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Traveler’s Gun Rights Act For Active-Duty Military And RV-ers

Darwin Nercesian - comments 26 comments

Representative Dusty Johnson has re-introduced the Traveler’s Gun Rights Act, a bill attending to a Second Amendment issue constraining firearms rights of those who do not use a permanent physical address, such as many active-duty military personnel and those who live and travel via RV. Companion legislation currently in the Senate is being led by Senator Mike Rounds, and both of these gentlemen are representatives of South Dakota, the state I like to call home and one that still represents strong American values and traditions. 

Johnson’s Traveler’s Gun Rights Act seeks to correct the firearms purchasing process and strengthen Second Amendment rights by relieving prejudice against those who work and live as travelers. Current ATF regulations unduly restrict law-abiding RV-ers, active-duty military, military spouses, and others who rely on a P.O. Box as their primary mailing address from obtaining a firearm, many of whom use these alternate addresses on their driver’s licenses. The legislation passed the House Judiciary Committee in January 2024, and Johnson is steadfast in his effort to see it through. 

“Many servicemembers and military spouses haven’t been able to obtain a firearm due to gaps in the address verification process… This is a commonsense bill to ensure these individuals can practice their Second Amendment rights,” says Johnson.

Senator Rounds is equally passionate about Americans not being forced to give up their rights due to a perfectly lawful lifestyle or their willingness to serve and protect the United States.  

“As a hunter, a lawful gun owner, and a supporter of the Second Amendment, I am committed to protecting the rights of lawful gun owners… The laws currently on the books do not go far enough in acknowledging the unique living situations of many Americans, including military families and full-time travelers. These bills would amend the law to remove roadblocks for law-abiding citizens trying to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” said Rounds.

John Commerford, Executive Director of NRA-ILA, aptly describes the “Constitutional catch-22” created by the ATF’s unreasonable restriction that a permanent address be listed on Form 4473 when purchasing a firearm. Commerford points out an agency requirement incongruent with that of other federal regulatory bodies and one that makes me question why the ATF needs to know exactly where the guns are at all times, cynicism well earned by the agency’s constant and wilful disruption of American gun rights. 

“Active-duty military and Americans who travel full-time often use P.O. boxes as their official and legal point of residence… Sadly, what works for the IRS is not good enough for the ATF, leaving those who serve or travel full-time in a Constitutional catch-22. We thank Rep. Dusty Johnson for his commitment to defending the Second Amendment for all Americans,” says Commerford.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) threw its support behind the bill and showed appreciation for Johnson’s efforts, with Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane speaking on behalf of active-duty service members and their family’s right to bear arms. 

“Americans, especially our active-duty military members, should never be denied the full spectrum of their Second Amendment rights simply because they use a post office box address instead of a physical address… This legislation is a simple fix to an overlooked problem that unfortunately disenfranchises law-abiding citizens of their ability to lawfully purchase a firearm. It still requires all the safeguards to ensure firearms remain out of the hands of those who should never possess them. Congressman Dusty Johnson’s leadership on the Traveler’s Gun Rights Act to ensure those with unique living situations are not denied their rights is commendable,” said Keane. 

While I have long been aware of the P.O. Box restriction on Form 4473, I have to confess that this situation never occurred to me, however, now that I’m aware, I find it reprehensible that travelers and military families have been prejudiced like this for so long. While I am shocked that nothing has been done previously to relieve this injustice, I am thankful to Representative Johnson and Senator Rounds for addressing it and standing up for America’s Second Amendment liberties. 

26 thoughts on “Traveler’s Gun Rights Act For Active-Duty Military And RV-ers”

    • Their legal point of address. Some states allow a P.O. box on the drivers license, with a ‘home of record’ physical address recorded elsewhere for it. Some states require a physical home address on the license for the original license issue, but for renewal you can use a a P.O. box. It depends on the state for the specifics.

  1. Arizona. Street address on the drivers licence, even though the city (pop: 1,300, incorporated in 1881) does not have any door-to-door mail delivery. The “Concealed Weapons Permit” does not have an address. On the 4473, street address.

    If ever someone uses that address for mail, officially it will be returned. (Actually, the Post Office staff know most of us old-timers by sight, they know what mail belongs in what box. PO boxes are free, but must be renewed annually and verified with a current utilities bill.)

  2. We don’t need a special law for truckers and RV’ers. We need constitutional enforcement for ALL citizens.

  3. My reply button don’t work.
    Pass a law?
    So a Constitutional RIGHT needs to have a law backing it up in order for it not to be infringed.
    I’m getting really confused.

  4. Remember When Biden Bragged About Defying SCOTUS And Corporate Media Shrugged?

    “The glaring double standard is part of a calculated effort by the media to peddle the phony narrative that Trump is an authoritarian threat. …

    Former President Joe Biden openly admitted to defying the Supreme Court multiple times during his administration — and the media barely blinked. But when President Donald Trump challenges a lower court ruling by an activist judge, the media frames it as a ‘constitutional crisis.’ The glaring double standard isn’t accidental; it’s part of a calculated effort by the left-wing corporate media to peddle the phony narrative that Trump is an authoritarian threat.


    • Trump Is Right To Push Back Against Judicial Supremacy.

      “A federal judge has no power to usurp Executive Branch authority or dictate foreign policy to the president.

      Did President Trump ignore an order from U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg in Washington, D.C., to halt the deportation of hundreds of alleged terrorists and gang members this weekend? No.

      Would it have been constitutional if he had? Yes.

      For too long, we have accepted without question the fallacious notion that the federal judiciary has the exclusive power of constitutional interpretation, and that the states and the other branches of the federal government are bound to accept whatever the courts decide. This myth of ‘judicial supremacy’ has thrown the constitutional system devised by our Founders out of balance, and it needs to be rejected.

      What the administration is expressing here is a view of judicial and executive powers that more closely conforms to how the Founding Fathers understood them. …

      James Madison stated plainly the reasoning behind this more expansive view of separation of powers clearly in Federalist No. 49: ‘The several departments being perfectly co-ordinate by the terms of their common commission, neither of them, it is evident, can pretend to an exclusive or superior right of settling the boundaries between their respective powers.’

      That means the judiciary can’t simply dictate to the Congress or the president what they must or must not do according to the Constitution. As legal scholar Michael Paulsen has written, ‘the power of constitutional interpretation is a divided, shared power incident to the functions of each of the branches of the national government — and to instruments of state governments, and of juries, as well — with none of these actors literally bound by the views of any of the others.’ According to this view, the Constitution itself, not the Supreme Court, is the supreme law of the land.

      It wasn’t always this way. Abraham Lincoln, for example, understood that the Executive Branch was not necessarily bound by the rulings issued by the Supreme Court but had its own inherent power to interpret the Constitution. Lincoln and the Congress both famously asserted what we might call constitutional supremacy in their defiance of the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision, by enacting and enforcing laws prohibiting slavery in federal territories — something Dred Scott expressly forbade. Lincoln also defied a Supreme Court decision purporting to limit his authority as commander-in-chief to hold enemy prisoners during the Civil War.

      How all of this will play out in Boasberg’s courtroom, or perhaps even in the Supreme Court, remains to be seen. But so far the Trump administration is asserting an older and more grounded understanding of constitutional supremacy and the separation of powers, one from which we have strayed very far and to which we need to return.

      If we don’t, expect radical anti-Trump judges like Boasberg to continue claiming the exclusive power of constitutional interpretation over and against the president and Congress, effectively gathering all federal power in one place — what Madison rightly called ‘the very definition of tyranny.’ ”


  5. Scammer and criminal Hunter Biden has had his secret service detail removed.

    He was recently facing an uncomfortable deposition in California, but a kindly judge allowed that case to be dismissed as Hunter’s too broke to continue. So what does poverty-stricken Hunter do after that? Why of course, he basically flees the country ‘for vacation’ in Cape Town, South Africa, apparently to dodge a subpoena, accompanied by his Secret Service detail, to suffer from his poverty with a lavish vacation in a $500/night beachfront villa.

    But anyway, his tax payer paid Secret Service detail is no more.

    Trump Made Some Changes to Hunter Biden’s Secret Service Detail


  6. The Latest Gov’t Inefficiency – ‘Magic Money’ Computers.

    “As Elon Musk and his band of tech nerds begin to root out decades of government waste, fraud, and abuse, it seems every revelation about what the federal government has been doing with our money, the taxpayers’ money, is more egregious than the last. We have all made jokes about the government spending bazillions of dollars on ridiculous things like studying the sex lives of fruit flies. But the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has proven many of those silly expenditures that sound like they could have happened — along with many that are not so silly — are true. Where is the money coming from? The “magic money” computers.

    He told Cruz and Ferguson, ‘…So I call the magic money computer, any computer that can just make money out of thin air. That’s magic money.’ Cruz then asked, ‘So, how does that work?” Musk stated, ‘It just issues payments.’ Cruz followed up and asked, ‘And you said there’s something like 11 of these computers at Treasury that are sending out trillions in payments?’ Musk continued, ‘Well, they are mainly at Treasury, but there’s some at HHS, one or two at State, there’s some at DOD. I think we’ve found now 14 magic money computers. They just send money out of nothing.’

    Government computers issuing payments into the ether is a prime example of the toxic bloat that Musk and his team are unearthing. …”


    (note: this is not money allocated by congress. It doesn’t exist in any allocation, yet these systems have been making ‘payments’ anyway by just making up the money out of nothing and then sending it out. Even though the money doesn’t exist, it still has to eventually be paid because when those magical funds get expended tax payer money is used to account for and pay the expenditure with real money. Economist and others have been wondering for years how, say, an actual allocation was expended for a certain thing but after those funds are expended the money keeps going out for that thing – now ya know, ‘magic money’ created from nothing.)

  7. Left wing Democrats violence on the move: Tesla Terrorist Troops Try To Terrify.

    Democrat megadonors are funding a wave of Tesla-directed terrorism as part of a larger campaign to destroy Elon Musk.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but Establishment Democrats have once again resorted to violence and domestic terrorism to further their ends. It is the same tactic they used in 2020 to create chaos and undermine the fragile public trust that stands between civilization and a failed state and is another stark example of how malignant the transnational elite has been to the body politic.



  8. Actor Mel Gibson Becomes the Unlikely Poster Boy for Felon’s Gun Rights ~ VIDEO.

    (includes a statement mentioning Trump administration restoring gun rights.)

    Actor Mel Gibson Becomes the Unlikely Poster Boy for Felon’s Gun Rights ~ VIDEO

    “The Oscar-winning actor, best known for Braveheart and Lethal Weapon, lost his firearm privileges after a 2011 misdemeanor domestic violence conviction. Now, under President Donald Trump’s administration, efforts to restore his rights have become a political flashpoint, drawing criticism from anti-gun activists while fueling the broader discussion about the rights of non-violent felons and those with past convictions.
    A Justice Department Shakeup Over Gun Rights

    The debate intensified when former DOJ Pardon Attorney Elizabeth Oyer claimed she was fired for refusing to recommend Gibson’s gun rights restoration. Oyer, a Biden-era appointee, [her office is the one that oversaw Hunter Biden being pardoned for his gun crimes.] alleges that senior Trump administration officials pressured her to include Gibson in a list of individuals slated for firearm rights reinstatement.


  9. AmeriCorps Is Being Used to Indoctrinate Participants With DEI In Violation Of Trump’s Executive Order.

    “Training programs to enter AmeriCorps have been indoctrinating participants into having an anti-American worldview.

    As many as 200,000 individuals each year answer this noble call to participate in America’s national service program, AmeriCorps, serving as members and volunteers across its various community service offshoots, only to be put through training modules that poison the very spirit of our nation.

    Training programs to enter AmeriCorps have been explicitly teaching participants diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) concepts that indoctrinate them into having an anti-American worldview; one that believes that the systems and institutions of our country were designed in such a way to benefit some and disadvantage others.

    Last year, AmeriCorps announced a whopping $370 million funding boost to support 300 ‘Innovative Programs Across the Nation,’ which American taxpayers are funding only to create radical activists and future leaders who will work to dismantle and destroy our nation. Public Allies, mentioned above, is just one of the organizations churning them out.


    • Well that sucks, I am not surprised as commies will turn anything worthwhile to shit given a chance but I remember this program doing a bit of good even if it was wasteful with allocated resources.


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