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Tom Knapp, R.I.P.

Robert Farago - comments No comments

I wish Tom Knapp had incorporated bicycle riding into his trick shooting routines before he shuffled off this mortal coil. I guess there’s a limit to what Benelli would want their reps to demonstrate to potential buyers (I love that bit about learning those upside down behind the back shots “under professional guidance”). Still, Knapp and Benelli were a match made in Heaven. Let’s hope it continues.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Tom Knapp, R.I.P.”

  1. “American children throughout the country honored the show by playing with the cap-gun flip-action replica version manufactured by the Hubley company back in 1958”.

    When I was a kid in the early 1960’s, I used this fine weapon to protect my family from the Polar Bears at the Detroit Zoo. After half a roll of caps, zoo personnel corrected my spirited obnoxiousness.

    Note that I was NOT arrested and charged with a felony, I was NOT suspended from school, and we were NOT ejected from the park, nor a party in a lawsuit. I learned my lesson easily, and adjusted my behavior accordingly.

    Back to the point, Lucas and Mark McCain (Connors and Crawford) are heroes in my book. I get 12 episodes per week on MeTV, over the air. Life is good.

  2. As an OFWG I too was brought up on the western shows on TV. The entire FAMILY gathered around the TV to watch shows like Bonanza and Gunsmoke. There is something to be said for such communal gatherings. In fact the dense urban apartment building I lived in, pretty much ALL the families tuned in to these shows. You could go from one apartment to another and not miss a scene.

    I recall from some source that from the late 1940’s to mid 1960’s produced approx. 150 Westerns on TV. They ALL taught the good of the gun. Shows like Lawman, Tales of the Texas Rangers, its competitor Arizona Rangers, our northern neighbor Sgt. Preston of the Yukon all told the story of honest good decent police officers.

    I would be remiss to not mention the prototype for all them…Hopalong Cassidy. Later on Roy Rogers and Dale Evans took over as rock stars of gun toting good guys and gals. Unlike todays metrosexual almost male figures like the Bieber or thugs spouting foul mouthed lyrics, these fictional figures provided clear social guidelines and portrayed robust male and female role models for impressionable children. They had a zero tolerance policy. Evil gets defeated. Born out out of the World War and Korea, men defended family and freedom. Women were brave and strong nurturers.

    We can get back to these values. Unlike the President who denigrates the 1950’s and a couple of generations that have become lost in the world, I hope in fact we do make our way back there. It was a better time.

  3. If it wasn’t for liberals America would still be stuck in the 50’s. An awful time in this country where woman were forced to stay home to cook and clean. Racism was the norm and the majority of people had morals and believed in something bigger than themselves, like God. A time where it was frowned upon for a woman to give into her desires and self centeredness. When woman where punished for the actions by being forced to have children. Awful time, thankfully we have the democrats who showed us what progress is. Now no one has morals and you can indulge in any and everything without any worries of having to take responsibility for any of it. /Sarc

  4. Love how the shows kills the liberal pistol grip lie about shooting from the hip you can do the same with a Winchester 73.

  5. But without gun buy backs, how else could political actors oops I mean law enforcement get serious weapons off the street like the two DoD rocket launchers Charlie Beck was able to buy back at one of these events earlier this year in LA?

    Oh, I’m sorry. Those rocket launchers were revealed be someone with “common sense” to actually be inert practice devices.

    Well, at least they were able to get a lot of old dangerous JUNK off the streets – so it can’t be used to bludgeon anyone to death.

  6. There’s no indication that they frisked “Danny” at any point during his ordeal.

    Why would they? The terrorists were operating in what is effectively a disarmed-citizen zone.

  7. Did you ever notice that not many convicted felons are members of Mensa? In fact, most convicted felons are downright stupid.

    Is that correlation or causation?

  8. All that show has been is marketing gimmick so none gun people can buy over price hates t-shirts from Red Jacket Firearms well they live in states that they can not owen buy any firearms they make. There question about quality control from Red Jacket special when watch episode where make 3 gun match guns . Owner Will take people gone buy those gun out indoor shoting rang shot 1911 that built for them which was test fire jams right up soon shot frist round through right front his custmers. Any custems builders 1911 who saw that must felt bet shame watching that happen than laugh how stupid that was.

  9. Does Tralfamador have the equivalent of 2A?

    Y’know, people here love to bash Hollywood, but have you ever noticed that in most depicted futures in both cinema and on television, only the dystopian visions do not feature an armed populace.

    Arms are part and parcel of being a hairless ape, be they club or blaster.

  10. I hate when they use this “Mom” thing to try and validate their cause. As if to say “because we’ve had kids that automatically validates all our political and societal views.”

    The gun grabbers simply refuse to acknowledge that we live in a primal world, not some utopian fantasy land full of rainbows and hipsters.


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