0 thoughts on “A True Classic: The Three-Screw Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum”

  1. I’ve got a potential ID 10 T question here. If we are taking about subsonic ammo – does a “hot load” even present an issue? I could see a supersonic load, but we are talking about a round that has already been dialed down to a lower muzzle velocity. I haven’t reloaded since I was a young teen with my dad and unfortunately much of that knowledge was ummm… liquefied, but I believe when we built hotter loads in for our pistol and maybe some rifle rounds, it was to eek out a little more range. I think I recall us building hotter hand loads for a .357 my dad used to hunt in the Big Thicket in East Texas.

  2. The last review of a Meopta red dot on this site was in 2015 and the red dot was garbage. On the other hand, I guess they make OEM glass for some fairly well-regarded companies too.

    Either way, an Aimpoint PRO costs half as much and is, well, an Aimpoint.

  3. She may think the screaming comes from the edges , but she needs to be shown that NO MORE is the only response to gun control.


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