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We all have our fave. That one round we shoot from the gun we love that combines everything; ballistics, stopping power, penetration, recoil management. That’s mine above — Hornady Critical Defense .38 Spl. and my 642 — but we want to see yours. Send us a photo of your round of choice along with the gun you use to fire it. Email it with your name (we’ll only use initials when we publish), the round details, and the type of gun pictured. Address it to [email protected] and be sure to put ‘FAVORITE ROUND’ in the subject field.

We’ll pick the best entries and award the following booty:

First place: The Carhartt jacket featured in ShootingTheBull410’s ballistic test

Second Place: Slide Fire SSAR-15 SBS bumpfire stock

Third place: Boxer Tactical Zenith Belt (black, size XL)

Fourth place: Metalloid Boar Tuff cleaning products

Fifth place: XS Sight Systems ‘Good Guy’ t-shirt (size XL)


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    • Yeah! Who wants a busted up Carhartt with holes in it???

      Furthermore, Shootingthebull410 is not a celebrity.

      • I would *LOVE* to have that jacket, and wear it proudly.

        I’d get the holes patched, and if asked, say it was part of a TTAG test of ballistic armor.

        (OK, a white lie)

  1. From a purely gun geek perspective, I would say a Dardick tround or a 4.73x33mm caseless round for an HK G11, but sadly I have neither of these rounds nor the weapons that fire them.

  2. I’ll have to try and dive to the boat wreck to see what kind of ammo I lost.

    It was a dark and stormy night.

  3. The best round imho is 230gr +p 45acp HST. Devestating is the word to describe that nasty bullet.

  4. Damn, damn, damn!

    I am so pissed at myself right now I can’t see straight.

    I *should* have been posting a pic of a .45 ACP round next to a Cabot 1911 that I should have been reviewing for TTAG.

    But, Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Like a moron, I blew off reading my e-mail for two weeks and missed the message from TTAG asking me if I would like to review it.

    It would have made a *perfect* contest entry.

    I could have had tons of fun wearing that shot-all-to-hell patched-up jacket and playing with the heads of people asking how it got all shot up, while craftily mentioning to them the best gun blog on the web, TTAG. (The TTAG emblem should be embroidered on the front of that jacket, something like “TTAG Testing Laboratories”)


    My momma did raise a moron, *me*.

    *sobbing pitifully*

    (JWT will do a fine job reviewing it, I’m sure…)

  5. For carry? Federal HST 45 +P. To shoot? 255gr lead bullet 45 Colt in a 4 3/4 Single action Uberti Cattleman.

  6. Nuke 50 BMG is my go to for those tough situations.


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