GLOCK 19c in box (courtesy

Some will say that the first thing a Glock buyer should consider is not buying a Glock. Yes, well, while there are alternatives, Glock brand Glocks are simple, durable, reliable, accurate pistols that offer tremendous bang for the buck. M’kay? Here are three things a new-to-handguns buyer should consider before bringing home one of Gaston’s gats . . .

GLOCK size chart

1. Choose a size

All Glocks look and function the same, but they come in various sizes and calibers. To determine which model — or models — is best for you, first decide how you want to use it.

Home defense – It’s easier to shoot a handgun with a longer slide accurately than a shorter gun; the longer distance between the front and rear sight helps you aim. It’s easier to shoot a larger gun generally; it’s more secure in your hand.

GLOCKs on parade

If you’re not going to rock your Glock outside the home, buy a full-size gun: either a longslide (G17L, G24, G40 MOS) or “standard” Glock (G17, G22, G20, G21, G37, G31).

Carry – Unless you’re open carrying, you’ll want a Glock you can hide on your person. Restrict your Glock selection to a compact (G19, G23, G38, G32) or subcompact (G30, G33, G36, G42, G43).

Home defense and carry – Compact Glocks are the way to go for a dual purpose pistol. Choose from the G19, G23, G38 and G32. That said, “crossover” Glocks (G19x) with their full-sized frames (for a secure grip) and shorter slides are also a good choice — provided you can hide that big honking handle.

Fun! – Longslide or “standard” GLOCKs (G17L, G24, G40 MOS, G17, G22, G20, G21, G37, G31) are the most fun to shoot — because they’re the easiest to shoot.

NOTE: Some, maybe even most Glocks are too big for small-handed shooters. Try before you buy! While holding a Glock properly, make sure your entire first finger pad can rest on the trigger without the rest of the finger touching the gun.

2. Choose a caliber

All Glock variations within a given size range represent variations in caliber: the size of the cartridge (which includes the bullet) that the Glock stores, chambers and fires.

Glock sells big guns that fire small bullets (G17), small guns that fire big bullets (G36), big guns that fire big bullets (G20) and small guns that fire small bullets (G42).

The key to choosing a caliber: your ability to control the gun during and immediately after recoil (the “kick” as the gun fires).

There’s one general rule that’ll help you narrow down your selection: larger calibers (e.g., .40, .45, 10mm) are easiest to control in larger guns. The big guns’ extra mass and greater grip surface area help you “soak up” and control recoil.

Smaller rounds (eg., 9mm, .380) are easiest to control period, making them particularly suitable for carry guns.


NOTE: Larger caliber rounds (.40, .45, 10mm) are more destructive than smaller rounds (9mm, .380.) BUT shot placement is more important for self-defense than bullet size (big bullets that miss the target are worthless). Unless you’re willing to take the time and money to master a larger caliber Glock’s more powerful recoil, stick with smaller calibers (9mm, .380).

3. New or used?

A Glock is built like brick sh!t house. So you can save yourself a hundred dollars or more by buying a pre-owned Glock, without worrying overmuch about its performance or ongoing longevity.

Yes, there’s a chance any given Glock was abused to the point where it could malfunction, requiring replacement parts and/or repair. There are two ways to avoid those issues:

Buy from a reputable gun dealer – It’ll cost you more than a private sale but you’ll be buying from someone who knows the difference between a well-loved, rarely-fired Glock and one that’s been neglected or abused. And it’s good to buy from someone who stands behind the sale.

Inspect the gun yourself – Watch this video . . .

[NOTE: ALWAYS SAFETY CHECK A FIREARM BEFORE HANDLING. If you don’t know how to make sure a Glock is unloaded, learn that skill before you start the buying process. And don’t be afraid to ask someone to help you take it apart and put it back together.]

Glock is America’s favorite handgun. While other brands offer guns that are superior in some or many ways to a Glock, buying a Glock is a safe choice. Just make sure you buy the right size Glock in the right caliber for the right job — at the right price. Have fun and shoot safely!


  1. Rule 4. Look at a M&P before buying a Glock. Just as reliable and accurate, better grip angle and far more ergonomic

      • Not a Glock fan, not even a little. M&P quality control has gone downhill in recent years; the last two I bought had to be sent in for repair after first outing. M&P9 was throwing brass on top of my head, M&P22 threaded adapter was on so tight, I broke the crappy little “wrench” they included for that purpose. I now buy Sig, Colt, or CZ. Had a Springfield Armory XD-S 9 that was fine, too.

    • No, it’s not a ‘better’ grip angle, it’s a ‘different’ grip angle- a wholly subjective measure, I can tell you.

      But yes, try both and see which feels better.

      • I don’t know about the angle…..but the grip feel is better on most guns compared to a Glock…..if you have hands…

        Still – Glocks can be shot pretty well even if they don’t feel good. Maybe makes you think about your grip more.

        • so I fully recognize we generalize about the whole “grip angle” topic, but to me, the Glock angle is actually the first gun that felt natural in my hands….and I grew up shooting and carrying a 1911 and S&W revolvers until I got my first Glock in 1991. I have heard similar comments from others. And I still have and shoot my 1911s and revolvers

          FWIW-its kind of like the differences in Golf clubs or fishing poles….all of the quality ones will do the job well, it really boils down to what works best for you.

      • ‘More natural’, would be the best way to describe it. The 1911 grip angle of 18º, which most other non-Glocks followed, hits the sweet spot on the bell curve of human grip angles. The Glock grip angle of 22º is more open and requires that most shooters bend their wrists uncomfortably.

        P.S. The Glock trigger is garbage as well.

        • For me the problem has never really been the grip angle on the Glock. It’s more been the Glock ‘Hump’.

      • so much this. I bought an M&P Pro and wanted to love it. Unfortunately that mushy, longer than necessary trigger killed my accuracy for some reason. felt like I was pushing on a sponge. Bought a replacement trigger, not much better. ultimately sold it because I could personally shoot my glock much more accurately for 2/3 the cost. again, I WANTED to love it. trigger ended up being the deal breaker for me personally.

        • Ill admit the Gen 1 triggers leave a lot to be desired, but the 2.0’s are miles ahead. I am a full convert to M&P 2.0’s, the better trigger combined with the aggressive grip texture make them excellent shooters. Carry my mp9 2.0 compact regularly.

      • try the 2.0

        i agree that the original was trash. just like the original Ruger LCP trigger was trash and the LCP II is much much better.

    • And it’s made in America, however little Massachusetts counts these days. Only real flaw compared to the Glock is that trigger and sight replacement are far easier (Doable by the end user) on the Glock than an M&P (Worth getting an armorer to do it) and there’s more of an aftermarket. The only part that will matter to a beginner is the aftermarket 22 conversions, but with the money you save you can get an M&P22 and still come out ahead.

    • Grip angle is “better”? That’s just your opinion. I prefer the glock grip angle to all my other handguns. So millions of other people.

  2. You forgot the biggest thing about Glocks… the numbering system. It’s total nonsense except for that one thing.

  3. “Three Things to Consider Before You Buy A GLOCK: Guns for Beginners”

    1) Beretta M9 (too big you say? what kinda man says that. Miss? oh, well man up)
    2) Sig Sauer (anything, pick one, you can’t go wrong. don’t like the triggers? Wat? and you’re looking at a GLOCK????)
    3) Taurus / CZ – just in case you want something ‘exotic’ and potentially never get a holster that you really love.

    bonus: Make your own gun out of used car rims (from Cuba). in case you want something prettier than a GLOCK.

    • M9 heavy, fugly!
      SIG hate decocker, blocky
      Taurus not this old boy
      CZ nice guns, if a bit heavy

      M&Ps are good, especially the 2.0, not heavy, or fugly, no stupid decocker, and there is the Shield if you need small single stack.

      • I don’t (really) disagree with any of that, and I think the M&P is a good pistol. I am just not a huge fan of polymer, and I am stuck on wanting a hammer (not certain why).

        I don’t like polymer frames where you can see light [WHATSOEVER] in any gap between the slide and frame.

        I think the XDm series of Springfield is a really great one too, but they sh_t where they ate in their home state so. . .

    • 1. Beretta – Not bad, but if you’re into antiques, why not a Browning or 1911?
      2. Sig Sauer – “Hey! Let’s put this bore axis as high as physically possible.”
      3. Taurus – Do you really wanna trust you’re life to that?
      4. CZ – Goes nice with your Chai latte, neck scarf, skinny jeans and ankle boots, ya hipster douche bag.

    • I have a Sig P228 from 1995, have a S&W 9C and just bought a Glock 29 10MM…. I love shooting all of them. They all have things I like & don’t like about them….. Well except my Sig. “The best gun for the job is the one you have in your hand when needed”.

  4. This is actually a very simple and well written guide for newbie’s. Most of us the comments you will read her are from fanatics and know-it-alls, but every now and then, the internet needs something simple so that we can expand our base of gun enthusiasts

    • well said!

      I don’t teach a ton of students, but before they buy, I talk them through different action types and shoot what I have and send or take them to a range to try some various rentals.

      • I do end up teaching a lot of newbies.
        1. They seem to do better with Sigs due to less perceived recoil. It takes about two minutes and ten rounds to teach a decocker and why are we ignoring the P320?
        2. The VP9 has become the go-to beginner gun. In particular for small handed newbies has the grip can be made much thinner.
        3. M&P 2.0 isn’t the prior generation. It is *nice*! The 4″ compact is popular for a reason and the same with the shield.
        4. Glock is no longer economical. that is the M&P
        5. CZ P10C. If you haven’t fired one, why? Seriously, you have to be a major fanboy not to recommend this gun.

        The only thing I do not recommend for a beginner is an external safety nor a 40 S&W. 9mm, 45ACP, and in grip strength cases the 380 ACP. But not the G42, that thing is too small. I’m waiting for the M&P 380 EZ to be field tested, but that will be an awesome gun for older folk. Now I live in an area that skews older, so I would say a third of those I teach or see taught should consider the M&P 380 EZ.

        The right gun for someone with over five thousand rounds is not the right gun for a newbie. Heck, I didn’t really start practicing at the level I should until I bought a smooth shooting Sig. My glock now just sits in the safe. I won’t sell it, but it now has M&P, HK, and many Sig friends (and the old 1911, of course).


    ’cause we won’t let you, you GLOCK zombie you. Back! I say.

  6. Glocks are recommended for the same reason IBM computers were once recommended. Nobody ever got fired for recommending an IBM. However, IBM got complacent and other manufacturers made as good or better computers much cheaper and IBM branded computers disappeared.

    • I worked for IBM in server support for many years. Other brands were not better, or even as good, they were far cheaper. With the cost structure IBM had to maintain, it eventually became far cheaper to keep spare equipment on hand than pay IBM prices and maintenance costs. This accelerated when cloud based data storage and backup became more prevalent.

      Glock, who is just down the street from my old office, has cornered the Police market because they offer their products to that market at substantial discounts. They then use their market dominance there to sell into the general market at a higher price point.

      • I think he was referring to the ubiquitous nature of a known standard.

        Back in the IBM days, you might have gotten fired for recommending Amdahl or CDC or, god forbid, DEC if you couldn’t get your accounts closed at the end of the quarter.

        If you recommended, say Sig, and then they kept failing their tests… well, i guess if you are a government bureaucrat, you still can’t get fired 😉

    • I’d say it’s more like Fords. You can pick up a Glock from 5 years ago and it will still carry out the basic functions needed fine- it doesn’t get outdated in its basic role.

      Also, both rely on government contracts…

      • Ford does not depend on government contracts. In fact, they got rid of their defense business unit a long time ago (Ford Aerospace). The margins in government contracts are usually tiny and the compliance and documentstion burdens are huge.

        it’s a myth that defense contractors always make huge profits. often their profits are in the 10-14% range, although there are times when they can make high margins on certain contracts.

        Apple makes well above 40% margin and they don’t do defense contracting, although they will be a vendor to the government at commercial terms.

        Boeing makes way more margin on commercial jets than on military jets. Boeing is selling the new tanker at about cost, i assume just for the cash flow and the prospects of future upgrades.

  7. Intentionally buying a Glock is a bit like buying a silver Toyota Camry. Yeah, it’ll do everything you probably need, it’s reliable, and it’ll last a long time…But good god, why would you?

    • As the man said: “Some will say that the first thing a GLOCK buyer should consider is not buying a GLOCK.” I can agree with that sentiment. I learned how to shoot using a full size Glock (range gun). But when I bought my own, I bought something else. Nor am I tempted to buy one now.

    • Actually, the one good reason to buy a glock is because used, they are as good as new. And cheaper than a new equivalent.

      Keep a few hidden around the house 😉

    • Why would you? Because a Glock is the most proven striker fired gun on the planet that’s why. No other striker fired pistol has seen more real world use.

  8. Even if buy a Glock in the end you will be more satisfied with your choice if you consider alternatives before buying. So in that spirit I have the following choices;

    Home defense:

    APX FDE because it’s a Beretta.

    Hone Defense and carry

    Beretta APX standard or Sig P320 compact carry

    Carry only. M&P Shield.

    I have limited my suggestions to striker fired pistols or else I would have suggested some compact and pocket 1911 models. I also refrained from suggesting a Springfield product even though they do Glock better than Glock because some people would be triggered.

    • It’s okay to buy a Springfield on the used market, they don’t get any money out of it, but never buy a new one again. And get any replacement parts from some place like Powder River, not from Springfield.

      My XD-9 subcompact is a better Glock 19 than any Glock ever built.

    • Most retarded thing ever on a striker fired pistol = GRIP SAFETY. Just another part that can go wrong.

  9. Overall, a simple, basic article. One nitpick (other than a bunch of grammatical errors) is that, within reason, the slide length doesn’t matter too much for carry. It’s the length of the mag and grip that will cause printing. So, the advise about a crossover Glock with short slide and full sized grip is actually kind of backwards from a carry standpoint.

    • That depends a lot on how you carry. I carry iwb, and slide length means more than grip length.

      • It doesn’t though, he was talking about concealment. The grip is always harder to conceal. Not that I’d want to carry a long slide IWB or anything…

      • I carry IWB and I’m pretty average size (5′ 9″ / 170lb.). I’ve carried a 5″ 1911 IWB before. I never found the slide length to be an issue. The grip length did cause printing in some positions. But I found it printed less than many compacts (including the G19 I sold shortly thereafter), because the grips were thin and oval, so my shirts would slide over them. The thick square grips really caught my shirt. Also, snakeskin or chainlink textures on the MSH allow the shirt to flow even better.

        • I also carried a 1911 Government for many years, at the 4 o’clock position. The full length slide pressed into the top of my ass when I sat down or even just leaned back. Not only was this uncomfortable, but it tended to inch the gun out of holster. Keeping the full sized frame, but moving to a 4″ slide fixed this. I found the same thing when carrying the Glock 17 vs the 19, or 19X.
          I’m 6’2″, but people are built differently.

    • There’s not much in this world more satisfying than seeing someone make a grammar mistake while criticizing another’s grammar. Consider your petard hoisted.

  10. Glock G17 was the first gun I rented at the range. Then I tried a Springfield XDM and a Sig Sauer P320. I liked both of them better than the Glock, and shot them better.

    If you favor simplicity and ease of loading, you might like a revolver better. Most ranges will have the Ruger GP100 and the Smith and Wesson 686

  11. I own three pistols, my first buy was a G17. Out of the three, it is my least favorite but it sits next to me during the day because I know I can trust it with my life. It isn’t going to win any beauty contests, but it is very durable and accurate.

  12. I’m looking for a po-leece trade-in Glock 22 or 23 for home defense…CHEAP. Non-existent in these parts. Even the interwebz generally suck…oh well.

  13. If you buy a used one make sure the trigger hasn’t been worked on by a Bubba gunsmith. If you’re not qualified to check it yourself spend a few bucks to have a good ‘smith verify that it’s safe to use.

    This advice applies to all guns, but Glocks are just so common and plain that they seem to get most of the modifications.

  14. I hated glocks I thought they were ugly and felt like a bar of soap. I owned sig and berettas. Trying to find holsters mags, holster and sights became a chore. Everybody made their stuff for glocks first. Plus it was hard to find spare parts. When the gen 4 came out it felt much better to me than the 3. So I joined gssf and got my 19 gen 4. Now five years later I own 6 glocks I won half of them at matches. I sold everything else and will only own glocks from now on.

  15. Good basic article for potential buyers. The basic concept here on sizes and shooting/concealing them holds true for S&W, Springfield, CZ, Walther, Sig, etc although there are multiple “lines” available from some manufacturers.

    FWIW-Given the civilian market is NOT mandated to buy and use a Glock, and given the interest in Glock shooting events and considering there are other fine weapons in the same price range, the whole “cops use it so the public buys it” doesn’t seem to be the “end all be all” argument about why people buy Glocks. I am sure some do so because its a cops gun, just like people rushed out to by the Sig 320 (hahahahaha…don’t be a beta tester), but my real world experience doesn’t lead me to believe most make their decisions based upon “who else is using it”. It certainly isn’t something I have seen with the students I have taught.

    • Mas Ayoob has written that after a DGU it may be a little easier to defend against malicious prosecution if you’re using the same gun and ammo as what the police carry.

      In any case I think you’re right that newbs don’t often consider that angle. IME they’re more influenced by what their family or gun friends are already using.

      • I can see the same ammo but who cares what it came out of. I don’t think the Prosecutor will be claiming ill intent because you shot the guy with a CZ instead of a Glock.

  16. I used to own sigs and nothing else. Now I own 3 glocks and nothing else. The glocks always outperformed the sigs. Especially in accuracy and reliability. I’ll be buying another glock soon, a gen 5. Just can’t go wrong with being simple.

    • I am stunned by that insight.

      Not a fanboy of just any single brand.
      Oo, there’s a good TTAG topic:
      If you could only choose just one brand, what would it be?
      That (theoretically) would suck for some one like me.
      I love ’em all.
      ‘Cuz… guns!!!

      • I’d probably go with Ruger just because they have a super diverse and extensive product lineup.

        • And I would go with S&W, because they have ARs, AR-10s, my favorite type of pistol, and .22 ARs/M&Ps. Pistols are more important to me than rifles, and I don’t need a shotgun. If I did want a shotgun, I’d chose FN, and if I was rich, I’d pick Wilson Combat.

    • I was Sig all the way until I bought a Glock 19. Never had a pistol feel so natural as soon as I picked it up and started ringing steel out of the box. I’ll buy more, with a G40 teed up.

  17. I recently did extensive test shooting on the P320, G17, M&P9 M2, Beretta APX, Walther PPQ, and HK VP9

    The M&P has the least whip and most controllable recoil, by far

  18. Just try a bunch of handguns and buy the one you like the best. People talk shit on Glocks, but honestly it’s a great platform and a great gun for practical use. However, if you like the MP series or something else, just get it! Hell buy anything at this point. Gun supporters face too many exterior threats at this point to keep arguing amongst ourselves.

    • My strategy is a bit different. I just buy a bunch of different types of handguns and keep them all.

  19. Don’t listen to Sig paid shills. Glock is absolutely the best. Hard to argue with science.

    • Glock is the standard for striker fired pistols, not to be confused with the best There are pistols that exceed the standard and those that fall short.

      If John Moses Browning didn’t design it, then it cannot be the best.

    • “Hard to argue with science.”

      Subjective tastes are not science. Glocks are great, and so are M&Ps.

      Sigs, XDs, FNs, etc. are solid guns, too, although I would never buy one.

  20. “( Big bullets that miss their target are worthless)”

    (Any bullet that misses its target can be INCREDIBLY expensive, both financially and emotionally; accuracy matters). There, fixed it for you.

  21. no mention of the Glock 7 for those who need a gun that doesn’t show up on airport xray machines and costs more than you make in a month?

  22. Guns for beginners: when ask by a person unfamiliar with sidearms I recommend a double action revolver. In my opinion they are about as safe as can be, single actions have to be cocked, then uncocked if not fired, thats dangerous . Semi autos to me are for people with a little experience, there’s a lot going on to load and charge a semi auto pistol for inexperienced shooters. I’m amazed that more negligent discharges have not happened with Glocks no saftey system, to me the trigger saftey is the same as any firearm that’s cocked, don’t pull the trigger it won’t go off. Four rules and all that, accidents happen.

    • Give a new shooter a double action revolver and he will give up shooting. He won’t be able to hit anything and hs hand will be sore as hell. I don’t understand why people continue giving this advice.

      • I agree and don’t agree Tdiinva. A double action revolver would indeed be off putting perhaps for a first time shooter, as they do take practice to shoot well. If they didnt have the time or patience, a first time shooter would probably be inclined to shoot a doa revolver once and never again, particularly if its a hammerless airweight j frame. However, I’m firmly in the camp that if you can shoot a double action revolver well, you can shoot ANY handgun relatively well as a result. My favorite handgun of all time would have to be a K frame Model 10/64 in 38 special. Ive put tens of thousands of rounds through them and can instinctively stage and roll through the hammer break in double action as quick as any other trigger action, and easily shoot touching groups at 7 yards with them. I think the key is: get a double action revolver, but a good one, like a Gp100 or 686/mod 10. Not a pocket j frame with a 20lb trigger pull!

        • Interesting you bring up getting a good revolver, I was in Cabela’s to get some shotgun shells and I figured I’d take a look at the handguns they had (I don’t have a handgun yet). So I ask to see the Sercurity-9, then the person behind the counter ask if I’d like to handle some others, okay. I found that I can get a good grip on a Glock 29 which was something I wanted to know, how would my hand would fit the large frame Glocks. At the end I asked to see the Ruger LCRx 3″ .38 SPL, dry firing I found out what people mean when talking about a long trigger pull. But damn, I fell in love with that double action trigger pull and the SA pull was great too. Before that I was thinking I’d get a semi 9mm, but after pulling the trigger on that LCR I’m looking at getting a LCRx 3″.

  23. It depends on the new gun shopper. Are they going to become gunnies or do they just want that piece to store in the sock drawer in case of that once in a lifetime moment? For most of these folks I recommend a double action service size revolver.

    Not always, though. As an example I knew a couple that were retired. They moved semi rural and wanted a single gun that both could use with little training. The gun had to be usable for a variety of jobs in the hands of folks that had never used a gun before. For them I suggested a .22 rifle or a .410 shotgun. They both liked the Mossberg 500 youth model in .410. It worked and continues to work well for them.

    A knew shooter that shows an interest and likely will get more hands on with their gun? Glock 19 is a good place for them to start.

  24. I have a G43 for EDC and my night stand. Good gun and really not terrible to look at. Ill buy a Kimber for the segzy one day.

  25. Glock mags can exchange mags. Now my Glock 26 can take a the 10 rounder (G26), it can take a G17 mag even more rounds, it can take the G19 and even more rounds it can take a 33 rounder!.. Not only that it shoots in a Ruger 9mm carbine. Makes it pretty changeable. and alll glocks do the same with its own caliber… If gun fight and moving around you may even find more mags partially spent that fit it, just saying…

  26. This article is just wrong. Best gun for beginners are .22 caliber, like a Buckmark or a Single Six. You work your way up, like driving a Corolla before getting a Corvette.

    • i respectfully disagree.

      adults should learn on the gun they are going to use for self defense, or something similar. children are ok to start with a .22, but no grown-ass man or woman should start there,

  27. Tremendous bang for the buck?? They’re on the expensive side for a polymer framed handgun as far as I can tell.

  28. Glocks are NOT good bang for the buck anymore. They were back when they were being compared to all-metal guns. But there are new entries in the polymer gun market that are good, reliable, and some are cheaper.

    If you are a beginner, you at least need to check out Ruger Security 9 – it’s about 1/2 the price of a comparable Glock. The Security 9 is more than accurate enough for a beginner. you can probably buy a Security 9 AND a case of 1,000 rounds for the cost of a Glock. Those 1,000 rounds will advance your shooting considerably more than what marginal advantages a Glock might have over a Security 9.

      • i went out shopping for a different brand, and came home with a Ruger Security 9 and a Ruger EC9S for about the price one gun of the other brand i was looking at.

        after years of not having any 9mm in my stable, I just couldn’t pass up the price. and currently, 9 mm ammo is cheaper than .45 (which makes sense) or .380 (which doesn’t make sense). so i’ve been shooting a lot of cheap aluminum case 9mm out of my cheap rugers.

  29. Tamara Keel was the first to point out (in my recollection) that a longer slide and a shorter handle is better for concealed carry. A G17 slide on a G19 lower is a sought after handgun. It combines the long sight radius and the shorter grip with the benefit of slapping a larger magazine in it for increased capacity. Due to Glock standardizing magazines across calibers, users have the option to carry a short magazine in the weapon and larger capacity magazine as a backup.

    I concur. Though I am 6ft tall, I would argue that slide length is not an issue on concealed carry for most human beings. The issue that causes printing is the grip length.

    Just something to consider.

  30. I know I’m bragging but being an old dude I have accumulated a few pistols. But thats over many years. I have 2 Glocks and I like them and have some SAs and 2 S&Ws (old ones) but when I go to the range I usually take old revolver or Browning Hi-Power or 1911. Last gun I bought was a Star BM built in 1970s. And I bought it last year! Great gun. Young guys, realize you dont have to buy newest gun out there. Take your time collecting and look for bargains. Best place to look is your rich friend who has to have everything new and gets tired of it! Its a sprint not a race. Hopefully you younger guys will be able to collect for years to come, government withstanding.

  31. If the Consumer Protection agency had control over the sale of Handguns the Glock would never have been approved for sale ever. Too bad because a lot of innocent people got killed and crippled because of the Morons that invented this pistol and obviously the engineers that worked on it never owned or fired a handgun in their life nor carried one every day. I saw one video of a police officer off duty with his wife. He shifted a glock out of one pocket into his other coat pocket and naturally the idiot was not using a holster and the inevitable happened the trigger caught on a fold in his coat as he shoved it into his coat pocket and it went off and he shot himself and it was all on security video. There have been many instances of Cops accidentally shooting people in minor traffic stops with drawn Glock pistols. Yes they are actually that dangerous to handle.

    The Glock has one of the most dangerous and idiotic take down systems in the world and unfortunately because of its marketing success every manufacture tried to come up with one similar but few made one that was safe to use or take apart.

    The Glock takedown requires you to pull the trigger before the slide can come off and the slide has to be forward. If you forget just one time to check the chamber you end up either shooting yourself or someone in the vicinity of the gun. Contrast this with say a Beretta 92 that requires you to lock the slide back which would then eject from the chamber a forgotten live round in the chamber.

    The worst point in owning or handling the Glock is that when it has a loaded chamber it is no different than carrying a revolver with the hammer locked back the only difference is anyone can see the danger of a revolver with the hammer cocked back but what people cannot see they do not fear and most people these days have not a clue on how the Glock works which usually results in them accidentally shooting themselves or someone else with one. Even the Police have been know to have shot many people accidentally with this unsafely designed pistol. One lady cop was dumb enough to put one under her pillow and one night it went off. Also I could mention a page full of actually tragedies with Glock pistols going off when children grabbed them right out their parents holsters while they were actually wearing them or out of their purses. New York had so many accidental discharges with Glocks it told Glock to fix that damn unsafe pistol or they were dropping it. They only got a pistol with a slightly heavier trigger. Australia and several European countries told Glock if they did not put a manual safety on the gun it would not be importable into their countries. Strange how only the ignorant Hillbillies in the U.S. let Glock get away with marketing this pistol without a manual safety. A tragic mistake.

    Compare the Glock to other pistols like the Beretta 92 and its manual safety that can be left in the on position when loading or unloading it and ditto for the H&K P30 series of pistols. Both are extremely safe pistols to take down or even handle as compared to the glock that will fire off a round if you accidentally snag the trigger as it has no manual safety.

    The Glock also has a very weak ignition system and does not deserve the mythical praise of its being so reliable. I have tested 3 Glocks and all failed the ignition test when I deliberately seated a high primer in an empty case to see if the ignition system was strong enough to fire the primer off. It was not. But in testing over a dozen 9mm hammer fired guns of other makes all of them passed the test. I also tested a plasticky Walther P99 which being a pre-loaded striker fired system like the Glock also failed the high primer test. It seems as though pre-loaded striker fired pistols that are not full cocked like the Glock just do not cut the mustard. The new plasticky Sig pistol is different as its fully cocked inside so ignition should be better but I am wondering if it will be any near as powerful as the traditional hammer fired automatic.

    So what did my tests prove and should you worry. Yes you should worry because sometime pistols are required to function under extreme conditions. Owners of such pistols may let them get dirty or over lube them and to make matters worse leave them in a cold vehicle for long periods of time. When you have a weak ignition system its a crap shoot as to if the gun will fire off when needed. Most gun owners of course never operate their guns under extreme conditions nor because of the expense of ammo even shoot large numbers of rounds out of them so they are lulled into believing the “Glock invincibility myth” because they have never bother to do any testing themselves.

    Glock frames have also been known to crack as well. One fellow that left a Glock in his tool box in his truck found that due to the extremes of heat and cold his frame had cracked. Busting another myth that Glock and or other plasticky framed pistols are invincible with their plasticky frames.

    Very small .380 plasticky pistols that are direct blowbacks that have sudden and vicious recoil have also been know to crack right behind the trigger guard. There have been a lot of pictures from outraged owners on the net who have said some cracked after only shooting less than 200 rounds. Also high speed photo graphs of plasticky pistols often show the frames flexing to alarming degrees when the gun is fired. One high speed photo graph showed a glocks front dust cover flexing so much it actually was coming up and hitting the bottom of the barrel under recoil.

    Another problem with the Glock is that it will fire out of battery. My own testing with an empty case and the primer seated properly showed a small dent in the primer when the slide was not in full battery. A sensitive primer very well would have set the cartridge off and with the gun out of battery severe injury to the shooter would be possible and there have been plenty of pictures on the net showing glocks that blew up with both factory ammo and hand loads. Probably because they had been fired out of battery that could easily happen if the gun was extremely dirty or even worse with improperly hand loaded ammo but the most disconcerting were the Glocks that blew up with factory ammo.

    Combat handguns magazine a number of years ago detailed 3 pistols all chambered for the .40 S&W that blew up with factory ammo and they were a Ruger, a Glock and a Browning High Power which much later in time led to the discovery that is was not the pistols fault this time but rather the fault of the 40 S&W cartridge that at the time had been used with the 180 grain bullets that left no air space in the cartridge because at the time the ammo factories were loading it too hot. The result was that when a round suffered bullet set back going up the feed ramp it compressed the powder charge producing a detonation. Since these findings became known the ammo factories quietly scaled back the hot loadings in the 180 grain loads and everyone since that time has switched to the totally inferior 160 grain loads because of their higher velocities and the more probability that the higher velocities will give more consistent expansion when using soft point or hollow point bullets often incorrectly referred to as “expanding bullets” which was a slick marketing ploy on the minds of the average Jethro Bodine brainwashing him into believing the bullets will never fail to expand.

    As time has gone on many police departments have switched back to the ubiquitous 9×19 because with its lower recoil it gives police service pistols a much longer life span and lets most recruits because of the lower recoil shoot them more accurately and with a bonus of a higher magazine capacity. In other words the 40 S&W was and is the “worst of both worlds” with neither the large diameter of the .45 acp nor the easy recoil, high magazine capacity and flatter trajectory of the 9×19

    • LMAO! Well that’s about the largest slathering of nonsense I’ve read this week! There is nothing wrong with the Glock. It does exactly what it was invented to do, every single time. And that’s to fire a round when the trigger is pulled. Period.

      • Your reading comprehension would make Neanderthal Man look like a genius. A guy as dumb as you should not even be allowed to own a gun. Your not only an extreme danger to yourself but worse yet to other innocent people around you.

        • Boy that’s funny because I thought the exact same thing about you after reading your diatribe about how unsafe glocks are because they don’t have 24 manual safeties. Like I said, do yourself and those around you a favor, sell your guns and buy pepper spray, you’ll thank me later.

  32. I forgot to mention the fact that you can get a manual safety put on your unsafe glock that will not void the warranty and its called the Cominolli Manuel safety and 10 x will put it on for you very quickly usually the same day and no its not exactly cheap but how much is your life worth or a million dollar lawsuit if you accidentally shoot some with a glock that has no manual safety. I would never carry a glock without a manual safety on it.

    • Well I just carry a Steyr because they are the real quality Austrian gun maker. But seriously, anyone who carries one of these striker fired guns is a goddamn fool to keep one in the chamber at all. The Israeli’s do it, I suspect Americans can learn too.

  33. As I was told by an instructor, “You can learn to shoot a Glock or learn to shoot everything else”. His point was some people have difficulty adjusting after building up muscle memory with the Glock grip angle and sights to just about any other pistol.

    After owning a P30 and shooting Glocks and M&Ps I bought a CZ. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a Glock when I see all the gadgets and do-dads made for it, like carbine kits with 33 round magazines, but then I get one in my hand and I just can’t take it.

  34. The fourth thing to consider before you buy a Glock is a Smith-and-Wesson M&P 2.0. You’ll get a better gun than any Glock by far. Better ergonomics, better reliability, better price, a better trigger, better sights.. there are other guns out there too far better than your grandfather’s Glock.

    • quote————-Your grandfathers Glock—————Quote

      Good God I remember when they first hit the market so that makes me I guess a Great Grandfather. In all seriousness I feel much more comfortable carrying a H&K plasticky P30 or P30s (compact). Both have manual safeties as well as a visible hammer. You can also leave the safety on when you load or unload it making it light years more safe to handle than the suicide special Glock design. With the H&K P30 the slide must be pulled back to take it down unlike the Glock that helps you accidentally shoot yourself because the slide must be forward and you must pull the trigger. I guess Glock must have been founded by gun haters who wanted to kill off all their buyers to make gun owners become extinct. Just joking and lets not get the Conspiracy Fruit cakes anything to cream their jeans over.

      By the way my H&K guns all passed the high primer test proving how much more powerful their ignition systems are than the anemic Glock ignition system which failed the high primer tests.

      • If I were you, I’d stop blaming the Glock for your in ability to safely handle weapons. If you are too scared to handle a weapon that doesn’t have 16 safeties well then perhaps you ought to sell your guns. Oh and if high primers are something you frequently come across you should learn to reload too.

        • The real facts so I can educate complete Jethro Bodine Morons like you is that we had not one but two incidents in the same year where children grabbed their moms guns one out of her purse and blew her head off while she was shopping and he was only 2 years old and the other incident was by a big mouth pro gun pro carry Mom riding in her van when her toddler reached up behind her and grabbed her Glock out of its holster while it was on her and shot her in the back with a .45. Luckily she did survive. Or the Chicago cop who came home and while undressing his 4 year old snatched up his Glock and instantly shot her self in the head. I could go on and on in regards to how unsafe the Glock system really is but your intelligence level is no where near the level it would take for you to understand any of this. And by the way you idiot my primer tests were to test ignition systems not try and recommend anyone use reloaded ammo for self defense. If you had any reading comprehension at all you would have grasped the concept but again all this is way over your hill jack head.

          • Hahaha you have to use insults to get your point across speaks to the lack of intelligence on your part. Not to mention all of those cases were not the guns fault. It was negligence on the gun owner. See, real morons, like yourself, (not using insults, just pointing out facts) like to blame the weapon ie; the hardware for their lack of skill ie; software. In order to field strip an M&P you either have to push down the sear deactivation lever or PULL THE TRIGGER before you can pull the slide off the frame. Why does the m&p not get the hate the Glock gets? It’s because retards (ok insult) like yourself are scatterbrained part timers that don’t train, make mistakes, and then blame the weapon for their shortcomings. PERIOD. The Glock is not a weapon for amateurs. You are obviously an amateur.

        • Quote—————————————-See, real morons, like yourself, (not using insults, just pointing out facts) like to blame the weapon ie; the hardware for their lack of skill ie; software—————————quote——————-

          Even a stone age Neanderthal can grasp the concept of a machine being designed with safety systems in place to prevent accidents. Morons like yourself would scream that safety glass in automobiles is unnecessary or anti-lock breaks are a Communist conspiracy or that a pistol that requires you to lock back the slide for take down and has a manual safety that can be in the “on” postilion is not superior to a Glock which has none of these safety design features. And of course you would argue that you have never made a mistake handling a gun in your life and you never will because you are incapable of making a mistake. Yes its people like you that are not competent enough to even own a firearm.


          • Again, either you are just plain retarded, incompetent or just immensely ignorant. Actually I think it’s just mentally retarded. The Glock has 3 count them 1…2…3 safeties. All of which are disengaged with the pull of the trigger. Rather ingenious on glocks part. Maybe it’s just too complicated for a simpleton like yourself to grasp. If glocks suck so bad, why are they in the holsters of 65% of law enforcement? More so than any other pistol, by a wide margin. Why is it the preferred pistol of special forces? Those guys can have any weapons they want, yet 75th Rangers, delta, marine marsoc, seals etc etc, all pack some version of the Glock. I’m sure you know something those guys don’t, or could it be you’re just that much better than those guys? Hahahaha yeah….no. That’s definitely not it. Mr. amateur. The Glock is like any other weapon, keep your finger off the trigger and the gun won’t fire even a simpleton retard like yourself can understand that can’t you? Actually just out of curiosity, what is it that you carry? I’d really like to know the ultimate combat pistol we should be all packing.

        • quote——————Again, either you are just plain retarded, incompetent or just immensely ignorant. ——————–quote

          Now pay attention Jethro. Just because a gun is popular does not mean its the best or safest or most reliable weapon for the job. Over a dozen nations adopted the German Luger pistol just because they thought that since Germany used it therefore it was the best there was. They soon found out otherwise. Much the same can be said about the Glock as quite a few Police Departments at first jumped on the band wagon because of the Glocks initial popularity but since then have dropped it because of million dollar lawsuits over this unsafe pistol i.e. Cops shooting themselves and shooting innocent people in run of the mill traffic stops. Civilian deaths and injuries from this pistol fill books.

          And by the way Moron when the U.S. Military came to adopt a new pistol they “rejected the Glock” and chose a pistol the Sig 320 that is fully cocked internally for more reliable ignition as opposed to the partially cocked Glock. The U.S. Military also demanded a manual safety something that the Sig already had available to the general public from its very inception. The Glock had none and the U.S. Military knew how unsafe this pistol would be to new recruits, many who have never even owned or handled a pistol in their entire lives.

          The U.S. did much the same in 1911 when it told Browning to get a manual safety the hell on the pistol he wanted the Military to adopt that became known as the model of 1911.

          Safety is just plain common sense (something you totally lack) and does not change down through the years. Of course Jethro you would know none of this as you know nothing about history or the development of firearms and their safety features that have been invented down through the decades to prevent needless deaths and injuries. Going backward in time and doing away with them like Glock did resulted in the inevitable wounding and killing of many innocent people.

          And your quoting the Glock’s 3 safeties show that you understand absolutely nothing as to how the Glock “really works” and that it has been a total failure in preventing unwanted accidental maiming’s and killings because of accidental discharges. Here are just a few links discussing this unsafe pistol.


          Notice the pictures of the Glock trigger catching on the fold in the holster and setting it off. Now Jethero how can you lie your way out of this picture. One picture is worth a thousand of your outright lies about how safe the Glock is.

  35. It appears that every time the subject comes up on polymer handguns, it’s always, “M&Ps are as good as Glocks, grip angle on the Springfield is better than the Glock, and on and on. The point is, everything is compared to the Glock. Glock is obviously the benchmark for polymer pistols just as .45 ACP is the benchmark for calibres.

  36. IMHO Glock is the small block Chevrolet of the gun world. It just works every time. Not fancy, not new tech or advanced, but when the trigger is pulled it goes bang, every time. Parts are cheap, accessory’s abound. Replace the recoil/slide spring every 10 years and it’s good to go. Glock has the reliability on par with a revolver. Everyone should own at least one.

  37. I went with a Baikal 9mm (9×18) Makarov along time ago before the Clinton administration banned it. An inexpensive double action, reliable Russian hand gun. Power between a .380 & 9 mm, 8 round magazine, 1 in the chamber, more than enough for self defense and does everything from CCW, home defense to target practice.

  38. Glocks, IMHO, because:
    1. The magazines are the best thing since sliced bread! No finger prints rusted on. Larger mags fit all size version guns. Very rugged.
    2. Abundant holster choices.
    3. Abundant choices for aftermarket sights.
    4. You can easily maintain and even rebuild them with available spare parts from a multitude of sources. Whole companies dedicated to Glock factory parts and available modifications.
    5. Easiest take down and maintenance. Light weight. Never felt as ready to go with 1911’s or older S&W DA/SA piatols.
    6. If you’ve used one, you can use them in all versions.

    • I don’t need to lie about anything. Like you said the picture is worth a 1000 words. AGAIN, the Glock did what it was supposed to do. And it did it well. It fired when the trigger was pulled. What that picture really says is that the lardass that shot himself had poor holster care as that holster did not just happen to get like that on that day. That was many many days of his fat ass packing the gunnlike that and it finally caught up with him and he got what he deserved. If you think this was the glocks fault you really are as dumb as you sound. And your rebuttal about militaries dropping the Glock is nonsense. I was not referring to the regular army. Most of those guys can’t shoot worth a shit to begin with. I’m talking about guys who kill people for a living, the guys at the tip of the spear. They overwhelmingly choose Glock it’s a fact no matter how badly you don’t like it, you can’t argue. Quote” just because a gun is popular doesn’t mean it is the best or safest or most reliable weapon for the job” huh, 100s of agencies and military units would disagree with you! Across the world! The Glock is as safe as any modern fighting handgun. And it’s reliability record is the benchmark for modern pistol reliability. Dude give it up, nobody here is listening to a thing you’ve written. Oh and by the way don’t drop your sig 320 I’m sure you know why. So in my experience, I have found that anyone like yourself that is so vehemently opposed to something like the Glock, is because you are insecure about your own inability and your poor choice in weapons. You secretly want to buy a Glock but you’ve spent a third of your pathetic life touting against them. It’s ok, I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve had to eat crow. You still haven’t said what you carry. I’m thinking you don’t even bother to carry because you’re so afraid of shooting yourself. What state do you live in? If we are in the same state, I’ll give you some free lessons so you can carry a Glock in confidence like the rest of us who are trained do. Because let’s face it, nobody is paying attention to you here. Except maybe me and that’s only because I just can’t stand your absolute garbage you spew. Oh and by the way, I’m sure the real Cisco kid (world champion quick draw shooter) would throw up if he read your garbage.

      • Your stupidity surpasses anything known to modern man. You completely missed the point of the link showing the gun going off in the holster. The point you idiot, was that other more safer designed guns do not and cannot do this. For just one example of many, A Beretta 92 with the manual safety on would not go off when holstering it and even if the safety was in the off position its long hard double action pull would again warn the person holstering it that the trigger had caught on something long before it went off. Off course this is all over your very small Neanderthal brain as you continue to deny the truth and that is that the Glock is just like carrying a revolver around with the hammer cocked back. No sane person would do such a thing because “they can see the danger” while with the Glock they cannot see the danger and since they do not understand how a Glock works they end up shooting themselves with it.

        No amount of your lying will change the truth and that is more people shoot themselves with Glocks and copy cat guns that operate like the Glock than any other type of automatic pistol bar none. Its simply one of design mechanics devoid of time proven safety features such as a manual safety, a grip safety or a long hard double action pull none of which the unsafe Glock design has.

        What part of this do you not understand Jethro. A mechanical engineer you certainly proved you are not.

        • All you come up with is conjecture and bullshit. You just don’t want to accept there is nothing wrong with the weapon itself. You STILL haven’t answered my question about what you carry. And I’m sure it’s because like I said, you haven’t the slightest iota of skill and are afraid of shooting yourself. No the point of the link is, pay the fuck attention to what you’re doing and you won’t shoot yourself. Carrying a gun is not something to be lax about. It is a serious undertaking only for the serious. I’m a certified NRA instructor and you know what the first piece of course material is about manual safeties? DONT TRUST MANUAL SAFETIES!!!!!! So in something as basic as the basic pistol class, students are taught to not rely on safeties, the exact opposite that you are spewing here. Goodbye loser, you can’t even understand the most elementary rules of weapon safety which is a testament to your imbecile intelligence. Don’t bother responding because I won’t be reading it. You bore me.

      • to Jethro quote———————-All you come up with is conjecture and bullshit. You just don’t want to accept there is nothing wrong with the weapon itself—————-quote

        And also Quote———————-I’m a certified NRA instructor and you know what the first piece of course material is about manual safeties? ——————quote

        I fell sorry for the fools who attend any classes you give. I cannot believe you are certified in anything except pure stupidity when it comes to safety with firearms and your unwillingness to admit that a more safely designed gun does indeed save lives. Safeties were invented for a reason because they do save lives. As I said before Morons like you reject safety glass in automobiles and such things as anti-lock breaks.

        Weapon design is not conjecture and bullshit. Only a Neanderthal who is only used to using stone tools would make such an asinine statement or deny that they are a necessary mechanical device proven as long ago the early 1900’s i.e. grip safeties , manual safeties and magazine safeties. All have saved countless numbers of lives and to say you should not use them or ignore them only shouts to the world what an utterly incompetent fool you really are.

        Give up Jethro your out of your league. And only a fool would believe you ever instructed anyone except on how to accidentally shoot themselves.

  39. All guns are fit sensitive. That is why various brands differ. The grip of the Glock is NOT a defect, it is a feature. If that feature doesn’t fit YOUR hand buy another brand that does. Do not show your ignorance by bashing Glock.

    I have smaller hands and I competed in IPSC for years with a Colt 1911. I shot it well. Then I bought a police trade-in Glock for a great price. First time at the range doing quick double-taps, I brought the target back and saw 50 shots in a playing card size grouping between the nose and outer edge of the right eye. I said “Wow. This one fits you!”

    Since then, I have bought several and carry one every day. Glocks are totally reliable (unlike a finicky 1911), dependable (no safety to forget under pressure), and nearly wearproof. After YOU master it, the trigger is fine (it does wear in a bit). If you don’t like any feature, there are hundreds of accessories and parts available.

    Or, if you have really big hands, you can buy an HK for twice the price. hint: Spend the money on practice ammo that you actually shoot up.

  40. I have two Glocks, both Gen 5, a Glock 19 and a Glock 17. They are flawless from the first shot out of the box and after about 2,000 to 2,200 rounds in each. The comment about not seeing any light between slide and frame resonated with me though with the Glocks you can see light through several gaps. I also have an S&W M&P Shield 9 and it’s a reliable pistol as some commenters noted. Missing from the comments is anything about Kimber Micro 9 (is that a blasphemy to mention in reply to a Glock article?) – its aluminum frame and rosewood grips and small size make for a nice carry gun in 9 mm – a little snappy but reliable and comfortable. No one said anything about Walther; the PPQ is a nice double stack comparable to the Glock 19 and the PPS is a good pistol too. I have all these and have practiced with many rounds fired. The Glocks may be less glamorous than a Heckler & Koch, or a CZ, or various $1,000+ 1911s, yet the Glocks I would bet my life on for impeccable dependability. If that makes me a “Glock fan boy”, then I’ll wear the label with pride.

  41. Choosing a size as you said is a great idea to get me started in buying my first gun for my collection and I think a Glock 17 gen 5 fixed sight pistol might be a great size to start with. Since you also mentioned that I should choose a caliber, I thought of getting a 9mm because they’re affordable. I’ll be sure to think if I should buy a new or used gun as you pointed out so that the store I will buy the gun from can offer me a good price.

  42. The thing about glock is for less than 600 dollars and they are tough they are reliable and they are great to carry. I have three different full size glocks in varying calibers, I also have a 1911,an m9 and a cz75 along with a host of revolvers from little to big. But with the glock they are well priced and tough they are to pistols what the ak 47 is to rifles rough tough and gets the job done.

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