oleg volk holsters
Oleg Volk photo. Used with permission. blog.olegvolk.net

My Saturday morning trip to the local Walmart yesterday almost felt like I was on the set of a dystopian movie. At least it wasn’t as bad as mid-day Thursday, when aisles loaded with frazzled shoppers looking for sold-out items made for a tension-filled experience.

As Tire and Lube Express changed my oil and rotated tires this morning, I surveyed the damage left by the plague throngs of shoppers from the previous couple of days.  Frankly, I’d hoped the shelves had been restocked. They had not. Instead, they were more barren than earlier in the week.

With practically nobody there at the early hour, I had a chance to snap a couple of photos.

All paper products had been stripped from the shelves. (Image by John Boch)
Italian dishes must be very popular with folks planning to stay home. (Photo by John Boch)
Canned veggies wouldn’t survive the rest of the day on that shelf. (Image by John Boch)

While I carry my safety rescue tool(s) everyday, I know more than a few of my fellow CCW license-holders who do not. I would gently encourage them to revisit their personal defense plan under current circumstances.

After all, we know how desperate people do desperate, irrational things.

And it’s not just here in America, either.

With that in mind, it’s time for wise and prudent people to tool up for self-defense. This is a good opportunity to load business magazines with business loads. For now, practice ammo goes into storage for another day as we minimize our exposure to other people.

Are we likely to need any of these self-defense guns and loaded magazines? Probably not. Thankfully.

But as General George Armstrong Custer would have said, if we do need them, we’ll likely need them very badly.

General George Custer. Image via Wikipedia.

Don’t be like General Custer and leave your best tools at home. It’s a good idea to practice self isolation and social distancing, both for your own health and that of everyone else. But if you do have to venture out, don’t leave your gat at home because it’s just a “routine” outing and you aren’t accustomed to toting that extra bit of weight on your hip.


  1. Might want to update your reference to the Georgia incident. It wasn’t caused over bottled water per the local police statement.

    • They have yet to get the memo of closing down under in Australia, it was in the same telegraph as to drive on the RIGHT side of the road.
      Years ago I served with one of the heirs to their family wealth. I asked him why he was on active duty. He was very laid back, great guy to work with. He said, “Everyone one needs a hobby.” I was :O LOL.

    • It’s a grocery store there, not the same as the Woolworth’s cheapo variety place that used to be in the USA. Australia also has Safeway (same as the Safeway that used to be in the USA).

        • Aha. Safeway vanished in my state sometime in the 1980’s, I didn’t know they still existed in other states.

  2. Of course, going to Walmart just means you might have to use it since every lowlife in the US shops there. I stopped when the CEO attacked the Second Amendment. Don’t miss it at all. In fact, went in there with my girlfriend (I didn’t buy anything) and looked around and was honestly thankful I don’t go there anymore.

    Part of carrying is being smart enough to stay away from trouble spots. Walmart would be truthfully described as a trouble spot. How many times are police called to Walmarts? Simply not worth it, especially when the CEO attacks our rights. I hope he knows, barring an apology and about face, that Walmart lost at 35+ years of my shopping dollars. The other stores and websites are more than happy about that.

  3. I went to the walmart in Somerset Pa last night around midnight they were in bad shape. Their were a few ppl there who seemed to be picking over the bones. I was able to get most of my list but obviously no TP or paper towels.
    Earlier in the day I was at my local DG and they were all out of Tp and anything like lysol spray or wipes. The truck came with some TP and ppl were taking the entire cases that the tp is shipped in off the carts as they were coming in.
    Luckily about two weeks ago I had figured it would come to this and stocked up.
    Anyone who cant find cleaners get a spray bottle and some white vinegar it’s a good cleaner. My wife uses a blend of hydrogen peroxide and oils for a bathroom and kitchen cleaner but the hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alchohol was completely wiped out.
    I was laughing to myself all through the store no one touched the flour, yeast, and baking powder. Their was still dehydrated and condensed milk. I strolled over to the outdoor aisle didnt even look at ammo but alot of the containers for storing water were gone as well as the freeze dried foods.

    • White vinegar is disappearing now too, Dollar Tree had some and some salt which can be used as a cleaner too(not a disinfectant). We have pet reptiles due to my daughter’s allergies. Her allergies also prevent the reptiles from having natural bedding, so we use Paper towel. The wife keeps a good stock of those but since people will continue to panic, I went to GFS and purchased a case of towel rolls.

      Unfortunately I had to go places this weekend, I am gladly done for a few weeks(except getting gas). I have been carrying a 3rd magazine because my wife witnessed a fat lady with a cart full, trying to bully an old man over 2 cans of soup, store management threatened to kick her out before things became hostile. Warning: this is coming to a store near you.

      • Yea ppl are getting crazy my buddy in Lawndale Ca texted me just a few minutes ago saying it was crazy out there hes gonna call me later I’m curious and anxious to hear what he has to say. My in laws are going to aldi’s and walmart after the late service and I’m really curious to see if it was any better. I know everyone around here seems to shop after church on sundays it’s the worst time to go other then snap shopping days.

        • Was just at the local supermarket was pleasantly surprised they were rationing water paper towels and tp so there were about 20 of everything in stock no price gouging either. The people were your typical Sunday morning bunch just wondering around with lists of stuff to buy no hurry or anxiety around, needless to say I took a deep breath and was happy.

    • Pasta and sauce are popular because they can be stored for a long time without refrigeration and make a bulk meal. With a pound of mince, a pound of pasta and a bottle of sauce, it is possible to feed a family for a night or two or for a single person for a week.

      As long as there is electricity and drinkable water available I could last about two months with what I have available in the pantry and freezer.

      • I live on macaroni, so prepping for me is easy. Few cups of cheese, some Alfredo sauce, and some pasta, boom! meal!

    • White vinegar is a good cleaner – I use it on my little egg cooker as per the device’s instructions.

      However, white vinegar is *not* effective against the coronavirus. You need a decent commercial or industrial disinfectant spray for that.

      And good luck finding one. Amazon is out of everything, too. I did see some disinfectant spray in a convenience store last night. I think I may go back today and pick it up.

    • Per CDC for disinfection: 1/3 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water. People go WAY overboard with the bleach usually. Then what you get are people with asthma or COPD having flare-ups. Plus, you get burning eyes and inflamed sinuses.

  4. i’m thinking the first sign of Wuhan flu is an overriding need to have cases of toilet paper.

  5. I’ve got a month long stockpile, so I didn’t bothering panic buying. If it lasts longer then that I’m also pretty fat, so that’ll come in handy. I won’t be too sad to trim down a bit.

    • 🙂 Ron,

      Good on ya. My wife has been reading quite a lot about extended fasting. Keep your electrolytes balanced and it is remarkably effective.

      • I’ve been “intermittent fasting” for years. Have a normal dinner Friday evening, then no food until Saturday evening. Hence a full 24-hr fast, and it’ll cut out at least 1000 calories from your intake. The human body doesn’t react and go into “starving mode” until at least 36-48 hrs without food, anyway. An additional benefit to this short-term style of fasting is that it keeps your GI tract moving…as your stomach clears itself of Friday’s dinner by late Saturday morning, it continues to make its normal levels of acid, which then follows the food down your pipes and induces you to make an extra trip or two to the bathroom.

        If this is the only change made to your diet, then the straight math would lead to a natural loss of 15 lbs over the next year (1000 cal * 52 weeks / 3500 cal per lb = 14.9 lbs).

    • “If it lasts longer then that I’m also pretty fat, so that’ll come in handy.”

      Nah, the fat ones bitch the loudest about the hunger pangs.

      That will make you more annoying to hang around with while starving.

      Hell, come to think of it, the thin ones may choose to do a ‘Donner Pass Winter Feast’ on the fat one bitching the loudest.

      A ‘Two birds with one stone’ kinda thing…

      *Burp* 😉

  6. Barnes and Noble has a sale on TP alternative…no limit…………book titled Hillary Rodham Clinton…$0.98 for about 200 pages.

  7. My local Wally World is pretty picked over, too. The thing that makes laugh my butt off, though, is what’s still in stock vs. what isn’t. There was literally one package of baloney left (and only a few packages of other stuff) in the lunch meat aisle, but the fresh meat section was full with beef, pork, etc.

    And don’t even get me started on the folks who panic bought dried beans. Good stuff, if you actually intend to cook with them. But I’m betting most of those beans are going to be sitting in their pantry 3 years from now, untouched.

    • I learned that lesson a decade ago. As I rotated through my food stocks and pulled out rice/beans/noodles that were reaching expiry, I found that I didn’t really like them that much. My logic (when originally purchasing all the bulk staple foods) was “well, in a SHTF situation I’ll be glad for any food, so I won’t care”, but unless you want to waste it as you FIFO cycle your inventory, it’s much better to lean less on bland basics and include more foods you and your family will actually eat. This way, you can cycle out foods from your storage and consume them without wasting money.

      • The secret to rice and beans is seasoning. I have hundreds of different brands of seasoning packets. In different flavors. Since they are sealed. They remain viable for years. I recently used some that were 3 years old and tasted fine. Most people when caching food forget this one simple but effective staple.

        • Agreed, which is why I didn’t recommend staying away from those staples, but adjusting stockpiles so that they’re not *only* rice/beans/noodles. A more balanced inventory will keep the wife/fam/kids happier when you need to use it.

          A sidenote about food storage…if you eat one type of diet, but your emergency stores consist of another, your stomach/GI may have a fun time adjusting to it. Your family might appreciate some Beano or Tums in addition to the MREs and beans. Just sayin’.

        • @I Haz A Question: Growing up in a household that was poor to the point most people Today can’t relate. I learned many of the things people today are just figuring out. Cache all essentials. Especially the art of canning and food preservation. Lessons learned from a father and grand parents who lived through The Depression. Never assume in times of plenty it will always be there. An Old Saying in those days was Butter and Bullets. Food for when you need it and Bullets to get more or protect same. I sense you are near to the same age bracket based on your common sense approach to life. A value and art lost on so many of today’s folks.

        • I grew up in the ’80s. Nearly all my peers (friends, relatives, neighbors) do not prep. My generation heard about such things from our grandparents, but likely didn’t see our own parents practice such habits.

        • *Bingo*. No waste.

          If a person claiming to be ‘hungry’ turns down rice and beans, they weren’t hungry enough…

      • You can live quite well on a diet of beans and tortillas. Folks South of the border do it all the time. Personally, my favorites are black beans and red beans both with rice. The secret is seasoning. Mexicans long ago learned how to flavor black beans so that they are a genuinely creditable mean. Same goes for Cajuns who really know how to make a great dish out of red beans and rice. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

  8. I tuned out of this article after the first comment about having his car serviced at Walmart. Why should I heed the comments of somebody who would trust those minimum wage untrained drones to put back a drain plug? And I agree with others, staying away from high risk areas is the very first thing you do when you ramp up your personal security. Use your local grocery store and support your local economy. My store has nice employees, some who call me by name, and stocked shelves. Mid-day the patrons tend to be retired folks with canes …. not a single drunk or tweaker.

    • I fully agree with supporting local stores and communities, but I myself was one of those “minimum wage drones” when I was working part-time in a major chain performing oil changes. It’s how I earned cash to put food in my fridge and gas in the car during my first couple of college years. I would say that most of the fellow employees I encountered in that automotive department weren’t drones. If anything, it was middle management that was inept.

  9. Probably the single best part of all this is that the older stuff that’s about to expire is gone and will be fresher very soon.

  10. As suggested in the article, I loaded up my range mags and added them to the EDC, in backpack or car. I usually carry 2 spares on me. Now it’s more. I only loaded them with range ammo, though. If I have need to use a 4th mag I am not going to care that it isn’t HP.

    • Geez. If you expect things to get bad enough that you’ll need 4+ mags of ammo just to get home, why bother even going out in the first place? Not every gang of thugs needs to be taken down in a hail of bullets. Here’s a good example, from Above The Law, back when Steven Seagal movies were actually good in the ’80s (before he got fat and started churning out three movies per month by the turn of the century):

      Go to the 0:45 mark


      • It would take four mags of decently penetrating ammo to take down Steven Seagal in his current state – there is no CNS, no central anything, everything is distributed over a very large mass.

        • I am not a “prepper”, but living 60 miles from town we have always kept a good supply of food, etc., because there is always a chance of snow in the winter, heat in the summer and who wants to drive an hour to pick up something for dinner?

  11. Will stores let people return all this inventory once the danger passes?
    I wouldn’t let them.

    • I read that Woolworth’s in Australia isn’t letting people return anything, and I totally agree. I usually keep about a month worth of stuff at a time and now is no different.

  12. Some of these Walmart and Costco paper products and sanitizers are showing up on Craigslist for ten times msrp. As I do for the backyard puppy mills “rehoming” animals for $1000, I flag those home product ads instantly. Normal hoarders are bad enough, but those who do it as a way of taking advantage of people’s fear are way worse. Kinda like ammo resellers in times of ammo droughts…. if this is you, get a life. Be nice.

    • I don’t like it when people do that, either, but that’s capitalism at work. If someone is willing to spend 10x the normal price, why would you get in the way of a sale between two other parties? If someone is willing to pay, that’s their decision. If you yourself don’t want to pay, then simply pass it up and move on.

      Remember when Hostess (temporarily) went out of business a few years ago, and the smart people cleared the stores of Twinkies to turn around and sell them for fat profits on Ebay? Buyers were willing to pay…up to a certain price point, anyway. Those sellers who priced their Twinkies too high – or waited too long until news was released that Hostess was being bought by another company to keep it afloat – couldn’t sell and missed out.

      Free market principles. A silver lining to this whole COVID-19 situation is that it’s teaching the entire nation to stock their shelves and become more prepared for future events. The time to buy is when demand (and prices) are low.

      • When FEAR motivates them even DEMS become PREPPERS…. really glad I always was. Didn’t have to buy anything…. BTW…. dried beans, peas, etc really don’t have an expiration date. I bag all mine with the vacuum packer and they’re just fine after 20 YEARS in storage… prep as usual, season to taste, enjoy!! Having an adequate supply of spices is the real secret.

  13. I went to the local Wallie World a couple of times in the last week, the first time I walked in during the worst of the panic buy (the wife wanted something stupid) and when I saw all the carts lined up for the registers I turned around and left. Went again yesterday to pick up a few perishables it looked like the pictures above but there was a normal amount of people in the store.

    Yes, I was tooled up both times, but except for now carrying a spare mag that is just the norm. I think the behavior inside these places mostly reflects the neighborhood they are in. In the case of the store that is a couple of miles from my house, you get a better customer base than the one ten miles further down the highway in Marietta.

    • I agree the walmart in the city I grew up in puts my head on swivel instantly. On the other hand the one here in Somerset doesnt make me paranoid when I dont have the kids I’ll put my headphones on and jam out while I shop.

  14. Honestly WallyWorld didn’t seem any more dangerous than normal. In southern Cook County,ILL.It’s ALWAYS dicey! I was there Friday & got the last of the water. And baby wipes. Saw no bad behavior. Aldi was more frenetic. Gas was under $2😃. And last week added to my mountain of 223. I’m always prepared…

  15. ‘Member the good ol days when shoppers beat and assaulted each other for Starter jackets and Jordan’s? I ‘member.

    Gone from 1st world rioting over Cabbage Patch dolls and molest me Elmos to 3rd world water rioting in like two weeks. Good times.

  16. Canning, again, this weekend. Beef stew, lentil soup. 18 jars total. Did the same last weekend. Not for this Corona scare, just our usual practice. Canning is easy if you prepare well. Fun, also, if you enjoy cooking (which I do). Great family activity.

    Having home made food always ready makes busy weekdays simpler.

    Yes, I am armed while canning. 🙂

  17. There’s a shortage of TP because every time someone sneezes a thousand people crap their pants!

    • People have to be concerned with someone who is coughing.

      The virus causes a cough, a fever, a sore throat and breathing problems. Then it causes pneumonia and permanent lung damage. Antibiotics will not help them. If the person cannot fight it off they die. It’s said there is two strains and you can get them both, thus you can get infected twice.

      Obesity, smoking, drinking, bad diet, etc, reduces the survive ability of the infected. So those who didn’t take care of their health before the virus came around are more likely to get hit hard regardless of age.

  18. Was in a Sam’s Club yesterday. There were people taking photos of the bare concrete floors where all the cleaning products normally are. They are wiped out of all the stuff to wash clothes and dishes and floors and toilets and all that.

    All the big canned goods and sacks of beans and rice were gone. Lots of other canned goods wiped out too. Saw a guy had filled one of those big shopping carts with the large cans of fruit cocktail. That’s it, just fruit cocktail.

    Some refrigerated and frozen food were bought out. Not all, all the frozen pizzas, the breakfast bowls, milk and bulk cheese.

    All the shelves of sliced sandwich meats and cheese were empty.

    In pharmacy all the exam gloves are gone. All the cough drops, cold remedies too. Also all the diapers (baby and adult) and nearly all of the feminine hygiene products. All the bar soap was bought out, naturally all the hand sanitizer.

    I was there for just a few things and got them. There’s plenty of food in the store, heaps of most all the usual non-food products too. It’s just certain parts of the store that the panicked people are flocking too and wiping clean.

    Was amazed by people’s behaviors, never did understand panic. Never had any tolerance for such foolishness. But to see people treating the empty store spaces as a tourist moment, taking photos and posing their kids under the sign that says “LIMIT 2 PLEASE”, well it’d be hilarious to me if it weren’t so weird.

    Some people are fucking nuts out there.

    But at least we know they are wiping their butts and washing everything.

    So that’s a plus?

    • I had a similar experience at our local bulk store (like Costco, but smaller). Passed by both our local Walmart and usual Kroger because their parking lots were jammed full and indicated chaos inside. The bulk store was cleaned out of all the expected items, and the employees were unusually frazzled and short-tempered. I was able to get the *last* containers of a few items, then left the store to fill up on gas. I always have a bare minimum of a month’s food in the pantry, anyhow (aside from longer storage MREs in the basement), and I filled the cart over a week ago just before the panic buying began, when only the TP was starting to fly off the shelves.

      Farmers, processing plants, and truckers haven’t closed at this time, so food is still being produced and delivered, people. The COVID-19 doesn’t concern me…the “scarcity effect” buying psychology of the unwashed masses for the next several weeks does.

      I was considering shifting my grocery shopping to after 10:00pm to avoid the crowds, but both our Walmart and Kroger stores (which have the same hours) have indefinitely changed their hours from 6:00am – 12:00am to 8:00am – 8:00pm.

      • America’s governments are so stupid. They are allowing people to gather in the hundreds or thousands to fight over toilet paper.

        How does viruses spread? How is COVID-19 spreading?

        Why is the government allowing for people to line-up at stores? Why aren’t they organizing the situation to prevent the spread of the virus and to stop violence at the stores? Are they more worried about writing tickets and taking guns off the streets?

        People should not be allowed to bunch up in lines, they should limit how many people can enter the store at one time, their hands should be sanitized before allowed to shop… Maybe only take cards to decrease the touching of money or setup a system for physical money to be handled.

        • 3 hurricanes hit Florida in 2004 where I live.

          The stores had a good system, folks lined up outside, small groups were let in and instructed to get what they needed and check out. People were let in as people exited the store.

          No need to sanitize the shoppers on entry, the folks checking out and handling money can wear gloves…

        • China mostly only uses cards – no cash for almost anything anymore in China, I’ve read.

          Didn’t help them.

          These regulations every city is passing about not allowing groups of 250 or 500 or 1,000 – I have yet to see any scientific advice that those numbers are any better at reducing the spread than 5,000 people in one place.

          How many people are *on your street* when you walk around in a major city? How many have touched something you just touched?

          I wash my hands immediately on return from being out and about. I’m not too concerned about air droplets on the street – although there was a Chinese study where they put a coronavirus case on a bus with (presumably) healthy people, drove the bus a while, then tested for the virus. Several people were infected up to 4 meters away from the original infected person. The theory is that the warmer air in a bus enables the droplets to hang in the air longer rather than dropping to the ground as would occur in open air. But the advice to stay six feet away from people may be in error and should be twice or three times that.

          In any event, when I do my next grocery run, I’m not taking the bus. I can walk it and I will. At my age – I’m 71 today – I have an 8% chance of dying if I get this virus. People under 60 have a 2/10ths of one percent chance (unless they have respiratory or other serious problems already.)

  19. I tool up when I leave the house, and I home carry when I don’t.

    BTW, I picked up a copy of Ed Stack’s book, and a dozen rolls of TP for when that runs out.

  20. Tool Up?, obviously this writer does not live in Maryland (do to a job or other obligations),,,

  21. Can you imagine the credit card debt being racked up by these idiots. Here in Texas, the crazies from the cities that have already looted everything from their stores have been going to the small towns and panic buying up everything out and returning home. The locals that go to the store for their weekly grocery restock are finding stripped shelves. Finally they are putting limits on purchases which is easy to do when the shelves are empty. Living rural, the chickens are laying eggs, the hogs are coming in to the feeders and plenty of vegitables. Freeze dried foods as back up.

    • Since the ’94 Northridge earthquake and the aftermath pandemonium that ensued over the next couple of weeks, I’ve always kept at least several hundred dollars cash at the ready at all times. Since then, I’ve been prepared for any black swan events, such as extended power outages (debit/credit cards don’t work, cash only please) and panic scares.

    • The Europeans brought the pigs into the area for good reason. Free food is all over the place in Texas.

      • “Free food is all over the place in Texas.”

        Let me tell you a true story about a family in the Northeast US (rural Massachusetts, Franklin township, in this case) during the ‘Great Depression’ of about 1929-1938).

        It was the 1970s, and our family was at my grandparent’s home for Thanksgiving, a home my great-grandad built from wood he harvested and had milled from the forest on the land he owned. (A short aside – My cousin ended up inheriting that house, and when he went to renovate it, he had an expensive time doing it. The 100+ years-old well-seasoned and hard as a rock thick oak wood burned out a lot of saw blades he was trying to cut.)

        Anyways, there we were, my siblings and me, in my grandad’s den that smelled of pipe tobacco listening to him telling us what it was like during the great depression. A TV show, ‘The Waltons’ had just started. (Another aside – My grandpa had seen the show as well, and scoffed about the supposed ‘poor people’ that were portrayed, he said they were actually wealthy, owning a car back then).

        So, I asked him if he had hunted for game like grandpa Walton did in that show. He said the first 2 years or so game could be found, but after that, the woods had been stripped bare of game, except a few squirrels and birds. The game didn’t come back in meaningful numbers until the mid-1950s, he said. (I will be inheriting that Savage .270 and break-action shotgun of his when my dad passes in the not distant future.)

        Something to consider for those who may be planning to hunt and feed their family after a SHTF scenario goes down. So don’t count on those plentiful Texas feral hogs being there to eat when you may need them the most, OK? 🙂

    • “Living rural, the chickens are laying eggs, the hogs are coming in to the feeders…”

      And the *massive* grain bins on those farms are full of grains to feed those critters.

      In a true ‘SHTF’ scenario, teaming up with a rural farmer to guard those resources makes a whole lot of sense…

  22. I had to go to town La Junta on Friday and go to Pueblo yesterday. I noticed all the microwave food and canned food was pretty much gone. As well as the soda pop! These aren’t the foods twenty or thirty years a go. But then most people don’t know why the oven was put in their kitchen!

    • And Americans wonder why the Chinese started eating dogs… If the stores don’t stock up and people start to go hungry…

  23. My philosophy is that I carry a gun because I don’t expect anything bad to happen. If I did expect something I wouldn’t go there. Pro tip: Stay away from Walmart and grocery stories right now. If you haven’t prepped by now you are too late.

    • Will the Texas’ government allow open carry over the Toyota Corona?

      Probably about time to open carry a handgun so people know not to fight over toilet paper and drinks. Everyone thinks they can steal, push people around and beat them up.

  24. The fact that we’re still having these conversations shows a lot more about gun culture. Shows that most of these people are all talk. Why haven’t you been carrying every single day? There’s more reasons to do so than not to do so. “Muh job!” Yeah, your job for sure is more important than your life. You right.

    People are not all of a sudden being crazy, they’ve always been this way. The only difference is, now, they’re all congregating in grocery stores, gun stores, and liquor stores.

    • The people panicking are those scared of death. They’re the most dangerous. They will do anything to survive. A genuine believer doesn’t fear death, they will not sin for survival.

  25. The people here are well behaved and are not panicking. They simply put on their mask and continue with their regular routine. Yeah, they buy a little more stuff at the store, but they don’t get greedy and fight over stuff. They don’t greet people like those filthy Euros do. They are healthy and clean people. Outbreak here is only likely if the people from the surrounding areas comes around.

    However, the next city over has a different demographic and those people are starting to freak out. We have to interact with them because they go to the same big stores. The younger ones are in denial, maybe because they are pot smokers who realized they’re at higher risk due to all the joyful puffing.

    I am not worried because I know people around here got guns and ammo. Some even have ammo making machines and body armor. Of course they don’t talk about their stash. They will make noise, when necessary, in a different way.

    By the way, it’s a nice time to get the ladies into guns. They will see clearly now that the worst case scenario is playing out in-front of their eyes. You can’t do anything about the virus, you can’t kill it like you can kill humans. Everyone will be exposed at some point and your immune system is your only protection. On the other hand, you need to have the best physical protection against those large groups of humans who are turning into predators because of their mortality. If it does get as bad as Italy and China, Americans will go full on Katrina times two.

  26. I am of an age which, growing up not quite middle class and rurual, everybody had a pantry, canned, took game, and processed in season stuff in batches. It used to be part of “home economics.”

    Same whith carrying what it takes to get home, wherever you may go.

    I wonder these days, if the impulse to more urban, limited, dependent population, living in concrete file cabinets, eating prepared food they pick up day to day isn’t an expression of the impulse to control on the one hand, and the impulse to just be taken care of on the other.

    People in large cities don’t think about where their water comes from. If you wanna see them go right off the rails, work that into a “disaster” conversation. The denial is strong: apparently too much to contemplate.


    • If you’re willing to buy security the people offering it can’t provide … you deserve what you get.

  27. And here is a virus tracker map which is updated frequently. Set up by Johns Hopkins University.


    Warning: Do *not* use any other variant of this map on any other Web sites. It is being actively used by hackers to spread malware on malicious Web sites. Be careful of any Covid-19 maps intended to be used on mobile devices – they can spread ransomeware and lock up your phone.

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