trump background checks
Courtesy Washington Post and YouTube

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it yet again because so few people have caught on. Don’t pay attention to what President Trump says about gun control (or any other subject, really). Pay attention to what he does.

Yet what he said yesterday has the congressional civilian disarmament caucus — led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — all in a tizzy.

As Trump prepared to board Air Force 1 yesterday, he was asked about Congress pushing through universal background checks.

That seems to be a distinct softening of his earlier position when, in the days after the El Paso and Dayton shootings, he said this:

The apparent walk-back hasn’t pleased Schumer at all, as you might imagine. It’s always dicey trying to analyze Trump’s comments, but it would appear that someone has impressed upon him how damaging a betrayal of his pro-gun base would be to his reelection prospects.

From Politico, Schumer had this to say . . .

“We’ve seen this movie before: President Trump, feeling public pressure in the immediate aftermath of a horrible shooting, talks about doing something meaningful to address gun violence, but inevitably, he backtracks in response to pressure from the NRA and the hard right,” Schumer said on Monday afternoon. “These retreats from President Trump are not only disappointing but also heartbreaking, particularly for the families of the victims of gun violence.”

Rule of thumb: anything that disappoints Chuck Schumer is generally a good thing for individual freedom.

Swamp-watchers have posited that the only way anything will happen on gun control in the Senate is if Trump provides political cover with his strong support.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has expressed openness to a gun debate in the Senate, but it’s possible that work on spending bills could sideline the firearm issue, particularly if Trump is lukewarm. The House passed a universal background checks bill earlier this year and Schumer is urging McConnell to bring it to a Senate vote.

“The way forward is for Sen. McConnell to put the bipartisan House-passed universal background checks bill on the Senate floor for a vote immediately,” Schumer said on Monday.

Yet that bill will struggle to attract 50 votes, much less the 60 needed to break a filibuster. Collins opposes it because it doesn’t include enough exemptions for transfers to family members, essentially guaranteeing it would not pass the Senate.

“You’re really going to go to your adult child and have to do a background check? People in Maine are very sensible and they know it doesn’t make sense,” Collins said in a recent interview.

When you can’t get even a squish like Susan Collins to support your gun control bill, its prospects for passage aren’t particularly bright.



      • Oh, god… the libertardians are back. How about you win a few house seats before you start pretending you’re a legitimate political party?

      • He is. I’ve never liked him. But I voted for him. And if he’s the gop nominee in 2020 I will vote for him again.

        I would much rather have him picking fed judges than hillary or bernie.

        • Trump, despite his flaws (there are many), has done good work bringing along people like me who mistrust him but are inclined to vote for him next time around. His policy record so far has been surprisingly convincing. Assuming he wants to broaden his voter base next election (or at least keep it stable), he’d be smart not to mess around with gun control and alienate a whole bunch of people who have decided he’s actually not as bad as the media says. All it would take is support for some terrible gun policy (or worse still, signing it into law) for me to wonder if the bad outweighs the good after all.

      • Just because you’re high in the middle doesn’t mean you have to talk out of both ends, Ohio.

      • He’s neither full of shit nor is he an idiot. He’s quite astute although mouthy. He’s done more to reveal to America what the true heart of the Democrat party is that they themselves would have ever revealed through campaign BS.

    • And also August 2018…about bump stocks.

      Sorry, but you don’t have ‘insight’ into Trump’s reasoning, there is no plan. He thought it was politically expedient to ‘give’ again on gun control because folks like you were cool with it last year, but now –thankfully– it appears most of his pro-gun supporters have reached the limits of their benefit of the doubt. Not you, of course, but enough to have him seriously concerned about his re-election chances, enough to put him off trying to court a non-existent ‘moderate’ by screwing over his base.

      • Again… do you have a final case ruling you want to share with the rest of the class? The “bump stock” issue is still in litigation.

        • Meanwhile, everyone who still has a bump stock is a de facto criminal, only because Trump told the ATF to make it so. And legitimate businesses are out millions of dollars that they’ll probably never recoup.

          You can blow your Trump worship out your ass.

          If this executive overreach still stands when the next Democrat enters the White House, there’ll be hell to pay for all of us as the progbots weaponize it, and it’ll be all his stupid fault.

          And I say all of this as someone who’s actually willing to vote for the guy in the next election. He beats the evil alternative by a long shot, but he sure as hell isn’t any kind of savior.

        • Not everyone is a felon. FPC members can keep their bump stocks because they’re in litigation. One guy in Utah gets to keep his too because he has a separate case pending.

      • I would still, even if naively, like to believe that through his sons – at least one is a suppressor owner and they both hunt, (unlike Donald) that they are keeping him informed about gun stuff. Trump did say he didn’t like silencers when he was on the pussy Piers Morgan show and that “I/we will be looking into them” but haven’t heard or seen anything yet.
        The bump-stock ban violated so many points of law and procedure that it may be overturned but it disturbs me that the SCOTUS didn’t at least issue a stay while the various lawsuits go through the process. Did he know it was a fucked up way to ban something and it was part of the plan… you know, placate the anti-gunners while doing something that may well be overturned on any of eight or 14 points? IDK..
        What about all the rumors that the Trump administration was going to Executive Order braces out of existence after the one shooter used a blade on a short barreled pistol and unfortunately a Beta C-Mag looking 100 round drum? The gun as displayed does have a rather efficient short look to it… Apparently no one at ATF has been informed about a possible Executive action but I’m not sure they really would have to be.
        Just more shit to make me drink more at night… no wonder kids today smoke weed.

      • What will happen in 2022 or so when there is another mass shooting? Will he cave then? He may not have to worry about re-election then. If he is really on the fence, like the pundits say, what is to stop him from allowing even more “gun control”?

        We would hope that people in the GOP would stop him from doing so, but there are many in the GOP that do not want the unwashed masses armed.

        • You know what the dems will do regardless. They are not even pretending anymore that they don’t want to take your guns

    • Trump Appears to Back Away from Universal Background Checks

      Good. Because just like Trump doesn’t like regulations on his business, his hotels, or his estates, we likewise, we don’t like them on us or our guns.

    • Trump better be playing lip service and bullshitting appeasement because if he backstabs us, well, I’m tired of politics.

    • Anyone who wails about premeditated gun violence while honoring abortion is a walking CONVOLUTION especially when being murdered by bullets is more humane than being butchered alive inside a mother’s womb – a place which was created by divine design to be the safest and most loving place in the Universe not the most dangerous and most deadly place in the Universe.

  1. Trump sometimes does the right thing. But a mentality of “ignore what he says, wait and watch what he does” just means submitting to being gaslit.

    If you were to make threats of treading on Trump’s rights, do you imagine for even a minute that you would be granted the same “ignore what he says, wait and watch what he does” terms?

    • Um… did you watch the entire Comey Coup? If Trump was as you claim, Comey and his co-conspirators would be face down in a ditch by now.

        • It’s more like unshakable opposition to a group of critters who currently tend to attack this one man for dumb reasons and with questionable intent.

        • no it’s not. You can easily refute their bullshit causes and not support everything the orange idiot does. PWRSerge praises everything the man does all over these comment sections. It’s the Fox News syndrome. Comparable to the CNN syndrome.

    • He’s used to working with the unions, who ask for the moon, then negotiate, then agree on something. The China trade deal crashed the stock market, next day, he backed off…it recovered. Like my parenting skills. “You’re grounded for a year, well, 6 months, well, this weekend…and that’s final.”

  2. “but it would appear that someone has impressed upon him how damaging a betrayal of his pro-gun base would be to his reelection prospects.”

    Two points:

    1) If people hadn’t freaked out at his earlier comments, how would Trump have been able to realize just how damaging gun control would be to his support.

    2) What happens when he is in office a second term and not seeking re-election? What will stop him then?

    Somehow, in clown world, the president saying one thing but doing another is a positive attribute. Honk, honk!

      • Dan. Who’s minding the store? You got a dude dropping the N word in the post about Cory and pg2 was disrupting another comment thread with his vaccine two step.

        I won’t bring up vlad since he seems to be a protected class around here.

        • Pg2 has been running around TTAG like Mommy’s Little Snookums, saying whatever he wants in defiance of the policies the rest of us are told to follow if we don’t want our comments to be memory-holed (per Dan).

          The jury’s still out on Vlad.

          • Pg2 has been running around TTAG like Mommy’s Little Snookums, saying whatever he wants in defiance of the policies the rest of us are told to follow if we don’t want our comments to be memory-holed (per Dan).

            The jury’s still out on Vlad.

            OMG – all the whining. All of you need to put on your big boy pants. If they are talking about something you perceive is stupid or offensive, just avoid them and stop talking to them. Or refute them in an epic manner followed by ignoring. Whining to Dan about it is pathetic.

        • Dan’s more ineffectual than Farago was. You’ve got a guy regularly talking about exterminating people with differing political beliefs. A whole handful of people who regularly refer to other voting blocs as “tards” or worse. And a sprinkling of others who make thinly veiled references to blacks in a derogatory sense.

          Wasn’t there JUST a fancy ass post about commenting etiquette? That lasted about as long as it took for the regular suspects to hit the comment section on THAT post, right?

          • Dan’s more ineffectual than Farago was. You’ve got a guy regularly talking about exterminating people with differing political beliefs. A whole handful of people who regularly refer to other voting blocs as “tards” or worse. And a sprinkling of others who make thinly veiled references to blacks in a derogatory sense.

            Wasn’t there JUST a fancy ass post about commenting etiquette? That lasted about as long as it took for the regular suspects to hit the comment section on THAT post, right?

            Silencing PG2 and pwrserge because it makes TTAG look more palatable to centrists is the definition of political correctness.

            I would suggest everyone stop whining when they can brush off the trolls and weirdos and move along to more important things, instead of complaining to Dan about how offensive some people are.

        • I myself have been in the back row for a long time here at TTAG, reading articles and comments while keeping at arm’s length from the fray. I’ve recently decided to re-join the conversations after a lengthy absence.

          That being said, I’ve been reading the turbulent comments regarding Pg2 starting a few weeks ago, and following the issue closely ever since, particularly noting the comments by some of the other users here. Something is amiss with this Pg2 persona, I will concede.

          Vlad is nothing more than a troll, or perhaps more than one person acting as Vlad due to the disjointed writing styles. But he/she/it seems likely to be nothing more than a garden variety troll looking for attention.

        • Dan. Who’s minding the store? You got a dude dropping the N word in the post about Cory and pg2 was disrupting another comment thread with his vaccine two step.

          I won’t bring up vlad since he seems to be a protected class around here.

          This isn’t a store. It’s the comment section of a blog on the internet. If someone else’s speech is that offensive, then explain to everyone else how they are wrong, don’t ask the authorities to silence them.

        • Anon. Dan and the folks that run TTAG make an issue about lecturing us about not behaving in certain ways here. We had a post by Dan not so long ago reminding us to not be racist. Not to personally attack one another and specifically for pg2 to get quiet about vaccines.

          If this place is open for a free for all, fine. But so long as TTAG says we will get censored or banned for certain behaviours I for one would like them to apply those rules evenly. No ignoring one over the other. No class pets.

          Or for real, take the restraints off and let us have at it.

        • Hell I’m still trying to figure out why so many regulars respond to anything Vlad tipes at all.

          I don’t even “read” what he tipes anymore. There is no point in trying to converse with someone like that.

          Just sayin’…

          • Hell I’m still trying to figure out why so many regulars respond to anything Vlad tipes at all.

            I don’t even “read” what he tipes anymore. There is no point in trying to converse with someone like that.

            Just sayin’…

            Vlad is so programmed it’s hilarious. I would absolutely love for Vlad to tell me something I haven’t already heard from some other socialist. Vlad is an extreme product of confirmation bias, which is precisely why not a single idea iterated by him is a new idea embodying a genuine perspective.

        • @Anonymous,

          Interesting how you suddenly come out of nowhere, interjecting when there’s a mention about Pg2 and/or Vlad from a few people here. And even more interesting is how you were able to position your replies directly below each person you’re speaking to (one hour later), instead of the default “bottom of the line” position like the rest of us. I’ve never seen that before.

          Is that a feature available to the rest of us, or only TTAG staff? And why do you suddenly care so much about some comments regarding Pg2? I see that you’re not taking your own advice and “ignoring” comments you don’t like.

          • Interesting how you suddenly come out of nowhere, interjecting when there’s a mention about Pg2 and/or Vlad from a few people here.

            I’ve been coming here since 2012. Read my many, many comments about Dick Metcalf’s classic betrayal in 2013 here:

            So me “coming out of nowhere” is quite comical to me.

            PG2 shoots IDPA and he is quite obsessive about vaccines, or the lack of enforcement of vaccines I should say. And of course pwrserge has been pro government force of vaccinations for as long as I have read their comments here (many years). It’s not new to either of them. They had the same comments years ago
            and I really don’t care to jump into their battle.

            Vlad is a trolling socialist ignorant of the philosophical consequentialism revolving around the ideas he professes, which have all been tried before.

            And even more interesting is how you were able to position your replies directly below each person you’re speaking to (one hour later), instead of the default “bottom of the line” position like the rest of us. I’ve never seen that before.

            That’s because I’m proficient at commenting at TTAG and have been doing it for many years. I am not new here.

            Is that a feature available to the rest of us, or only TTAG staff?

            It’s available to anyone with some effort. Click the date under your post and the link to it is:

            Notice the number “4315701” that is a form of comment “ID.” Click any reply button on the page. Any of them. They link will be something like:


            Notice the comment ID in the “replytocom.” Switch their ID with your ID of “4315701” and hit enter on your keyboard, and the page refreshes with a reply to you (even though the reply button to you didn’t exist). I make my reply and then it inserts it directly under your name. It is a play on the structure of wordpress.

            And why do you suddenly care so much about some comments regarding Pg2?

            I don’t care at all. It’s just repugnant to me to see everyone bickering about being offended by other people and seeking to silence them at the request of editor Dan.

            I see that you’re not taking your own advice and “ignoring” comments you don’t like.

            That’s because I’m not being a buttercup about it. I have no problem engaging in comments I don’t like without requesting censorship.

            • I’m trying that comment trick, Anon. I always assumed that people were just replying through the email notifications.

              ETA: It worked. That’s groovy! Thanks for the education. 🙂

        • @Anon,

          I meant “coming out of nowhere” in regards to the ongoing tiff over Pg2, like coming out of left field. I know you’ve been here a long time, Mr. Smartypants.

          And our collective tiff isn’t over an effort to silence or ban the likes of Pg2; it’s the inconsistently of TTAG and how some of us have seen our comments memory-holed or been contacted by Dan over comment policy “violations” – the very same ones he published again a few weeks ago – yet this Pg2 guy gets a free pass.

          I agree completely with a previous request on this matter. Either enforce the rules fairly across the board, or open up the game board and allow all conversations to flow.

    • ” What happens when he is in office a second term and not seeking re-election? What will stop him then? ”

      What will stop him is the GOP wants to hold on to the white house in a post-Trump world. Whatever he does in his second term, his successor gets the blame or the credit.

    • Well, if the Libertarians manage to get 10% of the seats in state legislatures before they start swinging for the fences, I might take them seriously as a national party.

      • Politically we libertarians have the disadvantage of being – shall we say – VERY skeptical of any government. So, anybody who runs as a libertarian politician is immediately viewed with real suspicion by the people who you’d think would be their biggest supporters. That’s how we end up with jokers like Gary Johnson as our candidates. 🙁

    • No, we have no options. We made the office of President into that of a ruler, versus that of an administrator. As such, the only attributes that best suit such an office are deception and diversion. We have a choice between criminals and clowns. There is certainly no way for a person who actually respects us citizens to gain the office, and largely because the citizens are not worthy of respect. Best example is Trump’s speeches where he uses rather embarrassing baby-talk to hammer-home blunt slogans like the audience is about third-grade in intelligence…to huge and continuous applause. See also how the Democrats constantly one-up each other in their appearances, trying to garner precious attention from their vacuous supporters, turning themselves into ridiculous Birds of Paradise, distorted carnival mirror versions of whatever their original beliefs were even five years ago. Our nation is a bunch of distractable children that don’t know shit about philosophy, history, governance, and even fewer have any idea of what sort of future we need to strive for. Our society is dying, or more likely, already dead, and what we see now is the unsightly process of decay into a dark age. We’ll lurch back & forth between the latest political fad or personality at a greater and greater degree, until we finally appoint one brutal enough to keep itself on top by force.

      • Quote——————-Our nation is a bunch of distractable children that don’t know shit about philosophy, history, governance,————quote

        Without realizing it your speaking of the hard core lower class uneducated Trumpites not the majority of the American people who know what Nazi’s are and that Trump came to power by using Hitlers tactics of division, racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry by appealing to the Far Right who worship modern day Nazism as fervently as Hitlers followers did. Their rhetoric and core beliefs prove it beyond all doubt.

        When the glazed eyed followers of Herr Drumpf scream “send her back” to an American Citizen of color that really says it all as it was a standard saying back in the 50’s used against all people of color again by the Far Right, which included the Klu Klux Klan who today it was revealed murdered 5,000 Americans since 1865, and the White Supremacists have murdered 313 since 1995 COMPARED TO THE ANTI-FA WHO HAVE KILLED NO ONE. LET THAT SINK IN.

        • Quote——————-Our nation is a bunch of distractable children that don’t know shit about philosophy, history, governance,————quote

          Without realizing it your speaking of the hard core lower class uneducated Trumpites not the majority of the American people who know what Nazi’s are and that Trump came to power by using Hitlers tactics of division, racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry by appealing to the Far Right who worship modern day Nazism as fervently as Hitlers followers did. Their rhetoric and core beliefs prove it beyond all doubt.

          I would disagree. It is the left that use the tactics of Nazi’s. The left are the Nazi’s. But instead of seeking racial purity, they seek cultural purity through intolerance. You will embrace the new democrat party’s religious degree of “diversity” or you will be punished. You will celebrate “inclusivity” or you will be punished. You will accept economic and class “equity” or you will be punished. And they do such… all the while… by not tolerating diversity of ideas, or “including” those with different ideas. Their goal is acceptance of their newly asserted morals of diversity and inclusivity or you will be punished.

          And how do they accomplish it? by using Hitlers tactics of division, racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry. They incessantly cry bigotry and racism at everyone where not exists, for the purpose of political manipulation by the mechanics of “political correctness.” With the end goal to purify the region with nothing but their ideas. And you will comply or you will be labeled a “racist” and subsequently burned at the stake, salem witch style.

          When the glazed eyed followers of Herr Drumpf scream “send her back” to an American Citizen of color that really says it all as it was a standard saying back in the 50’s used against all people of color again by the Far Right, which included the Klu Klux Klan who today it was revealed murdered 5,000 Americans since 1865, and the White Supremacists have murdered 313 since 1995 COMPARED TO THE ANTI-FA WHO HAVE KILLED NO ONE. LET THAT SINK IN.

          And the left has killed a hundred million people through communism, marxism, and socialism in attempts to reach their newly created moral standard which they worship. Let that sink in.

          And Antifa hasn’t killed anyone because of their lack of wanting, but rather likely due to their gross incompetence and their thirst for blood in the streets in the form of beatings for entertainment purposes.

        • Well, those “…uneducated Trumpites” know the difference between your and you’re.

      • I agree with the gist of what you are saying. It didn’t start out this way. The executive was much more constrained before the Civil war. We are living in the aftermath of the second founding of America which in many ways is a dystopia of the first. It is easy to see parallels to how Rome became an empire after the Great Roman Civil War. One you have a powerful executive, the bread and circuses are soon to follow.

  3. I already watched what he did …..


  4. Did somebody turn on the irrational troll signal? I swear, if the never-Trumper’s had their way we’d all be lining up to turn in out guns to President Clinton’s NKVD on our way to the train station to get shipped to the intersectional “reeducation camps”.

    • Serg,

      You really need to read Kurt Schlichter’s book series, starting with “The People’s Republic”, then “Indian Country”, and “Wildfire”

      Good laughs, until to you see how much the Left has poisoned people’s minds with thei r filth.

      • Oh spot on!!

        I’ve read all three and waiting for the fourth. Some of the plots are shockingly close to today’s headlines about the crazy left/Progressives……and Furry’s!

  5. Before you post here make sure you call and e mail the White house about this gun control that the dims want. Also call your representatives and senators and tell them also. If you ring their phones off the wall raising hell in a respectful manner then this stuff will go nowhere, works every time. Those politicians want to keep their gravy train going.

    • That’s certainly opposite of this line in the article:

      “Don’t pay attention to what President Trump says about gun control (or any other subject, really).”

      IMHO, we should pay attention to what a sitting president says… Especially, one who appears to value a conservative base.

    • Have done so to both senators and representatives. As well as at the state level. almost weekly. Get the requisite form letters in return. They are hiding behind there absents from direct contact from their constituents. If this attack on OUR 2A Rights continue. It may require a more up close and personal type of contact to get the point across. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • My senators are leading the charge. Feinstein and Harris are not worth the electrons and my time. My representative, though, is so solid there is no need to remind him of how to vote.

  6. How Trump works. Says stuff people want to hear to get the heat off, then slowly backs away from it.

    He never explicitly endorsed UBCs, just said “stronger” background checks which could mean better data collection on those blocked from owning guns.

    Me, background checks of any sort are a complete waste of time and limited law-enforcement resources. They don’t stop mass shooters, they don’t stop criminals. But we’re stuck with them for now. Glad the president isn’t necessarily going to make a bad law worse.

    • You are correct he never really committed to anything. He does the same thing when he meets world leaders. It’s always the best the best relationship. He is over the top. Is he sometimes in eloquent? Certainly. One of his selling points was that he was not a smooth talking career politician. I don’t know why so many people get bent out of shape with him. He has done surprisingly good under more pressure than any president in my lifetime. Regarding bump stocks, i never cared in the least about them but if i had one it would still be in my safe. Somethings I choose not to comply with

  7. Why don’t they just enforce the regulations in place for keeping records up to date. Things like getting the government departments to do their job. Sutherlin Springs ring a bell. How many complaints were called in about the Parkland shooter? Or even the Dayton shooter’s mother calling. If she said she didn’t think he was mature or responsible enough to own the gun… that could be saying he may not handle it safely and deserve to be followed up.

    Gun control should be using two hands when necessary.

    • “The unnamed teenage boy, who attends Seabreeze High School in Daytona Beach, allegedly posted a comment on a video game chat platform last week using a fake name, vowing to bring his father’s M15 assault rifle to school and kill seven people “at a minimum,” according to a statement from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.”

  8. Dear Liberals,

    If the day comes when you ask me to hand over my firearms, I will use the same quote used during the
    siege of Bastogne in World War 2. “NUTS”! Translation = suck my ball sack

    • And we Socialists will laugh watching the news when the helicopter gun ships “Waco” you in a hail of gunfire and of course flame throwers to burn off what they might have missed with tracers and incendiary bullets.

      • And we Socialists will laugh watching the news when the helicopter gun ships “Waco” you in a hail of gunfire and of course flame throwers to burn off what they might have missed with tracers and incendiary bullets.

        And you’ll immediately stop laughing after you do so, because then you’ll realize that the free money is over and you’ll have to get a job yourself instead of mooching off of people vastly more able and talented than yourself. Riddled in grief at the fact that your Holodomor is over, you’ll resort to eating your own kids, which is what incompetent lazy socialists who can do nothing but “vote” do, when they have voted everyone else’s money into their pockets to the very last coin.

        Which is why Churchill said: Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

        And: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

        And that is the problem with socialists. They have legitimized theft by voting for it. And of course, the only way to enforce socialism is to force it upon people. It is theft by government force in the name of equality that can never be:

        Human beings are born with different capacities, if they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

        So there it is in a nutshell. Socialism is for “can’t do” losers deeply resentful that they are at the bottom of the competence hierarchy. Their solution? Vote to take other people’s stuff. Pathetic.

        • Pay attention to this post and you will learn how the U.S. really works.

          Corporate Welfare and the Trump tax rape law which ran up the deficit to over 2 trillion dwarfs the pitiful amount of money paid to needy people. Remember you are the one now paying the taxes that Corporate America no longer pays at all. Amazon made billions and paid zero taxes. Ever wonder why Civilized European Countries that are much smaller than the U.S. have bigger job training programs and all kinds of social programs to help the people from cradle to grave? Its because large corporation are made to pay their fair share of taxes. The U.S. Corporations pay the least amount of taxes in the Industrialized world while impoverishing the worker with minimum wages and no retirement benefits and even no health care coverage or holidays off. They are the ones getting the free stuff not the worker troglodyte slaves.


          • Negative.

            Corporate Welfare and the Trump tax rape law which ran up the deficit to over 2 trillion dwarfs the pitiful amount of money paid to needy people.

            There is this thing called “budget.” Pro-socialists typically don’t know what they are because they lack the competence to understand or maintain one, because they are too busy trying to vote other people’s money in their pockets rather than make an effort to improve themselves through discipline and education.


            First, take a look at this chart at the link above. Take notice of the term “programmatic” These are government safety nets advocated for by socialists (democrats). They include medicare, medicaid, social security, etc. These nanny-state programs were put in place so the government could “take care” of people who apparently couldn’t take care of themselves (socialists). Take notice that it grows each year and is currently 75% of the budget. If a “deficit” is to be corrected, this is the place to start.

            Second, corporate welfare and the tax bill doesn’t “run the deficit” over 2 trillion. That statement it like me saying to you, I couldn’t have free s**t and I am in debt, because Vlad didn’t give me his money. That statement insinuates that the government is “entitled” to corporate profits by default and that anything left to corporations are what is allowed to them. – Negative. They are not entitled. And all of our money doesn’t belong to the collective. Zero surprise a socialist sees things in this manner.

            Remember you are the one now paying the taxes that Corporate America no longer pays at all.

            It’s not a zero sum game. Everyone is making more money because there is an incentive to make more money and that incentive is the lack of beggars stealing your money.

            Corporations, shouldn’t be taxed at all in my opinion. What is a corporation? It is a large company, a collection of people, who sought after the most competent people to form a group of people (company / corporation) to provide a product or service at exceptional efficiency and cost, thereby providing a net benefit to everyone that needs that product or service. Why would you put a tax on a group of people that got together to form a team, to make a product or service? In doing so, you punish teamwork. And the higher the tax rate, the more stagnant the economy becomes.

            Amazon made billions and paid zero taxes.

            So? That’s good. Every single individual within Amazon, already paid taxes. They paid income taxes. Why do you want to tax them again, just because they formed a large team/group called “amazon” to provide an amazing service and products????

            Ever wonder why Civilized European Countries that are much smaller than the U.S. have bigger job training programs and all kinds of social programs to help the people from cradle to grave?

            They think safety is more important than freedom? They like socialism? Socialized education was inadequate so they needed additional training? They were uneducated and helpless so they needed the nanny state government to manage their retirement and healthcare from cradle to grave?? Not sure buddy.

            Its because large corporation are made to pay their fair share of taxes.

            They already paid their fair share in taxes. Each individual within the corporation paid income taxes. But you want to tax them again? Why? Because they were tremendously competent and successful and you are pulling a Cain on Able? When you tax corporation profits, you are taxing all the members of that corporation over again.

            The U.S. Corporations pay the least amount of taxes in the Industrialized world while impoverishing the worker with minimum wages and no retirement benefits and even no health care coverage or holidays off. They are the ones getting the free stuff not the worker troglodyte slaves.

            The US corporations are groups of people. Very large groups of people, that include the workers. They include all employees. Some employees have it better than others. And this is due to individual abilities and competence. A CEO and president work tremendous hours for the company. If they make one mistake, the competition will swoop in and take their customers away. Salary personnel are highly trained and very intelligent. They were tortured in a place called a “university” before universities became day care centers. This torture made them intellectually strong. Made them articulate and driven. It refined their discipline. Allowed them the gumption and resolve to take on difficult and problems. And the workers are at the bottom of the rung. Make no mistake they are incredibly important. Skilled laborers like machinists, technicians, assemblies, inspectors, etc. They are very valuable, but cannot do the job of some people higher in the corporate hierarchy. And unskilled laborers are at the bottom of the hierarchy. They are very important too. But they cannot do the job of a skilled laborer or others in the competence hierarchy. And in a competence hierarchy, people are paid in terms of their “worth” to the company. Their individual “value” to the company. And this “worth” encapsulates their abilities, their education, etc. You draw a distinction between a corporation and a worker. But a worker is part of a corporation. They are in fact, not separate. So No. Corporations aren’t getting free stuff while the worker is getting nothing. Negative. The worker is part of the corporation. And if you tax corporations enough, that hurts the future of that corporation, because their profits are directly affected. And those profits are for adaption and improvisation in market economy against competitors. Cutting into it, risks that companies future, and prevents smaller groups from forming corporations. That is a net loss to our economy.

        • ” Remember you are the one now paying the taxes that Corporate America no longer pays at all. ”

          No corporation has ever paid any taxes. They write checks to gubmint (sometimes) but the money comes out of the end-user’s pocket in the form of higher prices.

  9. I don’t trust any politician. It doesn’t matter to me if they have a D, R or whatever designation after their name.
    They can and will say one thing and do the opposite.
    Trump was the lesser of 2 evils but we don’t know how evil yet.

    • Again. Not a Trump fan. But I’m reasonably certain, I will admit error if shown otherwise, that Trump has never had anybody murdered. I can’t say that with any conviction about the clintons.

  10. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Everyone knows where they stand on 2A rights. You’ll Never change the minds of the enemy. Just like cancer. The only way to eliminate it. Is to cut it from the host or kill it. Otherwise it will rear it destructive ways to attack the host again. Words are easy…Actions require courage.

  11. Nobody knows what Trump believes or what he intends to do. He is the ultimate narcissist, his actions are continually being reassesed in his head for if a decision will help or hurt him personally? So long as Trump sees supporting the Second Amendment as being to his personal image advantage, he will be on our side. The moment it goes the other way in his self-image calculation, he will support any and all infringements that he thinks will help him.

    Not unlike Wayne LaPierre shopping for a new suit ….

  12. What the author is not realizing is that the Trump administration HAS CALLED DOZENS OF GUN INDUSTRY AND GUN RIGHTS VIPs IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS TO SEE WHAT “GUN CONTROL” GUN OWNERS WOULD PUT UP WITH. The response overwhelmingly has been: “Any gun control means the end of your presidency as far as gun owners are concerned.” Zimmerman can make calls to find this out for himself.

    Trump and his daughter were gauging gun owners to see if anything would fly. PERIOD.

  13. I’m still awaiting his campaign promise of his first day in office,of rescinding Gun Free zones aka Free for All Shooting Galleys….waiting….waiting…..

  14. Trump is nothing more than a puppet of Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Republicans are digging their own grave of defeat in the upcoming elections because failure to do anything on the current weekly mass murders by assault rifles is going to be a big campaign issue in the upcoming 2020 elections. Remember if these Morons loose control of the Senate gun ownership is going right out the window and its guaranteed the traditional anti-gun courts will bless it all. Absolute power absolutely corrupts and the Courts are the best example of this.

    • And the democrats are nothing more than pity party race baiting extortionists of freedom in exchange for votes. Their “free stuff for everyone” formula might garner votes in the the short term, but in the long term the result is Venezuela, and they already know this, and don’t care. It’s almost as if they hate the people of America themselves and want to grab as much as they can on the sinking ship, rather than try to save anyone, or the ship itself. Further, the entire idea that “government” needs to “do something” shows that people think it is the government’s job to rule over them, rather than them to rule themselves and solve their own problem. Asking the government to solve these problems is the relegation of responsibility to someone else. And it is pathetic. It’s akin to a jobless millennial on a couch smoking weed while his impoverished child and wife suffer. Lastly, mass murder is a symptom of cultural rot, and democrats seem to think that a reduction of freedom is always the medicine for any problem the people have. And that conceptualization is the stuff of tyrants. And moronic democrats can’t ever seem to see the light. The tyrant monarchies of old have changed to tyrant majorities voting your money away for their safety nets. Voting your guns away for their warm feelings, voting everything away from you while celebrating “democracy.” And these are the democrats. People with opinions looking to force their will upon you, typically as a relegation of their own responsibilities.

      Trump is nothing more than a puppet of Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Republicans are digging their own grave of defeat in the upcoming elections because failure to do anything on the current weekly mass murders by assault rifles is going to be a big campaign issue in the upcoming 2020 elections.

      If the republicans were to pass widespread gun control to appease your delicate sensibilities, they deserve to lose the upcoming election. In other words, the republican party buckling on gun control so they can win the next election is not a “win.”

      Also… weekly mass murders are not performed “by assault rifles.” They are performed by people. The Virginia tech shooter killed 33 with a pistol. Is a pistol an assault rifle? Nope. So a ban on assault rifles is completely ineffectual. The stoneman Douglas shooter killed 17 with a semiautomatic with 10 round mags! Only 10rd mags were used. Right there… instant refutation on the efficacy of an assault weapons ban.

      When are you guys going to give it up and take responsibility for the s****y upbringing of your children, instead of blaming my guns for your failures, you majoritarian tyrants.

      • quote———————And the democrats are nothing more than pity party race baiting extortionists of freedom in exchange for votes. Their “free stuff for everyone” formula might garner votes in the the short term, but in the long term the result is Venezuela————-quote

        Corporate Welfare and the Trump tax rape law which ran up the deficit to over 2 trillion dwarfs the pitiful amount of money paid to needy people. Remember you are the one now paying the taxes that Corporate America no longer pays at all. Amazon made billions and paid zero taxes. Ever wonder why Civilized European Countries that are much smaller than the U.S. have bigger job training programs and all kinds of social programs to help the people from cradle to grave? Its because large corporation are made to pay their fair share of taxes. The U.S. Corporations pay the least amount of taxes in the Industrialized world while impoverishing the worker with minimum wages and no retirement benefits and even no health care coverage or holidays off. They are the ones getting the free stuff not the worker troglodyte slaves.


        • Corporate Welfare and the Trump tax rape law which ran up the deficit to over 2 trillion dwarfs the pitiful amount of money paid to needy people.

          There is this thing called “budget.” Pro-socialists typically don’t know what they are because they lack the competence to understand or maintain one, because they are too busy trying to vote other people’s money in their pockets rather than make an effort to improve themselves through discipline and education.

          First, take a look at this chart at the link above. Take notice of the term “programmatic” These are government safety nets advocated for by socialists (democrats). They include medicare, medicaid, social security, etc. These nanny-state programs were put in place so the government could “take care” of people who apparently couldn’t take care of themselves (socialists). Take notice that it grows each year and is currently 75% of the budget. If a “deficit” is to be corrected, this is the place to start.

          Second, corporate welfare and the tax bill doesn’t “run the deficit” over 2 trillion. That statement it like me saying to you, I couldn’t have free s**t and I am in debt, because Vlad didn’t give me his money. That statement insinuates that the government is “entitled” to corporate profits by default and that anything left to corporations are what is allowed to them. – Negative. They are not entitled. And all of our money doesn’t belong to the collective. Zero surprise a socialist sees things in this manner.

          Remember you are the one now paying the taxes that Corporate America no longer pays at all.

          It’s not a zero sum game. Everyone is making more money because there is an incentive to make more money and that incentive is the lack of beggars stealing your money.

          Corporations, shouldn’t be taxed at all in my opinion. What is a corporation? It is a large company, a collection of people, who sought after the most competent people to form a group of people (company / corporation) to provide a product or service at exceptional efficiency and cost, thereby providing a net benefit to everyone that needs that product or service. Why would you put a tax on a group of people that got together to form a team, to make a product or service? In doing so, you punish teamwork. And the higher the tax rate, the more stagnant the economy becomes.

          Amazon made billions and paid zero taxes.

          So? That’s good. Every single individual within Amazon, already paid taxes. They paid income taxes. Why do you want to tax them again, just because they formed a large team/group called “amazon” to provide an amazing service and products????

          Ever wonder why Civilized European Countries that are much smaller than the U.S. have bigger job training programs and all kinds of social programs to help the people from cradle to grave?

          They think safety is more important than freedom? They like socialism? Socialized education was inadequate so they needed additional training? They were uneducated and helpless so they needed the nanny state government to manage their retirement and healthcare from cradle to grave?? Not sure buddy.

          Its because large corporation are made to pay their fair share of taxes.

          They already paid their fair share in taxes. Each individual within the corporation paid income taxes. But you want to tax them again? Why? Because they were tremendously competent and successful and you are pulling a Cain on Able? When you tax corporation profits, you are taxing all the members of that corporation over again.

          The U.S. Corporations pay the least amount of taxes in the Industrialized world while impoverishing the worker with minimum wages and no retirement benefits and even no health care coverage or holidays off. They are the ones getting the free stuff not the worker troglodyte slaves.

          The US corporations are groups of people. Very large groups of people, that include the workers. They include all employees. Some employees have it better than others. And this is due to individual abilities and competence. A CEO and president work tremendous hours for the company. If they make one mistake, the competition will swoop in and take their customers away. Salary personnel are highly trained and very intelligent. They were tortured in a place called a “university” before universities became day care centers. This torture made them intellectually strong. Made them articulate and driven. It refined their discipline. Allowed them the gumption and resolve to take on difficult and problems. And the workers are at the bottom of the rung. Make no mistake they are incredibly important. Skilled laborers like machinists, technicians, assemblies, inspectors, etc. They are very valuable, but cannot do the job of some people higher in the corporate hierarchy. And unskilled laborers are at the bottom of the hierarchy. They are very important too. But they cannot do the job of a skilled laborer or others in the competence hierarchy. And in a competence hierarchy, people are paid in terms of their “worth” to the company. Their individual “value” to the company. And this “worth” encapsulates their abilities, their education, etc. You draw a distinction between a corporation and a worker. But a worker is part of a corporation. They are in fact, not separate. So No. Corporations aren’t getting free stuff while the worker is getting nothing. Negative. The worker is part of the corporation. And if you tax corporations enough, that hurts the future of that corporation, because their profits are directly affected. And those profits are for adaption and improvisation in market economy against competitors. Cutting into it, risks that companies future, and prevents smaller groups from forming corporations. That is a net loss to our economy.

        • Geez, Anon.

          For someone who likes to lecture others about ignoring Vlad, you sure to give him a lot of time.

          Good for me, but not for thee, huh?

        • quote——————–Karl says:
          August 20, 2019 at 02:12
          Anyone else wonder if vlad is a bot designed to waste our time?————quote

          The only time wasted is your refusing to become more educated as to how the Republicans have been impoverishing you for the last 50 years.

        • anonymous says:
          August 19, 2019 at 23:02
          Corporate Welfare and the Trump tax rape law which ran up the deficit to over 2 trillion dwarfs the pitiful amount of money paid to needy people.

          quote——————There is this thing called “budget.” Pro-socialists typically don’t know what they are because they lack the competence to understand or maintain one——————————-quote

          Look Genius the Country needs taxes to run itself and when the Corporations get out of paying billions in taxes roads deteriorate, bridges fall down, and there is no money for humanitarian programs. According to your cracked and selfish philosophy we should let the needy die in the streets like dogs and let children die because they cannot afford operations or life saving drugs. Yes taxes are necessary and the working man should not shoulder the entire burden. What part of that do you not understand.

          quote—————————————-First, take a look at this chart at the link above. Take notice of the term “programmatic” These are government safety nets advocated for by socialists (democrats). They include medicare, medicaid, social security, etc. These nanny-state programs were put in place so the government could “take care” of people who apparently couldn’t take care of themselves (socialists). Take notice that it grows each year and is currently 75% of the budget. If a “deficit” is to be corrected, this is the place to start.——————-quote

          Wrong social services are not to be cut they are to be expanded and could be expanded if we quite spending 54 cts of every dollar on the military and its wars of rape, pillage and conquest and we made Corporations pay their fair share of the taxes and not dump the cost of all government on the working man. Like European governments that are far less rich and easily afford such humanitarian programs the U.S. that is far richer could dwarf the social programs Europe already has had for decades if it implemented them. History has proved your blatant Capitalvanian lies false for decades.

          Quote———————————-It’s not a zero sum game. Everyone is making more money because there is an incentive to make more money and that incentive is the lack of beggars stealing your money.———————quote

          A blatant Capitalvania lie. Workers wages have stagnated over the last 50 years while Corporate America and the Rich have doubled their wealth. The Studies prove it beyond all doubt. Workers earn so little and are so impoverished in modern day Capitalvania that they qualify for welfare even though many work 2 or 3 part time minimum wage jobs which actually pay less than minimum wage because they are part time. Take your Capitalvanian crap and spread it in the manure fields of the ignorant.

          quote————————–Corporations, shouldn’t be taxed at all in my opinion. What is a corporation? It is a large company, a collection of people, who sought after the most competent people to form a group of people (company / corporation) to provide a product or service at exceptional efficiency and cost, thereby providing a net benefit to everyone that needs that product or service. Why would you put a tax on a group of people that got together to form a team, to make a product or service? In doing so, you punish teamwork. And the higher the tax rate, the more stagnant the economy becomes.———————–quote

          Another blatant Capitalvanian lie. Germany is one of the richest countries in Europe and they tax the hell out of their corporations who help fund social programs. The upper 1 per cent of the greed mongers should be liable to be taxed just as the working man is. No one is getting taxed twice. Do you really believe anyone reading your rants is not shaking their heads in total disbelief. No one believes your horse crap.

          quote————————–Socialized education was inadequate so they needed additional training? They were uneducated and helpless so they needed the nanny state government to manage their retirement and healthcare from cradle to grave?? Not sure buddy.———————quote

          That is about the most ignorant statement I have read in years. When technology changes all workers of all countries have to be retrained. Even though Germany is about roughly 50 times smaller than the U.S. and far less rich their private corporations in conjunction with the German Government spend roughly 10 times what the stingy U.S. Government spends on retraining and the greed monger U.S. Corporation have become so crass and corrupt they spend almost zero on retraining any of their workers and they expect the down trodden worker to finance his own education which of course he cannot afford so he ends up with no training while the rest of the civilized world is out competing the U.S. in new technology and worker income.

          quote———————–They already paid their fair share in taxes. Each individual within the corporation paid income taxes. But you want to tax them again? Why? Because they were tremendously competent and successful and you are pulling a Cain on Able? When you tax corporation profits, you are taxing all the members of that corporation over again.——————-quote

          Your statement is not only totally ignorant its laughable. We are not taxing the greed monger CEO’s and their corporations at the top of the food chain a second time because they paid no taxes to begin with only the minimum wage workers were taxed. Your blatant lies are sickening to even read and I might add totally demented as well. You really need to see a shrink because your rants are not making even common sense.

          quote——————The US corporations are groups of people. Very large groups of people, that include the workers. They include all employees.————–quote

          Wrong they do not include the employees. The corporations are comprised of greed monger C.E.O. and stock holders and the employees get minimum wage and no benefits. Now what part of this do you not understand. Many employees are so poor they qualify for welfare even though they are working and working for slave wages.

      • To anonymous

        You can lead the ignorant to knowledge but you cannot make them think. You pay for corporate welfare with your tax money because they pay no taxes. Even a mentally challenged person can see that.

        And yes the tax rape law cut did indeed drive the debt up another 2 trillion dollars. Of course you are telling us you know more than the top economists that make their living studying the economy. Get real do you think any educated person is going to let themselves get brainwashed by the propaganda that the Corporations spread about.

        The U.S. Military spends 54 cts of every dollar in tax money and its the people who fund such insanity so the filthy rich people in the the military industrial complex can make billions off of their wars of rape, pillage and conquest none of which we have won since WWII.

        Your a very ignorant man. Its easy to see you flunked even basic economics classes if indeed you ever even had one.

        Wages have stagnated for the last 50 years, unions have been busted to ship high paying jobs overseas, pensions have ceased to exist, workers often get no holidays off or vacation time. Its due to blind corporate greed that has impoverished the working man.

        The present generation of worker troglodyte slaves have a much lower standard of living and they all know it. You may think you live in utopia but the rest of the population is better educated than you are and still sane. The average Socialist European makes more money per hour and his benefits far exceed anything even imaginable to the ignorant hill jacks that support Trump. Europeans get 1 1/2 years family leave, earlier retirement , higher wages, more job retraining, affordable higher education, guaranteed health care and affordable drugs, free tutoring for children in primary grades. Many get rent subsidies as well as fuel subsides. In the corrupt world of Capitalvania none of these social benefits are available to the people.

        College has become too expensive for the average young person and millions are no longer attending and it is hurting our nation both economically and socially.

        The average young person today is been won over to Socialism because they see that system as the only system that is more fair to the worker and forces a sharing of the nations wealth. Right now 98 per cent of America’s wealth is horded by the filthy rich, the upper 1 per cent, and the workers do not even get the crumbs.

        People like you are so frugal that you would rather save a penny in taxes today and go bankrupt over health care tomorrow. Its tragically laughable to any educated person.

        Vote Socialist in 2020 and lets destroy the Greed Monger Republican party for good.

      • I recommend not responding to vlad though I’ve done it my self. Nothing you can say will change this persons mind. He may in fact not be a real person.

  15. Probably has nothing to do with his constituency telling him and their congress-critters what they think about more gun control.

    Or maybe it’s more about not waiting to do what he does after he says what he says, but instead it’s more about TELLING him that a bad idea is a bad idea before he gets a chance to do what he does.

    Have you sounded off? Believe it’s all talk if you want, but don’t let him get the fool idea that you agree or don’t care.

  16. What a bunch of whiny children! TTAG is a free blog allowing wide latitude for your delicate expressions of angst…oh and I don’t trust drumph. I voted for the 1st time in NINETEEN SEVENTYTWO. Against Vietnam. You figure it out…duh.

  17. “The apparent walk-back hasn’t pleased Schumer at all, as you might imagine.”

    Eff Chuck and the @ss he rode in on.

  18. We would all like to take guns away from the crazies but the crazies are taking the guns away from us.

  19. “When you can’t get even a squish like Susan Collins to support your gun control bill, its prospects for passage aren’t particularly bright.”
    However neither is she,why does she in her Kathryn Hepburn speech refer to her self as a Republican,when she is clearly a Commiecrat and for that matter WTF were Maniacs thinking by electing her in the first place.

  20. To the Trump haters here, you’re sounding very similar to many of the mentally retarded liberal sites overflowing with TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    I, for one, LOVE Donald Trump. He is doing EXACTLY the 2 things I voted for, reforming the Judicial branch, and throwing a huge monkey wrench into the deep state traitors and bureaucrats.

    Additionally, it’s amazing how liberals, the media and governments of other countries hang on to his every tweet and send countless hours debating the meaning of every word. It’s really hilarious to watch them all squirm.

    I’m a proud, smelly WalMart Deplorable, with enough guns and ammo to make the idiots piss their pants. Ahhhh… is good…

    • I think you are spot on. He throws out a meaningless thought on Twitter and the left is whipped into a seething frenzy of hatred

  21. Stop being as stupid as the media. Trump had a laser pointer he makes the media chase around for his amusement. Don’t fall for it, don’t be as stupid as the media.

  22. We are watching what he does. But to ignore what he says is foolish. He goes by whatever makes him popular at the moment. He’s seeing support wither on Fox News polls and even though he made some critical comments about Fox over it, he takes it to heart, because that represents his base. If he wasn’t getting push back over this, he wouldn’t give two shits about gun rights and still be pushing UBC’s.

    • The only purpose for polls is to give the MSM something to talk about. Every one of the polls during the 2016 cycle were wrong. With the exception of the one on Nov. 8. The only poll that matters now is on Nov. 3 2020. The only true test of President Trumps popularity is the number of people attending his rallies. So far more people have attended his rallies than the total number people attending all the democrat can’t i dates combined. No democrat can’t i date has even had 500 people at any event. Keep Your Powder Dry. The time continues to hold at 11:57.

  23. Good call, President Trump!

    It does appear he has some people monitoring the situation (maybe even on this forum) and listens!

    An intelligent person listens to arguments and can be persuaded, a fool (or politician, but I’m being redundant) never will.

  24. Trump always does this. I’ve learned to not put too much weight behind what he says. His actions speak louder. Yeah i know bump stock blaa blaa

  25. Funny how “Wayne” visited Trump at the White House between those two vid dates and the difference between the before and after. Wayne apparently, still has clout where it matters.


  27. Yes DO pay attention to what he DOES: like illegally unconstitutionally banning bumpfire stocks.

    If you haven’t figured out that under Dem majority and/or POTUS, they always push gun control, raise ire, but it’s usually under GOP majority and/or POTUS that ACTUAL gun control get passed.

    Plus his RHETORIC is his ACTION: he got FL’s GOP governor to pass gun control: red flag, raised age of purchase, and banned bumpfire stocks, BASED on Trump’s public rhetoric from the POTUS bullypulpit:

    WORSE in the formerly the most pro-gun state in the East, Vermont, also with GOP governor:

    If you’re still making ‘he beats me ’cause he loves me’ delusional rationale about THE MOST ANTI-GUN POTUS, since Reagan (got banning open carry in CA when he was the governor, and FOPA as the POTUS much?). If you haven’t figured out that Trump is THE SINGLE BIGGEST ANTI-GUN govt terrorist fraud in history, your political and geopolitical analyses acumen ain’t worth much: even a retard antifa commie fuckwad’s is more ‘honest.’ xD

  28. Many of us, myself included, either through our various Pro 2nd Amendment groups, or directly, have written to our Congress Critters, expressing our dismay, despair, disatisfaction, and disgust over the current Anti-Gun push by the Left. We don’t need New Gun Laws on the books, especially those that bypass Due Process and other Civil Liberties. We need, if anything, for the current laws to be duly enforced. It doesn’t do any good to pass legislation and then ignore it, which is exactly what has happened with the current system. Like any process, feed it garbage, and you’ll get garbage in response. It doesn’t do any good to have an NCIS system in place, when the very agencies that should be inputting data into the system neglect to do so, for whatever reason. Parkland is the perfect example of that failure. Multiple agencies ignored/neglected established protocols, and as a direct result, 17 individuals died, and more were injured. That kid should have been flagged a No Sale at least 2 years before his purchase and subsequent criminal acts. Parkland is also a good example of the false belief that capacity restrictions affect the outcome of Mass Murders. Florida was already a 10 round limited State. Cruz killed 17 and wounded 18 -20 more. That means he fired a minimum of 35 rounds during his spree. Cruz had a minimum of 4 magazines on him. 17 killed and more wounded is proof that the capacity restriction did no good whatsoever.
    ERPO’s don’t stop shootings. Connecticut had their ERPO in place since 1999, yet Sandy Hook occurred. Commiefornia has had their ERPO since 2014, yet since its legislation, Commiefornia has had 7 Mass Murders including Gilroy. Hardly a ringing mandate that we need more State or Federal ERPO legislation. They don’t even reduce suicides, since the slight drop of suicides by gun, saw a corresponding increase in suicides by other means.
    Bans are Unconstitutional, and even if passed will not have a big effect since I for one lost my AR in a kayak accident (wink,wink), and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. Door to Door Confiscation is Totalitarian Tyranny and would very likely lead to a Civil War.
    Get rid of Gun Free Zones. All they achieve is a Target Rich Environment for any whack job with an axe to grind, and they target those areas because they prefer their victims can’t shoot back. Frankly, whomever conceived of that stupid idea was a Moron. Since they passed that legislation for Schools in 1994, Columbine through Highlands Ranch School shootings have occurred, so a fat lot of good that did.
    What works to stop shootings, is the arrival of a second gun, not in the shooter’s control. An armed citizen or a LEO puts an end to the spree.
    Mass Shooters should be an automatic Death Penalty crime. No plea bargains, No claims of Mental Incompetence, and One Appeal only. Six months after their crime, they should be sitting on Ol’ Sparky.

  29. Thank Heaven! Universal Background Checks would be a disaster. They’re unenforceable to begin with and a terrible infringement of our right to keep and bear arms. Let’s just stick with the background checks when buying a gun at a gun store or gun show, like we are already doing.

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