TTAG has a lot of time for FNH USA. As regular readers no doubt know, the Belgian-born gunmaker’s embedded our man Leghorn in their 3-Gun team. RF calls his SCAR-16 and SCAR-17 his favorite outside toys. While we haven’t reviewed FN’s FNS-9, we’re offering you the chance to do so firsthand. For-eva. All you have to do: generate a little original (never before published) content. Good content. Great content. The best content out of all the people generating content to get an FNS-9. We’re thinking a self-defense tip, gun review, editorial or feature. (Anything gun-related, really.) No word limit. Write it up, paste it into an email and send it to us at [email protected]. We’ll publish the finalists here. All writers retain copyright, if such a thing exists (/sarc). Ace editor Frank Williams will choose the winner who will receive a free handgun. More rules? Sure . . .

The contest starts now. It runs through midnight on Sunday, June 23. We’ll announce the winner and publish their piece the following day. The winner will be required to have their local gun store (or similar) provide a copy of a valid FFL to FNH USA in order to ship their firearm.


  1. Cool. I was thinking about picking one of those up. Suppose I better get to writing then…

  2. Can you folks cut about an inch and a half off the bottom of the grip so I can have it in upstate New York?

  3. Nice! I’ve been wanting to try my hand at contributing here since I signed up, but now that there’s a prize on the line, my crippling performance anxiety will no doubt make it much more interesting!

  4. Are there particular criteria that the article will be judged on (e.g. most insightful, most practical, most likely to drive a bunch of rage clicks) or just what strikes Frank’s fancy the most?

  5. Cool. The thinktank is usually flowing with ideas but never much to put them into an email. I wouldn’t mind having to replace one of my firearms that magically disappeared on that last fishing trip.

  6. Man, you guys are disappointing, that pistol isn’t even on the CA approved safe pistol roster list!!!


  7. Hmm. Always wanted to actually write a legit gun review. What’s there to lose? I even have some nice guns here to review!!

    I want dat FN.

    • Please tell me it is an anti-gun screed and you want to win the gun to then destroy it. If you are going to stir the pot stir it all the way.

  8. Contest ends midnight June 23–of what time zone? As writers, you should know very well that an hour or two before deadline can make all the difference. 🙂

      • Dang. I was afraid of that. I have the double misfortune of living on the Vampire Central version of Pacific Standard Time…looks like my effective deadline is first light on Saturday, then.

  9. Who retains the copyright to losing (or winning for that matter) entries? Can those of us who don’t win go post the article somewhere else without having to worry that TTAG’s team of IP ninjas will find us in our sleep?

    • You retain copyright. But we will publish the finalists’ copy. A fact which I’ll add to this post. Thanks!

  10. Does a rather intelligent Facebook conversation count? I wrote a very lengthy response to a friend’s question…perhaps I could just paraphrase the content of the question and provide my answers?

    • I’ll just rework the post as a stand-alone piece, shouldn’t take much effort. I’m also working on another original piece regarding critical thinking and the gun debate, hopefully I can have it done by the 23rd.

  11. hello everybody,

    i just want to say, i love FNH-Guns, they are the best. the second best would be Ruger. i love how it shoots- accur. the best grip, light weight. And lots of safety too.

    You can’t go wrong with this.

  12. Haven’t tried it yet but wouldn’t expect it not to be a great shooter. Their others have been!

  13. I held one for a little while. Not bad in the hand.

    Now… what format is best? plain text? Word? PDF?

  14. The next contest should be for something on the California roster — or a nice .270 or 30-06.

  15. Sounds Like the gun that i need to have ? For the day of the ZOMBIE ! how do i know? BRAND NAME says it all… and as Boston tea party says the the FN/FAL may be the best ever battle rifle… FN has the highest standards too.. USA made and a top hard hitting round..and again Boston says give them the bullets first…….

  16. I just now read this and saw the deadline of Sunday, June 23, 2013. I’m surely sorry I missed the deadline. Any more opportunities like this in the near future? BTW, TTAG has definitely become, in the last few months, my most oft-read gun blog — by far. Keep up the great work.

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