Home » Blogs » Truefire is Marketing a ‘Smart’ Weapon Lock to LEOs for AR-15s

Truefire is Marketing a ‘Smart’ Weapon Lock to LEOs for AR-15s

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Here comes another “smart gun” device that wants to disrupt the firearms business and bring fast, reliable safety technology to the masses. Truefire LLC has developed a patented elctronic firearm locking system that’s activated either by fingerprint, RFID, or a mechanical key.

Truefire’s lock replaces a standard grip on an AR-15 rifle. The lock disables the rifle via a locking bar that’s positioned behind the trigger, preventing an unauthorized user from pulling it.

Once the unit is unlocked, the tension on the bar is eased, allowing the trigger to be pulled. Watch this video . . .

Truefire tells us they’re targeting the locks toward law enforcement use first for the AR and X26P tasers with models coming down the road for common pistol models.

From Truefire’s investor deck . . .

The weapons industry has not succeeded because they are not a tech company. They live in the early 19th century in terms of manufacturing and have done little to innovate that process let alone enter the tech field.

Developing a smart weapon is a daunting task for a company that has no proficiencies in tech or electronics, let alone applications development. Technology has finally achieved a state of robustness, responsiveness, and advancement that can now be deployed in firearms successfully.

Truefire LLC is comprised of a group of innovators, creators, and industry tech professionals with a combined 75-plus years of experience designing and developing software and hardware solutions, and is well poised to lead the firearms market.

The unit in these photos is a test and development version which is missing all the refinements, production seals, and production pieces from the current version of the design.

Truefire technology is a complete smart weapon lock management solution, designed and developed for law enforcement, military, and the consumer market.

LEO and military firearms weapons are often stored in police and military automobiles and left unchecked. These weapons are subsequently the most vulnerable to being stolen and used in crimes against police and civilians.

Our product has been put through rigorous testing and performance evaluations. This is not just another biometrics/RFID lock that can be easily defeated

Truefire says the’ve gotten a lot of interest from law enforcement agencies and they’re currently involved in a capital raise (see here) to get the product into the next phase of production.

Truefire has promised to get us one to test once they’re in production. Stay tuned.


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