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Tonight: Live Streamed Interview With Orlando Man Who Shot Through His Own Windshield During Road Rage Incident

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

CCX2 live stream interview marco mazzetta orland road rage windshield

Maybe you’ve seen video of an Orlando area man who got into a road rage incident last week with another car while driving on an interstate. He opened fire on the other driver, shooting through his own windshield.

That man is Marco Mazzetta and his car is equipped with a dashcam system that shows what’s in front of him, what’s behind him and the inside of the car. Here’s edited footage of what happened that day [NSFW language]. The incident really begins at about 1:45:


Mazzetta says he opened fire — again, through his own windshield — when the other driver brandished a handgun during the road rage encounter. The video above shows the other driver holding a handgun. Mazzetta, who has a valid Florida concealed carry permit, dialed 911 shortly after the incident and reported it to police. He was not arrested.

We’ve since learned that the other driver has been identified, has a history of brandishing a gun at other drivers while on the road, and is being sought by police.

There are many obvious questions about all of this. Here are just a few . . .

  1. Why did Mazzetta engage the other driver during an aggressive traffic incident, brake-checking him and flipping him off? There’s a reason it’s said that an armed society is a polite society. Those who carry a gun usually avoid these situations at all costs.
  2. Was the other driver pointing the gun at Mazzetta when he opened fire? Was there no way to maneuver away from him?
  3. Why did Mazzetta choose to upload the video and make it public?

Fortunately, we’ll get to ask Mr. Mazzetta those questions and more. He’s agreed to join the weekly CCX² live streamed program tonight with Brandon Curtis of Concealed Nation and attorney Phil Nelsen. I’ll be there as well.

You can watch the interview live, here, beginning at 10:00p eastern time:



UPDATE: due to unforeseen circumstances, I won’t be on the broadcast tonight, but the interview is still on. Watch it right here.


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