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TTAG Daily Digest: They Really Do Want Your Guns, Harvey Still Hates the NRA and Gun Rights are Women’s Rights

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Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer really does want to confiscate your guns.

Remember, no one wants to take away your guns . . . Former Obama Senior Adviser Comes Out and Says the US Should Do Gun Confiscation

Dan Pfeiffer, former senior adviser to former President Barack Obama and co-host of a podcast called “Pod Save America,” wrote his detailed plan to solve mass shootings like the recent one in Las Vegas.

In his post at the Crooked podcasting platform site, Pfeiffer writes that the reason no major gun control laws have been passed and signed is mostly because Republicans are in the pocket of the National Rifle Association — but also because Democrats don’t push the issue hard enough. …

While Pfeiffer never says the word “confiscation,” a gun buyback program is essentially one because you have to turn in the firearms within a certain time period or face consequences. It makes things easier for authorities to identify who has the guns if the country also implements the national gun registry he first suggested.

More impotent, transparent deflection . . . Alleged Sexual Predator and Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein Threatens NRA (Again)

As for Weinstein’s recent threats against NRA, gun owners shouldn’t lose any sleep over the alleged sexual predator’s bluster. Even if Weinstein weren’t preoccupied with mounting legal woes, the producer isn’t much for follow-through. In response to criticism of his 2014 comments on The Howard Stern Show, Weinstein said he would curtail his support for violent movies. Weinstein said, “I have to choose movies that aren’t violent or as violent as they used to be,” and, “I know for me personally … I can’t continue to do that.  The change starts here.  It has already.  For me, I can’t do it.  I can’t make one movie and say this is what I want for my kids and then just go out and be a hypocrite.” A year later, Weinstein put out the blood-soaked Quentin Tarantino film The Hateful Eight.

On October 8, the Weinstein Company board, which includes Weinstein’s brother Bob, fired the embattled producer. Given the criminal implications of some of the allegations against the mogul, and reports of an FBI investigation, it is has yet to be determined if Weinstein’s retirement party will be held at a state or federal penitentiary.

Lyman products new Guardian Grip for J-frame revolvers.

Lyman® Products Introduce the GuardianGrip™

Lyman® Products is proud to unveil the first in a grip that offers the concealment of a compact with the shooting control of a full-size grip: the GuardianGrip™, by Pachmayr, a division of Lyman Products. The patented design allows the user to simply squeeze the button on the front of the grip and a spring loaded finger extension drops down out of the GuardianGrip, converting a two-finger compact grip into a controllable three finger grip.

Cop shoots Idaho ranger in bull euthanasia gone tragically wrong.

Appropriately enough, from the Daily Beast . . . Lawsuit: Idaho Father Killed By Doomsday Prepper Deputy In Bull Euthanasia Gone Awry

The events of that November 2015 night remain the subject of fierce debate in Adams County, Idaho, where Yantis and his family owned a cattle ranch. When Yantis and his family went outside to shoot the bull, they encountered two sheriff’s deputies at the scene. The deputies fired at least 14 shots at Yantis, killing him on the spot. Both deputies claimed the shooting was in self-defense.

But in a lawsuit against the sheriff’s office filed on Friday, Yantis’ family describes the incident as murder by an officer who had previously spoken of a looming societal collapse, during which he would allegedly need to kill looters.

Katie Pavlich: Gun Rights are Women’s Rights

The right to bear arms isn’t just a constitutional issue — it’s a women’s rights issue. Author and commentator Katie Pavlich explains why guns are the great equalizer between men and women.

The Chicago Tribune's Amy Dickenson thinks open carry is the same as an unattended firearm.

OMG! My children might see a gun! OMG! . . . Gun-toting brother-in-law wants to open-carry around kids

Dear Amy: My brother-in-law and I don’t have a particularly good relationship, and one of the sticking points is gun ownership.

He believes in the right to carry (openly), and I think guns should be carried only by police.

Every time I ask him not to bring guns near our family (we have three young children), he gets unbelievably offended.

Is there a polite way to ask him to please leave his guns at home?

Virginia Civil War reenactors flip the bird to those who threaten them.

Because American history is irredeemably racist. Or something . . . ‘We wanted to send a message’: Reenactors stage Civil War battle despite threat

Late Sunday morning, hundreds of Civil War reenactors concluded their battle on a rolling patch of grass 80 miles west of Washington.

In normal years, taps would be played and each side would march back to its tent encampments. But this was hardly a normal year. Last week, organizers announced they had received a letter threatening “bodily harm” to attendees. And Saturday, the battlefield had to be temporarily cleared because a suspicious device, possibly a pipe bomb, was found.

0 thoughts on “TTAG Daily Digest: They Really Do Want Your Guns, Harvey Still Hates the NRA and Gun Rights are Women’s Rights”

    • Yup, looks like a gimmick, but it’s probably going to be the greatest thing ever. Put that grip on a 3 inch revolver and I can’t think of a more perfect backup gun.

  1. “in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce”

    the insertion of this language, as if it somehow legitimizes this nonsense, should insult the intelligence of anyone who reads it

    Wickard v Filburn…worst SCOTUS decision ever.

  2. Because the DOJ investigation gave us a purely accurate picture of the fire and deaths at the Branch Davidian Complex…and no evidence was ‘disappeared’ in the making of that ‘investigation’.

  3. Pfeiffer lacks the balls to confiscate guns himself. He will be somebody’s plaything when it hits the fan. A third of the country , at least, owns a firearm. Who does he think is gonna back any turn in scheme and then deliver “consequences ” for non compliance?
    I don’t think these people think things through.

  4. “an officer who had previously spoken of a looming societal collapse, during which he would allegedly need to kill looters”

    Stipulate. What does this have to do with the case at hand. And why does it take TWO years to file anything legitimate.

  5. Some one had to be first. It seems the grand experiment will be conducted in California first. Being able to walk around in public with a strap on dildo, well fitted for public attire, on days the government gives them permission is more important. “Free” government supplied weed to anyone who wants it and sex acts in public on days the government gives them permission are more important than gun civil-rights. It will become the utopia for Libertarians, Liberals and the Left.

    • Texas is where the women are walking around waving didoes in public. Just sayin’.

      CA is like the old south. It’s going to take federal troops to return it to the union.

  6. There is a lot of good information under the Elements of the Study section, covering all manner of physical conditions. But, I don’t see any mention of who (or what) did the firing. Also, the phrase “This study was conducted with a set of standards that do not necessarily correspond to all manner of firearms.” sounds like legalese for “This might be BS, but we’re gonna publish it anyway!”

    I’m not very familiar with firearms (yet) but I am familiar with science, and in science you try to minimize human factors. Unless you had the most robotic human in the world firing in an extremely consistent way, you can chalk it all up to human factors. Maybe that particular human was more experienced with certain firearms and threw off the data. I tend to trust common sense until data proves otherwise, and your data means nothing unless you follow sound scientific principles.

  7. Truth hurts, all of the issues listed above, involving a problem, arr caused by the evil POS (D) and they are not only imbued with the problem, but they are fing proud of it.


  8. Being a gun-carrying teacher myself, and with our today’s program being a school trip to a WW2 Jewish concentration camp, I’ve got to say that my heart goes out to all the about to become disarmed school staff and to about to become even less protected kids in California. The choice of disarming or breaking the law is a depressing one and I’m happy that I live in a country where anyone with a concealed carry permit can carry in schools.
    Let’s hope that a miracle happens and the people of California regain their senses.

  9. Let me preface my following comments with this; given that hypocrisy runs rampant in “reviews” such as these I henceforth choose to willingly participate. Once upon a time in a small western Missouri town I worked at an outdoor retail establishment who also dealt in new and used firearms. Amidst the used bolt rifles sat a Remington 700 ADL .270 Win complete with the bemoaned synthetic “Tupperware” stock. Roughly two years later a soon to be born son prompted me to put in my two weeks notice and head off to a real job. No way in hell was I going to leave that rifle behind. A well seasoned Boresnake cleared the cobwebs, a torch and some choice words lightened up the trigger. Cheap scope mounted and a box of 130 grain Hornady SST’s completed the deal. From the bench at the public range I sat astonished at the rifle laying on my pack. All I ever heard was Remington’s didn’t shoot worth a damn anymore. Not without spending a pretty penny that is. Well every bullet went into the same hole until I farted or otherwise misplaced my aim enough to put a hole outside the big hole. It did that every time. Same hole. That unassuming rifle fed my baby boy and his momma and I many a meal. Dozens of deer died in the ensuing years not knowing that Remington “quality control was (insert word of choice)”. I gave that rifle to my young cousin for his birthday the year he was old enough to hunt. Bullets go where he intends them to go. Fact is I’ve been around a fair amount of 700’s and every single one of them will wallow out a hole in the paper. One misshapen hole. They kill animals real dead. I bought my current rifle, also a .270 ADL, at Academy sports of all places for $379.99 plus tax. Add a Bell & Carlson stock for $271.99 and that equals one hell of a rifle for roughly $660. It’s got a Cabelas branded 30mm 2.5-10×50 on it that was bought real cheap on closeout. Guess what? Shoots one hole. I have my doubts as to whether all you folks who commented above and so eagerly pile on the “Remington quality control” bandwagon have much experience with 700’s or rifles in general. Bold statement maybe, some of you I’m sure can shoot far better than I can. Some also have had their hands on a lemon no doubt. No way do you need to put thousands of your hard earned dollars into a rifle to make it shoot good. Comparing a gun like the Ruger American to a 700 is just plain funny. Go put your hands on both and say that again. Try and flex the stock on a 700. Now try that with the Ruger. It and many of its buddies stocks’ are about as stiff as a spork from KFC. All the corporate dogging on Remington is warranted, but I bet a lot of you guys barking about that probably drive your GM’s proudly. Remember that hypocrisy part? If there is a young or otherwise fiscally conservative man reading this; buy what makes you happy. You can do this as cheap or as pricey as you want. Expensive guns are awesome. All your trying to do is put one where it counts. By the way, don’t take the word of whoever the writer of this “reviewer” as gospel. Anyone can write about guns on the Internet. I don’t feel that people should be misled by “experts” that demonstrate such a misunderstanding of basic rifle anatomy, and hell, even the laws of physics. If you look at any rifle with a “free floated barrel”, the barrel never lines up perfect. Sako’ s with aluminum bed blocks hug one side of the road or the other. Savage rifles in their accustock do the same. They all do. Now if you find one where the “bore isn’t square to the action” and somehow you get a round to chamber in such a way that the firing pin would still impact the primer you need to do two things; buy a lottery ticket and a six pack. Then blow the barrel off the thing. Tiny twigs that wedge themselves under barrels and inside of stocks do not change your point of impact 4 MOA at 100 yards. Big ass hammers do that. Trucks do that. Skidloaders do that. Not knowing how to mount a scope does that. Loose screws do that. It ain’t the rifles fault buddy. Buy a 700, American, Savage, Tikka, etc. Shoot bullets at targets before animals. Make funny shaped holes in paper. Talk smack on Remington if that’s your thing. Sure is easier that way. Make your own facts if you want. Defy physics. Contradict yourself. Or don’t. Hypocrisy? Whats that say at the top of the page? The TRUTH about GUNS? If you say so.

  10. Turn around and publicly expose these perverts, Names Addresses, where they work , live, # of dependents, etc
    I’ll bet they tone down when information is public, and their facade comes tumbling down. Momma Bears usually pull out the stops when protecting their cubs.

  11. A whole lot of words about how mesmerizing the manufacturing machinery is. Not many (any) on quality or quality control. Impress and mesmerize me with the actual results of the product performance testing from the fancy ballistic gel with cinnamon oil. Mesmerize me with how accurate the powder measurements are and how they check for quality. Not how dark the bullet trap is.

    Usually the rule is that if the facts are not on your side baffle them with bs…. this sounds alot like bs.

  12. What?, now he can’t go to college, and now that rap star career will never happen?
    I thought he was getting his life together, LOL

  13. I wouldn’t say it qualifies as a pocket/mouse gun, but I’ve got a G26 in a cargo pocket. With two reloads. Stuck in a building is more pertinent to having more ammo vs being at home or out and about.

  14. Colt junior…. 25acp.

    Mostly my glock 43 but since we talking MOUSE GUNS…. then yeah…. colt junior. Fits even in most body cavities from what I’m told

  15. Don’t let him around steak knives and heavy blunt objects either. If he cannot trust himself around a gun, he cannot trust himself around any object that can be used as a weapon. Thank God that others do conceal carry when you have short fuses like this guy.


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