
Cocks Not Glocks, the gun control group that literally strapped gigantic dildos to backpacks and made lewd gestures that would get any man thrown in prison, was invited to the White House last week. They actually completed their trip on Friday while I was enjoying my time fishing on the Oregon coast.


The Cocks Not Glocks organizers posted their White House trip on all their social media accounts making it a big deal – all while Trump was taking flack for saying the word “p*ssy.” Now, as a woman, I have said before that I refrain from using that word, even to describe Gersh Kuntzman after he made the fact that he is a pansy into a gender issue.

Look, Obama is far from perfect, too if we really want to be honest. Here’s some video proof.

I’ve gotten some rather crude messages on Facebook that contain much more vulgar language than anything Trump used. I am not, in any way, defending what Donald Trump said about grabbing a woman’s private parts. But it bears mentioning that Cocks Not Glocks is every bit as offensive as anything Trump may have said over ten years ago.

Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin with this hypocrisy. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually focus on the issue that will affect us all instead of mean words said by a liberal turned conservative billionaire over ten years ago on a bus?

Cocks Not Glocks is a disgusting group of women who think they are better than men and better than gun owners and it was shown with the White House invite. They are irrational psychopaths who made sure to “protest”  the self-defense rights of others by being crude, lewd and disgusting. And they got away with it because they are women. Any man who made the gestures they made with a dildo in public would be in prison.

Just sayin’ . . .


  1. they are saying that the problem with what trump did is that is it sexual assault, not that he used a certain word. it seems that he was condoning sexual assault against women, that is why they are attacking him.

    • Bullshit. It’s not sexual assault when they LET YOU DO IT. Listen to the fucking tape. Context matters.

      • so you are saying that you believe everything Trump says without question? because that is what you would have to do to side with you.

        • Are you saying you believe anything the lying, hoaxing MSM says about Trump?

          You have to factor in spin and outright propaganda into EVERYTHING you hear about Donald Trump.

          “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

          –Joeseph Goebbels

        • Well said JR, except you seem to believe the msm without question or critical thought when it comes to other topics.

        • Um, either we believe what Trump said on that tape or we don’t. If we don’t, then there’s nothing to it. If we DO, then he’s talking about consensual encounters- they ‘let’ him do it (which is basically demeaning women as prostitutes, but that’s another issue).

          Stop trying to have it both ways by taking one clause of a sentence as gospel and then dismissing another. Is that what you do with the 2nd Amendment?

        • “Well said JR, except you seem to believe the msm without question or critical thought when it comes to other topics.”

          Not sure what asinine assumptions you are substituting for ‘data’ here, but I can assure you, you have no actual evidence of what you claim.

          You are just trying a cheap, underhanded shot at me because I disagree with your claims about vaccinations. Very, very weak attempt.

        • With the names flying sounds like I hit a nerve. When you think and act like you’re ‘in the know’, someone pointing out your blatant cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch, eh Jr?

        • Gargoil, if you don’t want to believe the tape, then don’t. But you seem to want to cherry pick and decide to believe this phrase and not that one. Sort of like you were a troll!

          This article points out something Trump should have used, I think. Yes, he said some really awful things back then, just as all the other liberals did, and do. Then he became a conservative, and those days are behind him.

        • With the names flying sounds like I hit a nerve. When you think and act like you’re ‘in the know’, someone pointing out your blatant cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch, eh Jr?

          Dude, give it up. Just stop.

          Whatever points you think are scoring are just your own adolescent minded jerk-off fantasies.

          You think you know something, but you are wrong. Whatever it is you think you ‘have’ on me is even less substantive than Clinton’s claims that Putin hacked her emails.

        • Jr, with the names and tantrums continuing to fly you’re proving one thing, you’re not used to being called out on your textbook hypocrisy.

      • According to 3rd wave feminist dogma, consent isn’t possible when disparate power is involved. Which is crap of course. But NOW showed that they don’t believe it either when they circled the wagons around Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinski incident. If unpaid intern vs. POTUS isn’t disparate power, I’m not sure what would be.

      • “They let him do it” means that he did it first, then afterward they didn’t object. He doesn’t know for a fact up front how every woman is going to respond. He’s just doing as he pleases and will deal with the fallout later.

        It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if one such woman whom Trump had sexually assaulted in the past had objected and been paid hush money. We’ll never know, of course, because anything like that would be covered by a nondisclosure agreement and severe penalties if breached. Just like his alleged comments made during his T.V. show.

      • When you are using your position of power to get away with something, that’s a little different that someone letting you do it. Trump has a history of leveraging his position and reputation to take advantage of others. In the boardroom and in the bedroom.

      • Whoah dude! There is a small but significant difference between consent and getting away with it! He clearly states that because he he is famous he can get away with sexual assault. Just because a child “Lets” her uncle have intercourse with her doesn’t mean it’s not rape. Unless you explicitly consent to S&M activities, “grabbing” a women by the genitals is in no way part of consentual sexual relations.

    • They are attacking him because he’s not running as the Democrat and he is not HRC. These tapes would have come out during the primary if he had been seeking the democrat nomination. That is all.

    • “Cocks not Glocks”. Is that not an allusion to a sexual assault against women who are to be kept defenseless? Let’s deconstruct the name.
      What does “Glocks” refer to? Obviously, guns; more specifically, handguns. Who is “not” to have – more specifically carry on campus – such handguns? Isn’t it law-abiding (usually permitted) adult women (and men who will come to their aid)? Surely, they can’t be alluding to rapists who carry unlawfully. The protest is to reverse a change in the law allowing the law-abiding to carry for self-defense.
      What does “Cocks” refer to? Certainly it’s the sexual organs of men; but which men? Is the allusion to women’s consensual partners? I don’t see such a connection in light of the protest against a change in gun law. The only allusion I can imagine is to rapists.
      This organization’s name appears to advocate that defenseless women be raped rather than that they be allowed to lawfully carry arms for self defense.
      I welcome any other conjectured interpretation that might be PC.

      • Maybe they just prefer roosters over German clocks.
        Or maybe they’re weird pervs who get confused between guns and genitals.

      • I’ve never been invited to the White House, but I figure that if I can just form an organization called “Clocks, not Glocks,” the wife and I will be eating rubber chicken at 1600 Pennsylvania within the month.

    • I do not, for my life, understand how in the frozen-solid hell what Trump said ABOUT a woman, TO another man, can be in any way construed as sexual assault. Sounded more like ‘I’m rich and this is how I do it…’ Pompous? Yes. Egotistical? Certainly. But not assault or even condoning assault. He’s condoning getting his pecked rubbed, like most men.

      • The act of uttering it was not sexual assault, of course. The actions that were described in that uttering were sexual assault, if he ever actually acted out on it. Which, based on all the complaints (and counting), he did.

      • And then there’s the outlandish possibility that the whole statement, the whole trash talking BS was just that…..Bullshit bragging without any reality behind it. Wishful thinking. “My dad is bigger than your dad”….. “I can do this better than you can”….. “It’s Easier for me, than it is for you”…….yada yada yada….Between men who were in the privacy of their own. When I heard the tape the first thing I thought was “Sounds like wishful thinking to me”. Talk Talk Talk…..But In reality, Unless of course he’s referring to “those” women who do “put out” every chance they get; and we know there are some out there that will do that….but otherwise he knows damn well that if you just walk up and grab someone “there” you’re gonna get punched or kicked or kneed between the legs..AND….chances are that you’re going to get the consequences of your behavior by having the story told in the media. And NOT 30 years later for political reasons. IMO…..this has been totally blown out of proportion and the allegations from the 7 women that have come out so far are pure fabricated LIES for no other reason that to help Hillary Clintons campaign.

    • So, you’re saying it’s not ok for Trump to talk about doing it, but it’s ok for Bill Clinton to actually have done it, and ok for Hillary to cover it up and degrade Bill’s victims?

  2. I don’t think blasted is very accurate.

    People are bitching about it, yes. But, you have to actually care about what a person, or group, thinks to be “blasted” by them.

    I don’t think the Donald is losing any sleep over it, and I doubt his voter base are going to abandon him for it.

    Hell, I’d probably send his campaign a couple c-notes just for calling Hillary a c*nt during one of the debates.

    Trump 2016 – at least he isn’t Clinton…

  3. No, they got away with it because they are loyal leftists. Guarantee that if women came out to support gun rights with the same lewd tactics, it would be all over the news about how bad the gun rights movement is.

    • Amazing to power of the main stream media still; even with their waning influence, they can still set the narrative by not reporting on things like the crude behavior of CNG. Something conservatives and Republicans still have yet to figure out.

  4. Look …. A Distraction !!! — These flakes are for ‘ shock value ‘ while Bloomberg and the ‘ Do as I say – Not as I Do ‘ crowd push bad laws anyplace they can. Focus on your STATE Representatives , call and E – Mail .. Be Heard !

    Pennsylvania reminder : Legislature back Monday 10-17 ; Pro gun bills like ,Preemption and semi-auto hunting votes are pending as well as anti gun garbage pushed by Philly. libs.
    NOW …… Ride …… spread the word….. the Treason is coming !

  5. Uh really Ms. Tipton? The “I’m not voting for Trump” blogger? Changing into a Trump supporter or just hiding out in Wyoming? Sure…I can’t defend the disgusting thing in that pic or Trump-but I’m voting Trump/PENCE 2016.

    • So Ms.Tipton cannot defend Trump’s basic rights and freedoms nor attack a double-standard applied to him unless she’s voting for him?
      What a partisan and anti-liberty position: your implication is we should defend anything said or done to a person/candidate don’t support and we should defend everything done and said by those we support as well as attack everything and everyone opposed to them.
      That isn’t the way rights are supposed to work.
      Did you forget the part about “…all man are endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights…”?
      The concept of individual rights means you don’t have to support a candidate to criticize those who treat them unfairly.
      I think Trump a puerile callow egotistical womanizing billionaire but I think he’ll make a great president with his business and negotiating kills, And his alternative is so dangerous to liberty that I am voting for him.

  6. The license the “cocks” group was given plus the amount of money involved (the ringleader purchased 4,000 dildos?) suggests Bloomberg or some other nazi tyrant millionaire funded it.

    • Look at it this way – everything else that happens to you today is bound to be an improvement over this.

      I just noticed that this idiot (not you) is standing literally in the shadow of the very UT Austin tower where the sniper shot so many people 2- some years ago and was stopped by a combination of police and armed citizens on (GASP) the University of Texas, Austin, campus.

      • Thank you very much.
        Sometimes I forget my vows to try see the glass half full instead of half empty;-)
        Now, before leaving the good old USA, I’ll go see a few gun shops in Sin City.
        The day will certainly get brighter now.

      • “I just noticed that this idiot (not you) is standing literally in the shadow of the very UT Austin tower where the sniper shot so many people 2- some years ago and was stopped by a combination of police and armed citizens on (GASP) the University of Texas, Austin, campus.”

        Actually, it was 50 years ago. My how times have changed.

  7. Who cares? Based on the latest email dump, Hillary should be in prison.

    . 1) you’re obviously amongst friends, but here’s the one i referred to (can’t remember which of you i talked about it with, if not both). It’s from someone that wasn’t goign to come, and i encouraged him to come. he comes at the issue slightly differnetly than what I’ve dsicussed with both of you (Ok, one thing to use personal email, but why the “twisted truth” (not my words) on why – with the two problematic areas being (a) emails to bill (when they were to bill’s staff) and (b) i only used one device — BB, when 2 weeks earlier, it was an iphone, BB and ipad. As Ann and I discussed, hopefully that’s a timing issue and whilst in state, she only used one. 🙂

    *For my question*, it’s basically some variation of [not quite phrased right yet]: I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date. While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.

  8. “And they got away with it because they are women.”

    They got away with it because they are furthering the leftist agenda, which is the only criterion for what is “decent” and “moral” on university campuses and in Federal Government these days.

  9. Glock and Doc Johnson products introduce flesh colored G19’s. Available in three skin tones with/without “pleasure stippling”.

  10. “Any man who made the gestures they made with a dildo in public would be in prison”.

    Not our man in the trench MILO…..MILO, MILO, MILO, MILO. Super Pass cause he’s a gay proud republican who calls Trump DADDY.

    • Yep, that’s true. He did a whole appearance with a dildo shaped water bottle and made a deal out of it every time he took a sip.

      But, then again, Milo is very atypical. The left and the MSM has no idea how to rein him in or control him. That’s why he is so effective.

  11. “Cocks Not Glocks, the gun control group that literally strapped gigantic dildos..”

    They don’t look that gigantic to me…

  12. Trump isn’t in hot water for saying the word ‘pussy,’ don’t be obtuse. Context matters. I’m not saying he was condoning rape or anything but it wasn’t as simple as saying a word.

    • Sure it was. Look at all the manufactured outrage, especially from the cucks that claim to be on the “right.”

      Look at the language they use.

    • Look, let’s be realistic. For 65 years Donald Trump was an indulged celebrity playboy and acted the way he was expected to act. He went to the Playboy Mansion. He did the talk show circuit and the more outrageous he acted and the more inappropriate he spoke the better everyone loved it. There are probably thousands of tapes,videos,texts and tweets confirming this. The thing is since Donald Trump decided to run for POTUS is when the clock should start ticking. I don’t think another minute should be spent defending anything that was said or done before 2012 and let’s concentrate on the actual issues. Let people see how ineffective Hillary has been in her 30 years of service and realize it is time for change. Give Donald Trump a chance to run the country like a business and make America Great Again.

  13. It’s a double standard thing. If the Left didn’t have double standards, they’d have none at all.

    Hillary defending rapists? Totally fine.
    Hillary deleting emails? Oops! My bad.
    Hillary destroying evidence? No problem. Immunity deals all around!
    Hillary likes gun confiscation? Stop worrying, gun nuts. She just wants “gun safety.”
    Mysterious deaths of Hillary opponents? Coincidence!
    Corrupt, inept leadership? Hillary just needs more power and she’ll “fix” it good!
    Bill’s affairs and perjury? Bygones!
    Bill meeting with the AG? Coincidence again! What are the chances?!

    Trump talks dirty but doesn’t actually sexually assault his lust interest over 10 years ago? Stop the presses!!! This man must be stopped.

    I feel like the US has become a bad magic show. The beautiful assistant / distraction is the Trump tape. The magician is the politician with a host of dirty deeds up her sleeve. And there’s more to come.

    Our nation has fundamentally lost the ability to distinguish between what is interesting and what is important. Trump’s tape, while interesting, simply isn’t important. No crime was committed whatsoever. Yet it’s being treated as the crime of the century by the same lefty idiots who don’t care about illegal immigration, drug cartel violence, the breakdown of inner city families, dirty politics, deleted emails, pay to play, ripped off Haitians, and a host of conspiracies.

    I’m voting for Trump. It may not make a difference, but he has my full support. If he messes up, that support disappears. Hillary, on the other hand, will open our borders, push our federal courts left, and attack gun rights at every possibility. She already wants to sue gun companies out of existence.

    Anyone who cares about our guns and nation will vote Trump 2016. Those who don’t, won’t.

  14. C’Mon. We’re all friends here. I don’t mean just the guys. Who wants to fuck that chick in the first picture?

  15. “They get away with it because they’re women”
    Actually, it is because they are professional buffoons who *AREN’T* running for president. Sorry, but Hillary couldn’t wear a footlong in public like that and expect to win. Nor a ten year old video of the same. So hopefully that’s exqctly what’s in the final Wikileaks, I guess.


  16. Are these persons saying they’d rather be raped than shot? Did they get confused by the Marine Corps rhyme about the difference between “my rifle” and “my gun”? Maybe it’s just a twist on the old, “Make Love, Not War!” slogan of the ’60’s. Is the person in the first photo intentionally trying to be revolting and anti-sexual? If so, it ought to win a prize.

  17. The flap eclipsed Hillary’s lies about free trade and open borders. That’s a huge shame!

    On the issue, you know the difference between those two “demonstrations.” Frankly I’m surprised any man or father in America is supporting Trump after what he said about dating his own daughter.

  18. Trump has my vote for two issues that matter a great deal to me:

    1. H1B/Immigration issues.

    2. Gun rights

    The Democratic party platform has absolutely nothing for me except higher taxes and more job uncertainty.

    Everything else is just noise.

    • +Eleventy Billion times a GoogolPlex

      Trump, the RNC and every non-cucked (R) out there needs to keep steering the conversation back to the basic.

      Let the lamestream media swoon over ‘locker room language’ all they want; that will be the least of their worries in 5-10 years (tops) if current immigration trends continue.

  19. I just hope he can’t still win. At this point I could care less what he says. Some of us can’t make it through another 4 years of democrat destruction.

  20. Wow, nice fundamental understanding and false equivalence. Nobody gives a damn that Trump said the word pussy. The video showed him talk uninvited advances on women and fondling their genitals that he could get away with because he was famous. Cocks not glocks got started because it seemed bizarre to people that guns would be allowed on campus yet dildos were against the rules. The only equivalence here would be if the group promoted randomly violating people with the dildos, which they don’t. Trying to milk a rock for evidence of some persecution. Well done, Sara.

    • You have to understand that very, very few Trump supporters (or anyone in general) bothered to actually watch the five or so minutes of video that steadily built up to the grabber line. Most people think it was an off-color remark, and not an extended conversation leading up to (and beyond) his meeting with an attractive woman not his wife for a public event. Wasn’t ‘locker room’ talk, it was a couple of unseemly douchebags having an unseemly doucebag conversation on tape (‘locker room’ talk by definition is not on tape, nor would it be expected to be, and only an idiot doesn’t know the difference, as we see here)

  21. 2018, New York Times (Washington):

    New York Times reporter and former White House Press Secretary George Stephanopoulos interviewed President Hillary Clinton regarding her recent success in banning all firearms in the United States.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: With millions of gun owners across the country, and the political clout of the NRA, the GOA and various other gun rights advocacy organizations, how were you able to pass this legislation for an Australian-style gun ban, Mrs. President?

    CLINTON : Well, George… In the end, it was easy. We just convinced a bunch of stupid bitter clingers that Donald Trump using the word p***y was more important than their gun rights!

    (Laughter all around)

  22. I offered to go to the Cocks Not Glocks rally to show the girls what a real one looks like, but they weren’t interested in anything that doesn’t require batteries.

  23. I think the kerflufle is best understood by paying attention to Sen John McCain, who is absolutely outraged, OUTRAGED, I tell you, over Trump’s naughty language. That would be the same guy reputed to have the filthiest mouth in Congress for something like 36 years now, the same guy who spent a full career in the Navy (though 7 years of that were in North Vietnam prison) in aircraft carriers where language police were few and far between, after being raised in a career Navy family by a father raised in a career Navy family. Hey, I was raised in a career Navy family, and spent my career in the military as well (USAF). Anybody who’s spent one enlistment in any of our armed services needs to STFU about how outraged they are by something a liberal said 11 years ago.

    • Beg to differ. It is not one comment. It is a year of comments from this fraud. Trump has no business leading a nation or a party. Nor does Clinton. This attitude of anything goes as long as our side wins is a bad trend.

      • So, what’s your solution then? Let the other side win and watch Hillary Clinton destroy everything that is America…including gun rights, but much more too?

        The cat is out of the bag; She HATES this nation. HATES it. She is eagerly trying to destroy it.

        At least we’ll be able to say our guy was a Puritan mouthed goody two-shoes. Then we’ll win the way it counts, right?

        That’s gamma cuck thinking, pure and simple. LOSER thinking.

  24. Please, tell me again how the 19th Amendment was such a brilliant idea. Go ahead, explain to me how it has resulted in a higher level of discourse in American politics and a respect for our republican form of government. I’ll kick back here and just listen.

    I am certainly impressed by these continuing displays of deep political thinking from women, lemme tell you. Hoo boy, they’re certainly stretching my mental boundaries…

    • Hot dang, you may be more politically incorrect than me. My wife isn’t a fan of the 19th, ironically enough. We’re voting Trump 2016 – Make American Politically Incorrect Again.

      He’s going to lose because Hillary will continue to cheat, and low information voters, but I vote out of respect to the men who lost their lives to secure that right.

      • With the voting machines he would have to win by landslide, otherwise far too easy to manipulate close vote. And even if he landslides, what’s the public going to do when Hilary takes office anyway? No way the establishment lets him, win or landslide.

        • I’ve advocated for voter ID and more secure voting for a long time. Still do. Hillary will probably win, but it worth voting against her anyways.

      • Ditto. When people ask why I don’t just sit it out – I reply that it’s been bought and paid for – at a very steep price, by members of my own family included in that number.

        It’s also why y’all won’t hear a peep from me on November 8th – because I became concerned about this vote fraud problem, so my wife and I became election judges. I’ll not only vote, I’m doing something to make sure that there are people working the polls who care about the process as well as the results.

  25. Just a disgusting story that deflects from the real issues. Let’s see pictures of guns instead of this nonsense.

    And more whining about Facebook blowback.

    Still waiting for a substantive Tipton contribution.


  26. Why has it got to be an either or thing? Why can’t we have cocks AND Glocks? AND pussy AND ribs AND booze AND swords AND napalm AND weed AND . . .

  27. Anyone else recall Obama’s visible erection situation on the plane in front of the female reporters (2008) ?
    Hypocrecy reigns

  28. I basically see both as non-issues.

    If you want to wave around a dildo in public that’s your 1A right. Personally, I think it makes you look like a jackass but you’re totally free to do it as long as you do assault anyone.

    Trump’s comments are equally a non-issue. The MSM might clutch their pearls for a bit but I see nothing in Trump’s comments I haven’t heard many times before. Guys talk like this, some more than others. It’s meant to impress other guys with their libido and sexual prowess. Women have similar conversations, trust me, the ladies I used to work with had some conversations that would make most men blush.

    Further, I tire of this sexual stuff. Men chasing tail? Perish the thought! Well where do these retards think kids come from? Without sexual advances we’d have no species. Both sexes do it and both occasionally get rebuffed. Hitting on someone isn’t sexual assault otherwise a lot of fat girls would be in jail.

    Common now, popular songs made reference to sexual prowess back in the 1950’s. This song isn’t about going for long walks:

  29. These women are just being as “nasty as they want to be”. Some of you know about 2Live Crew and use to listen to the album with the volume down so your parents did not hear it.

    Anyone seeing a gay pride parade in California saw the same thing starting in the 1970s. They were not arrested either.
    In fact you can still see men and women with strap on dildo’s in various sizes at homosexual pride parades.

    I was told many years ago this was acceptable behavior by the sexually liberated.
    Has this changed????
    Don’t be judgmental. Correct?

    I know what has not changed is the fact that sexually liberated people are leaders in the anti-second amendment, anti-liberty movement.

    The homosexual power city of San Francisco has disarmed the civilian population.
    The homosexuals running the city of Palm Springs California have voted to start disarming the population there as well.

    Anyone can go out in public and wave their freak flag all day long if they choose. But if they don’t support the second amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights then, the flag they are waving is really a Hammer and Sickle or Swastika flag. Both are the same thing.

    • Intolerance masquerading as tolerance is the new normal. It’s always been there for the Lefties, it’s just more obvious now.

      Never forget that modern progressives are the political decedents of the Fabian Socialists and their friends in the US who openly called for a “humane gas” to “liquidate the undesirables in society” and then golf-clapped for Hitler when he did it.

      Make no mistake: there are many on the Left who would love to “liquidate” their political opposition if they had the chance.

      • Descendants, you meant. Decedents are dead. Although that’s figuratively true in this case, Marxist zombies that they are.

        • Damn autospell. Yes, you’re correct, I meant descendants. Not decedents.

          Perhaps one day I’ll learn not to post from my phone.

  30. Why do I get the feeling the only cock the lady in the top picture has ever seen is the one she’s wearing?

    • Would also venture a guess that she didn’t have to go out and buy it for the rally. More a choice of which one to wear.


    • Defending their 1A rights is “sick”?

      The 1A was put in place specifically to protect unpopular and offensive speech. I don’t have to agree with what they say or how they choose to get their message out to defend their right to say it.

      If you’re worried about your kids keep them away from such events. Really, a college campus isn’t a place for young kids anyway. They’re not mature enough to understand the conversations that the colleges were set up to host and this protest is part of exactly one of those conversations.

  32. Not that I’d know or anything, but sex toys are supposedly rather expensive. Much like fancy print-shop signs and such that you’d see at any other Bloomberg-funded rally.

    Best antidote to this shit, is to identify these fools (approach them sympathetically, after taking anti-vomiting medication and whisky), take pictures (as horrifying as that may be), and publish/post them in their area of residence. It’s not that they have a sense of shame that may be exploited, so much as to poison whatever possible chance they have at a positive interaction with their community. If they’re such losers that this is already the case, well, Mission Accomplished.

  33. I’m sure it’s been mentioned, but there’s a false equivalency here. The problem isn’t that he said “pussy”, the problem is that he was talking about sexually assaulting women. Anyone who is primarily upset that he said “pussy” is missing the point entirely. It’s vulgar, sure, but who gives a shit? I use worse language in my day-to-day. It’s the actions implied by his words that are the problem.

    On the topic of “Cocks not Glocks”, I feel that the up-front vulgarity of their slogan is deliberately offensive in order to get attention, which seems counterproductive to me. But, then, their entire platform doesn’t really make sense, anyway. So who’s surprised.

  34. You should not claim your for human rights, when your protesting against ones right to self defense. That’s backwards. And if you allow that to be taken away; then you will lose all your rights. Since there will be no way of stopping it from happening. It’s the first step of many to enslavment. History will repeat itself if you let it.

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