In a move that should delight American gun owners, the Trump Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has removed former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s 40-page advisory declaring so-called gun violence as a “public health crisis.”
Murthy made the declaration last June in the run-up to the election, likely hoping to draw more gun-control advocates to support then-candidate President Joe Biden and to ensure further election funding from gun-ban groups like Brady, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
“Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General’s Advisory on firearm violence,” Surgeon General Murthy said in a video announcement. “It outlines the urgent threat firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of our country.”
On Tuesday, however, the link to the Office of the Surgeon General’s publications on firearm violence was disabled, yielding a “Page Not Found” message.
“HHS and the Office of the Surgeon General are complying with President Trump’s Executive Order on Protecting Second Amendment Rights,” HHS spokesman Andrew Nixon said in an email to CNN on Tuesday.
A story critical of the move at touted the page as something special that should not have been removed.
“The‘firearm violence in America’ page, where the advisory had been posted, was filled with data and information about the ripple effects of shootings, the prevalence of firearm suicides and the number of American children and adolescents who have been shot and killed,” the story stated.
In truth, the page was filled with something, but describing it as “data” and “information” is far too kind. In fact, in his report, Murthy cited data from the many times discredited Gun Violence Archive (GVA) more than four times.
The GVA quickly became the Biden Administration’s source of choice for mass-shooting data because the organization dishonestly hypes the numbers. The small nonprofit came up with its own extremely broad definition of a mass shooting, which says anytime four or more people are killed or even slightly wounded with a firearm, regardless of the circumstances, it’s a mass shooting.
Using those figures, according to the GVA there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI said there were only 30 because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition, which excludes the gang-related and drug-related shootings that the GVA includes in its data.
Ultimately, the fact that the Trump Administration has wiped the advisory from the website is just one more sign of how much more pro-gun this administration will be than the Biden Administration was. Hopefully, Attorney General Pam Bondi will bolster that fact even more by reporting back soon to the president’s executive order calling on her to investigate Biden Administration orders and other regulations infringing upon the Second Amendment.
Cool now maybe we can refocus some resources on investigating toxic foods and medicine being pushed as safe by large companies who have an incestuous relationship with our regulatory agencies.
WARNING: U S History Confirms Gun Control Is A Hazard To Your Freedom.
No thank you.
If you want to take a big stab at that in a simple way, take 18 USC 47 and add a few lines to make it fraud at the federal level to fail to properly declare conflicts of interest in the scientific literature or public scientific documentation or to declare something as being generally considered as safe without outside confirmation.
Truth be told, in many regards, I don’t think we actually know much about a lot of this stuff. There are definitely bullshit claims, or at least extremely misleading statements, on all sides of the *food and medicine* argument.
For some fun I could rewrite that idea into wokish and send it around to my various representatives and local lefty groups are how big Trump friendly companies are oppressing BIPOCs with toxic products. Of course with how things are going in NY right now it may work and see higher taxes to subsidize better options for minorities while driving up prices for everyone else. But yeah some objective review of safety and effectiveness is the end goal but damn do they not want anything close to that.
The level of resistance is definitely suggestive that they’re concerned about what might be found.
The reality in some instances I think is that their main concern isn’t that it will be found unsafe but rather that it will become common knowledge how fast and loose they played with safety in the first place.
Aluminum as an adjuvant being tested on four rabbits and one guy and all the data for one rabbit being lost as the sum total of safety testing isn’t well known and would probably get a lot of people pretty heated.
My counterpart at the department of health always joked (I hope) that the ven diagram of symptoms of autism and heavy metal poisoning (including aluminum apparently) was a blurry dot so obviously it couldn’t be related.
It would be pretty easy to figure out in the case of aluminum.
Deferoxamine is the preferred treatment.
……why do I get the feeling this is rarely tried let alone known outside of industrial settings?
Not fda approved for aluminum removal……hmm I really would like to be surprised by this.
My buddy Grumble is a grumpy guy. He lives out in the woods and you do not visit him without calling ahead, or you could end up with holes in your vehicle. He is very particular about his food…No dyes, no chemicals, nothing from cans. The only boxed food he allows is pasta. He says “if it has ingredients it ain’t from God”. He brings his glass bottles to the Amish farm for fresh, raw milk. But Grumble has a weakness: Cheese-its. He loves them, although he complains how, over the decades, the ingredient list in Cheese-Its has gotten longer, and that they are not as cheesy as they once were. I hope RFK can reverse this trend. I shudder to think about what might happen to this world if the Cheese-It makers push Grumble too far.
I know someone like that. Likes them crackers and is grumpy. In fact, she has 6 cases of them in the basement, as a hedge against any lingering inflation. Oops, been outed…well, in for a penny and so forth. They’re beginning to encroach on my gun table space, but I don’t complain because she went to the range with me the other day. She really likes the Cheetah, glad I bought a second one!
Does Grumble have any family ties to Parador, by chance?
If she goes with you to the range, she’s a keeper!! You may need another gun safe just for the Cheese-its. 🙂
“It’s not easy being cheezy,” or “If it doesn’t say Sunkist on it, you don’t know what you’re getting.”
………….well I am about 75% of the way there as is just need to be more gumpy and a change in location where such things would not be a instafelony.
Bystander’s Armed Intervention Stops Stabbing Attack at New Hampshire McDonald’s.
proper link for above:
Why wasn’t this BS removed on Jan22?
Gotta clear deadwood before you can start over.
Aaachhooo aaachooo, cough cough cough , gag, hack, puke, snots running fever is 109 and rising.
Damned Gunitis is going to kill me.
Aaaachoo, cough cough cough, gag, puke, sneeze
It’s a pandemic I tell yah
There is no such thing as “public health”. There is ONLY individual health. No matter what I do to my body – it doesn’t hurt you.
If you are vulnerable to communicable disease – then you need to isolate yourself – not demand that all of us bend to you.
The counter to that argument is plainly shown by allowing public health threats to cross the border and spread measles and worse to the public from regions that lack basic sanitation practices. The tricky part is finding where to draw the line without creating Covid camps for people who refuse to get fake vaccines.
The issue isn’t that there’s “no such thing as public health”.
The issue is that what we call “public health” is really just a work program for bureaucrats and often a kickback scheme at the local level where those who give money to local pols get rewarded with patronage positions they’re often not qualified for (which is how you things like a PhD with no medical training running something like Los Angeles public health and being referred to as “doctor” as a misdirection).
Mostly *public health* not doing what the name claims (like so much else our governments do), it’s just meant to sound good.
Now, I’ve seen arguments that there are cases where maximizing individual health doesn’t assist with *public health* but I’ve never seen a cogent argument for specifics regarding where this is actually true and elucidating how that works in a way that has real world effects and can be backed up by actual bioscience.
Logically speaking, a group made up of healthier individuals is a group that is overall healthier both qualitatively and quantitatively. Given the individual variation in genetics, epigenetics, biochemistry and prior immune history it’s basically not possible to centralize “public health”. All you can do is decentralize it and encourage good decisions.
But, if you did that, what would someone with a Master’s in Public Health and an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts do for employment?
The rest of it is plainly an employment scheme for people who otherwise would be mostly doing something else with a lot less power over other people.
Cool, I guess. I’ll take it but I’m not very impressed.
Let me know when there’s an administration that’s actually going to play hardball, USDOT style, over the 2A and start cutting off big chunks of federal funding to states that infringe on the 2A.
They do it for speed limits, which to my knowledge aren’t really a federal issue, so why not on something that’s expressly a federal issue?