President Donald Trump on Friday took his first executive action on firearms, backing up his campaign promises to protect the Second Amendment rights of American gun owners.
“The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms since the founding of our great Nation,” the executive order begins. “Because it is foundational to maintaining all other rights held by Americans, the right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed.”
Part of the action involved Trump charging Attorney General Pam Bondi with examining current laws that might be infringing on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.
“Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General shall examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements, and other actions of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens, and present a proposed plan of action to the President, through the Domestic Policy Advisor, to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,” the order stated.
The order mentioned a number of specific actions Bondi should address, including all presidential and agencies’ actions from January 2021 through January 2025 that purport to promote safety but may have impinged on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, rules promulgated by the Department of Justice (DOJ), including by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), from January 2021 through January 2025 pertaining to firearms and/or federal firearms licensees, agencies’ plans, orders and actions regarding the so-called ‘enhanced regulatory enforcement policy’ pertaining to firearms and/or federal firearms licensees, and reports and related documents issued by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
Once the reviews are completed and a plan of action is established, the executive order calls for establishing an implementation of the plan to do away with any infringements.
Of course, gun-rights groups and others in the industry were pleased with President Trump taking action as he had promised during the campaign. Those groups included Gun Owners of America (GOA), which had just called on its members to remind Trump of his 2A promises.
“By planning to dismantle Biden’s anti-gun agenda and rein in the ATF, President Trump is making good on his word to protect and defend the Second Amendment,” Erich Pratt, GOA senior vice president, said in a news release. “The ATF has been weaponized for too long against law-abiding Americans, and it’s past time to rein in this rogue agency. GOA looks forward to working with this administration to restore and expand gun rights across the country.”
The powerful National Shooting Sports Association (NSSF), the firearm industry trade association, also applauded President Trump for addressing the 2A mess the Biden Administration left behind.
“The announcement this evening by President Donald Trump that he is taking swift and thorough actions to protect not just the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, but also the industry that provides the means to exercise that sacred right, is welcomed news and should be celebrated by all gun owners,” stated Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF general counsel and senior vice president for government and public affairs. “For the past four years, the previous president and his administration attacked law-abiding gun owners and the lawful firearm industry at every opportunity, crippling small businesses and turning law-abiding Americans into criminals overnight, all while trampling on Constitutional rights and ignoring laws passed by Congress.”
Keane added that with President Trump’s executive order to investigate various infringements, those days are now behind us.
“President Trump’s welcomed Executive Order means those exercising their rights to keep and bear arms will be able to continue protecting their loved ones, homes and property and do so knowing the president of the United States has their back.”
That’s a good start, undoing what #46 did during his term… now undo whatever infringements all of the other 45 did before that – including his own in a previous term.
“including his own in a previous term.”
Well, the Trump bump-stock and ‘red-flag’ comments thing was actually protecting the 2A from democrat infringements. At the time, it was a result of ‘mis-information’ fed to trump from the already compromised ATF and anti-gun interests. He conceded to the ‘bump stock’ thing because anti-gun and democrats were taking advantage of a tragedy and democrats were threatening to have the ATF ‘re-define’ what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ if he didn’t. So to keep that from happening Trump did the bump stock thing to appease them. Notice though that Trump addressed the bum-stock thing during his campaign, saying he would do away with it – he had realized he had been duped and had learned what the swap really was in his first term when they kept him mired in the swamp so this time hes gonna drain the swamp.
That ‘re-define’ what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ thing actually started in earnest in the Obama administration with Biden as VP to be used as a prelude to banning ALL semi-auto firearms as ‘machine guns’. But the democrats at the time could not pull it off without making major concessions to try to get republicans on board. Then you saw what happened when Biden came into office with continuing the plans the democrats had laid long before.
But it goes back further to the Clinton administration. During his administration the ATF went over the edge to swing more towards far left and were proposing plans to ‘re-define’ what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ so that semi-auto rifles could be banned as ‘machine guns’. But Clinton didn’t do it, not because he didn’t want to but rather that he couldn’t do it at the time due to the political environment not being on his side.
“But it goes back further to the Clinton administration… “
You might note it goes back even further to Ronald Reagan’s ATF in 1981:
“In 1981, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms specifically classified auto sears as machine guns and codified their regulation as such for registration and taxation purposes, but the ruling did not apply to those manufactured before November of 1981.“
Learn what context means ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’)
“classified auto sears as machine guns”
is whole different thing and has nothing to do with the context I wrote of “what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’” the democrats and Clinton and Obama were involved with.
If you can’t discuss properly in its context – and stop cherry picking out of context – keep your ignorance out of the discussion.
Amazing cognitive dissonance, how entertaining!
So you are saying specifically classified auto sears as machine guns
“has nothing to do with the context I wrote of “what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’”
Yes, Ronald Reagan’s ATF was one of the first federal agencies to define an individual part as a complete machine gun 10 years before Clinton took office and this is directly on point.
Ronald Reagan established the precedent, Clinton didn’t do anything Republicans hadn’t already done.
“Amazing cognitive dissonance, how entertaining!
So you are saying specifically classified auto sears as machine guns
‘has nothing to do with the context I wrote of “what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ ”
Learn what context means ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’). The only “cognitive dissonance” here is your own.
Com’on, ‘fess up, Ronald Reagan’s ATF was one of the first federal agencies to define an individual part as a complete machine gun 10 years before Clinton took office and this is directly on point.
Ronald Reagan established the precedent, Clinton didn’t do anything the Republicans hadn’t already done.
Once again, that wasn’t the context of what I wrote ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’). so its not “directly on point” as you falsely write now.
Stop being intentionally disingenuous. You deliberately cherry picked out of context to side track the discussion into another matter. Learn what context means ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’).
“Well, the Trump bump-stock and ‘red-flag’ comments thing was actually protecting the 2A from democrat infringements.”
Can we stop defending it when it’s him?
Are we really at the point where people will handwaive him away on stuff like this but will foam at the mouth about RINOs when literally ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN DOES IT?
I swear he could wake up tomorrow and become publicallt antigun, and swaths of his blind supporters would throw their guns in the trash and advocate for an AWB while claiming he’s a protector of liberty and safety.
Can we please care about the goddamn 2A more than him?
Most of us have bigger worries than his stance on guns. All of which are substantially better than anything Biden/Harris claimed to offer. So guess you will just have to deal with the handwaving.
“Most of us have bigger worries than his stance on guns“
Yes, like Donald Trump clearing the way for his foreign bribery:
“Trump signs order pausing enforcement of foreign bribery ban
UPDATED MON, FEB 10 2025 7:35 PM EST
Eamon Javers
Dan Mangan
President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing the Department of Justice to pause enforcing a nearly half-century-old law that prohibits American companies and foreign firms from bribing officials of foreign governments to obtain or retain business.“
Yes sir, Donald Trump bringing his fraud and corruption to the United States government, what could go wrong…
Cry more it is entertaining.
“it is entertaining“
Yes, of course you and Trump want a “pause enforcing a nearly half-century-old law that prohibits American companies and foreign firms from bribing officials“.
The only reason Trump wants to cease enforcing the law is so that he can engage in bribery without consequence.
Well, at least we did have another one of Trump’s closest advisers plead guilty to fraud today so we do have that going for the American people.
Of course, he was defrauding MAGA faithful so I’m kind of disappointed that came to an end.
Just another element of the globalist elit oligarchy you have installed as our government.
Huh apparently too spicy on the last one. Oh well you lack originality and insight to make for effective lines of attack in information warfare let alone be convincing. See also cry more broken man defending fraud
No one is “defending it when it’s him”. Just looking at things objectively in their proper context.
Was it not a very mice thing to do for gun owners? It was not a very nice thing to do. It was correctly viewed, in the gun community, as an anti-2A move and heck I even viewed it that way.
If you went to the doctor and he told you that finger with gangrene had to be cut off or you would loose your whole hand, would you say “how unfair, no, don’t cut it off doc” ?
Its a difficult situation to come to the point Trump was facing of ‘give up what is essentially a minor thing, so all firearms things that are good are not affected by the agenda of the opponent’.
If faced with the same decision at the time, knowing you without a concession could not stop the opposition democrats from carrying out their threat to ‘re-define’ what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ thus leading to a complete ban on firearms eventually (as Biden had in mind) – would you have sacrificed a ‘bump stock’ at the time?
Its not “defending it when it’s him” – its looking at things objectively in their proper context.
Why did he need to satisfy the antigun crowd at all?
They had absolutely zero political power on a federal level from 2017-2019 in ANY CHAMBER.
Trump bending the knee on bumpstocks and red flag laws was absolutely flat out capitulation.
Have you ever even seen the cake analogy? We keep buying this idea of a “compromise” that only exists in a way where we lose and they gain.
I’m sick of hearing that dumbass line. He had ZERO political challenge to him simly doing nothing. The media already acted him, what, was he suddenly afraid of looking evil to those mouth breathers?
Justify it to yourself however you want. I just hope that the second amendment isn’t a stance you are willing to throw in the trash over him.
.40 – going back to my original statement, that again no one has refuted, he has not walked back nor defended his “Take the guns first” statement.
So, let’s say instead that you go to the doctor’s office to receive two stitches in your finger (accidentally cut your finger showing off your newest Onion knife to your brother-in-law) and Doc says ” Well Bob, we heard that you have a very dangerous collection of knives at home. You sit right here while the authorities remove ALL edged instruments from your home to protect you and your loved ones from harm… don’t worry though, you can get anything that survived “evidence holding” storage if they deem you worthy at some future point. ”
Hmmm, would ” EFF-OFF, DOC ! ” be your response?
You have to look at the context. After that suspicious shooting in Vegas, Congress was planning to pass a bill redefining bump stocks as machine guns which they had the authority to do. By ordering the ATF to redefine bump stocks as MGs, Trump satisfied the “do something crowd” and headed off Congress’s ban where they might have slipped even more stuff like binary triggers and FRTs in. Because the ATF did not have the constitutional authority to redefine what was a machine gun, they got slapped down by Trump’s SCOTUS a few years later. A bill would have been much harder to overturn than an agency redefinition and the result is that we have bump stocks in most states again. He played the long game.
lol Ehat a bunch of BS. It never would of passed and had it passed Trump could of vetoed it.
Still consider the guy a liberal posing as a conservative. But we will see if he follows through. So far he appears to be doing just that.
“would have”
“could have”
“should have”
Or you could’ve said
It’s not “of”, sheesh.
Amazing how a # 2 became # 45!
Glory be, pardon my mistake for the comment should have read:
Amazing how a # 2 became # 46!
cornbread…RE: “including his own in a previous term.”
It’s politically inept azzholes like you who read concocted bumpstock headlines and held hands with democRats to slander POTUS DJT. I have explained the manurivering following Vegas a dozen times for dumbfuks like you and still today you have an ignorant self inflicted thorn in your butt. It is too bad biden/harris could not remain in charge of you and your pasty mouth ungrateful ilk.
To paraphrase Chevy Chase – ” Debby, you ignorant slut “, or more appropriately – insolent. To the best of anyone’s knowledge, Trump has never walked back his
“Take the guns first, worry about the Rights thing afterwards” statement. Yet you come here time and time again to engage your venom spewing piehole to prattle your same old bullshit – the inept azzhole pasty mouth ungrateful disrespectful hag happens to be yourself. Go look in a mirror and come back with something fresh.
in yourown words- GFY with the broom you road in on
“slander POTUS DJT“
You know, Donald Trump does his best to slander himself, you did hear the Access Hollywood tapes wherein Donald freely confessions to sexually assaulting women, right?
Actually, he brags about physically grabbing women’s genitals without their permission and asserts that as a celebrity he’s allowed to assault women.
That’s not slander, he himself detailed his behavior on tape.
Meanwhile, Biden actually grabbed someone there.
“His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent.”
Reade’s mother called into Larry King Live:
“I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.” CNN verified that Altimus lived in San Luis Obispo at the time of the call.
It’s funny how the press tries to kill sexual assault stories when it involves Democrats. They killed the Harvey Weinstein story multiple times before it became too much to ignore.
Yeah the Tara Reade bullshit.
You do know, she defected to Russia for a while with the NRA/Russia liaison agent, right?
Just another one of those nonexistent Russian connections I guess…
“Tara Reade, who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, defects to Russia
This article is more than 1 year old
Former Senate staffer who made claim in 2020 appears on Russian media alongside convicted Russian agent in US Maria Butina
Martin Pengelly in New York
Tue 30 May 2023 17.52 EDT
Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, has said she had defected to Russia.“
So I have provided a reference to Donald Trump actually confessing to sexual assault on tape, would you be kind enough to reference Joe Biden’s ‘confession’?
Or is this just another one of your bullshit false equivalences, what about…
Could you provide the details on exactly what jury declared Joe Biden liable for sexual assault as is the case with Donald Trump, thanks.
Nope. Listen to his comment. He said he kisses girls without asking because when you’re famous, they let you. I’m not defending his dumb, crude comment but let’s be honest about how it went down. The grabbing part was obviously supposed to get a chuckle out of Billy. Trump never speaks in hyperbole, right?
Tara told her mother about Joe raping her. Her mother is on record calling into CNN. That right there is more clear proof than any assault allegation against Trump or Kavanaugh.
You only call it BS because you would go to your grave defending Democrats, no matter what. That’s your entire identity. Your defense of Biden rests on Reade moving to Russia 30 years after being raped by Biden. How is that a defense? She said nasty Democrats were threatening her after she spoke out about Biden raping her.
Dems had to drop their “Believe All Women” chant because of Joe Biden and Tara Reade.
Tara Reade’s Allegations Put Establishment Democrats In A Bind: Believe Women Or Back The Nominee
May 1, 2020, at 12:05 PM
By Clare Malone
Filed under 2020 Election
Democrats chose the old white dude over extremely credible rape allegations because power. And here you are defending them because you choose Democrat Party worship over facts every time.
It is my opinion that if we all supported kamala and gun control miner would be here campaigning for Trump and guns.
He is false.
I don’t think he’s just a contrarian. He’s a hardcore partisan.
Why are you here? You make no sense, and as 40 says, you miss the context worse than the least socially-aware people I know.
You’re not winning anybody over to your side, and indeed, you might be helping us with your ineptitude.
Have they started paying you again so you could resume your chaos? I was wondering when the money would start flowing again.
“daddy, please let me shower by myself, I’m afraid of you. I don’t want to have sex with those people you bought over.
—- paraphrasing Ashely Bidens diary, she has personally
… she has personally authenticated as true”
He never said he actually did grab them. He was saying that when you’re that rich and powerful, women will let you do that and more if they think it will benefit them. He was remarking on the state of the industry. And we all know that if he had grabbed any woman, she would have resurfaced 15 years after it allegedly happened to shake him down.
You are entirely delusional calling a spade a spade is just that. Nothing like your unhinged rantings.
@ 40 cal Booger
“Well, the Trump bump-stock and ‘red-flag’ comments thing was actually protecting the 2A from democrat infringements. At the time, it was a result of ‘mis-information’ fed to trump from the already compromised ATF and anti-gun interests. He conceded to the ‘bump stock’ thing because anti-gun and democrats were taking advantage of a tragedy and democrats were threatening to have the ATF ‘re-define’ what constituted a ‘machine gun’ and ‘frame-n-receiver’ if he didn’t. So to keep that from happening Trump did the bump stock thing to appease them.”
i have to disagree that’s t not true Trump did his bumpfire stock ban because he wanted to he could have vetoed anything Congress sent his way and it’s very questionable Congress would have come up with a 2/3s majority vote to override any vetoes. Trump didn’t have to do anything he did it because he wanted to.
people always do that…”but the pres can just veto it. so there.”
what people don’t understand is when the president vetos under pressure of ‘or else’..the pres has to be able to have something to counter with to keep it from coming back or gaining support as inclusion under something the pres wants. Trump avoided all that with his bump stock move.
I voted for him, but people need to stop excusing his apathy. Just because there’s an R next to his name doesn’t mean gun rights are solved and a limp wristed EO like this, when he could have done more, doesn’t instill any more confidence in him going above and beyond. I’m not saying he WON’T do it, but he needs to be held to the fire until he makes good on that promise. He is not infallible and everyone rested on their laurels last time and it gave us nothing but the playback for the ATFs executive overreach that Biden was happy to continue with wanton abandon.
I see so many people making excuses for HIM not the 2A, including nitwits that actually said if he wanted an AWB, they would trust “”the long game””” as if he’s going to trick the democrats into passing a repeal of the NFA.
If that man woke up tomorrow and decided to go full antigun, the 2A would be eviscerated inside of 6 months. His populism is that strong, and the last thing we want is people who are genuinely incapable of holding their own principles and playing follow the leader. If you cannot even acknowledge that he isn’t always right, then you cannot have reasoned discussion.
More relevant stance for local, state, and congressional level elected officials. You know the ones that actually make the laws. Whether you are right or wrong is irrelevant until you are effective.
Somebody needs to remind them that it’s only twenty seven words for a reason.
And two of those words are ‘well regulated’.
To RE’GULATE. v.a. [regula, Latin.]
1. To adjust by rule or method.
2. To direct.
1755 publication of Samuel Johnson’s ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’
Once again ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’) brings his false and disingenuous to the discussion by cherry picking and out of context.
“Somebody needs to remind them that it’s only twenty seven words for a reason.”
Mynr, contemporaneous writings from the period of the drafting of The Constitution refer to a rather modern invention arriving on these shores – the Regulator Clock Movement, with a pendulum that could be adjusted (regulated) to length of moment, and thus its cadence to keep perfect – or
“well regulated” – time.
A non-regulated clock would have been as useless as a non-well regulated militia, which contemporaneously was intended to prevent The Government from becoming The Exclusively Armed Entity.
Such had been the case with English Rule that they had just fought to overthrow, so they nicely worded ” We ain’t going through That Bullshit Again. ”
Context pal, context.
Still pushing this retarded turd of an argument? No wonder no one takes you or anyone like you seriously.
Miner is still pushing the Russia Hoax. He takes every single Dem talking point and runs with it…Forever. He keeps going even after they abandon it lol. He probably still thinks Trump said Nazis were very fine people.
The US Constitution is not, and may never be used as, a limit upon the People. It is written by the People and limits government. To imply anything in the Constitution as to limit the rights and power of the People is just plain ignorant. So take your “well regulated” and put it where the sun don’t shine.
Well-rounded teachers being necessary to the education of a free country, the right of the people to buy and read books shall not be infringed. Who has the right to books, teachers or the people? Does one have to be a teacher to have books? Who are the people, are they not the same people in every other Amendment that are clearly individuals?
So still no action against Bush Sr.s 1989 executive order banning the import of Firearms that don’t padd the BS sporting purpose test?
I guess it’s better than nothing but it’s weak sauce.
Even just eliminating all of the previous admenstruations gun related executive orders would have been better.
pirate…I’ll tell you what weak sauce is. That’s the Gun Talking blowbags on this forum who bark at Defining Gun Control by its History. Before you run around laying blah blah sauce sht on TRUMP look in your own backyard.
Well we have you stinking up the place.
Mynr, the term “well regulated” applies to the militia, NOT to the people. In order to have a well regulated militia, the people must keep and bear arms.
“the term “well regulated” applies to the militia, NOT to the people“
Sorry, the Founding Fathers held that the militia was the people.
Just ask Dana Loesch:
“Loesch responded: “George Mason was one of the founding fathers, and he said ‘The militia is the whole of the people.’ It’s every man, it’s every woman, that is who the militia is.“
And one might note that the constitution draws a clear distinction between citizens and people, that’s why the Militia Act recognizes non-citizens as members of the Militia of the United States.
You’re not gonna find any children, here, to do with as you will. Go away and stink up some other comment section.
False again ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’).
We went through this before. You even bought up the militia act.
10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes
“The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
see the part where it says “citizens of the United States” > that word “citizens”
“Just ask Dana Loesch:
Loesch responded: ‘George Mason was one of the founding fathers, and he said ‘The militia is the whole of the people.’ It’s every man, it’s every woman, that is who the militia is.’
No where in what George Mason said does he say ‘non-citizen’. And in fact if you do some further research you will find that George Mason expected they be citizens and just assumed they would be citizens. So it is true that ‘George Mason was one of the founding fathers, and he said ‘The militia is the whole of the people.’ It’s every man, it’s every woman, that is who the militia is.’ ” but he was assuming it was understood this was ‘citizens’ because at the time that was the common understanding these militia members would be ‘citizens’.
Simply citing Dana Loesch citing this from ‘George Mason’ doesn’t show that ‘non-citizens are also ‘automatically’ members of the ‘militia’.
The “Second Militia Act of 1792” clarified with this:
“… each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside ..”
There’s that word ‘citizen’ again used in context with who is in the “militia” – not the absence of ‘non-citizen’ context, but rather the specific inclusion of ‘citizen’ context.
Through all of the founding fathers writings – everything was in context of ‘citizens’ in terms of the ‘militia’ when they wrote of it.
All of the various renditions of the ‘Militia Act’ were in context of ‘citizen’ intended in terms of the ‘militia’, eventually being codified in federal law under 10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes where its clearly ‘citizen’.
Stop cherry picking and stop being disingenuous and stop writing false stuff ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’).
Your false spewing for ‘militia’ and ‘well regulated’, are old anti-gun arguments, and your spewing of them have been defeated time and time again, neither SCOTUS nor founding-history-and-founders support your spew.
This is the chaos that he does. He tries to get us to re-litigate old arguments, causing us to waste time on him.
At this point, he might even be an AI bot sent here just to waste our time.
“see the part where it says “citizens of the United States” > that word “citizens”
You are just a sad deceiver who intentionally omits text that proves you wrong, here’s the relevant part of the official act of Congress:
“(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.”
10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes
Allow me to post the pertinent point so that you may grasp the meaning:
“who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“
Non-citizens are indeed members of the militia under the supreme law of the land, and that’s why the second amendment uses the term ‘people’ as opposed to ‘citizens’.
And, as members of the militia, everyone under the second amendment is subject to regulation by Congress.
So how many illegals are doing anything to become citizens by relevant legal means? LOL nope try again retard.
“who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“
moron…just where does it say …
“who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, non-citizens of the United States“
stop being so dishonest. I posted the context. which was ‘citizen’. learn what context means and stop reading confirmation biased.
you lied Miner – 49- er …there is no place, just like I said, where it says non-citizens are members of the militia. a person who has applied for citizenship is considered a ‘citizen’ for certain purposes, one being the national guard ‘militia’, and is not considered a non-citizen for these purposes, others being certain forms of assistance and legal standings in some instances and other things.
it is 100% false that a non-citizen is a member of the militia as you claim.
“a person who has applied for citizenship is considered a ‘citizen’ for certain purposes“
Interesting claim, this is unsupported and just some random text you made up to support your claim.
I’m sorry your reading comprehension skills do not allow you to grasp the meaning of the plain language, which just requires that a non-citizen ‘declare their intention to become a citizen’ in order for them to qualify as a member of the Militia.
“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.”
George Mason
There you have it straight from a Founding Father, and you’ll notice he did not say the ‘whole of the citizens’, he intentionally used the term ‘people’ to include non-citizens.
And the Militia is subject to the discipline imposed by Congress:
“Clause 16. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States,“
The constitution specifies that Congress has the power to provide for ‘disciplining the Militia’, thus meeting the second amendment’s requirement for a ‘well regulated Militia’.
“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.”
which does not say non-citizens.
That’s pretty funny, you pull out a statement from a man that used the common understanding of the time that CITIZENS were ‘the people’ and even said ‘the people’ were the ‘citizens’ in his other writings. We had just fought a war to have our own country and ‘citizens’, not a country of non-citizens. CITIZEN – That was the meaning context of the time and its even echoed in what Tench Coxe, a member of the Continental Congress, when he described the Second Amendment this way: “As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”
“their fellow citizens” – if there were non-citizens in the “military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country” there would be no “fellow citizens” in what he said. The meaning context of the time was that ‘citizens’ were in the “military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country” (or in other words, and the time that to be raised was the militia which was the idea at the founding instead of a standing army).
As already decided by the founders and SCOTUS in relation to arms possession and the militia… “The People” does not include non-citizens in relation to arms or militia. It only includes those which can legally and constitutionally exercise citizenship rights and privileges, among these are those that have applied for citizenship and for this purpose they are not considered non-citizens because by being able to legally and constitutionally exercise (some) citizenship rights and privileges they are part of the the “political community,” which SCOTUS, and indirectly the founders and constitution, defines as ‘the people’. Which is why it says “who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“ – meaning those considered ‘citizens’ for these purposes as an exercise of citizenship rights and privileges as part of the “political community” of ‘the people’. This by the way was already settled law also that these are considered ‘citizens’ for this purpose and not non-citizens but evidently you have ignored this part of research because it doesn’t fit your confirmation bias that you so obviously display here.
It is 100% false that a non-citizen is a member of the militia as you claim.
“The constitution specifies that Congress has the power to provide for ‘disciplining the Militia’, thus meeting the second amendment’s requirement for a ‘well regulated Militia’.”
False. I explained why here > h ttps://
Plus its already settled law that congress ‘disciplining the Militia’ can only happen if they are called to federal service, as when not they belong to the state and subject to the state ‘disciplining the Militia’. Plus, it doesn’t apply to the unorganized militia unless called into federal service.
you are so full of crap ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’). These are very old anti-gun arguments that have been beaten time and time again in courts and even at SCOTUS. Beaten so soundly that they don’t even bother with them any more in court because history and the founders and text and meanings don’t side with them and at best they were weak to begin with. Yet here you are word-playing thinking you are being crafty, you are simply showing your ignorance of the subject and trolling.
Hey Miner, are you still banned from getting within 1000′ of schools and playgrounds?
The people are the militia. Well regulated means while farmer brown is plowing his field farmer smith is ready for minor49iq redcoats. To spin regulated into Gun Control is as dumb and pathetic as it sounds. Yepper you pilgrims fighting for freedom can have one musket a month after a two week waiting period and only possess one ounce of Black Powder, can’t have you pilgrims making bombs and blowing the enemy up so be nice.
Regulated is synonymous with disciplined and has absolutely nothing to do with Gun Control. Regulated is the same as saying, being ready, willing and able to serve in the militia.
Regulate means subject to rule or direction:
“To RE’GULATE. v.a. [regula, Latin.]
1. To adjust by rule or method.
2. To direct.
1755 publication of Samuel Johnson’s ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’
repeating minor49iq…Regulate means subject to rule or direction:“To RE’GULATE. v.a. [regula, Latin.] 1. To adjust by rule or method.2. To direct.1755 publication of Samuel Johnson’s ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’
Hey dictionary dork…I explained well regulated militia. Perhaps regulated as it applies to guards of the tomb of the unknown soldier would get you up to speed. As it stands you might as well be on your Gun Control tricycle in the middle of a freeway.
The anti-gun and gun controllers argument: Their argument is based on that amendment’s reference to “a well regulated militia,” which they define as a military force organized and supervised by the government. Outside a well-regulated militia, they suggest, the Second Amendment has no practical effect a lawmaker need respect. Some gun control advocates also argue that the descriptor well regulated implies that the government has wide latitude to decide who may have which weapons under what circumstances.
But as the Supreme Court correctly concluded in Heller, these arguments are inconsistent with the text and context of the Second Amendment.
The structure of the Second Amendment has invited decades of dueling interpretations. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” it says, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The part of the amendment that could be its own stand-alone sentence—the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed—is known as the “operative clause.” The well regulated Militia part—the prefatory clause—is understood by enthusiastic gun regulators as defining the only reason for preserving the right to keep and bear arms (as opposed to one of the reasons). Anyone who is not a member of a well-regulated militia would have no such right, according to the anti-gun arguments.
The late Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in Heller, thought it made no sense to read the prefatory clause that way, because that would essentially nullify the direct and clear meaning of the operative clause. While the prefatory clause could give insight into some of the specifics of how to apply the operative clause, he argued, it could not make the right to arms contingent on militia service.
Scalia pointed out that the amendment refers to “the right of the people.” When that language is used elsewhere in the Bill of Rights—in the First and Fourth Amendments, for example—it plainly means a right that belongs to every individual, as opposed to a collective with special properties, such as a militia. A prefatory clause mentioning a purpose, Scalia argued, is not sufficient to overwhelm the commonsense and contextual meaning of a right guaranteed to everyone. Furthermore, he said, contemporaneous usage makes it clear that the phrase bear arms cannot be restricted to a military context, as Justice John Paul Stevens suggested it should be in his dissent.
In 1788, as Massachusetts was poised to ratify the U.S. Constitution, Samuel Adams advocated an amendment making it clear that “the Constitution shall never be construed…to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” Commenting on the proposed Bill of Rights the following year, Tench Coxe, a member of the Continental Congress, described the Second Amendment this way: “As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”
And that was the understanding at the time of ratification the context of ‘A well regulated Militia’ meant, as a “prefatory clause” and not to be used “to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms” or infringe upon “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”.
Not holding my breath. A good start as I posted yesterday. ILL annoy et all. 🙄
2025 and it stills applies……
Self regulation IS regulation … by the people!
Thanks for info.
I remember working for a Fortune500 DJT.
My job was to lie to people to extort money.
Now he is president.
He is a New York City con artist who has defrauded thousands of people of millions of dollars:
“Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for ‘victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university’
Trump University attendees are getting paid back.
ByAaron Katersky andM.L. Nestel
April 9, 2018, 8:35 PM ET
Trump University: The BasicsFind out about the $40 million lawsuit against Trump and Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, LLC.Bebeto Matthews/AP, FILE
Trump University attendees are getting paid back.
A federal judge in the Southern District of California on Monday finalized a $25 million settlement to be paid to attendees of the now-defunct real estate seminar called Trump University.“
And now with his attacks on USAID hurting his base in the agricultural economy of the red states, the MAGA crowd are going to get exactly what they voted for, good and hard:
“How USAID cuts could potentially impact Iowa’s agriculture industry
KCCI logo Updated: 10:29 PM CST Feb 6, 2025
Ophelie Jacobson
An Iowa farmer says he’s concerned about the state’s agriculture industry following efforts to dismantle the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Trump administration.
The Progressive Farmer estimates that USAID is responsible for about $2 billion in U.S. Agriculture commodity purchases annually for humanitarian food aid. Reuters reports that the U.S. has already stopped purchases for foreign food aid programs.
FILE – A man walks past boxes of USAID humanitarian aid at a warehouse at the Tienditas International Bridge on the outskirts of Cucuta, Colombia, Feb. 21, 2019, on the border with Venezuela. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) Trump administration takes control, shuts down USAID
“USAID is important for farmers,” Aaron Lehman, president of the Iowa Farmers Union, said. “It’s unfortunate that we would drop those relationships that we built over time.”
Aww how cute trolls connecting or samefagging
We need to end ALL subsidies. The people that don’t get subsidies are the ones paying for Big Ag (and other) subsidies. Notice how the main concern was the farmer$, and not the people receiving food.
“the main concern was the farmer$, and not the people receiving food“
It’s actually both, but I’m glad to see you have a concern for the world’s hungry people and think that we should devote billions of dollars to this sort of foreign aid.
Most MAGA disagree with me, but I think it’s an invaluable investment in goodwill throughout the world. If we pull out our aid feeding the hungry through NGOs China will fill the vacuum and our influence overseas will wane.
And the boost to America’s farmers doesn’t hurt either.
China pay for development of other countries? LOL tell me you know nothing of geopolitics without telling me.
“China pay for development of other countries? LOL“
Amazing, I’ll bet you are a Trump voter.
“In 2021 alone, Chinese state-owned companies, including China Railway Construction, China Communications Construction, and China National Off-shore oil (CNOOC), funded $11.3 billion worth of projects in South American countries.“
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your arrogance.
Lol much development such benefits to host country totally not a exploitative extraction of resources. You obviously know nothing.
This is an area where I’d suggest serious caution.
I’m not against ending subsidies but this isn’t an area where you can go all Weezer and use a machete to cut through red tape.
Unlike European ag subsidies, ours actually do reduce the price of food at the store quite substantially and that’s not an applecart you want to upset unless you actually prefer post-apocalyptic warzones.
As such, this is something that needs to be carefully unwound. Many of the subsidies go back to the WWII era, and yes that has much to do with ultra-processed foods and health issues it also means that these things are wound into large structures that I don’t think anyone actually understands at the moment.
I’d start with removing the requirement to add ethanol to gas, which only goes back to W. Bush. It makes no sense from a scientific perspective and it should go. It’s also fairly easy to see the problems it would solve, particularly on the international food front. Let’s see what other dominos that knocks over and proceed from there.
This is a place where an actual, serious analysis of the systems is required before we go monkeying around.
…this is something that needs to be carefully unwound.
Agreed. Then make it illegal outside of a temporary major disaster declaration. And by illegal, I mean everywhere, including state and local. I’m for equal treatment. Subsidies screw over the little guy. Of course Miner is defending Ag lobbyists.
I suspect that most of the disaster response type stuff could be solved by national reserves of critical items.
I mean, the Canadians have a national reserve of maple syrup FFS.
Unprocessed grain, properly stored, lasts a pretty long time, for example.
Woah now are you two trying to get government to do stuff that makes sense and actually serves the public? Well if you madlads figure out how to get them to do it without needing full replacements and/or gallows let me know we could use a lot more of it.
hush, rapist
USAID ‘foreign aid’: USAID Funneled Nearly $800 Million To ‘Gender Transformative’ Global Censorship Group.
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On another note: as for the ‘progressive farmer’ ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’) cries about – less than 5% of the so called ‘foreign aid’ from USAID under the Biden-Harris admin actually went to feed anyone and less than 1% of that reached the people it was suppose to feed – in fact, some of that USAID ‘foreign aid’ for food wasn’t even food as it was claimed to be and, for example, was used to fund elective abortions and sex changes in other countries and into the pockets of the country corrupt officials. When you see these pitiful pictures of hungry children with flies on their face that get maybe a hand-full of rice or something in a day and sometimes nothing – ‘Mr. Progessive Farmer’ ask yourself where the other 1.3 Trillion $$$ in USAID ‘foreign aid’ supposedly for food went under the Biden admin.
Now that USAID is gone, the foreign aid spending is under the state department. No one suffered from lack of the ‘progressive farmers’ ‘foreign aid’ concern as that money was already funded and disbursed on or shortly after 1 October 2024 for the fiscal year 2025. In other words that ‘foreign aid’ has already been done for the year 2025 (fiscal) – and the spending freeze is temporary (90 days) and valid ‘foreign aid’ (i.e. food) this ‘progressive farmer’ cries about will continue but under the state department and this time it will be more effective in reaching those who actually need it. Getting rid of USAID was a good thing.
But gee whiz I don’t know ‘Mr. Progessive Farmer’… I mean, that ‘foreign aid’ of $130 million USAID gave to Hamas to build a cement factory that they used to build their tunnel system where they staged their attacks on Isreal and the people in Gaza from and never used one ounce of that cement to build anything for the people of Gaza they claim to care so much about, and the over $100 million of ‘foreign aid’ for food for the people of Gaza that went to Hamas to ‘distribute food’ that kept the Hamas fighters well fed and the people of Gaza needing it hungry…
maybe ‘Mr. Progessive Farmer’, and ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’) and the left wing media and the democrats could cry about that and the other stuff I posted above … but nope, not a word… what we get is this insane delusional rant basically about how getting rid of USAID is gonna make needy people starve when is not true at all.
needy already starving. let’s get healthy here and then contribute.
We can’t afford to keep borrowing money to feed the world. Killing yourself for corrupt, inefficient charity work is next level stupid.
And getting rid of Planned Parenthood funding would mean women couldn’t get non-abortion women’s healthcare. Remember that argument? They always use the 2% to justify the 98%. In other words, it isn’t a winning issue, so they have to distort the truth.
Of course, the left-wing and left-wing media and democrats always lie and distort the truth – its how they keep their weak minded mentally ill ‘sheeple’ followers in line and riled up emotionally and on their side.
For example, look at what that weak minded radical violent left winger ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’) posted.
The media and democrats should be investigating this fraud, waste, and abuse but instead attack the ones trying to uncover it – but what they do is this lie based on emotional ‘all these people are gonna starve ’cause USAID is gone” – and of course that appeals to ‘Mynr49r’ (AKA ‘Min -er -49’, ‘Missy12’) because hes a weak minded mentally ill fool that doesn’t understand context and reads everything confirmation biased at a third grade level to feed that emotional ‘cookie’ BS the media gave him so hes right in line with where they want him to be.
here are the New York City con artists who has defrauded thousands of people out of millions of tax-dollars … NY AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.
“I remember working for a Fortune500 DJT.
My job was to lie to people to extort money.
Apparently you think you still do that job.
That is a short period of time. They really should look into the last 60 years or more to remove all of the Executive orders that are anti-2A. I guess the just want to remove the Biden Administration policies first?
@mynr – “… and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.”
It follows that people who declare or imply that militia members can only own whatever guns Congress tells them are appropriate, and that only militia members can own guns, also believe that female citizens who are NOT members of the Guard can’t own guns…
… due to the fact that they are not members of the militia.
Don’t think that is gonna fly, Wilbur, better make make a new contraption.
Has anyone done a welfare check over at Brady and Everytown? Aside from the sky-crying and cloth-rending, are they OK over there or should we send counsellors/hard liquor and benzos?
Pretty sure they are plenty well stocked on the booze and benzos after all they are a rather small ven diagram of Karen and single cat ladies. As to checking on them……eh see if they collect on the gun violence grant before the end of the fiscal year.
Is it small?
Or is it large and just a circle?
I mean you can describe them as round generally.
Savage. +10
‘Trans’ Rats and Animal Cruelty: Your Tax Dollars at Work.
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Trump Steals the Spotlight from Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl …
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Unbelievable! Gavin Newsom Begs President for Money,… (i.e. wild fires) … Then Approves $50M Slush Fund to ‘Trump-Proof’ CA.
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Treasury Employees Estimate Fraud in Entitlement Payments at $50 Billion Annually
“Yesterday, I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number.
Musk is confident that he and his team of tech wizards will find fraud and waste inside the Treasury Department. In fact, in a Saturday post on X, he wrote:
‘Yesterday, I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious.
When I asked if anyone at Treasury had a rough guess for what percentage of that number is unequivocal and obvious fraud, the consensus in the room was about half, so $50B/year or $1B/week!! This is utterly insane and must be addressed immediately.’
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“Musk is confident that he and his team of tech wizards will find fraud and waste“
‘‘Some of the things that I say will be incorrect’: Musk backs away from false claim of $50 million for Gaza condoms
By Daniel Dale, CNN
Published 9:58 AM EST, Wed February 12, 2025
“Elon Musk acknowledged Tuesday that there might not have been a federal plan to spend $50 million on condoms for Gaza — two weeks after the White House press secretary told the false story at an official briefing and more than a week after the president baselessly doubled the phony figure to $100 million and said the condoms were going to Hamas.
“Some of the things that I say will be incorrect, and should be corrected,” Musk, the billionaire businessman who is leading a Trump administration initiative they call the Department of Government Efficiency, said… “
For you to kvetch this hard it must be doing the right thing.
Trump Draining Pool Of Money From Which Leftist Activists Drink
‘That’s why they are apoplectic. That’s why they are losing their minds, because they know if Trump is successful in cutting off the various spigots that fill the pool, they are in big trouble.
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Trouble would involve a chance of recovery or continuing ability to function. All the lefty billionaires combined wouldn’t be able to fund everything these groups run with for more than a couple years without tax money. Honestly makes our resistance of their efforts all the more encouraging.
“Trump Draining Pool Of Money From Which Leftist Activists Drink“
“Head Start and other programs still report disruptions after spending freeze supposedly thawed
By Brad McElhinny
February 6, 2025 – 2:03 pm
A week after a federal spending freeze was halted, some early childhood education programs in West Virginia are still having trouble drawing down money.
The West Virginia Head Start Association had three programs each submit a request to draw down funds from their Head Start grant through the U.S. Health and Human Services Payment Management System on Jan. 29 and Jan. 31, last week.
Other organizations that depend on federal dollars have, similarly, described disruptions. In Virginia, for example, community health centers have been describing a cutoff from federal grant money that has meant halting some services and closing some locations.“
Trump Strips Federal Building Access From NY AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (note: Trump also removed the security clearances of NY AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg – no more government docs for them.)
“Also takes security clearances away from Anthony Blinken and others.
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Well that explains a few memos this morning.
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As Trump Tries to Stop Waste of Government Money, FEMA Wastes Some More
Elon Musk announced Monday: ‘The @DOGE team just discovered that FEMA sent $59M LAST WEEK to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal migrants. Sending this money violated the law and is in gross insubordination to the President’s executive order. That money is meant for American disaster relief and instead is being spent on high end hotels for illegals! A clawback demand will be made today to recoup those funds.’
(Ya know, in direct violation of law and presidential order. The radical left wingers in government aren’t even trying to hide it any more – they are in outright rebellion and simply outright basically stealing tax dollars.)
Clean the guns, load the mags, another mentally ill deranged wokie left-winger, Dr. Steve Caudle, is coming for you: Preacher Calls for Violence in Response to DOGE ‘Stealing’ Social Security.
“Misinformation and violent rhetoric about DOGE is spilling out into pulpits across the nation:
‘No one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary. When Elon Musk forces his way into the U.S. Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your Social Security check, there is a possibility of violence.
Sometimes the devil will act so ugly that you have no other choice but to get violent and fight.’
Dr. Steve Caudle
Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church
Chattanooga, TN”
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(wow, this guy is a lunatic. No one is stealing “personal information and your Social Security check” and Elon didn’t force his way into the U.S. Treasury and threaten anything. All of that from this nut case preacher is a lie, its repeating the same lie the Democrats have been telling)
Not only all of the things you say…this Dr. Caudle, supposedly a man of the cloth, is openly PROMOTING that people commit a violation of the commandment “Thou shalt not steal”.
His church should remove him immediately.
How is ordering a “review” considered “doing something” to reverse the tyranny of gun control laws?
Sending armed ATF agents to the southern border with orders to prevent illigal immigration “with extreme predjudice” would be doing something. Ordering the ATF to return to their offices, and take no further action on anything would actually be “doing something”.
Trump has less than 18 months to “do something”, then the Dims come roaring back at the mid-terms.
Note: making Canadia a US state, alters the House, Senate, and Electoral College in favor of trannyary; two new Senators, a number of Representatives, rainbow Electors.
“making Canadia a US state… “
Relax, it would never happen because the Canadians would never give up their excellent healthcare:
“Compared to the US system, the Canadian system has lower costs, more services, universal access to health care without financial barriers, and superior health status. Canadians and Germans have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates than do US residents.“
“Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian Medicare, performs considerably better than the U.S. healthcare system. Canadian healthcare is also less expensive. The cost of healthcare in the United States—both for individuals and the government—is by far the highest in the world, yet the United States also has the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation.“
Yes, it’s true, Canadian socialists do have better healthcare and lower infant mortality rate as well as longer life expectancy.