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Trevor Noah’s Daily Show Pimps Chicago’s Violence Interrupters

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Daily Show report on Chicago's Operation Cease Fire (courtesy cc.com)

According to the Daily Show report below, Chicago’s Operation Ceasefire “violence interrupters” have reduced shootings in three [cherry-picked] Windy City neighborhoods by 43 percent. The comedian/reporter fails to provide a citation for the claim that hiring ex-cons to talk gang bangers out of shooting each other is an effective “gun violence” reduction strategy. Nor does it mention . . .

last May’s headline at chicagosuntimes.com: CeaseFire ‘violence interrupter’ among dozens charged after gang probe. Or other “violence interrupter” scandals around the country. Nor is it funny (this is Comedy Central, right?).

But the feelgood report makes Mr. Noah’s progressive, millennial-heavy audience happy, to the point where they cheer and clap at the all the appropriate moments. What are the odds there’s a flashing sign in the studio to cue them?

I’m not sure which would be worse: using CLAP and CHEER signs or no signs at all.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Trevor Noah’s Daily Show Pimps Chicago’s Violence Interrupters”

  1. if it looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck…

    ok lets engage our basic reasoning skills here

    unlike any previous mass shooting this one has all the things in it that gun grabbers hate and want banned:
    bump fire stocks semi auto rifles high capacity magazines dozens of weapons thousands of rounds of ammo AND it just so happened at time in which there are rumblings that trump might be able to put 2 more justices on the scotus to replace kennedy and ginsburg

    is it just a coincidence that this same exact shooting also happens to be the first one that made this little sense almost 3 weeks afterward and timelines are constantly changing and people directly involved are disappearing for days and dying of natural causes right before they want to go public and on and on and on

    could it be a coincidence…debatable…but i think not

    but whats NOT up for debate is that we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BELIEVE the fbi and theyre running the show on this and im not going to even go into it because it would be like arguing that the sun rises in the east everyday its a waste of everybodys time everybody already knows it

    “government is not reason it is not eloquence it is force like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action”

    those individuals highly skeptical of this whole thing and in the absence of hard evidence not willing to just chalk it up to the workings of a madman especially knowing what we know about our current government even if ultimately proven wrong are right here right now the more wise and cautious and prudent ones

    and im not just saying that because thats my take on it

    in the unlikely event it comes out one day that he was just a madman i will admit i was wrong

    but it doesnt change the fact that if we truly value the 2nd amendment which is constantly under attack like all our other freedoms being the worlds biggest ever doubting thomases in situations like this is not very often the wrong way to be

  2. Pro video poker play is about finding the machines with the best payouts. Using proper strategy you can achieve positive expectation. Theres books on it( bob dancer wrote some), it basically about going for royal flushes. He would have many losing sessions, losing 10k on avg for 10 or 20 times in a row until he has a winning one and ‘wins’ 300 to 500k. Now remember hes playing at 30 or more casinoes. So most casinoes would want his action cause on average hes gonna lose, bjt over the long run you can beat video poker, but its a boring ass grind.

    If all your life is sitting at a video poker machine….man vegas gets old after 4 days imagine spending 20 years grinding it out there. I think he was done with life and he might as well take it out on vegas on the way out. Im sure there were times when the house kicked him off a machine. Or told him they no loger wanted his action, or didnt comp him what he wanted. Thats the most plausible reason, a man disconnected from the world angry at vegas, most professional gamblers feel that way from time to time. Add his wonderful genetics and bingo.

    The only conspiracy is the vegas cops and the casinoes hiding all the evidence that he was just a fed up gambler and he wanted to punish the strip on his way out. And maybe they should. Maybe the nedia covers mass shootings too much and it begats future shootings….


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