New Jersey Gun Control Mistake Police Off Duty Magazine Capacity
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Oops! Pro-gun control N.J. lawmakers look to fix high-capacity magazine ban that also includes cops

Hey, they’re technically civilians, too . . .

Gov. Phil Murphy signed a new law last month limiting the size of firearms magazines in New Jersey to 10 rounds as part of a package of bills meant to tighten the state’s already strict gun laws.

But the measure, which made possession of larger magazines a crime, with a few exceptions, had unintended consequences for police officers in the Garden State.

Now lawmakers are looking to clean up the problem, and the state Senate is slated Thursday to vote on a bill that would clarify how the high-capacity magazine ban applies to law enforcement.

State Sen. Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, a sponsor of the measure, said it was meant to “correct an oversight” that may have prohibited some police officers from carrying their service weapons while off duty.

Scott’s approval rating topples after signing gun control bills

If schadenfreude were sugar we’d be diabetic because of this . . .

Gov. Phil Scott saw a sharp drop in approval in the second quarter of 2018, the latest Morning Consult poll shows, a plummet that political analysts are attributing to his decision earlier this year to tighten the state’s gun laws. …

Scott was spotlighted in Morning Consult’s latest rundown of governor rankings thanks to the distinction of having the most dramatic quarterly drop in net approval rating since the company started ranking governors by popularity in 2016. …

Scott, who last quarter was one of the most popular governors in the country, is now one of the least. The new poll shows him dropping from the list of top 10 most liked governors and falling to just three spots away from the 10 least popular state executives.

The governor had a 65 percent approval rating after the first quarter of the year, putting him close to popular blue-state Republican Govs. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Larry Hogan of Maryland.

That figure dropped to 47 percent by the end of May, and his disapproval also surged during that time, rising from 21 percent in a poll completed in March to 42 percent in the latest poll. The governor signed new gun control bills into law on April 11.

Matt Caldwell Campaign Ad NRA Facebook Denied Blocked

Matt Caldwell says Facebook blocked his ad on guns, NRA endorsement

We’re sure this was just an oversight by Facebook’s poor, overworked drones . . .

The saga of Facebook’s new regulation of political ads continues, as Tuesday a prominent candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture claimed his ad was wrongly rejected by the social media giant.

The short video ad depicts Republican state Rep. Matt Caldwell shooting a shotgun in a field and touting his endorsement from the National Rifle Association. He was the first statewide Florida candidate to be endorsed by the group this election cycle.

In Tuesday’s press release, the Caldwell campaign attached a screen shot of Facebook’s apparent denial, which read: “Not Approved: Your ad can’t promote the sale of weapons or ammunition.”

Facebook has since approved the ad.

3d guns gun control panick

Gun control groups are racing against the clock to stop 3D gun blueprints from going online

Hahahaha. Haaaaahahahahahahahaha . . . .

Also on Thursday, New Jersey’s Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal, a Democrat, sent a “cease and desist” letter to Defense Distributed that threatened to take legal action against Wilson and his company if they made blueprints for 3-D printed guns available to residents of New Jersey.

“Defense Distributed’s plans to allow anyone with a 3-D printer to download a code and create a fully operational gun directly threatens the public safety of New Jersey’s residents,” Grewal stated in the letter. “Posting this material online is no different than driving to New Jersey and handing out hard-copy files on any street corner. The federal government is no longer willing to stop Defense Distributed from publishing this dangerous code, and so New Jersey must step up.”

Democratic members of Congress are also ringing alarm bells.

During Wednesday’s hearing on national security issues, Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to conduct an immediate review of the Trump Administration’s settlement with Wilson.

Good luck with that.

How not to deal with the open carry of guns

Nice gun control regime you built there on the left coast. It’d be a shame if sumpthin’ was to happen to it . . .

If there’s any good news here it’s that the judge who wrote the 2-1 majority opinion, Diarmuid O’Scannlain, came to a similar conclusion in Peruta vs. San Diego County four years ago. In that case, the majority held that the 2nd Amendment also conveys a right to carry a concealed weapon. But the 9th Circuit Court overturned that decision after an en banc hearing, and the Supreme Court later refused to hear the case. We hope that Hawaii officials will seek a broader appellate review, and that Young vs. Hawaii goes the same way as Peruta.

But there’s a risk here that the disagreements among lower courts over the issue might finally force the Supreme Court to accept another major 2nd Amendment case. Since the Heller case and a related decision out of Illinois in 2010, the nation’s top court has been loath to hear new challenges to gun regulations.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s conservative nominee to replace the retiring and more centrist Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, embraces an expansive approach to the 2nd Amendment. While his confirmation would not necessarily mean a court more friendly to gun rights, it would probably mean that the court will consider more challenges to gun control laws, with Kavanaugh providing the fourth vote to grant a hearing (it takes five justices to reach a majority decision). And once the court decides to hear a case, anything can happen.

Toronto Shooting Danforth Gun Control

Stricter Gun Laws Didn’t Stop This Mass Shooting in Canada

But we’ve been told by all the smartest people that Canadian-style gun control is what America needs to do something about its gun violence problem . . .

While this anti-gun rhetoric will sound familiar to Americans, Canadians have become particularly acquainted with it over the last four decades as the government has imposed increasingly stricter gun control measures.

Unlike the U.S. Constitution, the Canadian Constitution doesn’t recognize or protect an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, and Canadians have long been subject to a comparatively strict gun control framework.

All prospective firearm owners must obtain a firearms license, which requires not only a criminal background check, but third-party character references and a holistic risk assessment of even noncriminal behavior indicating a threat of violence. Among other things, the individual must pass a firearm safety course and have his or her spouse’s consent for the license.

The majority of legally-owned firearms in Canada are shotguns and hunting rifles. Since handguns are considered “restricted” firearms, they require extra training to possess, must be registered, and must meet certain size and caliber requirements.


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    • It’s comments and attitudes like that which make us spin our wheels. The right to bear arms has taken some pretty big hits since Trump started in office. TTAG predicted we would have national reciprocity and HPA by now and when I said that wouldn’t happen I was told I was being negative, yet here we are. I wonder if there is a phenomenon where we declare victory, everyone stands down, meanwhile rate increasing devices are banned, guns are taken without due process, and young adults unable to buy firearms at all.

      • What big hits? Bumpstocks? They haven’t been banned as of yet. This fight is at the federal level, now. And Trump is loading the courts with conservatives.

        States rights? The states have proven themselves incapable of protecting the human and civil rights of their residents so the fed courts will do it. There are no slave or free states. We are all Americans with the same rights regardless of our zip code.

        What you’re afraid of is that you will have less to bitch and complain about. Less to be triggered about.

        • Constitutional carry by the end of Trumps second term. Likely before.

          Ha no, as much as I hate to say it no.
          Let me break some stuff down for you Barney level. We will use the “Super F-‘ing win for the West Coast!!!”

          It isn’t a win due to how Appeals work.
          It was never meant to be a win, it was supposed to look like a win.

          If the 9th Circuit Court had ruled against(for the ban) the Plaintiffs(the people fighting the ban) then the Plaintiffs could appeal to the Higher Court(Supreme Court). If that had happened and the Supreme Court ruled in Favor of the Plaintiffs(against the ban) then that ruling would become Law.

          Since the Lower Court(9th Circuit) ruled for the Plaintiffs it is not going to the SCOTUS leaving it as a State Right.
          Also they didn’t rule on Concealed Carry if that was not in the Original Plaintiffs Filing it is another issue and must be read/Ruled Upon by the 9thCC prior to being appealed to a Higher Court. It being ruled as a State Right also will make it subjective to State Laws and City Ordinances so it really wasn’t a Win at all.

          As for “Loading the Courts” Marco Rubio just shot down a Conservative President Trump wanted to appoint in the 9th Circuit Court System.

          “Ya’know” because Trump wrecked him and his little feelings got hurt.

        • So, that’s it? We’re done? We should take all our marbles and go home?

          Barney. Why didn’t you throw in a couple of hill jacks while you were at it.

        • @jwm

          This place is littered with people who see anything less than an immediate and full repeal of every single gun regulation this country has and has ever had as “losing”. Even weirder are the people here claiming that Trump is a more anti-gun President than Obama, and has passed more gun control than Obama. It’s the former that causes the delusion about the latter.

        • That’s because they’re children, haven’t watched legislation and court cases work their way toward completion for a decade or two, think instant gratification is always within reach. Trust us, guys, a shooting revolution would take longer and be more painful.

        • you definitely are not on the left-crazy-coast. seattle has the crazy’s stired up to a fever pitch, tax on every round of ammo . with a communist city council and a queer mayor [fur-trader] the LEGAL GUN-OWNER don’t stand a chance.

      • realism rears its ugly head…there are as many pipe dreamers on here as you’ll find on the liberal websites…..

    • What are you on about? The left has gotten victory after victory after victory since the Alexandria shooting on that baseball field. My ability to buy ammo was heavily infringed upon starting this year when it became illegal for Californians to have ammo shipped to their home addresses unless you hold an FFL or a C&R license. This kind of overconfident talk gave us all egg on our faces last year, and my personal experience has seen nothing but the advancement of gun control.

      These recent court victories mean nothing. It’s not over til it’s over.

      • *SIGH* Some folks would bitch at hitting the lottery, cause it was only the second biggest win in lottery history.

        The dems are falling apart. The courts are being loaded in our favor. It’s going to happen.

        • expect the most egregious restrictions to be challenged once the balance of the court changes….but first it has to make it there..

        • Not an option. California is the only place where I can make a living with my skillset as an Indonesian-to-English translator. There is no other significant concentration of Indonesian-American businessmen in America besides the Los Angeles area.

        • sounds like a fool’s paradise.
          learn another language. ho, you grew up speaking sing song?

          Regions with significant populations of indonesian speaking flip flop wearers:

          Southern CaliforniaNew York City metropolitan areaPhiladelphia metropolitan areaWashington, D.C. metropolitan areaSeattle metropolitan areaSan Francisco bay areaGreater Los Angeles AreaGreater DallasGreater AustinGreater HoustonOverland Park, KansasSan AntonioEl PasoHonolulu

        • “Indonesian translator” doesnt sound like a growth industry….might wanna consider another more easily economically translateable line of work….

      • You seem unclear on what restrictions are due to action at the Federal level, and what is due to the nitwits in Sacramento.

        At the federal level, things are in fact moving in the right direction.

      • Yes, for now it depends where you live. Over recent years the Dem controlled states have tended to get more restrictive, and other states have tended to get more liberal (with some exceptions, like gun rights taking a step back in purple Florida recently on some fronts).

        Pretty much what you would expect based on the platforms of the respective parties in control of the various states. As others say, the key difference on the horizon now is a possible shift toward “originalism,” (i.e., making legal decisions based on the law rather than personal ideology) in the SCOTUS.

    • Am I in the TTAG time out?
      Why can I not directly respond/reply to a reply?

      *jwm says:
      July 26, 2018 at 23:46

      So, that’s it? We’re done? We should take all our marbles and go home?

      Barney. Why didn’t you throw in a couple of hill jacks while you were at it.*

      It isn’t “Sheriff Barney” from “The Andy Griffith Show” it was a reference to “Barney the Dinosaur” due to your level of intelligence on the subject appearing Kindergarten like. I say “level of intelligence” because you are like 80% of America. “Yah go’Trump’wez be winning und sh8t!!!’

      No dude your wrong, sadly mistaken and probably in a demographic that is 35-50+ you think it matters that Republicans Own the house?

      While those same RHINO’s in State Legislative positions as Mayors, Governors and Representatives vote against your Un-a-Lien-able(a Lien can not be placed against them, not “alien-able”) rights?

      No I am not saying “we should give up” I am saying that maybe it is time to organize outside the voting block, since it is apparent that voting doesn’t matter to turn coats, possibly taking ourselves to the street.

    • “Constitutional carry by the end of Trumps second term”

      Show me the path? Who is going to pass that law? Even if SCOTUS moves right, they are NOT going to all of sudden declare that “Constitutional carry” is the law of the land. There is a better chance of the super earthquake hitting CA then “Constitutional carry” being law.

      • Agree, if you mean “constitutional carry” in the popular sense of not requiring a license to carry as long as you can legally own it. That does seem pretty unlikely. But, depending on how (if) some circuit splits are resolved by the next version of the SCOTUS, we could see nation-wide shall issue during Tump’s second term (assuming he’s re-elected, which seems likely so far). At least on paper. Democrat politicians and bureaucrats are not known for following laws they don’t like.

  1. Well nobody asked me what I think of our inglorious turncoat now RHINO who had to do something governor.
    Id have taken an ear off.
    As for Canada. It didn’t happen as they have no guns there right??
    Jersey cops are civilians. Im being kind here. No extra rights for them and none for the residents. I don’t think so.

    • Actually before Obama Canada in spite of their red tape had as many firearms as we did.
      After well we all know what happened then.
      I personally believe the Alinskyites were not as clumsy as most figure, and knew gun sales would soar.
      They just figured everyone was like them and the hate and fear caused by splintering All Factions, like Saddam Hussein did would cause a blood bath. I Assume their actual hatred of this country must have soared since the bloodbath continued in “gun free” killing zones, and Alinskite battlefield cities, instead.

    • I think the last real country music artist was one of them that came out of the 90s. Any of the last 20 years or so are just fakes who couldn’t make it in pop or hip hop so they hijacked country and killed it.

    • I went to one of this guys concerts. He was so drunk he barely finished the set. Most of the audience consisted of twenty something urban dwellers wearing 5 dollar cowboy hats looking for a place to get drunk and rowdy. Eric pretty much committed career suicide. I suppose we will be seeing him doing cover songs in bars in the near future as he burns up his networth on drugs, alcohol, and a lifestyle he cannot support.

      • I’m sure he received plenty of bloomberg’s cash. No need to worry over Mr. Church’s welfare. OFC, he will still burn it all up on wine, women, and song. It matters not how much he got; “fool’s and their money are soon parted”.
        Still no need to worry, as a deep blue voter, he will always have the welfare state. Pelosi and Waters will just put him on the dole. We can all pay for his booze and hookers. Lucky us.

  2. If magazines are restricted in New Jersey to just 10 rounds why would the police need to carry more? After all if the magazines are illegal no one would ever have more than that right? So why do they need to carry more than that? What is good for us is good for them! Then let them face down a criminal with a huge 15 round magazine or God Forbid a non-existent 30 round mag. Those are unicorns because they are also illegal so no one would have them right?

    • Because they’re the enforcer class, whose sole purpose is to enact the will of the elite on plebs like you and me.

    • The left always uses the “only the military should have X” or “weapon of war” argument. If their argument has merit, which is doesn’t, than by the nature of how our laws were written, law enforcement cannot carry those weapons because that would make them a standing Army with no authority to enforce civilian law without a declaration of martial law.

    • As with “assault weapons”, a uniform and badge somehow transforms these magazines magically from “weapons of war” “designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible” into not only legitimate, but necessary tools for enforcing the law.

      • Cops, more than anyone else I can think of, should need to AIM!! Back to revolvers, max 6-shot, for them. We have just endured spray and pray by cops killing an innocent bystander (Trader Joe’s). Every cop’s bullet should hit the intended target or, at a minimum, you are FIRED!

    • perhaps those jerseyites were listening to that bruce springsteen song “45 shots”….

    • Not so strange, once you know that Adolf Hitler’s actual surname was “Schicklgruber”.

  3. “Posting this material online is no different than driving to New Jersey and handing out hard-copy files on any street corner.” Is he under the impression that would be illegal? It’s like he’s daring someone to exercise their first amendment rights in NJ.
    I remember when the DMCA DVD copyprotection scheme was cracked, and when they tried (the impossible) to scrub the code off the internet, 2600 magazine had the code printed on T-shirts. We should do something similar with 3-D printed guns or AR-15 blueprints with measurements. I’d buy several shirts like that.

    • They should do it, and if he’s dumb enough to sue, submit the letter with the AGs opinion

      ““Posting this material online is no different than driving to New Jersey and handing out hard-copy files on any street corner. ”

      and point out to the judge that handing out hard-copy is protected by the 1st Amendment.

        • That’s because we long ago passed from being a Nation ruled by Laws, to instead being ruled by burrocrat’s whims. That is the chief difference between a “Republic”, and a “Democracy”. A Republic is a Nation ruled by Laws, but Democracies are ruled by whatever 51% of the sheep say at any given moment. The subject was well covered in the “Federalist Papers”, and the debate over the adoption of the Constitution.
          Unfortunately, FDR had all documents with the word “republic” confiscated and reprinted with the word “democracy” substituted in. What with the depression and all, the sheeple never even noticed. As I stated, we lost the rule of law long ago.

  4. I’m pretty sure this is the 2nd time in recent weeks the NJ AG has issued empty threats to residents of other states about somehow being able to come after them for breaking no federal or home-state laws. I believe the last incident was maybe regarding unfinished lowers?

    laughable then..laughable now.

  5. Sorry I don’t give a damn about Canada eh. Or Joizey. Fakebooks “blocking” days may be over. Zuckerboy may be gone. How the mighty are falling!

      • Can’t be 60%, news said FB lost over 100 billion yesterday and Zuck lost less than 20. Sounds like he owns around 20%. Which would allow others to fire him, at least in theory.

  6. “State Sen. Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, a sponsor of the measure, said it was meant to “correct an oversight” that may have prohibited some police officers from carrying their service weapons while off duty.”

    What is law for some citizens is not the law for all citizens,wonder what the supreme law of the land says on that subject,oh yeah……

  7. “Scott, who last quarter was one of the most popular governors in the country, is now one of the least. The new poll shows him dropping from the list of top 10 most liked governors and falling to just three spots away from the 10 least popular state executives.”

    Flip Flop Scott flopped,so much so that he has had to curtail his amateur racing career,what’s a RINO to do.

    His replacement is all lined up. Well Bye RINO !

  8. “Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s conservative nominee to replace the retiring and more Leftard Justice Anthony M. Kennedy”

    FIFY !

  9. As far as I’m concerned, if private citizens aren’t allowed to have scary-looking rifles and standard-capacity magazines, cops shouldn’t have them either.

    • Pretty sure I’ve heard that they’re weapons of war that belong on foreign battlefields, and not on the streets of our communities.

      (In addition to the obvious hypocrisy, such comments ignore that recent “foreign battlefields” tend to be the streets of someone else’s community.)

      • I agree with you on that.. and suspect much of our own shootings in cities are actually gang warfare over prohibition economy sales territories and supply chains.

  10. Soros, in December 2017, gave the anti-American communist democrat’s ‘antifa’ terrorists $17 million to buy guns and train.
    While I always see posters saying “I am ready for the Civil War”. I seriously doubt more than a very small few will actually do anything because, I have interviewed people from coast to coast. They say they are hard core, ready, but, are “afraid to get arrested”, “afraid to go to jail” and “afraid they will lose their ‘stuff'”. “..the security of a free state..” demands Americans protect themselves, their cities, states & country.
    No Americans stopped the feds at Waco. No Americans stopped the illegal alien invaders and no pro-Trump Americans are even protesting in D.C. against anti-gun crap & Mueller.
    Cowardice is making America a communist, spanish-speaking country.
    Thankfully, our Founding Fathers were not cowards.
    POLICE are not private citizens, they are court officials and government employees.

      • I considered Waco, since I was an hour away, but it would have been a real pisser to die in the defense of nutbar religious cult members, even though they were in the right. I considered Bundy ranch as well, but getting too old, and real far away, stayed home. But anyone thinks Bundy was not a win is crazy.

  11. “State Sen. Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, a sponsor of the measure, said it was meant to “correct an oversight” that may have prohibited some police officers from carrying their service weapons while off duty.”
    The private army employed by the State can’t be subjected to any restrictions now can they?

    • Yeah, WTF? If they passed the law, it should remove those cops’ guns *ON* duty, as well. Why do they need a 17-rd mag for hunting?

  12. You would think with all the laws, government and “woke” politicians that NJ would be the “Garden State” ? Alas none of their nonsense or good intentions has made Newark, Patterson or Atlantic City anything but dumps and crime magnets.

  13. As 3D printers become more affordable and capable, more and more people will be able to design and print working firearms. Only frames and lower receivers are covered by law. Take a serious look at a stripped GLOCK polymer frame and it’s easy to see how it could be duplicated or adapted via 3D printing. Once you have a workable frame, the rest can be bought, and much of it made, without any problem. Long guns can be adapted and pistol frames used to create carbines with 3D printed parts. It’s an avalanche about to happen.

    Once again, Elected Politicians only prove how utterly stupid and short-sighted they are, and those who elected these ignorant tyrants to public office only prove how ill-informed and stupid they are.

    Nothing will change in the U.S.A. until ordinary people start voting with their intellect.

    • And this is why actions and rifled barrels are strictly regulated elsewhere, as well as whatever part of the receiver holds the fire control.

      Be careful what you wish for.

      • I am not wishing for anything…merely describing what is possible now. It would not surprise me in the least if barrels and actions became “controlled” in the aftermath of the exploitation of 3D printed, homemade firearms. Frames are controlled now in some States as a backlash against so-called “80% lowers”, even though is it Federally legal to manufacture your own firearms for personal use. Equally likely is that 3D printers will become highly controlled as the morons who run the States and Federal Government realize what a Pandora’s Box they are.

  14. This whole matter with the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling against the State of Hawaii is just a step forward, but not a goal reached. It’s hard not to make too much of it, but I wouldn’t walk out of my house with a pistol on my hip just yet. What we need to do is find-out what our State Gun Rights Organizations are doing to advance the cause and support them.

  15. Has anyone taken note of the fact that age restrictions hamper the Militia i.e. many states and the US law designates citizens between the ages of 16 and 45 (some vary) as the Militia. Disarming those under 21 is an infringement of those laws. Why hasn’t anyone pointed that out in their suits over these new restrictions?

  16. Gov. Scott is about to learn a lesson all RINO’s learn at one point or another; caving to the left never works, because they will never vote for you no matter how much you compromise, and at the same time, you’ve sold-out most of the people who would have voted for you. We POTG remember this stuff come primary season.

    • Then this because Benedict Scott is now worried about his reelection.

      In response to another question, the governor conceded that he didn’t think the magazine ban was necessary and noted that it “wasn’t my idea.”

      S.55 (Act 94) didn’t do anything to prevent crime. Governor Scott now publicly acknowledges that the magazine ban is not necessary. His administration is now defending (using public dollars)
      against a lawsuit challenging the magazine ban he publicly stated is not necessary. The state has damaged the rights of honest gun owners and it was not necessary for public safety.

      This is the oath he and every legislator who voted foe S. 55 violated.


      The Representatives having met, and chosen their Speaker and Clerk, shall each of them, before they proceed to business, take and subscribe, as well the oath or affirmation of allegiance hereinafter directed (except where they shall produce certificates of their having theretofore taken and subscribed the same) as the following oath or affirmation:

      You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as a member of this Assembly, you will not propose, or assent to, any bill, vote or resolution, which shall appear to you injurious to the people, nor do nor consent to any act or thing whatever, that shall have a tendency to lessen or abridge their rights and privileges, as declared by the Constitution of this State; but will, in all things, conduct yourself as a faithful, honest Representative and guardian of the people, according to the best of your judgment and ability.

      Under the pains and penalties of perjury.

      Benedict Scott,guilty as charged and will be judged come election day by the people of Vermont.

  17. If president Trump does pass concealed carry reciprocity, which I hope he does, that will never happen in blue States. Those blue states such as California and Maryland will never support the idea of allowing Outsiders into their states with a concealed carry permit and weapon. And it’s really interesting that the same blue States will allow illegal aliens into their societies, and give them all kinds of free benefits. But never the right to have a weapon for self-defense.

    And to put it bluntly, white people are going to have to be willing to go to jail to protect and fight for their civil rights. Yeah that’s right I said it. You’re going to have to do exactly what the black people were doing in the 1950s and 60s.

    And I don’t ask this question lightly. Are you up to it????

  18. Gun control groups are racing against the clock to stop 3D gun blueprints from going online

    It’s so cute that they think that stuff isn’t already out there.

  19. “Posting this material online is no different than driving to New Jersey and handing out hard-copy files on any street corner.”

    If I lived in New Jersey or near New Jersey, I would so do this. Just hand it out by the ream.

  20. Anyone know what kind of holster that Glock is in on the open carry story pic? I like it. Been looking for something similar for a non-Glock.

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