Corporate Gun Control David French RKBA Gun Rights
courtesy National Review and Reuters

Corporate Gun Control Might Be the Worst Threat to Gun Rights

This and Cuomo’s strong-arm tactics are the biggest threats to the RKBA . . .

Let’s be honest. If you own guns or you’re a gun-rights supporter, and if you’re concerned about government restrictions on your Second Amendment rights, the future looks bright. The elevation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court may well represent the death knell for draconian forms of gun control — including bans on so-called “assault weapons” and bans on standard-capacity magazines in semi-automatic pistols and rifles.

Moreover, meaningful federal gun control has been blocked for a generation, and red-state legislatures are moving almost uniformly to liberalize state gun laws. Witness, for example, the steady spread of “constitutional carry” in red states across the land.

But another threat looms, one that can stretch across the entire American landscape, is immune to the filibuster, and is largely sheltered from judicial review. It’s a threat that can choke off financing for the gun industry, stifle speech about guns, and lock the gun-rights community into offline (and small online) ghettos that restrict their ability to communicate.

Chicago Cops Snoozing Sleeping
courtesy and Facebook

Picture of snoozing Chicago cops goes viral after violent weekend

Top men. Top men . . .

Two Chicago police officers are in hot water Monday after a picture of them sleeping on the job went viral.

The photo showed two cops in a Chicago Police 6111 vehicle slumped over and snoozing. Both were wearing black bullet-proof vests.

The picture was posted Saturday and has been shared more than 20,000 times on Facebook, including by mayoral candidate Ja’Mal Green.

courtesy Chicago Sun-Times and AP

Chicago police chief blames city violence on lenient judges and prosecutors

Meanwhile, during the superintendent’s weekly after action report . . .

The superintendent of Chicago’s beleaguered police department shifted the blame for the city’s gun violence epidemic from the cops to the courts, blaming judges and prosecutors who refuse to jail repeat offenders arrested with illegal firearms.

Supt. Eddie Johnson, speaking on Monday at Chicago Police Headquarters, said his department can “only do so much,” but noted “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why shootings continue to be a problem in Chicago.”

“These shootings are not random,” Johnson said. “They’re fueled by gang conflicts. We know who they are.

He added: “If people don’t give us the information we need, and our judicial partners don’t hold them accountable, would you stop if that’s what you wanted to do? You know, it’s ridiculous.”


Prosecutors: 15-Year-Old Girl ‘Justified’ in Fatally Shooting Her Mom’s Abusive Boyfriend

Nicely done . . .

Authorities say a 15-year-old girl shot and killed her mom’s boyfriend, but she’s not in trouble with the law. Neither is her little brother, who allegedly brought out the gun in the first place. Prosecutors determined this was “justified,” according to a news release last Friday from the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina.

This incident happened back on August 8, deputies said. They got a 911 call about a shooting, and arrived at the scene, according to the statement. There, they found a 46-year-old man dead from two gunshot wounds. …

This man was definitely not a victim, at least in the story told by investigators. He had attacked the woman that night and strangled her, deputies said. She sustained some pretty bad bruises and contusions from the attack, according to the statement. This man threatened to cut her throat, and murder everyone in the residence.

The mother’s kids wouldn’t stand for this. The boy brought out a gun. It was the 15-year-old, however, who took the firearm, and shot the man twice in the chest. One of the bullets fragmented, and happened to graze the 16-year-old in a leg.

Huh? . . .

Residents of a luxury high-rise building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side are being terrorized by a sniper taking shots at their building.

Police believe the gunman fired from Roosevelt Island across the East River at random on at least two different occasions. The first bullet, fired last Friday, hit an apartment on the 32nd floor. The second bullet, fired the next day at 1:15 a.m., hit a window on the 14th floor.

The shattered windows are now covered with plywood.

A woman named Ilene who lives on the 22nd floor of the targeted building told Inside Edition she’s living in fear.


    • Well at least the paddy wagon was parked. It could have been much worse if it had been moving.

    • Yup one of the guys definitely screwed up… unless they just asleep at the same time without asking the other to keep an eye out, in which case both screwed up.

      They were probably on some do-nothing detail purely so the mayor could talk about how many cops he had deployed. I saw some urban youth post on twitter that “dis is why crime is up”

      No, dumbass, criminals is why crime is up.

  1. Rahm and the police commissioner were probably asleep in the back of that 6111 vehicle.

    Copycats will now start blazing away at NYC high rises. Let those rich folks know they aren’t SAFE regardless of what the guv says.

  2. Chiraq again…btw it was a dude and a chick-like po-leece officer’s dozing off on the Southside. In a REALLY bad neighborhood😄

  3. Queue the libertardians screaming about “muh’ private business”… Sorry kiddo… if your private business infringes on my individual rights, your business loses, same way segregation lost.

    • As it damn well should. The big problem here seems to me to be corporatism – big businesses getting federal money and support (and laws that hugely swing things toward the big businesses) then turning around and acting like the government. It started with the government dictating to banks how they do business, and now banks want to tell us what business they want us to do. We’ve been building this monstrosity for years, now it appears it’s awakened and wants us to serve it. Time to nuke it from orbit…or better yet, make clear that banks cannot stop people from spending legal tender (valid for all debts public and private) on anything legal, whether that dollar denominated tender is electronic or not. And the Fed should cut off any bastard who thinks differently.

      Hard to deal with the lending, to a degree we don’t want the government to tell banks who to lend to (that caused the financial crisis in the first place…). But the federal and state gov’t should cut off any bank that out and out blackballs legal firearm firms, like Louisiana just did. They don’t have to lend to them (some firearms businesses are bad investments) but if they outright discriminate we need to show them who gave them all that ill-gotten cash to keep their shiny golden parachutes open.

      • A multi-national bank is not morally or legally equivalent to Joe-Bob’s Repair Shop. Government regulation of large entities with the fiscal power of state actors is critical as there is no other practical method to hold them accountable. That includes making sure that Big Banks and Big Tech don’t get stick their noses where they don’t belong. You will forgive me if I don’t shed a tear for multi-billion dollar companies being slightly restricted in their business practices to protect the individual rights of hundreds of millions of Americans.

        • Yep agree completely. All big Corps should be regulated only because they lack in a fairly serious way personal liability for their actions and decisions which can easily affect the liberty and rights of millions. They should not be able to deny service to anyone unless it is based on actual criminal actions and even then it should be court ordered after trial in which case the person being denied should also be in jail for their criminal actions and therefore would also not require those services for the duration of their incarceration.

        • I’m less concerned about making sure they don’t stick their noses places, and more concerned about where the government pushes them…think NINJA loans, then extrapolate to mandatory loans for your local organic vegan co-op because the government started forcing people to make loans. That will impact all of us, as we have to indirectly subsidize the failing businesses the gov’t forced loans to (higher interest rates on loans, lower interest rates on savings, etc). I could care less about the megacorp in one sense (they make their bets, they take their chances), but I do worry about the future consequences of things, since what one side does, the other side will do back if and when they can, good and hard. But stripping away government support for banks, restricting bank’s abilities to tell people what they can or can’t spend their own money on, and then letting banks know that they will be stripped of government contracts if they play politics with loans would probably remedy the issue for the time being. Long term, cutting back gov’t interference in banking will help encourage competition and make it more likely you can find the South Texas Savings and Loan willing to lend to firearm companies rather than having to deal with a few megacorps that can be stopped by the actions of some CEOs.

    • Oh, no, not really…

      See, this libertarian has a far different take on things.

      Corporations are creatures of the government, and nearly as much government departments as the FAA/FCC/SEC/every other TLA.

      Limited liability shields shareholders and corporate officers from the law, and as such, corporations should be subject to lots *more* regulation – or else the limits on liability should end.

      I’d prefer the latter, of course, as it would cut the size of these behemoths to human proportions, and foster a lot more actual competition.

      Don’t get me wrong – I love business and trade, but it must be free of government fear and favor.


      • agree. only small share holders should not have much liability in these companies. if they hold a controlling interest or are on the board/management full liability should apply

    • Any publicly-traded corporation that censors, de-platforms, it otherwise restricts the use of their products or services for any legal purpose should be fined and/or have trading in their stock suspended.

      Publicly-traded corporations are owned by a wide cross-section of the public at-large; therefore, discrimination in any way by these companies can never represent the will of all of (or even a majority of) the owners. The only goal shared by all of the corporation’s owners is the goal of financial profit (for which the corporation has a fiduciary duty).

      These companies should not retain any Constitutional right that allows them to discriminate against any customer in any way.

      On the other hand, sole proprietors and closely-held corporations should fully retain all of the individual rights enumerated in the Constitution, including freedom of religion, speech, association, and the right to keep and bear arms..

  4. STOP CALLING THESE JACK ASSES SNIPERS!!!! These are not highly trained disciplined service members defending our country with precision rifles. If this is even what actually happened, that bullet belongs to some asshole with a gun. NOT A SNIPER!!!!

    • Pot-shotters seems aposite. If it really was a sniper, all the NYPD would have to do would be to look for the guy in a ghillie suit walking around the urban sidewalks.

      I do love the woman, “I’m certainly afraid to be by the window.” As she gives an extended interview right next to the window.

    • The article claims the police think the gun used is a .38 revolver, fired from a pretty significant distance. This yahoo isn’t targeting a person (that would make him a sniper – technically), he’s just someone wanting to wreck property with the added risk of endangering people inside said property.
      That makes him a “vandal”.

  5. Dem-o-tards only care if they are would be voters, or illegals. Another illegal kills Mollie Tibbets in Iowa.

    To the left Vets like me are second class to the illegals. We are more prone to not vote for them, like and own guns. And don’t keep quiet.

    Don’t like to hate on LEO’s in general, but have come to learn when you need to po-po, call the Sheriff, he was voted for, police chiefs are appointed. Here in Ohio the Deputies I talk to, to a badge, know Ohio is “open carry” , a lot of the police I have talked to were not aware.

  6. I am not sure how panicked one should be about a few large banks deciding to forgo A+ rated companies business because of CEO virtue signaling. There will be some regional banks with aggressive corporate salesmen who will be happy to to ring up their COO’s 30 seconds after the news hits that MegoBanko has decided to drop their business. Admittedly the latest Elizabeth Warren plan would make a mess of that, but that plan would bring the Venezuelation of the American economy anyway. Albeit a nation in which they forgot to disarm the population first.

    • What worries me more is the government-encouraged enlargement of the big banks and degradation of the regional banks. The laws after the financial crisis (especially Sarbanes-Oxley) really put smaller banks at a disadvantage. I don’t know if we will have that robust regionally system for the long haul.

  7. Perhaps the NRA could extend it’s politician rating system to the corporate world. Millions of people checking with the NRA before doing business would be a powerful incentive to just leave us the f*#k alone.

    • Problem is that, as Georgia governor primary showed, the NRA ranking system is 99% who gets the NRA the most money 1% gun rights.

      • So whichever corporation donates the most money to the NRA gets the best rating? I’m OK with that too.

      • These anti-2nd amendment trolls that keep trying to get us to turn on each other by attacking the NRA just don’t give up. Maybe we should start labeling these kinds of posts with a “troll” icon or something similarly to Google or Facebook…but I am sure the leftist would complain that we are censoring them and make a big stink.

  8. All that is going on now is a big part of why many of the founders (Abe Lincoln was also another from a little later) viewed banking institutions with such great distrust. By their very nature when using them is pretty much mandatory (as here in australia where the traditional Pay Packet with cash in it is pretty much forbidden) it leaves them with almost absolute power over the populace to control their finances and spending. From what i hear in the US pretty much the same is happening there. Now for companies yes it means (in some regards at least) more security in that they simply transfer your wages into an account rather than needing an armed escort for the cash to pay everyone. For the worker it means less likely to be robbed at gun or knife point leaving work after getting paid. However while there is good aspects to it there are also many bad one being that the FED is not owned by the govt but rather by banks who issue the paper currency as debt to the govt. This is what creates inflation not any other factors as commonly touted

    • That’s why Jackson is my favorite president. Taking down the central bank, then ironically being placed on a bank note.

      Money needs to be placed back into the hands of the people (congress) and then voted on for inflation/devaluation. The only way to do that though, is to reset all debt and monetary earnings to 0, and start over. That will cause a massive issue.

      • Professor Understatement strikes again. Alexander Hamilton had something to say on this when the country started…and FYI, cancelling debts is a very stupid idea. Like destroy the economy stupid. Once you open that box people don’t trust you again, like when individuals go bankrupt, only on a larger scale. And people don’t forget near as fast.

        The Fed isn’t perfect, but when politicians start voting on monetary policy…see Germany in the 30s. Pre-nazi. People were shoveling money into wheelbarrows to buy stuff. We need a very transparent process on this stuff, and the Fed isn’t, but I don’t want politicians setting monetary policy. The gold standard ain’t perfect, but I’d take that or an equivalent WAY before I’d want Congress voting on this stuff.

        • Yes agree on both counts. the FED should not be in the hands of some corporate though and everything about it should be completely transparent neither of which are currently the case. Old Abe had the right idea and it was the power brokers behind the scenes that had him assassinated, John Wilkes Booth was simply the tool used to remove hide who was really behind it.

        • will also add that the way the banking and monetary system is set up currently is also designed to destroy the economy just in a slower way that removes wealth and liberty from all bar those that such system is making wealthy

  9. “Residents of a luxury high-rise building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side are being terrorized by a sniper taking shots at their building.”

    “Police believe the gunman fired from Roosevelt Island across the East River at random on at least two different occasions. ”

    Hmm, firing at random, or precision sniping?
    Can’t you keep your story straight for the duration of one news article?

    Oh, I see.
    Inside Edition.

  10. Here’s an official Martha Stewart “Good Thing” to warm your heart at the end of a long day :

    Bernie Bro savagely beaten by Antifa

    “A registered Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter protesting a right-wing rally in Oregon earlier this month says he was viciously beaten by militant members of his own movement because he possessed a “fascist symbol” — an American flag.”

  11. Good old Chiraq, you just can’t make up for the level of stupidity demonstrated on a near daily basis.

  12. Unless Mr green is willing to support gun civil rights for all law abiding Chicago residents, nothing will change, with a new mayor in chiraq.

    • Sounds like his approach is to promise lotsa free stuff paid for by a bankrupt city. What’s new? He’s a Democrat, right? Even has a funny name!

  13. As a cop I can tell you I would not sleep on the job! If not for professionalism do it at least because you want to go back home with your loved ones. These two could have easily been gunned down while they were snoozing, and the chances of it actually happening definitely exist in a cesspool like Chicago. It really bothers me to see that.

  14. “These shootings are not random,” Johnson said. “They’re fueled by gang conflicts. We know who they are.”

    Well then, smartass, if you know who they are, go forth and arrest the hoods!

    • Yes i agree, however, they arrest them and then they are turned loose by leftist courts. do more to fix the problem by fixing the courts (maybe start hanging leftist judges who give lenient/non existent (eg cultural differences)/suspended sentences to hardened criminals for serious offences) than just coming down hard on the cops that try to bring them to justice. yes some cops do need to be come down hard on (eg those 2 asleep on the job) but in the main the cops end up giving up because of the judges. BTW we have the same problem here in australia

      • Too bad we can’t just ship ’em out to a penal colony in the southern hemisphere.

        You won’t mind some new neighbors, would you?

        (Running away, *fast*)… 😉

        • lol Mate, if i had my way we would be doing hang, draw and quarter with all such treasonous types. Make an example of them that no one is ever going to forget. I want true liberty and justice just as the US founders intended. Those who are willing to pervert justice in the name of “social justice” are just as guilty of sedition and treason as those that write the laws that allow that to go on

      • OTOH, if the leftist courts hand out real sentences, the jails and prisons have to kick them out anyway because of overcrowding.

        The place is nearly bankrupt from public pension excesses and police overtime, they can’t afford to imprison their thousands of dangerous (too dangerous to be let out in public) criminals.

        • yeah except part of what is causing the overcrowding is people getting locked up on charges such as minor drug possession (eg marijuana) where there is no victim. If there is no victim there is no crime. The same goes on here in australia

        • Overtime is actually cheaper than straight time. Along with straight time comes pensions, disability insurance, and benefits. Civil service benefits are higher cost per hour than private sector, and many LEOs make enough to max out social security with straight time or close. Paying an extra 50% of hourly wage is actually cheaper than hiring new LEOs, even when you consider rookie pay.
          The big problem with overtime is the burnout of the officer, not the cost.

  15. “If people don’t give us the information we need, and our judicial partners don’t hold them accountable, would you stop if that’s what you wanted to do? You know, it’s ridiculous.”

    Why WOULD they when they have no idea whom you’re going to tell that they “snitched”?

    The Chicago City Council AND the Chicago Police Department have extensive gang ties and have been cravenly corrupt since BEFORE the days of Capone.

    Nobody who’s read a newspaper in the last thirty years trusts the Chicago PD… well, nobody with two brain cells to rub together and an instinct for survival.

  16. I predicted this (among friends) that “sniper” is the next pejorative classification of firearms. “Assault weapon” has been assigned to semi-auto rifles. Mission accomplished there. Next is bolt-action (or any sort of precision) “sniper rifles.” Just wait, it’s coming… and soon. “Nobody needs a sniper rifle.”

    In a FB thread, I had a friend, who is very much a “Fudd,” identify my Ruger Precision Rifle (bolt-action) as an “assault weapon.” When I pointed out it was a bolt-action, he stood firm on his belief that it was “more dangerous” than a Remington 700.

    On banking… how often have I heard folks express their belief and hope that we will go to an all-electronic monetary system… no more cash. Be real ****ing careful what you wish for. Besides many potential pitfalls, with the story about corporate gun-control, it’s not a leap at all to consider the possibility of the government and banks controlling how and where you spend your electronic dollars.

    • you’ve just said pretty much what i have been saying for over 20 years now. It is the plan of action by those pulling the strings behind the scenes. Yes i have been rubbished for it but i dont give a damn. If by telling people what is going on i can make a few think and they make a few more think then it is worth it, especially if it reaches critical mass to where the assholes behind the curtain cant pull the strings anymore. Eventually they will be calling your single shot .22 some emotive name to get rid of that as well.
      As for the cashless society, anyone who wishes for it deserves to be a slave on a bowl of rice a day (if they even work that day) which is also what those assholes want 🙁

        • lol not this little black duck. People have tried to apply force to me before only to have it bite them in the ass. If given a choice of follow someones commands or die i will simply fight back every time. I have never known how to bend a knee especially to threats of violence. Work can throw shifts at me to the point i am burning out and i will keep going till i drop yet throw violence into the equation……

  17. if a corporation or big bank behaves in such a way as to infringe on any of our constitutional rights in particular the second that corp or bank should be declared an enemy of the republic and dealt with in an appropriate manner.

  18. Are you going to be the one that fires the first shot? If you are, who is to say that enough people will support you in a civil action against the enemies of the Constitution?

    Americans like their comforts and their personal vices. Do you think they are ready to go to war to keep those for others? The laws in this country are such that most of us break some every day, they are selectively enforced. If they want you, they can get you on something. We need to vote these crooks out, put expiration dates on all laws, that way, they can rewrite good existing laws or let the bad laws expire

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