Ms. Camiella Williams (courtesy

I hate to harp on about Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitpropagandists at The Trace. But they are the most pernicious and insidious of the civilian disarmament brigade, cloaking their gun control agenda in the mantle of respectable journalism on a daily basis. Today’s installment: A Young Chicago Woman Has Lost 23 Loved Ones to Gun Violence. She Wants You To See Their Faces. In her attempt to wave the bloody shirt for gun control, Bloomberg lackey Maya Dukmasova chronicles the life and times of Chicago resident Camiella Williams. Only she’s not the victim The Trace would want her to be. Or is she? You be the judge . . .

In sixth grade, Williams got her first gun: a loaded 9mm pistol she bought from a friend with $25 of her allowance money. After school, she’d rush home and stuff the heavy weapon in her backpack before heading out. She’d pull it out of her pack to scare kids in the neighborhood. “That power, that fear that other people had, I got a rush off that,” she says.

By high school, Williams had begun to sell marijuana. “I wanted to be the female [Pablo] Escobar,” she says. “I just wanted to sell drugs and get cars.” Over time, she acquired two more guns, a .38 and a .22. Increasingly a target for rival gang members — many of whom attended her high school — she felt she needed the weapons for protection. She didn’t imagine it ever going beyond that. “My friends were not out killing people,” she says.

Right. Ms. Williams’ friends were “peaceful” armed gang bangers. The only way you can spin Ms Williamns’ story for gun control is to assume that she was a victim of her circumstances. If only she — and the criminals shooting up her neighborhood — didn’t have access to guns!

That said, perhaps Ms. Williams is a victim of her circumstances. If so, how would gun control have put her on a better path than the one she chose? Sorry, wandered into? Aren’t the problems of her past related to wider issues of law and order, economic opportunity, moral and political corruption, community infrastructure, the failure of the educational system (including unionization) and more?

Even as her first gun grew into a small collection, even after her house was shot up, Williams viewed Chicago’s bloodshed as a far-away problem. “I was immune to it,” she recalls. Then, in 2004, when she was 16, a boy named Quincy Harris was shot and killed while he sat in his car in an alleyway. Harris was a friend of Williams’s older brother, smart and cute with “a rough edge.” She had a big crush on him. His killer was never found.

It was the first time Williams realized that “gun violence existed close to you.” The gunplay of her crew had been just that — play, posturing, the pump-up gestures of scared kids.

I reckon Ms. Williams’ Trace biographer is taking her dope-dealing subjects’ account of childhood (16?) innocence at face value, as it protects the narrative that guns are somehow at fault.

Anyway, Williams falls into the protective, loving embrace of Father Michael Pfleger, “the pastor at Auburn Gresham’s St. Sabina church and one of the city’s most prominent anti-violence activists.” Who no doubt hooked-up the writer with her subject. And the cure for her gang-banging ways?

When Williams’s son was a year old, she packed her belongings and left for Chicago’s south suburbs, moving with her mother and two adopted siblings into a five-bedroom house in a quiet subdivision. At their new home, her son could play outside without fear. She describes that day in August 2007 as like “stepping toward freedom.”

At 20, Williams got her GED and began attending community college. But as she was making her escape, gun violence continued to claim the lives of people close to her.

Who didn’t escape the ‘hood. ‘Nuff said? How about this: does Ms. Williams still have a gun for self-protection? Do her new neighbors? One thing’s for sure: this isn’t the gun control hero The Trace is looking for. No doubt they’ll try again. And again.


  1. In sixth grade, Williams got her first gun: a loaded 9mm pistol she bought from a friend with $25 of her allowance money.

    This transaction was already unlawful, under then- and now-current laws. How would enacting more gun control have prevented it?

    After school, she’d rush home and stuff the heavy weapon in her backpack before heading out.

    A 12-year old carrying at all, carrying concealed, and carrying at school are all already unlawful, under then- and now-current laws. How would enacting more gun control have prevented it?

    She’d pull it out of her pack to scare kids in the neighborhood.

    This action constitutes assault, and is already unlawful, under then- and now-current laws. How would enacting more gun control have prevented it?

    And juxtapose the previous quote with this:

    It was the first time Williams realized that “gun violence existed close to you.”

    Williams was the perpetrator of “gun violence”, from the first time she assaulted other kids with her own, illegally purchased, illegally possessed, and illegally carried firearm. “Gun violence” existed close to anyone with the misfortune of being “close to” Williams, from the time she was 12 years old.

    ow would enacting more gun control have prevented it?

    • It’s not about controlling her access to guns, it’s about controlling yours. The left doesn’t believe in supply side economics, except when it comes to guns.

    • Heck in Iowa the progtards long ago made it illegal for a PARENT to let a 12year old touch a handgun for the purpose of training in use/safety. And refuse to change it.

    • ^This, And isn’t that whole drug dealing thing and the drugs, illegal?

      Why, if we’d only have banned drugs she’d never have experience this “misfortune”. Oh wait, they are banned.

      Well, until they aren’t any more, because someone realized that by making them legal, they could make money and collect votes.

      Sometimes I think that people who want to be a politician, should be barred from it. Maybe it should be more like jury duty and for only a couple months at a time?

      • The caveat to your claims that legalization may rectify this issue is that it would not be made legal for anyone under the age of 18 to deal, buy, sell or consume any type of drugs.

    • Chip, you know as well as I these articles aren’t written for thinkers, they’re written for the sheeple addicted to confirmation bias.

    • Chip, this is the answer to all of your questions. The new gun control law that would address these problems is the abolition of privately owned firearms, or at least handguns. They can work on long guns next. That is the aim of gun control groups. They have even admitted it, going back over four decades.

      Remember, the only gun control that will be even remotely effective is a complete, 100% gun ban. Back when groups like the National Coalition to Ban Handguns and Handgun Control Incorporated were new, they described a process whereby they were going to completely do away with handgun ownership by slowly adding one little restriction on top of another over a couple of decades. More than 40 years later they are still sticking to that strategy with new language and new tactics, but the target—destruction of the “gun culture” and the right to keep and bear arms—remains the same

      • “…they described a process whereby they were going to completely do away with handgun ownership by slowly adding one little restriction on top of another over a couple of decades.”

        The concept of ‘Nudge’, in ‘Rules for Radicals’, by Saul Alinsky.

        POTG, read that book.

    • The only answer to your questions is complete civilian disarmament. And even that won’t prevent it from happening anyway. But we know that every bit of “common sense gun control” leads to this end point.

    • I feal sorry for the poor girl, I mean she had to put that heavy gun in her back pack while selling drugs. Then when she went to claim welfare for her back injury from toting that heavy gun, she was denied benifits for two weeks. Grandmas food stamps barely fed miss wiliams illigitamite childeren.let alone keeping miss williams boyfriend drunk. I really feel sorry for her.I support the BAN HEAVY GUNS for KIDS UNDER13 FOUNDATION

    • Chip:
      “from the first time she ASSAULTED other kids with her own” (capitalization added for emphasis)

      Actually, at least in some states, she committed an Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon–far worse

  2. I’m sure there are plenty of sympathetic victims with horrible stories of family members or themselves being injured or friends/family killed in that hellhole of a city. Why choose a self admitted drug dealer? Choosing this “victim” is kinda like shooting yourself in the foot at the start of a race.

    So…. Why choose this individual to highlight in their propaganda? It seems to be the play of the left. Brown, Gray, Martin, etc. The list goes on and on of who they choose to hold up on a pedestal, ignoring the truly egregious things their newfound martyr has done, even when those actions led to their own demise.

  3. “I hate to harp on about Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitpropagandists at The Trace.”

    No you don’t. 🙂 But that’s okay, we all have our guilty pleasures.

    “But they are the most pernicious and insidious of the civilian disarmament brigade,”

    For now. That he – or his minions – have thought up so far. I trust him to come up with exciting new ones as time progresses and he learns what works well and not-so-well.

  4. What is the statute of limitations for illegally possessing a firearm? Did she just admit to a felony for all the world to hear? First, I do not need to be lectured by a criminal about her criminal friends and family dying at the hands of other criminal friends and family. Second, would she rather her friends and family kill each other with knives, swords, rocks, explosives, or throw each other off of buildings? My God, how stupid can these inner city thugs be? Sometimes, I wish we would just wall up our blue cities so the rest of us can live in peace.

  5. So the Loaded 9mm comes with adjustable sights, full legnth guide rod, ambidextrous safety, and match barrel right?

    • You forgot to include “semi-automatic” in your list of things that make guns “scary” and therefore, should be banned. Do I need to include /Sarc to avoid the flames?

        • Off topic, can you get those clipazines with ghost bullets for a ghost 300 BLK?

          As for the ‘lady’, she moved to the ‘burbs to be closer to her clients, smart marketing move.

  6. Just another overweight African-American gang banger with no education and blaming the world for her problems. These kind of people make me sick to my stomach. What she needs to do is enroll her ass in some classes get an education then a job Exclamation point Freaking ridiculous! Another waste of space!

      • Once her cousins and half-sibs move in with her, that suburb will be trashed.

        Happens all the time.

        • Just referring to his remark about her education. If he’d read it he would have seen that she had a ged and enrolled in cc.

          As to what her family will do to her new neighberhood? Neighbers can call 911 every time they step out of line. It ain’t the hood. People in better hoods have much to lose by allowing their street to be run down.

          Call the cops each and every time a bad family steps out of line and the cops will do something. I’ve seen it happen.

        • I’m sure being enrolled in CC increased her potential sales significantly. Did anyone mention who is paying for the 5 bedroom house? Just curious, wife and I worked hard and kept our noses clean for 40 years, and have a 4-bedroom house, wondering what life choices I would have had to make differently to so improve my lot while still in my 20s.

  7. Goodbye TTAG,

    Full overlay adds that redirect to the App Store when you tap the X and the don’t return you to the page you were on are worthless BS and show that revenue value is placed well over the value of the content.

    See you all on the other sites. I’ve enjoyed the content here for quite some time. I’m not willing to have this be like those sites where you have to click the next button sixteen times to see the whole content of the article. And that is the feel of these overlay ads.

    • I don’t get any of that, and I’m not using any ad blockers…. maybe it’s your internet provider or wherever you’re coming from to get to this page that’s causing the issue. I have never had anything on TTAG but the usual sidebar stuff.

    • This happens on my iPhone as well when I use Safari. Which is why I never visit TTAG on my mobile, only my laptop.

      • Yes. Safari is completely broke on iPhone and chrome works sometimes. This is my third attempt to reply on chrome on iPhone. Useless.

  8. I lived in New York City most of my life, that was about 57 years. I now live in Texas and under no circumstance will ever return to NYC.

    I lived through riots, hurricane Sandy and every other thing that happened to NYC including 9/11. I will never ever allow myself to become a victim, ever. The liberal mentality of these anti-gun people is appalling, their lack of understand of what America is as a nation and people becomes embarrassing when I read their drivel.

    The fact that they must lie to make a point, misrepresent facts, misquote people and find nothing wrong in doing so to promote their cause is enough proof that what they are doing is wrong. If they were right they would not have to lie so blatantly. If your cause is just telling the truth is enough.

    To think the mentality is NYC is to run away and let the criminals take whatever they want is totally un-American. This country is breaking into two factions, one true American and the other some socialist-communist pseudo progressive state. There’s a reason so many people are leaving the cities including big business to go out West and down south. Life in the liberal cities is becoming intolerable for true Americans who value our freedom and way of life.

    Like wayward children they do not see the follies of their ways. They think they are progressive and modern and it’s OK to be told by the government what to do and when to do it. I hope I’m not alive to see what becomes of this once great nation and people, it’s not looking good.

    Take away our ability to defend ourselves, our freedom and our property and we will be enslaved. It’s that simple and it has happened that way all throughout history over and over again. What don’t these people see about that? It’s there for all to see written down in the history of civilization. Yes it cannot happen here as long as we have the second amendment and keep it the way the founding fathers meant it. There is no modern interpretation of it, the meaning is clear then and now. We are the Militia, the people, the government is the people, we are armed to defend ourselves against anybody who would do us harm and take our freedom.

    How did martial arts come about? By disarming the people, they developed a way of defending themselves without military arms. Again the history of such action is as long as written history itself. Yet these so-called progressive modern people want to repeat the mistakes of the past.

    I guess it’s true, you can’t fix stupid.

    • Big Daddy,

      “Take away our ability to defend ourselves, our freedom and our property and we will be enslaved. … it has happened that way all throughout history … What don’t these people see about that?”

      Hah! People cannot see History if their faces are always buried in their smart phones, tablets, computers, and televisions following the Kardashians, the latest fashion trends, the latest Hollywood movie review, etc.

  9. “Even as her first gun grew into a small collection, even after her house was shot up…”

    When it’s a gang-banging minority, it’s a “collection” of firearms. When it’s a legally armed concealed carrier of any race, it’s an “arsenal.”

    Modern “journalism” in all its glory.

  10. Seriously, now, can anyone except the truest of true believers and the most (not average, but most) gullible of fence-sitters read The Trace and not see it for the gun-control advocacy it is?

    • Shhh…. put that logic away or you’re gonna hurt someone. This story is all about the feelz and making the people who read it feelz something like what they already feelz.

  11. If only the likes of Bloomberg, Gates, Zuckerberg, and a few other billionaires pooled their resources (which would amass to something like a quarter of a t r i l l i o n dollars) and set out to work on the real cause of all the violence and malaise in the ghettos of the United States.

    And what is the real cause you ask? Destruction of the family and basic faith in God. Without a stable and healthy family, children grow up to be violent monsters. Without a basic faith in God, there is no absolute right and wrong and fellow humans are nothing more than lumps of chemicals to be used, abused, and exploited for any and every reason.

    And yet people keep going after firearms as if they are evil incarnate. If “ready availability of firearms” was the problem, Vermont would be the most violent, scourged place on Earth since you need no vetting nor license to legally acquire firearms and legally carry them in public, openly or concealed, at the age of 16 and older.

    • I agree with you on the family part, but not the faith part. They have faith in the black community, but your version of faith in God and their faith in God are vastly different. See: Rev Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, et al…

      • I appreciate your response NYC2AZ.

        Basic faith in God would reveal the destructive and distinctly unGodly character of the “message” pouring forth from the likes of Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, etc.

        • I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I don’t see how a basic faith in any God can automatically distill a moral compass (even if that person has read the bible from cover to cover). Just like I believe that there are those that are “godless” that have morals that align with pro-liberty/freedom values. I believe morals are subjective depending on who teaches those morals. People want an excuse for their behavior; especially their bad behavior. Which is why the politically-motivated preachers mentioned above are so popular with a culture in shambles.

        • NYC2AZ,

          A basic faith in God is never a problem nor destructive to humankind. You eloquently stated one of the HUGE problems that plague mankind,

          “People want an excuse for their behavior; especially their bad behavior. Which is why the politically-motivated preachers mentioned above are so popular with a culture in shambles.”

          A basic faith in God condemns bad behavior and never provides excuses for bad behavior. And, as you so poignantly described them, “politically-motivated preachers” are obviously not aligned with a basic faith in God, either.

    • Ugh… You can keep your bible thumping to yourself. A lack of religion isn’t a problem. Religion is one of the biggest problems in this world. I know right from wrong & I don’t need threats of a mythological daddy figure to get me to do what’s right.

      • “I don’t need threats of a mythological daddy figure”

        Thus proving you don’t understand the first thing about “faith.”

        Self-superiority fueled closed minded dogma is not as “superior” to traditional faith as you…er…believe.

        • In order to have faith in anything, first you must believe it even exists. I have faith in my family, some friends and acquaintances, some businesses, certain brands of cars more than others. There has never been a god, so I have no faith in such an incredible (feel free to read “impossible”) creature.

        • “There has never been a god”

          Simply unprovable and therefore a point of faith.

          Thanks for supporting my point about “dogma” though. That’s always helpful.

        • LarryInTx,

          In order to claim that there is no God, you have to be all-knowing … which we know is not the case because no one is all-knowing.

          I suspect that you believe God has certain attributes which you find highly unpalatable and therefore reject God.

          In the end everyone chooses a position based on faith. Some of us put our faith in an eternal God that has always existed and created everything. Some of us put our faith in the notion that everything came into existence from nothing without any first cause.

      • Actual Sense,

        I did NOT endorse “religion”. I endorsed a basic faith in God. And notice that I carefully chose the specific words “basic faith in God” — especially the “basic” part to head-off all the convoluted and destructive doctrines espoused in so many religions of the world.

        A basic faith in God is necessary to establish absolute right and wrong that transcends cultural, political, and yes even bizarre religion-based ideologies.

        More to the point, without a transcendent God, how do we go about defining right and wrong? Without a transcendent God, world History shows us very clearly that “might makes right”. Or do you condone the actions of the Roman Empire, Pre-civil War United States, Imperial Japan, or Nazi Germany?

      • Actual Sense,

        Take a basic faith in God out of our world and what is the basis for the sanctity of human life? What intrinsic and lasting value do our lives have?

        If there is no bigger picture, why should anyone restrain themselves from any passion or fleeting desire that crosses their mind? Why shouldn’t I kill you and take your stuff if I feel so inclined? After all, you and I are nothing more than a meaningless result of random physics and chemistry and no more special than a rock, tree, or cat … or some empty place beyond our solar system for that matter.

        If you remove God from the world, then pleasure and feelings in the here-and-now are all that matters. THAT has caused far more death and suffering throughout the history of the world than a basic faith in God.

        • Of all the people who profess a faith in some manner of a god, it is abundantly clear that 90-odd percent of them believe no such thing, or they could not live the lives they do. And still the world keeps turning, even though we have not yet freed ourselves from those charlatans who claim authority to control our lives because the fictional (fill in names of assorted gods) told him to do so. “Faith in god” is about empowering certain men to control our lives for us, just like governments.

          And some of your assertions need some citations (yeah, I should talk).

        • “Of all the people who profess a faith in some manner of a god, it is abundantly clear that 90-odd percent of them believe no such thing, or they could not live the lives they do. “

          Wow. You really don’t do logic, do you.

          This statement is such a ridiculous non sequitur that I can’t believe you typed it.

          Faith != Behavior.

          It requires a theological or larger philosophical discussion to address the issue as why/how people can have faith in God yet act the ways they do in contradiction to even their own interpretations of God’s Will.

          One short answer from Christian theology is that we are all flawed and therefore, regardless of faith, regardless of even WANTING to behave perfectly, we make mistakes.

          Your statement that somehow equates “faith in something higher than human existence” with “perfect behavior” is mind-bogglingly shallow.

          It is clear from this, and many of your other posts on this subject, that you just simply don’t have room in your heart for “faith.” That is your position to choose. What is very strange, however, is your apparent need to run down those that choose a different path for themselves.

          How is your position different from the anti-gunners? Aren’t they all about “I don’t like {$THING_I_DO_NOT_LIKE} so no one else should do it”? Don’t they, like you, also seek to run down those with whom they disagree?

          Why the constant need to berate People of Faith? What’s next on your list of insults? Saying the faithful have small penises? Because that’s exactly what you sound like.

          I hope you enjoy the intellectual company you choose to keep…

        • LarryinTx,

          I noticed that you completely ignored the GINORMOUS implications of a world with no God.

          If there is no God and everything is the result of undirected and random Physics and Chemistry, what intrinsic value is there in human life? What makes any human life any different from a rock, a tree, or a cat? Why should someone not kill you and take all your stuff if that tickles their fancy?

    • The point stands though. Among adults in the black community, 75% said that in their lives, religion is “very important” and another is 16% said it is “somewhat important”. That’s higher than any other group, by a wide margin.

      You can talk about “a basic faith in God” vs. religion, but I doubt any of that combined 91% would say they lack that. It then becomes about how that basic faith in God wouldn’t allow those conditions to exist, that’s begging the question.

      There just isn’t any reason to believe that there’s a deficit of faith in God in minority groups.


      • CarlosT,

        Well, let’s test your assertion. People who have a basic faith in God seek good, are responsible for their choices, work to provide for themselves, respect other people’s lives and property, look out for the interests of other people, help others in need when they can, honor their commitments (especially to their spouse and family), teach their children to honor their parents, and gently discipline their children when they misbehave.

        Unfortunately, those traits do NOT characterize many in the ghettos of our nation. Rather, we see teenagers having sex with dozens of different partners, having 5+ children out of wedlock to 5+ different fathers, children growing up having no idea who their father is, no oversight or discipline to children in the home, raping, stealing, beating, murdering, pimping, destroying other people’s property, etc., etc., etc. All of those things are NOT consistent with a basic faith in God.

        Lots of minorities in ghettos may say that religion is important in their lives: their actions clearly show otherwise — and certainly show that they lack a basic faith in God.

        • “Well, let’s test your assertion. People who have a basic faith in God seek good, are responsible for their choices, work to provide for themselves, respect other people’s lives and property, look out for the interests of other people, help others in need when they can, honor their commitments (especially to their spouse and family), teach their children to honor their parents, and gently discipline their children when they misbehave.”

          What in the *WORLD* makes you think so? That entire paragraph is totally disproven every single day. No, they don’t.

        • LarryinTx,

          I claim to have a basic faith in God and I actually do DO ALL THOSE THINGS that characterize a person of faith in God. I have upheld my commitment to my spouse and never cheated. I have upheld my commitment to care for and nurture my family. I gently discipline my children and teach them to honor me and my spouse. I respect other people’s lives and property. I look out for my neighbors and other members of my community. I have gone to great lengths in the charity department. I am responsible for my actions. I do NOT rape, murder, and steal. I do NOT have other children with other adults.

          Am I perfect? Far from it. I sometimes do wrong. And then I am remorseful and do my best not to repeat … and even then I sometimes repeat and still do wrong. What I can say is that destructive behavior is most certainly NOT the dominant aspect of my life. Rather, it is a tiny aspect of my life.

          And I am not the only person in this category. I go to a church full of such people.

          I am sorry that you seem to see a lot of people who do not live up to those virtues. It is disheartening to say the least. The best that we can do is start with ourselves, then our immediate family, and then encourage others … like I do on this forum.

  12. “When Williams’s son was a year old, she packed her belongings and left for Chicago’s south suburbs, moving with her mother and two adopted siblings into a five-bedroom house in a quiet subdivision.”

    No mention of a husband, nor the father of her son.
    Surprised? I’m not.

    No mention of how a single mom with no education and no skills (except dope peddling) acquired the means to purchase a FIVE BEDROOM home in a quiet suburban subdivision.
    Curious? I’m not.

      • JR, are you coming to the conclusion that the net result of Progressive policies like that to move the most violent un-employable ‘hood thugs to wealthy areas where they may steal and commit other crimes in a target-rich environment causing overall crime rates to skyrocket fits their narrative that gun crime isn’t an inner-city gang culture issue and needs to be addressed with more onerous gun regulation?

        The cynic in me thinks that’s exactly what they intended all along.

        At our expense.

        Someone once noted, along the lines of -“First, they called it “White flight” and blamed it for killing inner-city property values. Now, when they move back in and clean it up and raise property values, they complain just as bitterly about “Gentrification’…

        • I certainly would not doubt it.

          It is very difficult to look at the totality of evidence in regard to this sort of thing and dismiss such possibilities. At first, one feels like one is in “tin foil hat” territory, but over time, the evidence just amasses continually.

          It would not surprise me if it was found to have been intentional.

      • JR, great article.

        By the way, is there any way I can contact you, maybe via email or some other way?

  13. Here are five regulations that Michael Bloomberg supports that would not have changed the situation in the slightest:

    1. Mandatory background checks for gun and ammunition purchases
    2. Microstamping
    3. Mandatory gun registration
    4. Stricter CCW training requirements
    5. An assault weapons ban

  14. I have a modest gun collection and am around friends with guns all the time. I don’t know anyone ever shot and killed or know anyone who has committed a crime with a gun.

    Of course I don’t use drugs, sell drugs, am in a gang or know anyone who does those things. Maybe it’s not the gun, but the poor choices and lifestyles of these thugs. My rights shouldn’t be curtailed because street thugs want to bang and people choose not to raise their children right.

    I am sorry, but the death of her friends don’t trump my Constitutional rights. I choose to live a ethical, moral and law abiding life. Maybe they should have too.

  15. In sixth grade, Williams got her first gun: a loaded 9mm pistol she bought from a friend with $25 of her allowance money.

    So she was already committing firearms offenses by age 14?

    • I do not believe she ever got $25 in allowance during her entire life. Just another lie. She stole it or whored for it.

  16. More backward, regressive thinking from the progressive hive mind. They present a genuine drug-dealing, stolen-weapon-brandishing criminal as an innocent victim — and meanwhile are doing their best to criminalize peaceful, honest behavior.

  17. She has lost 23 loved ones to Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” fiasco. It has nothing to do with guns. These people would be killing each other with steak knives if they had no other way.

    • LBJ deserves his share of the blame for this crap, but dial it on back further at least to FDR.

      The groundwork to accept LBJ’s proposals (vice laughing them out of the room) was laid at least 1-2 generations before LBJ became teh prez.

  18. Just to bond with my inner black, uneducated, and broad reach of empathy my privilege outer whiteness is….I understand why gangster girl (GG) gets a gun. Its failure of government, nor having a daddy, an educational system, incarceration or black culture. People left to their own devices spiral to whatever is necessary to survive or improve their lot. Drugs are easy money and easy death.

    In a city of 9.73 million (2011) less than 150K are responsible for 80% of the annual murders in Chicago. Thank about that 2% and the millions spent trying to control or reduce crime. Every program design to help is either a failure or continues to repair the bulwark holding criminals at bay. Meanwhile the same government that fails its 2% criminals, it denies the tool enabling citizen’s to protect themselves. Absolutely boggles the mind.

  19. None of those things was here fault. It happened to her because white privilege, easy access to killing machines, and drugs. It is all the fault of all of those evil gun owners, because guns. Sarc/

  20. So now she, like all the other refugees, flee the war zone for a better life. The question: Does she assimilate the new culture? Your does she drag her new neighborhood down into the war zone she just left. New Yorkers move to Florida to escape the crime and taxes, then want to change Florida into the hell hole they just left. I think there should be a 5 year residency requirement before newcomers can vote. This gives them time to assimilate their new culture before they try to wreck it.

  21. From what I’ve heard here I can see you aren’t hiring her. So why expect her to find employment? If I heard you talk about fat, illiterate, violent, drug dealing, unwed mothers, on welfare who were white I’d think you were an equal opportunity criticizer. If you leave them out of the conversation then you seem biased against blacks.
    That comment about their Christianity being different than “yours” is not Christian. Who are you to judge?

    Only 17 black youth were doing the shooting in Richmond. Operation Ceasefire dealt with that.

    The whole population black white etc. has themselves to blame for their situations. White men in Wyoming are committing suicide at an alarming rate. The American dream has escaped them. It’s their own fault for siding with politicians who work to benefit big business. Lost your job off shore. Go take some classes and get another job. That’s what you said to “baby mama.” Sauce for the Goose.

    You know if there isn’t a difference between poor blacks and whites in America then you’re going to have to blame the real cause. It’s funny you don’t like the Left deciding who we are, that we are violent, ignorant, fanatics, who hold to the 2nd. So watch how you paint others. Works both ways.

    • You’re on the right track. This problem goes deeper than most people think. It’s not a difference of kind, only a difference of degree. Poor people and especially poor urban communities throughout the US all have suffered the same kind of erosion in family and community cohesiveness over the last years. Everything from religious participation to marriage rates (not divorce rates, but the willingness to get married in the first place), from supporting your own family to basic willingness to abide by the law, it’s all going downhill.

      But it’s not just poverty or “black culture”; black communities were the canaries in the coal mine, but other people are catching up. Places that were just as poor 30 to 50 years ago were much better off socially. Today, with the same relative poverty level and the same racial composition, they’re completely dysfunctional. Why is that? Something’s gone badly wrong in our society, and it’s not race and it’s not guns, and it’s not simply money either.

      Government intervention and control aren’t the answer, because we have more of that now than ever before, and the problem is getting worse, not better. Is government interference the cause? Sometimes I think so, but I don’t know how you’d prove it. What’s undeniable is that more of the same (a la Sanders, Clinton, and Trump) won’t make it any better.

  22. “My friends were not out killing people,” she says.

    Yeah that because they’re such piss poor shots, they’re ALWAYS hitting the granny down the block taking out her trash or the girls skipping rope two blocks away.

    Vote Trump!

    • Yeah that because they’re such piss poor shots, they’re ALWAYS hitting the granny down the block taking out her trash or the girls skipping rope two blocks away.

      No worries. If 2ASux gets his wish, 100 million law-abiding firearm owners will be forced to pay liability insurance, which will do zilch to compensate for the collateral damage caused by these gang-bangers.

      • As usual, Chip is right on. Another way to dissuade law abiding citizens from exercising their God giving rights…

  23. Read the article.

    The common thread, which I will note you captured as far more caught the gist than usual (which suggests that many will comment without reading the support), in her life seems to be an absence of responsibility. Many of the 23 were targeted for their illegal activity, by others participating in illegal activity. However, there is little mention of that behavior or the circumstances surrounding it. Also, lightly mentioned is the unwillingness of the neighborhood to fight back. Call the KKK racist, which I do, but they were a banding together of neighbors who worked to force perceived undesirables out. In the presented story, there isn’t a banding together to quash the gang element.

    Far more interesting to me, though, was a tacit acceptance by the writers in the the next article, about children taking guns to school. They mention that with 270-330m guns in American homes, more children are exposed to firearms. This stands in contrast to their previous position that the sales increase has been into fewer homes, while sales are increasing, guns are being found in fewer homes. With fewer households having guns, fewer children would be exposed; with more exposure, there must be more households. I would call today a major step forward for The Trace.

  24. Whut it be like. She probably moved south into MY south suburban(Cook co.) hood. Baby momma chunky gal for the win…

  25. I am sure that she sold, traded or gifted her “collection” in a lawful manner…or still carries in her backpack at her new school. The good news is that center mass is pretty easy to pick up on that one if required.

  26. Its way more a problem of environment than genetics. All her genetics did was make her weight harder to control and thus make her a target for bullying. I grew up in middle class white America and was slightly more tan than most of my friends, but we hung out with all kinds. Drugs were everywhere, too bad we couldn’t count in them being clean and the money staying in the community rather than going to organized crime (although at this point the diff between government, big pharma and a cartel is shrinking daily). Kids who were gonna get hooked got hooked, better weed than booze or cigarettes or fat burgers for that matter, because weed is habit forming on a psychological level and a good indicator of deeper problems, whereas the alternatives physically addict you and become there own problem. Also living near a large mil installation and lots of outdoors activities everybodies parents had guns, none of us ever fucked with them. Guns and drugs are a reality in a country this size and on a continent like north America we cannot be compared to something like Uk. or Australia. Guns and drugs are not going anywhere, might as well set the community up to have control over the industries rather than an unaccountable black market. And yes racism, prejudice do exist, but too many people these days are driving a wedge between citizens for political or monetary gain.

  27. She dindu nuffin. Her friends dindu nuffin. Their killers dindu nuffin. They all dindu nuffin.

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