
Just a reminder that you still have time to get your entries in for our spring content contest. And you’ll want to enter because the winner will take home a REX zero 1 pistol. And second place isn’t anything to sneeze at, either. RF came back from the NSSF Fantasy Camp with a BLACKHAWK! Sportster range bag stuffed with swag (including a knife, light, holster, cleaning gear and more). So if you do nothing else this week, make some time to peck out that work of literary excellence you’ve always known you had in you and email it to us at [email protected] with CONTENT CONTEST in the subject field. Good luck.


    • “So if you do nothing else this week, make some time to peck out that work of literary excellence you’ve always known you had in you and email it to us at [email protected] with CONTENT CONTEST in the subject field.”

  1. When’s the deadline? Stupid midterms, taking up so much time. Hopefully I can get something out since it’s gonna be about campus carry.

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