George Block has been around the. Well, you’d certainly think so given his Facebook photo. The Observer-Reporter reporter (and observer) has compiled his list of the top ten deer hunting rifles. While Block’s list tends towards the classics, it’s a perfect opportunity for me to spend the next 45 minutes scraping gun photos while waiting for the sprinkler guy to show up. Number 10, the 1873 Winchester, is above; although you might not want to take a $55k gun into the field. Make the jump for the count down to number one with a bullet (captions are beneath examples) . . .
9. 1886 Winchester
8. Remington pump-action Model 14 [above] and Model 141
7. Remington pump-action Model 760 and 7600 [above]
6. Winchester Model 70
5. Ruger Model 77
4. Savage Model 99
3. Marlin Model 336
2. Remington Model 700
1. Winchester Model 94
Looks like he has a thing for lever action rifles.
I admit, I do too. Never thought much of them at all until I put a few rounds through one.
Born after his time apparently.
Looks about right from what I know of the good old boys who do the majority of whitetail shooting in my neck of the woods (Michigan). Sure, those down-staters might wander up with a tricked out Benelli or something, might even bag a buck. But old Horace (not a real person, but based on at least twenty guys I can think of) has a block permit and bags 10-30 deer a year. And he most likely uses a Win 94 or a Savage 99. I’ve seen more of those at deer camp, in the truck cab or strapped to the tractor….Of course, me being the heretic I am, I live down state and hunt with an A-bolt.
I would swap #1 and #2 but only because Robert De Niro used a 700 BDL in The Deer Hunter. Stupid reason, I know.
Funny, my grandfather bagged his deer with the 1886 back in the ’30s, and my dad used the Marlin back in his day. I don’t like venison, so a mute point for me, and I think I could get in real trouble if I go shoot someone’s cow….
This should have been about Cartridges, not rifles….. then your top 2 of all time would have been 30-30 and 30-06. Allegedly.
Last year, I had the best burger in my life. It was made from venison. A perfect day would be a successful deer hunt, followed with venison burgers and Oregon micro-brews, and then the night spent with Miss Rhode Island.
Aharon, if you’re gonna spend a night with Miss RI, you’re gonna need more than a couple of burgers.
You mean like a couple sacks of gold?
No, little blue pills;)
Growing up in RI I’ve taken most of my deer with a Remington 870 with a slug barrel (rifle hunting in RI is verbotten.) I haven’t shot a deer in years, but the last one I took in NC was with the good old Model 94 (I switched to .30-30 when I got to the rifle hunting states of NC, KS and TX).
I think a top ten deer rifle list that doesn’t include the Remington model 8 or 81 is a fraud.
I own a model 81 in .30 Rem and would definitely agree. My great-grandfather purchased it new in 1923 and it still goes out with me to the deer woods every november. Everyone looks at me crazy when they are all carrying their bolt action ultra magnum that seems to be the current craze. But for years to come I’ll still be using that and a Winchester model 12 for years to come.
In PA anything lever action 30-30 is the long standing cultural deer rifle of choice.
I would put Mausers on the list at 4 or 5, I know many who hunt with the 8mm and swear by it./
There are a lot of sporterized K98ks out there, and for sure they’ve taken herds of Bambis.
Where’s the .50 BMG for Elk?
NVM, this is just deer rifles.
Where’s the .416 Rigby?
What, no ar15s? Why isn’t the collective gun industry trying to crucify Mr. Block like Jim Zumbo?
What, no .270, .35 Remington, .348 Win, 38-44 win, .32 special, .257 Roberts, 7mm-08, .308, .300 Savage, .45-70……….??????
Favorite for big game, lever action Browing 81 BLR .358 Winchester, loaded with 250 grain capable of taking deer (knocks em down really quick) sized animals to large Black Bears with ease and reasonable recoil (the grandson of the .348) and accurate at 300-400 yards, prefer 200 grain rounds for extended range (Elk).
The 70 and the 700 should defiantly switch positions.
Everyone in this area has or wants a BAR. I have yet to see a Remington pump that would empty the magazine without issues. I am not sure how the author compiled his list.