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Trump’s To-Do List: How He Can Restore Justice in His First Days

Lee Williams - comments 97 comments

Some Democrats still working in leadership positions at FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA and other powerful federal agencies cannot be pleased that Donald J. Trump was reelected president. These are all behind-the-scenes players, who are not sharp enough to be known for their politics. They’re likely thinking about how they can impact or even subvert whatever orders are going to come from their new Republican leadership. In my humble opinion, they should resign – immediately – or face massive losses. 

Trump is coming. It won’t be pretty for anyone who stands in his way or tries to thwart his plans. 

Here’s a quick look at what he should do: 

More than 1,100 Americans from all 50 states have been charged with federal crimes related to the January 6, 2021, uprising at the U.S. Capitol. More than 650 have already pleaded guilty. Seven individuals took off and cannot be located. They will face charges if caught. 

Every single one of the Jan. 6 defendants should receive a pardon. Any still in custody should be let go. The January Sixers need some restorative justice. Those who were responsible have paid more than enough. It is time to close this segment of American history and move on. 

The only possible Jan. 6 defendant left in the country is Liz Cheney, who allegedly destroyed some serious evidence that came before her while she was a member of the Jan. 6 board. This should be investigated promptly, and if true Cheney should be thrown in prison.

Also, anyone who is currently working to send Ukraine billions of dollars before Trump is sworn in deserves a cell next to Liz, too. 

New York Attorney General Letitia James needs to better understand the Supremacy Clause, which puts any potential state charges against a sitting president on hold until he leaves the White House. Trump will be 83 when he leaves office. James is nothing but a typical politician anyway. She’s got nothing, anyway. James was a member of the New York City Council from 2004 to 2013, and before that served five years as the New York City Public Advocate. 

No one is going to take her poorly veiled threats seriously. 

Guns and Ammo 

Every gun store in the country should start ordering more guns, ammunition and accessories and selling them as fast as they can. They should hire more staff; maintain a sufficient inventory and make sure they have trainers who can teach first-time gun owners safety, in addition to how to operate their new firearms. And they should be allowed to do that.

Owning a firearm should never be treated like a crime. Unfortunately, it is in at least 20 states. This needs to stop immediately. Americans have had enough of state firearm laws that are not even constitutional, which treat gun ownership as though it’s something criminal in nature.   

Many blue states do not even allow a legal gun owner to store a loaded firearm. It’s actually hard to believe, especially for those of us who live in free states. 

The ATF has not offered any help on this. In fact, they are the ones who want a confused customer base. The ATF wants us to believe they’re the firearms authority, even though their leadership can’t disassemble a Glock or answer simple questions.

This too has to stop. 

Firearm manufacturer Brandon Herrera has announced he wants to be named ATF Director. 

“The ATF hasn’t had a director that actually understood the firearms industry or been a part of the community it’s responsible for regulating since its founding. We have the power to change that,” Herrera said in a Tweet.

“If I were to be considered for Director of the ATF, in my first 100 days I have a plan to hack, slash and cripple that agency in ways it could never recover from. And when I’m done, I will ask President Trump to disband the agency entirely,” he said in another.

ATF’s current director Steve Dettelbach showcased his complete firearm ignorance in March on CBS’ Face the Nation. Dettelbach was also the first ATF director to say how harmful “assault weapons” were to his mission. He wasn’t able to define an assault weapon, however, telling lawmakers he was “not a firearms expert.” 

Perhaps Herrera is right. 

Perhaps it’s time for Dettelbach and the ATF to just go. 

This op-ed is courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project.

97 thoughts on “Trump’s To-Do List: How He Can Restore Justice in His First Days”

  1. “Every single one of the Jan. 6 defendants should receive a pardon.”

    No, there are a number of S-bags at the Capitol on January 6th that need some quality time behind bars, those that destroyed property and those that dressed up in Kevlar and brought flex cuffs come to mind. But also the government characters that testi-lied before Congress.

    • ” … AND those that dressed up in Kevlar and brought flex cuffs …”

      So people dressing in kevlar and having flex cuffs is a crime for which they deserve “some quality time behind bars”?

      How about if they just dressed in kevlar but didn’t have flex cuffs, is that also a crime for which they deserve “some quality time behind bars”?

      How about Kamala, her pants suits, the jacket is kevlar lined as are Bidens suit coats…they definitely deserve “some quality time behind bars” but does the kevlar qualify them for that?

        • well, If pro-2A – gun owner people say that dress in kevlar was a crime on Jan 6th then we are doing basically the same thing anti-gun politicians do to us by treating gun ownership as criminal in nature.

          • Billy, they were dressed to do their protective enforcement mission. Those who breached the Capitol dressed in Kevlar helmets and vests were there for nefarious purposes.

            They are doing hard time now in maximum security prisons for appropriate reasons.

          • What would those “reasons ” be? Maximum security, lengthy prison terms are normally reserved for multiple case, recidivists with prior violent felonies. That is not the case here. Apparently you think disorderly conduct and possibly trespassing are violent felonies. What do you one should get for jaywalking 25 years? You are deluded and foolish.

        • Rick, I agree wholeheartedly that dressing for a crime has consequences… in my case, anyone approaching me dressed for a crime will probably be surprised at how quick and serious those consequences will be.

          • I don’t know what kind of success you think you were going to have explaining to a district attorney and then a jury that you drew on someone and shot them dead because you thought they were dressed for a crime. Good luck with that one.

          • “Rick, I agree wholeheartedly that dressing for a crime has consequences”

            But that’s the question, not an answer. Three questions actually:

            1. By simply dressing a certain way, in kevlar, or in other words looking a certain way, is that a crime?

            2. By simply dressing a certain way, in kevlar, or in other words looking a certain way, is it, as the OP originally posed based upon the dress, is the way of dressing, looking a certain way, alone by its self worthy of “some quality time behind bars”?

            3. What are the ‘consequences’ of dressing in this manner that is deserving of “some quality time behind bars”?


            and … what exactly is the charge, based upon the manner of dress alone, in other words the way they look, as the OP posed in his statement, that would be levied against the person?

            I’m having a difficult time locating a criminal charge of “looking a certain way’ deserving of “some quality time behind bars”.

            I tend to think the word word ‘consequences’ and the terminology structure ‘deserve some quality time behind bars” are the wrong things to use.

        • Ranger Rick,

          Why?? Why is it any of anyone’s effing business that I wear “tacticool” clothing, so long as I am not doing anything illegal?? Sure, it is performative street theater – kinda like the Antifa/Burn/Loot/Murder clowns and their black masks, eh?? Unless we want to get into criminalizing thoughts that we BELIEVE other people, based on their clothing, tattoos, skin color, hair color, etc. will have, because “that’s what those people think”, how about if we just judge everyone else’s BEHAVIOR, instead??

          I’m all about people being responsible for their ACTIONS, but how about we try to be a little intellectually consistent and not ASSUME what someone else thinks, or might do, based on how they dress or what color their hair is, eh??

          We pretend to demand it of Leftist/fascists, categorizing us, so how about we extend a reciprocal courtesy and treat them the way we would wish to be treated (seems to me I’ve read that somewhere???).

      • Suddenly it’s as if everyone was gung ho Trump and for months posted VOTE TRUMP/VANCE 2024. One clown who replied to my daily VOTE TRUMP/VANCE was so sure the fix was in for cackles he wanted to bet on it. Odds are such a betting individual didn’t vote for Trump/Vance because that would be betting against himself.

        Furthermore…If the public was unaware of the History behind a Noose there would be no public outrage whatsoever over the sight of a Noose. By the same token the vast majority of the public is unaware of the diabolical History behind Gun Control therefore there is no public outrage over Gun Control and in many cases history illiterates beg for it.

        Unlike the concocted slander, lies and propaganda to sway the public against Trump/Vance there is nothing standing in the way of abolishing Gun Control but the untold Truth About About Gun Control.

        • “so long as I am not doing anything illegal??”

          But the fact is, they were committing multiple illegal acts, including violently assaulting police officers.

          Is that case, how you’re dressed and what you bring with you to the crime are important.

          Possessing a crowbar is not illegal, until you use it to gain unlawful entry into someone’s home and then it becomes a ‘burglary tool’ that you can be charged for.

          And clearly, flex-cuffs are an indicator of criminal mindset, why would any ‘tourist’ need them if all they were doing was ‘sightseeing’ at the Capitol?

          Of course, the whole ‘tourist’ bullshit is nothing but a lie to cover their felonious criminal behavior and multiple assaults upon LEO, in their attempt to interrupt the peaceful certification of our electoral ballots.

          That’s why they’re sitting in prison with their new boyfriend.

          • Don’t worry miner. There will be a bunch of folks sitting in prisons with their new boyfriends after the swearing in.

            Remember. You’ve gleefully pointed out the .gov agencies weaponized against the citizens and their rights. Hope you’re still as happy when it gets used against you.

          • “There will be a bunch of folks sitting in prisons“

            Yes, because the January 6 convicts don’t have the $2 million Trump pardon price tag.

          • “And clearly, flex-cuffs are an indicator of criminal mindset, why would any ‘tourist’ need them if all they were doing was ‘sightseeing’ at the Capitol?”

            Really? You can read minds now?

            To a lot of people flex-cuffs are an indicator of sexual playtime.

    • Treat them the way the Floyd rioters and CHAZ occupiers were treated. NGOs can pay their fines, cases if brought can get tossed and millions of people can call them heroes of democracy.

      Floyd was a felon with a questionable history toward women and he’s a saint. Even Steven.

      • “NGOs can pay their fine“

        OK, which NGOs paid whose fine?


        “Floyd was a felon with a questionable history“

        Floyd had done nothing that day to warrant summary execution by agents of the State.

        • MajorLLiar,

          Without getting into the (very much debatable) issue of whether or not the cop’s use of force in that specific situation was “reasonable” or not, is it your contention that the police that day had no “reasonable suspicion” that George Floyd was guilty of a crime? Be specific, you prevaricating liar. Did the police “unreasonably” detain George Floyd?

          There are ONLY two answers to that question, MajorIdiot – either they were jackbooted gummint thugs, tryin’ to keep the black man down, or . . . they were (human) cops, reacting to what is known in the business as “reasonable cause”.

          Now, a discussion as to HOW they reactied is totally reasonable, and I’m ready to have that discussion all day. But FIRST you have to answer the threshhold question – did the cops have “reasonable suspicion” that he was commiting a crime?

          But, you are such a complete, partisan p*ssy that you won’t honestly answer that question, will you?

          • “is it your contention that the police that day had no “reasonable suspicion” that George Floyd was guilty of a crime?“

            I would point out that the police officers did not observe George Floyd commit any crime whatsoever.

            But that’s not what I said in any case, you are moving the goalposts again.
            I posted:

            “Floyd had done nothing that day to warrant summary execution by agents of the State“

            The police did not witness George Floyd commit any crime, they already had him in custody and cuffed when they executed him.

            Lamprey, what actions did George Floyd take laying on the ground handcuffed that justified summary execution by the police officers?

    • Need to ask who were contracting all those unmarked buses with young men all wearing ‘blackblock’ outfits all changed to ‘MAGA’ outfits to blend in with the crowd? Who were the provocateurs that removed all the erected barriers? Who ordered all the ‘magnetic’ lock doors open? Why were the 10,000 National Guard request denied? Who could forget Ray Eps; megaphone man encouraging everyone to push towards the capital? There were hundreds of paid ‘contractors’ probably hired by a three letter. Us plebs will never be allowed to know what the democrats schemed on that day, they were framing ‘Orange man bad’ ever since 2015.

      • “all those unmarked buses with young men all wearing ‘blackblock’ outfits all changed to ‘MAGA’ outfits to blend in with the crowd?“

        That is an interesting claim, what evidence do you have to back up your assertion?

        Video? Photos? Sworn testimony?

        • MajorLiar,

          Oh, you COMPLETE lying sh*tbag of a Leftist/fascist, partisan propagandist!!

          There are videos literally ALL OVER the Intarwebz of charter buses rolling up to rallies, protests, etc., and “black bloc” and Antifa-clad folks getting off. PARTICULARLY since this site now makes in difficult/impossible to post actual links, your pathetic “give me the cite” nonsense rings PARTICULARLY hollow.

          The online news is out there, and I’m assuming you follow it (if for no other reason, just so you can find something to attack conservatives/libertarians).

          As MANY of us have told you, many times . . . no, we won’t do your research

          • “There are videos literally ALL OVER the Intarwebz of charter buses rolling up to rallies“

            So you don’t have any evidence to back up your claims, got it.

            You can easily post links here on TTAG, just ask 40oz, he manages to post a half dozen out of context YouTube links on every article.

          • he’s got a whole internet full of the ‘evidence’ you wanted. Evidently you don’t know how to use the internet.

            Take your perverted left-wing nazi-esque demanding ‘privilege’ some place else Miner49er. No one here has any obligation to spoon feed you with information or comply with your insane demands for ‘evidence’ when its all over the internet already.

          • “he’s got a whole internet full of the ‘evidence’ you wanted“

            OK, still no evidence to support y’all’s bullshit claims, got it.

            You right wing Internet posters are nothing but assets of Vladimir Putin, you post these unsubstantiated rumors as if they are a fact.

            And the fact is, many of you admit that you are receiving thousands of dollars from the Russian government to destabilize America and attack your fellow citizens without good cause:

            “US conservative influencers say they are ‘victims’ of Russian disinformation campaign
            Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson addressed allegations that a company they were associated with had been paid to publish videos with messages in favour of Russia
            Russia accused of trying to influence US voters through online campaign
            Guardian staff and agencies
            Wed 4 Sep 2024 23.17 EDT

            A number of high-profile, conservative influencers in the US have said they are “victims” of an alleged Russian disinformation campaign, after the Biden administration accused Moscow of carrying out a sustained campaign to influence the outcome of November’s presidential elections.
            Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson published statements on Wednesday evening addressing allegations that a US content creation company they were associated with had been provided with nearly $10m from Russian state media employees to publish videos with messages in favour of Moscow’s interests and agenda, including over the war in Ukraine.

            The justice department indictment does not name the company, but describes it as a Tennessee-based content creation firm with six commentators and with a website identifying itself as “a network of heterodox commentators that focus on western political and cultural issues”.
            That description exactly matches Tenet Media, an online company that hosts videos made by well-known conservative influencers Tim Pool, Benny Johnson and others.“

            Traitorous scum bags, the entire lot of you.

    • So, dressing for a crime means time behind bars. Does that mean a woman in a halter top and shorts deserves to be r@ped? I’m confused here.

      • “So, dressing for a crime means time behind bars“

        Yes, if you come to an insurrection with flex-cuffs, it clearly shows your criminal intent to unlawfully detain your victims.

        And a woman can wear whatever clothes she wants as long as she is not engaged in criminal activity.

        “I’m confused here”

        No doubt.

    • No. But to improve America we need to face some hard truths. The dems are the enemy of freedom. hillary just said that ‘we need to regulate all social media or we lose total control’.

      The dems fought a civil war to keep slavery. They founded the kkk. They fought the civil rights movement.

      fdr, a dem, put Americans into camps based solely on race.

      The democratic party needs to go. It needs to be dissolved and all its office holders removed.

      Nation wide the dems need to be banned from office or .gov employment.

          • How dare an American citizen support a candidate I don’t like. Totally ignoring the allowing major platform for free speech. Glowies are still pissy about that and their manipulation of social media getting exposed.

    • The ones who violated the civil rights of private citizen Trump, should all be prosecuted.
      And the ones who violated the civil rights of Trump supporters, because of their political affiliation.They need to be prosecuted too.

    • Of course not, NOR should all of Biden’s political opponents have faced that in kangaroo court “prosecutions”, either. Trump has already telegraphed that he’d likely pardon Hunter the Crackhead Whoremonger. But ANY government official who abuses their office or power to persecute a rival or political opponent should face consequences – that power is ON LOAN to them, from “we the People”, and they SHOULD be accountable for how they exercise it. If you think the alphabet soup management class is blameless for their totes patriotic conduct in “the Resistance” (hint: They ain’t – that’s. NOT. their. freakin’. job!!) then you should be happy to see them get their “day in court” to tell their story and justify their efforts to undermine the Constitution, amirite???

    • No but government workers should leave their politics at the door when working. What they support privately can stay private. Unfortunately the Democrat party has infiltrated a lot of government agencies to the point they are shadow government.

      • FEMA literally avoided giving aid Trump supporters. This is after FEMA acted offended at the mere notion that they would favor some demographics over others. The federal government is rotten to the core and full of Dem activists.

      • Southern: It would be nice if leaving their politics at the door was really possible. When the left crosses the threshold they may state such, but their decisions and support of things reflects their continued ignoring of right and wrong. In short one cannot trust what the untrustworthy say.
        The solution is to somehow keep them away from the door and outside.

    • As one that was living in a state looking to put people in camps for not participating in experimental gene modification I find your question to be disingenuous at best.

    • There’s been a few of these over the last couple years where no proof of wrong doing was found. Everyone of them needs investigated. The dems have done so much wrong its a mountain to chew.

  2. Senator John Thune, South Dakota has just been elected as Speaker of the Senate. He is a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and has an A rating from the NRA and NSSF.

    • Just glad it was not Cornyn, no friend of the 2A IMO.
      Here is an ‘Ammoland’ link
      h ttps://www.ammoland.com/2024/11/why-john-cornyn-is-the-wrong-choice-to-lead-the-senate/

      • All 3 have baggage some more than others. As far as the NRA rating walz once had a good rating, NRA has not yet gained back standing to judge anyone.

        I for one will voice my complaint should the new dear senate leader gets the least off track.

  3. Sorry, you lost me with your comment about Ukraine. In our history, the USA has never done a Pontius Pilate number and abandoned a friendly country to an aggressor. Admittedly, any Biden policy is suspect, but under the broken clock analogy it’s easy to argue that he got this one right. You want to say that Ukraine isn’t our problem? After you feed them to Putin, do you really believe he’ll be satisfied? Then what – the Baltics, Poland or Finland?
    Maybe if we had taken more interest in Czechoslovakia in 1938 there would have been fewer dead Americans in Normandy in 1944.
    “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”

    • Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan, the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom and broke the myth of Russian military capability. It’s been the cheapest war against Russia that could be imagined.

      But nukes? Mad Vlad keeps rattling the nuclear saber to scare the west, although a lot probably won’t work or work properly. The US spends $50 billion annually on maintaining the stockpile of about 5000 warheads. Russia who has a stockpile of about 5600 warheads has a TOTAL military budget of $60 billion, less what is siphoned off with endemic corruption. The bombs use tritium which has to be replenished or replaced every 5-10 years. I doubt many were maintained since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

      Russia is so desperate for manpower they are using North Korean “volunteers” as well as nork munitions. The “volunteers” have been known to desert at any opportunity and the munitions are considered to be well below Soviet era quality.

  4. I’m expecting a 3rd assassination attempt.
    More then likely one choreographed by the same entity that terminated JFK.

    • We should have taken the hint back then when our guys were doing the heavy lifting in the place of the locals. The Ukrainians aren’t asking for troops, just the tools to beat off the orcs trying to steal their country. Can you seriously suggest that sending aid to Britain in 1939-40 was a mistake?

      • I believe the comparison is not applicable. Ukraine will need to accept some form of peace or demographically they will cease to be relevant in their own country. Russia sucks but prior to the invasion we knew Ukraine was a corrupt shithole as well. Up end we did get to test a lot of unknowns in weapon systems and tactics and largely confirmed we could have held the fulda gap.

        • I agree; the majority in Donetsk and Luhansk are Russian sympathizers and are never going to become loyal Ukrainians. It’s better to cut them loose than hang on to them and wait for them to stab you in the back.

          • The tricky part for any peace will be ensuring border and immigration security to ensure Ukrainians inhabit whatever ends up being Ukraine and Russia doesn’t sneak in a bunch of ethnic Russians to allow another Crimea. Also goes for other countries that may opportunistically colonize the region for future exploitation.

          • Forced Russification has been practiced going all the way back to the tsars. It was their way of suppressing/eliminating all the non-Russian ethnicities. All those Russians in locales adjacent to Russia didn’t settle there spontaneously.

      • Have to agree…every Russian tank, every Russian soldier, every Russian plane or ship that is destroyed or killed is one less that Comrade Putin will not be able to throw at NATO, and trust me, he will attackNATO, as soon as he feels able to. Right now, it is Ukrainian blood that is being spilt, not ours. If, and when, he attacks NATO, it will be American!

        • It doesn’t have to be. Fuck NATO. Their problems are their own. Any neocon who wants to send American bodies to die can send themselves and their kids.

        • Since Feb’22 two more countries have joined NATO. Finland shares a long land border with Russia and Sweden is next to Finland.

          Poland and other eastern european countries had 45 years of Soviet occupation and domination. They don’t want to go through that again.

          Vlad is seriously miscalculating. He wants Bellorussia type client states in a new Warsaw Pact. All he has done is stiffen the resolve of an expanded NATO.

    • I think the war in Ukraine is just a rouse for both sides to direct billions of dollars to their cronies. Last I heard, the U.S. had already sent something like $200 billion to Ukraine. If that isn’t enough money to stop the Russian Army, no amount of money nor manpower would be sufficient.

      Reality check:
      Even if every single shoulder-fired missile is $250,000 (which is a highly inflated number at large scale), $200 billion dollars buys 800,000 shoulder-fired missiles. There is no way on God’s green Earth that the Russian military could keep functioning after absorbing 800,000 shoulder-fired missiles. That simple analysis tells me that the highest levels of the Ruling Class in Ukraine are lining their pockets rather than winning a war. And that means that our nation should NOT be giving them any more money.

    • Xdduly elected official,

      Of course any meaningful comment, such as my first attempt to reply to you, goes to moderation jail or disappears altogether.

      Short version: the U.S. has already sent an obscene amount of money to Ukraine–more than enough money to buy more than enough shoulder-fired missiles to destroy every single Russian tank, armored transport, artillery battery, and even simple supply/troop transport vehicles. And with the left-over cash there was more than enough to buy enough stinger missiles to take out every Russian helicopter and several of their fighter jets. The war continues because the upper echelon of the Ruling Class wants it to continue.

      • 90% of the money spent on supporting Ukraine stays in the USA paying American companies to supply direct or to restock supplies from US military.

        It’s given the US a good fiscal stimulus too.

        • “It’s given the US a good fiscal stimulus too.”

          No it hasn’t. Biden & Harris negated any “good fiscal stimulus” from it by printing billions of dollars we could not afford and pouring that into the economy to make the fake inflation ‘biden-nomics’ numbers look good and that had the effect of increasing prices which exposed that the actual inflation numbers were actually worse than the fake ‘biden-nomics’ said. In fact Biden and Harris bought our economy to the brink of collapse with their lies.

    • Blood is on the hands of every idiot that voted for a drooling puppet to occupy the White House. TDS killed those people and destroyed a country.

  5. The democrat party under the leadership of President Obama created this mess in Ukraine back in 2014. Just like Vietnam War was created by the democrats.

    Nixon ended that war. And Trump will ended this one.

  6. Trump should pardon the silkroad guy. And the J6 protesters. Except for the under cover FBI agents. Who were smashing windows. Send them to prison.

    Send Hunter Biden to prison. Just because you are the son of the president, doesn’t excuse you from punishment when you rape children.

    Also pardon anyone who broke the NFA law on making their own suppressor.

  7. “New York Attorney General Lecretia James needs” understand the LAW. DEI bimbo needs to be sweep the streets not playing shyster.

  8. Loyal Ukrainian.
    that’s funny
    Russias first Capitol city was where?
    As our patriotic Kamala Harris would say, “Remember the Alamo.”

    • Totally disarm them and then send them to war. Then abandon them. Don’t even give them dogs because they can’t be trusted with those either.

      Draft all the purple hairs too and send them to Yemen to fight the Houthis with leaf blowers.

  9. For a supposed article regarding guns, spends a lot of time on unrelated topics.

    One woukd hope that one priority for Trump would be to repeal the prohibition for felons, at least for those convicted of non-violent crimes.

  10. Our military is struggling to meet recruitment goals. Reinstitute the draft. To expedite training, draft people who pride themselves on their professional, Federal, paramilitary training. Draft ALL armed FBI and BATFE as well as armed IRS agents. Give them minimal training and weaponry. Deploy them to some third world crap hole such as Cartel controlled Mexico with no heavy weapons or air support, then abandon them.

  11. Appoint Brandon Herrera as ATF director, open the 90 day registration amnesty for machine guns that’s in the Hughes Amendment, speedtrack all NFA forms.
    Then you have a 2 prong attack to not just have the NFA removed by congress, but also the perfect setup for Scotus because machine guns are now in super common use.
    Also, have the DOJ and Attorney General go after every state that has not implemented full shall issue concealed carry. Withhold every penny of federal money going into those states and prosecute the politicians personally for violating 18 USC 241 and 242 deprivation of rights. Then do that for full concealed carry reciprocity. And then for requiring a license at all.
    Don’t just do everything. Do everything in 3 different ways to make sure both the executive powers, new laws in congress and perfectly set up lawsuits that will win in front of Scotus are happening at the same time.

  12. Armed Woman Followed Home From Taco Bell, Shoots Intruder Forcing His Way Into Garage.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TE_3sHRanw

  13. Biden administration holds therapy sessions for mentally ill left-wingers upset over Trump’s (politically) nuclear ass stomping of BIden-Harris-DemParty marx -sist social -ist tyranny regime.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlOp7okZ8Kw


    n the US Supreme Court, Maryland filed its brief opposing cert in the AR-15 ban case of Snope. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner discusses.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE9Aoii54hY

  15. School Cop Negligently Discharges Firearm in Hallway (note: literally a ‘school shooting’ under the anti-gun definitions and application of the term. I’ll bet it doesn’t make it into the GVA nor will the anti-gun orgs say a word about it).

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2024/11/13/school-cop-negligently-discharges-firearm-in-hallway-n1226878

  16. NSSF Calls on Trump to Scrap Biden’s White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/11/13/nssf-calls-on-trump-to-scrap-white-house-office-of-gun-violence-prevention-n1226888

  17. Lame Duck Dems Take Aim at Bump Stocks, Conversion Devices.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/11/13/lame-duck-dems-take-aim-at-bump-stocks-conversion-devices-n1226885

  18. Day One Job for Trump and DOGE: Slash the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

    h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/gun-nation/day-one-job-for-trump-and-doge-slash-the-white-house-office-of-gun-violence-prevention/

  19. In the house race – presently – based upon races called (verified, not projected or ‘soft’ wins called by media):

    Republican = 218 (winning house majority)
    Democrat = 208

    426/435 races called.

    In the remaining not-called races republican leads democrat in four. In one race, still waiting for ranked results.

    In the race multiple seats were flipped by republicans.

    In the house race, 17 seat areas that were solid democrat in the previous election are barely leaning democrat now with the democrat contenders winning them only with an overall average of 0.5 points vs the previous election overall 3 point average.

  20. Woman Jailed for Murder After Estranged Husband Threatens to Hurt Her Family and Burn Down House. (note: she defended her family and self when the man showed up to carry out his threat)

    h ttps://www.ammoland.com/2024/11/woman-jailed-for-murder-after-estranged-husband-threatens-to-hurt-her-family-and-burn-down-house/

    • “The ‘gun community’ doesn’t even support the bumpstock.”

      sure it does, its just that some use them and some have no interest in them and there may be some that don’t want them. Its a niche type of thing, but the ‘gun community’ does support them even if just small scale ‘niche’ users.

      and bump stocks just became legal again too, nationwide, well last week they did > h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/gun-control/bump-stocks-legal-nationwide-again-and-atf-must-return-any-they-confiscated/

      • But it really wasn’t about ‘bump stocks’ anyway even though that’s what was presented.

        It was really about the ATF creating unconstitutional defacto law by self-granted ‘power’ to ‘re-interpret’ existing law to mean what they wanted it to because Biden basically unconstitutionally gave them that unconstitutional and illegal ‘power’ in his rule-by-fiat executive order intending to bypass congress in his on-going declared war on the constitution and the law abiding gun owners.

        And I”m pretty sure most of the ‘gun community’ does support the ATF being slapped down and forbidden from trying to exert this illegal and unconstitutional self-granted power of ‘defacto law making’ to make something ‘illegal’ ’cause they say so.

        So in a round-bout indirect way, there also, the ‘gun community’ supports bump stocks.


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