TTAG Commentator Todd G writes: “Your post [Kiwitedferny Celebrates NZ’s “Piss-Off A Liberal Day” With Gratuitous Glocksmanship] reminded me of something that happened to me a month ago. I was traveling from Colorado Springs to Denver and made a few stops along the way. Had chosen to wear a nice “Team Glock” polo shirt. Throughout the day a dozen or more strangers would just walk up to me and strike up conversations. Chats starting with “Oh, cool” to “Oh, cr@p” and everything in between. People stared at me during dinner. One couple stopped at my table on their way out. He said how much he loved his Glock, and owed his life to it. When asked I would admit to just enjoying my G22 and buying the shirt ‘cause I liked it, but hey, if they want to think I’m on the team . . . Two takeaways: If you’re on the road and want to meet lots of interesting people wear a ‘Team Glock’ polo shirt. We’re winning.”


  1. Okay, I have to ask. A skew off topic. What actually did end up happening with the Glock Team after they were “re-organized”?

  2. Rented a G19 for a two day class. Hate the grip angle and lost the skin on my right middle finger knuckle. Plan to check out an M&P…

    • And that’s how I became a M&P fanboi I still have a Glock tho its like that girl you date but you don’t want anyone to know your dating her.

    • I had to switch over from a Glock to a M&P because it cut me on the web of my hand (too fleshy of a web I guess). I am really happy I did, the M&P is just more comfortable and has a beavertail that will protect my hand.

      How did you get cut on the middle finger?

      • I handled a couple of Glock 17s a few days ago, a Gen. 3 and 4. I didn’t care for the grip angle of the Gen. 3, either (I almost felt like it wanted me to point it sideways), but I liked the Gen. 4 much better.

  3. I was an S&W fan some 20 years ago and it never really faded. I don’t have giant frying pan hands so the oval design on the grips on S&W, or Barretta seemed to just fit me better. I also always liked the thumb safety. I guess I got that from the 1911 I shot for so long. It is just there and you get used to it. The M&P also is available without which is cool to, so you can have it your way! I am in no way saying Glock is bad. They are very well made, but from an ergonomic stand point, S&W is just better for me. Plus the Made in the USA on the side just gets me a little misty eyed now and again. 🙂

  4. lady smith and wesson. Made for the women. they need that pinky fiengr. Man up man you can handle a gun without your pinky fiengr. Especially the pistol M P man I reckon you can handle it without the pinky. Other than that, Id like to see more close ups of the actual gun rather than lookin at your cheat sheet. I can got to your website to look at that I dont wanna see that. Show the gun. Other than that man, fantastic video, keep makin em. I know I criticize but i do delight in them.

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