Good luck with that . . . Can We Redesign The Way We Talk About Gun Control In America?
Fred Dust, partner and global managing director at the design company Ideo, also suspects that Americans’ common baseline on issues of gun control is more extensive than surface tensions would indicate. A distilled version of the conversation around gun control tends to pull in two directions: On the one end, there are the 18% of Americans who believe gun laws should be less strict; on the other are the 52% who are pushing for more restrictions like background checks for purchasers and a licensing process for sellers. But the two camps, Dust believes, share more common ground than they realize.
What’s preventing them from collaborating across their beliefs is the polarized structure of the conversation. The gun control “debate,” he says, forces people to chose a side, rather than emphasizing the need for consensus. Would we be able to make progress on the issue if we started talking about it not as something one side could win, but as an issue where we’re looking for consensus?
What could possibly go wrong? . . . Conservatives urge ammunition monitoring: Stockpiling should be red flagged
Radio talk show host and TV commentator Hugh Hewitt is among a growing number of conservatives calling for monitoring the stockpiling of large-capacity ammunition feeding devices similar to how Sudafed is controlled.
Hewitt calls for photo IDs and records of purchases on firearm ammunition following the Oct. 1 shootings in Las Vegas that left 58 dead and 489 people wounded.
“If people buy a lot of ammunition in a short period of time, this should trigger a red flag with law enforcement,” said Hewitt on the NBC “Meet the Press” show on Oct. 8.
Monitoring ammunition stockpiling would be a way to let stockpilers know that law enforcement is keeping an eye on them. However, no guns or ammunition would be confiscated.
Nexbelt “The Belt With No Holes” Introduces New & Improved PreciseFit Gun Belt
Nexbelt’s “New & Improved” Gun Belts feature a unique ratcheting system called Precise-Fit that allows the wearer to adjust his or her belt in 1/4 inch increments instead of the normal 1 inch adjustment that a traditional belt with a pin/buckle system allows.
This ability to “fine-tune” a belt in ¼ inch increments not only provides unprecedented comfort, but is especially important for those practicing concealed or open carry.
SSDD . . . CBS/AP Help Push Self-Defense Coverage For Lawful Gun Owners As “Murder Insurance”
If you want to understand why the media is so distrusted by Americans, then looking at CBS’s report about the NRA’s attempts at helping those with legal bills after they lawfully use their firearm in self-defense is a perfect example.
On Thursday, CBS released an Associated Press report detailing “Guns Down,” a gun-control group, whose stance on the NRA’s “Carry Guard” is that it’s actually “murder insurance.”
AP interviewed Igor Volsky, a guy who likes to paint the NRA as racist, and claimed the NRA was pushing this insurance by scaring NRA members into thinking a brown person was going to get them at any moment.
This will surprise precisely no one . . . No, Most U.S. Gun Owners Don’t Stockpile 17 Or More Guns
The results of the survey are not consistent with data from other sources, and the Newsweek article states, “The number of gun owners has declined since 1994, from around 25 percent to 22 percent of the population, according the Harvard/Northeastern survey.” This is factually incorrect. The number of gun owners has increased because the U.S. population has increased.
The “news” outlets that received press releases from the researchers are The Trace and The Guardian. Both oppose gun ownership. Further, at least a few of the researchers have expressed strong anti-gun sentiments in public. Let’s look at each of these factors in greater detail.
Why, it’s almost as if gun control laws don’t really work where criminals are concerned . . . How did the Edgewood shooter get the gun?
Now that police have apprehended Radee Prince, the man accused of killing three co-workers, injuring two others and later shooting a sixth man on Wednesday, we may get some answers about what would lead someone to unleash such a murderous outburst. Mr. Prince had been accused of workplace violence and threatening behavior before, and he reportedly had a dispute with the Delaware man he is accused of shooting later on Wednesday morning. Whatever the explanation is, it is certain to be unsatisfactory. Nothing but madness could prompt such evil.
But one question for which we should be able to get a concrete answer is how he got the gun. He should not have been able to.
Mr. Prince was convicted in 2003 of 15 counts of third-degree burglary and was sentenced to 25 years in prison with all but two suspended. Under federal law, anyone convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year in prison is ineligible to purchase a firearm.
Who says a woman can’t dress attractively and carry firearm? Or three?
“Julie’s Instagram account has racked up 145,000 followers”
“Racked up.” Get it?
Well, she is titillating.
You could say that she is the breast gun model in the world.
So complicated, so sinister, HAH
50 YEARS after the JFK assassination, people and the media are still “speculating.” If millions of monkeys are still claiming “conspiracy” after 50 years of chatter: that tells us what that all means. Monkeys are really bad at figuring simple things out.
Ban gun parts, never say “no” to high rollers carrying guns into their room: very very smart. LOL LOL. LOL
“The right to have a great place to shoot people from shall not be infringed!” LOL LOL LOL. Have someone who can read check it for you again. It doesn’t say what you believe it says.
That vid by Dene Adams has been an incredible sales tool: I love having it bookmarked on my phone to show to the cliche female customer who I catch eyeing the pocket .380s and saying “oh! That aquamarine one will fit great in my purse!”
if youre going to have truth in the title of this website, you should start with the truth! – the brothers were/are innocent
I just want to say thank you for writing this. Sadly, I believe you are correct. Psychopathy is the most likely “reason.” It is also a motive that is very difficult to accept. I believe the police and FBI are hesitant to confirm it because it doesn’t offer a comfortable closure for anyone. And yet, there it is. 58 people are dead because of someone’s haywire hardwiring. It’s terrifying that it can be that simple. The powers that be know that most people would rather believe a concocted story with more plot depth, but the truth is he was psychotic and that’s all there is to tell.
Geez what a great idea! Put all our rifles in one place, it’ll take about 1 day for criminals
To learn of this then they can burglarize the gun range take all the guns and sell them people that should never have them. Brilliant idea Prof. Sachs. No wonder college grads are not making the grade in the real world!.
So whats A LOT of ammo? 500,1000 or 10000rounds?!? People shoot 1000rounds in one range trip. You AIN’T no conservative! I wish COULD stockpile 17guns and tons of ammo!!!
Hugh Hewitt is a supercilious and pretentious schmuck who always considers himself to be the smartest guy in the room. Which is only true when the room is the shithouse.
I’m not so sure. Shit houses often contain a wide array of insects.
Here we go again. South Africa ain’t got nothing to do with MY country or its Constitution. Get outta here, go home, bad dog, bad, go home
I’m sorry did she say something?
Honey stick to posing showing ur average body and stop commenting on things u are so blatantly ignorant about.
Since when did “modest proposal” become a synonym for “abject surrender”?
How about this outrageous proposal?
1) Repeal NFA 1934 and the FOPA 1986 add-on forbidding the sale of new Machine guns.
2) Repeal GCA 1968.
3) Repeal Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993
4) Get SCOTUS to declare all local and State infringements null and void, open or concealed carry legal in all States and localities and no “gun Free Zones” permitted.
5) Enact Federal Laws that mandate a Death Sentence for anyone committing homicide with any sort of firearm, mandating 50 years prison for anyone wounding another person when committing an unlawful act and five to ten years for threatening or brandishing a firearm to intimidate any other person(s).
6) Congress to enact Laws that mandate Public Schools to offer voluntary firearms safety and live-fire marksmanship training to all Students who wish to participate and provide Federal Funding to School Districts and Private Schools to facilitate this program.
7) Congress to provide funding for the construction and maintenance of Public Shooting Ranges in all States.
8) Congress to explore and create a system for restoring gun-rights to convicted Felons who served their time and were released with a good behavior record (or some such indication that they would not return to criminal activity).
It’s time to stop penalizing those who keep and bear Arms without doing or intending any harm to other people for Recreational purposes, Marksmanship Competitions, and, of course, Hunting and Fowling as well as Personal Defense and drop the sledgehammer on those who use firearms to commit crimes and intentionally harm others. If we are a Free People, it is time to start acting as such and making it abundantly clear that we will not tolerate willful violence of any sort in our society and that we are prepared and willing to defend ourselves and our society against those who disrupt our peace and security.
Additional suggestions solicited. No doubt I missed a few things.
I’m sorry TTAG but the Grinning Four-Eyes aka Hugh “Cucky” Hewitt is NOT a “Conservative”, he may fool those clowns on NBC/MSNBC telling them he’s one but he isn’t and shouldn’t be referred to as one.
I will channel my inner George Wallace and say (and I’m from the NY/NJ Metro Area):
No More Compromises on our 2nd Amendment Rights Today!
No More Compromises on our 2nd Amendment Rights Tomorrow!
No More Compromises on our 2nd Amendment Rights Ever Again!
It will take 5 minutes and this will be flooded with non-issues and memes.
Can’t wait to see the tens of thousands of screenshots that will show someone saying mean words.
Horrible idea.
“I know how to hold guns, how to shoot, how to do combat stuff”
What does that even mean. What is “combat stuff”? Is that somewhere in the list of “shooting things”?
Well, it’s obvious where her brain mass went. Into her boobs as silicon.
You make a deal when you’re strong, not weak. Right now is the first time for awhile that the ‘pro-gun’ side has been *relatively* strong. It will not last. It never does. So everyone preening about how many conservatives are going to be put on the bench, etc, you are fooling yourself. The GOP will be routed… and soon. Politics is cyclical and this is as predictable as a leap day. So in 6 years when the democrats have the presidency and one house, is everyone going to whine that they didn’t get anything pro-gun done? If we could do what the dems do and get basically half of what we want and give them nothing, that would be nice, but talk to Paul Ryan etc about that. The GOP won and therefore won’t listen to you. If they lose, they might listen to you but Nancy Pelosi will be the one in charge. And, at very best, we will be playing to maintain the status quo.
And I don’t care how much people bluster about a revolution, it ain’t happening. When the democrats force UBCs on you, it isn’t happening. When another meaningless ‘assault rifle’ ban is passed, it ain’t happening. All this stuff has happened either before or on a state level with zero resistence. And the real secret? Even if an Australian-style ban on semi-auto rifles comes down? It’s still not happening. About 95% of everyone under 35 is too busy on tinder to give a crap about AR-15s. No one’s revolting- you might get a standoff here or there, but that’s it. And the longer you hold on to that fantasy of Concord, the worse off you’ll be. Pull off the band-aid or go out and start it. Writing about liberty trees and blood ain’t doing anything.
IF the pro-gun side was smarter than the anti-gun side, it would do something similar to this proposal. It wouldn’t start out with this exact proposal, of course, it would be wiser to just offer bump-stocks up in exchange for silencers, reciprocity, whatever. Because bump-stocks (a novelty at best) are worth less to almost every gun owner than the other items we would be getting. But eventually any large deal including what we want would probably look like this and, yes, would include UBCs- because they are a boogeyman to some gun-owners and would be a feather in the cap of gun-controllers. It could be managed by operating a system that still allowed the gun-controllers to say they got UBCs but disallow the sort of tracking and inventorying that gun folks are scared of. But that will ONLY happen if the system is set up, legislated, and started while pro-gun forces are strong. Feel free to try and get a deal without it, but I don’t see it happening.
But that’s the rub. Even though the chances of any pro-gun legislation happening are rapidly falling to zero, everyone would rather see nothing happen but keep hope of some Supreme Court Justice riding in on a white horse or something. The problem is that eventually the other side will MAKE something happen. And, yes, they’ll pay for it electorally- they paid for the first AWB. But it will be a done deal and eventually will become the new normal beause they won’t make the mistake of a sunset limitation. Rght now the ‘pro-gun’ side has nothing to say, nothing to craft- you can’t win that way. Gotta do something to break the impasse.
Way to be a naive defeatist. You extract compromise from the other side when you’re strong, not capitulate to them.
Surviving here in California as a 2A supporter ain’t easy, but that video of the gorgeous woman packing heat, is just darn hot, to my reformed one time Left leaning…uh……”brain”, yeah that’s it. Happy to see this state slide further down the wall into the pig slop the legislature of Dimmocracks have created, only way is to leave this place before we all end up infected with political ideology disconnected from reality, HIV, or they send cops door to door for mandatory gun “buybacks” by following the state register of firearm owners which will come at some point. Trust the Dimms to use the next mass flag event to pass through more civil rights eviscerations.
I’ve only met one Israeli, a girl, she talked allot, too much in fact
So far, “government’s” brought us twelve different incongruent versions of what happened (while also claiming the idiot killer even recorded himself). First course of action they suggested [?] going against the rest of us. I’ve only been to Vegas 1x, don’t frequent outdoor events, ain’t a POS (D), take my vitamins. But THEY (the typically special-olympics three-legged-race pace and smoothness legislators) had legislation on the table OVERNIGHT, to limit our RTKABA.
Yeah, the fix might be in, but “fixing it” ain’t likely even on the agenda.
The author needs to understand that 2nd A absolutism *IS* the rational position on this. We get emotional talking about it because we are insulted at every turn by people who refuse to listen to what we actually have to say, but the position itself results from pure logic being applied to the highest law of the nation, along with an understanding of totalitarian governments from history.
The fact of the matter is that I, as a human being, have a basic right to defend myself both from criminals and from a government sliding into totalitarianism. It’s important to note here that the only fundamental difference between a basic petty criminal who breaks into your home at night with either intent to harm you or willingness to, should he encounter you accidentally, and a totalitarian government is number and organization. Such a corrupt government is intrinsically criminal in and of itself.
Along with that basic human right to defend myself comes the basic human right to the most appropriate weaponry for the purpose. This includes, whether you want to admit it or not, fully automatic firearms. This also includes the government not being allowed to know I own them. Don’t forget that not only are guns used in defense against simple home invaders, but they are frequently used to prevent rioting crowds from looting or burning down various businesses. This happened in the L.A. riots in the early 90’s, this happened in Ferguson, MO, and recently it has happened with the fires in northern California. Some residents defied the evacuation order stood watch with AR15’s and actually turned back several looters.
As for gun control legislation, there is no real evidence that it has ever benefited any society that has embraced it. Both the UK and Australia saw a spike in homicides and violent crime, interrupting a previous downward trend, immediately following their strict bans while the US continued that same downward trend with no real gun control legislation passed in that time. We did have an “assault weapons ban” in 1994, however even those involved in getting it passed have admitted that not only did it not have any effect, it wasn’t intended to. It’s purpose was to generate momentum for further legislation. Moreover after that law expired there was no associated increase in violent crime here in the US.
One of the great lies on the issue is that support for gun control is ultimately rooted in reason and a desire to benefit the country. His friends and family that support gun control may very well fit that description, but the politicians driving it, Bloomberg, et al., don’t. The ultimate goal of gun control support is eventual confiscation and disarmament. The power brokers on that side of the equation have been candidly honest about this from time to time, in conversations they didn’t believe would become part of the public record. Those power brokers are also the reason this issue has been divided into sides to begin with.
Given the track record of pro gun control groups and politicians, I am bewildered that the author believes his proposal has any chance of solving the entire gun control debate. It’s not an issue that was raised with the intent of solving in the first place.
So, no. I reject the proposal. I reject the insistence that it is intelligent and non emotional. I reject the supposition that such a compromise represents healing and a move forward. All gun control is a suppression of a basic human right, and therefore an injury to humanity and to society. We can only heal when it is all repealed.
I have always wanted a Henry rifle. I just purchased my first one a few weeks ago. The Henry Frontier in 22wmr. It is one of the best shooting and handling rifles I have ever used and owned.
Why would I lock my guns up in a safe? I already lock them up in my house. If someone breaks into my house a tiny handgun safe isn’t going to stop them. They are going to pick it up, carry it out, and then smash it open at their convenience.
I stopped at “Modest” in the headline. NOT ONE INCH!!! Did you get that?
I thought the insurance for gun owners meme was a oft lauded goal of the anti’s?
Now that they know it exists they’re all up in arms about it?
Way to not look like contrarian lunatics with no direction antis. Way to go.
Can we get that Israeli model to model JUST this?
That’s not a case for “national” anything. It’s a case for the opposite.
People have the right to bear arms. Period. Neither States nor the Fedgov should have any business regulating the ownership or use thereof for lawful purposes. Therefore any State or governing authority who makes a law regarding lawful ownership or use thereof is clearly out of bounds. It’s tyranny, not a law. It should be nullified immediately by mass peaceful non-cooperation of the law, in a very public fashion.
Telling the Fedgov they should nationally regulate already unlawful concealed carry permits is the exact OPPOSITE direction you want to go. Be careful what you wish for.
If National Reciprocity passes I feel very sorry for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren…all it will take is one shift in the political winds and then you’ll have 50 state national registration and then disarmament. Because now they’ll appropriate funding and manpower to creating a structure around this thing and they will make it so civil disobedience to the disarmament command will be nigh impossible.
I’m having a hard time warming up to the idea of federally mandated recognition of my Illinois Concealed Carry License in all 50 states.
Even today, if I travel to a state that recognizes my license, I need to read up on that state’s laws, especially regarding prohibited areas. There are places I can carry in Illinois but can’t in Missouri, and vice-versa. It’s pretty easy to get tripped up in the details, and national reciprocity wouldn’t change that.
Hammer is causing adverse wear, or someone figured out how to make it work as intended? I’m curious as to the actual deficiency/malfunction.
Deploy them to Iraq, make them all carry the 240 B, and upon returning issue them an M9 to carry. They’ll forget they even have an M9 on their hip in minutes.
By reducing the regulatory land mines and restricted areas? It is a hassle for the wannabe law abiding carrier to know where you can and can’t and under what circumstances, probably some don’t carry because they don’t want to or can’t sort it out. Others probably carry where they aren’t supposed to because they thought they were allowed.
The private property area is a tricky part. I would like to carry at work but it seems larger corporations, probably for insurance/political reasons, just issue a “no weapons” policy. I know, leave and start your own company, sure. But maybe there could be some kind it incentive in regulation passed to encourage it. Tax deduction, some kind of liability protection? Friend of freedom award? Not likely I guess, but my gun will do little sitting in my locked car in the parking garage.
Why do I get the impression that there are already that number, just not _legally_?
How do “we” get folks to carry? Not my business. We’re having a garage sale at my home right now and I’m carrying my Taurus 709 in a Nemesis pocket holster. I barely know it’s there. Yeah there are multiple places I can’t carry-especially in Illinois. Indiana not so much. Everyone who carries has to figure it out.
I love how they play with language. Hide something they don’t like.
“less than 30 percent have children” Translation – More than 70 percent who carry guns have kids, and probably carry to protect them.
Geez, are these guys so lazy they can’t use Wikipedia?
“Je suis Charlie” (French pronunciation: [ʒə sɥi ʃaʁli], French for “I am Charlie” or “I follow Charlie”) is a slogan and logo created by French art director Joachim Roncin and adopted by supporters of freedom of speech and freedom of the press after the 7 January 2015 shooting in which twelve people were killed at the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. It identifies a speaker or supporter with those who were killed at the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and by extension, a supporter of freedom of speech and resistance to armed threats. Some journalists embraced the expression as a rallying cry for the freedom of self-expression.[2]
Lot of posts here. Aren’t cockpit crews allowed to carry if they want to? Seem to remember that a couple of years ago after that Egypt Air flight went down when the Captain left the cockpit.
My Mega Arms AR10 cracked $2k and the ZEV looks almost the same but erring on the better side.
Probably costs about two iPhone Xs and an iPhone 7.
You’re not going to shoot me. The producer of this movie swore off gun violence in his films.
I will give you this gun if you help me out of this ****ing coat.
“Say What! one more time……..”
Biological imperative – males get stupider when women are ready. Strippers and many other women use this as a way to control us or trap us to get something
Huh. They’re like three miles from my house.
Learn something new every day.
I really liked the first Caracal, never got to try the version with the funky sights though, always wanted to. Seemed like they’d be really easy for fast, short range work.