some time back another right wing moron like yourself made the same totally asinine statement and Minor 49er burned his ass good by providing proof that the majority of C.E.O.’s are rabid corrupt gangster criminal Republicans. Sorry try again you just made a complete liar and fool of yourself.

          quote—that bigoted mind of yours.——–quote

          That is a laugh YOUR one of the biggest liars, racists, bigots and xenophobes on this forum.. Yes a real poster boy for the Far Right and I mean YOUR so far right you have two right hands.

        • Dacian, there you go again.
          quote————-You are aware that the ATF does not consider flea markets as gun shows,———quote

          “Non Sequitur Moron the criminals and nut cases get their guns from them with no paperwork. Now what part of this do you not understand.”
          Im sorry imbecil, but the ATF does not consider a Flea Market a gun show. Maybe you have your signals crossed like Sleepy joe?

          quote—————So let me get this straight; You think guns sold for cash in personal sales to individuals at flea markets is the sale of a gun to a criminal or a nut case——quote

          Only a Moron or a nut case like yourself would argue otherwise. Law Enforcement as well as two separate Chicago studies proved it. Now what part of this do you not understand?????

          “However a key finding is that “the illegal market is the most likely source” for these people to obtain a gun. “In fact, more than half the arrestees say it is easy to obtain guns illegally,” the report states. Responding to a question of how they obtained their most recent handgun, the arrestees answered as follows: 56% said they paid cash; 15% said it was a gift; 10% said they borrowed it; 8% said they traded for it; while 5% only said that they stole it:

          Who is “they” You and your anti-Gun Radicals? What police consider a Flea Market a “gun show?” How about telling us all about those “Chicago studies?” PBS is hardly a reliable source. They have a well earned reputation for Leftist-Socialist propaganda. We have a few minutes; tell us all about those studies from your FIRST HAND information.

          Guns Used in Crime – Bureau of Justice Statistics › content › pub › pdf › GUICPDF
          by MW Zawitz · Cited by 96 — Murder was the crime that most frequently in- volved firearms; 70% of the 24,526 murders in 1993 were committed with firearms. How do we know about

          Do the math Moron out of 24,526 murders since 56% were stolen that leaves 44% of 24,526 equals 10,791 murders from guns with no paperwork.

          Now again what part of this do you not understand??????

          I understand this. A gun that has “no paperwork” can’t be documented as having been a LEGALLY OBTAINED firearm.
          Do you understand that? Or are you twisting stats to fit your racidal anti-gun agenda?
          Why is it you are so afraid of firearms?

      • To Herr Hauptman Dud Brain

        Hitler was misogynistic and so are you. A Hall Mark of the Far Right

        Hitler hated Communists and Liberals and so do you.

        Hitler hated minorities and refugees and so do you.

        Hitler hated workers unions and so do you

        Hitler hated gun control and so do you. Hitler actually relaxed the gun control laws passed under Bismarck.

        Hitler was a Xenophobe and because of it spent billions on the the military and you are as Xenophobe as well.

        Hitler privatized utility companies to screw the consumer and save more money for military spending and so do you.

        Hitler tried to take over the government with his beer hall putsch by force and you approved of Trumps beer hall putsch of Jan 6th and you love Herr Drumpf for it.

        Hitler destroyed the free press and the far tight like Dud Brain would do the same in the U.S. Dud Brains church is Fox News because like most of the far right he has never learned critical thinking or how to spot propaganda when he is hit with it.

        Yes the far right march lock step with Hitler and always have and that includes you Dud Brain you fool no one here on the forum we know what you are, an enemy of the U.S. and all of the freedoms we hold most dear to us. We will never let you and the Trumpite Nazi’s take over the government by force.

        • See. This is what happens. I don’t know if lil’d is a nazi because of his mental illness or he became mentally ill when he realized he was a nazi.

          He actually praised hitlers courage once. Sad, sick boy.

          But this is why I tell folks just to walk away from him. My version of a TTAG PSA.

        • Gee, Dacian, that is just what you socialist are trying to do with your socialist media censorship. Again, you give us that Hitler nonsense when it was you Socialist are you kindred spirits of the Nazis and Fascists. A free press is one where EVERYONE gets to give their opinion, not one where opposition is suppressed like you people do.

        • Even more insults with zero proof. You have no credibility on this site. You’re talking to some crazy stereotype in that bigoted brain of yours. I’ve asked you before to directly quote me so that I can respond to your accusations, and you never do. Gee, I wonder why…

  6. How much is the Puppet Joe Administration allocating to study the collapse of the nuclear family and the degradation of morals in this country? That’s the actual root cause of violent crime. Oh that’s right, he can’t because his party is too busy literally promoting those “features” in our society.

    • to Dud Brain

      How many times Dud Brain do we have to go over this?????

      You mention the destruction nuclear family. It was destroyed by the Republican Greed Mongers under Reagan that lowered tariffs to let in cheap foreign goods and it in turn destroyed the power of the Unions to pay off corrupt politicians so that trade barrier laws would not be lowered. This forced both husband and wife to take low paying jobs which destroyed the family and left children home alone to raise themselves.

      As far as Morals its is the Far Right that still teach their children to hate anyone else that has a different religion or is of a different race or has an opposing political belief. The evangelists are the biggest hypocrites in the U.S. and have actually done more to destroy religion because of their hypocrisy than any Atheist could ever have hoped to accomplish.

      And Dud Brain we now have had at least 4 generations of people who have never had a decent paying job. History has proven that in all countries that when people are dirt poor crime increases and even explodes. We now have such a wide gap between the ruling rich elite and the proletariat that its a wonder we have not had a Russian style Red revolution right here in the U.S. In fact its long overdue. The exact same conditions exist in the U.S. today that existed in the Capitalvanian society of the Czar of Russia. No wonder that more and more of the young are now voting Socialist as they have no choice if they want a decent future. Of course being a flunk out in history class this is all over your head.


      • “its is the Far Right that still teach their children to hate anyone else that has a different religion or is of a different race or has an opposing political belief”

        So by your own standards, you must be a card carrying member of the “Far Right” since you not only constantly hurl personal insults toward people with different political opinions, but you treat them as a stereotype instead of an individual. You constantly assume to know what I’m thinking because you’re listening to the stereotype in your bigoted mind instead of the person speaking to you. Actually, that doesn’t mean you’re a member of the “Far Right,” it means you’re accusing others for what you’re guilty of yourself.

        “lowered tariffs to let in cheap foreign goods”

        It’s interesting to see that you supported Trump’s policy of fair trade. The media and pols that were screaming their heads off about it were either making money off the status quo, or they were being manipulated by Chinese propaganda. The Chinese literally bragged about using people in the financial sector to lobby against fair trade.

        “4 generations of people who have never had a decent paying job”

        It’s crazy how every time the middle class begins to make more money, there’s a crisis that sets them back a decade, while simultaneously propelling the upper class ahead. Why is that? Things were going great for workers pre-Covid. We were breaking employment records, and beginning to get back to where we were pre-Great Recession. Then Big Government intervened and smacked us back down.

        You are correct that some of that has to do with the degradation of the nuclear family, but it isn’t the entire story. You’re conveniently ignoring the big LBJ welfare push that has helped to decimate the black family structure. This is an objective fact. “Social welfare programs ostensibly designed to help the black community have done little more than put the boot of government on the neck of black Americans.”

        The reason the dems don’t want to solve the problem within the black community is because they have no incentive to. The status quo is working great for the dem power structure. On the flip side, the majority of black voters aren’t demanding change because they continue to vote for Democrats. In other news, propaganda still works.

        Much can be said about the decline of morality. The long story short is that you don’t have to become a criminal just because you don’t make enough money. No average person has to resort to crime in order to survive here. You don’t have to have name brand clothing. You don’t have to have the latest phone and gadgets. These used to be luxury items. Corporations have convinced everyone that these are needs. People choose a life of crime because they want the easy way out. Anyone of any background can make it in America with hard work.

        Stealing and vandalism is wrong period. It doesn’t help the crime situation when pols and media literally apologized for and promoted(!) criminal behavior in 2020.

        • to Dud Brain
          quote————-So by your own standards, you must be a card carrying member of the “Far Right” since you not only constantly hurl personal insults toward people with different political opinions,———–quote

          Calling you out when you deliberately lie and distort the news is not being from the Far Right rather its exposing them for the hypocrites that they almost always are. “YOUR” a poster boy for far right lies. Notice I used “your” instead of “you are” just to piss you off because you think you are the grammar police so shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

          Quote———-It’s interesting to see that you supported Trump’s policy of fair trade. ———quote

          Dud brain you really made a fool of yourself over that statement. You proved you never bothered to see the ramifications of Trumps ill conceived idiotic trade war with China. Trump did not enlist the support of our Allies that would have put so much pressure on China that it could not have retaliated against the U.S. which it did which ended up only hurting the consumer that now has to pay the higher prices to cover Trumps higher tariffs against China. Trump also hurt the U.S. agricultural sector as well as the U.S. lobster fisherman and actually drove hundreds of both of them completely out of business as China was the chief buyer of U.S. lobsters and many agricultural products.

          And Dud Brain we are no longer living in the past but now have become dependent on goods that are now “only” made in China so we did not help the American people by providing new jobs because their jobs were eradicated years and even decades ago. Their companies no longer even exist except on paper because the Capitalvanians have moved their companies overseas. Again Dud Brain you know zero about world economies as well as U.S. economic history. Brother if you actually graduated from a university as you claim my old college professor would have told you “You shouldn’t have’.

          quote———–We were breaking employment records, and beginning to get back to where we were pre-Great Recession. Then Big Government intervened and smacked us back down.——-quote

          And Dud Brain again you proved you flunked history classes. Who the hell do you think brought us out of the ‘ Busch caused Great Recession” it was Obama a Black man that you hate with a passion. You know the Black President that did away with pre-existing conditions and Insurance caps that saved millions of lives and billions of dollars to the consumer.

          Dud Brain YOUR one of the greatest distorters of the truth and promoter of the “Trump lie” on the internet. The jobs YOUR bragging about were part time minimum wage jobs with zero benefits and that is why we are in the current situation of people quitting their jobs because its less expensive not to work than to work for the troglodyte slave wage jobs that the Republicans have been promoting for the last several decades by preventing job wage increases and a “livable wage” rather than a slave minimum wage.

          quote—————- You’re conveniently ignoring the big LBJ welfare push that has helped to decimate the black family structure. This is an objective fact————quote

          Dud Brain you are either an abject liar or a moron who flunked history classes. LBJ passed laws ending the blatant discrimination in hiring practices and housing and rent discrimination that prevented Blacks from getting high paying jobs and moving within driving distance to work. That increased the wealth of black families you racist moron. Go peddle your lies to the far right Morons who flunked history like you did. You no more have a college degree than Trump did as he bought his.

          quote———— People choose a life of crime because they want the easy way out. Anyone of any background can make it in America with hard work.————quote

          God almighty was fking racist you are. That statement is right out of the KKK dogma whom I am sure you are a star member. The old bullshit that work hard and you will be rich flies in the face of reality were workers wages have stagnated in the last 50 years while Corporate C.E.O.’s have had an increase in salaries of over 350 per cent higher than their workers who not only got nothing in raises but had benefits cut and had to face higher prices for products and services. Go peddle your bullshit to the unwashed far right morons.

          You must be a latent masochist and enjoy being made a fool of every time you try and peddle your laughable Right Wing lies which have been disproven so many times only the ignorant take any credence in such laughable propaganda.

        • What the heck. Here we go…

          small d said: “Calling you out when you deliberately lie and distort the news…”

          Call me out all you want. That’s fine, but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I specifically said that you’re always hurling personal insults. You’re completely changing the subject as usual.

          On trade with China, if it’s so bad, then why didn’t the Puppet Joe administration roll it back just like he immediately rolled back the other policies they didn’t like? They kept the tariffs in place.

          If the tariffs were so great for China, then why were they deploying their “old friends at the top” to fix the problem? China literally bragged about being able to control US policy in their favor until Trump was elected. Watch the below video for yourself.

          “Their companies no longer even exist except on paper because the Capitalvanians have moved their companies overseas.”

          So why don’t we incentivize them to move back here as well as never leave in the first place? I think we can agree on that policy.

          The cause of the Great Recession is completely irrelevant to the conversation. Like I said, the middle class as well as the lower, working class finally got a raise. We were almost to the point we were at prior to the Great Recession. Now, we’ve been economically smacked down so hard, it will take a miracle to get back to where we were decades ago.

          “This means that in the 16 years before the Trump presidency, incomes rose by about $1,500 while in less than three years, middle incomes have risen three times faster”

          small d said: “God almighty was fking racist you are. That statement is right out of the KKK dogma whom I am sure you are a star member. The old bullshit that work hard and you will be rich…”

          The statement I made: “People choose a life of crime because they want the easy way out. Anyone of any background can make it in America with hard work.”

          That has zero to do with race. You brought that up out of nowhere. It has to do with criminals not being moral people. It also has absolutely nothing to do with working hard and you will be rich. I never said that. You said that. I was basically saying that anyone can provide for themselves without resorting to a life of crime. That’s why I brought up wants and needs. Just because you’re poor or can’t afford something does not mean that you have to steal it. It’s a very basic concept that you’re completely ignoring.

          And once again we reach the end of this useless conversation. You routinely insult me, ignore what I’m saying, and you constantly change the subject to suit your very own crafted reality. I could have a more honest and productive conversation with a rock.

        • to Dud Brain

          Quote————-So why don’t we incentivize them to move back here as well as never leave in the first place? I think we can agree on that policy.————quote

          Because that is how the Capitalvanians become obscenely rich by using slave labor overseas to produce their products for them. They thumbed their noses at Trump. When Trump chastised the Carrier Company for moving jobs to Mexico the Carrier company laughed in his face. Just one of many examples of Trumps failures. And when a Republican President cannot convince the criminal prostitute Republicans to stop moving jobs overseas certainly no one can.

          quote————Call me out all you want. That’s fine, but that wasn’t what I was talking about———quote

          I enjoy calling you out for your constant racist rants and then see you try and lie and squirm your way out of it by screaming ” I am not racist just because I rant like one”

          quote————- I never said that. You said that. I was basically saying that anyone can provide for themselves without resorting to a life of crime. That’s why I brought up wants and needs.——quote

          Here is what you said you fking liar quote————You’re conveniently ignoring the big LBJ welfare push that has helped to decimate the black family structure.———quote

          And quote————–People choose a life of crime (meaning black people because that is what you were referencing in the previous mentioned paragraph) because they want the easy way out. Anyone of any background can make it in America with hard work.————-quote

          quote————-The cause of the Great Recession is completely irrelevant to the conversation———quote

          Oh cut the horse shit———–quote ——Things were going great for workers pre-Covid. We were breaking employment records, and beginning to get back to where we were pre-Great Recession. Then Big Government intervened and smacked us back down——quote

          I called out your lies on that one about who caused the great recession and who got us out of it. Admit the truth but you will not. And I proved you were a damn liar about jobs as well. Again admit the truth about the shit low paying minimum wage jobs that you bragged about. But you will not because you are a Trump mouth piece spreading his lies and bragging about how great he was and how happy every troglodyte worker slave was. If they were why do you think millions quite their jobs. Why do you think the workers finally revolted and we now have more strikes since we have had in decades as workers are fed up with their Republican Businessmen slave masters that have impoverished and enslaved them.

          Try again liar you made a fool of yourself.

          quote————-“This means that in the 16 years before the Trump presidency, incomes rose by about $1,500 while in less than three years, middle incomes have risen three times faster”——–quote

          No educated person is dumb enough to believe Trump propaganda as every study done on workers wages has shown they have stagnated and in many cases declined in the past 50 years. Unions were busted by Reagan and that affected not only union wages but depressed non-union wages because everyone’s wages were at one time based on the higher union wages. That’s simple economics 101 which you flunked.

          quote———–And once again we reach the end of this useless conversation.——–quote

          And once again I burned your ass on all the far right Trump propaganda which you continue to eat for breakfast, lunch and supper. Its been fun making a complete liar and fool out of you as usual. Again peddle your bullshit to the unwashed and stay out of meaningful conversations with people who have lived in the U.S. for the last 50 years. There is no way you can lie to us who again have lived through it all. Your a young punk who does not know what happened yesterday let alone 50 or more years ago you proved that with your ridiculous rants.

        • “People choose a life of crime (meaning black people because that is what you were referencing in the previous mentioned paragraph)”

          I didn’t read the rest of your unhinged, ignorant rant, but I’m setting the record straight here. You really need to work on your reading comprehension. We use paragraphs and topic sentences for a reason. Go back to the beginning of the conversation. I mentioned the decline of the family structure as well as a decline in morality. Those are two different topics. Within the family decline topic, we both agreed that shipping jobs overseas were a factor. I also brought up the destruction of the black family which declined very rapidly after LBJ’s Great Society. I gave you a link talking about that subject.

          Then I began a different paragraph in order to discuss the other factor in crime which is the decline of morality. It had absolutely nothing to do with race. Go back and read it. It was completely race neutral. There was no hidden meaning there. I wasn’t even thinking about race when I wrote it. It was a different topic. As usual, we have you making these outlandish assumptions about me.

          What’s very telling, however, is that race was the very first thing that YOU thought of. Once again, this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. You’re accusing me of something that YOU are guilty of. So if it’s a page out the KKK racist playbook, then that makes YOU the racist.

  7. to Clueless Walt

    quote————As we both know, it became a dictatorship of the Communist Party as it has in every country which “adopted” Communism.
    IN fact you are a socialist and an enemy of the US, the Constitution and the people who love their freedom. Commie is just another word for Socialist, “Comrade”———quote

    Like most of the ignorant far right you fail to understand the difference of an economic system and a political one. Now genius boy pay attention to this example. Pinochet of Chile was a rabid Capitalist but ran a dictatorship and murdered thousands of people so according to your cockeyed ignorance you then must admit all Capitalist Dictators are evil and all Capitalist economic systems should be abolished.

    And genius boy every civilized nation on earth is already Socialist including the U.S. except we do not yet have enough socialist programs for a cradle to grave security. I previously listed many of our Socialist programs that over time have become as American as apple pie and not considered Socialist programs by the ignorant far right and you are a poster boy for that by your previous rants against Socialism.

    • Pure unadulterated HORSE PUCKY. Each and every Socialist economy in the world is in the toilet including, all the countries of Europe. Even your fav, Sweden is in a bad way.
      For your edification the United States IS NOT a socialist country. Being the US hopefully we will never get cradle to grave ‘security” as it would rob us of whatever freedom we have left. I fully understand that the Socialist governments are trying to impose socialism and that is what is bankrupting them. Have a good day, Commie.

      • Your ignorance is appalling you know about as much about Europe as you do about rocket science which is zero.

        Germany is one of the richest countries in Europe and has been Socialist since the days of Bismarck in 1881.

        On average Western European states have a higher standard of living than that the shit hole of the industrialized countries “Capitalvania U.S.” They have longer life spans, higher retirement benefits, higher wages, lower crime rates, more affordable education and no one goes bankrupt over health care or dies like a dog in the streets because they cannot afford even old fashioned drugs like insulin for diabetics.

        When the great Racist Moron Fake45 said he would rather let in more white people from Denmark than Africans the Danish people laughed in his face. They said only a nut case would give up the cradle to grave security of Denmark for the all the mass killings and crime and blood in the streets while living in Capitalvania where also when you lose your job you lose everything.

        Try again Willie Walter of the Ozarks you just made a complete fool of yourself once again. Do something useful today fix that jalopy you have jacked up on on cement blocks.

        • Dacian, There you go with your moronic name calling. Germany may be one of the richest countries but what about Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, Greece, etc? LOL. Speaking of not know much about Europe, you like to “cherry pick” don’t you? Your knowledge of Europe couldn’t cover the bottom f a thimble.
          I’ve said this before, and I will say it again. If you don’t like living her ein the USA, Ill open a Go Fund Me page for you on the condition that you promise NEVER TO RETURN.
          Speaking of ractists, your founder of Planned Parenthood was a flaming racist and proponent of eugenics. As to Donald Trump, he was a better president than Obuma the Phony was by far. You see, Trump believes in AMERICA. You Socialists like Obuma the Phony want to make us into a European socialist country. No thanks We aren’t having it. NOT ON MY WATCH!
          AGAIN your racist prejudice is showing. Psst, I don’t live in the Ozarks, Speaking of doing something useful? Go back to school and get an education. I suggest you take the Constitution 101 course at Hillsdale College. It’s right up your alley. It’s free.

    • Dacian,
      How many Democrats does it take to solve a problem?
      Ans: No one Knows; it’s never happened.

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